Unfavorable days in January for cancer.

The first month of the year will be extremely eventful with a variety of events, both pleasant and not so pleasant. Meet the first half, but don’t shy away from the second. Firstly, it will not succeed, and secondly, character is strengthened in difficulties.

Work, career.
Relationships with partners are the main thing this month. They will make their position clear, and it may differ significantly from what you initially assumed. Enterprising people will talk about different views development of the case, disputes related to real estate or other large property are not excluded.

In the middle of the month, problems will arise with colleagues from other cities or countries, which may become protracted if their causes are not eliminated in time. One of them may be improper business practices. From the point of view of the stars, it looks out of date, almost like a relic of the past. Perhaps your employees cannot keep up with the rapidly changing world, and you need to renew your team. In a word, the stars recommend that you think carefully about everything in the coming weeks and make the right decision.

The employee may have problems with his superiors, and in as a last resort he will think about quitting. Another thing is also possible: changes are taking place in the organization, which will make you nervous, worried and look for another application for your talents. However, this search for various reasons will drag on, so the stars recommend leaving everything as it is for now. There will be such opportunities, and they are worth taking advantage of. At least for now.

Financial positions will deteriorate somewhat, which is not surprising given the current state of affairs. However, in the most difficult cases Parents or older family members will lend a helping hand.

Love, family.
Things are unsettled in families. Friendly spouses can decide difficult questions, related to real estate, and suddenly discover that they have different views on many issues related to home improvement. Acquisition, sale, exchange - all these events will cause disputes, conflicts and it will not be possible to reach an agreement in January.
Postpone your decision until February, but in the meantime, try to look at the situation from the outside - this is always useful.

Unfriendly couples may decide to divorce, but this issue is still for a long time will remain open. Quarrels may alternate with reconciliations; issues related to housing, common property, and the future of children will periodically emerge. Lovers may come into conflict with their parents; in addition, the topic of jealousy will come up once again. In all difficult cases, maintain dignity, self-control and remember that all January problems can be inspired by the movement of Mercury. He goes backwards, and this confuses both thoughts and feelings.
Only towards the end of the month will you be able to think clearly, clearly, and perhaps the situation will no longer seem so sad to you. So take a step back and wait. Time will tell what to do next.

The state of health in January is also not encouraging. It will exhaust those who are strong in body and spirit nervous tension. The elderly and frail can be reminded of themselves by the old chronic diseases. In case of exacerbations, seek help from a well-known doctor, excluding self-medication. And if you can’t avoid stress, remember the benefits healthy sleep and the wonderful words “Everything passes.”
Drivers in the second and third decades of January are advised to be careful while driving.

The horoscope was prepared by Tatyana Borsch.

January 2017 will be quite successful for Cancers. A flight of fancy and a creative approach to solving problems will help you achieve success with incredible ease. Representatives of your zodiac sign can expect meetings and new acquaintances, which will provide excellent prospects and an incentive for growth and self-development. Cancers will work on their mistakes and will avoid them in the future. Representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign will experience events that will make them believe in own strength and confidently move towards your happiness. You have big plans for this period and many promising ideas. Now the main task is to understand what is really important to you and set your priorities correctly. This is the only way you can understand which direction to move. If you concentrate all your efforts on achieving a specific goal, then success is guaranteed.

In the first ten days of January 2017, do not start performing several tasks at the same time. Only after you have finally decided on one, can you proceed to the next one. Thus, your productivity will increase several times, and the result will exceed all expectations. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. They learn from mistakes and gain invaluable experience. At the end of the decade, significant financial income awaits you. All risks during this period will be justified if you take risks wisely and listen to your intuition. Under the favorable influence of Mercury and Saturn, Cancers will have wonderful opportunities in the field professional activities. The beginning of the month is a wonderful time to invest in profitable and reliable projects. It is better to postpone decisions on all serious and large-scale issues until the end of the month. Now it is important to maintain the sequence of your actions and start by doing more important tasks gradually moving to less significant ones.

In the second ten days of January 2017, Cancers will expect financial income. Perhaps this will be investments from partners or monetary rewards for completing a project. Luck will accompany you in any endeavor and a business that previously brought only pleasure will begin to make a profit. At first it will be an additional source of income, but if you put in more effort and devote more time, it will develop into your main one. Don't be afraid to take the initiative and voice your ideas. It is likely that you will be heard and supported. Businessmen in the second decade should expect significant capital investments, thanks to which they will have the opportunity to expand their business and receive more income. And to those Cancers who were burdened by them permanent job, you will have a chance to change it or open your own profitable business.

In the third decade of January 2017, in love affairs, family representatives of the Zodiac sign Cancer are promised a calm and measured personal life by the stars. Your relationship will be built on mutual understanding and trust. Moreover, each spouse will arouse genuine interest in the other. Under the influence of aspects of Venus, Cancers will be plump romantic feelings and the desire to surprise your partner. Have a romantic evening or book a restaurant table for two. Now it is important for you to be alone, without strangers. Take the children to their parents and remember how good you had together. This will help ignite new strength the dying fire of love. Be more attentive, do not leave without comment even the slightest change in your chosen one. This way you will let him know that you are not indifferent to his feelings and you support him in all manifestations of his personality. To bring peace family life some variety, organize a family celebration for some occasion, invite close friends and relatives. Lonely Cancers will experience a stormy period in the final period of January. personal life. Unexpectedly, they will meet a person, under unusual circumstances, with whom they will begin a romantic acquaintance and relationship. The main thing is not to rush things. Let everything develop gradually. This is a guarantee that the relationship will be serious and lasting. Due to the busy schedule and frantic pace of life, Cancers should take care of their own well-being and health at the end of January. Review your diet and make some adjustments. Moreover, after festive tables a little unloading is required. Walk on fresh air, go in for sports.

Is it worth reminding us once again that Cancers at the beginning of 2017 will simply be unable to concentrate on business and career? While you idealize your family life or revel in a touching romantic attachment to a particular person, your progress towards career success will be completely suspended. Your behavior will be guided by a phrase that is often used by people who are not ready to fight for financial success - money doesn’t buy happiness. In addition, the situation will be aggravated by an episode that will occur in mid-January at your place of work. You will have a big quarrel with one of your more successful colleagues and decide that your continued stay in your current position is a huge question mark for you.

For Cancer businessmen, the airy and dreamy moods of January will become an unaffordable luxury. Your business competitors will quickly notice that a company led by an ever-doubting leader is slowly but surely sinking. Your opponents will not have to make great efforts to push you out of the business arena. It's a paradox, but even so dangerous situation you almost won't notice! It’s good that among your staff there will be a person who will almost single-handedly save your “ship” from “sinking”. When the crisis passes, it will literally rip you off " rose-colored glasses"and will make you look soberly at what is happening. You will be horrified when you assess the scale of January's problems, and decide that you should, without delaying a single minute, enter into the fight against numerous troubles.

As of January 2017

The first month of the year will be extremely eventful with a variety of events, both pleasant and not so pleasant. Meet the first half, but don’t shy away from the second. Firstly, it will not succeed, and secondly, character is strengthened in difficulties.

Love, Cancer family in January 2017

Things are unsettled in families. Friendly spouses may be dealing with complex issues related to real estate, and will unexpectedly find that they have different views on many issues related to home improvement. Acquisition, sale, exchange - all these events will cause disputes, conflicts and it will not be possible to reach an agreement in January.

Postpone your decision until February, but in the meantime, try to look at the situation from the outside - this is always useful.

Unfriendly couples may decide to divorce, but this issue will remain open for a long time. Quarrels may alternate with reconciliations; issues related to housing, common property, and the future of children will periodically emerge. Lovers may come into conflict with their parents; in addition, the topic of jealousy will come up once again. In all difficult cases, maintain dignity, self-control and remember that all January problems can be inspired by the movement of Mercury. He goes backwards, and this confuses both thoughts and feelings.

Only towards the end of the month will you be able to think clearly, clearly, and perhaps the situation will no longer seem so sad to you. So take a step back and wait. Time will tell what to do next.

To look charming in January 2017 horoscope Cancer recommends cutting and coloring hair according to Lunar calendar of haircuts for January 2017.

Career, finances of Cancer in January 2017

Relationships with partners are the main thing this month. They will make their position clear, and it may differ significantly from what you initially assumed. Enterprising people will talk about different views on the development of the business; disputes related to real estate or other large property cannot be ruled out.

In the middle of the month, problems will arise with colleagues from other cities or countries, which may become protracted if their causes are not eliminated in time. One of them may be improper business practices. From the point of view of the stars, it looks out of date, almost like a relic of the past. Perhaps your employees cannot keep up with the rapidly changing world, and you need to renew your team. In a word, the stars recommend that you think carefully about everything in the coming weeks and make the right decision.

The employee may have problems with his superiors, and in the worst case scenario, he will think about quitting. Another thing is also possible: changes are taking place in the organization, which will make you nervous, worried and look for another application for your talents. However, this search will drag on for various reasons, so the stars recommend leaving everything as it is for now. There will be such opportunities, and they are worth taking advantage of. At least for now.

Financial positions will deteriorate somewhat, which is not surprising given the current state of affairs. However, in the most difficult cases, parents or older family members will lend a helping hand.

Cancer Health in January 2017

The state of health in January is also not encouraging. Those who are strong in body and spirit will be exhausted by nervous tension. For the elderly and weakened, old chronic diseases may remind themselves. In case of exacerbations, seek help from a well-known doctor, excluding self-medication. And if you cannot avoid stress, remember the benefits of healthy sleep and the wonderful words “Everything passes.”

Drivers in the second and third decades of January are advised to be careful while driving.

For everyone who is preparing for the summer season, the horoscope recommends carrying out work on

For Cancers, January 2017 will be a difficult period. On the one hand, constant dissatisfaction on the part of others, on the other – changes in one’s own worldview. This month is unlikely to bring any positive emotions, even despite large number holidays. They will be associated with significant costs. And for some reason you will become very worried about this.

But one day, Cancers will stop reacting so painfully to daily problems, and, most likely, this moment will come at the beginning of 2017. Relationships with loved ones and colleagues will unexpectedly improve, this will have a positive impact on your performance.

If you decide to take a vacation in January, it is better to refrain from traveling to other cities. The same applies to business trips. But the inevitable trip, which cannot be postponed, should be made by train or plane, since January portends the possibility of a road accident with serious consequences.

By the end of the month, Cancer will have a pleasant event, which he will be very happy about. Perhaps it is associated with a long-awaited purchase or a new meeting.

Family life and personal relationships of Cancer in January 2017

The stars advise paying more attention to your immediate surroundings. Despite the fact that you tend to show excessive care for your family and friends, this month you risk missing the main point and not noticing alienation and some hostility on their part.

Perhaps you should pay more attention to their real needs and desires, and at the same time stop trying to seem like a good family man.

Your ambitions can greatly interfere with normal relationships with loved ones.

It's not surprising that they can seem somewhat selfish. For a while, you should forget about personal needs and desires, instead giving priority to caring for your neighbors.

This is especially true for Geminis who have children. Children may unpleasantly surprise you with their behavior. But instead of solving the problem by drastic methods, it is worth looking for the root cause of changes for the worse. It may well be your habit of spending too much time at work.

Relationships with partners can also become complicated due to the ambitions and desire of Cancers to prove themselves in business or at work. Quarrels over the division of property or other large property cannot be ruled out. Your views with your loved one will differ. In a relationship, it may be worth giving in to your other half and paying less attention to yourself.

At the beginning of the year, it will be difficult to force Cancer to do anything at work. They will feel that they have neither the strength nor the desire to do this. But it’s still worth pulling yourself together and showing at least some activity, otherwise such behavior may negatively affect subsequent activities.

In the second ten days of the month of Cancer, a surge of strength and energy awaits them, and here they will be able to fully express themselves. If the work involves maintaining documentation or signing important papers, this aspect should be given special attention, since even a minor mistake can lead to big problems.

Take a closer look at your colleagues.

Perhaps one of them wants to take your place. You should avoid conflicts, especially with your superiors. The main thing in January is to conscientiously fulfill your duties at work, and this will have a positive impact on your career in the future.

It is better for Cancers to hold off on a long vacation, limiting themselves for a while New Year's holidays several weekends. Otherwise, you risk missing something important at work. Colleagues may take advantage of your absence, and there may be dissatisfaction from your superiors.

The financial situation will not be stable. You may end up spending more than you planned on the holidays. But by the end of the month significant cash receipts. However, you should refrain from making large purchases for now.

For Cancers leading own business, this period can be extremely unfavorable. Most likely, the problem lies in your vision of how to do business. Change your strategy, make your business more modern, take a closer look at successful partners, and you will achieve the desired results.

Cancer Health in January 2017

In general, the health of Cancers in January 2017 will be stable, but back problems are possible. If the pain constantly makes itself felt, you should go to the doctor and undergo full course treatment.

Watch your posture, visit a massage therapist, and a trip to the spa salon won’t hurt.

Particular attention should be paid psychological state, since eternal stress and dissatisfaction with oneself can cause depressive state. To calm your nerves, it is better to do yoga and auto-training.



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