My cheek is swollen and my teeth don’t hurt. Trouble doesn’t come alone: ​​what to do if your tooth hurts and your cheek is swollen

Any disease has a cause, so if your cheek is swollen, this process is also triggered by something. The first thing we think about when we see swelling of the cheek is that it could be gumboil (periostitis). Perhaps it was this inflammatory process that provoked the tumor on the cheek. But sometimes this can be a signal of other serious diseases.

Let's understand the symptoms and how to relieve cheek swelling.

Symptoms of diseases of various etiologies

Inflammatory process

Let's start with the causes of swelling of the cheeks, which are inflammatory in nature:

  • Periostitis (flux) - inflammation of the jaw. Dentists call the following distinctive symptoms: very swollen cheek, sharp pain(in some cases spreading into the ear, temporal region and eyes), body temperature may rise to 38.5°C. If inflammation occurs in upper jaw, then there will be puffiness under the eyes.
  • Eruption of wisdom teeth. If the cheek is swollen, the cause may be the eighth tooth in the row (third molar). Wisdom teeth erupt at the age of 14-25 years. Inflammation occurs when only part of the tooth is visible. The infection accumulates in the pocket (hood) between the tooth and the gum, resulting in pericoronitis (inflammation of the soft tissue of the gums surrounding the erupting tooth). It often happens that due to lack of space in the jaw row, the third molar may erupt on the buccal side. Injuring the mucous membrane, resulting in swelling of the cheek.
  • Periodontitis. A swelling on the cheek may be a consequence of a serious disease called periodontitis - inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth, followed by their destruction and possible education cyst. There is pain when biting, general malaise, headache. Late application Seeing a doctor with this disease can lead to tooth loss.

Visiting the dentist

A swollen cheek may be the result of a previous visit to the dentist.

  • Tooth extraction procedure. As a rule, if your cheek is swollen and hurts after tooth extraction, then the operation was quite complicated. Swelling is acceptable for 1-3 days. Avoid drinking hot or cold drinks. Must be done cold compress in the place where the cheek was swollen. Rinse antiseptic solutions oral cavity to relieve swelling and prevent the spread of infection.
  • Allergic reaction on materials used by the doctor. If you are prone to allergic reactions, be sure to inform your dentist before starting treatment. It uses hypoallergenic materials. If an allergy does occur (swollen cheek), you must consult a doctor again to replace the materials used.
  • Removal of a nerve for pulpitis. The reason why the cheek is swollen after this procedure is that the nerve was not completely removed. We advise you to seek help from another, more qualified dentist. But don't delay searching for it. You risk that your whole face may swell, and the most irreversible thing is tooth loss.

Infectious disease mumps

Swelling on the cheeks as a symptom of an acute infectious disease - mumps.

Mumps (mumps) – infectious disease, with non-purulent damage to the glandular organs and the central nervous system. Infection occurs by airborne droplets. Incubation period(from the moment of infection to the development of symptoms): 11 - 23 days; more often 13 - 19 days. Manifested by general malaise, increased body temperature, pain in the ear area.

What to do if your cheek is swollen as a result of this disease? Therapy aimed specifically at combating the causative agent of mumps is not required. The main thing is to avoid complications. To do this, it is necessary to comply bed rest, at least 10 days and a gentle diet.

Allergic reaction

Allergies can also result in swelling of the cheeks. It is quite simple to distinguish an allergic reaction that can result in swollen cheeks. Absence of pain on palpation is the main symptom! Itching and redness are also possible.

Diseases of internal organs

Swelling on the cheeks as a signal of pathological processes at work internal organs. In this case, the eye may also become swollen (the left one - in case of heart disease), the entire face or limbs. You should especially worry if the cheeks may swell and the swelling does not go away for a long time, while the inflammatory process is not visible. Be sure to consult a therapist, he should figure out why this condition occurs.


A neoplasm on the cheek, mouth or lip, as a cause of swelling.

The cyst is a soft, round tissue. Its size ranges from 0.3 to 5 cm. The cause of its appearance is damage to the mucous membrane (burn, blow, biting while chewing). The growth of education is slow. Feeling of presence foreign body in the oral cavity. At the same time complete absence pain.

The question “my cheek is swollen, what should I do?” in this case, you need to ask the surgeon. The cyst is removed surgically, under local anesthesia.

Basic treatment methods

Of course, your dentist, therapist or allergist (depending on the causes of the swollen cheek) will best tell you how to remove a swollen cheek.

When to see a doctor immediately?

It is especially necessary to rush to seek help from a specialist in the following course of the disease:

  • swelling increases along with pain
  • increase in body temperature
  • bad smell from the mouth
  • purulent or bloody discharge

Do not apply warm compresses under any circumstances, they only contribute to the progression of inflammatory process and the spread of pus!

Treatment at home

What to do at home to alleviate the condition?

