Otodectosis or ear mites in dogs: treatment at home and ways to protect small pets. Review of remedies for the treatment of otodectosis (ear mites) in dogs

When ear mites appear in domestic dogs, they provoke the development of scabies. The disease is called otodectosis. The size of the pest is no more than 0.6 mm. Body color is light yellow. Considering the external features, ear mites in dogs are detected only by signs of vital activity; the pest cannot be seen with the naked eye.

The pest grows in a short period of time - 30 days. The offspring develops under the skin in the ear of a domestic animal, for which the adult gnaws through many passages. Eggs are laid here. The incubation period lasts 5 days. Before the onset of molting periods, 7 days pass from the moment when the larvae emerge from the eggs.

As a result of infection, ear scabies develops in dogs. The disease manifests itself gradually, which is facilitated by an increase in the number of pest colonies. If you do not get rid of ear mites, otitis media will develop, hearing will deteriorate, and the process of suppuration begins in the affected areas. The situation is aggravated by persistent itching. As a result, your pet scratches its ears often and quite severely.

Obvious signs are: itching in the ear area and black discharge from the auricle.

If the owner of the animal does not know how to treat the disease and does not take any action to improve the well-being of the pet, the inflammatory process will begin on the membrane of the brain. For dogs, this disease is fraught with unpleasant, even painful sensations. Sometimes death occurs.

If suspicions arise that a dog has ear mites, and the symptoms confirm the fears, treatment is prescribed. First of all, they use the drug in different forms: drops, aerosols, ointments. In addition, secondary (auxiliary) chemical agents are used (for example, Vishnevsky's anti-inflammatory ointment).

If a dog has ear mites, treatment with folk remedies is allowed. However, before using the product, the auricle and ear canal are cleaned. It is necessary to free the ear from plaque, for which they use a cotton swab and an antiseptic.

Don’t wait for your pet’s condition to worsen – go to the veterinarian when the first symptoms of otodectosis appear.

Chemicals - overview

When deciding how to treat your pet, you should consider drops, ointments, and aerosols. The funds of the first group are represented by the following options:

  • Decta. Contains dexamethasone and propolis. The regularity of taking this product is lower than most analogues.
  • Amit (active ingredients amitraz, prednisolone).
  • Tsipam. Contains amitraz, cypermethrin. This is another acaricide.
  • Aurican – helps cure inflammation. Kills pests thanks to diazinon, prednisolone.
  • Otovedin is an acaricidal drug, contains alpha pinene, phoxim. Destroys adults and offspring.

First, thoroughly clean the affected ear, removing exudate, scabs and crusts using a swab.

Drops are used in accordance with the instructions. When choosing treatment for ear mites in dogs, it is often recommended to use Amidel-gel, as well as Aversectin ointment.

Popular remedies for the treatment of canine otodectosis

The first option contains icecaine, methylurcil, amitraz. The second of these drugs is not intended for use in puppies under 2 months, as well as in weakened pets and females during the feeding period. Aerosols include Bio-Groom products (for example, Ear Mite Treatment).

Very often, veterinarians prescribe the following drugs: Bars, Amit, Dekta, Otibiovin, Aurikan, Tera-Delta.

Folk recipes

Having figured out for yourself what ear mites look like in dogs, and having made sure that it was this pest that attacked your pet, you can use safe means at hand:

  1. Green tea. It is brewed and processed into the ears.
  2. Olive oil + garlic.
  3. Alcohol solution of iodine and vegetable oil. The components are taken in a ratio of 1:4.

Good to know: Ear mites in dogs, treatment

Otodectosis in a dog

Otodectosis or ear scabies- a chronic invasive disease caused by microscopic scabies mites.

In addition to dogs, ear scabies most often affects cats, ferrets and fur-bearing animals (Arctic fox, sable, mink, fox, rabbits). Humans do not become infected with carnivorous scabies. 

What is this otodectosis?

An insect has five stages of development:

  1. Larva
  2. Nymph, first stage of development (protonymph)
  3. Nymph, second stage (telonymph)
  4. Adult insect (imago)

Otodectes cynotis under a microscope

The main cause of infection with ear scabies mite in a dog occurs through direct contact of sick animals with healthy ones, for example, while walking, when communicating with stray animals, which most often become a source of spread of the disease.

Ear mite

Inflammatory exudate, mite excrement, dead skin cells, dust and earwax mix and dry, forming brown scabs on the surface of the skin. Dried crusts accumulate in the lumen of the external auditory canal, contributing to blockage and the accumulation of inflammatory effusion in the auditory canal.

In such cases, perforation of the eardrum may occur, and the inflammatory process continues to the middle and then to the dog’s inner ear.

In the most advanced cases, if left untreated, inflammation spreads to the membrane of the brain, meningitis develops, and the animal dies.

Symptoms of otodectosis

Of course, a veterinarian must make a final diagnosis of the animal. But based on some external manifestations and symptoms of ear scabies, dog owners themselves can guess that she has otodectosis:

    The animal scratches its ear or rubs it against various objects. On the inner skin surface of the auricle, scratches appear, and on the outer surface, a crust forms at the base of the ear, from constant scratching

  1. Anxiety
  2. The dog shakes its head and holds its head tilted to the side towards the ear affected by mites

  3. Congestion in the ears
  4. An accumulation of dirty brown crusts on the inside of the auricle and in the lumen of the external auditory canal.

In cases of complications, symptoms appear:

  • Otitis (inflammation in the middle ear) – discharge from the ear, increased body temperature, unpleasant odor from the auricle
  • Labyrinthitis (inflammation of the inner ear) – disorders in coordination of movements are added to the symptoms of otitis, the dog keeps its head turned 90-120 degrees;
  • Meningitis - whirling, seizures and convulsions.


You should not rely on your own strength. Self-treatment of otodectosis can lead to serious negative consequences for the animal.

Correct treatment

Cleaning a Dog's Ears

In the initial stage, when there are no symptoms of otitis media, the disease is easily treated. For treatment, it is enough to destroy the ticks. For this purpose, insecticidal preparations are prescribed based on the same substances that are used in the treatment of skin scabies in animals.

The drugs used to treat otodectosis can be local, in the form of drops, sprays and ointments, or general, in the form of injections. The composition of drops and sprays used to treat otodectosis includes one of the insectoacaricidal agents as the main active ingredient.

In addition, the composition of the drugs may include anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiallergic and antiseptic drugs.

Drugs used to treat canine otodectosis:

Drops: “Bars”, “Otoferonol Gold”, “Oricin”, “Dekta”, etc.;

Sprays: “Ivermek”, “Akrozol”, etc.;

Ointments: sulfur-tar and birch tar;

Injectable drugs: Ivermec 1%, Otodectin.

Before using acaricidal agents, it is necessary to clean the ears as best as possible from accumulated scabs. To do this, they are moistened and softened with one of the antiseptic agents (boric acid, hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin solution, ear lotions), preventing liquid from flowing into the ear canal.

Important: you need to remember that all insecticidal preparations are potent drugs and can be dangerous, not only for animals, but also for people. The use of otodectotic agents requires strict adherence to the order of application and dosage, according to the instructions and taking into account the weight of the animal.


Video on the topic

Cleaning a Dog's Ears

This article explains which medications are best to use and what not to do. In addition, here is information about what needs to be done to prevent ear mites, which are also called skin beetles, from appearing in your dog.

In official medical language, the problem is called otodectosis and is an infection of a dog with ear mites. The carpet beetle is a representative of the class of arachnids and belongs to the subclass of arthropods. This is a fairly small insect that settles in the ear canal of dogs. The leather beetle grows to a length of no more than 1 mm and affects animals, regardless of gender or age, although young individuals suffer more from ear mites.

Often, advanced cases of the disease lead not only to hearing loss in the dog, but also to its death. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to diagnose the problem in a timely manner and begin its treatment.

If there are other animals in the house, they should also be inspected for ear mites. Cats are the most sensitive and often affected, so they should be examined first. If necessary, the procedures must be carried out with other animals. In any case, preventive measures never hurt.

Note! Before starting treatment, you must carefully study the instructions for the drug, and if necessary, consult your doctor. It is very important to take into account all the nuances so as not to harm the animal. If an animal experiences adverse reactions after using the drug, then use of this drug should be discontinued.

The most commonly used:

  • Strong black tea.
  • Olive oil and grated garlic, mixed in equal quantities. This mixture is used to treat the dog's ear canals.
  • A mixture of kerosene and sunflower oil in equal proportions.
  • Iodine and sunflower oil, combined in a ratio of 1:4.

After applying the products, you must wash your hands thoroughly. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the animal cannot lick the substance, although it is unlikely to get it in the ears.

Infection with ear mites, medically called otodectosis, is one of the most common diseases in dogs., it occurs in almost ninety percent of pets. It is dangerous because it is easily transmitted from a sick individual to a healthy one. If one pet in the house is infected, it is more likely that all the animals will soon become ill.

Otodectosis in a dog.

How does infection occur?

If they are not noticed and eliminated in time, they begin to spread throughout the skin to the head, and then to the entire body. Externally, this can be determined by the fact that the animal is actively scratching its back and tail. These pests cause severe inflammation of the ears, itching and severe pain.

Risk group

The risk group includes puppies under one year old.

The disease affects representatives of all breeds and at any age.

Due to a weak immune system, more common in puppies and pets under one year of age . These mites live on a three-week cycle. They are very tenacious organisms and can live off their host for about two weeks. When they fall on an animal, they do not penetrate the thickness of the skin and do not feed on its blood.

Characteristic signs of ear mites in dogs

The first of all symptoms is a strong feeling of itching.

All symptoms of this disease can be classified as follows:

  • scratches and skin irritations;
  • sulfur is actively released;
  • dark discharge, thick structure;
  • unpleasant odor from infected parts of the skin;
  • frequent scratching and head shaking;
  • characteristic deep claw wounds around and inside the ears.

If these signs occur in your pet, it is recommended to immediately contact a veterinarian. Experts do not advise self-medication, because you can harm your health, as well as prolong and intensify the dog’s suffering. Untimely or poorly provided care leads to complications of the disease.

If there are signs of illness, you should consult a doctor.

Diagnostic features

If you suspect an infestation by a dangerous insect, consult your veterinarian immediately.

Ear mite.

It is worth noting that attempting to make a diagnosis on your own is very dangerous, because some of the symptoms are identical to other diseases. And the use of anti-tick medication arbitrarily can cause irreparable harm to the health of the animal.

For a specialist, diagnosing a pest is not difficult. Ticks are not microscopic in size and are clearly visible when examined with an otoscope. This tool magnifies and highlights the insect so it can be distinguished from other species and sulfur.


A cat can become infected with ear mites from a dog.

This disease is very contagious, therefore, together with the carrier, the doctor must examine all domestic animals, not only dogs, but also cats. During the inspection, samples are taken and insects are taken for laboratory research. Based on the results obtained, treatment is prescribed.

Treating ear mites in dogs at home

You should clean your ear with a cotton swab dipped in herbal infusion.


Amit, Dekta, Tsipam, Otovedin, Aurikan.

Then you can start instilling the drug. It is important to treat both organs, even if symptoms appear in only one. Follow the dosage and treatment schedule prescribed by your veterinarian strictly. After dropping the medicine, gently massage the ears, distributing it evenly over the surface of the skin. Make sure that some of the drops get into the ear canal. If the course of treatment is not carried out correctly, there is a high risk of relapse. Therefore, follow the instructions.

Before the instillation procedure, you should wash your hands with soap.

This procedure will require strength and patience. . It would be a good idea to ask a loved one for help to keep your head up. The procedure algorithm at home is as follows:

  • wash your hands with soap;
  • open the container with the drug;
  • hold the animal’s head and the edge of the ear motionless;
  • drip the required amount of medicine over the surface of the organ;
  • Gently massage the ear, distributing the drug.

Traditional methods

Among the popular folk methods of treating ticks is the medicinal plant tabebuia. It is also called Inca gold.

The drug is made from the inner bark of trees growing in South America. Its action is similar to that of antibiotics, but it is completely natural.

Effective in the treatment of inflammation is vitamin C. It has a stimulating effect on the adrenal glands, which produce natural steroids that reduce inflammation. A side effect of the vitamin may be diarrhea. Therefore, you need to be careful with its dosage. If carryover occurs, reduce the dose.

Vitamin C is effective in treating inflammation.

Actions aimed at increasing immunity can speed up your pet's recovery process. Can be used vitamin complexes , and also introduce more vegetables and fruits into the diet. And also, provide the animal with peace of mind and comfortable living conditions.


The rules for tick prevention are simple and accessible to every owner. By performing them regularly, you can protect your pet from serious illness and prevent his suffering.

Paying attention to your dog is the prevention of disease.

Video about ear mites in dogs

Cases no self-recovery was observed when infected with ear mites, so you can’t count on everything going away on its own. Delayed treatment or non-compliance with doctor’s recommendations leads to the development of complications and the chronic phase.

What's happening

Ear mites, using the powerful jaws of the chelicerae, destroy the surface of the epidermis and feed on secreted tissue fluid and lymph.

Otodectosis is divided into three stages:

  • weak - itching, redness of the skin of the ear canal lasts 4–5 days, crusts occupy a quarter of the ear area;
  • medium - brown crusts spread over half of the auricle, exudate with an unpleasant odor is released from the ear, local body temperature rises;
  • strong - the dog is in a depressed state, severe scratching of the muzzle and submandibular area is observed, purulent discharge appears, and difficulty chewing food.

Launched the disease leads to otitis media, inflammation and perforation of the eardrum, hearing loss. In severe cases, surgery is required. Hematomas and wounds in the area of ​​the ears are not uncommon. In a chronic process, inflammation of the external auditory canal flows into the tissues of the middle and inner ear, and from there to the meninges. As a result, the dog may die from meningitis.

Ear mites in dogs

How to make a diagnosis

If the dog shakes its head or rubs against a surface, scratches its ears with its claws, which means you need to be prepared for an unpleasant diagnosis. Otodectosis should not be confused with ordinary ear inflammation, in which the ear discharge is not so large.

The basis for determining the disease are:

How Find out on your own at home if your dog is sick, if it is not possible to see a doctor? To do this, secretions are collected from the ears and placed on a white sheet of paper. With otodectosis, dark inclusions are visible. These are waste products of ticks. If there is no inflammation and elevated body temperature, you can start treatment yourself.

Treatment and prevention

First of all, a dog infected with a tick must be isolated from other animals during treatment until complete recovery. It is important to clean the ear very well and the ear canal, otherwise the mites will survive and the treatment will not produce results. Using a cotton swab soaked in chlorhesidine, thoroughly rinse both ears.

How to treat at home

Anti-tick medications are used in strict accordance with the instructions. Treatment at home includes:

Drugs for treatment

Means for treating ticks Available in the form of aerosols, ear drops, ointments. Veterinary pharmacies and pet stores have a wide range of insectoacaricidal drugs that quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of a complicated form is carried out with antimicrobial drugs of systemic properties. Such medications are administered to a sick dog subcutaneously or intramuscularly. However these agents are highly toxic Therefore, treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. After the symptoms disappear, the ears are treated with acaricidal preparations for prevention.

When working with acicides comply with personal protective equipment- the dog is treated in a ventilated room, making sure that the medicine does not get on the mucous membranes of the animal and humans.


The dog should not have contact with sick animals. It is necessary to ensure (especially in the summer at the dacha) that she is free-ranged as little as possible.

Before treatment, to prevent re-infection, all animals must be treated with acaricides- preparations to combat ticks in the form of powders and sprays for topical use. In pet stores you can buy shampoos with insectoacaricidal properties.

Disinsection (destruction of ticks) must be carried out in all places where the sick dog was.



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