Oxolinic ointment: recommendations for use. Oxolinic ointment is an antiviral agent familiar from childhood

Does oxolinic ointment help against papillomas and what is it? This is an antiviral agent that is used for external local use. The main substance in the composition is oxoline, among the additional ones are oxonaphthylene and petroleum jelly, which impart viscosity and ensure deep penetration of the ointment into the subcutaneous layer.

Oxolinic ointment is available in 2 concentrations: 0.25% for application to mucous membranes and 3% for external use. Oxolin is a gentle component that eliminates skin growths and fights the pathogen (HPV). The ointment is available without a prescription and has a low price.

The course of treatment of papillomas with ointment takes from 2 to 8 weeks. The final period depends on the size and location of the tumor. Oxolinic ointment is safe and approved for treating any part of the body(can be applied to the mucous membrane of the external genitalia).

Attention! Home removal of papillomas requires prior consultation with a doctor.

If the growth hurts, bleeds or becomes inflamed, these are possible signs of cancer. To minimize complications, it is important to obtain permission to remove the growth from a specialist.

Efficacy of the drug

Regular application of the product will have a noticeable effect. The papilloma will begin to dry out, decrease in size, then disappear, and in its place there will be a patch of healthy skin. Oxolin in the composition will have an antiviral and antimicrobial effect. The ointment is also indicated to prevent infection with the virus.

It must be used after contact with a carrier or after visiting a public swimming pool. Oxolinic ointment is also effective for the treatment of herpes, lichen or chickenpox.

Impact principle

Oxolin penetrates deeply into the tissues and cells in which the virus multiplies. The substance stops this process and blocks the virus from accessing the membranes of healthy cells. As a result, the source of infection begins to gradually fade. Oxolinic ointment is a kind of barrier to the spread of infection.

Using it correctly: algorithm of actions

To treat papillomas, you need to use 3% oxolinic ointment. How to apply the product correctly?

  1. We clean the problem area. If the papilloma is on the face, you need to wash your face, then dry your skin with a towel.
  2. Distribute the ointment in a thin layer over the affected area of ​​skin. If there is only one papilloma, treat the growth and the skin around it. Apply with light movements, do not rub.
  3. Cover with a sterile napkin. Secure the top with a bandage.
  4. If there are many growths or they are deep, you need polyethylene. The ointment should be applied to a napkin and firmly secured with cellophane on top.

A slight burning sensation may be felt in the first few minutes after application of the product., which will soon pass. If a person cannot tolerate the burning sensation, oxolinic ointment can be mixed with lanolin or petroleum jelly (in a 3:1 ratio). Repeat the manipulation until the papillomas are completely eliminated.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

The only contraindication to the use of the ointment is an allergy or hypersensitivity of the skin to oxolin. You should use the remedy for the treatment of papillomas with caution if you have not previously been examined by a doctor. Pregnant and lactating women are prescribed ointment only on the recommendation of a doctor. Possible side effects include drying of the skin or mucous membranes.

Also, after applying Oxolin, a burning sensation may appear - this is a normal response to the substance. If the burning sensation is severe, and redness and irritation appear on the skin, stop using the medicine and consult a dermatologist.

After applying the ointment, the skin area may turn blue. This is not an alarming signal (the phenomenon is caused by additional elements in the composition). You can remove blue stains using regular soap.

Average prices in Russia

Oxolinic ointment is sold in tubes weighing 10 g and 25 g. The product is produced by several domestic manufacturers (Nizhpharm, Sintez) according to a single recipe. The cost varies from 30 to 50 rubles for 10 g and from 90 to 120 for 25 g. To preserve the medicinal properties, it is recommended to store the ointment in the refrigerator. Oxolinic ointment is a reliable assistant in the fight against papillomas and other growths on the skin.

Proven therapeutic effect, safety, low price and absence of contraindications are the main advantages of the product. With regular use, papillomas will disappear in 14-60 days. The lack of a therapeutic effect from the ointment is a reason to take more radical measures.

- Effective and safe ointment

Advantages: Efficiency and safety of use, and of course the price is more than affordable

Disadvantages: None found


Hello dear readers! Today I want to talk to you about such a fairly common problem as warts or papillomas.

