The other day I came across a statement on the Internet by an official from the Ministry of Health that there are no deaths from vaccinations in our country. I can even quote: “if we take statistics for the country as a whole, it turns out that for the country’s 146 million population there are from 200 to 600 vaccine complications per year and, fortunately, not a single death occurs. Which already speaks for itself and about the true scope of harm from vaccinations...” But why then do children die?

And yesterday, our neighbors’ son died after getting a flu shot. DIED!!! The boy burned to death in three days. True, as always, it was not the doctors or the vaccines that were to blame. The parents were named as culprits. They overlooked the fact that the child was vaccinated when he was sick and had a fever.

Think about it: parents!!! And not the doctors who vaccinated a boy with a fever.

Forums are filled with information about the negative consequences of vaccinations. True, doctors call them a “natural” reaction of the body, which may be different for each child. And only some doctors dare to speak out against it. An example can be viewed at http://news-today.rf/. The story of the ordeal of a neurologist who dared to give medical advice from vaccinations to children with various developmental pathologies is characteristic in itself: it is not easy for even specialists to withstand the “mainstream”.

Moreover, this is a site that is “for” vaccinations!

Only a few experts call for great caution regarding the practice of introducing foreign biological materials into the human body. But doctors treat vaccinations themselves with much greater caution. So, last year at the Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg, 610 doctors refused vaccination against hepatitis B. On average, the refusal rate for all clinics participating in the vaccination program was 21.6%. A fifth of doctors did not want to get vaccinated! And even if this applies to one vaccine, doesn’t the fact itself tell us a lot?

It would be a great exaggeration to say that science is gradually starting to vote against vaccinations. Nevertheless, there is such a thing. Take a look, if interested, at 25 arguments against vaccinations and interviews with Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya- a famous virologist, candidate of biological sciences, independent expert on virology, author of four monographs on the problems of vaccinations.

So what should we do? Well, some kind of measles or even diphtheria, which, if diagnosed in a timely manner, can be treated quite successfully with modern means. Or the flu, which is more or less easily tolerated even without vaccination. But what if refusing the mumps vaccine will lead to mumps and further infertility for the boy? What if refusal to be vaccinated against polio leads to fatal consequences after a visit to seemingly harmless Bulgaria, Greece or Turkey with their constant foci of corresponding infections?

What will console us is if the child is not vaccinated and gets a disease that will cripple him for the rest of his life? Or complications that supposedly “occur in one or less cases per million vaccinated people” - if they affect my child?

And will it be much easier for us if not complications arise, but “peculiarities of the reactivity of the child’s body”: rash, urticaria, anaphylactic shock (!), convulsions, severe headaches, a piercing long-lasting cry that lasts for hours?.. Doctors say that “ it is almost impossible to predict the appearance of such individual reactions”... Some will not experience it at all, while others will experience it in the first 4 to 12 hours. Well, convulsions and loss of consciousness are possible from 2-7 to 4-15 days after the vaccine is administered!
The feeling that something is wrong with vaccinations has been building up in society for years. The result is already visible. On average, only 75% of children in the country are vaccinated in accordance with the national vaccination schedule. In large cities - even less.

Doctors claim that the effectiveness of vaccination is achieved only with 95 percent coverage. Consequently, the approach to vaccinating the population is already not justified - and it will only get worse.

In my opinion, the only way out of the situation is to stop lying, stop hushing up cases of complications, stop referring to favorable statistics. With growing public awareness, this will work less and less.

Independent research into the effectiveness and consequences of total vaccination is needed. A study that both society and doctors would believe - and a corresponding adjustment of public policy in this area. I cannot formulate the criteria for such a study, since I am not a doctor.

But maybe experts will speak on this topic? If the state is unable to clearly respond to this request from society, representatives of this society need to try to do it themselves. And we will help bring this point of view “where it needs to be.”

About the possible connection between vaccination and autism and the dangers of heavy metals in vaccines, about the greed of pharmaceutical companies, see (by the way, as it turned out, at least in this respect a number of Russian vaccines are much safer than imported ones).

But this was the case in Kirov. The parents of a 4-year-old girl refused to make Manta for her, which resulted in a year and a half struggle with the management of the kindergarten, with threats to drop the child off. The debate ended in the courtroom. Guess whose side the Kirov Themis took? That's right, on the kindergarten side. And this is not an isolated case when such an issue is resolved in court. And always - not in favor of the child. However, in many cases the matter ends with banal blackmail, they say, if you don’t get vaccinated, you’ll lose your place.

KOKSHETAU, April 10 - Sputnik. The family of one-year-old Esmalina Markovich, who died after being vaccinated against measles, shared with the correspondent the details of what happened, which, in their opinion, prove the guilt of the doctors in the death of the child.

Let us remind you that the tragedy occurred on March 5, 2019. During the day, the baby, who was the only child in the family, received a measles vaccination, and at night she died.

Relatives blame doctors

The relatives of the deceased baby are sure that the doctors are to blame for not making a medical clearance.

“Before the vaccination, Esmalina was ill for two weeks. The same doctor then diagnosed ARVI and prescribed antibiotics. In general, they insisted on vaccination. They did not take blood for analysis, although they knew that the child had recently been ill and was weakened. The result was death through 10 o’clock,” says the girl’s aunt Anastasia Agaltseva.

Based on this fact, a criminal case was initiated under Part 3 of Article 317 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Improper performance of professional duties by a medical worker, resulting in the death of a person). The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for up to five years.

The family finally received the results of the forensic examination. The cause of death, according to the document, was acute respiratory failure, which developed due to bilateral pneumonia.

“The doctor had to first eliminate all risks. The child with pneumonia was sent for vaccination. Now we are even more strengthened in our suspicions,” Anastasia emphasized.

Meanwhile, the regional health department is not sure of the doctors’ guilt.

“The vaccination was carried out in accordance with the national calendar and in compliance with the required algorithm. The case is under investigation at the Kokshetau police department, the conclusion of the forensic medical examination has not been received, so the management and employees of the clinic cannot draw any conclusions,” the Akmola health department told the agency areas.

Attack on journalists: clinic lawyer claims provocation

Let us remind you that the conclusion of forensic experts had another high-profile consequence: a scandal in the clinic where little Esmalina was vaccinated. The medical institution’s lawyer attacked the journalists of the KTK TV channel with his fists, who, together with the girl’s relatives, came to the doctors for comment.

“The morning after Esmalina’s death, I came to the clinic, spoke with the head, doctor and lawyer. Then they told me: the results of the examination will come - come. And now they are ready, on April 9 they came, inviting KTK journalists. Lawyer Erbolat Temirbekov calmly spoke to us , but until the moment when I began to show the reporter the forensic expert’s report. He snatched the microphone and then hit the camera with it,” recalls Anastasia.

The lawyer himself motivates: the materials are at the investigative stage and cannot be disclosed.

“I tried to explain this to them, to take away the papers. They provoked me with words like: “Well, come on, break our camera.” I wanted to push the camera away, hit the cover with the microphone. That’s where the sound came from - as if I hit with all my might, but that’s not the case The medical examination showed that the child had pneumonia. And, by the way, we still do not agree with this,” Temirbekov noted in an interview.

Meanwhile, the other side insists: there was no talk of any non-disclosure of the forensic expert’s report.

“Moreover, I even told the investigator that the whole of Kazakhstan would know about him. An employee of the clinic asked us: “The child died, he cannot be returned, why ruin a person’s life?” What kind of position is this? Yes, it cannot be returned, but such a situation can repeat with other children,” concluded Agaltseva.

On November 7, a tragedy occurred at the Pavlovsk regional hospital - a two-month-old girl died after a routine vaccination. Molodezhka correspondents met with her parents and found out who they blame for the death of their child.

"I don't trust doctors"

Family Orekhovs Lives in Pavlovka for a long time. We are greeted by Catherine– 38-year-old mother of the deceased girl. Echoes of the recent tragedy are clearly visible in her gaze: her tear-stained eyes look distantly into the distance.

Her mother-in-law is standing at the door - she is worried that her daughter-in-law may become ill. There is an open package of sedative pills on the table.

- My misadventures began much earlier, in 2007, - says Ekaterina. - I was pregnant with twins then, also girls. Rhinitis began (a common disease during pregnancy, the symptoms of which are very similar to a cold). I went to our gynecologist, she sent me to an ENT specialist. I don’t remember what diagnosis she gave me, but she prescribed injections. My neighbor, a nurse, made one for me. At night bleeding began and I was taken to the hospital. They did a caesarean section. One girl was found dead, and the second lived for two more days. After that, the ENT crawled to me on her knees, begging for forgiveness. Since then I have not trusted doctors.

Death after vaccination

Two years after this, Catherine became pregnant again and gave birth to a healthy boy, Arseny. He is now nine years old and is in third grade at a local school. But fate had one more test in store for the woman.

She cannot speak calmly about her fourth child; her voice trembles with barely restrained tears.

The daughter was born on September 6 of this year, she was christened Svetlana. A healthy, strong baby girl managed to gain more than a kilogram of weight and grow three centimeters in two months.

On November 7th we underwent a routine medical examination, at the end of which we were offered a polio vaccination. Now they say that vaccination was then carried out against pneumococcal infection. Well, how could I know that my daughter would die?

At this moment the husband enters the apartment Alexander, he works in the village as a welder.

- After the girl was vaccinated, Katya had to go to a couple more offices. She put her daughter in my hands, asking me to wait in the car, - the man remembers. – I took her and immediately felt that the girl somehow went limp and began to blink frequently. Less than half an hour had passed when I noticed that the girl was not breathing. When I unwrapped the diapers, I saw that there was a red stripe running from the vaccination site to the neck.

With the child in his arms, he ran into the hospital building and handed him over to the doctors. After an unsuccessful attempt at resuscitation, they were told: your daughter is dead. The father was not allowed to attend the autopsy, which took place on November 8. The preliminary diagnosis is very vague - “sudden infant death syndrome.”

Criminal case

The girl’s funeral was paid for by the district administration, where Ekaterina works as the chief housing and communal services specialist.

- Ekaterina is my former classmate. That’s all we could do – just to help as a human being, because she found herself in such a terrible situation,” explains Elena Polugarnova, First Deputy Head of Administration.

She refused to comment on the situation at the district hospital, but stated that the average age of doctors is quite serious, and this may indicate both their experience and inattention.

Now, based on the fact of the incident, the Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case under the article “Causing death by negligence.” And although the final results of the investigation will become known only in a month, the parents are sure that their daughter died due to the negligence of doctors. Moreover, the girl’s mother claims that residents of the village allegedly saw one of the pediatricians drunk at work more than once.

“I won’t give birth here”

We visited the Pavlovsk Central District Hospital. It is located on the edge of the village. It's an old brick building with crumbling plaster and a patch of mold decorating the wall in one place. Alas, it was not possible to talk to the doctors - everyone was “on a business trip or busy.”

The long corridors of the main building are desolate. Despite office hours, visitors meet occasionally. True, in the antenatal clinic we met a pregnant woman. She heard about the tragedy, but was forced to come to the hospital - she had no choice, she needed to undergo a routine examination.

- I definitely won’t give birth here, I’m afraid- she declares.

Hill with a cross

...All that now reminds of what happened is a small grave on the outskirts of the Pavlovsk cemetery. We found her ourselves; the mother of the dead girl refused to accompany us: it would have been too much of a challenge for her.

The baby was buried on Friday, November 9, at the very edge of the churchyard. On the fresh grave, withered flowers glisten with frost, and there are several wreaths. They have not yet had time to hang a photograph on the twisted cross; there is not even a sign with the name of the girl who left our world just two months after her birth.


Dutch authorities have temporarily banned the use of the Prevenar vaccine after three children died within 10 days of vaccination.


As we told you, on October 9 in Kaluga as a result of bilateral pneumonia. His mother Larisa Barinova wrote about the tragedy on social networks. The woman believes that her son fell ill with pneumonia due to the DTP vaccination, which was given to the boy 6 days before his death, on October 3.

“My 8-month-old child died after a routine DPT vaccination! Parents!!! Think 100 times before giving your child any vaccinations, read information about them and their consequences, about those affected by them. And don't think that this won't affect you. “I thought so too,” Larisa wrote on her page on the VKontakte social network. – Moreover, they are vaccinated against diseases that are not epidemically dangerous, but are transmitted through blood. Before vaccination, the examination is done almost by eye. They do not take any tests: neither blood nor urine, which could show whether there are complications from the subsequent vaccination. Some complications overlap with others. And there are many such cases when, after vaccination, a child either died or remained disabled for life. Information about all this is kept silent - it means money is involved and someone benefits from it!”

Larisa Barinova says that at the time of vaccination the baby was absolutely healthy. He tolerated the previous two DPT vaccinations well. By the evening of October 3, the boy’s temperature rose and snot appeared, but by the morning of the next day, Rostislav’s condition, according to his mother, returned to normal.

It worsened again on the night of October 9: the boy vomited. Larisa Barinova decided that this was due to complementary feeding: the day before she fed her son more broccoli puree than usual.

On the morning of the 9th, when the woman realized that her child’s condition was deteriorating, she turned to doctors for help. It was not possible to save the baby. The Ministry of Health of the Kaluga Region and the Investigative Committee are currently conducting an investigation into this fact.

The Internet public, meanwhile, has already drawn its own conclusions. Many social network users, like Larisa Barinova, believe that the cause of the child’s death was the DTP vaccine. We decided to find out how justified these suspicions are.