  • Rinse with a solution of baking soda and salt. The simplest, but very effective way. In a glass of warm boiled water, dilute a tablespoon of soda and salt. Rinse at least three times a day.
  • Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic. An excellent helper in the fight against various infections. Sold in every pharmacy and affordable price. Rinse your entire mouth with it 3 times a day until symptoms disappear completely.
  • Rinse with herbal decoction. Chamomile, sage, oak bark. Brew according to the instructions on the package. And rinse as often as possible.
  • Apply a cold compress for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure as often as possible, but at least once every three hours.
  • Take a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory drug (Analgin, Nimesil). But do not take any medications before visiting a doctor! This may dull symptoms, leading to misdiagnosis of the disease.

All these methods can only help temporarily relieve symptoms, relieving pain. But they definitely won’t cure a bad tooth and the cause will remain. This means that everything could happen again in the near future.

How to remove cheek swelling resulting from allergies?

The first thing is to identify and eliminate the allergen that caused this condition (insect bite, cosmetics, perfumes, dust, animal hair, food, plant pollen). If necessary, take an antihistamine (Diazolin, Suprastin).

A timely visit to a specialist will help you avoid troubles, professionally treat the cause, and therefore the swelling, without complications. Take care of yourself!

Cheek swelling may be caused by for various reasons, some of which are life-threatening. Therefore, such a symptom cannot be ignored, especially if no problems with teeth are observed.

Moreover, you should not devote a lot of time to self-medication, as this can provoke more serious health problems.

Reasons for this symptomatology

Cheek swelling without toothache most often means the presence of an inflammatory process. There are many reasons for the appearance of edema and they are all divided into:

  • consequences after dental treatment;
  • consequences associated with diseases of the oral cavity;
  • consequences of others diseases.

Consequences of dental treatment

Incorrect or insufficient dental treatment often leads to swelling of the cheek. At the same time toothache absent. Arises this symptom due to the following reasons:

  1. Allergy. It appears when the body is intolerant filling material. That's why the next day After visiting a specialist, a person’s cheek may swell.

    In this case, you should consult a doctor and replace the filling with another one, made of hypoallergenic material.

  2. Nerve removal. No toothache with a swollen cheek often indicates that the nerve was not completely removed.

    You should definitely consult a doctor, otherwise you may even lose a healthy tooth.

  3. Tooth extraction. In this case, the swelling of the cheeks is caused by complications after surgery.

    It is quite possible that the patient did not adhere to the dentist’s recommendations after tooth extraction and used solid food or hot drinks.

  4. Gum section. If a specialist cuts the gum during dental treatment to remove pus, then at first the tumor may even increase.

    You should worry about this if the swelling persists long time even despite taking anti-inflammatory medications.

What does a tumor on the cheek look like?

Periodontal disease

Diseases of the oral cavity also often provoke swelling of the cheek. Among these ailments, the most common is periodontal disease.

The symptom often appears in older people who still have their teeth. It is better not to self-medicate in this situation, since it is necessary to remove the swelling surgically.

Inflammatory infiltrate

Cheek swelling often occurs as a result inflammatory infiltrate . This disease is quite dangerous, because without treatment can lead to abscess and inflammation of the brain.

The symptom is painful condition teeth a few days before the tumor appears. If you suspect an inflammatory infiltrate, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Wisdom tooth

The cheek may become swollen as a result abnormal growth of wisdom teeth. This happens especially often if the tooth grows in adulthood.

Then the symptoms will be not only swelling, but also general malaise and high fever. Dentists recommend removing such wisdom teeth.


Cheek swelling may occur due to gingivitis, that is gum inflammation. With this disease there appears swelling of the gums, bad breath and bleeding.

The typical picture is as follows: the cheek is swollen, but no painful sensations are observed. For gingivitis, it is important to begin treatment immediately, otherwise the disease will quickly develop into periodontitis.

One of the causes of cheek swelling: gingivitis

Neurological ailments

If no oral diseases is not observed, but dental treatment has been going on for a long time This means that the tumor was caused by other diseases.

Most often this neurological diseases, at which it also appears stuffy ears and sore throat.

Diseases of internal organs

Edema can be caused diseases of internal organs. Excess liquid because of malfunction of one or another organ is deposited in soft tissues, including in the facial area. In this case, cheek swelling is a dangerous symptom.


The tumor can provoke mumps. This disease causes high fever and inflammation of the parotid glands.

Often the cheek swells as a result of the appearance of an inflammatory process, which is provoked bacterial or viral infection.

The symptom usually becomes very high temperature, which lasts forever. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor who will prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Watch a video about how mumps develops and how the shape of the face changes:


Also on sebaceous gland may form cyst, which immediately causes swelling of the cheek. At the same time the tumor is growing rapidly. It is removed surgically.


There are other reasons for the appearance of a tumor on the cheek. The symptom may appear as a result facial injuries due to a fall or impact.

Such a tumor will not increase in size and will go away in a few days. If the cheek grows, then you need to immediately seek medical help.


Edema occurs and due to insect bites. Then a thickening and redness.

Insufficient hygiene

Inflammatory process, which provokes the appearance of edema, sometimes occurs due to insufficient oral hygiene. In this case, first the gums swell and then the cheek becomes inflamed.


Only a qualified doctor can truly understand the cause of the tumor. Therefore, you should not delay your visit; the specialist will tell you what medications you need to take and what to do for local treatment.

Inflammation in the cheek area

At home, you can relieve the symptom, that is, reduce the tumor in size. But correct treatment possible only after diagnosis. You should see a doctor contact immediately if:

  • tumor enlarges and causes pain;
  • appeared high temperature body, which doesn't subside within a few days;
  • is felt general malaise accompanied by loss of appetite, drowsiness and headache;
  • from the mouth starts to appear bad smell;
  • first help with folk remedies does not produce results;
  • from the gums discharge of pus or blood.

First aid at home

A swollen cheek brings a lot of inconvenience, so many try reduce swelling at home.

It is not recommended to take anti-inflammatory or painkillers before visiting the dentist, as this will complicate the diagnosis.

Self-treatment can be quite effective in some cases. To alleviate the condition, you can use the following methods:
  • Rinsing salt and soda. Such a solution has antiseptic properties which are destroyed by bacteria. Rinsing doesn't always help, but it won't hurt either.

    To enhance the effect, add 2-3 drops of iodine to the medicine.

  • Rinsing is considered effective decoction medicinal herbs especially sage and chamomile.
  • For a tumor resulting from a bite or injury, you can use cold compress. But under no circumstances should you apply it to your cheek if there is a high temperature or the likelihood of an inflammatory process.

    You should also be careful with hot compresses, which can make the situation worse.

  • If at home it grows Kalanochoe or aloe, then you need to moisten a cotton wool in the juice of the plant. It is applied for some time to the inside of the cheek.

What will the dentist prescribe?

First, the specialist must determine the cause of the tumor and only then prescribe treatment.

If no serious diseases of the internal organs are detected, the dentist may prescribe medications to relieve swelling.

In cases where the tumor is accompanied by an inflammatory process, the patient is prescribed special drugs, for example, Nimesil.

For relieving pain most often used Ibuprofen, Ketanov or Ketorol.

If a tumor occurs as a result of an allergic reaction, then they are used as treatment antihistamines, For example, Suprastin, Tavegil or Erius.


In addition, it is often used to combat allergies. Diazolin. For rinsing dentists prescribe to their patients Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.

The most effective medications are Suprastin, Traumeel and Lymphomyosot. If necessary, antibiotics such as Lincomycin, Biseptol or Amoxiclav are prescribed.

Folk remedies

Home treatment involves using folk recipes. But they should be used only after consultation with a dentist.

Most often, tumor treatment occurs using various rinses:

  • You should take equal parts of nettle, calamus, sage and oak. The components are mixed and poured hot water. Insist folk medicine 2–3 hours.

    You should rinse your mouth every few hours.

  • To rinse the mouth, you can also prepare a medicine from a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 and rinsed with mouth every 2 hours.
  • An excellent anti-inflammatory gargle is easily made with garlic. To do this, chop 2-3 cloves of garlic and add a glass of boiling water.

    Once the infusion has cooled, you can rinse your mouth with it.

  • Often as effective treatment Propolis tincture is used. It can be bought at any pharmacy. Soak a cotton swab in the tincture and apply it to the swollen cheek with inside.

    In addition to the tincture, you can also take dry propolis. It must first be slightly kneaded, and then also applied to the inflamed area and held for about half an hour.

A cheek tumor is a symptom indicating problems not only with teeth, but also with the whole body.

Most often, swelling occurs as a result improper treatment teeth or development dental diseases . Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but rather consult a doctor.

Folk remedies for relieving inflammation


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  • Olga

    June 2, 2016 at 5:06 am

    Wow so much various reasons May be. Hot topic For me, the other day my husband’s cheek became swollen and his gums became inflamed. Like many men, he “courageously” walked for 4 days, then I persuaded him to go to the doctor. Self-medication was done by rinsing with sage, peroxide and applying ointment to the gums. The dentist said that the ointment was burned, we applied it directly to the gums, but it was necessary to apply it on a cotton swab or gauze pad and apply it for 10 minutes. In general, they learned from bitter experience. Now they inject the antibiotic into the gums and leave the rinsing.

  • Vetch

    June 11, 2016 at 0:09

    My friend recently had her wisdom tooth removed and her cheek was so swollen!
    An inflammatory process has clearly begun; not only is it on the cheek, there are also bruises under the eyes. Of course, the dentist prescribed treatment. My friend is now eating through a straw.
    I brew her sage for rinsing, it seems to make her feel better. True, this is together with prescribed medications. Still, you cannot rely completely on self-medication in such situations.

  • Artem P

    July 3, 2016 at 3:30 p.m.

    See a doctor immediately! This the only way identifying the causes of tumor (inflammation). I’ll give you a simple answer: it doesn’t hurt – that doesn’t mean that everything is fine, rather the opposite. What if there is inflammation of the salivary glands, or a stone in the ducts, etc. Under no circumstances try to treat yourself, “heal” more big problems, which in the future, at the very least, will cost you a pretty penny. The bottom line is this: Don’t play around with your health, go to the doctor - that’s what dentists are for.

  • Nika

    May 15, 2017 at 4:23 am

    There was swelling of the cheek. No pain. A few days later, the entire jaw began to ache. The dentist said that the tooth was inflamed and needed to be pulled out. In response to all my persuasion to look at a different tooth, and not the one he intended to tear, I was told that he was the doctor, not me. They tore it out. Healthy tooth. It turns out that a neighboring tooth was inflamed, which I tried to point out to the doctor. More precisely, a cyst the size of a good pea has formed at the end of the root (another doctor already showed me this when he pulled out an inflamed tooth). No one would remove the cyst surgically for me. Result, two lost teeth.

  • Marina

    May 30, 2017 at 6:12 am

    The swelling of the cheek does not subside for the third week after unfilling the canals 5 upper tooth, put the medicine on for three weeks. Immediately after this, my cheek became swollen. CT scan shows a cyst in the second upper tooth. I took amoxiclav, xefocam, and smeared solcoseryl on my gums. The swelling subsided a little, the gums healed. There are two seals on the cheek, one in the sinus area, the other in the area lower jaw. There was no temperature. The doctor doesn't say anything specifically. The visit is scheduled in three days. What could it be?

  • Abdurahman

    September 16, 2017 at 9:55 pm

    He treated the tooth, opened the canal, cleaned it, put him on medicine for 3 days, then put a filling and sent him home. By evening my cheek began to swell, and in the morning I woke up like Winnie the Pooh. I went back to the clinic, they picked out the filling, washed it and left it open channel for 2 days, antibiotics were prescribed. The doctor said that the tooth does not hold tight :) and if this happens again after the 2nd filling, then the tooth must be pulled. As a result, my cheek became swollen again. In the surgeon’s chair, I asked if this could be due to the root of a decayed tooth next door? To which she said: Yes! He asked me to pull out the root. On the second day the swelling went down, the tooth began to “keep a tight seal”, in general, everything was GOOD!
    CONCLUSION: the doctor doesn’t care what you vomit and in what quantity. Need teeth? Think for yourself where and what needs to be treated, much less removed. If you don't agree with the doctor, argue!

If a person has dental flux, the remedies recommended by the doctor will help quickly remove the swelling. Flux is popular name purulent inflammation tooth root, periostitis. IN dental practice Periostitis occurs quite often, especially in those patients who rarely visit dentists. But purulent inflammation can also occur on an apparently healthy tooth.

A painful swelling may form overnight. Swelling of the cheek indicates that inflammation is just beginning. In adults, all symptoms are more acute than in children. At acute form develops severe swelling gums. In especially severe cases, flux can lead to the death of the patient.

Sometimes purulent inflammation develops very slowly, and the patient is not immediately able to determine the severity of his condition. Flux is dangerous because the purulent focus is located in close proximity to the brain. In case of complications, pus can also collect in the soft tissues.

If a person has gumboil, how to remove the tumor? The most correct thing to do in such a situation is to rush to see a doctor. Typically, such patients are accepted without waiting lists and are immediately referred to a dental surgeon.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

It is impossible to self-medicate, since there is no way to organize the required level of sterility in the living space, so the risk of complications is very high.

Trying to relieve swelling at home with dental gumboil is only possible in cases of extreme necessity, when for some reason visiting a doctor is impossible.

So, in what ways can you remove a tumor from flux, and do it not only quickly, but also effectively.

Flux begins with the redness of a small area of ​​the gum, and there is no reason to suspect that inflammation will form in this area after some time. At the next stage, a purulent sac forms on the gum. As the tumor grows, the inflammatory process can move from the gums to the lower eyelid, wings of the nose, and lips. The entire side of the face may swell. The maturation of the abscess is accompanied by high temperature and severe throbbing pain.

The formation of flux can be caused by several reasons:

  1. Mechanical injury to the gum or tooth.
  2. Deep caries not treated in time.
  3. Inflamed.
  4. Poor hygiene oral cavity.

Purulent sore throat can also lead to the formation of gumboil. Whatever the reasons for the formation of flux, they are based on one single factor - infection. An environment has been formed in the oral cavity, which, under certain conditions, promotes rapid growth bacteria and viruses. Therefore, when deciding how to remove a tumor, you need to carefully assess your condition.

How to quickly remove swelling due to flux

In order to remove cheek swelling, it is necessary to ensure the drainage of accumulated pus. In some cases, the pus may break out on its own. If this does not happen, pus will continue to accumulate. Inflammation can develop into an abscess or phlegmon.

In the chair of a dental surgeon, the treatment process looks like this:

  1. The doctor opens the gum.
  2. Releases accumulated pus.
  3. Places drainage so that pus does not accumulate again and the wound from the incision does not heal.
  4. The patient must be prescribed antibiotics.

All these measures will help preserve the tooth and get rid of infection. At home, it is forbidden to open an abscess on your own. The infection can spread through the blood throughout the body. It is not possible to remove the pus qualitatively, and the abscess may form again.

Only a doctor can prescribe treatment that will give the desired effect. Therefore, when deciding how to remove a tumor from flux at home, it is worth remembering that antibiotics will not be able to get rid of pus. They are only good if the source has already been opened.

On final stage treatments are prescribed:

  • Tsifran,
  • Amoxiclav,
  • Doxycycline,
  • Ampioks,
  • Lincomycin.

Unauthorized use of antibiotics can lead to unpredictable consequences. Therefore, to relieve swelling during flux, you cannot use medications.

The question arises of how to remove swelling from flux at home, without the help of a doctor. In this case apply folk remedies. And although none of them can replace full treatment, they can provide temporary relief and reduce swelling.

The first and easiest way is to use salt and soda. Take one teaspoon of both ingredients. All this dissolves in warm boiled water. After rinsing, the abscess matures and breaks through faster. It is necessary to rinse every half hour.

The following recipe, which can be used to remove swelling, also does not require the use of expensive funds. For treatment you will need green tea and sage. It is very important to use green tea without additives. Next is done herbal mixture, which contains one teaspoon each of sage and green tea. It is brewed with boiling water and allowed to brew. For greater effect, add a pinch of salt to the infusion and rinse your mouth with a warm solution as often as possible.

Good results are achieved by using oak bark with the addition of other medicinal herbs. For 1 liter of boiling water you need to take calamus root, oak bark, sage leaves and nettles. There should be 10 g of each herb. Everything is infused for 2 hours, filtered, cooled, you can rinse every 2 hours until the pain goes away.

Next useful plant- Calendula. Her alcohol tincture diluted in boiled water. You need to rinse at least 6 times a day.

If your cheek is swollen, you can use 4 tbsp. lemon balm, which is poured with 2 cups of boiling water.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

There are a lot of ways to relieve swelling from flux. All of them are only temporary remedies and do not eliminate the problem. Only a dentist can help you eliminate gumboil!

In the morning you discovered that your cheek is swollen but your tooth does not hurt. How to remove a tumor and understand the causes similar illness this article will help. Before removing swelling, it is extremely important to correctly identify the root of the problem. A swollen cheek can be a symptom of various serious diseases.

Causes of cheek swelling

Conventionally, three categories of causes of cheek swelling can be distinguished:

  • Inflammation associated with oral diseases
  • Consequences of treatment at the dentist
  • Symptom of other diseases in the human body

Inflammation associated with oral diseases

The most common patient complaints about cheek swelling are usually associated with dental diseases.

Let's consider possible options:

  • Inflammatory infiltrate. A very serious problem, neglecting which, you can get an abscess or phlegmon. In this case, soft tissues die as a result, pus collects, which can enter the circulatory system and lead to fatal outcome. The cause of this disease is contact spread of infection ( bad treatment dental canals, a consequence of pulpitis or apical periodontitis). The main symptom is aching toothache a couple of days before swelling occurs. Only a doctor knows what to do in such a situation, self-treatment impossible.
  • Gingivitis. Inflammation of the gums without compromising the integrity of the dentogingival junction. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to destructive form periodontal diseases - periodontitis. Clinical picture gingivitis - swelling of the cheek without pain, bad breath, possible bleeding of the gums. If detected, you must immediately begin treatment prescribed by a specialist.
  • Periodontal disease – systemic lesion periodontal tissue (periodontal). Occurs relatively rarely, no more often than 1-8% of patients, mainly in humans old age. With age, gums bleed and lose their structure, becoming increasingly vulnerable to infection. Painful sensations are usually absent. Treatment is possible only surgically (tooth extraction), followed by the installation of dentures.
  • Wisdom tooth growth. The appearance of a tumor indicates abnormal growth of the “eight” and the presence of inflammatory processes, and the formation of pus is possible. Inflammation can develop due to mechanical damage an already erupted tooth or due to swollen mucous membrane above the tooth crown. It is necessary to contact a dentist to solve this problem.

Consequences of treatment at the dentist

Often after visiting the dentist, patients have a question: why is the cheek swollen, but the tooth does not hurt? Below are possible answers.

Symptom of other diseases in the human body

If you have been to the dentist for a long time and you do not have toothache, then the cause of cheek swelling may be diseases not related to the oral cavity.

Such as:

  • Banal injury. The cheek may become swollen after strong blow or an insect bite. To relieve inflammation, apply a cold compress; if the size of the swelling does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases, then it is necessary to be examined by a traumatologist.
  • Malfunction of internal organs. Edema is nothing more than the accumulation of fluid in soft tissues. In itself, it indicates a disruption in the urinary system; this may be due to problems with the liver or even the heart. Bilateral swelling is the main symptom serious problems. Emergency medical attention required.
  • Neurological diseases. In addition to changes in the shape of the cheek, there is a sore throat, stuffy ears, and possible fever. As a rule, such swelling appears in people with poor function thyroid gland or ovaries. There are a lot of reasons for this. A neurologist will be able to correctly diagnose, determine the cause and prescribe emergency therapy. Self-medication can lead to disastrous consequences.
  • Viral infection. Most common in children, as a rule, the lymph nodes become inflamed. The main symptom is prolonged high fever. It is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Do not start treatment without consulting a doctor!
  • Cyst on the sebaceous gland. Painless swelling on the face can be caused by a newly formed cyst. Appears due to selection sebum. Rapidly increases in size. Surgery- the only measure to combat the cyst.

We treat at home

Only a specialist can advise you on the correct diagnosis and competent treatment! Don't put off visiting the dentist. Traditional methods Treatments will help you find temporary relief, but will not eliminate the essence of the problem.

Warming a swollen cheek is strictly prohibited! Before visiting the dentist, you should not take painkillers, as this will make the diagnosis more difficult.

What to do if the gums are swollen, but the tooth does not hurt:

  1. Rinse with salt or soda. The most common way to combat oral bacteria. For a greater antiseptic effect, you can add a couple of drops of iodine. Carry out the rinsing procedure every 4 hours.
  2. Aloe or Kalanchoe compress. Moisten a cotton swab with the juice of one of the plants and apply it to the swollen gum; there is no need to rinse.
  3. Rinse with anti-inflammatory herbs. For 1 liter of boiling water, you need about 150 grams of herbs (sage, oak bark, St. John's wort), taken in equal quantities. If you prefer drug treatment, then doctors recommend rinsing your mouth with chlorhexidine.
  4. Mouth baths made from propolis tincture. Must only be used water tincture so as not to damage the oral mucosa. Dry propolis (pre-mashed) is also suitable. A small portion should be applied to the inflamed area with reverse side cheeks, procedure duration – 30 minutes

Unfortunately, anyone can get sick, but you have the power to stay healthy for as long as possible. To avoid oral diseases, it is recommended to visit the dentist once a year and maintain good hygiene. For recovery protective functions body, balance your diet, strengthen your immune system and always be in a good mood.

A lot has been written about the value of health, about the need to take care of yourself and enjoy life as much as possible. But, unfortunately, unexpected things happen. It is especially difficult to cope with unexpected changes on the face. In this case, it is necessary to use cosmetics, sometimes in large quantities, which does not look very good externally. And it happens when even cosmetics cannot hide a flaw. This is precisely the case for swelling of the cheeks.

Reasons why swelling of the cheeks may occur

Swelling of the cheek (the reasons will be discussed in detail below) is serious sign that something in the body is functioning in an unusual way, and you need to pay attention to it as quickly as possible. Swelling of the cheeks can vary in appearance, location of greatest severity, and many other factors. Depending on all these signs, it is possible to determine what caused the inflammatory process in the body. There are many known reasons. These could be some kind of local (local) lesions or general infections.

Local infection may be due to problems with the gums, teeth, temporomandibular joint, and a problem with any of these organs causes swelling in one or two cheeks. Since the cheek is formed from fat and muscle tissue, it is rich in blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, it easily responds to infection in adjacent tissues and organs.

With a local infection, a person’s body temperature rises, swelling occurs, sometimes with redness of the skin, and there is a feeling constant pain pulsating or bursting in nature and sharp pain when touching a sore spot.

Local infections include dental problems, inflammation of the salivary glands and their ducts, sinusitis, inflammation lymph nodes, lymphadenitis in children, neuritis, phlegmon and many other unpleasant diseases.

Cheek swelling after tooth or nerve removal

Dental problems are very dangerous because they negatively affect the general condition of the entire body. Caries often causes swelling of the gums, which can subsequently develop into purulent inflammation - gumboil. Swelling of the cheek after tooth extraction is considered normal. Swelling appears the day after surgery and gradually descends to the lower jaw. That is, after a tooth has been removed, swelling of the cheek is quite normal. Usually the painful sensation goes away within 3 days. In case of suppuration, if there is increased pain, swelling of the cheek does not go away, you should consult a dentist. In this case, you should not hesitate to go to the hospital. If the cheek is swollen after tooth extraction, painkillers, antibiotics and various ointments, relieving inflammation.

Surgeries to remove the dental nerve are also often performed to treat the inflammatory process in the tissues of the oral cavity. This disease is called pulpitis. After removing the nerve in the tooth, there is no painful sensation. After such manipulation, did your cheek swell? This means that you need to take care of your teeth further, because inflammation progresses in them. If pulpitis is not treated, the disease can progress to a more complex stage with the formation of ulcers and subsequent blood poisoning.

Swelling of the cheek due to inflammation of the salivary glands

Inflammation can be caused by bacteria or infections entering the oral cavity. Most often, one of the 3 paired glands becomes inflamed:

  1. The parotid glands are the largest, located below and in front auricle. This disease is medically called mumps.
  2. Submandibular salivary glands, are located under the jaw in the area of ​​the back teeth.
  3. The sublingual salivary glands are located on both sides of the root of the tongue, under the mucous membrane. The ducts through which saliva is secreted are located throughout our mouth, so inflammation can occur anywhere.

Inflammation of the salivary glands, or sialadenitis, has characteristic symptoms: pain at the site of the affected gland, which radiates to other nearby organs, dryness of the oral mucosa, pain when opening the mouth, chewing movements and swallowing food, swelling of the gland and surrounding organs, purulent accumulation with the release of pus to the outside, high body temperature, accompanied by signs of poisoning of the body. This is very serious illness, requiring immediate treatment and doctor's observations. In such cases, the swelling of the cheek is very significant, more painful than with problems with teeth and may be accompanied by a fistula on the skin, into which pus collects.

As a preventive measure, the most important thing is to observe the rules of oral hygiene, high-quality and timely treatment colds Depending on the severity of the inflammatory process, measures may be taken different methods therapy (anti-inflammatory drugs, antibacterial drugs, opening of purulent formation, salivary diet).

Swelling of the cheeks and eyes with sinusitis

Are your cheeks and eyes swollen? The cause may be sinusitis. This is swelling of the maxillary sinus, which is located in the bone of the upper jaw near the nose. Most often, as a defense against infections entering the body, the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, but the anatomical location of the sinus is such that nearby tissues are easily affected. Very common with sinusitis, since the wall separating maxillary sinus from the orbit, is a film only 1 mm thick. Along with ocular swelling, swelling of the upper cheek may be noticeable. A characteristic feature of this phenomenon in sinusitis is long-term inflammation, which gradually increases and also slowly disappears.

If the cheek or eye is swollen, it is necessary to treat the cause - sinusitis. The primary prescriptions are antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antiallergic and vasoconstrictors. It is important not to abandon treatment so that the disease does not develop into chronic form, which is almost impossible to cure. It is also absolutely pointless to try to get rid of sinusitis yourself, at home. Such actions can harm and worsen the condition.

Swelling of the cheeks due to inflammation of the lymph nodes

This is an infectious disease and, like edema, is a consequence of some kind of pathological process in the body, in particular, infections entering it. Lymphatic system human supports the body's immunity. The disease develops slowly. Starts with painful sensation in the area of ​​the lymph nodes, then the body temperature rises and other signs of intoxication appear, the node becomes denser and swells. With inflammation of the submandibular node, there is significant swelling of the cheek in its lower part. This disease is quite difficult to distinguish from the other causes listed above. The inflammation can be simple or purulent. On initial stages Treatment can be treated with antibiotics and local compresses, cold at first, and warm after the pus is released. IN difficult cases purulent inflammation of several nodes, surgery is performed and drainage is installed. This is the most effective method treatment.

Swelling of the cheek due to inflammation of the facial nerve

For neuritis - inflammation trigeminal nerve, which provides facial sensitivity - there is skewedness, illegibility of facial expressions, and incomplete opening of the eyes. This is serious neurological problem. It is distinguished by a very strong, sharp piercing pain from a pinched nerve, which usually spreads to one half of the face. The development of neuritis is possible based on viral infection, reduced immunity, hypothermia in a draft. The prognosis for this disease is unfavorable. Often neuralgia cannot be completely cured, and it external manifestations remain for life.

Swelling of the cheek with perimaxillary phlegmon

This rare disease with a threat to life.

The term "phlegmon" means severe purulent inflammation under the skin in fatty tissue.

Cellulitis is distinguished by the possibility of spreading suppuration to adjacent spaces. This disease is a consequence of trauma to the trachea or esophagus, suppuration cervical cyst and other reasons similar to the development of sinusitis.

Before reaching the maximum danger to human life, the inflammatory process manifests itself jaw bones, caused by infection, swelling of the gums and, in the final stage, perimandibular phlegmon.

When phlegmon is very pronounced with high temperature. Depending on where exactly the suppuration occurs, the swelling may be localized in the cheekbones, under the eye, closer to upper lip, in the central part of the cheek and chin. The inflammation is very painful and requires observation in a hospital and surgical intervention. It is worth remembering that outwardly a tumor in any part of the face with phlegmon appears only in the already severe stages of the disease.

Swelling can be noticed when examining the inside of the mouth or by palpating the entire oral mucosa.

Treatment consists of opening the purulent inflammation and installing drainage.

Swelling of the cheek due to a cyst

If your cheeks are swollen, this may be a sign of cyst formation.

It forms on the inside of the cheek and can increase up to 2-3 cm. The cause can be trauma to the mucous membrane with a table object while eating, a toothbrush or any other object that gets into the mouth. In this case, you should not hesitate to go to the doctor.

Cheek swelling due to injury

Any injury can cause swelling without the formation of a cyst. When the injury is minor, most often the swelling goes away the next day. Constant friction of a chipped tooth against the surface of the cheek can also cause injury. Bacteria accumulate in the resulting wound, causing inflammation.

In any case, if your cheeks are swollen, you must consult a doctor so that he can determine the cause, the severity of the disease and prescribe treatment based on this. This is the guarantee that it will be effective.

While waiting to see a doctor, immediately after injury, apply ice to the affected area and hold it for a while.

Swelling of the cheek from an insect bite

Swelling of the eyes, swollen cheeks, lips, nose and other nearby tissues have also changed in size - this occurs after the bites of bees, wasps, bumblebees and other types of insects.

The first aid in such cases will be to remove the sting from skin and compresses made from aloe or soda solution. You should take an anti-allergy drug internally.

Cheek swelling due to general infections

A general infection is characterized by an all-encompassing nature and affects all systems of the body.

Mumps is an infectious disease. It provokes swelling of the salivary glands, both on one and both sides at once, causing the cheek to swell. Swelling with mumps does not affect the eyes, but goes down from the cheek to the neck.

A patient with mumps, popularly called “mumps”, must be provided with quarantine conditions, since the disease is easily transmitted by talking, coughing and through objects public use with healthy people.

If your cheeks are swollen, this may be caused by infectious mononucleosis. The disease is similar to a sore throat and requires professional diagnostics doctor.

Loeffler's bacteria introduce infection into the tonsils, causing inflammation with an increase in body temperature, a change in their appearance and attack them. This process is characterized toxic diphtheria tonsils The swelling is under but may spread wider to the cheek and neck. To prevent the disease, vaccinations with serum against diphtheria are carried out. Treatment with antibiotics will not bring any results.

The human salivary glands are susceptible to infection by various infections, a possible one of them being the tuberculosis bacillus. Tuberculosis of the salivary glands develops slowly, swelling does not appear immediately, but after some time.

One of the reasons for swelling of the cheeks when common infections is an allergy. An allergic reaction can occur in case of intolerance to any food eaten, to a medicine or hygiene product, to a material used in dentistry.

If the swelling is small, it will be enough to take an antiallergic medicine, after which the swelling will quickly disappear. If there is rapid, strong tumor growth, it is most likely Quincke's edema. You need to seek help immediately. Help should be provided in the first 15-20 minutes in the form of an injection with special hormonal drugs.

In the very in a rare case occurs in tumors. This may be lymphogranulomatosis, lymphosarcoma, malignancy V salivary glands. In this case, the disease does not immediately manifest itself in the form of edema. Multiple symptoms of cancer in the human body will be more indicative.

Cheek swelling: treatment

Cheek swelling does not represent any specific disease. This is always a manifestation or consequence of some inflammatory process in the body. But how to relieve cheek swelling? Therapy will vary depending on each specific case.

Do not try to find the answer to the question of how to relieve cheek swelling on your own. You cannot self-medicate. You need to see a doctor. But, if seeing a doctor is not possible immediately after the appearance discomfort and swelling, there are some steps you can take. After dental procedures you need to rinse your mouth with solutions of salt or soda. You can purchase remedies at the pharmacy that eliminate inflammation with a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort or sage. Such procedures relieve pain.

For injuries, it is necessary to alternate the use of cold and warm compresses and applying slices raw potatoes. Among pharmaceuticals You can use the ointments "Troxevasin" and "Butadione".

  • Do not use a hot compress if the swelling is caused by purulent inflammation;
  • Only a doctor should prescribe antibiotics after examination;
  • you cannot press, touch, or knead the swollen cheek;
  • should not be taken hot food and drinks.

Swelling of the cheeks can be caused by many diseases. They are based on infection. Keep track of your general condition, body temperature. Minor swelling can cause a serious illness with irreversible consequences.



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