What do a hare's ears look like? Bedtime Stories

The hare is the hero of many fairy tales, fables and proverbs. Each of us knows what the bunny has long ears, short tail, in summer it is gray and in winter - white, that this animal is very cowardly and always flees, leaning on its long legs. But is this always the case? Can this be said about all the hares on our planet? Indeed, among the hare family there are very unusual representatives who sometimes differ from their fellows not only in appearance, but also in bizarre behavior, which is completely unusual for hares.

Why is the hare called oblique?

The hare is often called oblique. Indeed, his bulging eyes are far apart, and his neck is very flexible. Therefore, when the animal flees, it squints its eyes back. The hare is able to see 360° around him. But this does not always help him, because he does not pay close attention to what is in front and often, running away from one predator, falls into the clutches of another.

Why does a hare have long legs?

The timid animal has a lot of enemies, because it has nothing to defend itself with - it has no sharp horns, strong claws or large teeth. Therefore, his only salvation is to escape. There are many hunters for the hare: it is often pursued by wolves, foxes, martens, owls, eagles and other predatory animals and birds. But catching a long-legged animal is not so easy. Noticing the danger, the hare flees, leaning on its strong hind legs. It is capable of reaching speeds of up to 65 km/h. At the same time, it loops and makes sharp turns, jumps up - sometimes higher than a meter, trying to confuse the tracks and throw the enemy off the trail. The hare is a real master at confusing tracks. While escaping, the scythe also has time to look around to see if there is a hunter or predator nearby.

Can a hare fend for itself?

Cowardice and timidity are the main traits that are attributed to hares: “timid as a hare”, “hare soul”, etc. But sometimes hares give a worthy rebuff to the enemy. When neither its speed nor agility helps a furry animal escape from a predator, then it uses its last attempt: it instantly falls on its back and with its strong hind legs tries with all its might to defend itself from the attacker. And although the hare rarely wins in this fight, it happens that the famous “coward” fends off predators and can even inflict quite serious wounds on them, scratching the enemy’s stomach and chest with his claws. There are known cases when predators died after such hare self-defense. During the mating season, males also fight for females. Standing up on hind legs, they cut each other with their claws - from such a fight the fur flies in clumps in all directions! An angry female can also, like a boxer, fight off her boyfriend if she doesn’t like him in some way.

Does a hare always change its coat?

Hares change the color of their fur to camouflage themselves from their enemies. In summer, the gray coat makes the animal invisible among the grass and stones, and in winter, the hare’s fur turns white and hides it in the snow. But this does not happen everywhere. In Ireland, where there is no long-term snow cover, the bunny does not turn white in winter, it always remains gray. And on the coast of Greenland, where the air temperature rarely rises above +5° even in summer, the hares living there whole year They wear a white fur coat.

The tree hare is a master at climbing trees

Everyone knows that hares live in burrows in the ground, but in Japan there is a hare that easily climbs trees. There he not only hides from enemies, but also feasts on shoots and leaves of trees or sleeps sweetly in a hollow. This is a tree hare.

He is completely different from his brothers: the tree bunny has dark brown fur, small eyes, short ears, a miniature, almost invisible tail only 2 cm long and short hind legs. The paws have long curved claws, which help it climb up the tree. These hares do not jump, as ordinary hares should, but move in dashes. In addition, they are nocturnal animals. When it gets dark, the hares come down from the trees and go in search of juicy grass and acorns, which they love to feast on.

California hare - the most eared

Almost all hares are famous for their large ears. But among them there is also a record holder - the California hare, which is found only in the steppe regions of the USA. When you see him, the first thing that catches your eye is his big ears, which sometimes reach 60 cm. They are thin, wide and completely without hair. With the help of its huge ears, the hare not only picks up quiet sounds, but is also constantly in the shade, hiding from the sun, so the animal does not overheat in the heat.

water hare

This unusual bunny always settles near the water. And for good reason. After all, to escape the pursuit of predators, he without hesitation runs to the nearest body of water, boldly jumps into the water and rows with all his might to the other side. Its strong hind legs are well adapted for swimming: they have large, wide feet. The water hare is an excellent swimmer and can even submerge in water for 3-4 minutes, pushing only the tip of its nose to the surface. So he can sit in the water long enough for a long time until the predator leaves.

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It was a long time ago. When there were no cartoons or movies. Not even a computer in a primeval cave. And the first animals lived on Earth: the first hedgehog, the first wolf, the first bear, the first raccoon. But the story is not about them, but about the hare. So...

More than anything else, the hare dreamed of growing up. Like an elephant. Or at least like a moose. He did everything: he ate vitamin-rich hare cabbage, and healthy carrots gnawed, and did exercises in the morning, and hung on a branch...

And all in vain.

One day the hare decided to celebrate his birthday. The guests came with cabbage and carrot bouquets. And the hedgehog neighbor brought a birthday cake with one candle into the clearing.

“Blow on the candle and make a wish,” said the hedgehog. - And then your wish will definitely come true...

The hare blew as hard as he could - the candle went out.

- Well, what did you wish for? - everyone became interested.

“I want to grow big,” said the hare.

“That’s an excellent wish,” said the raccoon and, going up to the birthday boy, began to pull him by the ears. - Grow up, hare, big, big!

- Oh, what are you doing?! - the hare shouted.

“I will fulfill your wish,” answered the raccoon.

“Let me help you too,” the fox was delighted and also began to pull the hare by the ears. - Grow up, hare, big, big!

“Ay-ay-ay, my ears will come off,” cried the hare.

“Be patient, otherwise you won’t grow,” said the fox.

“Look, it seems he’s grown a little,” the hedgehog squinted.

“Exactly, exactly,” the guests made a noise. - Grow up, hare, big, big!

Of course, the hare has not grown a centimeter, only his ears have stretched out a little.

“Give it to me,” the wolf grabbed the hare by the ears and lifted him above the ground. - Look, hare! Now you will see Moscow!

The hare's ears pulled back even more.

“Grow up, big, big hare,” the guests shouted in unison.

The bear came later than everyone else.

-What are you doing? – he was surprised.

“Let’s help the hare grow,” everyone shouted joyfully.

“Now I’ll help too,” said the bear. But since his ears were busy, the bear grabbed the hare by the tail and began to pull him in the other direction. Everyone is pulling by the ears, but the bear is pulling by the tail.

“Ay-ay-ay,” shouted the birthday boy. - Oh-oh-oh!

And then the hare’s tail could not stand it and came off. Everyone fell to one side, the bear with its tail to the other...

And the birthday boy jumped out of the heap and ran to the third.

Since then, the hare no longer invited guests to his birthday.

Now do you understand why the hare has such long ears and such a short tail? And why, when he sees a fox, wolf or bear, does he immediately give chase?

Once upon a time there lived a Hare.
In those distant times, his ears were very, very short, like those of the kitten Puffy.
One fine summer morning the Hare got up, washed his face and was just about to run into the forest, when suddenly someone loudly drummed on the door.
-Who's there? - the Hare asked in fear.

In the name of the great Leo, open!” he heard a rough voice answer.
The hare was very scared and quickly opened the door. The Jackal entered the room with a long saber at his side.
“Get together immediately!” he growled menacingly. “The great Leo himself is calling you!”
The hare became even more frightened.
- Why did His Majesty Leo need me? - he timidly asked the Jackal.
-Are you still talking? - the Jackal growled. “Pull it together quickly, or I’ll tear it apart!”
Poor Hare quickly locked his house and hit the road.
They ran for several hours along a forest path. In front is the Hare, behind is the Jackal. Finally they reached a large clearing on which stood the Lion's palace sparkling with gold.
The hare was led along long corridors, and then he found himself in a huge hall, where the formidable King Leo sat on a high golden throne wearing a crown.

As soon as the Hare saw him, he froze in place with fear.
“Come on, come closer!” Lev shouted to him in a thunderous voice. “Don’t be afraid, I won’t eat you!” Until I eat it! - And he laughed merrily.
- Come, come closer, don’t be afraid. “His Majesty is in a good mood today,” a quiet, insinuating voice suddenly rang out. And the Hare only then noticed that there was a red fox- court advisor.
- Ha-ha-ha! - Lev laughed again. “I don’t believe that this cowardly hare can find me a magic flower!”
- Let's try, Your Majesty! - the Fox said quietly. “If he finds it, good, if he doesn’t find it, we’ll send another.”
- OK! - the Lion agreed and growled, turning to the Hare. - Listen to my royal order: find the magic bell flower where you want. It differs from ordinary bells in that it rings quietly all the time. Old Owl, my court astrologer, told me that whoever smells it first will have any wish come true. If you find a flower, I will reward you royally, if you don’t find it, I will swallow you alive. Look, don't even try to smell it before me!

You have a month. If you don’t come to my palace in exactly a month, the jackals will tear apart all the hares in the forest. Remember this and don't be late!
The Lion once again looked menacingly at the frightened Hare, laughed loudly and let him go.
Our Hare rolled head over heels out of the palace and rushed away from it into his native forest.

He sat there under big Christmas tree, grieved, cried, and then remembered that he only had a month to live, and quickly began to look for the magic bell.

One day he found himself in a large clearing. It was all strewn with blue bells.

“Maybe there is a magic one among them?” thought the Hare. He stood on tiptoe and listened for the bell to ring. He listened so intently that his ears even grew a little. However, I did not hear any ringing. Then he sighed heavily and ran on.

So he ran and ran forward, kept listening to see if the treasured ringing would be heard somewhere. His ears, because he constantly listened, grew and grew and soon became very, very long.
But all searches were unsuccessful, although a lot of time had already passed - the month would soon be over.

Our Hare is completely exhausted. And then one day he sat down to rest under a large tree. He sat down and cried.

“I’m unfortunate, a wretched fellow,” lamented the Hare. “I’m unlucky in life.” Apparently, you will have to die for nothing. I’ll rest a little and go home so as not to be late. Otherwise the jackals will eat all the hares...
He sits there and cries.

“Why are you making such a fuss?” suddenly someone’s cheerful voice asked him. “Stop crying: you can’t help your grief with tears. What happened to you?”
The Hare wiped his eyes with his paw and saw: an Ant was sitting in front of him on a branch, looking at him and laughing out loud.

“How can I not cry,” the Hare tells him, “when I only have three days left to live.”
And he told Ant about what happened to him.
“You’re stupid, Hare, stupid,” Ant shook his head.

But is it possible to do such a thing alone - to find a magic bell?
“You can’t, you can’t!” agreed the Hare and cried even more.
“I’ll probably have to give up my life.” There's nothing you can do...
“Don’t cry!” Ant shouted at him angrily. “It’s already wet!” What one cannot do alone, we will do everything together. Wait for me here, don’t go anywhere.” And Ant ran away along the path into the depths of the forest.

And before the Hare had time to understand anything, a wide variety of insects began to fly to the clearing from all sides. Ant also came running.

It seems that everything is assembled,” he said and climbed onto a tall daisy. “I have gathered you here,” he shouted, “on a very important matter.” Do you see this Hare? So, the formidable king of beasts, Leo, will eat him if we don’t help him. You need to immediately find the ringing bell flower. Who knows where it grows?

The clearing became quiet. Bees, butterflies, bugs, flies looked at each other and shook their wings in bewilderment. None of them had ever seen or even heard of such an extraordinary flower. Only one old bee said:
- I know where the magic bell grows. But it is very far away, at the very end of the forest, near a large river.

It’s okay that it’s too far away!” Ant shouted joyfully. “On the road!” Get on the road! Fireflies, go! - he commanded. “You will light the way, you will have to walk all night.”
Thousands of fireflies immediately rushed forward, and the Hare galloped after them: the Ant sat comfortably on his short tail. Butterflies, bugs, bees, flies flew behind - everyone wanted to see the magic flower.

All night they rushed forward. And by morning we finally reached a wide meadow near the river, completely covered with blue bells.

Here! - said the old bee. - And which of them is magical, look for yourself.
The Hare entered the flowers, raised his ears, which were now long, and listened.
It’s quiet around, only blades of grass rustle in the breeze. Suddenly the Hare heard a distant ringing, gentle, crystalline. But where does it come from? The Hare rushed forward, then to the right, to the left, but could not find the ringing bell. He sat down and cried bitterly.

Why are you crying again? - Ant got angry. - Have you forgotten that you are not alone? All together we will now find the bell.” And he turned to the resting insects: “Quickly listen to each bell and find the one that rings.”
All the bees, beetles, and butterflies flew in different directions.

The Hare and Ant did not have to wait long.
- Come here! “He’s here!” they heard.
A small white butterfly sat on the petals of an ordinary blue bell.
- Quiet! Listen!” she said.

Everyone froze, and in the ensuing silence the necessary, melodic ringing was heard. Without a doubt, this was the magical flower they were looking for.
- Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! - the Hare shouted joyfully. “The magic flower has been found!” - And he carefully plucked the ringing bell.
- Thank you, friends, for your help! - the Hare warmly thanked Ant, butterflies, bees and other insects. - I will not remain in debt. I have figured out how to save you and all the animals from the greedy and cruel Lion. May everyone live joyfully and happily. Until then, goodbye.

Exactly on the appointed day, he was at the gates of the Lion's palace with a flower in his paw. The Fox ran out to meet him: she had been guarding the Hare for a long time.

What happened to you? - she asked feigningly affectionately. “Are you sick?” He doesn't look like himself. Your ears have become so long that it’s just scary to look at...
The hare did not answer, but showed the bell and proudly said:
- I brought a magic flower!

Give it to me! - the Fox shouted joyfully. “I’ll take it to Lev myself.” She grabbed the flower and dived into the palace.
And the Hare quietly followed her. He saw the Fox in the dark corridor sniff the flower several times in a row. Then she ran into the hall on tiptoe.
- Oh, lord! - she said, approaching the Lion’s throne. “That Hare has come.” He brought a magic flower...
- Give it here! - The Lion roared deafeningly and, jumping off the throne, snatched the flower from the Fox’s clutches.

I want to be the king of the whole world, I want the fish, birds and animals of the whole earth to obey me! - he exclaimed and smelled the flower.
- Hee-hee-hee! - the Fox laughed. “I will be the queen of the whole earth!” I smelled the flower before you did!
She hit herself in the chest with her paw and screamed in a shrill voice:
- I want to be the queen of all fish, birds and animals. And I also want Leo to be my servant!
But none of this happened. And Lev, as soon as he realized that the Fox had deceived him, growled terribly, rushed at her and swallowed her in an instant.
The hare looked at them from behind a wide column and laughed merrily. And then he said:
“I want the Lion and this palace to disappear and for there to be no kings in the forest ever again.”

And immediately both the palace and the Lion disappeared.
It turns out that the Hare himself was the first to smell the magic flower, and his wish came true.
Since then forest animals and the birds live freely. And the hares still have long and sensitive ears.

Ears make it possible to hear, but that is not the only thing ears are designed for. Many animals, having only small ones ears, in terms of hearing they can compete with many “eared” animals, so you can’t stop there. Let's look at what ears are for, whatever they are.


First, it's for hearing. The larger the ears, the better the animal hears. This can be proven by conducting a simple experiment: while listening to music, place your palms on your ears, curling them into a kind of horn. The music will become louder. From this example it is clear that the larger the ears, the sharper the hearing. Which is understandable with a hare, which is a herbivore, and therefore must hear a predator at a distance in order to have time to escape.

Additionally, the long ears can be easily wrapped around and placed perpendicular to each other or parallel. Thanks to this, you can hear sounds literally around you, which also increases the survival rate of many animals.

But what about other animals, for example, a donkey, which cannot run fast, which means it doesn’t really need hearing? Let's move on.

Ears are like radiators and streamlining of the ears

It turns out that large ears serve as radiators to remove heat from the body, and the head especially needs this when it overheats. The proof of this is that animals that live in deserts or quite warm regions. But those who live in cold places have very small ears, for example, polar bears.

Indeed, everyone who inhabits hot places has large ears. Even hares that live in deserts are proud of their truly long ears.

Now about the ordinary gray hare. Although he does not live in warm regions, he has long ears. Here, too, the reason is not only the need for excellent hearing. When running away from a predator, the hare, of course, gets very hot, so while running it also needs to remove heat from the body, which is what its ears do. But while running, the ears of all animals are pressed to the body. The reason is clear: to give a streamlined shape.

This allows heat to be dissipated no worse than usual, but at the same time we answer the question of why the ears are long and not large and wide. If they are narrow and long, they are much more comfortable to hold close to you, and they do not interfere with running very quickly.

Another reason for long ears is that, lying in the grass during the day, desert residents can raise their ears above it, turning them in the direction opposite to the sun and also transfer heat from the upper body. To cool the lower layer, the ground on which the animal lies serves. At the same time, ears raised high above the grass will hear the slightest crunch under the paws of an approaching predator.

A person does not need long ears, so he has small ones, although this does not prevent him from hearing wonderfully. But, if we consider people who live in warm and cold regions, in the mountains and lowlands, we can notice some differences. Some have a wide nose in order to inhale more air (this is in the mountains, where it is difficult to breathe due to lack of oxygen), others have a small one, and so do the ears: in some they are a little larger, in others they are smaller.

Nature will adapt its child to itself everywhere.

Yesterday, 17:40
" What was described was true until the early 30s, when Blucher was appointed commander of the Far Eastern Front.
Before this, he showed himself to be an excellent commander and a strong business executive. But in the position of commander in peacetime (for now), the business executive in him defeated the commander. In particular, by focusing on economic affairs, he greatly neglected the combat training of the troops entrusted to him. Instead, the soldiers were engaged in household chores (as in the USSR before its collapse). At the same time, many denunciations were written against him, allegedly he was conducting some kind of separate negotiations with the Japanese. It should also be mentioned that the conflict at Lake Khasan arose due to territorial claims on the part of the puppet Manchuria. They demanded to move the border by handing over several hills from which the adjacent road on our territory was controlled. At that time, the border passed along their peaks. Blucher voluntarily, without the consent of even his headquarters, carried out an inspection there, discovered that the border had been shifted several meters deeper into Manchuria, and instead of simply fixing everything, he began to quarrel with the border guards, accusing them of causing the conflict. Because of poor preparation Troops and disorganization, losses during the battles turned out to be much greater than they could have been. And Blucher himself behaved somewhat during these events ">In 1938, they finally got to him and arrested him. The reason was the accusation of connections with the Japanese - here and denunciations about his alleged intention to separate Far East, and chaos in the armies of the Far Eastern Front and failures near Khasan. But after two months of detention in Lefortovo, he suddenly became ill, and he died right in the doctor’s office. An autopsy showed that there was a blockage pulmonary artery a blood clot - a consequence of that long-ago wound in 1915, when he was discharged. The case was closed, but the charges were not dropped.
He was rehabilitated under Khrushchev, as innocent victim Stalin's arbitrariness.">It must be said that not everything in this filmstrip is true. What is described corresponds to reality up to "

22 March 2019 15:06
But that's not so bad. The main thing is that the meaning of the fairy tale is completely distorted. In the last frame: "... And the mouse darted into the bushes!" Why the "sniff"?
The meaning of the fairy tale is that the success of the common cause often depends on even the smallest/weakest member of the team. Why does a mouse need to run away somewhere? She honestly contributed to the overall victory!

And then it turned out to be some kind of comic book, “to laugh”.”>Yeah... “They’ve been knocking”, apparently, from the word “we’ve been lambing”, i.e. they gave birth "



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