We are not a shelter, we are a temporary home for cats! Temporary hotel for animals (foster care): business with zero investment Temporary kennel for dogs.

Long-term residence of one cat (from 2 months) - 4350 rub. per month.

Long-term accommodation of two cats in one enclosure (from 2 months) - 7000 rubles. per month

The owner provides, along with the cat (kitty), bedding, a bowl, and a tray.

Owners are sent monthly electronic photographs and/or videos while the cat is at the shelter hotel. Visiting on Sundays from 11.00 to 16.00.

Temporary foster care for cats (less than 2 months) - 350 rubles. per day.

Accommodation for a second cat in one enclosure - 150 rubles. per day

Everything is included except delivery.

Delivery to/from the hotel - 1500 rub. from Moscow and Moscow region

Delivery to/from the hotel - 400 rub. from Kashira, Stupino

The owner provides, along with the cat, a veterinary passport with vaccinations, bedding, a bowl, and a tray.

Reception of animals requiring veterinary care

The Beautiful Fairy Tale cat shelter hotel accepts animals for long-term and permanent (as well as temporary) accommodation for cats requiring treatment (non-viral diseases) and veterinary care.

The cost of “cats requiring veterinary attention/treatment” is 6,500 rubles. per month, excluding medications, absorbent diapers, catheters, etc.

For details call 8 967 190 26 90.

We accept cats for the following diseases:

- postoperative care;

- chronic urolithiasis;

- chronic renal failure (CRF);

- enuresis (urinary incontinence);

- congenital and acquired pathology.

We are pleased to welcome you to the Happykitten cat hotel.

Hotel "Happykitten" ( happy kitten) specializes in such a service as fostering cats in Moscow at a time when the owners go on vacation, travel, or simply cannot devote enough time to their pet. Our advantages are exclusivity, personalized approach and quality service.

What we offer

Individual numbers for each cat. Each room is ergonomically designed according to the habits and needs of small pets.
Central heating and heated floors. In this case, it is possible to adjust the temperature in accordance with the breed and habits of the pet.
Air purification with an ultraviolet bactericidal irradiator with air flow filtration and six-fold air exchange. Each room receives air from a shared air conditioner. Individual approach to diet selection. For each cat we offer a menu created in accordance with its habits.

Attentive attitude, care and concern.

24/7 online control. There are cameras in the rooms so you can always see what your cat is doing. All videos are recorded, and for a fee you can always watch them at any time convenient for you.


After each guest and during their stay, the room is thoroughly cleaned, with disinfection, treatment with a steam generator, using environmentally neutral products.

Well-being control.

Qualified workers monitor the condition of pets around the clock and are always ready to provide the necessary assistance.
Our hotel for cats, operating in Moscow and the Moscow region, offers rooms of three categories: Standard, Comfort, Luxury. Choose the option that suits you best and trust your pet to us!

Requirements for pets

We make sure that each cat is provided with all the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay. And in turn, we ask the owners to adhere to some rules. So, cats are fostered only if:

- the animal is healthy, and on the day of arrival it does not have infectious diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases that require special conditions of detention for treatment, or the presence of the owners.
— documents such as vet. passport, a temporary maintenance agreement has been concluded, a document has been filled out, which contains information about the characteristics of the guests’ behavior, care requirements, diet and other upbringing factors.


For any cat, foster care is stressful, no matter how comfortable the conditions are. Therefore, in order to speed up the adaptation process, we ask you to bring things familiar to the cat, bowls, toys, trays, etc.

I would also like to note that in our pet hotel for cats and cats, we have excluded owners from viewing the rooms in order to avoid additional stress for your pets, as well as to maintain the calm and integrity of your pets. For example: Guests come to your home, your cat, even on its own territory, does not always come out to meet guests because it experiences fear and mistrust, and while in foster care, it goes through an adaptation period of getting used to a new place, and such guests “Can look" can further disturb the peace of adaptation and safety of your pet. We thank all cat owners for your understanding!

If cat owners have a question about the conditions in which their favorite cats will be kept, then we can offer everyone, firstly, to familiarize themselves with our photo gallery on our website, and secondly, you can always connect an online camera for 24-hour viewing, in real time.

Our cat hotel truly cares about your pets, and we will try to brighten up the time of separation from their beloved owners!

* Due to the move to a closed area, entry to the hotel is prohibited.

Pet taxi

Delivery of pets to the hotel and back at the lowest prices is fast and convenient for both owners and pets. Zoo hotel for cats and kittens in Lyublino, Maryino, Pechatniki, Kuzminki, Zhulebino, Lyubertsy, Kotelniki, Belaya Dacha, Domodedovo, Kapotnya, Dzerzhinsky, Lytkarino, SEAD, SZAO, SAO, SVAO, ZAO, TsAO, VAO, YuZAO, SAD, ZelAO ,NAO,TAO.

Nice prices

Inexpensive maintenance of your cat from 200 rubles per day.

The history of animal shelters in our country is not very long. The very first one was opened by enthusiasts in 1986 at the Moscow Training and Cynological Center for Guide Dogs. Today, there are about 150 institutions of this kind in Russia, public and private. There are many more unregistered shelters that spontaneously arise in the houses and apartments of compassionate citizens. The main difficulty is that they are completely outside the scope of legal regulation, and the conditions of detention, to put it mildly, often leave much to be desired.

Regardless of their status, shelters are almost always overcrowded, so accepting new guests is extremely problematic and sometimes impossible for them. Even in the capital's municipal shelters, not all search teams work to catch and send animals to the shelter. Government agencies do not accept pets. In the Moscow region they act somewhat differently. There are special teams working there that catch stray animals, sterilize and vaccinate them, and then return them to the streets. These dogs can be easily recognized by their special yellow ear clips. Animals behave much calmer and no longer pose a potential threat to others.

If you set out to visit the shelter, it will not be so easy.

Daria Ostrovskaya


“Direct addresses of pet shelters in Moscow and St. Petersburg cannot be found in the public domain. First of all, you need to contact one of the volunteers, arrange a meeting and go through a short interview. Serious organizations even issue special passes. Such precautions help protect against dog hunters, careless helpers who can harm the animal, as well as small crooks who really need a free leash or bowl in the household.”

Scary tales from our yard

Most people have the wrong idea about what happens within the walls of animal shelters. The reason for this is the countless myths that are actively cultivated in public opinion.

The most important myth is that shelter residents live in dirty cages, in complete unsanitary conditions, and constantly get sick and die. Actually this is not true. In modern shelters, especially registered ones, proper sanitary and hygienic conditions are maintained. And every recruit is immediately given all the necessary vaccinations. If necessary, they provide first aid and even perform operations. Judge for yourself, if among a large crowd of dogs and cats there is only one sick pet, an epidemic cannot be avoided.

Leaving a box with a puppy or kitten at the doorstep of a shelter will do a good deed and save the little one’s life. This is another sad misconception. Inexorable statistics show that in approximately 90 cases out of 100 such foundlings do not live long. They often die before they even get to the shelter. Among stray dogs and cats there are many who once had a roof over their heads, this is true. But not everyone ended up here because they became a burden to their owners or got bored. If a single owner passes away, there is no other way left for the orphaned pet.

Residents of permanent and temporary pet shelters are surrendered at the earliest opportunity. This opinion is also wrong.

Anna Gruzdeva

Nursery owner

“Before you pick up a dog from the shelter, you will have to come here several times. Employees have the right to check any information about you, from your living conditions to your approximate level of earnings. But most importantly, you have to establish trusting contact with the animal, which means spending a lot of time together.”

Contribution to the common fund

Many caring people are wondering how to help shelter homeless animals. Not everyone has free time and the opportunity to constantly visit the shelter. Some are not mentally ready to cross its threshold. The answer suggests itself - make material donations. It is obvious that private shelters survive on their own and there is a catastrophic lack of money for endless needs. However, government agencies also have to look for additional sources of funding.

Almost all shelters without exception today have websites and groups on social networks where you can freely obtain bank details. However, be careful, scammers use the topic of helping homeless animals without any remorse. To verify the authenticity of the shelter, contact management or volunteers. Ask them in detail what specific help is required and how to properly provide it. If you want to be completely sure that the money will end up in the right hands, contact a large charity. For example, the international charity fund for animals “Giving Hope”, whose board of trustees includes Leonid and Oksana Yarmolnik, Andrei Makarevich, Evgeniy Mironov and many other public figures.

Help is not limited to monetary donations. You can always bring a supply of dry food or canned meat to the shelter. Just don’t buy the cheapest varieties under any circumstances - this will only harm your business and demonstrate your own disdain. If you are going to bring a large batch of perishable food, be sure to find out if the shelter has a spacious refrigerator. In addition to food, pets constantly need medicine, care products, walking and transportation equipment, dishes and other essential supplies.

There are situations in the lives of pet owners when it is temporarily impossible to monitor and maintain their pet. And there are times when you have to get rid of the animal altogether. What should loving owners do in this case? You really shouldn’t put a healthy, full-of-life creature to sleep because of your problems and difficulties. The solution in such a situation is to give a dog or cat to a shelter. In this article we will analyze the details of this procedure, and also describe several shelters in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Why do we need an animal shelter?

Imagine a situation where you are urgently sent on a business trip. Do you live alone, your relatives and friends are far away or busy, or maybe they have completely different problems. Your dog will be forced to live locked in the house for a week, two, a month, or even six months, or roam the street. In the house she will simply die of hunger, melancholy and thirst. On the street, not only hunger and cold lie in wait for her, but also cruel people, various poisons, other wild animals, as well as dog catchers. No sane owner would allow his animal to be subjected to such dangers and trials.

If you have nowhere to turn to look after your pet, the best solution is to give your dog to a shelter. At the moment there are a sufficient number of them. And the fee for keeping your pet varies over a fairly wide range, which will allow you to keep within a modest cash reserve.

What is overexposure

If your closest friends and relatives cannot take your dog into temporary care, it makes sense to turn to other people. Some really make money from foster care, while others act for noble and selfless reasons. Finding caring hands for a pet for a while is not so easy, but it is possible. While you are away, the dog will be fed, walked, groomed and groomed.

How to find foster care

Many people who engage in foster care professionally or even run their own home shelter advertise on various resources. In addition, there are all kinds of public groups and communities on social networks where you can independently ask participants to help you find free hands for your pet. Before giving your pet away, find out in what conditions it will be kept, discuss the amount of security, and also check for diseases and vaccinations of other animals in the home shelter. It will be unpleasant if your dog becomes infected with something from other animals during the owner’s absence.

How do dog shelters work?

Giving a dog to a shelter is a much better solution than simply throwing it out onto the street or euthanizing it. Every living thing wants to continue living. And pets are completely unaccustomed to street life, which means they are essentially doomed.

You can choose a shelter from three types: municipal, created by volunteers, and private. The first are provided by the state, the second are created at the expense of volunteers, and the third require payment from the dog’s owner. Depending on the period of placement of the animal and further plans for it, the owner must choose from these three types to which shelter the dog can be given. Naturally, the best service for the animal will be provided in a private shelter.

Municipal shelters

Municipal shelters are supplied with funds to ensure the lives of animals from the state treasury. It is clear that the allocated funds are sorely lacking. Such shelters are intended for temporary housing. They house several individuals in cramped cages and feed them once a day with the cheapest food. Veterinary care is not provided for in any expense item of the institution. The maximum period for placing a dog is six months, then, if a new owner is not found, it is euthanized. In Moscow there are about twenty such organizations out of a total of sixty. For a huge city, this is a fairly small number, so it is not difficult to imagine their overcrowding.

You can donate a dog to the shelter at the following addresses:

  • Municipal shelter for stray animals of the Western Administrative District: Rodnikovaya Street, 26.
  • Shelter for stray animals No. 5: 6th Radialnaya street.
  • Shelter "Murkosha": Ostashkovskaya street, 14, building 2.
  • Shelter for stray animals: Pekhorskaya street, 1B.
  • Shelter for dogs and cats: Rassvetnaya Alley, 10.

All of the shelters listed have approximately the same conditions. They are resorted to by people who do not care about the further life of the animal. Usually, outbred offspring from their wild animals or aged animals are handed over to such a place, for which there is no strength or means to treat, and it is a pity to euthanize or drive them out.

Volunteer organizations

If there is no desire to torture an animal under the conditions of a municipal institution, which dog shelter to choose in Moscow? You can give your dog to a special volunteer organization. It operates with funds from the founders, donations from concerned citizens and contributions from the owners themselves. If necessary, volunteers will do their best to help the animal find a new owner. In addition, pharmacies often provide assistance to such shelters free of charge, which promises timely vaccination and treatment for pets.

You can give your dog to a shelter in the Moscow region at the following addresses:

  • "Cat House": sh. Entuziastov, house 74. Quite a famous volunteer organization operating not only in Moscow, but also in many other regions of the country. A rich branch network once again proves the commitment of people to their business and successful operation.
  • Shelter for homeless dogs "Alma": st. Pond Klyuchiki, ow. 12. Society is focused exclusively on dogs. They receive everything they need from food and medication. Many Muscovites acquired healthy and playful puppies in this shelter.
  • "Happy Friend": Novokhoroshevsky proezd, building 22. Another volunteer organization that deals with both dogs and cats. This dog shelter will help you find your best friend from the four-legged community. It is also possible to give your puppy here.

Private shelters

Private shelters are primarily commercial organizations. Owners of purebred animals come here for foster care, and puppies with a pedigree are also distributed through these companies. It goes without saying that the owner will have to pay for the maintenance of his pet in full. These organizations are not supported by the state; volunteers have nothing to do with commercial activities or making a profit. Therefore, food, care, medications, medical interventions - all these expense items will fall on the shoulders of the animal owner. If the question arises about where to take your dog to a shelter for a short period of time and with proper care, then you should contact private owners.

  • Kennel "Shar Pei" Golden Dragon: st. Dekabristov, house 43. This shelter houses Shar Pei dogs, as the name clearly states. All procedures and care necessary for this breed are carried out in full. Puppies can also be placed here for further sale.
  • ANO Rottweiler Help Center: Teply Stan street, industrial zone. This private shelter specializes specifically in the Rottweiler dog breed.
  • BANO "Eco": Pervaya Mayevka Alley, ow. 7a. One of the good shelters without a specific breed specialization.
  • "Zoobos": Molodezhnaya street, building 5. There is no specific breed specialization in this shelter. In addition, not only dogs, but also other animals can be kept here.

How to surrender a dog to a shelter

So, you have decided which shelter to give your dog to. What are your next steps? When applying to a municipal organization, a person is not required to provide any documents or certificates. But it is worth asking in what conditions the dog will exist in the future. When contacting volunteers, it is better to pass on existing vaccination certificates and information about previous diseases, as well as their chronic manifestations, to the shelter holders. This will help them decide in what place and in what company the animal should be kept in order to protect both it and other residents from diseases. Private shelters and hotels for animals require a full set of documents.

Shelters in St. Petersburg

Giving a dog to a shelter in St. Petersburg is no more difficult than in other areas. It is necessary to make a choice based on future plans for the fate of the animal. Among the most popular volunteer organizations and private nurseries, the following names can be noted:

“We are responsible for those we have tamed...” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, through the mouth of the Fox, reminded man of his responsibility for our little brothers. The author of these lines was right. When you take a puppy or kitten into your home, you need to provide it with everything necessary, create comfort and convenience for your pet, and properly care for it. But full care for pets is possible only with the constant presence of the owner. I think the author would not be offended if his words were generalized a little: “... we are responsible for everyone who lives next to us...”.

In the absence of the owner, pets, in addition to the street, can only rely on hotels and shelters. These types of establishments have significant and fundamental differences. Hotels are commercial structures, the maintenance of animals is paid by the owner at certain rates. In addition to temporary foster care, various additional services are provided there. The purpose of shelters, both municipal and private, is to provide homeless animals with minimal conditions for existence. In shelters, animals are kept indefinitely: at best until their new owners arrive, at worst until the end of their lives...

Hotels for animals

A caring owner, if necessary, has the opportunity to temporarily place his pet in a pet hotel. There are a huge number of similar establishments in Moscow. It is interesting to find out what signs of attention are paid to the “tailed” guests and what is the price for this attention. And the most important thing is how different outside care will be from the usual home care. And how do homeless mongrels and abandoned purebred dogs feel in municipal and private shelters?

Animal shelters In Moscow, both municipal and private shelters operate in parallel. And if the first have, albeit meager, but constant funding from the city authorities, then the private ones exist only through charitable contributions, free work of volunteers, personal funds and other material assistance from kind-hearted citizens. To maintain a small shelter you need about 30,000 rubles per day. And this is only the most necessary - food, medicine, electricity and care for enclosures. The number of incoming animals is constantly growing. The purpose of the shelters is to protect homeless people from starvation, cruel treatment, and also to find new owners for them. Unfortunately, we have to state an unfortunate fact. On the forums of the websites of some shelters there are comments about the poor maintenance and condition of pets, their half-starved existence.



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