Agreed to comment on the situation famous Russian pediatrician Sergei BUTRY. He lives and works in Ivanovo, and on his pages on the social networks Facebook and VKontakte he covers in detail topics that are relevant to parents: vaccinations, vitamins, treatment of colds, etc.

Despite his busy work schedule: Sergei Butriy works 11 hours a day, he found time to give a detailed commentary on the tragedy that happened in Kaluga, as well as on whether the DTP vaccine is as scary as opponents of vaccination make it out to be. Sergei Butriy accompanied each of his arguments with a link to primary sources.

The DPT vaccination could not directly or indirectly provoke pneumonia, says Sergei Butriy. – DTP – a vaccine with a whole-cell pertussis component – ​​is perhaps the most reactogenic vaccine in the entire national vaccination calendar, that is, it most often causes undesirable effects: local (redness, pain and swelling of the injection site) and systemic (fever, malaise, sometimes even febrile seizures).

Because of this, parents are more wary of the DTP vaccine than any other, and because of this, the DTP vaccine has been the subject of an incredible amount of research into its safety. The vaccine was suspected of a variety of “sins”: that it provokes sudden infant death syndrome, persistent encephalopathy, epilepsy, dementia, etc. All reasonable suspicions that concerned only lesions of the central nervous system were carefully studied in rigorous studies, and the cause-and-effect relationship was refuted. Millions of dollars and pounds were spent on this, after which the vaccine was rehabilitated and these suspicions were removed from it.

So, even the most aggressive critics of this vaccine never suspected that it could cause pneumonia. There is not a single scientific evidence of such a connection. Neither the official instructions for the DTP vaccine, nor the most detailed professional analyzes of its adverse reactions anywhere, even in half a word, mention the possibility of causing pneumonia. Therefore, we must recognize that the tragedy that occurred cannot be related to the introduction of the vaccine.

- How complex (so to speak) is DTP? Is it easy for children to tolerate? Are there any contraindications for this vaccination? Is the local doctor required to prescribe urine or blood tests before vaccination to make sure that the child is healthy? How should a child be examined immediately before vaccination?

I have already said that unwanted reactions (not to be confused with complications) to the DTP vaccine occur quite often. For example, an increase in temperature above 38°C on the third dose of DPT occurs in almost every second child (see. directory Immunoprophylaxis 2014, p. 79). However, these undesirable effects are not too high a price to pay for protecting a child from tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria. Of course, there are contraindications for the DTP vaccine. These are primarily severe and progressive neurological disorders, afebrile seizures, acute infectious diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases, etc. (see details). As far as I know about the tragedy in Kaluga from open sources, the doctor examined the child and excluded these contraindications, which means he not only had the right, but also had to administer the vaccine. No regulatory document in the Russian Federation obliges a doctor to monitor blood and urine tests before vaccination in order to prevent complications from it, and this is correct. Because these complications are completely impossible to predict from tests or anything else. The current practice of prescribing tests for each child before each vaccination has no scientific basis and can only serve as some irrational way to reassure parents who are afraid of vaccination.

The examination of the child before vaccination is carried out like any other examination by a pediatrician, and if no obvious diseases are detected, according to the law of the Russian Federation, the doctor not only can, but must also vaccinate the child. More and more evidence is accumulating around the world that vaccinating sick children does not carry with it either an increased risk of complications from vaccination or an increased risk of complications from the disease itself (for example, see), but these recommendations have not yet reached Russia. In our country, even a minor ARVI is a contraindication to vaccinating a child. And even these overly cautious rules, as far as I know, were followed by the pediatrician.

- In your opinion, what is the degree of guilt in the incident of the local pediatrician who gave the go-ahead for the vaccination?

Considering everything I said above – none. A pediatrician is not a psychic; he cannot predict the future. He acted in the interests of the child, because he wanted to protect him from three very serious infections, the epidemiological situation for which in the Russian Federation is still unfavorable. He had no reason to expect complications from the vaccine - especially since this child had already been given the same DTP vaccine twice, and, according to the mother, it was well tolerated. And, I emphasize, the pediatrician turned out to be right: no complications developed from the vaccine. Pneumonia cannot in any way be considered a complication of DTP, because such complications with this vaccine have not been described in principle and because complications develop in the first hours or 2-3 days from the administration of the vaccine, and not on the sixth day.

If a child died in an accident after receiving DTP vaccination, would this be a complication? What if he fell out of the window? You understand that there is no connection between falling from a window and DTP, even if it happened immediately after vaccination? It’s the same with pneumonia and death from it. Yes, this is a terrible tragedy, and I sincerely - as a doctor and as a father of two children - sympathize with this family. But the fact that the vaccination took place the day before is purely an accident, and the accusations against the local pediatrician and the vaccine are groundless, irrational and unfair.

Judging by the mother's description, which she posted for public discussion, the child suffered aspiration of vomit, which caused aspiration pneumonia, respiratory failure and the death of the child. In my opinion, this is not the fault of the mother, the pediatrician, or the vaccine.

- Some parents, after the tragedy, are worried that their children may also become victims of vaccination. How justified are these fears? Can parents do anything to ensure that vaccination does not have any negative consequences for the child?

Any negative event after vaccination, whether related or unrelated to it, always immediately comes under the closest public attention. This provokes a wave of publications in the media and social networks, mass refusals of vaccinations and sweeping accusations towards doctors and vaccine manufacturers. At the same time, cases when a child was not vaccinated on time and he fell ill, for example, with whooping cough, are discussed a couple of orders of magnitude more modestly and less frequently. Why do you think this happens? Because parents feel guilty and try to shut up and forget this incident. This imbalance in public awareness is what gives rise to anti-vaccination sentiments. On the one hand, there are regular messages on social networks about tragedies that coincided with vaccination (like the case under discussion), or true adverse reactions to the vaccine, on the other hand, there is silence about the consequences of refusals to vaccinate. This is unfair and dangerous. People should be told how many vaccine-preventable infections there are in the Russian Federation, how many children suffer and die from them. It is worth at least as wide coverage of cases of child death from tetanus, pertussis pneumonia, measles, pneumococcal meningitis, and so on - that is, from those infections that vaccinations protect against. So that parents are aware of the arguments on both sides.

The bad news is that there is no way to reduce the risk of adverse events and complications from vaccinations in advance. Postponing vaccination to a later date not only increases the time that a child will be defenseless against vaccine-preventable diseases, but, according to some studies, even worsens the tolerability of vaccination.

No matter how cynical it may sound, tragedies have always happened to children, and, unfortunately, will continue to happen. Some of these tragedies will continue to occur after vaccination, simply because children are vaccinated frequently and the risk of coincidences is quite high.

In his book Deadly Choices, pediatrician Paul Offit cites a case in which a father once brought his child to the family doctor for vaccination, waited in the waiting room for more than an hour and went home, upset by the long line. At home, he put the child to bed, and a few hours later he found him dead in his crib. An autopsy showed that the child died from sudden infant death syndrome. This father later said that if the pediatrician had administered the vaccine to his child, not a single study in the world would have been able to convince him that the vaccine killed the child.

Anyone who works with children, especially a local pediatrician, is at great risk. Anything bad that happens to a child can be blamed on the pediatrician: both by the public and by the imperfect judicial system. But if this is the price for working in pediatrics, who would want to work in pediatrics anyway?

By unfair persecution, you harass doctors, provoke their burnout, and push them to leave the profession and do something much safer and more profitable. And those who remain in the profession begin to constantly play it safe, since unjustified medical exemptions from vaccinations do not lead to sanctions against the doctor, but an administered vaccine always does

A six-month-old child died in the Urals after falling into a coma after being vaccinated with pneumococcus. Did your baby die from a vaccine allergy? The investigator and doctors are looking into the emergency in Pavlovka. Death of a child from vaccination

Alexander Kotok: You periodically publish comments on the website of the Ukrainian League for the Defense of Civil Rights. What led you to become an anti-vaxxer?

Tatyana: The tragic events that happened in our family, and I want everyone who has children to think about how dangerous trust in doctors and vaccinations can be, and the conviction that everything bad happens to anyone, but not to with your child, everything will certainly be fine. If this helps save the lives or health of at least a few babies, I will at least a little atone for my guilt towards our baby who died from the DTP vaccine.

In 2005, a healthy, desirable girl was born into our family. We are very grateful to the doctors who attended the birth, everything went great and in the maternity hospital the baby was vaccinated against hepatitis B and BCG. Since we had not heard of any complications from vaccinations at that time, we agreed to them. True, we were alarmed that they gave us to sign that we allow vaccination against hepatitis B, but we were told that this was the order. Since childhood, we have been instilled with the idea of ​​​​the benefits of vaccinations, and we had no doubts about their necessity. We were discharged home in satisfactory condition, and our life at home began.

Have you noticed any changes in the child's behavior that would indicate a complication after the vaccinations?

The baby became restless, but this was attributed to colic and dysbacteriosis, which began for unknown reasons. After two weeks, everything gradually returned to normal, sleep improved, and the child stopped crying constantly. We followed the development of our girl and were happy. A month passed, and we happily and proudly went to the hospital to see our doctor. The examination showed that everything was normal, and we were allowed to get vaccinated according to the vaccination calendar. Having done them, we headed home. But at home everything started all over again: dysbacteriosis again, sleep became restless and intermittent, the child was constantly crying, I had to carry him in my arms. We thought it was a reaction to the vaccine, but the visiting nurse said that up to three months, babies have intestinal problems, colic, etc. And again after two or three weeks everything went away. The child calmed down and we finally breathed freely. Before the first DTP, we were told to do a blood test: hemoglobin was 130. After the vaccination, the same symptoms repeated, and again the visiting nurse said that everything was fine. After the second DPT vaccination, it all started again, but something new was added: we noticed that the baby was twitching her shoulder about 1-2 times a day. So sometimes when asked about something, they answer: “How do I know?”, and make a movement with their shoulders. We even thought it was funny. We couldn’t connect this with anything bad, but we still asked the doctor, and received the answer that, oh, these mothers and grandmothers, what can they come up with? At that moment we should have become concerned and consulted a neurologist... although now I doubt that we would have received the necessary answer. Only recently did I read in a description of post-vaccination complications that this was a manifestation of a convulsive syndrome, a reaction to a vaccine, and after such a manifestation of a reaction it is impossible to vaccinate. In addition, since the same condition recurred again as after the first vaccinations, and we already understood for sure that one thing is connected with the other. And again, about three weeks passed, again the child became calmer, and again the time came for a visit to the pediatrician. For some reason, at this time I didn’t come across any articles about complications after vaccinations, no one around me said anything (maybe simply because I didn’t talk to people about it), and there were no obvious complications among my loved ones. We went for another DTP vaccination.

Marinka is 2.5 months old

Have you been vaccinated strictly according to the vaccination calendar?

Yes, we were disciplined parents, we obeyed the doctors in everything, relying on their professionalism.

So what happened?

The only thing that is clearly imprinted in my memory is the wild cry of the baby after the injection. By the way, I forgot to write that after each injection the child screamed a lot, and after the first vaccination he almost suffocated from screaming. Immediately after the vaccination, my health began to deteriorate. The child was put to bed, but literally 20 minutes later the baby shuddered and woke up screaming. I had to forget about a restful sleep. Once a day, towards the evening, she began to cry, and the crying continued for 2-3 hours. It was not just crying, it was a cry-cry, the way children scream when they are very, very hurt. For us, it started for no reason and suddenly, and did not subside. One might think that it was a wild, continuous pain. In addition, we noticed that the baby began to wet her diapers less. We didn’t know what to think; no one in the family from the older generation had encountered such a child’s condition. The doctor, as always, said that these were our imaginations and that everything was fine. But the smell of acetone appeared and the baby could not even drink water; she immediately vomited from taking a sip of food and water. Within literally 30 minutes we went to a private clinic. The pediatrician immediately wrote a referral to the hospital, and we ended up in the infectious diseases department. Further events happened rapidly. Blood, stool, and urine tests were taken, for some reason they did an x-ray (the doctors said to rule out pneumonia (?)), and an analysis for an intestinal infection. These appointments were made by the doctor in the emergency department. A blood test showed hemoglobin 90, the next day 60. Then the baby’s face became very swollen, her eyes turned into slits. At my insistence, since it was Sunday and the doctor on duty did nothing, waited until Monday, they called a doctor from the intensive care unit, I drew his attention to the smell of acetone, low hemoglobin, and swelling. He examined the child and immediately took him to the intensive care unit. They did a test for creatinine, it was very high... Further events merged into some kind of nightmarish delirium, I simply cannot describe them in detail. In general, the tests did not confirm an intestinal infection; A biochemical blood test showed that the kidneys were failing, the child began to have convulsions, she lost consciousness, stopped breathing and was transferred to mechanical breathing. In general, according to the doctor, the child had cerebral edema, seizures, cessation of kidney function, and weak heart function. On the card I saw a preliminary diagnosis - “Encephalitis of unknown etiology, multiple organ failure, glomerulonephritis.” Hemoglobin dropped to 45. We asked what was the reason for this condition, we were asked counter questions, but other than the fact that we had never been anywhere other than the hospital and had recently been vaccinated, we could not say anything more. But the doctors could not say anything about the cause of the child’s condition. At home I had the “Practitioner’s Handbook” (M., 1993), and based on the preliminary diagnosis, I began to look for information. Even then, I found the causes of acute glomerulonephritis, among which “...Glomerulonephritis may occur after the administration of vaccines and serums (serum, vaccine).” In the “Symptoms and Treatment” section I found our symptoms. In the subject index of the same reference book, I also found “Encephalitis (meningoencephalomyelitis) post-vaccination.” That's when I finally realized what was wrong with our child. After all, the child had not been sick with anything before; the card only contains records that the child is healthy and is being sent for vaccination. All these seemingly disparate symptoms - cerebral edema, convulsions, heart failure, liver and kidney damage, terrible blood tests - all of this found one logical explanation: toxic damage to the baby’s body from the components of the vaccine. By this time, the card from the clinic was requested by the department, and I never saw it again. Having the information from the reference book, I literally swore to the intensive care doctor that I would not go anywhere, because I saw that the doctors were doing everything possible, and that I knew that it was all from the vaccine. He, seeing how I controlled myself and believing in my sincerity, confirmed to me that this was so, but they could not do anything, the body was too badly affected. He also said that this was not their first case, but they were never allowed to write “death from a post-vaccination complication.” They are forced to remain silent and write other diagnoses. Our baby, who was not yet seven months old, died. She died not even a month after her last vaccination. And every day after the vaccination she lived in agony: she could not sleep, she was in such pain that she screamed with a terrible cry, she turned yellow because her liver was failing, her face was swollen from edema because her kidneys were failing, she could not breathe - she was kept on mechanical breathing for several days, so that, as we were told later, to prepare the family for the death of the baby, and every new day they gave us information about her state of health so that we finally understood what awaited us, and we died all these days along with her. One nurse (she was probably asked to warn us) said that even if we wanted to achieve something, we would not be able to do it, since the tests, the clinic card, and the medical history in the department, and everything had already been rewritten in different ink so that the forgery is not visible. At the morgue, I spoke with the doctors and also swore that I would not give them away, just let them tell me the results of the autopsy, and they said that the brain, liver, kidneys were affected, and this was a post-vaccination complication that ended in death. They said that they would make a different diagnosis, just like in the intensive care unit. I didn't care anymore. We could not sue, we ourselves were all on the verge, we were grateful to the intensive care and morgue doctors for the fact that they told us the truth about the condition and death of the child, because when a healthy child dies for no apparent reason literally in a matter of days, it’s time to get away with mind. I understand that they took a risk by telling us this. That's all. We were so happy, so trustingly we carried our girl to the doctors, so proud of her successes in front of them, so obediently we vaccinated...

During their childhood, my parents suffered from every childhood disease except diphtheria. I myself had rubella at the age of 5, then chickenpox, but for some reason my sister did not get chickenpox, although we were together in the same room. Well, who said that it is more dangerous to get sick from these diseases than to inject a child with poisons found in vaccines? Who said vaccines are safe? And for that matter, how many different, much more dangerous diseases there are, and they are not vaccinated against them. And they are vaccinated during the first year of babies’ lives. Of course, this is the best age to attribute all complications from vaccinations to an unhealthy pregnancy, a hereditary factor, sudden infant death syndrome, and much more. Who will prove that the vaccine administered to the newborn is to blame? Are they telling you that they are saving children from terrible diseases? Ask those born in the 30s and 40s how many deaths occurred from childhood diseases for which they were not vaccinated then. How many people were disabled by these diseases? And did adults suffer from childhood diseases? Our grandmother worked in a hospital, and she told us different stories from hospital life, and I remembered them for the rest of my life. Especially the case of how a child died of diphtheria, and what an emergency it was for the city. And now, in 2006-2007, besides our baby, 3 children died after vaccinations in only one of our microdistricts, and there was no emergency, only fear that the parents would sue. Yes, in fact, they are not even afraid of the trial, but of publicity, since after this parents will again write refusals of vaccinations. It’s been about two years since our baby is no longer with us, I don’t remember much, I’m writing what I still remember, but my soul hurts as if it happened today.

And then you started working on the topic of vaccinations?

I started reading publications about vaccinations, asking people, and this is what I discovered. When I told what happened to us, many talked about their own complications, complications among relatives, acquaintances, and neighbors. Literally every fourth person had such facts. And I realized that the complications are massive, some are stronger, some are weaker, but there are a lot of them. My friend knew what happened with us, and she did not vaccinate the child until 10 months. He grew up completely healthy and balanced. I recently met her and she said that she was very tired, the boy was restless, began to scream hysterically for no reason, throw himself on the floor, bang his head, and during such an attack it is better not to touch him until he calms down. I read about such post-vaccination complications... “But you didn’t vaccinate him?” — I asked, and in response I heard that the doctor persuaded me to do “at least the mandatory vaccinations.” This is how people think that complications happen to someone somewhere, but they certainly won’t affect them.

What would you say to young mothers who are confused and don’t know whether or not to vaccinate?

Dear mothers, learn from the mistakes of others, your children are not experimental material. You fear for their health and expect a doctor to protect it. We no longer have anyone to fear for; we don’t need to worry that the child will not be accepted into kindergarten or school, or that he will get a “vaccine-controlled” disease. Doctors have already “taken care” of protection from any diseases and even from the life of the child...

What would you say to anti-vaxxers?

Don’t find fault with my story, maybe I’m not saying something exactly exactly, and I’m missing something, but you need to be a robot and record and document everything at the very time when you are going crazy from powerlessness and grief, when you you become dull from insomnia and hopelessness, when you move like an automaton, and your head and whole body burn as if you were next to fire. The doctors told me the real diagnosis, and there is no point in making up a fairy tale. Yes, and I have one document where the diagnosis was written by a resuscitator, and there is a death certificate, where there is a completely different diagnosis. These two documents were written two days apart. I have doctor friends to whom I showed two documents and asked if it was possible to write on the death certificate a diagnosis that was written two days after the first diagnosis in intensive care? They said that falsification of the diagnosis on the death certificate is visible even to an amateur. In addition, I have kept lists of medications for the pharmacy, issued in the intensive care unit. From these lists it is also clear that with such a diagnosis, which is written on the death certificate, such drugs will never be prescribed, but with a diagnosis from intensive care, these are exactly the ones prescribed. For those who want to find out about the real number of complications, my advice is to ask as many people as possible about vaccinations. I guarantee you will be amazed by the results. I would talk to mothers who are in favor of vaccination on forums, but not with doctors. In addition, mothers who get vaccinated simply write in the comments that they are getting vaccinated, they are afraid for their children, but they were told that vaccinations are necessary. They reason, worry, ask. You can and should talk to them. And when those who organize these vaccinations and monitor the implementation of vaccination plans write, hiding behind a fictitious name, they are immediately visible by the hatred with which they write comments to opponents of vaccinations. There is no use talking to them. They themselves know everything perfectly well; they could tell us so much about deaths and complications after vaccinations that we would be horrified by the scale of complications and deaths. We hinder them by telling the truth. Ordinary doctors themselves are hostages of the situation. If they are decent, then they confirm the fact of post-vaccination complications, but in private, since official recognition means immediate loss of work. And also, I am grateful to the intensive care doctors for their daily feat. While rescuing children who ended up in intensive care after vaccinations, they see the disastrous results of vaccination and cannot talk about it openly, and in private conversations such pain, such hopelessness breaks through their words. .. but they can’t change anything. They can only save.

Do you see a way out?

It has already been found. In the USA, European countries, and Russia, voluntary vaccination has long been legislated. No one would dare kick a healthy, unvaccinated child out of school or preschool. References to an epidemic, for example, tuberculosis, are absurd. Everyone is vaccinated against tuberculosis, not a single unvaccinated child will be discharged from the maternity hospital, all small children are vaccinated, but how many children are now sick with tuberculosis, and not only the pulmonary form, but also bone tuberculosis. The child is 3-4 years old, and his bone is rotting! Who does he, a vaccinated person, need to come into contact with in order to get this disease? And then what can be said about his vaccination? References to poor quality vaccines or improper vaccination are laughable. The answer to this is: if it doesn’t work out, don’t try it. If you don’t know how, don’t inject yourself, but lie for the sake of reporting; you know how to do this very well when you have to lie to your grief-stricken parents. Let parents have freedom of choice, then doctors can be told in the event of a post-vaccination complication: parents themselves are responsible for the consequences of vaccination. If our state is so eager to go to Europe, then let it copy everything that is there, including responsibility for vaccination errors.

It's not entirely anonymous, since I can be contacted. As for the name of the city, I don’t want to let down the intensive care doctors who were not afraid to tell me the truth. In addition, my health condition does not allow me to raise this issue officially again. I simply told people my case to warn them against tragedies. If I had known before what happened that I needed to copy literally every sheet from the card, every analysis, then today I would have handled all the documents proving death from a post-vaccination complication in court. Although there would still be no point. So be careful, dear parents!!!

How can I contact you, Tatyana?

My phone number is 80676646143, e-mail [email protected]



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs