Facial nerve neurosis or Bell's palsy: subtleties of the disease. Facial nerve neuritis (Facial paralysis, Bell's palsy) Treatment with folk remedies

Modern people are often exposed to various stresses, which are primarily caused by excessive and unbearable stress on the fragile nervous system. In turn stress provokes neuroses which may be accompanied by muscle tension.

Such tension must be relieved, but before you understand how this can be done, you need to understand what neurosis is.

The essence of the pathology under discussion is pinched nerves located between the ribs. The difference between thoracic neuralgia and heart pain is that the pain associated with this disease is constant and intensifies when turning, coughing, sneezing or any movement of the body.

Heart pain does not become more intense with an uncomfortable position, and is usually relieved by taking nitroglycerin or other cardiac medications. In addition, heart problems are often accompanied by pathological changes in blood pressure, as well as pulse rhythm disturbances, which does not occur with intercostal neurosis.

Diagnosis of intercostal neuralgia consists of the following measures:

  • taking anamnesis;
  • neurological examination, during which pain in the spaces between the ribs is determined;
  • a blood test that reveals inflammatory processes in the body;
  • ECG to exclude cardiac pathologies;
  • fibrogastroduoenoscopy to exclude diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which can also be felt as pain in the chest area;
  • X-ray of the lungs to exclude pathologies of the pulmonary system.


Muscle spasms can develop due to stress, injury or excessive physical exertion. In addition, this condition is provoked by hypothermia, infections or lung diseases.

So, the reasons could be the following:

    • poisoning;
    • hormonal changes that provoked disorders in the spine, this phenomenon is often observed during menopause;
    • multiple sclerosis;
    • allergies;
    • polyradiculoneuritis;

  • osteochondrosis, arthrosis, hernias and other deformation processes in the chest area;
  • aortic aneurysm, benign and malignant neoplasms in the pleural cavity;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • physical stress;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chest injuries;
  • awkward sudden movement;
  • avitaminosis;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • prolonged incorrect body posture when working.


The most characteristic symptoms of neuralgia:

    • periodic or non-stop pain in the ribs;

  • muscle twitching;
  • increased sweating;
  • redness or paleness of the skin;
  • increased pain when coughing and changing body position;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • fights when pressing on certain points of the thoracic spinal column;
  • A feeling of numbness may occur at the site of damage to the nerve fibers.


Treatment is as follows:

  1. Taking medications that can only be prescribed by a doctor, based on the intensity of pain and other factors.
  2. Physiotherapy. Prescribed for pain relief. This can be electrophoresis, thermal procedures, amplipulse, etc.
  3. Vitamin therapy. B vitamins are especially indicated, since they nourish nerve fibers.
  4. Physical therapy to relieve muscle spasms and relax muscles.

Important! Self-medication is absolutely excluded, since medications have contraindications, and all other methods of treatment should be prescribed after the acute syndrome has resolved and carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Video on the topic

An interesting video about intercostal neurosis - a description of the disease, and methods of treatment with a special patch.

Neurosis of the cervical spine

  • increased blood pressure;
  • fever or chills;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • weakness.

Cervical neurosis can also manifest itself.


    • pain in the back of the head and in the temporal region;

  • deterioration of the sensitivity of the tongue, which leads to deterioration of speech;
  • pain in the upper limbs;
  • numbness of fingers;
  • stiffness in hand movements;
  • pain in the liver area and under the shoulder blades;
  • burning in the cervical region, as well as decreased sensitivity in the neck and shoulder.

The pain with cervical neurosis is dull and bursting.

To treat cervical neurosis, medications and massage are prescribed. The duration of treatment depends on the intensity of the clinical picture and the severity of the pathology. If the disease is advanced and the patient suffers from severe pain attacks, he may be prescribed potent medications, which are available in pharmacies only with a doctor’s prescription.

Video on the topic of cervical neurosis

We invite you to watch a short video about spasms in the muscles of the cervical spine.

Facial nerve neurosis

This is a unilateral lesion that is observed in the 7th pair of nerves located in the cranial region. These nerves regulate facial expressions on one side, so the main symptom of facial nerve neurosis is the absolute inability to control facial expressions in the affected area.


As a rule, it is impossible to determine the causes of this very unpleasant phenomenon, however, there are factors that can provoke facial paralysis:

  • infectious diseases;
  • atherosclerotic pathologies and other vascular diseases;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • draft and hypothermia;
  • the presence of tumors in the brain;
  • inflammatory processes in the facial sinuses, ears or brain;
  • complications and consequences of anesthesia, which was used for dental procedures.


Facial nerve neurosis is characterized by an acute course. Clinical signs of pathology develop rapidly, and can be sustainable.

Visible signs of pathology:

    • asymmetry of the face - the palpebral fissure on the affected side widens, skin folds are smoothed out;
    • drooping lower lip;

  • when trying to smile, the mouth is pulled to the undamaged side;
  • inability to wrinkle your forehead or raise your eyebrows;
  • incomplete closure of the eyelids.

Other symptoms:

  • loss of sensation in the affected area (complete or partial);
  • pain, especially if there is an inflammatory process in the trigeminal nerve;
  • oculomotor function disorder;
  • lack of eye reflexes;
  • problems while eating;
  • taste disturbances;
  • a painful increase in hearing function, in which any sound is heard louder and sharper than it really is. In some cases, deafness develops;
  • increased tear production;
  • decreased or increased salivation.

With complications of this pathology, muscle contracture is possible, which causes a sensation of paralysis of the healthy part of the face.


The sooner proper treatment of facial nerve neurosis begins, the lower the risk of complications. That's why You need to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will prescribe:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • diuretics to relieve swelling;
  • painkillers;
  • vasodilators.


In the program “Live Healthy” we discussed an issue that interests us. Let's watch an excerpt from the program.

In addition, physiotherapeutic treatment is recommended, which will speed up the recovery process in the nerves. Facial gymnastics is also shown. If there is no effect from conservative treatment tactics within 10 months, surgery may be prescribed - autotransplantation of the nerve.

Prevention of muscle neuroses

Despite the fact that there are a lot of ways to overcome neurosis and relieve muscle tension, doctors recommend trying to prevent the development of this pathology, because often the treatment of muscle neuroses is long and difficult.

To reduce the risk of muscle neurosis, you must adhere to the following principles:

    • Reducing stress in everyday life.

  • Proper working conditions, as well as strict adherence to work and rest schedules. In addition, during prolonged sedentary work, it is recommended to get up every hour and do simple gymnastic exercises to relieve muscle tone.
  • Proper nutrition, providing the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
  • Active lifestyle, sufficient physical activity - walking and so on.

Water procedures are useful, and these include not only baths with essential oils, but also contrast showers. Contrast showers cope very well with a number of problems:

  • nervous system disorders;
  • initial stages of hypertension;
  • low immunity and many others.

However, it is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • heart failure;
  • skin diseases;
  • tumors;
  • tuberculosis;
  • menstruation.

If it is impossible to relax on your own, doctors recommend seeking help from specialists - these can be psychotherapists, yoga therapists and others. It is also a good idea to take preventative massage courses from time to time.

How to relieve muscle tension during neurosis?
It is very important to understand that any remedy that is aimed at relieving muscle tension will be ineffective if a person does not relieve moral or mental stress. Therefore, the basis of preventive measures to prevent muscle neuroses should be work with the psychological state of the patient.

Muscle neuroses are painful and very unpleasant manifestations that cause a person a large amount of pain and significantly reduce the quality of life. It is not advisable to treat muscle neuroses on your own, since only a doctor can determine the cause of the disease, its nature and severity. Drugs that are used to treat muscle neuroses can be prescribed from different groups, and an independent approach to choosing a drug can only aggravate the situation.

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The facial nerve is the seventh paired cranial nerve, consisting of motor, secretory and sensory fibers, the main task of which is to ensure motor activity of the muscles of both parts of the face. Facial nerve neurosis is an inflammatory disease in which the muscles of one part of the face partially lose their mobility (paresis) or become completely immobile (paralysis).

There are two types of neuritis:

  1. Primary. It occurs due to the negative impact of external factors on the facial nerve (impacts, hypothermia, etc.). Special exercises for the facial muscles and massage can help you cope with this disease.
  2. Secondary. The cause of its occurrence is diseases of the body (mumps, otitis media, various types of tumors, etc.), cerebrovascular accident (ischemic stroke).

Causes of inflammation

The main causes of this disease:

  • hypothermia;
  • any types of brain tumors;
  • mechanical nerve damage;
  • infectious diseases of the body (herpes, measles and others);
  • vascular pathologies;
  • inflammatory infections of the ear, brain, facial sinuses;
  • nervous disorders;

Facial nerve neurosis (Bell's palsy) can affect men, women and children of absolutely any age. Most often this disease occurs in the autumn-winter period, because it is at this time that hypothermia is possible due to weather conditions.

Main symptoms of pathology

Neuritis is characterized by a sudden onset of symptoms, the disease develops rapidly and if treatment is not started in a timely manner, muscle mobility may never be fully restored.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • tingling in the temple and chin area;
  • partial loss or complete absence of taste sensations;
  • decreased hearing acuity, tinnitus;
  • numbness of the face. The right side of the face is often numb due to multiple sclerosis or a brain tumor, and the left side due to severe headaches;
  • Uncontrollable lacrimation or salivation may occur on the affected part of the face;
  • drooping corner of the mouth;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • the patient is unable to raise an eyebrow on the affected side or close an eye;
  • the affected half of the face has no sensitivity;

If these signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary treatment, and if help was provided on time, muscle mobility will be completely restored.


This disease manifests itself so clearly that a doctor, as a rule, can make a diagnosis immediately after a routine examination. As additional examinations, the patient may be prescribed:

  1. Magneto - resonance and computed tomography of the brain. They are necessary to make sure that there are no inflammatory processes or any neoplasms in the human brain.
  2. Electromyography. Allows you to find out how severely the nerve is affected.
  3. Electroneurography. The speed of passage of a nerve impulse along the fiber is determined.
  4. Evoked potentials. This method allows you to assess the condition of the visual and auditory nerve pathways.
  5. General tests of blood, urine, feces. Necessary for detecting the infection that caused the neurosis.

Based on the results of these studies, the doctor will determine treatment tactics and will even be able to predict the dynamics of its further recovery.


To treat primary neurosis, doctors prescribe to the patient:

  • vasodilators;
  • analgesics;
  • decongestants;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • means for normalizing blood circulation.

With secondary neurosis, you first need to get rid of the underlying disease. You can begin performing special exercises only after the inflammation has decreased and the infection has subsided. Gymnastics and massage, as a rule, begin from the second week of the disease. They should be carried out smoothly without sudden movements. The patient is not recommended to massage himself, because the affected area of ​​the face does not feel anything and the patient can injure himself, thereby only aggravating the situation.

To perform a massage, the patient must be seated. The head should be in a position in which all facial muscles are relaxed. The affected area is massaged with light circular movements for 15-20 minutes. To improve the situation, as a rule, ten massage procedures are enough. If there is no positive effect, the course can be repeated after 2 weeks.

The patient can perform exercises to restore motor function independently. The complex includes: closing the eyes, puffing out the cheeks, frowning the eyebrows, whistling, winking and other actions that cause the facial muscles to move.


Surgery for facial neuritis is the most last resort. They resort to it only when the use of other methods has turned out to be absolutely ineffective, or very insignificant improvements have occurred.

Indications for surgical intervention:

  • congenital neurosis;
  • complete nerve rupture due to injury;
  • unsuccessful treatment for 8-10 months;

The operation must be performed within the first year after the onset of the disease. Otherwise, the facial muscles will atrophy and their restoration is no longer possible.

During surgery (autotransplantation of the trigeminal nerve), nerve endings from the patient’s limbs are transplanted to the affected area of ​​the face. After the operation, a small scar remains near the ear.

Rhizotomy is an operation during which the surgeon cuts the trigeminal nerve to bring it into working condition. To do this, an incision is made behind the ear through which the nerve root is cut. The effect of the procedure is not permanent; after a while, the pain may reappear.

Other methods

Acupuncture is often used to treat the disease. This procedure is used as an additional remedy in combination with conservative methods and gymnastics. The impact of needles on the points has a calming effect, improves cell sensitivity, and increases immunity.

Glycerin injections. Specialists, using a special needle under the control of devices, make a puncture in the ear area and inject glycerin into the nerve root. This will lead to its destruction.

Physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, paraffin therapy, ultraviolet radiation) are widely used to treat the disease.

To treat pathology, you can use the advice of traditional medicine. Here are some common recipes:

  1. 50 g of plantain is poured into a glass of vodka or alcohol. The resulting mixture is placed for a week in a place protected from light. This tincture should be rubbed on your face before going to bed. As a rule, just 10 days of rubbing is enough, and the neuritis recedes.
  2. Boil several leaves of cabbage, cool and apply to your face, cover with a soft towel.
  3. You can rub a small amount of fir oil into the affected part of the face. Duration of treatment is 2 weeks.

You should always be very careful with herbs, because the body may have diseases for which the use of certain herbs is contraindicated.

Complications and prevention

Facial neuritis is a very dangerous disease, and in the absence of timely treatment, the following complications may occur:

  • deterioration or complete loss of vision;
  • muscle atrophy;
  • contracture of facial muscles. The affected part of the face becomes tight, and involuntary muscle contractions occur.

In order to avoid the occurrence of neurosis and its negative consequences, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  • dress warmly in cold weather and cover your face from strong winds;
  • try to avoid situations that could cause head and face injuries;
  • be careful when carrying out hygiene procedures, because sometimes just one awkward movement is enough to damage the facial nerve;
  • timely treat diseases that can provoke the occurrence of neurosis.


Facial nerve neurosis is a very insidious disease, because at first a person may think that there is nothing wrong and that it will go away on its own. Thus, a person loses precious time and complications may arise that will forever leave a mark on his face. It is also very important to remember that this disease can occur as a symptom of another more dangerous pathology. In this case, a timely visit to a doctor will not only help avoid negative consequences, but sometimes can even save the patient’s life.

Facial neuritis is an unpleasant and very painful condition. However, the probability of a complete cure for this disease is 99%. Despite the fact that during the period of acute inflammation half of the patient’s face becomes immobilized, and sometimes it is even difficult for him to close his eyes, after proper treatment the symptoms disappear without a trace.

The ending “-itis” indicates the inflammatory nature of the disease, that is, neuritis is inflammation of the nerve. Some people call this disease “facial nerve neurosis,” which is incorrect, since the ending “-oz” indicates the non-inflammatory nature of the disease with quantitative or qualitative changes in the affected organ. In this case, we are talking about inflammation, so the correct name is neuritis.

With neuritis, the branches of the facial nerve are affected, as a result of which the muscles responsible for facial expressions become immobilized: paralysis or paresis of these muscles occurs. The facial nerve is located on the surface of the face, it passes through the ear and temple. A person has a total of 12 cranial nerves, but it is the facial nerve that is susceptible to inflammation due to its location.

Despite the frequently used phrase “facial nerve neurosis,” such a name does not exist in the classification of diseases. This means that inflammation of the facial nerve has nothing to do with neuroses and is not associated with the mental sphere.


Inflammation can affect any part of the nerve, including its core. If this happens, the facial muscles weaken, sag and move poorly. If part of the nerve in the brain stem area is affected, strabismus develops. When the nerve exiting the brainstem becomes inflamed, hearing may be impaired because the auditory nerve is involved. With neuritis of the part of the nerve that comes to the surface in the temple area, symptoms such as dry eyes, increased salivation and disorder of the taste buds appear.

Hunt syndrome sometimes develops. In this case, incomplete paralysis of the facial muscles appears, hearing loss occurs, the patient has severe ear pain on the affected side, and the pain radiates to the back of the head and temple. In severe cases, loss of coordination and dizziness are added. The photo below shows a woman with damage to the trigeminal and facial nerves.

In addition to the listed symptoms, the disease causes severe pain, and a person with neuritis looks frightening - his face becomes asymmetrical, with one half of his face devoid of facial expressions. It becomes difficult to communicate, and others may mistake a person with neuritis for having suffered a stroke, and while walking down the street, he may catch many sympathetic and pitying glances. Being the center of attention is not so pleasant, but we hasten to reassure you - in most cases, neuritis goes away without a trace in a fairly short time.

Appearance and course of the disease

Typically, facial neuritis begins almost imperceptibly, and symptoms develop gradually. A person mistakes the pain that arises for pain in the ear, tooth or head, and brushes it off without going to the doctor. Meanwhile, the inflammation is gaining momentum, and the patient’s face begins to change - the nasolabial fold smoothes out, the corner of the mouth and eyes droop, the eyebrow on one side of the face begins to “look” down.

Then more pronounced symptoms appear - it becomes difficult for the patient to close an eye, smile and stretch out his lips. Bell's syndrome appears - rolling of the eye when trying to lower the eyelid (another name for the symptom is “hare eye”. If other cranial nerves were additionally affected, salivation, ear sensitivity, dry eyes appear. At this stage, the patient already consults a doctor, although in In this case, the recovery period will be longer than if treated at the onset of the disease.

Types of neuritis of the facial nerve

There are two types of disease:

  1. Primary neuritis, usually starting with hypothermia.
  2. Secondary neuritis arising as a result of previous diseases.

They need to be treated differently. If for the treatment of primary neuritis there are sufficient means aimed at inflammation, then for the complete disappearance of the symptoms of secondary neuritis it is necessary, in addition to measures to eliminate the inflammatory process, to cure the disease that caused it.

Causes of inflammation of the facial nerve

The causes of inflammation of the nerve responsible for the movement of facial muscles can be both various somatic diseases and external factors:

  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • long exposure to the cold and subsequent cold;
  • tumors;
  • mechanical compression;
  • circulatory disorders for various reasons;
  • ear inflammation;
  • inflammatory processes in teeth and gums.


It is impossible to cure neuritis on your own with warm compresses: you need to know the reasons that caused the inflammation, and relying on traditional medicine means taking risks and allowing the possible development of complications.

When diagnosing, you need to pay attention to other symptoms, in addition to weakening and immobility of facial muscles. If there is a suspicion that the neuritis was caused by primary diseases, CT, MRI and other examinations will be prescribed. To search for a specific site of inflammation, electroneurography and electromyography are prescribed.

The doctor begins to treat primary neuritis by prescribing vitamins, glucocorticoids, decongestants and vasodilators. With secondary neuritis, the underlying disease is treated first.

Further, auxiliary treatment methods are used - physiotherapy, acupuncture, physical therapy, massage, electrical neurostimulation and ultrasound. Physiotherapy is the impact on the point of inflammation with an ultra-high frequency field, and then with paraffin applications. Self-massage in front of a mirror is useful, the techniques of which are taught to the patient by a doctor. Also, the patient himself can alleviate his condition with the help of therapeutic exercises for the face. You can do self-massage and gymnastics only after the inflammation has subsided.

Watch a video on how to do a relaxing massage for facial neuritis. Doctors advise doing a massage, using the scalp, face and neck.

If you or your loved one has symptoms reminiscent of neuritis (neurosis) of the facial nerve, treatment should be prompt and professional. You cannot be lazy and rely on chance: untreated neuritis may develop complications.

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system are very diverse, they have different localization, etiology, and their symptoms also differ. There is only one thing that definitely unites all these pathologies - they are all extremely painful and unpleasant. But even against this background, neurosis of the facial nerve stands out, which not only causes severe pain and disrupts functions, but also brings psychological discomfort and suffering to a person.

It is more correct to call this disease neuritis (or neuropathy) of the facial nerve, because this disease is a consequence of damage to the facial nerve. This can lead to partial paralysis of facial muscles, disruption of facial symmetry, and cause other symptoms, which we will discuss below. The disease can change a person’s face beyond recognition and make it repulsive.

Before describing the symptoms and starting treatment, you should understand the nature of this disease, the mechanisms of its development and the causes of this pathology.

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General information

What is facial nerve neurosis, why does this pathology develop? Neurosis (or neuritis) of the facial nerve is an inflammatory disease that affects one or two branches of the facial nerve, which leads to the onset of paralysis or paresis of the facial muscles.

The facial nerve is one of twelve cranial nerves, it passes through the auricle and exits through the hole in the temporal bone. This is a motor nerve; its main task is to innervate the facial muscles.

There are two types of facial nerve neurosis: primary, which most often begins after hypothermia, and secondary, which is a consequence of various diseases.

Symptoms and treatment of facial nerve neurosis are related to which part of it is affected. The reasons that cause these symptoms are very numerous:

  • hypothermia (cold neuritis);
  • herpes;
  • mumps;
  • mechanical compression (tunnel syndrome);
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • circulatory disorders.

Otitis media and neglected diseased teeth can also lead to the onset of this disease. These are not all the reasons that can cause neurosis of the facial nerve.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms, as well as treatment of the disease, depend on the location of the lesion. If the lesion occurs at the level of the nerve nucleus, weakness of the facial muscles is observed; if the damage is localized in the brainstem, strabismus is observed - a symptom associated with damage to the abducens nerve, which innervates the external muscle of the eye, which causes its paresis.

If the facial nerve is affected as it exits the brainstem, hearing loss occurs because the auditory nerve is also damaged. In case of damage to the nerve in the canal of the temporal bone, disturbances in salivation, dry eyes, and taste disturbances are observed - these symptoms are associated with damage to the intermediate nerve.

There is the so-called Hunt syndrome - this is a lesion of the ganglion through which the middle ear, palate, and auricle are innervated. This process usually affects the facial nerve, which passes here. This disease is characterized not only by paresis of the facial muscles, but also by hearing impairment, as well as severe pain in the ear area, radiating to the back of the head and temporal region. In this case, damage to the structures of the inner ear can lead to impaired coordination of movements and dizziness.

Very often, this disease begins unnoticed, progresses gradually, and its treatment begins when problems with the facial muscles arise. The patient's nasolabial fold is smoothed out, and the face skews towards the healthy side.

Weakness of the facial muscles leads to the fact that the patient cannot close his eyelids, cannot smile, bare his teeth, stretch out his lips or make other movements with the facial muscles. Since facial expressions play a very important role in everyday communication, the patient experiences problems of a social and psychological nature. It is possible that the eye may turn upward when trying to close it (Bell's syndrome) or a “hare's eye.”

If other cranial nerves are affected, additional symptoms are observed: dry eyes or excessive salivation, increased hearing sensitivity.

Another cause of neuritis of the facial nerve can be otitis media. In this case, the infection spreads to the facial nerve. Acute pain in the ear is observed, which is accompanied by typical symptoms of facial nerve neurosis.

Another cause is Melkerson-Rosenthal syndrome, an inherited disorder that causes facial swelling and tongue folds.


Treatment of facial nerve neurosis depends on the cause of the disease. It is necessary to find out the location of the nerve damage and the reason that caused it. To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor should pay special attention to additional symptoms that accompany the weakening and paresis of the facial muscles characteristic of facial nerve neuropathy.

The clinical picture of this disease is very clear and bright and common, so its diagnosis usually does not cause any special problems for doctors. To obtain additional information, CT and MRI of the brain are sometimes used (for secondary lesions).

To determine the exact location of the lesion, electroneurography, evoked nerve potentials, and electromyography are used - these methods allow you to accurately determine the location of the pathological process, which is very important for treatment.

Treatment of this pathology depends on its nature and cause of development. If we are talking about primary neuritis, then glucocorticoids (prednisolone), vasodilators, decongestants, and vitamin complexes (B vitamins) are used for its treatment.

If the disease is secondary, then the main efforts should be directed towards eliminating the main cause.

For the treatment of facial nerve neurosis, the use of non-drug methods is very effective: physiotherapy (they begin to use it almost immediately), massage and physical therapy, ultrasound and electrical neurostimulation.


If the patient does not receive adequate treatment, this can lead to the development of complications.

The most common complication is contracture of the facial muscles. In this case, the affected muscles tighten, causing severe discomfort in the patient.


  • infectious diseases;
  • traumatic brain injuries;


Other symptoms of the disease:

  • taste disorders;



  • diuretics to reduce swelling;
  • vasodilators.

What is neuritis?


Types of neuritis of the facial nerve

  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • tumors;
  • mechanical compression;
  • ear inflammation;


Facial neuritis

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system are very diverse, they have different localization, etiology, and their symptoms also differ. There is only one thing that definitely unites all these pathologies - they are all extremely painful and unpleasant. But even against this background, neurosis of the facial nerve stands out, which not only causes severe pain and disrupts functions, but also brings psychological discomfort and suffering to a person.

It is more correct to call this disease neuritis (or neuropathy) of the facial nerve, because this disease is a consequence of damage to the facial nerve. This can lead to partial paralysis of facial muscles, disruption of facial symmetry, and cause other symptoms, which we will discuss below. The disease can change a person’s face beyond recognition and make it repulsive.

Before describing the symptoms and starting treatment, you should understand the nature of this disease, the mechanisms of its development and the causes of this pathology.

General information

What is facial nerve neurosis, why does this pathology develop? Neurosis (or neuritis) of the facial nerve is an inflammatory disease that affects one or two branches of the facial nerve, which leads to the onset of paralysis or paresis of the facial muscles.

The facial nerve is one of twelve cranial nerves, it passes through the auricle and exits through the hole in the temporal bone. This is a motor nerve; its main task is to innervate the facial muscles.

There are two types of facial nerve neurosis: primary, which most often begins after hypothermia, and secondary, which is a consequence of various diseases.

Symptoms and treatment of facial nerve neurosis are related to which part of it is affected. The reasons that cause these symptoms are very numerous:

  • hypothermia (cold neuritis);
  • herpes;
  • mumps;
  • mechanical compression (tunnel syndrome);
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • circulatory disorders.

Otitis media and neglected diseased teeth can also lead to the onset of this disease. These are not all the reasons that can cause neurosis of the facial nerve.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms, as well as treatment of the disease, depend on the location of the lesion. If the lesion occurs at the level of the nerve nucleus, weakness of the facial muscles is observed; if the damage is localized in the brainstem, strabismus is observed - a symptom associated with damage to the abducens nerve, which innervates the external muscle of the eye, which causes its paresis.

If the facial nerve is affected as it exits the brainstem, hearing loss occurs because the auditory nerve is also damaged. In case of damage to the nerve in the canal of the temporal bone, disturbances in salivation, dry eyes, and taste disturbances are observed - these symptoms are associated with damage to the intermediate nerve.

There is the so-called Hunt syndrome - this is a lesion of the ganglion through which the middle ear, palate, and auricle are innervated. This process usually affects the facial nerve, which passes here. This disease is characterized not only by paresis of the facial muscles, but also by hearing impairment, as well as severe pain in the ear area, radiating to the back of the head and temporal region. In this case, damage to the structures of the inner ear can lead to impaired coordination of movements and dizziness.

Very often, this disease begins unnoticed, progresses gradually, and its treatment begins when problems with the facial muscles arise. The patient's nasolabial fold is smoothed out, and the face skews towards the healthy side.

Weakness of the facial muscles leads to the fact that the patient cannot close his eyelids, cannot smile, bare his teeth, stretch out his lips or make other movements with the facial muscles. Since facial expressions play a very important role in everyday communication, the patient experiences problems of a social and psychological nature. It is possible that the eye may turn upward when trying to close it (Bell's syndrome) or a “hare's eye.”

If other cranial nerves are affected, additional symptoms are observed: dry eyes or excessive salivation, increased hearing sensitivity.

Another cause of neuritis of the facial nerve can be otitis media. In this case, the infection spreads to the facial nerve. Acute pain in the ear is observed, which is accompanied by typical symptoms of facial nerve neurosis.

Another cause is Melkerson-Rosenthal syndrome, an inherited disorder that causes facial swelling and tongue folds.


Treatment of facial nerve neurosis depends on the cause of the disease. It is necessary to find out the location of the nerve damage and the reason that caused it. To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor should pay special attention to additional symptoms that accompany the weakening and paresis of the facial muscles characteristic of facial nerve neuropathy.

The clinical picture of this disease is very clear and bright and common, so its diagnosis usually does not cause any special problems for doctors. To obtain additional information, CT and MRI of the brain are sometimes used (for secondary lesions).

To determine the exact location of the lesion, electroneurography, evoked nerve potentials, and electromyography are used - these methods allow you to accurately determine the location of the pathological process, which is very important for treatment.

Treatment of this pathology depends on its nature and cause of development. If we are talking about primary neuritis, then glucocorticoids (prednisolone), vasodilators, decongestants, and vitamin complexes (B vitamins) are used for its treatment.

If the disease is secondary, then the main efforts should be directed towards eliminating the main cause.

For the treatment of facial nerve neurosis, the use of non-drug methods is very effective: physiotherapy (they begin to use it almost immediately), massage and physical therapy, ultrasound and electrical neurostimulation.


If the patient does not receive adequate treatment, this can lead to the development of complications.

The most common complication is contracture of the facial muscles. In this case, the affected muscles tighten, causing severe discomfort in the patient.

Facial nerve neurosis - treatment, symptoms, causes

Before you learn about the treatment of facial nerve neurosis, you need to understand the cause of its occurrence. Otherwise, there will only be suppression of symptoms for a short period of time, but not relief from the disease. Let's look at everything step by step. So,


First of all, it is worth distinguishing neuritis And facial nerve neurosis. Neuritis is a damage to a nerve, for example, remember Sylvester Stallone - his nerves on the left side of his face have been paralyzed since birth. And the symptoms of facial nerve neurosis manifest themselves as twitching of the nerves, and occurs due to the presence of general neurosis (irritability, stress, depression, etc.). Hence the name of the disease - facial nerve neurosis; it is one of many types of neurosis.


But how is neurosis related to the nerves (body)? Very simply, neurosis is a mental illness. And the psyche and body are connected, or psychosomatics say differently. And even simply because the body is a single system that is interconnected. Therefore, mental disorder affects a person’s physical health. Here I immediately remember the saying that all diseases are caused by nerves, but this is true.


Therefore, in order to get rid of facial nerve neurosis, it is necessary to eliminate the psychological deviation - neurosis. How to eliminate it? Since this is a psychological illness, it means that you can’t help with pills and herbs, because it is in the head, or rather in the mind of a person. And it is provoked by mental garbage to manifest itself in the mind, this includes limiting ideas, ineffective decisions of the past, negative emotions/attitudes/memories, fears, grievances, addictions, complexes and much more. Therefore, to get rid of neurosis, you should eliminate all this mental trash from your head. And this trash provokes not only neuroses, but also various kinds of problems in life(for example, bad relationships with others, divorces - a bad choice of a partner, misunderstanding of your child and, as a result, inability to raise him, financial difficulties, etc.), and illnesses are just a manifestation of problems.

Currently, there is one system that is capable of clearing deposits of mental garbage. Thousands of people have already tested its effect on themselves, and with a serious approach it gives excellent results. The trump card of the system is that it works with the subconscious. And it’s quite simple: you give the subconscious a task to process some material, for example, “my love” is making me nervous because I always have to wash the dishes. And then you go about your business, the subconscious will do the work that you gave it. Every person has such a servant :)

I would also like to note some important pleasant points: firstly, the work on the system is designed for independent work, which means you don’t have to wait for anyone, report to anyone, you are your own boss. Well, accordingly, you choose the time for work yourself, this is secondly, you can do it during the day, at night, or both day and night :)

Although the system is not designed to improve the health of the body (and to get rid of neurosis as well), as practice has shown, it still gives such an effect. A the main goal of the system is to clear deposits of mental junk. After all, this is what creates various diseases. Or rather, at first it is mental rubbish, then it negatively affects the human psyche (mental disorders), and then it manifests itself on the physical body - diseases, in this case neurosis of the facial nerve, and also do not forget about the problems that arise in life.

The system is distributed absolutely free, so you have a chance to get to know it in more detail, and even try its action for yourself - also free. You can download it here:

How to treat facial nerve neurosis?

Facial nerve neurosis is a unilateral lesion that occurs in the seventh pair of cranial nerves. They are responsible for facial expressions on one side of the face. Symptoms of facial nerve neurosis are, first of all, the powerlessness that the patient experiences when trying to control the movement of facial muscles in the affected area, facial asymmetry, which is caused by muscle paralysis or paresis in the facial area on the side where the lesion occurred.


Most often, it is not possible to determine the causes of this unpleasant phenomenon. As a rule, among the factors that can provoke neurosis are local hypothermia, which can be aggravated by any infection. Inflammatory processes associated with the middle ear and diseases of the posterior cranial fossa (encephalitis) can also contribute to the occurrence of neurosis. The disease can recur and appear on both sides.

So, among the reasons that can provoke facial neuralgia are:

  • infectious diseases;
  • vascular diseases (for example, atherosclerosis);
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • hypothermia (most often caused by a draft);
  • brain tumors;
  • acute inflammatory diseases of the brain, as well as ears, facial sinuses;
  • consequences of anesthesia during dental procedures.


The disease is characterized by an acute onset, rapid development of serious manifestations and the presence of consequences that can be quite persistent.

If we consider the disease from the perspective of its external manifestations, visible from the outside, then it is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • facial asymmetry (folds of the skin of the forehead on the affected side are smoothed out or completely absent, the palpebral fissure is greatly expanded);
  • changes in the nasolabial fold: the lower lip begins to droop;
  • when the patient tries to bare his teeth, the mouth is pulled to the healthy side;
  • the patient cannot raise his eyebrows or wrinkle his forehead;
  • the patient cannot close his eyes: the eyelids do not close completely (the phenomenon of lagophthalmos, or “hare’s eye”).

Other symptoms of the disease:

  • the patient completely or partially loses sensitivity in the affected area;
  • quite intense pain (characteristic primarily of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve);
  • a disorder of oculomotor function occurs;
  • decrease or complete disappearance of the corneal, superciliary and conjunctival reflexes;
  • the patient’s loss of the ability to stretch out his lips with a tube, as a result of which he cannot, for example, whistle;
  • the occurrence of difficulties in the process of eating: it gets stuck between the affected cheek and teeth;
  • taste disorders;
  • hyperacusis, that is, extremely thin, even painful hearing, when all sounds seem louder and sharper than they really are, or, conversely, deafness;
  • the appearance of a herpetic rash in the external auditory canal on the affected side;
  • the separation of tears is significantly reduced or, conversely, a symptom of “crocodile tears” occurs, when tears begin to flow from the eye on the affected side while eating;
  • salivation decreases or increases sharply.

All of these signs are characteristic of neuritis of the facial nerve.

Complications of this disease include contracture of the facial muscles: the affected half of the face is reduced so that it appears as if the healthy side of the face is paralyzed. Such symptoms occur 4-6 weeks after the onset of the disease and indicate that the motor functions of the facial muscles have not yet been fully restored.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve (trigeminal neuralgia) is characterized by attacks of severe pain that are quite difficult to tolerate.

Pain during inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is usually spontaneous, shooting or unilateral. The attacks are short in duration (1-2 minutes), repeated several times a day.

Treatment in case of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve should be started as soon as possible, since this disease always affects the functioning of the entire nervous system. This pathology can cause complications such as impaired sensitivity in the affected area, motor function, chronic pain in the face, mental disorders - depression, etc.


To make a diagnosis, a procedure called electromyography (EMG) is performed. In addition, studies are being carried out to determine the conductivity of the facial nerve. For the purpose of differential diagnosis, MRI or CT, that is, magnetic resonance or computed tomography, is performed.


If symptoms of this disease occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible, who will prescribe the necessary comprehensive treatment that can help eliminate the cause of the disease, and not just the pain itself. The sooner you begin to treat the pathology, the lower the risk of complications. In the treatment of facial nerve neurosis, the following medications are used:

  • glucocorticosteroids or non-steroidal antiphlogistic drugs that help eliminate inflammation;
  • diuretics to reduce swelling;
  • analgesics and antispasmodics to relieve pain;
  • vasodilators.

Physiotherapy methods help speed up the recovery processes in the affected nerves. In cases where the condition does not return to normal after 10 months of treatment and the muscles do not begin to function normally, the patient may be prescribed surgery - nerve autotransplantation. Also, one of the treatment methods can be facial gymnastics, which helps develop facial muscles.

Neuritis or neurosis of the facial nerve, how to distinguish and cure?

Facial neuritis is an unpleasant and very painful condition. However, the probability of a complete cure for this disease is 99%. Despite the fact that during the period of acute inflammation half of the patient’s face becomes immobilized, and sometimes it is even difficult for him to close his eyes, after proper treatment the symptoms disappear without a trace.

What is neuritis?

The ending “-itis” indicates the inflammatory nature of the disease, that is, neuritis is inflammation of the nerve. Some people call this disease “facial nerve neurosis,” which is incorrect, since the ending “-oz” indicates the non-inflammatory nature of the disease with quantitative or qualitative changes in the affected organ. In this case, we are talking about inflammation, so the correct name is neuritis.

With neuritis, the branches of the facial nerve are affected, as a result of which the muscles responsible for facial expressions become immobilized: paralysis or paresis of these muscles occurs. The facial nerve is located on the surface of the face, it passes through the ear and temple. A person has a total of 12 cranial nerves, but it is the facial nerve that is susceptible to inflammation due to its location.

Despite the frequently used phrase “facial nerve neurosis,” such a name does not exist in the classification of diseases. This means that inflammation of the facial nerve has nothing to do with neuroses and is not associated with the mental sphere.


Inflammation can affect any part of the nerve, including its core. If this happens, the facial muscles weaken, sag and move poorly. If part of the nerve in the brain stem area is affected, strabismus develops. When the nerve exiting the brainstem becomes inflamed, hearing may be impaired because the auditory nerve is involved. With neuritis of the part of the nerve that comes to the surface in the temple area, symptoms such as dry eyes, increased salivation and disorder of the taste buds appear.

Hunt syndrome sometimes develops. In this case, incomplete paralysis of the facial muscles appears, hearing loss occurs, the patient has severe ear pain on the affected side, and the pain radiates to the back of the head and temple. In severe cases, loss of coordination and dizziness are added. The photo below shows a woman with damage to the trigeminal and facial nerves.

In addition to the listed symptoms, the disease causes severe pain, and a person with neuritis looks frightening - his face becomes asymmetrical, with one half of his face devoid of facial expressions. It becomes difficult to communicate, and others may mistake a person with neuritis for having suffered a stroke, and while walking down the street, he may catch many sympathetic and pitying glances. Being the center of attention is not so pleasant, but we hasten to reassure you - in most cases, neuritis goes away without a trace in a fairly short time.

Appearance and course of the disease

Typically, facial neuritis begins almost imperceptibly, and symptoms develop gradually. A person mistakes the pain that arises for pain in the ear, tooth or head, and brushes it off without going to the doctor. Meanwhile, the inflammation is gaining momentum, and the patient’s face begins to change - the nasolabial fold smoothes out, the corner of the mouth and eyes droop, the eyebrow on one side of the face begins to “look” down.

Then more pronounced symptoms appear - it becomes difficult for the patient to close an eye, smile and stretch out his lips. Bell's syndrome appears - rolling of the eye when trying to lower the eyelid (another name for the symptom is “hare eye”. If other cranial nerves were additionally affected, salivation, ear sensitivity, dry eyes appear. At this stage, the patient already consults a doctor, although in In this case, the recovery period will be longer than if treated at the onset of the disease.

Types of neuritis of the facial nerve

There are two types of disease:

  1. Primary neuritis, usually starting with hypothermia.
  2. Secondary neuritis arising as a result of previous diseases.

They need to be treated differently. If for the treatment of primary neuritis there are sufficient means aimed at inflammation, then for the complete disappearance of the symptoms of secondary neuritis it is necessary, in addition to measures to eliminate the inflammatory process, to cure the disease that caused it.

Causes of inflammation of the facial nerve

The causes of inflammation of the nerve responsible for the movement of facial muscles can be both various somatic diseases and external factors:

  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • long exposure to the cold and subsequent cold;
  • tumors;
  • mechanical compression;
  • circulatory disorders for various reasons;
  • ear inflammation;
  • inflammatory processes in teeth and gums.


It is impossible to cure neuritis on your own with warm compresses: you need to know the reasons that caused the inflammation, and relying on traditional medicine means taking risks and allowing the possible development of complications.

When diagnosing, you need to pay attention to other symptoms, in addition to weakening and immobility of facial muscles. If there is a suspicion that the neuritis was caused by primary diseases, CT, MRI and other examinations will be prescribed. To search for a specific site of inflammation, electroneurography and electromyography are prescribed.

The doctor begins to treat primary neuritis by prescribing vitamins, glucocorticoids, decongestants and vasodilators. With secondary neuritis, the underlying disease is treated first.

Further, auxiliary treatment methods are used - physiotherapy, acupuncture, physical therapy, massage, electrical neurostimulation and ultrasound. Physiotherapy is the impact on the point of inflammation with an ultra-high frequency field, and then with paraffin applications. Self-massage in front of a mirror is useful, the techniques of which are taught to the patient by a doctor. Also, the patient himself can alleviate his condition with the help of therapeutic exercises for the face. You can do self-massage and gymnastics only after the inflammation has subsided.

Watch a video on how to do a relaxing massage for facial neuritis. Doctors advise doing a massage, using the scalp, face and neck.

If you or your loved one has symptoms reminiscent of neuritis (neurosis) of the facial nerve, treatment should be prompt and professional. You cannot be lazy and rely on chance: untreated neuritis may develop complications.



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