Medical scientists have found that more than 95% of people on the entire planet Earth are carriers of the papilloma virus. However, not all of these people have the presence of this virus, since this process is facilitated by a decrease in immunity, or some other factor.

Personally, I first encountered the problem of warts at the age of 23, when I was pregnant.

I am sure that it was precisely the decrease in immunity that contributed to the development of the human papillomavirus, since I suffered terrible toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy, and all the necessary microelements and vitamins were lost from my body for the child.

Naturally, I didn’t even know what could help me in this situation, since, as everyone knows, during pregnancy it is necessary to limit yourself in taking medications, and most of them are contraindicated during pregnancy. I was already thinking about coming to terms with my condition and solving the problem after the birth of the child, but my gynecologist helped me find a way out of this situation. She advised me to use Oxolin ointment 3% concentration, which is safe for both me and my child during this period.

You simply cannot imagine my joy when I found out that my problem should still be solved. After all, it was very unpleasant when people paid attention to my tumors and this, most likely, caused a feeling of disgust in many.

I immediately ran to the nearest pharmacy and bought myself Oxolinic ointment. By the way, I did not have any problems finding this drug, since this ointment is very well-known and widely in demand.

Oxolinic ointment is a drug that has a broad antiviral effect.

This drug is available to buyers in 0.25% and 3% concentrations of the substance, since they have different methods of use and indications.

The drug contains naphthalene, which is also known as oxolin.

Oxolinic ointment 3% is more suitable for the treatment of papillomas, since it contains a higher concentration of oxolinum and can have a more intense effect on the skin.

This drug is indicated for diseases such as:

  • Chickenpox;


    For colds caused by adenovirus, such as ARVI, sore throat...

The action of Oxolinic ointment is based on the fact that the active substance penetrates the cells of the virus, preventing its further spread.

However, despite the fact that the drug is quite safe, in case of individual intolerance, it can cause:

Allergic reactions on the skin;

Deterioration of the general condition of the body.

In such cases, you must stop using the drug and consult your doctor.

Let me start by saying that the attending physician prescribed me to use the ointment for 1 month.

You must first clean the area affected by papilloma, then apply a little ointment without rubbing, cover with a gauze bandage or plaster. I repeated this procedure three times a day.

Oxolinic ointment has a slightly pinkish gel texture with a distinct odor.

When applied, a burning sensation appears for a few seconds, which quickly passes.

I had no side effects when using Oxolinic ointment.

I noticed a positive result from use on the 18th day of using the ointment. My wart began to shrink in size, and by day 28 it was completely gone.

Oxolinic ointment helped me solve the problem with papilloma during a very important period of my life - pregnancy, without harm to me and my child.

The effectiveness and safety of this drug gives me every right to recommend Oxolinic ointment.

Video review


Average online price*: 47 rub.

  • lichen (vesicular, shingles, scaly);
  • warts;
  • influenza (for prevention only);
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • diseases of the skin and eyes of viral etiology;
  • rhinitis of viral etiology;
  • Dühring's dermatitis.

Directions for use

Oxolinic ointment can be used nasally and cutaneously. For nasal use, use a 0.25% concentration. As a prophylactic against influenza, the ointment is applied to the nasal mucosa 2 times a day.

Prevention begins during the outbreak of the epidemic and continues for about a month. It will be effective to use the ointment after contact with a person with the flu. For viral rhinitis, Oxolinic ointment is also applied nasally - the nasal mucosa is lubricated 3 times a day for 4 days.

As an external agent, the drug is applied to areas of the skin affected by the herpes virus. For the treatment of molluscum contagiosum, as well as herpes simplex and herpes zoster, a 3% concentration of ointment is used. The affected areas of the skin should be lubricated 4 times a day until complete recovery.

To remove warts, applications are made - wax paper is applied to a layer of oxolinic ointment. Applications are made 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 2 weeks to 2 months.

For adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis, a layer of ointment with a 0.25% concentration is placed behind the eyelid overnight.


The only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the active component or additional components.

Pregnancy and lactation

When applied cutaneously, the drug is practically not absorbed into the subcutaneous layer, so it can be used by pregnant and lactating women.


Due to external use and low absorption rates, no cases of overdose have been observed.

Side effects

After applying the drug, a slight burning sensation is possible, which quickly passes and does not require discontinuation of treatment. Some patients experienced rhinorrhea (increased mucus secretion from the nose) after applying Oxolinic ointment. This side effect is considered normal and does not require treatment adjustment.


The active ingredient is oxolin, which exhibits a virucidal effect against influenza viruses and the group of herpes viruses. The antiviral effect is achieved by inhibiting the process of virus reproduction in a human cell, as well as by protecting the cell membrane from the penetration of the virus into it.


The drug practically does not enter the bloodstream when applied to the skin. When applied to mucous membranes, about 20% of oxoline is absorbed. There is no accumulation in the body, and the drug is excreted by the kidneys within 24 hours.


  1. Oxolinic ointment should be stored in a place protected from light. The temperature regime must be specified in the instructions for a specific drug, since some manufacturers require storing it in the refrigerator.
  2. The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription.
  3. Oxolinic ointment does not have a resorptive effect and has no toxic side effects.
  4. According to the instructions of many manufacturers of Oxolinic ointment, it is not recommended for use in children younger than 5 years, but can be prescribed at this age at the discretion of the pediatrician.

Oxolinic ointment 3% contains the active ingredient oxolin . The composition also contains additional substances: petroleum jelly, petroleum jelly.

Release form

It is produced in the form of 0.25% ointment (it is contained in a tube of 10 g), as well as 3% ointment (in a tube of 30 g). Viscous, thick, may have a white or yellow-white color. During storage it may acquire a pink tint.

Pharmacological action

This product contains the active ingredient oxolin , which demonstrates antiviral activity against simplex viruses , herpes zoster , as well as the virus (mostly type A2). There is sensitivity to oxolin of adenoviruses, viruses And warts infectious origin.

This remedy is used externally and has an antiviral effect. The mechanism of influence of the active substance is based on its ability to block the binding sites of the influenza virus with the cell membrane. The product blocks viruses on the surface of membranes, preventing the virus from entering cells.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

It is not toxic, there is no systemic effect if it is applied topically. The active substance does not accumulate in the body. If the drug is applied to the mucous membranes, only 20% of the drug is absorbed. After application to the skin, only 5% of the product is absorbed. It is not irritating if the required amount and concentration have been applied and the skin at the application site has not been damaged.

Does not accumulate. Excretion occurs through the kidneys within one day.

Indications for use of Oxolinic ointment

The following indications for the use of Oxolinic ointment are noted:

  • viral diseases of the skin and eyes;
  • viral origin (inflammatory processes of the nasal mucosa);
  • scaly lichen , bubbly And shingles ;
  • molluscum contagiosum ;
  • appearance ;
  • herpetiform Dühring's dermatitis .

It is also used to prevent influenza, for which oxolinic ointment is applied during epidemics to prevent infection with the virus.

0.25% Oxolin is also used for. This remedy is effective for stomatitis of herpes origin.


Contraindications for use are high sensitivity to the drug and a tendency to allergic reactions.

Side effects

A slight burning sensation may develop in the area where the product was applied. May appear rhinorrhea , dermatitis , slight staining of the skin in a blue tint, easily washed off.

Oxolinic ointment, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

If Oxolinic ointment is used, the instructions for use must be followed.

During therapy viral keratitis , and also adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis it is necessary to place 0.25% ointment behind the eyelid 1-3 times a day. Treatment is carried out for 3-4 days. If treatment is necessary for infants, you should definitely consult a specialist.

For the purpose of treatment viral rhinitis you need to thoroughly lubricate the nasal mucosa 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days. For this, 0.25% ointment is used. The ointment is used similarly for children and adults for the purpose of prevention flu , ARVI . During a flu epidemic, it is necessary to practice lubrication for several weeks, and be sure to use the ointment when in contact with someone who has the flu.

Patients with different types lichen , With molluscum contagiosum A 3 percent ointment should be used, which is applied 2-3 times a day to the affected areas. Treatment lasts from 2 weeks to 2 months, depending on the patient’s condition. Use during pregnancy for treatment and prevention should only be carried out after a doctor’s prescription.

Use 3% Oxolinic ointment from warts . Apply to skin affected by warts. Reviews indicate that the medicine sometimes allows you to completely get rid of warts.


There is no description of a drug overdose. If you use an excessive amount of the product, you may experience a burning sensation. In this case, you need to wash off the drug with warm water. If the medicine was taken orally, you need to perform a gastric lavage, take enterosorbents and consult a doctor.


If Oksolin is used intranasally simultaneously with adrenomimetic agents , this can cause excessive dryness of the nasal mucosa.

Terms of sale

Sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Storage conditions

The drug is stored and transported in its original packaging, the temperature should not exceed 10°C. Should be kept away from children.

Best before date

Special instructions

It should be borne in mind that the use of medicine for the purpose of prevention does not guarantee one hundred percent protection against viral infections, which is why other methods of prevention should be used.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

You can find many different drugs that have similar effects. Analogs of Oxolinic ointment 3 percent - , Acigerpin , Vartek , Virolex , Herperax , and many others. At the same time, there are no medicines containing a similar active ingredient on the market.

Oxolinic ointment for children

The instructions for children indicate that for their treatment and prevention, only 0.25% ointment can be used to prevent influenza, as well as to treat a runny nose. But if the child does not tolerate this drug well, it is better to replace it with another medicine.


Oxolin is not used for newborns and infants, since such treatment is fraught with serious complications. In this case, the anatomy of the infants' respiratory tract is of decisive importance.

Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy and lactation

If a woman uses Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy, the instructions must be followed very carefully. Doctors may recommend the use of this drug by pregnant women for the purpose of prevention during periods of epidemics of viral infections. It should be noted that for the expectant mother there is a greater danger from an attack of viral infections than the use of Oxolinic ointment in accordance with the instructions.

The mucous membrane of the nose and nasopharynx is created by nature to protect the body from the penetration of pathogenic viruses and bacteria. We often hear from immunologists the expression “gate of infection” in relation to the mucosa, because infectious invasion occurs through it. Is there a way to keep these “gates” closed, especially during epidemiologically unfavorable periods?

It is believed that for this it is important to prevent the mucous membrane from drying out, which is why they are so popular in world medicine (Aqua Maris, Humer, etc.). And in our medicine, in addition to this, intranasal ointments are traditionally used, for example, oxolinic ointment. Let's briefly describe its properties and see what other drugs can be used to fight ARVI and influenza instead.

Analogs or substitutes for oxolinic ointment

Oxolinic ointment was developed in our country in the 70s of the last century. Its active ingredient has the long name dioxot(or simply “oxoline”), which is active against influenza viruses and adenoviruses.

In the direct sense, there are no analogues for it (that is, in terms of the chemical composition of the active substances) in our medicine, and in the world too. Moreover, in medical practice in other countries, oxol. ointment is not used to prevent influenza because its therapeutic effectiveness has not been proven. By the way, this only means that it has not passed the required clinical trials, and not at all that it does not help.

5 drugs that can replace oxolinic ointment

Viferon (1), Pinosol (2), Doctor MOM (3), “Golden Star” (4), Thuja Ointment (5)

Some medications have contraindications, read the instructions

Ointments that help fight colds and runny noses can be divided into antiviral, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory. Oksolinka belongs to the first category. An immunomodulatory drug is Viferon (ointment and gel). The last category includes ointments based on chemical and herbal ingredients and their combinations, namely:


We can consider that the modern analogue of oxolinic ointment in terms of antiviral action is Viferon. The active substance of Viferon is the cytokine interferon. Interferons are produced in our body as communicator molecules. With their help, surrounding cells, including immune cells, learn about the invasion of infection. It contains interferon type 1 alpha 2, which helps to attract professional defenders - macrophages and natural killer cells - to the place where the gates have opened for infection.

Viferon is produced by the Russian company Feron LLC in the form of ointment and gel for external and intranasal use. The ointment contains 40,000 IU of interferon, 20 mg of tocopherol acetate and excipients that give a viscous consistency (lanolin, petroleum jelly, peach oil).

The presence of tocopherol (vitamin E) in Viferon undoubtedly makes this drug better than Oxolia in terms of therapeutic properties. Tocopherol is a very valuable component because it has several useful qualities:

Viferon-gel contains interferon in a slightly reduced concentration (36,000 IU). On the contrary, it contains more tocopherol – 55 mg. In addition, it contains preservative and gelling additives.

Pinosol and Evamenol

Combined ointments Pinosol and Evamenol contain both synthetic and herbal ingredients. They have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect and are also an acceptable answer to the question: what can replace three percent oxolinic ointment?

Pinosol is produced in the Slovak Republic (Zentiva Pharma LLC) in two formulations - intranasal cream and ointment.

The active ingredients of both Pinosol cream and ointment are the same:

  • eucalyptus oil,
  • pine oil,
  • tocopherol acetate,
  • thymol.

In the ointment, the concentration of active ingredients is increased compared to the cream: there is approximately 4 times more eucalyptus oil, almost 2 times more pine oil, and 1.5 times more tocopherol. In addition, the ointment additionally contains levomenthol.

The complex therapeutic effect of Pinosol is based on the fact that vegetable oils produce anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor and analgesic effects, tocopherol has an immunomodulatory and wound-healing effect, and thymol has an antiseptic effect.

Evamenol is produced by Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory CJSC. It is similar in therapeutic effect to Pinosol, although it is poorer in the composition of medicinal ingredients. As active ingredients, it contains only levomenthol (1 g) and eucalyptus oil (1 g). However, if you are looking for a cheap analogue of oxolin, then Evamenol is quite suitable.

Doctor Mom Cold Slave

If your favorite oxolinka has run out, you can find something to replace it in Doctor Mom’s medicine cabinet. The Indian brand, well known in our market, now owned by Johnson & Johnson, has many over-the-counter forms for the treatment of influenza and ARVI, including an ointment called Doctor Mom Cold Slave.

The ointment contains a rich composition of useful components with antiseptic, analgesic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory properties:

  • eucalyptus oil,
  • camphor,
  • turpentine oil,
  • nutmeg oil,
  • thymol,
  • levomenthol.

Due to irritating substances, the ointment should not be applied directly to the nasal mucosa, but should be used only externally, that is, on the skin under or above the nostrils. Unfortunately, during acute rhinitis, the skin around the nose is often irritated and inflamed. In this case, it is not recommended to use this ointment; it is better to choose a drug for intranasal use.

Balm Golden Star

Balm Golden Star contains a complex of vegetable oils that have an irritating effect on nerve endings. In addition, they have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Thanks to these properties, the popular “star” is often used for headaches and other cold symptoms.

Golden Star is produced by the Vietnamese company Danapha Pharmaceutical in the form of a balm and ointment for external use. The ointment contains menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil, like Doctor Mom Cold Slave, but also contains clove, cinnamon and peppermint oils. The ointment should be applied externally, to the wings of the nose (directly to the nasal mucosa).


Thuja ointment is produced by Homeopathic Pharmacy (Russia). This is a one-component ointment. But the effectiveness of its action is determined not by the richness of the composition, but by the medicinal value of thuja oil.

The scientific name of the tree is Thuja occidentalis. It belongs to the cypress family, a genus of conifers. Thuja essential oil has a pleasant odor, which is determined by the presence of alpha-pinene, alpha-thujone, beta-thujone, camphene, fenchone, sabinene, myrcene, borneol and terpineol. Thuja oil is very popular in folk and homeopathic medicine due to its complex of antiseptic, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, astringent, tonic and decongestant properties.

The ointment can be used directly on the nasal mucosa or placed in the form of a turunda. However, against the backdrop of magnificent healing qualities, it should not be used in childhood or pregnancy. This is due to the toxicity of one of the components of the ointment - thujone, which in large doses can be dangerous for the nervous system.



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