Initial symptoms of cervical erosion. How is cervical erosion diagnosed: is examination necessary and what tests to take?


If there is a defect in the mucous membrane on the vaginal part of the cervix, the doctor can determine that the woman has an erosive lesion. Experts distinguish between true and false erosion. An accurate diagnosis is established after a full comprehensive examination of the patient and differential diagnosis.

Characteristics of the pathology

More than 50% of women have experienced cervical erosion in their lives. This pathology is diagnosed both in young girls and in women who are of childbearing or premenopausal age. There is no need to panic if the doctor has discovered erosion; it is important to understand the reasons for its occurrence and determine how to proceed further.

Most often, patients encounter pseudo-erosion. This is the name of the condition in which flat epithelial cells are replaced by cylindrical ones. Upon visual examination of the cervix, redness will be visible. With true erosion, ulcerations form on the surface of this organ, which can bleed.

Pathology is fertile ground for possible development precancerous and cancerous changes in cells. But women are not always immediately prescribed treatment; sometimes the doctor advises to monitor the erosion. In some cases it goes away without treatment.

Characteristic symptoms

Self-diagnosis of cervical erosion without examination by a gynecologist is impossible. Changes on the surface of this organ can only be seen by a specialist. But erosion is not always asymptomatic. Sometimes women come with complaints about:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bloody discharge;
  • irritation;
  • burning;
  • pain when urinating;
  • the appearance of abundant cloudy, mucous, yellowish, white discharge;
  • unpleasant smell of discharge.

As a rule, pain and bleeding intensify after sexual intercourse, douching, gynecological examinations and other manipulations that injure the cervix. But blood can appear only with true erosion.

If you experience unpleasant discharge, odor, pain, itching or other discomfort, you should immediately see a doctor. These signs are characteristic of infectious lesions. They can cause erosion.

At the same time, with erosive lesions of the cervix, the likelihood of infection increases. After all, the integrity of the protective layer is compromised: it is easier for pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate the tissue and begin to damage cells.

Only a doctor can determine the cause of discomfort. Therefore, if you experience unpleasant sensations, you should not delay your visit to the gynecologist. After all, any change in the structure of the cervix can lead to a weakening of the protective forces. As a result, various pathogenic microorganisms will be able to invade cells and disrupt their gene structure. As a result, they will begin to degenerate.

Diagnostic procedures

All women are required to visit a gynecologist at least once a year. This must be done even if nothing bothers them. After all, many women’s diseases are asymptomatic and cannot be detected unless diagnosed in a timely manner. Even with serious illnesses, at first women have no pain, no atypical discharge, and no menstrual irregularities.

If the doctor detects erosion, then the diagnosis does not end there. Before choosing treatment tactics, the doctor conducts a comprehensive examination.

The survey is aimed at:

  • clarification of the diagnosis;
  • determination of the causes of damage;
  • identifying developed complications.

How to determine cervical erosion? A preliminary diagnosis is made based on the results of an examination with mirrors when redness is detected. But diagnosis includes not only a standard gynecological examination, but also:

  • microflora smear;
  • conducting extended colposcopy;
  • collection of material for cytological examination;
  • tissue biopsy (if cancer is suspected);
  • collection of material for bacteriological research (a laboratory assistant can determine the state of the microflora and identify which pathogenic organisms caused the disorder, identify the most effective medicinal substance);
  • carrying out diagnostics using the polymerase chain reaction method: it allows you to identify sexually transmitted infections.

After completing the diagnosis, the doctor can determine why cervical erosion has developed. When concomitant diseases are identified, it is first necessary to get rid of them, and then select the necessary treatment tactics.

Using PCR diagnostics, a laboratory technician can determine whether a woman has:

  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • human papillomavirus;
  • other STDs.

When infectious diseases are identified, the first thing you need to do is get rid of them. The doctor begins to treat erosion only after eliminating the cause of its occurrence.

An experienced gynecologist can distinguish true from false erosion by visual examination. To determine the type of lesion, it is enough to touch the cervix. When palpating true erosion, blood appears in most cases. This preliminary diagnostic method is used by many gynecologists.

