Normal body mass index values. Body mass index: symptoms, types, causes, diagnostic methods

There is hardly a person who would not care about his appearance. Each of us wants to look attractive - to have ideal body proportions, maybe even become a new standard of beauty. But, as you know, we are all different - in height, age, configuration.

In many ways, a person’s sense of self is influenced by his weight. Accordingly, the higher it is, the more uncomfortable we feel. It is unlikely that there will be a person who refuses to calculate the ideal weight for him. As mentioned earlier, we are all different, which means our body weight will be individual.

Methods for calculating ideal weight

We are different from each other, and each has its own beauty. And in pursuit of the ideal figure, it wouldn’t hurt to find out the exact weight you need to strive for. This will make it easier to control the distance traveled and the remaining path to your standard.

When calculating your ideal weight, remember that you should first of all feel comfortable with these kilograms. Because some people are crazy about protruding collarbones, while others, on the contrary, prefer curvy shapes.

Despite all individual preferences, doctors have set a kind of framework for determining the lack or excess of kilograms. To date, a great many online calculators and various tables have been developed and compiled. Many experts are studying the question of how to calculate weight by height, age, and gender. But they did not come to a consensus.

The most well-known calculation methods:

  • According to Kettle
  • According to Brock.
  • According to Egorov-Levitsky.
  • According to Lorenz.

You can independently calculate weight by height and age using any of the methods. And having learned the treasured figure, you can begin the path to your standard.

Calculation of BMI of Adolphe Quetelet

It is worth immediately warning that this method will not calculate the ideal weight. According to Quetelet, you need to calculate After, based on your current weight and height, focusing on the result and the developed table, to obtain information about the need to gain weight or lose weight.

Egorov-Levitsky table

When compiling, the developers took into account all the most important factors that shape weight. They indicated only the maximum limit, but did not specify the minimum. And, in fact, it is not necessary. After all, a person is mainly concerned about excess kilograms, and not their lack.

How to achieve your ideal weight

If, after you have calculated your weight by age, height and gender, you find that you have a couple of extra pounds, then it’s time to think about eliminating them.

By trying to maintain your ideal body weight, you are doing your body a huge favor. In many developed countries, overweight people make up fifty percent of the total population. And every year their number increases significantly. - This is an additional, unnecessary burden on the human body. It affects the joints and internal organs to a greater extent. But, nevertheless, it is worth noting that being thin is also not beneficial. The golden mean in the matter of weight is what any person needs.

Once you decide to lose weight, don’t try to find a miracle-working, quick diet. There is no such thing. It will not bring any benefit, but it is quite capable of weakening the body. It is best to lose weight gradually. After all, in fact, getting rid of excess weight is not difficult; difficulties arise when trying to maintain it.

A weight loss method in which you lose from five hundred grams to one kilogram per week is considered safe. If the weight comes off faster, it means you are burning not only fat, but also muscle fiber. And this absolutely cannot be allowed. Since with well-developed muscles it is easier to maintain optimal weight.

Steps to ideal weight:

  • Drink a glass of clean drinking water on an empty stomach, and fifteen minutes before starting any meal.
  • Don't skip breakfast. And you shouldn’t skip any meal. After all, this way you will get hungry and eat even more next time. And, as you know, it is better to eat many times, but a little at a time.
  • Try to reduce your fat intake.
  • Come to the store with a shopping list prepared in advance. This way you won’t be tempted to grab something unnecessary and harmful.
  • Chew your food thoroughly. This way you will not only not choke, but will also get full faster. By eating food slowly, the feeling of hunger quickly disappears.
  • If you feel like you're not full and need more, then the first thing you need to do is take your time. Sit for about five minutes. And then think about whether the feeling of hunger is really that strong.
  • Eat strictly in the kitchen. Under no circumstances should you eat food while standing or walking.
  • Add a fresh fruit or vegetable to every meal.
  • Avoid white bread.
  • Stew and bake. Try not to fry food.
  • Allow yourself sweets no more than once a week.
  • Avoid fast food.
  • The optimal number of meals per day is five.
  • Prepare your own food more often. This way you will control the methods of its processing and caloric intake.

Not to be confused with Mass Index (technical analysis).

Body mass index(English) body mass index (BMI), BMI) is a value that allows one to assess the degree of correspondence between a person’s mass and his height and thereby indirectly assess whether the mass is insufficient, normal or excessive. Important when determining indications for the need for treatment.

Body mass index is calculated using the formula:

  • m- body weight in kilograms
  • h- height in meters,

and is measured in kg/m².

For example, a person’s mass = 60 kg, height = 170 cm. Therefore, the body mass index in this case is equal to:

BMI = 60: (1.70 × 1.70) = 20.7

The body mass index indicator was developed by the Belgian sociologist and statistician Adolphe Quetelet in 1869.

Interpretation of BMI indicators

The body mass index should be used with caution, solely for indicative assessment - for example, an attempt to evaluate the physique of professional athletes with its help may give an incorrect result (a high index value in this case is explained by developed muscles). Therefore, for a more accurate assessment of the degree of fat accumulation, along with the body mass index, it is advisable to also determine indices of central obesity.

Taking into account the shortcomings of the method for determining body mass index, the body volume index was developed.

According to an Israeli study, the ideal body mass index for men is 25-27. The average life expectancy of men with this BMI was maximum.

In addition, a number of indices can be used to determine normal body weight:

  1. Broca's index is used for heights of 155-170 cm. Normal body weight is equal to (height [cm] - 100) ± 10%.
  2. Breitman index. Normal body weight is calculated using the formula - height [cm] 0.7 - 50 kg.
  3. Bernhard index. Ideal body weight is calculated using the formula - height [cm] chest circumference [cm] / 240.
  4. Davenport index. A person's mass [g] divided by height [cm] squared. An increase above 3.0 indicates the presence of obesity (obviously, this is the same BMI, only divided by 10).
  5. Oder index. Normal body weight is equal to the distance from the crown to the symphysis [cm] 2 - 100.
  6. Noorden index. Normal weight equals height [cm] 420/1000.
  7. Tatonya index. Normal body weight = height − (100 + (height − 100) / 20)

In clinical practice, body mass index is most often used to assess body weight.

In addition to height and weight indicators, the method for determining the thickness of the skin fold proposed by Korovin can be used. Using this method, the thickness of the skin fold is determined at the level of the 3rd rib (normally 1.0 - 1.5 cm) and parasagittally at the level of the navel (on the side of the rectus abdominis muscle, normally 1.5 - 2.0 cm).

Disadvantages and Limitations

The interpretation of BMI indicators recommended by WHO does not take into account the gender and age of the person. Although statistics from many countries show that BMI in men is higher than in women. In addition, BMI is higher in middle-aged people than in young and old people. For example, below are statistics on anthropometric data on BMI in the United States, collected by the US Department of Health:

Body mass index for men and women aged 20 years and above, and percentage distribution by sex and age: USA, 2007-2010.
Source: Anthropometric Reference Data for Children and Adults: United States from the US Department of Health
Age Percentage distribution of population and BMI values ​​at given percentiles
5 % 10 % 15 % 25 % 50 % 75 % 85 % 90 % 95 %
BMI in men, kg/m
20.7 22.2 23.2 24.7 27.8 31.5 33.9 35.8 39.2
20-29 years old 19.4 20.7 21.4 22.9 25.6 29.9 32.3 33.8 36.5
30-39 years old 21.0 22.4 23.3 24.9 28.1 32.0 34.1 36.2 40.5
40-49 years old 21.2 22.9 24.0 25.4 28.2 31.7 34.4 36.1 39.6
50-59 years old 21.5 22.9 23.9 25.5 28.2 32.0 34.5 37.1 39.9
60-69 years old 21.3 22.7 23.8 25.3 28.8 32.5 34.7 37.0 40.0
70-79 years old 21.4 22.9 23.8 25.6 28.3 31.3 33.5 35.4 37.8
80 years and above 20.7 21.8 22.8 24.4 27.0 29.6 31.3 32.7 34.5
Age BMI in women, kg/m
20 years to 80+ (total average) 19.5 20.7 21.7 23.3 27.3 32.5 36.1 38.2 42.0
20-29 years old 18.8 19.9 20.6 21.7 25.3 31.5 36.0 38.0 43.9
30-39 years old 19.4 20.6 21.6 23.4 27.2 32.8 36.0 38.1 41.6
40-49 years old 19.3 20.6 21.7 23.3 27.3 32.4 36.2 38.1 43.0
50-59 years old 19.7 21.3 22.1 24.0 28.3 33.5 36.4 39.3 41.8
60-69 years old 20.7 21.6 23.0 24.8 28.8 33.5 36.6 38.5 41.1
70-79 years old 20.1 21.6 22.7 24.7 28.6 33.4 36.3 38.7 42.1
80 years and above 19.3 20.7 22.0 23.1 26.3 29.7 31.6 32.5 35.2

In Russia, too, if we apply the BMI indicators recommended by WHO, it turns out that more than half of women and men over 30 years of age in Russia are overweight, and about a third are obese, and a certain number are underweight.

According to the definition from dictionaries, the word “normal” is often understood as “average value,” but, as can be seen from the statistics above, the so-called “normal” BMI indicators, according to WHO criteria, do not correspond to the standard normal distribution of statistical BMI values ​​among the population. For example, a woman whose BMI is exactly in the middle of the statistical values ​​for the population of her country will be considered “overweight” in most countries of the world. This discrepancy arose because the recommended BMI values ​​were established by the WHO not on the basis of statistical averages, but on the recommendations of doctors of this organization.

The definition of “normal BMI” has changed several times over the past 30 years in many countries, so until 1998 in the USA, a normal BMI of up to 27.8 kg/m² was considered normal, but after 1998 the standards were changed, and the BMI norm recommended by doctors began to end at 25 kg/m² . Because of this change in standards, approximately 29 million more Americans were considered overweight and obese.

Correlation between BMI and diseases

An increase in BMI is positively correlated with an increase in the likelihood of developing a malignant tumor, in particular adenocarcinoma of the esophagus, and possibly adenocarcinoma of the cardia. There is also a known positive correlation between BMI and GERD.

Researchers from the USA have calculated the BMI (body mass index) value, which guarantees a longer life expectancy. In 1995, scientists selected 400 thousand Americans from 50 to 71 years old. For all subjects, the main factors that increase the risk of death were checked: age, alcohol consumption, marital status, level of education, smoking, race, and individual BMI was determined. It turned out that those with a BMI close to 26 have a minimal risk of dying. By 2009, more than a quarter - 112 thousand people - from this sample had died. The scientists concluded that the generally accepted scheme for categorizing patients by BMI is not accurate enough. A more accurate forecast and prescriptions should be made based on the personal data of each patient, his lifestyle and habits.

BMI and military conscription

In Russia, if at the time of conscription a young man’s BMI is higher or lower than the established norms, then he is given a one-time deferment of 6 months. During this time, he must undergo examination at a clinic, where his weight and health are monitored. If serious illnesses and health deviations are not detected, and if the weight does not change, then the young man is drafted into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. And, for example, in Taiwan, a young man is disqualified, and it does not matter whether it was really obesity or muscle mass, which once again confirms the shortcomings of BMI mentioned above.

Every modern person needs to know how to calculate body weight and draw correct conclusions about the state of the indices that show whether you have obesity or a predisposition to this disease. We provide you with basic methods on how to calculate your body weight using simple formulas and tables.

Human body weight and its excess

A person’s body weight is the most important indicator of our health, determining whether nutrition meets the body’s needs. A distinction is made between normal, overweight and underweight.

Naturally, obesity necessarily presupposes the presence of excess body weight formed due to the accumulation of fat.

However, the concept of excess body weight is not synonymous with obesity and has an independent meaning. So, many people have a slight excess of body weight that does not reach the level of disease, that is, obesity. In addition, excess body weight is caused by developed muscles (in athletes or people engaged in heavy physical labor) or fluid retention in the body due to a number of diseases.

In the same way, lack of body weight does not always reach the level of disease - protein-energy malnutrition. Many methods have been developed to control body weight. They are usually aimed at comparing height and body weight and comparing the result with standard indicators calculated on the basis of various formulas or given in special tables. Previously, in domestic medicine, body weight that exceeded the norm for a given adult by 5-14% was called excess, and that exceeded the norm by 15% or more indicated obesity as a disease. At the same time, in foreign medical practice, obesity was considered to be excess body weight that reached 20% or more compared to the norms adopted in tables or obtained using calculation formulas. As a result, obesity rates in our country were higher than in other countries.

Broca's formula

Broca's formula, proposed over a century ago by the French surgeon and anatomist Paul Broca, is still famous. According to this formula, the following normal indicators are obtained.

Normal body weight

For men of average build:

  • with a height of up to 165 cm, the norm of body weight in kilograms is equal to the height in centimeters minus 100;
  • with a height of 166-175 cm - minus 105;
  • with a height of 175 cm or more - minus 110.

Fatness or obesity: methods for assessing body weight

Women of the appropriate height and build should have a body weight that is approximately 5% less than men.

A simplified version of the calculation is also proposed:

  • for women under the age of 35, normal body weight should be equal to height in centimeters minus 110;
  • over 35 years old - height in centimeters minus 100.

In people with a narrow chest (asthenic physique), the obtained data decreases by 5%, and in people with a wide chest (hypersthenic physique) it increases by 5%.

I would like to note that the formula “height in centimeters minus 100,” popular due to its simplicity, and used for people of any height, distorts Broca’s index.

How to determine BMI: calculating body mass index

Currently, a very informative indicator is used in international practice - the calculation of body mass index (BMI), also called the Quetelet index. In 1997 and 2000 WHO recommended assessing body weight based on BMI, which Russian doctors agreed with. However, in the report “Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of primary arterial hypertension in the Russian Federation” (2000), experts from the Scientific Society for the Study of Arterial Hypertension, the All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiologists and the Interdepartmental Council on Cardiovascular Diseases made an amendment: as the lower limit of BMI, characterizing normal body weight, it is proposed to consider 20 kg/m2 instead of the WHO recommended indicator of 18.5 kg/m2 shown in the table. The reason for this proposal is simple: a number of studies have found that among people with low BMI values ​​(less than 19-20 kg/m2), there is a higher mortality rate not only from cancer or chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, but also from cardiovascular diseases.

Before determining BMI, existing body weight in kilograms is divided by height in meters squared:

BMI = body weight (in kilograms) / (height in 2 meters).

Body Mass Index Score Chart

The body mass index table allows you to assess your health status and anticipate possible risks of developing chronic diseases. It provides characteristics of body mass index (BMI) indicators. We caution you that body mass index assessment should be carried out by a qualified physician, taking into account your individual characteristics.

BMI, kg/m2


Less than 20 (18.5)*


20 (18,5) - 24,9

Normal body weight

Excess body weight

Obesity 1st degree (mild)

Obesity 2nd degree (moderate)

40 or more

Obesity 3rd degree (severe)

I will demonstrate the application of the formula using a specific example. Let's assume your height is 165 cm and your weight is 67 kilograms.

  1. Convert height from centimeters to meters - 1.65 m.
  2. Square 1.65 m and it becomes 2.72.
  3. Now divide 67 (weight) by 2.72. Your result is 25.7 kg/m2, which corresponds to the upper limit of the norm.

You don’t have to calculate BMI individually, but use a special table developed by D. G. Bessenen in 2001.

Please note that it has a number of disadvantages: there are no BMI indicators below 19 kg/m2, and BMI characterizing different degrees of obesity are given in abbreviated form in the table.

Table - Body mass indices according to height and body weight:

Body mass index

Body weight, kg (rounded)

Waist hip index

In recent years, it has been found that the risk of developing a number of diseases depends not only on the degree and duration of obesity, but also on the nature of the distribution of fat in the body.

Depending on the location of fat deposits, there are:

  • abdominal obesity (also called visceral, android, “upper”, “apple” type, male type) - excess fat is located mainly in the abdomen and upper torso. This type of obesity is more common among men;
  • gluteofemoral obesity (also called gluteofemoral, gynoid, “lower”, “pear” type, female type) - excess fat is located mainly on the hips, buttocks and lower torso, which is typical for women.

With abdominal obesity, even minimal excess body weight increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and death from it. The likelihood of coronary disease increases, as well as its three main risk factors: arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus and lipid metabolism disorders (increased blood cholesterol and other indicators). The combination of these diseases and conditions is called metabolic syndrome. Its treatment, including with the help of diet therapy, is a task of paramount importance. Moreover, treatment is indicated not only for diagnosed abdominal obesity, but also for significant excess body weight (BMI - 27-29.9 kg/m2), if fat is deposited mainly in the upper part of the body.

Waist hip index- this is the ratio of the waist circumference (measured above the navel) to the largest circumference of the hips (measured at the level of the buttocks).

In contrast, gluteofemoral obesity is not associated with significant additional risk and poses minimal medical consequences. Its treatment is mainly cosmetic. Let me note that we are talking about obesity without concomitant diseases, especially without type 2 diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension.

To determine the type of obesity, it is necessary to determine the waist/hip index (WHI).

It is permissible to measure only the waist circumference. It is recognized that the risk of developing metabolic syndrome:

  • increases moderately with a waist circumference of 80 cm or more in women, 90 cm or more in men;
  • increases sharply with a waist circumference of 88 cm or more in women, 102 cm or more in men.

Modern data require new approaches to assessing body weight. In particular, it turned out that underweight is a risk factor for increased mortality from certain non-communicable diseases. The idea of ​​adipose tissue as metabolically inert and exclusively an energy depot has also changed. It has now been established that adipose tissue is a diffuse endocrine gland that produces a number of hormones and biologically active substances

Table - Biologically active substances secreted by adipose tissue:

Groups of substances

Substance names

Hormones Testosterone, leptin, estrone, angiotensinogen


Tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-6

Proteins (proteins)

Acetylation-stimulating protein Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 Complement, adiponectin Transforming growth factor beta


Lipoprotein lipase


Hormone sensitive lipase


Cholesteryl ester transfer protein

Free polyunsaturated fatty acids


Leptin and obesity

It is worth mentioning leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells, discovered in 1995. Its level in the blood reflects the energy reserves of adipose tissue, affects appetite, energy consumption and expenditure, and changes the metabolism of fats and glucose. Leptin and obesity are closely related: this substance slows down metabolism, but if there is a deficiency, it can cause a malfunction in the body.

According to the scientific data obtained, only excess body weight that has not reached the level of obesity plays a positive role in the normal functioning of the body.

Lack of fat reserves and leptin deficiency can impair reproductive function in women with sharply reduced body weight, for example, after fasting or with anorexia nervosa, which is often accompanied by amenorrhea. Don't think that science is trying to rehabilitate obesity.

Thus, women with preserved menstrual function and excess body weight have a lower likelihood of developing breast cancer, bone resorption (destruction of bone tissue) and postmenopausal osteoporosis. The negative effect of excess body weight (without obesity) on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as on blood pressure levels in practically healthy men and women, has not been established. Foreign studies conducted by insurance companies found the lowest mortality rate among people whose body weight exceeded the norm by 10%.

Like many other nuts, the fruits of Juglans regia (walnut) are widely used in both cooking and medicine. Of course, due to the high calorie content...

The ideal weight in people's understanding is a different value. For one person, optimal body weight is ribs protruding through clothing, for another it is the exact opposite. Everyone has their own idea of ​​their dream figure. But the imaginary ideal weight may not coincide with reality. Imagining yourself as a person with an ideal figure can be very mistaken.

Both excess weight and deficiency lead to serious disorders. Lack of body weight leads to dystrophy, which, in turn, affects internal organs and negatively affects their functioning. Excess body weight negatively affects the blood supply to all organs. Due to the development of atherosclerosis of the arteries, the supply of oxygen to organs and tissues decreases, and the risk of developing various diseases increases.

To determine what weight is optimal for a particular person, there are many formulas. They determine the body mass index (BMI).

Ideal weight calculation options

For a long time people have been trying to find a formula for calculating their ideal weight. It should show the optimal weight of a person. At the same time, the measurement should be simple and fast.

The most commonly used calculation is: 100 or 110 (for women) is subtracted from height in centimeters. The resulting figure is a subjective indicator and does not take into account body type, age, or other body features.

How to Calculate Broca's Body Mass Index

Broca's BMI was derived in the 19th century. The formula was created by a doctor from France, Paul Broca, and is suitable for people with a height of 1.55 to 2 m. The index takes into account 2 body types of a person. Here we can talk about the individual characteristics of a person. Everyone's body composition is different, the formula takes this factor into account. There is also a drawback: the Broca index does not show the degree of obesity.

The formula at the beginning of the study suggests choosing 2 body types: asthenic or muscular. Then, using the formula IB = height (in centimeters) - 100 - 5, for the muscular type, IB = human height (in centimeters) - 100 - 10, for the asthenic type - we get the body mass index. The calculation is quite simple and takes into account only one variable - height.

To obtain more accurate data, it is better to use a different formula.

BMI according to Quetelet

The question of how to calculate body mass index arose in the 19th century with the Belgian scientist Adolphe Quetelet. To understand what weight should be ideal for a particular person, he developed a special formula. How to calculate body mass index? Very simple.

BMI = weight/height 2 .

This formula is used by all doctors to determine the normal weight range of a particular person.

Body mass index for women and men is determined similarly. The formula does not take into account either gender or age-related changes.

Calculation using the BMI formula

It can be seen that the resulting index for an adult will depend only on body weight. For example, you can calculate the BMI of an imaginary person. His height is 1.6 m, weight is 60 kg. It turns out 1.6*1.6 = 2.56, BMI = 60/2.56 = 23.43.

The resulting coefficient shows that the weight of this person is within the normal range. The formula can be easily applied to anyone.

BMI interpretation

The result obtained is deciphered using a special scale. It shows the odds intervals.

A reading of less than 18.49 means a lack of mass. If the resulting coefficient is less than 16, this is a critical weight deficit. The result obtained indicates possible disorders in the body.

From 18.5 to 25 - the indicator is within the normal range. For most people, this is the optimal weight.

From 25 to 30 - you are overweight. For men, 25-27 is considered the norm.

From 30 to 35 - 1st degree of obesity. This indicator can occur both in athletes and in overweight people.

From 35 to 40 - 2nd degree of obesity. I am overweight. Or the person whose BMI was calculated is an athlete with very developed muscles (bodybuilder).

From 40 and more - obesity of the 3rd degree. Significantly overweight or an athlete with developed muscles.

Whatever the result, you need to remember that the formula was created for mass research. The result of the calculations is the body mass index. Anyone can calculate it (men or women will do it, it doesn’t matter). But the result does not reflect the full picture.

If you take athletes as a standard and determine their body mass index (calculate), men will be surprised, because the results obtained will show different degrees of obesity. The athlete's body weight will be rather large. All of them have developed muscles, which, with smaller volumes (compared to fat), weigh much more.

BMI results

The coefficient does not show the composition of the human body, but reflects only the overall picture. How to calculate body mass index to take into account the composition of a person’s body? It is necessary to use other research methods.

BMI can be the same for completely different people of different genders and ages. They can have different amounts of fat and muscle, but the indicators will be the same.

Body mass index (for women it is calculated in the same way as for men) does not take into account age-related changes, body type and body composition.

Other research methods

To determine body mass index more accurately, the formula must be more detailed and reflect all possible variables, primarily gender.

At home, in addition to BMI, you can estimate the size of the skin-fat fold in the abdominal area. To do this, you need to pinch it in the navel area with two fingers. The thickness is measured with a special tool - a caliper. If it is not there, then the thickness of the fold can be assessed visually. Normally, it should be approximately 2 cm. A complete examination with a caliper is carried out along 3-5 folds. The results are evaluated using a special formula.

Any measurement involves an error. It is present in all existing formulas, because they are created for mass use.

Psychological assessment of BMI

All experts recommend not using various indices to determine weight and appearance. If the reflection in the mirror is pleasing, but the measurements show a deviation from the norm, then this will negatively affect mental health. Possible consequences are low self-esteem, depression, lack of self-confidence.

It is worth assessing your lifestyle yourself. If your daily diet includes healthy foods, and physical activity is not in last place, then your own BMI is the optimal value.

One should always use objective judgment when interpreting various tests that are designed to standardize all people.

The same number on the scale can have different meanings. 80 kg with a height of 190 cm is the norm. But the same 80 kg at 160 cm is already too much, especially for a woman. So focusing on kilograms alone is not enough. Ideally, a person's height, gender, age and lifestyle should be taken into account. In this regard, to determine the norm and pathologies, they use such a concept as BMI.

What is it

BMI is an abbreviation for body mass index. In English it sounds like Body Mass Index (BMI). This is a parameter that reflects the degree to which a person’s weight and height correspond. Allows you to objectively assess whether he has extra pounds, whether he suffers from exhaustion, or whether everything is normal. Most often used in two cases.

Secondly, calculating BMI is necessary in order to control your figure, correct it and, if it deviates from the norm, take appropriate measures.

Generally accepted formula

Now the BMI formula is officially used, developed in the middle of the 19th century by Adolphe Quetelet, a sociologist and statistician from Belgium. It takes into account only two parameters - height and weight, which does not make it ideal for identifying excess or missing kilograms. And yet, for many decades it has been used in medicine.

The Quetelet calculation formula looks like this:

  • m (weight) = 80 kg;
  • h (height) = 1.6 m;
  • square meters: 1.6 x 1.6 = 2.56;
  • I = 80 / 2.56 = 31.25.

This completes the calculation of the body mass index: it is equal to 31.25. We remember this figure and compare it with normal indicators, according to the table below.

Norm and deviations

On the official WHO website there is a special table that shows both the BMI norm and deviations. Using it, we look for which category we fell into with our I = 31.25.

We did not fall into the normal body mass index, and the table no longer shows just extra pounds, but class I obesity (an overview of obesity classifications can be found).

So calculating BMI and comparing the data obtained with the norm is not at all difficult. The problem is that the formula is already outdated, and the WHO table does not reflect all factors. This means that the results may not be entirely correct.

For adults

Since weight is influenced by gender and age factors, tables have appeared in which you can see the norm and deviations from it separately for women and men, and even taking into account age. As experts note, here the data is more accurate and correct.

For men based on age

For women, taking into account age

Depends only on gender

Depends only on age

Anything below normal is underweight. This means that you urgently need to gain the missing kilograms. If the result exceeds the parameter indicated in the table by 5 units, you are overweight. If the difference is more than 5, you should seek qualified help, since we are most likely talking about.

For children

To calculate BMI for children, you will need the same formula, but the table, accordingly, will be different. In a child, metabolic processes proceed much faster, and energy costs are several times higher than in adults. Therefore, it is imperative to use other standards.

For boys

For girls

The jumps from 7 to 9 years are explained by the body’s preparation for adolescence and puberty.

Regular determination of a child’s BMI allows parents to monitor his weight and promptly prevent both exhaustion and the appearance of extra pounds (read about the features of childhood obesity).

Ideal weight calculation

You can find out your ideal body weight using various formulas that use different parameters for calculations.

General designation (R - height):

  • Bornhart index: R in centimeters x (multiply) by chest circumference in centimeters / (divide) by 240;
  • Breitman index: R in centimeters x 0.7 - 50 kg;
  • Broca–Bruksht index: for women R in centimeters – 100 – (R in centimeters – 100) / 10; for men R in centimeters – 100 – (R in centimeters – 100) / 20;
  • Davenport index: weight in grams / R in centimeters squared;
  • Korovin index: you need to measure the thickness of the skin fold near the 3rd rib (normal 1-1.5 cm) and at the level of the navel (normal 1.5-2 cm);
  • Noorden index: R in centimeters x 420 / 1,000;
  • Tatonya index: R in centimeters - (100 + (R in centimeters - 100) / 20).

There is also a small addition to the Broca-Bruckst formula: after the result obtained, you need to measure the volume of the wrist, and if it is less than 15 cm, subtract 10% from the ideal weight; at 15–18 cm we do not change anything, if more than 18, we increase the ideal weight obtained according to the formula by 10%.

Using any formula, calculating your ideal body weight is easy. The main thing is to draw objective conclusions after comparing the results obtained with real numbers. If the difference in both directions (more/less) is more than 5 kg, then there are problems that are better to start solving immediately.

Important note!

We draw your attention to the fact that in different sources, data on the norm and deviations of BMI for men, women and children, taking into account age, may differ quite significantly, with the exception of the general table recommended by WHO. The fact is that the parameters are calculated using different methods and formulas - hence the difference within one unit. In this regard, all parents are recommended to use the data for children only as a guide and, in case of doubt, be sure to consult a pediatrician without taking any independent measures.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs