Write what kind of eyes and ears. Self-development and self-improvement esotericism, personal growth psychology of relationships read

→ Ears

Like others complex organs In humans, the ear consists of several parts. External part, called the shell or outer ear, consists of flexible cartilage covered with skin. Like other Essential Features, the outer ear comes in many forms.
When reading a face, the ear is divided into four parts: the upper rim, which grasps the top of the outer ear; middle rim; an inner rim adjacent to the cheekbone and a lobe.

In Chinese physiognomy, the ear is considered one of the most important organs - mainly because it says more about a person’s fate than about his character, especially in early years. They believe that left ear determines destinies in childhood from one to seven years old, and also reflects the influence of the father. The right ear gives the key to fate from 8 to 14 years and reflects the influence of the mother.
This may not be as strange as it may seem at first glance, because from the ages of 1 to 14, a person’s fate is most often connected with the fate of his parents. How general rule, the Chinese believe that a person with hard, well-shaped ears during this period has a happy childhood and a good life. If the ears have a bad shape or color, then they say that they reflect a bad home environment and difficult surroundings. If such a person's other signs are not favorable and do not indicate that he has determination, intelligence and firmness, then he is likely to fail in life.
As for the details, experience has shown that if upper part ear above eyebrow level , then the individual has very high intelligence. Such a person may achieve widespread fame and/or exceptional financial success. If the top is above eye level but does not reach eyebrow level , then this means that the person will probably also have significant success, but not so dramatic.
However, if the ear is located below eye level , then it shows that the individual is mediocre. In the worst cases, especially if there is no noticeable rim at the top of the ear, it is very likely that the person will have to fight a truly difficult struggle for existence.
The size of the ear is also of great importance. Large ears are considered good when they are balanced with other factors, including thickness, softness, grace of form and radiant coloring of the ear. People with such ears can achieve success. But excessively big ears, poorly shaped, colorless and covered with rough skin, are a sign of an evil personality. As a general rule, ears that are too large and not in balance with other facial features indicate a vain, stubborn nature.
Ears that are smaller than normal and not in balance with the rest of the face indicate a slow-witted and dull person. Such people are easily influenced by others and lack determination and self-confidence.
If a small ear has a rim with a defect, then this indicates a treacherous personality. Unusually small ears on a person of great intelligence, with a high forehead, strong eyebrows, and domineering eyes indicate a person who cannot be trusted, prone to violence and often has a criminal nature.
Thin and soft ears with low mass indicate a tendency to take unjustified risks in business. Most observations say that ears with a small mass indicate a lonely person. Soft ears with the inner rim turned outward indicate a lustful, voluptuous person who is sexually promiscuous. If such a soft ear is tilted forward, then it indicates a very tolerant person, indulgent, indulgent in pleasure, and sometimes obscenely lustful.
Pointed ears are relatively common, and there are various shapes. Pointed at the apex, they indicate a person of destructive nature and low intelligence. If the ears are pointed and excessively small, then this indicates a stubborn and cruel character.
The rim or edge of the ear must not have any defects. If the rim is small and soft, then this indicates that the person is weak and lacks willpower. If it is round, smooth and balanced with other facial features, then this indicates a happy person, with a wonderful character and close family ties. When the rim, external, internal or middle, is clearly outlined, then this indicates intelligence or early development at a tender age. Ears with very disheveled outer rims - which in the West are called " cauliflower" - indicate a brave, determined person with an independent mind. Such people, in the literal sense of the word, conquer their destiny.
And maybe the most important part of the ear when reading a face is the lobe. An ear without a well-formed earlobe falls out of balance. If the lobe is so long that it touches the shoulder ( a rare case, exemplified by Buddha), then this indicates a person of supreme wisdom and spirituality . Chinese physiognomists believe that such a lobe is found among people of noble birth and among unusually powerful individuals from very wealthy families. If the lobe is slightly turned forward and upward, this is also auspicious sign for the character and destiny of a person.
As a rule, ancient texts claim than smaller ear The reader sees the face by looking directly into the person's face, so much the better. This means that the ears should be close to the head. However, if the ears lean back and are almost invisible from the front , then this indicates that the person is vulgar and treacherous. Therefore, care must be taken to distinguish between these two cases.
A person with large, soft, floppy ears extending from the head , can be classified as one of those that is difficult to deal with, especially in middle age. However, if the chin of such a person is well rounded and strong, then he may have great internal energy, which can partially compensate for his heavy nature.
The inner rim of the ear is also an important clue to character. If it bends inward, then the individual is likely to be one of those who represses his emotions. If the inner rim is bent outward, then the opposite is true.
As with other facial features, the question of "color" is of paramount importance when considering the ears. However, pale color, paler than complexion, incomparably better than red. A person with ears of this color is likely to have significant success in life. Yellow or bluish pallor has always been considered a sign unhealthy person. Dark color, extending from the ear to the temple, indicates serious illness. Will this disease be the cause short life, depends on balance and proportion with other facial features. And as a general rule in determining fate: ears that tend to be slightly or darker in color than the face indicate negative character and fate.
As with eyebrows moles play a role here too. A dark mole inside the auricle indicates painful litigation in middle age; red mole near the entrance to inner ear is a sign of longevity.
When you first dedicate yourself to the art of face reading, you will immediately identify certain ear prototypes. For example, an obese person with heavy cheekbones is likely to have long, round, large lobes. An average-sized person with thin lips often has poorly rounded ears. A person with a triangular head and a thin face usually has small, thin ears. Although physiognomy may seem esoteric in this matter, you will be amazed to discover how closely the proper reading of a person's face corresponds to his personality and destiny.
As a summary, the table below gives the main guidelines for ear analysis:

Eyes - Vision

It cannot be said that the eyes are the most important organ in our body (in general, this cannot be said about any organ, because each is important in its own way), but becoming blind, a person loses 90% of his life. He cannot do the most ordinary things: read, write, sit at the computer. He also cannot see the people he is talking to. A blind person cannot move on the street without the help of a specially trained dog or without a cane. Therefore, you must take care of your eyes.

Eye - a sensory organ (organ of the visual system) of humans and animals, with the ability to perceive electromagnetic radiation in the light wavelength range and providing the function of vision. A person receives about 90% of information from the surrounding world through the eye.

Humans and vertebrates each have two eyes, which are located in the eye sockets of the skull. Human eye consists of the eyeball and the optic nerve with its membranes. Eyeball consists of membranes that surround the inner core of the eye, representing its transparent contents - the vitreous body, the lens, aqueous humor in the anterior and posterior chambers. The nucleus of the eyeball is surrounded by three membranes: outer, middle and inner. And these shells, in turn, are divided into three apparatuses, called refractive (light refractive) and accommodative (adaptive), forming optical system eyes, and sensory (receptive) apparatus.

Light refractive apparatus of the eye is a complex system of lenses that forms a reduced and inverted image of the outside world on the retina, includes the cornea, chamber humor - fluids of the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye, lens, and vitreous, behind which lies the retina, which perceives light.

Accommodative apparatus of the eye Focuses images on the retina and also ensures that the eye adapts to the intensity of light. It includes the iris with a hole in the center - the pupil - and the ciliary body with the ciliary band of the lens.

Focusing of the image occurs when the curvature of the lens changes, which is regulated by the ciliary muscle. As the curvature increases, the lens becomes more convex and refracts light more strongly, tuning itself to seeing nearby objects. When the muscle relaxes, the lens becomes flatter and the eye adapts to see distant objects. The eye itself also takes part in focusing the image. If the focus is outside the retina, the eye (due to the extraocular muscles) is slightly extended (to see close up). And vice versa, it becomes rounded when looking at distant objects.

The pupil is an opening in the iris. It is the diaphragm of the eye, regulating the amount of light falling on the retina. In bright light, the circular muscles of the iris contract and the radial muscles relax, while the pupil narrows and the amount of light entering the retina decreases, this protects it from damage. In low light, on the contrary, the radial muscles contract and the pupil dilates, letting more light into the eye.

There is a receptor apparatus of the eye visual part retina, containing nerve elements (photoreceptor cells), as well as nerve cells and nerve fibers (neuron bodies and axons) located on top of the retina and connecting in the blind spot in optic nerve.

The retina of the eye consists of 10 layers, which can only be distinguished microscopically. The outermost layer is light-color-perceiving; it faces choroid(inward) and consists of neuroepithelial cells - rods and cones, which perceive light and colors, the following layers are formed by conductive nervous irritation cells and nerve fibers. The human retina is extremely small, measuring between 0.05 and 0.5 mm.

Light enters the eye through the cornea, passes sequentially through the fluid of the anterior (and posterior) chamber, the lens and the vitreous body, passing through the entire thickness of the retina, reaching the processes photosensitive cells- rods and cones. Photochemical processes take place in them, providing color vision.

The most sensitive vision is called yellow spot with a central fovea, which contains only cones (here the retinal thickness is up to 0.08–0.05 mm). The main part of the receptors responsible for color vision(color perception). That is, all the light information that falls on the macula is transmitted to the brain most fully. The place on the retina where there are no rods or cones is called a blind spot; From there, the optic nerve exits to the other side of the retina and further into the brain.

Hearing - Ears

The ears are also one of the most important organs. With the help of them, we can hear each other, which means we can talk, listen to music, etc. In addition, if a person becomes deaf, then he automatically becomes mute, because it is impossible to talk when you cannot hear yourself. That is why we, in a noisy place, when telling someone something, try to shout above the noise, because we believe that since we cannot hear what we say well, it means that the interlocutor, accordingly, also hears our speech poorly.

Ear- a complex vestibular-auditory organ that performs two functions: it perceives sound impulses and is responsible for the position of the body in space and the ability to maintain balance. This is a paired organ that is located in the temporal bones of the skull, limited externally by the auricles.

Outer ear consists of the auricle and the external auditory canal. The auricle is a complex-shaped elastic cartilage covered with skin, its bottom part, called the lobe, is a skin fold that consists of skin and fatty tissue. The auricle is very sensitive to any damage, so for those who engage in any type of wrestling, this part of the body is very often deformed.

Auricle accepts sound waves and then transfers them to inner part ear. However, the importance of the auricle for humans is very minimal, so it practically does not move. But many animals, by moving their ears, are able to determine the location of the source of sound much more accurately than humans.

Using the folds that the auricle has, ear canal sound passes through with slight frequency distortions, which depend on the horizontal and vertical localization of the sound. This is how our brain understands where the sound is coming from. This effect is sometimes used in acoustics, including to create the feeling of surround sound when using headphones.

The continuation of the auricle is cartilage of the external auditory canal, 25-30 mm long. This passage ends blindly: it is separated from the middle ear by the eardrum. Sound waves captured by the auricle hit the eardrum and cause it to vibrate. Therefore, to prevent eardrums from rupturing, soldiers are advised to open their mouths when an explosion is expected. Oscillations eardrum transmitted to the middle ear.

Main part middle eartympanic cavity– a space with a volume of about 1 cm located in temporal bone. There are three auditory ossicles here: the malleus, the incus and the stapes - they transmit sound vibrations from the outer ear to the inner ear, simultaneously strengthening them.

The auditory ossicles, as the smallest fragments of the human skeleton, represent a chain that transmits vibrations. The handle of the malleus is closely fused with the eardrum, the head of the malleus is connected to the incus, and that, in turn, with its long process, is connected to the stapes. The base of the stapes closes the window of the vestibule, thus connecting to the inner ear.

The middle ear cavity is connected to the nasopharynx through the Eustachian tube, through which the average air pressure inside and outside the eardrum is equalized. When changing external pressure sometimes the ears become blocked, which is usually solved by yawning reflexively. Experience shows that ear congestion is solved even more effectively by swallowing movements or by blowing into a pinched nose at this moment.

Inner ear is the most complex of these three parts of the hearing organ. Because of its intricate shape, it is called a labyrinth. The bony labyrinth consists of the vestibule, cochlea and semicircular canals.

Our ears are as individual as our fingerprints. Since ancient times, people have given them great attention, trying to correlate their size and shape with character traits. Today, it is even possible to carry out computer identification using ears.


Ears have attracted people since ancient times. Beginning with Hippocrates and Pythagoras, with Aristotle and his closest students Adamantius and Polemon, doctors and philosophers tried to identify the connection between the physiognomic characteristics of a person and his character. Great value Leonardo da Vinci paid attention to physiognomy.

In 1658, a book by Cardan de Medici was published, which contained many illustrations of types of human faces and their elements. In the 18th century, the Zurich pastor Johann Lavater made a great contribution to physiognomy.
Physiognomists paid special attention to the ears. Unlike facial features, ears are formed at birth and do not change throughout life, only becoming larger.


Human ears are as individual as fingerprints. This feature is now used to develop human identification based on the ears. This method has its advantages since eye identification is imperfect due to retinal color changes with age, while fingerprint identification requires extra effort, both from specialists and from the person himself.

Mark Nixon, a British computer researcher at the University of Southampton, has already developed computer method identification by ear. He called it "beam-imaging".

This identification method comes down to “bombarding” the image with multi-colored rays, during which, with 99.6% accuracy, you can track all the features of the auricle and record them digitally.


Interestingly, the left and right ear people can have different shapes and size. This feature caught the attention of Aston University researchers Anna Topakas and Geoff Thomas. They conducted a series of experiments involving large group students. The participants in the experiment were divided into groups and each of them was given a task. Leaders emerged in each group. An analysis of their physiognomic features showed that the greater ear asymmetry the “alpha students” had, the higher the results of their groups’ work.

By shape, size and position

Eastern physiognomy divides the ear into four diagnostically important parts: the outer, middle and inner rims, as well as the lobe. From the ears you can determine, in particular, what kind of childhood a person had. If the ear is well formed, and all four parts have a correct, well-defined shape, then physiognomists conclude that the person had a happy childhood.

One of the main methods of “ear analysis” is the position of the ears relative to the eyebrows. If the top line of the ears is located above the line of the eyebrows, then the person has high intelligence. If the ear “ends” in line with the eyebrows, then this indicates above average intelligence.

Large ears usually indicate strong musical abilities. If ears small in size is a sign of sensuality. Very fleshy ears occur in gloomy and even cruel subjects. Pointed ears at the top indicate moderation. If the ears are pressed back to the head, this may be a sign that the person is reserved and cautious.

A long earlobe can be a sign of endurance. In the East, long lobes, due to the influence of religion (Buddha had long lobes), are considered special feature, speaking about the wisdom of their owner. A small earlobe indicates a person is scrupulous Rectangular shape interpreted as evidence of a strong will and choleric temperament. Such people go to the end, regardless of obstacles.

And another observation from life: if a person has broken ears, most likely he is engaged in wrestling. But this can be understood without any physiognomy.

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It has long been proven that between certain points on our body and internal organs there is a neurological connection. This means that with the help of such points we can learn a lot of interesting things about our body.

Today website I have collected some interesting information for you about human ears, which will help you not only learn more about yourself and your health, but also predict possible future problems with it.

What do our ears say about us?

Ears can serve as a way of identification. When we are born, our ears are already fully formed. They do not change throughout life, although the lobe stretches a little. This makes ears as good a way of identifying a person as fingerprints.

The presence of recessive or dominant genes. According to research, earlobes fused to the skull are considered recessive. genetic trait, and “free” lobes are dominant.

Coronary disease. The presence of a diagonal fold on the earlobe indicates possible risk development of ischemic (coronary) heart disease.

Lack of vitamins and calcium. Very pale ears can signal a deficiency of vitamins and calcium in the body.

Kidney problems. If your ears are red, then you may have kidney problems.

Brain dysfunctions. If your ears are dark red, it could be a sign of the onset of memory loss, persistent headaches, or problems with brain function.

Inflammation of ear cartilage - specific symptom relapsing polychondritis.

Acupuncture points on the ears

Reflexology (acupuncture) of the ear is as effective for relieving stress and pain as reflexology of the hands or feet. There are more than 200 acupuncture points on the ears, which are connected to various organs And musculoskeletal system. By massaging these points you can solve both physical and emotional problems with health.

· Summarize children's knowledge about the four human assistants - the senses and their functions. To promote children's awareness of the need for each sense organ separately and all together when perceiving the world around them.

· Teach students how to prevent diseases of the senses.

· Cultivate a desire to take care of your health.


· Individual cards depicting sensory organs.

· Bottles for practical work.

· Statements by M.V. Lomonosov, written on the board.

· Crossword.

1. Org. moment

(Children line up at the board).

The long-awaited bell rang - the lesson began.

Guys, we have guests at our lesson today.

Let's greet them:

Good day to the sun and birds,

Good afternoon to smiling faces

(Children sit down)

Now smile at each other.

Smile for me.

2. Report the topic of the lesson

Today we continue to study the human body. I want you to be interested in the lesson, so that everything that is discussed turns out to be useful for you. And what will be discussed will be told to you by riddles that you must guess:

Two brothers look at each other but don't see each other

One speaks, two listen

(tongue and ears)

Between two lights I'm alone in the middle

So, the topic of our lesson (we read from the board): “Eyes, ears, tongue, nose - our smart helpers.”

We will summarize the knowledge about our smart assistants and talk about their protection and methods of preventing diseases of the sensory organs.

3. Consolidation and generalization of knowledge

Let's start our conversation about eyes:

What significance do eyes have for us?

(They help to see everything that is around, to distinguish and recognize objects, their color, shape, size. Thanks to vision, we receive 80% of information about the world around us. Thanks to vision, we see obstacles that need to be overcome, thereby saving our lives and health.)

Close your eyes. Imagine that you have lost your ability to see forever. We won't see the sun, sky, birds, mom and dad... We won't be able to read books, watch movies. We will not be able to sew, draw and do much more with our hands (open our eyes).

Have you ever seen blind people?

How did you feel? (pity)

Blind children are especially pitiful.

Nature carefully protects the organ of vision. Eyelids and eyelashes protect the eyes from bright light and dust. The inside of the eyelids is moist. Blinking, they constantly wash away specks of dust from their eyes. If any object appears dangerously close to the eye, the eyelids slam shut. If a speck gets into the eye, it is immediately washed away by the released tear. Eyebrows prevent beads of sweat dripping from your forehead from getting into your eyes.

And for humans, the most important thing is that we need to monitor our vision and follow the rules of hygiene to care for it.

Remind each other of this again. (Children read a poem).

It's very easy to hurt your eyes,

Don't play with sharp objects!

Don't have three eyes, don't clog them up,

Don't read a book while lying down!

You can't look at the bright light,

Your eyes get damaged too!

There is a TV in the house - I won’t blame you,

But please don't interfere

To the screen itself.

And look not everything in a row,

And the programs are for the guys.

Don't write while bending low,

Don't hold your textbook close.

And over the book every time

Don't bend like the wind -

From the table to the very eyes

It should be 40 centimeters.

All: We want to warn you!

Everyone needs to protect their eyes!

I would like to add one more thing to these rules. Every half hour of reading or writing, you need to take a break, sit with eyes closed or do eye exercises. We already know several types visual gymnastics, let's do it!

Let's summarize everything that has been said.

CONCLUSION: eyes are our helpers. They help us understand the world around us, warn us of danger, help us make the necessary decisions, and teach us how to do various jobs.

M.V. Lomonosov wrote (read from the board): “The human eye is a precise measuring instrument.”

The world around us is full of various sounds: the sound of the wind, the singing of birds, the sounds of music, the speech of people. We hear these sounds with the help of our hearing organs. Hearing, like vision, enriches our perception of the world and diversifies life. And a person hears with the help of his ears.

Why does a person need two ears?

Unfortunately, there are situations when a person loses the ability to hear in one ear, then he makes do with the remaining one. Although this is worse. Two ears ensure reliable hearing.

The world is too poor for deaf people, and a deaf person must be taught to speak. But how? IN special schools Deaf people are taught to recognize speech by the articulation of their lips.

Hearing loss is a great misfortune, so your hearing must be protected.

Let's read a reminder about what you need to remember to save good hearing(children read in a chain, one by one, the teacher comments)

1. Don't listen to too loud music.

Strong sounds dulls the sensitivity of hearing, in addition, loud music Not everyone may like it; loud music depresses the well-being of people, especially the elderly. When you turn on music, look around, think about your neighbors. People who are often among loud sounds, they lose their hearing early, they hear worse than other people.

2. Do not pick your ears with matches or other sharp objects.

Ears should be washed regularly with soap to prevent dirt from accumulating in them. As a result, hearing deteriorates and diseases arise that can lead to deafness. Clean the ears with a tightly rolled cotton wool dipped in warm water.

3. Don't catch a cold, don't go to cold weather without hats.

4. If ear pain occurs, consult a doctor immediately.

All this leads to negative consequences. Smoking and alcohol worsen hearing, which gradually affect hearing acuity.

And here’s what they say about the rumor in the “this is interesting” section:

Many animals have hearing several times better than humans. For example, in dogs it is almost 2 times, in cats it is three and a half times, and in bats it is 5 times.

So, let's summarize.

CONCLUSION: The ear is a very important and the right organ. It captures and transmits to us the sounds of the surrounding world. We need to follow the rules of hygiene and protect our hearing organs, our other assistant – the ear.

Guys, Nastya prepared a riddle essay for the lesson. Let's listen to her. (Comes out and talks)

I am small, plump, pink and always wet. Everyone says my house is cramped, but I like it. I love when guests come to me. I taste the guests. I skip sweet, salty, and sour ones, but not bitter ones. If I were not in the world, people would not be able to talk. Guess who I am? (language)

Language is also one of our helpers. If we accidentally put something nasty or stale in our mouth, our tongue will immediately feel it.

Let's use the pictures (cards on the tables) to determine the sensitivity of the tongue to taste and food.

The tip of the tongue is sensitive to sweets.

The edge is for sour and salty foods.

The basis is for bitter food.

The organs of vision and smell help the tongue determine the quality of food. Working together, they seem to warn us:

“Don't eat. It's dangerous"

“Eat, but not much”

“It's delicious. Eat, don't be afraid"

And just like other sense organs, it “demands” careful treatment.

Too hot food burns the tongue and we hardly feel the taste, so hot food use is not recommended.

Smoking also dulls the sense of taste

CONCLUSION: The tongue helps us distinguish the taste of food and determine its good quality. The tongue helps us process food in the mouth. Normal life is impossible without language human speech. Works together with the organs of vision and smell.

Continuing our conversation about the senses, let's talk about one more assistant... This is... (nose).

Why does a person need a nose?

We breathe through the nose, the air in the nose is cleared of dust, the nose has channels connecting it to the mouth and even the ear. We distinguish a lot of smells in the world around us.

(On the tables there are boxes with cotton wool soaked in perfume, lemon juice, bleach).

Let's determine by the smell what it is? (Box 1, 2, 3)

Why should a person have the ability to smell?

Pleasant smells bring joy: the smell of flowers, forests.

They warn about dangers - gas leaks, spoiled food, etc.

We talked about how the NOS is a filter, a stove, a watchman

Prove why.

The nose has cilia, to which various particles of dust that enter the nose along with the air stick.

The nasal passages are very hot as blood flows through them and the air is warmed.

There are a lot of smells in the world around us. These are the smells of flowers, burning, smoke, apples, rot, decomposition, etc., i.e. some of them are precautionary. This is how nature took care of our safety.

Let's try to write a riddle based on key words and questions about the nose.

What does it do? How? Warms like a stove

Warms, cleans, but is not a filter.

Watches, but is not a watchman.

CONCLUSION: The nose cleanses, warms and guards so that a person inhales clean and fresh air.

When we have a runny nose, we don't smell and it's very uncomfortable. A person with a runny nose changes his speech.

Smoking has a harmful effect on the sense of smell. It dulls the ability to distinguish odors. Heavy smokers sense odors worse and distinguish them less.

Wild animals also have a sense of smell, and it is much more subtle than that of humans. They find it by smell edible leaves and herbs, in case of illness they look for and eat medicinal plants and berries, the nose reliably warns them about poisonous herbs, mushrooms and berries.

And now Vera and Maxim will talk about folk remedies treatment for runny nose.

1. Excellent product for the common cold - Kalanchoe, an indoor flower.

Wash the leaf, chop it, squeeze out the juice and drop 1-2 drops into your nose with a pipette. After a few seconds, you will begin to sneeze, thereby clearing your nose. Besides this medicinal plant kills germs.

2. To combat a runny nose, you can use beetroot juice by mixing it with honey.

(1 tsp honey and 2.5 tsp. beet juice). Place 5-6 drops into each nostril.

3. Here's another recipe:

If you happen to catch a cold,

A cough will develop, a fever will rise,

Pull the steaming mug closer to you

Slightly bitter fragrant decoction

(this is what they say about chamomile decoction)

To avoid a runny nose, you need to think about prevention. Hardening will help resist colds. Rinse your nasopharynx daily with salted water. And also prophylactic is a massage of points at the wings of the nose, the bridge of the nose, rubbing under the nose. Let's unlearn it.

Rubbing the wings of the nose ( index finger).

Rubbing the bridge of the nose with the index finger.

Rubbing from the wings to the bridge of the nose from bottom to top and top to bottom.

Rubbing under the nose.

Rubbing the tip of the nose with the palm of your hand.

This massage should be done in the morning and evening for 1 – 2 minutes.

So, eyes, ears, nose, tongue are sensory organs, or our smart assistants.

Why do people need healthy organs feelings? They allow us to perceive the world around us, enjoy its beauty!

What “job” do the eyes do? What about the ears? Nose? Language? The eyes see. Ears hear. The nose perceives smells. The tongue recognizes the taste.

These organs work together with each other. They have memory, help, complement each other. In order for them to be truly smart human assistants, they need to be taken care of. Causes irreparable harm bad habits: smoking and substance abuse. A crossword puzzle will help us summarize our knowledge on this topic:


1. Olfactory organ (nose)

3. What do eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes protect?

4. Which organ senses cold, warmth, pain?

5.What is this part of the ear called? (show: ear)

6.What determines and communicates taste to the brain? (language)

Which keyword? (organ) Organ of what? (feelings)

Let's list them again

I think that's it useful tips You will remember what was discussed in the lesson and tell them to your mothers, grandmothers, friends and adults. Tell our guests and each other now kind words, since people who speak and hear them become kind and affectionate. (children stand up and speak).

I found the lesson easy and interesting with you. Thank you to Sasha for your activity, Matvey for your support, Ulyana for your help, Katya for your help, Nazar for your excellent work in class, Yulia for your advice, Vlad for your attention in class.




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