Features of colposcopy

One of the most reliable methods for determining erosion is colposcopy. This is the name for examining the cervix through a colposcope - a device that magnifies the area being examined by 20-30 times. This procedure makes it possible to examine pathologically altered lesions in detail.

Most often, an extended colposcopy is performed. This is a special diagnostic method that allows you to determine pathologies of the cervix and carry out differential diagnosis.

It is done according to a certain scheme.

  1. The doctor, under the control of a colposcope, treats the cervix with a 3% solution of acetic acid. It dissolves cervical mucus, provokes swelling of the epithelial layers and constriction of blood vessels. The gynecologist has the opportunity to determine what type of tissue is in the lesion, its boundaries, and identify pathological vascular reactions.
  2. A 2% Lugol's solution is applied to the cervix (this diagnosis is called the Schiller test). Healthy tissues turn brown, and areas with pathologically altered epithelium remain uncolored.

At the same time, during colposcopy, material is taken for cytological examination. The gynecologist makes a smear from the cervical canal and from the surface of the cervix. Taking material from altered areas allows for a more accurate diagnosis.

If, based on the results of a cytological examination, it has been determined that there are pathological changes in the tissues, then a targeted biopsy is performed. It is used to determine the presence of cancerous changes in the cervix. After receiving the diagnostic results, the doctor can determine which scheme to follow for further treatment.

Signs of cervical erosion are a symptomatic complex that allows a specialist to determine the presence of the so-called demarcated epithelium, localized in the area of ​​the vaginal surface of the uterine cervix. These types of symptoms play an extremely important role in the timely diagnosis of cervical erosion.

First of all, it is necessary to find out what the pathology in question is and what are the reasons for its development. So, cervical erosion is disruption and damage to the epithelial layer of the cervix in the vaginal area. This disease is quite widespread and is diagnosed in many representatives of the fair sex. Why does cervical erosion occur? Gynecological specialists identify a number of reasons contributing to the development of pathology. These include the following factors:

  1. Traumatic damage to the epithelium of the cervix.
  2. Medical procedures and surgical interventions of a gynecological nature.
  3. Early onset of sexual activity.
  4. Post-abortions.
  5. Infectious lesions of the reproductive system.
  6. Gonorrhea.
  7. Vaginosis.
  8. Chlamydia.
  9. Miscarriages.
  10. Irregularities in the functioning of the immune system.
  11. Hormonal imbalance.
  12. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  13. Hormonal disorders.
  14. Difficult birth.
  15. Excessively intense and rough sexual acts.
  16. Infectious lesions of the genitourinary tract.
  17. Long-term and uncontrolled use of hormonal contraceptives.
  18. Menopause.

It should be emphasized that, although cervical erosion is benign and does not cause a serious negative impact on the reproductive functions of the female body, this disease requires competent and timely treatment.

Otherwise, the risk of developing severe complications and concomitant gynecological diseases increases significantly.

Therefore, it is so important to promptly diagnose pathological processes occurring in the area of ​​the uterine cervix at an early stage.

Signs of pathology

Quite often, cervical erosion is practically asymptomatic for a long time. Some women are not even aware of their problem and find out about the presence of erosion only during a routine gynecological examination. For this reason, to maintain health and to avoid the risks of developing pathology, representatives of the fair sex are recommended to regularly visit a gynecologist. In addition, experts identify the following symptoms of cervical erosion, which need to be paid close attention to:

  1. The appearance of atypical vaginal discharge of a purulent-mucous nature with the possible presence of an unpleasant odor.
  2. The appearance of pain, which occurs in most cases after sexual intercourse.
  3. Menstrual irregularities.
  4. The appearance of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, observed several days before the onset of menstruation.
  5. The appearance of vaginal discharge with bloody impurities.

It is important to remember that erosion of the uterine cervix in an advanced form can lead to the development of chronic inflammatory processes localized in the genital area, as well as to the appearance of malignant neoplasms in the cervical area.

In order to avoid the occurrence of such complications and reduce risks to a minimum, if at least a few of the above signs appear, you should consult a gynecologist and undergo the necessary examination.

Experts visually define erosion as the presence of red spots and a violation of epithelial integrity. However, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, the following additional studies are necessary:

  1. Taking a vaginal smear for microflora analysis.
  2. Cytological analysis.
  3. Blood testing for the presence of syphilis, hepatitis and HIV infection.
  4. Bacteriological culture.
  5. Taking a biopsy.

Signs of erosion during pregnancy

Cervical erosion in a pregnant woman, according to experts, does not pose a threat to the normal development of the fetus. Termination of pregnancy in the absence of associated complications is also unlikely.

However, there is a risk of infection through wounds located on damaged layers of the uterine epithelium, which can be dangerous for the baby. In addition, the affected tissue of the cervix loses its elasticity, which leads to the threat of ruptures and heavy bleeding during the birth process. Therefore, the process of treating erosion in expectant mothers should be under strict medical supervision. This disease can be diagnosed during pregnancy by the following manifestations:

  1. The appearance of vaginal discharge of a mucous or purulent nature.
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  3. Feeling of discomfort, burning, itching, localized in the genital area.
  4. Pain and bleeding during intimate contact.

How to determine postpartum erosion?

Postpartum cervical erosion is formed as a result of traumatic mechanical injuries associated with the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. The following factors can provoke the development of a pathological process:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels.
  2. Incorrectly and carelessly applied seams.
  3. Infectious lesions.

Symptoms of erosion of the uterine cervix develop in places of possible ruptures and violations of the integrity of the mucous membranes of the uterus. In women with good immunity and body resistance, signs of erosion do not require special treatment and go away on their own after 4-5 days. However, against the background of disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, the development of an acute infectious-inflammatory process is very likely. Specialists in the field of obstetrics and gynecology identify the following signs of cervical erosion after childbirth:

  1. Hyperemia.
  2. Swelling.
  3. Bleeding.
  4. Fragility of blood vessels in the area of ​​the damaged surface of the uterine epithelium.
  5. The formation of a dense purulent plaque localized in the area of ​​the injured surface.
  6. The appearance of abundant and intense vaginal discharge of a purulent nature.
  7. Fever.
  8. Weakness.
  9. General deterioration in health.
  10. Development of vaginal pain.

It is worth noting that postpartum erosion of the uterine cervix is ​​dangerous due to the possible formation of scars on the surface of the cervix, which will become a serious complication during the subsequent birth process.

In addition, the risk of developing dysplasia increases - changes in the epithelial cells of the uterine layer, which experts classify as precancerous conditions. That is why this type of erosion requires regular and careful medical supervision and, of course, competent and adequate treatment.

The first signs of cervical erosion appear individually in each specific case. If you notice symptoms characteristic of the development of erosion, you should immediately seek advice from your doctor!

Cervical erosion is one of the most common diseases of the cervix in modern women. However, the clinical symptoms of this pathology are very scarce. Therefore, the main burden “lies on the shoulders” of gynecologists. A woman is only required to periodically visit an obstetrician-gynecologist.

An examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist in a gynecological chair is important. Only periodic examination by a gynecologist can ensure timely diagnosis of cancerous degeneration.

It is the responsibility of every woman to monitor her health, especially regarding reproductive health. This is necessary for both women planning pregnancy and women during menopause. For the first group, this is a guarantee of the birth of a healthy, full-term child; for women over 40 years old, this is a guarantee of protection against cancer in the future.

How to prepare for a visit to the gynecologist?

First of all, it is necessary to “put yourself in order in the intimate sphere.” This does not mean that prolonged douching is necessary. It will be enough to take a shower or bath. Fresh linen is a must. Shaving hair in the intimate area is quite welcome - this will allow the woman herself to maintain freshness throughout the day. There is no need to use intimate perfume before visiting a gynecologist. Many of these drugs are irritating to the mucous membranes in the reproductive area. It would be a good idea to take socks and a menstrual calendar to your appointment with the gynecologist. It is important to clearly remember the duration of your menstrual cycle, the date of your last menstruation, the nature of your periods (scanty, heavy, long, painful).

A menstrual calendar will be very useful to a gynecologist when making a diagnosis.

What does a gynecologist pay attention to when detecting erosion?

Different types of erosions have their own characteristics related to the nature of the edges, color, shape of the defect, and the presence of any discharge. Upon examination, the doctor can guess the type of erosion, but, in any case, this is not enough. It is necessary to carry out a series of tests, as well as taking smears from the surface of the erosion. A cytological examination of smears is carried out: in this situation, changes in the cells, their shape and size are determined.

If erosion of a syphilitic or tuberculous nature is suspected, a microbiological examination is carried out. In addition, in this situation, blood tests for pathogens of syphilis and tuberculosis are necessary. Chest X-ray is a mandatory procedure if tuberculosis is suspected. A consultation with a phthisiatrician or dermatovenerologist is indicated.

Colposcopy - what is it?

A modern and effective technique is colposcopy. This technique allows you to assess the condition of the cervix and vagina; identify various changes in, assume the nature of the process. The manipulation is painless and very effective in diagnosing both erosion and other processes on the cervix.

Cervical erosion can be detected using colposcopy

Other research methods

If a malignant process is suspected, then after these measures, a biopsy is performed - taking material from the area of ​​erosion), curettage of the cervical canal, followed by histological examination of the material. If cervical cancer is suspected, consultation with a gynecological oncologist is indicated. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is not a mandatory research method for diagnosing erosion. An ultrasound is performed if any other process in the pelvis is suspected (

One of the common diseases in gynecology is cervical erosion. The pathological process is asymptomatic for a long time. Women find out about the existence of a health problem during a routine examination with a gynecologist. According to statistics, 50% of the fairer sex encounter this disease, so it is important to know what the causes of the disease are.

What is cervical erosion

This is a pathological process that is accompanied by the formation of small ulcers on the mucous membrane. Such a defect in the squamous epithelium of the vaginal area, noticeable during an instrumental examination by a gynecologist, requires medical supervision. Among the risk factors, doctors identify the course of the inflammatory process of the reproductive system, the formation of polyps, and cystic neoplasms. With proper treatment, erosion does not leave scars.

Causes of cervical erosion

The etiology of the pathological process remains unclear. Gynecologists highlight several theories why every second woman of reproductive age is diagnosed with cervical erosion. Below are a number of potential reasons:

  1. Inflammatory process in the reproductive system. This pathology is accompanied by increased secretion of the glands of the cervical epithelium, inflammation of the ovaries or appendages, and cystitis progresses.
  2. Early sexual life. There is a high probability of a secondary infection occurring against the background of the mucous membrane of the female genital organs that is not yet fully formed (the formation process ends by the age of 20–23).
  3. Mechanical damage. In this case, we are talking about previous abortions, curettage, births with ruptures, rough sexual contact, frequent changes of sexual partners (vaginal dysbiosis).
  4. Sexual infections. Erosion develops against the background of increased activity of trichomonas, gonococci, HPV, ureaplasma, chlamydia, toxoplasma, candida, and genital herpes.
  5. Endocrine disorders. A woman experiences a hormonal imbalance, her menstrual cycle is disrupted due to the use of steroids, acute estrogen deficiency, age-related changes in the body, and dyshormonal disorders.
  6. Decreased immune response of the female body. Weakening of the immune system is associated with age or is a consequence of a previous illness.
  7. Anatomical features of the reproductive system. A woman may be diagnosed with a pathological inversion of the mucous membrane of the lower part of the cervix (ectropion).

Gynecologists identify a number of provoking factors that precede the onset of the disease. Among them:

  • frequent douching, which disrupts the vaginal microflora;
  • incorrect implantation of the contraceptive device;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • previous surgery, such as removal of polyps;
  • the use of additional devices (“toys”) during sexual intercourse;
  • chronic diseases of the reproductive system, low-grade inflammatory processes.

Types of cervical erosion

Depending on the degree of epithelial damage, doctors distinguish mild, moderate, and severe degrees of the disease. Taking into account the stage and state of the pathological process, the following classification is given:

  1. Congenital erosion. It often progresses in adolescence and disappears on its own without additional medical intervention. It extremely rarely degenerates into a malignant tumor. The causes of the disease remain unclear; it is possible that they began during the intrauterine development of the fetus (girl).
  2. True erosion. Under the influence of physiological and pathological factors, the epithelium is desquamated, and the area of ​​inflammation rapidly progresses. When diagnosed, erosion has a deep red color, bleeds, and causes discomfort and an attack of pain during sexual intercourse.
  3. Pseudo-erosion. The epithelium is replaced by columnar epithelium, the boundaries of which are shifted beyond the external pharynx. In most clinical cases, there are no symptoms of pathology, but doctors do not rule out pain during sexual intercourse and sanguineous vaginal discharge.


It is important for each patient to know the causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous and parous women in order to eliminate the risk of developing potential complications. It is important to study the symptoms of the disease in order to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis at the first manifestations and begin treatment:

  • purulent-bloody discharge that may appear after sexual intercourse;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bloody discharge;
  • burning, pain, itching when urinating;
  • vaginal dryness and discomfort during sexual intercourse.


If cervical erosion is suspected, doctors prescribe a comprehensive examination in a hospital. It is very important to correctly differentiate the disease and determine the cause. First of all, the gynecologist conducts an instrumental examination, assesses the condition of the epithelium, and visualizes the presence of ulcers. Based on the results, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests:

  • colposcopy;
  • biopsies to exclude progressive oncology (cancer);
  • studying a vaginal smear to detect pathogenic flora;
  • laboratory blood test;
  • PCR tests for infections;
  • cytological examination;
  • culture for bacterial flora.

Treatment of cervical erosion

The approach to health problems is comprehensive. To eliminate the causes and treat, the patient’s age, stage of the pathological process, the presence of secondary infections and inflammatory processes, chronic diseases, and children born are taken into account. The complex therapy regimen is determined based on the type of erosion:

  1. Congenital erosions cannot be treated. The patient is at risk and should therefore be regularly monitored by a gynecologist. It is possible that this problem will soon disappear on its own.
  2. True erosions and pseudo-erosions are treated simultaneously with diseases that provoke the appearance of bleeding ulcers on the epithelium. Otherwise, there is no positive dynamics.

Conservative therapy

At the initial stage, the disease can be cured with medicinal methods based on the use of antiseptic, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory drugs, and systemic antibiotics. The main thing is to identify and eliminate the cause of erosion. Conservative treatment regimens:

  1. In the presence of an inflammatory process, complex therapy should be aimed at exterminating the pathogenic pathogen (candida, chlamydia, papillomas, gonococci, etc.). Otherwise, there is no positive dynamics for a long time, and the health problem only gets worse.
  2. Erosion in acute inflammation is treated with alternative methods at home. For example, improvement is provided by a course of tampons with fish oil, sea buckthorn oil, synthomycin emulsion, and Solcoseryl ointment. Local use of antibiotics in the form of an aerosol, for example, Levovinizol, Olazol, is not excluded.
  3. To strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to take immunostimulants and vitamin and mineral complexes. Doctors additionally prescribe suppositories with probiotics, which restore vaginal microflora.
  4. If the cause of erosion is fungal in nature, the patient needs to use Metronidazole, Secnidazole, Azithromycin, Fluconazole and other antifungal drugs orally and vaginally.
  5. Dishormonal disorders can be eliminated with the help of oral contraceptives, individually selected by the attending physician. To restore hormonal balance, analogues of natural progesterone and estrogens are recommended.
  6. A secondary role is played by physiotherapeutic procedures, among which iontophoresis with drugs, microcurrent and ozone therapy, ultraviolet and short-wave ultraviolet therapy, and helium-neon laser are especially popular.

Surgical treatment

Drug treatment after identifying the underlying cause of the disease is not always highly effective. Doctors recommend surgical intervention, the main goals of which are to destroy the columnar epithelium, ensure rapid removal and accelerate the regeneration of the injured epithelium. Types of invasive techniques:

  1. Diathermocoagulation. Essentially, this is cauterization of erosion with electric current. The duration of the procedure is 20–30 minutes; additional anesthesia is not required.
  2. Cryotherapy. This is the effect of low temperatures (liquid nitrogen) on the source of pathology, as a result of which the affected area freezes.
  3. Laser coagulation. Cauterization of the affected areas with a laser. The rehabilitation period lasts 4–6 weeks, the risk of repeated relapses is minimal.
  4. Chemical coagulation. This is the use of special medications, which, when they come into contact with the cylindrical epithelium, promote rapid death.
  5. Diathermoconization. Using a special loop to remove overgrown columnar epithelium. Rehabilitation takes up to 2 months.


If the cause of the pathology is not identified and eliminated in a timely manner, erosion increases in size, invades healthy tissue, and leads to irreversible consequences in the woman’s reproductive system. Potential complications:

  • deformation with further formation of scars;
  • diagnosed infertility;
  • addition of a secondary infection;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • the occurrence of cancer (development of cancer cells);
  • inflammatory processes of the appendages, ovaries.


Article outline

Not every woman is able to independently determine the presence of gynecological diseases. A slight malaise, the appearance of discharge or a slight change in its structure are often associated with hypothermia or the occurrence of an infection, which can be eliminated by douching. In fact, it may be a signal of more serious problems.

Most often, women learn about the presence of cervical erosion from a gynecologist during a regular examination or during treatment for another disease of the genitourinary system. In order to detect the presence of a defect in time and begin effective treatment, you need to know what the symptoms of cervical erosion are.

What kind of disease

In a healthy state, the cervical mucosa is pale pink in color and has a smooth and shiny structure. When damaged, wounds and ulcers appear on it, and redness of individual areas occurs. In this case, it is diagnosed, the definition of which is described by doctors as a specific defect in the upper tissues of the lining of the uterine pharynx.

The disease can only be detected with the help of a gynecological speculum during an examination, since the erosion that occurs in women is generally painless. Only in some cases do symptoms such as spotting appear after sexual intercourse, douching, or in the middle of the monthly cycle.

Despite the seriousness of the disease, the cells of the mucous membrane have not yet changed. Without medical intervention, the affected areas do not heal and constantly bleed, which leads to the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. With prolonged absence of treatment, an inflammatory process occurs, and this can cause miscarriage, infertility and even oncology, therefore, if it was discovered during the examination, it is necessary to start immediately.

Types of erosion

Erosion appears on the part of the cervix that extends into the vagina and consists of a disruption or change in the structure of the covering epithelium and mucous membrane. In gynecology, the following types are distinguished:

  • Pseudo-erosion (). It mainly develops against the background of hormonal changes, is formed as a result of displacement of the columnar epithelium and occurs without damage to the mucous membrane.
  • True erosion. Its occurrence is caused by mechanical damage to the mucous membrane, which can be caused during intimacy, or by medical instruments during surgery or during difficult childbirth. Often the cause is inflammatory processes. With true erosion of the uterus, the mucous membrane becomes covered with small ulcers, wounds, and crusts.

In turn, pseudo-erosion can be congenital or acquired. With congenital erosion, treatment is not required, since it almost never turns into cancer and disappears on its own by the age of 22.

Symptoms of ectopia are detected visually during an examination by a gynecologist. A red spot of round or irregular shape with a diameter of up to several centimeters appears on the mucous membrane. The dark-colored affected area can be clearly seen against the background of the pale pink surrounding epithelium. When smeared with Lugol's solution, the color of the pseudo-erosion does not change.

Ectopia can develop into true erosion if the cervical mucosa is damaged due to poor hygiene or the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the vagina.

The lack of treatment for true uterine erosion is dangerous because pus can form on bleeding wounds and ulcers, and this can lead to the degeneration of benign formations into cancer.


The appearance of erosion can have such different causes that it is impossible to list them completely. The most common:

  1. Hormonal imbalance or disruption;
  2. Deviation from the norm of sexual activity, expressed in its early or late onset;
  3. Infectious diseases such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, which arise due to frequent changes of partners;
  4. Failure of the menstrual cycle;
  5. Mechanical damage to the cervix due to abortion, surgery or rough sexual intercourse;
  6. Weakening of the body's immune system and endocrine diseases;
  7. Inflammatory processes in the vagina.

The presence of erosion on the cervix may indicate the onset of malignant changes in the uterine epithelium. The causes of pseudo-erosion in childhood and adolescence have not yet been identified; it does not cause discomfort and goes away on its own without treatment.


Basically, signs of cervical erosion are detected during examination on a gynecological chair using special mirrors. But for a more accurate diagnosis of the disease, other research methods are used:

  • . It is carried out on a gynecological chair, but using an optical device that illuminates and enlarges the affected areas, allowing you to carefully examine them and study changes in the epithelial cover;
  • Cytology. Using a special spatula, the gynecologist takes a scraping from the cervix, which allows one to identify the nature of the cells of the affected area of ​​the squamous epithelium. The procedure is completely painless;
  • Bacteriological studies. A smear is taken from the uterine os, which goes into the vagina. Its study shows the level of leukocytes, the presence of pathogenic microflora and concomitant infections;
  • Tests for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Biopsy. Prescribed in cases of suspected malignancy. This is a surgical intervention using a scalpel, and therefore is performed only in the absence of infectious diseases and menstruation. After the procedure, minor bleeding is possible.

Only after a thorough examination and establishment of an accurate diagnosis by a gynecologist, a comprehensive treatment is prescribed.

Symptoms of the disease

Newly formed wounds and ulcers on the mucous membrane of the uterine pharynx are usually asymptomatic, and the woman has no idea about the problem that has arisen. When asked whether cervical erosion can hurt, doctors mostly answer negatively.

  • The first signs of erosion in the cervix are expressed in pain during intimate intimacy and the appearance after it. The same symptoms and pain in the lower abdomen can occur during physical activity or lifting weights. Such discharge does not apply to menstruation and occurs at any time of the monthly cycle.
  • Erosion also occurs against the background of inflammatory processes in the vagina and cervix. In this case, the discharge becomes yellow or greenish in color and is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. In this case, the lower abdomen may hurt or a pulling sensation may appear in the lower back, discomfort occurs during urination and sexual intercourse.
  • If the inflammation has affected the uterus and appendages, then the symptoms of erosion will be most pronounced. The menstrual cycle is disrupted, the discharge becomes brown and profuse, and the temperature may rise.
  • Signs of this pathology occur with infections that are sexually transmitted. They appear in the form of foamy or cheesy discharge with a pungent odor and purulent green color. Vaginal dysbiosis, which occurs with long-term use of antibiotics and regular douching with bactericidal agents, also causes cervical erosion.

A woman herself may not recognize erosion immediately, but only after the pathology becomes advanced. Therefore, even with minor changes in the menstrual cycle or pain, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

Symptoms of advanced erosion are expressed in copious discharge, which becomes thick, bloody and acquires a characteristic odor. Nagging pain is felt in the lower back and lower abdomen. With this form, extensive erosion is formed, and if it is not treated, it degenerates into leukoplakia in the form of a compacted white spot or into erythroplakia, which is a bleeding red ulcer.

The erosive processes that occur on the cervix contribute to the proliferation of bacteria of various origins, the entry of infections into the uterus and the appearance of inflammatory processes. Lack of treatment for pathology, especially in an advanced form, can lead to serious complications in the form of malignant tumors.


During erosion, discharge acquires a certain color and smell. They are:

  • Brown or bloody. This indicates the presence of lesions of the mucous membrane, mechanical damage after careless douching or rough sex, as well as inflammation of the endometrium or the transition of cervical ectopia to true erosion;
  • White curds with a sour smell. Erosion is often accompanied by other diseases. In particular, such discharge is formed when thrush appears;
  • Yellow. This color indicates infectious lesions, for example, staphylococcus or the occurrence of ureaplasmosis;
  • Green with a pungent unpleasant odor. Such symptoms are a consequence of inflammation, and thick discharge is evidence of purulent processes as a result of Trichomonas, gonorrhea or colpitis.

If any discharge appears, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

Signs after childbirth

If cervical erosion occurs after childbirth, its symptoms are the same as in other cases. This may be discharge and nagging pain in the vagina, but since they occur against the background of postpartum processes, a woman does not always consider them a manifestation of erosion.

Postpartum erosion is formed as a result of complicated childbirth, insufficient opening of the cervix during this process, resulting in ruptures of internal tissues, leading to the disease. Fast and rapid labor, especially if the baby is large, can also lead to postpartum erosion, the symptoms of which are similar.

In nulliparous

The emerging symptoms of cervical erosion in nulliparous women can be expressed in scanty bloody discharge between menstruation or pain in the vagina or lower abdomen. If the doctor, after a gynecological examination, diagnoses the disease, he prescribes appropriate treatment.

It is not recommended for nulliparous women to do cauterization using electric current, since keloid scars remain on the cervix and it loses its elasticity. During childbirth, the cervix will not be able to stretch enough to allow the fetus to pass through, and this can lead to significant ruptures. But now there are many other treatment methods in which the cervix remains elastic and firm.

After cauterization

Cauterization with electrodes is now considered an “old” method of treatment, but is not inferior in effectiveness to modern methods. Thanks to the electric current, biological tissues coagulate and the top layer of the affected area is completely destroyed. This procedure is painless and is performed only once.

The symptoms that arise after cauterization of cervical erosion can be expressed in scanty serous discharge and continue until the mucous membrane is completely healed. If heavy discharge occurs, the wound is treated with disinfectant solutions. Cauterization is not used for infections and is not recommended for nulliparous women.

During pregnancy

If cervical erosion is diagnosed in a pregnant woman, treatment is usually postponed until the postpartum period. This disease usually does not have a negative effect on the condition of the fetus and its development. Therefore, during pregnancy, monitoring is carried out or gentle therapy is prescribed.

There are times when during pregnancy there is pain, a burning sensation and a discharge with blood in it. Then a very careful treatment is used, which is aimed at inhibiting the disease and preventing inflammation.

Sometimes after the birth of a child, erosion disappears. But if it is still possible to determine erosion of the cervix and an increase in its symptoms, then in order to avoid complications it is cauterized.


The disease can be treated using traditional methods or folk remedies (more details). The choice depends on the size of the affected areas. The following types are used in traditional medicine:

  • Medicines. With regular use, especially antibiotics, infectious and bacterial diseases are quickly eliminated;
  • Chemical coagulation. The affected areas are treated with a special chemical solution, which burns the diseased tissue, after which healthy epithelium is formed in its place. The use of colposcopy helps to accurately apply the product;
  • Cryodestruction. This is one of the modern treatment methods in which erosion is frozen. In this state, cells stop reproducing and die;
  • Diathermocoagulation. Treatment of cervical erosion occurs under the influence of electric current. After this, scars remain at the site of the affected areas;
  • Laser coagulation. Thanks to this procedure, the effect is only on diseased cells, and no scars form after it;
  • Radio wave method for treating cervical erosion. The use of radio waves makes the procedure painless, and recovery is much faster.

If a woman has severe symptoms indicating erosion, under no circumstances should she self-medicate, but consult a gynecologist.


Preventive measures to prevent erosion consist of regular visits to the doctor with a mandatory examination in a gynecological chair using mirrors or a colposcope.

When douching, extreme care should be taken so as not to damage the mucous membrane of the cervix and, if possible, avoid rough and deeply penetrating sexual contact. To avoid contracting infectious diseases, you should not change partners frequently.


In itself, any erosion of the cervix is ​​not dangerous to a woman’s health, but if left untreated, various infections and concomitant diseases are added to it. The results can be very serious.

Initially, cervical erosion, the symptoms of which are not defined, is a benign pathology. But without medical intervention and long-term lack of treatment, diseased cells can degenerate into a cancerous tumor.


The prognosis for the treatment of cervical erosion is the most favorable, since modern methods make it possible to eliminate this pathology painlessly and with minimal consequences.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs