Mutants at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Myths about Chernobyl mutants

The Chernobyl exclusion zone is filled with wild animals. There are a wide variety of species that thrive in a radioactive environment.

After the Chernobyl accident, animals in Chernobyl not only did not disappear, but rather increased in their population.

This is due to the fact that hunting in the exclusion zone was prohibited after the Chernobyl accident. Animals live in a radioactive environment and eat “dirty” food. Therefore, they themselves pose a radiation hazard to humans.

Scientists are still studying the effect of radiation on animals in the Chernobyl zone. Special camera traps are installed to monitor animals.

Photo: wolves in the Chernobyl zone attack a deer:

As a result of the installation of such camera traps, scientists have many photos of Animals of Chernobyl

Are there mutant animals in Chernobyl?

No mutants were encountered in the exclusion zone. Except for cases of mutation of animals, allegedly associated with radiation. But scientists were unable to prove this. Mutant animals were born long before Chernobyl. But we have collected for you several photos of mutants after Chernobyl

A very interesting species of animal in Chernobyl is Przewalski's horse.

The introduction of Przewalski's horses into the Chernobyl exclusion zone was carried out in accordance with the “Program for creating a free population”, which was developed by specialists from the Askania-Nova Nature Reserve. It was planned to keep the animals in enclosures in the Acclimatization Center created on the territory of the exclusion zone.

In May 1998, 22 Przewalski's horses were brought from the Askania-Nova Nature Reserve.

Now horses still live in Chernobyl.
The animals were released in 1999:

Animals in Chernobyl: life after human departure

Animals of Chernobyl feel calm without humans

Female deer in the exclusion zone:

Bears are very rare. They mainly live in the Belarusian exclusion zone. Although there have been cases of bears entering the territory of the Ukrainian zone:

Raccoon dog:

Wolves live throughout the ChEZ. The animals have no contact with people, but scientists often find their tracks and hear howls in the dense forests of Chernobyl:

The wild boar population in the zone has decreased significantly over the past few years. These animals had one of the largest populations until 2013. Due to the invasion of the disease, the number of wild boars has decreased significantly.

A rare animal of Chernobyl is the lynx. She also doesn't interact with people. Found in the most remote corners of the ChEZ:

Tawny owl. One of the owl species. Often found in the city of Pripyat and abandoned houses in the zone:

The most popular animal is the fox. One of them lives in Pripyat. And tourists call him Semyon. He is not afraid of people, he always runs out to the crowd and waits for treats. Semyon loves cutlets and sausage very much:

Regular gray hare:

Earlier studies in the 4,200-square-kilometer (1,600-square-mile) Chernobyl exclusion zone showed significant radiation effects and pronounced declines in wildlife populations.

But new data based on long-term census data shows mammal populations have bounced back.

Chernobyl: what animals are there?

The study found relative abundance of moose, roe deer, deer and wild boar - with population levels similar to those found in four designated and uncontaminated nature reserves in the region. The number of wolves living in and around Chernobyl is more than seven times greater than in comparable reserves in non-zones.

And data from helicopter surveys also show increasing trends in moose, roe deer and wild boar abundance 1-10 years after the accident.

"This unique data, showing a wide range of animals thriving miles from a major nuclear accident, illustrates the resilience of wildlife populations when they are freed from the pressure of human habitation," said Jim Beasley of the University of Georgia in the United States, who led the work.

Giant catfish mutants of Chernobyl

Fish have not been caught in the exclusion zone for more than a dozen years, which has had a positive impact on the fish fauna of lakes and rivers.

Soma in Chernobyl reaches enormous sizes. Due to the fact that in these areas the fish population does not interfere with humans, the catfish can gain more weight and grow up to 2 meters or more.

Great growth of catfish and a change in its diet, because for such a giant fish, more nutrients need to be consumed in food. Consumption: birds and mammals. People in Chernobyl are not afraid of catfish because they are not that dangerous to people. According to some rumors, catfish in Chernobyl are not averse to being used as food for people.

Is there fishing in Chernobyl?

Since fishing is officially prohibited in Chernobyl and Pripyat, catfish have the opportunity to grow for many years. In ordinary reservoirs, fish are caught, and they do not have time to reach large sizes.

But it is worth noting that fish in the Chernobyl zone is saturated with harmful radionuclides, and eating it is extremely dangerous.
The same cooling pond in which "mutants" live

Photo by Nikolay Onishchenko:

Catfish swims peacefully in the water:

Photo by Nikolay Onishchenko:

The fish are accustomed to being fed bread by tourists.

Photo by Nikolay Onishchenko:

And here's the treat :)

Photo by Nikolay Onishchenko:

Everyone has wondered whether there are mutants in Chernobyl. Since the Chernobyl accident, the zone has become overgrown with thousands of legends that frighten with the most incredible stories about terrible mutant zombies living in the vastness of radioactive lands. But is this true?

On April 26, 1986, an explosion occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, scattering life-threatening radionuclides over hundreds (or even thousands) of kilometers, contaminating the earth for many years.

Because of the accident, hundreds of people died, thousands fell ill with cancer..

Radiation did not spare wildlife either. In the early years, small mutations were observed in newborn animals and humans:

An animal with twisted limbs from birth:


Sick calf:

Sick child:

Human embryo frozen in the womb:
Radiation also had a particularly acute effect on trees. Everyone remembers the “Red Forest,” which completely turned yellow after the accident, having absorbed a large amount of radionuclides. The forest died, but new trees grew in its place, with small mutations:

Plant mutants of Chernobyl

To this day, scientists are studying the effects of radiation and pollution on nature, animals, birds and plants.

The worst disaster in human history not only destroyed thousands of lives, but also left an indelible mark on the ecosystem, forever changing the appearance of the flora and fauna surrounding the station.

On April 26, 1986, an accident occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which took the lives of 31 people and thousands more in subsequent years.

The radioactive cloud affected Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and most of Europe; nature will be able to fully recover after such an incident only after many decades, if not centuries.

Chernobyl still remains an anomalous zone. Despite the fact that settlers have returned to the Pripyat area, living as if in a separate world, only military personnel and enthusiasts who call themselves “stalkers” make their way directly to the station.

In close proximity to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant there was the Duga-3 complex, a primary warning radar station with a small military base.

Both the station itself and the infrastructure are considered an unfavorable place to visit due to residual radiation.

However, these factors do not in any way reduce the ardor of researchers, including those who treat the issue professionally. They are all looking for the same thing - the cause of the explosion; secrets hidden by the Soviet government; anomalies that have settled in the area.

Jeremy Wade, a journalist for Animal Planet, received special permission to visit the contaminated zone in order to identify the oddities of the fauna kingdom around the station.

He managed to get close to the cooling pond of the power unit. The dosimeter showed the maximum permissible value, but the journalist decided to stay and “go fishing.”

Jeremy caught a catfish that was significantly higher than normal for the same subspecies. Moreover, the fish did not reach 50% of its potential dimensions.

The late 90s for Chernobyl were marked by a new wave of horror. It all started when the military discovered a dead body with marks on the neck on an escalator in one of the buildings.

Despite numerous jokes about the vampire, the army came on alert, and an investigative team was sent to Pripyat.

After 5-6 days the situation repeated itself, a second body was found.

At the same time, one policeman took part in the hunt for the monster, who later claimed that he had encountered one whose paws reached one and a half meters in length.

“The light went out. Even this did not alert me; I thought that the old escalator had simply broken down. Something rustled, I thought it was rats, but I was mistaken. Looking in the direction of the suspicious noise, I couldn’t believe my eyes; a paw with fluff flashed in front of the flashlight. Dimensions? One and a half meters, I think,” the press quotes the law enforcement officer as saying.

The policeman managed to escape from the scene and returned alive. But the spider remained free. Not to mention stray dogs, which, according to stories, reach a meter in height at the withers and are as vicious as devils.

This is already a serious warning for tourists. There is no need to disturb the huge burial ground that this once beautiful town has turned into.

A quarter of a century later, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant has become an area accessible to tourists, experts and researchers. Separate study tours are also conducted for guests from abroad who want to learn more than what is written in the media. What motivates people to come here? Many of them are primarily interested not in creepy city views, but in the mutants of Chernobyl.

After the Chernobyl accident, the radioactive cloud scattered for many kilometers. And, as the researchers note, the area was unevenly infected. There are areas that are particularly heavily contaminated.

The most infected are the northwestern region of Ukraine and the southeastern region of Belarus. Here the soil contains small amounts of potassium and calcium. Radioactive cesium-137 and strontium-90, which reacted with the soil, took up the free space of the depleted elements, and the soil, accordingly, transferred its elements to the plants. Radioactive metals have become a kind of “fertilizer” for flora. Accordingly, the mutation of animals in Chernobyl also occurred from infected plants.

It should be noted that in the first years after the accident, the plants grew to unprecedented sizes. This applied to both wild and commercial crops, which actually had the highest yields. This fact contributed to the development of different interpretations of the phenomenon of radioactivity.

According to radiologists, the most dangerous zone in Chernobyl is the zone called "". Which is believed to have had the largest amount of precipitation containing radioactive elements. And it is there, according to biologists, that the greatest manifestations of mutation in animals and plants are possible.

Today, almost everyone can see it with their own eyes; all they have to do is come to the station as part of an approved group. However, most people live by speculation and misconceptions. As a result, various kinds of rumors are breeding.

This is not surprising, because many things in the Exclusion Zone still keep their secrets. And it is they who become the reason for myths. This is how a person works, everything that is “somewhere out there” has “something like that”...

Animal mutants of Chernobyl - what science says

World science does not yet have evidence that it is radiation that is the source of direct mutations among animal populations. The fact is that all life on the planet is exposed to solar radiation in its natural manifestation. And natural radiation values ​​vary from place to place. There is more of it in the mountains than on the plains.

Scientists are also looking at cell-sized organisms that are invisible to the human eye. And this is also a kind of “animal” only of extremely small size. If you simply magnify the image of a normal cell 1000 times, you will see a terrible “monster”. Although in fact all organisms on the planet consist of them.

The difficulty is that mutations at the micro level are more difficult to explain and trace. Remember that from a scientific point of view, terms such as mutation and radiation are considered in the context of the evolutionary process.

Scientists influence chromosomes and their life cycles in various ways under the influence of radiation and study the phenomena under a microscope. Everything is recorded and entered into the general system of observations of the material being studied. In science, everything must be systematized and catalogued.

According to scientists, in order for mutation as a process to take place, significant changes had to occur at the level of the cell’s DNA. For example, such when the functioning of the reproductive system of animals would be changed.

At this time, no direct mutations have been detected in the observed generations. Therefore, there are no predictions regarding the future of “monster diversity” from scientific institutions.

It is worth noting that laboratory experiments can last for years. Some experiments last for 10 years or more. And observation of fauna and flora after the bombing is still taking place.

Whiskers, paws and myths

After the disaster, rumors began to spread about unusual events happening to animals. They were so improbable that they attracted more and more attention from the population.

Really, really? This is the question that citizens asked themselves while reading fables in the press. But even debunking by biologists did not completely satisfy them. “What if they don’t say something and hide the whole truth?” the townspeople shared their doubts among themselves.

Is it true that there are mutants in Chernobyl? Is it true that there are mice with five legs, hares with three eyes and boars that glow in the dark? Are there plants of unprecedented size within the zone? Meter-long mushrooms and water lilies that a person can walk on? Maybe apples grow bigger than watermelons?

Although no one has seen this with their own eyes, the interest itself does not fade away. After all, I really want something like this to exist. Mystery is attractive.

Well, people's craving for sensations is not satisfied by a scientific explanation of what is happening. In the minds of housewives, the animals of Chernobyl are mutants. That's all, period. That's how it should be. Otherwise, something incredible disappears from the stories.

It is said that there was once a mysterious museum that featured mutants in Chernobyl. The exhibition allegedly included stuffed animals from. However, for some unknown reason, these stuffed animals disappeared somewhere.

Reliable filming or photos that show obvious deviations from biological norms have not yet been presented. There are hundreds of photo montages circulating online that are more likely to reflect people’s moods than reality.

Yes, of course, there are cases of animals being born with physical abnormalities. However, the frequency of their birth corresponds to a certain percentage of mutations occurring in nature. And it should be noted that this applies to individual individuals.

In addition, mutants do not live long in Chernobyl. There is no direct evidence of the viability of individual individuals with obvious physiological abnormalities. In general, as biologists joke, there are mutants at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, there are three-headed hares and huge ants, but they camouflage themselves very skillfully.

Mutants in the head

The colorful reports of animal mutations have mainly three main sources. It was they who formed the general idea in the form that is known to us now. Let's see where it all began.

The first sign was released by the “yellow press,” which richly filled its materials with all kinds of fables. This started a long time ago, back in the 90s. But to this day, no, no, but in some publication there will be a “sensation” that the mutant animals of Chernobyl have done a lot of trouble on the plot of a lonely self-settler.

There is, in general, a simple explanation for this. The fact is that in the 1990s, interest in mysticism and esotericism sharply manifested itself. And the topic, in which all sorts of monsters were present, occupied the minds of millions of citizens. Everything was new. And even older brothers frightened their younger sisters with stories about Chernobyl cats taking little children into the forest if they didn’t fall asleep right away.

Over time, the baton of fables was taken up by computer game developers and even Hollywood film directors. Here the scale is more interesting. Just imagine, you press the enter key of the game "Closed Zone", and there it is, a computer storytelling arena. Your task as a player is to confront fanged chickens and aggressive piglets with wings.

And, of course, the very development of personal means of storing information and communication allowed myths to settle in the form of photographs and videos in millions of smartphones and posts on social networks.
There are still videos posted (though of deliberately low quality) about supposedly fully living animals with obvious deviations from natural forms.


Mutants of Chernobyl in a fairy tale

On the rubble, near a cheerfully crackling fire, looking at the sunset of the red disk of the sun, local residents and their regular guests sat. The company sipped tea together and had intimate conversations. Everything was like in a fairy tale.

Are there Chernobyl mutants?
In order to dilute the conversation with something unusual, the hosts decided to terrify the guests with local tales. “What, dear guests, what do you think: do mutants exist in Chernobyl?” the head of the family asked mischievously. “And all the townspeople say is that there are mutants in Chernobyl.” - But how is it really? Who knows?

“Mutants of Chernobyl,” said the owner, “They live here now. They have their own forms of behavior that are different from ordinary animals. Their habitat has undergone significant changes. The mutants in Chernobyl do not know the active invasion of man and still trust him.”

The guests shuddered.

“Is something going on that we don’t know about? — After slowly straightening the logs in the fire with a stick, the owner stretched and answered mysteriously: “Well, how can I say... Anything can happen.

For example, take a look at aquatic creatures. Do you know that mutant catfish near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant have learned to speak human language with the station employees who regularly feed them? What ichthyologist knows about this?

Meanwhile, these conversations are very popular among station workers. It is known that this is not simple communication, but a whole course of psychotherapy, which helps alleviate loneliness and restore the mental balance of staff. As you can see, the mutants of Pripyat help people in their hard work. Well, of course, working with an atom is not a simple matter.

Mutants in Chernobyl, that’s why they are mutants, because they are very different from ordinary animals and fish. And that means not all the stories are fiction about them, not all,” the local old-timer answered, nodding his head affirmatively.

Chernobyl mutants with superpowers

Just now my neighbor Mikhalych told me that in a clearing he saw a wild boar playing Beethoven’s sixth symphony on an accordion. “It’s implausible, you’ll agree,” said the owner.

“Oh, well, your Mikhalych has completely bent,” the guests answered with a smile. “I mean the same thing,” the interlocutor replied. - Well, tell me, where did Mikhalych hear about Beethoven!... Yes, he hasn’t read books since he was born. But the mutants in Chernobyl are creatures with mysterious abilities.”

“For example, take roe deer. These are perhaps the most graceful mutants of Chernobyl. They, due to continuously received doses of radiation, became completely different. As experts say, one of them developed superpowers. Now, on a full moon, she taps gold coins with her hoof like a fairy-tale doe. Don’t you believe it?”

The guests shook their heads from side to side: “We don’t believe it.” “Eh,” the owner of the house groaned and took out a bag from his bosom. “Well, look.” And he poured several sparkling coins into his palm in front of the stunned guests. He raised his palm to the fire: “This is pure red gold!”

The guests looked at each other, and one of them asked hesitantly: “What, mutants of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
capable of this? Gold coins - just like that? Incredible!

“This is so difficult to accept,” the owner of the house confirmed with agreement in his voice. — Scientists say one thing, they do all sorts of experiments, analyses, you know. But we live here and see that the animals—the mutants of Chernobyl—have gone far from established scientific ideas.”

“Get to work! - the guests said in surprise and admiration at the same time. “Well, you give it.” “So what are you doing with your house, can’t you build a new one?” asked one of the guests. “Otherwise your home... It needs some repairs.”

“There’s no need for me to run the house,” the owner answered in a hoarse voice. “I, too, am a mutant of Chernobyl,” he said and fiercely attacked the frightened guests with a wolfish ask and eyes filled with hot blood.

“Mutants in Chernobyl and mutants in Pripyat - all come to me! I have excellent prey,” the Chernobyl mutant, who just a minute ago was in a human body, roared loudly. And his fangs turned red...

Moral of the story

The mutants that appeared in Chernobyl can be very kind-looking. However, looking cute does not mean harmless. Therefore, if you decide to go to the Chernobyl zone, a Colt .45 caliber and loaded silver bullets into the drum will not hurt you. If the Chernobyl nuclear power plant mutants behave aggressively, you will have a real chance to defeat them.

Chernobyl - animal mutants: simply not so

Of course, over time, the situation around Chernobyl is gradually changing. The actual lifetime of an entire generation has passed. Thirty years is an impressive period. Something began to be perceived completely differently.

Those children who were still in diapers at the time of the accident grew up. The direct participants in the liquidation have aged. The flora and fauna of the region have changed.

Knowledge about becomes “fluid”. Each person, one way or another, interprets this story in his own way. Some lively, some cool. And someone is not interested in her at all.

In fact, this man-made disaster has challenged many people and society as a whole. Radioactive contamination of the area led to consequences that can only now, decades later, be assessed from different perspectives.

The fallout of radioactive elements into water and soil contributed to the formation of new ecological connections on a local scale. The influence of new elements on animals and plants is being studied by scientists. These are complex processes.

After all, we are little familiar with atomic energy. Yes, scientists know how to extract energy from an atom. Yes, they know how to control the course of a thermonuclear reaction. But how the atom behaves after the destruction of technical systems is simply unknown. Just imagine: the half-life of some radioactive elements is thousands of years!

The only and, perhaps, the most objective tool in assessing the consequences of an accident is science. Based on knowledge of biology and evolution, scientists build their arguments and hypothesize about causes. In their interpretation, the phrase “Chernobyl mutant animals” is rather a matter of clear formulations, rather than idle speculation of ordinary people.

They study mutations at all levels of organization of a living organism. Starting at the cellular level, scientists set up experiments and conduct various tests. It is important for them to understand the causal mechanisms of radiation exposure.

“There is no smoke without fire!”

Scientists' perception of the Chernobyl reality is rather an approach for conducting scientific research. An approach that should answer many questions. After all, it is important to understand the consequences of the accident in the long term for the livelihoods of future generations.

The burning topic of animal mutation lives in completely different ideas. This topic is occupied by both ordinary people and specialists. And of course, there are adventurers who, working for their reputation, crave sensations. Chernobyl mutants - why not?

Mythical ideas about mutants in Chernobyl have become an integral part of folklore. From time to time, “secret photographs” of monsters from secret laboratories appear in the press. Headlines of articles “Chernobyl - mutants” from boring journalists leave no room for doubt in the minds of ordinary people. There is something there, there is no smoke without fire!

Various reports about the animal mutants of Chernobyl, of course, fuel people's interest in the Chernobyl zone. In addition, modern computer games, in search of something new, turn to the theme of Chernobyl as a specific gaming space in which millions of users around the world can be immersed.

A new world, new means of communication and a new perception of reality will have an impact on the topic of Chernobyl in the future. What will it be like? It's hard to say, we can only make our own assumptions. The topic of Chernobyl mutant animals will most likely exist for a long time. Probably, the new generation will give it new meaning. For, as the texts of ancient wisdom say: “Everything flows, everything changes”...

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Chernobyl nuclear power plant after the explosion of power unit 4

The trees are motionless. For many years now, the earth has been covered with yellowed leaves, and radiation feeds its depths. Even the sun's rays illuminating the narrow paths cannot make the wild and abandoned forest smile. We are talking about the Red Forest, located near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. After the explosion that occurred in 1986, tons of dangerous radioactive substances were released into the atmosphere. Radioactive particles rose up and were carried away by the cloud over long distances.

The coniferous forest was also seriously damaged. Due to the ingress of radioactive particles, it acquired a red color. It is here that the largest amount of harmful elements of radiation is still concentrated. And it is here, according to eyewitnesses, that Chernobyl mutants, unprecedented life forms and giant plants live.

Are these stories true? In order to understand how true these conclusions are, it is necessary to do a little analysis.

Outskirts of the Red Forest

The dangerous properties of radiation in the USSR were known even before the construction of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Despite this, neither the danger to the population nor the possibility of unforeseen consequences stopped the steel mechanism called the Soviet Union.

An interesting fact in this situation remains the stories of the workers that shortly before the accident, some of them had nightmares warning about the accident. However, no one paid enough attention to them. And only after a while everything became obvious.

By the beginning of the 90s, the yellow press was born. It is not surprising that stories about the Chernobyl accident and mutants began to appear more and more often in the press. Undoubtedly, it was only to the advantage of representatives of such a publication to talk about mutants in Chernobyl. This fueled a situation that was already difficult. However, whether there are mutants in Chernobyl or not, the common man became increasingly interested. Therefore, with every year and new trends in scientific and technological progress, more and more myths and legends about mutants from Chernobyl appeared.

Exhibit of a museum in Kyiv. Mutations in animals

Myths about Chernobyl mutants

With the popularization of Internet resources and the advent of open access to almost any information, you can’t stop coming across articles and videos telling about the secrets of Chernobyl, mutants, anomalies and secrets of the exclusion zone. Getting acquainted with the Chernobyl tragedy, you find not a single interesting fact that was unknown to many only yesterday. The reasons for the explosion of the fourth reactor, the number of victims, as well as the names of the heroic liquidators - all this information is available today.

Hi all! Welcome, Vladimir Raichev is in touch. Some time ago I wrote. I even had to get into an argument with one of the commentators. And I wondered what Chernobyl looks like these days. Here's what I found out.

Almost 30 years have passed since that terrible day, but people remember. In April 1986, a nuclear power plant exploded in Ukraine. The reactor collapsed, and this led to the release of huge amounts of radioactive substances into the environment.

After the explosion, a fire broke out. At first, no one could imagine the scale of this disaster, but within an hour after the fire began to be extinguished, people began to experience the first symptoms of radiation damage.

The Chernobyl disaster is the largest accident in history. Now just the word “Chernobyl” frightens and evokes a feeling of fear. The exclusion zone has become the subject of horror stories about mutations.

Are there mutants in Chernobyl?

People were evacuated literally the next day, but the animals remained. Rumors spread about mutants - plants and mushrooms. Of course, there is a certain authenticity.

Long-term radioactivity, which leads to mutation, pollutes water and soil, which primarily affects plants. Their growth intensified and plants of unprecedented size appeared.

The Internet is replete with photographs of mutant animals, but science today does not have accurate data that radiation requires a tendency to mutation.

Radiation affects the heredity gene, and this is a fact. Radiation is also known to initiate mutations. But then everything is not clear. Radiation is far from the only mutagen. Other chemical elements, for example, ethyl alcohol, have the same properties. And it has not yet been fully studied to what extent the possibility of mutation depends on the intense and total dose of radiation.

Chernobyl gave rise to legend-makers. These stories undoubtedly involve fears about the future and an attempt to find the culprit. But the real consequences are much worse than the myths.

What happened to the people in Chernobyl?

People who were children at the time of the accident have an increased risk of thyroid cancer. The risk of developing leukemia and cancer of other organs has increased. The lens of the eye is sensitive to radiation. Cataracts may develop. Cardiovascular diseases are also at risk.

The Chernobyl accident led to the displacement of people and the loss of the economy. People experienced, at a minimum, fear, anxiety and confusion. It has impacted the mental health and wellbeing of a generation of people. They are called victims, not survivors. And they feel helpless. The result: excessive concern.

Chernobyl today

Today Chernobyl is a frozen, half-empty city. Quiet streets, abandoned houses. Tourism creates demand, and the city slowly, reluctantly begins to live. There are a couple of hotels and a canteen. The residents are mainly scientists and environmentalists.

Of course, the level of radioactivity has decreased, but its dust is everywhere: on trees, underfoot, on the walls of buildings. Nature has taken over the city's territory. Branches stick out through the windows into the apartment, there are bird nests on the balconies, and a forest has grown up in the football stadium. Wolves live, there are varieties of deer, badgers, otters.

And yet people come back. Samosely - that's what they call them. These are elderly people, persistent and hard-working. Their source of livelihood is farming, picking berries and mushrooms, fishing, and sometimes hunting. Relatives can visit them, but only if they order an “entry” and “exit” pass.

The Chernobyl tragedy forever changed the lives of those who were there then and those who returned. And regardless of the higher level of safety of nuclear power plants, Chernobyl can happen anywhere. And leave their grave consequences, devastation, pain, memory.

That’s all for today, share your thoughts in the comments, maybe you know what’s happening in Chernobyl now? Let's collect bits and pieces of information. Subscribe to blog updates, I still have a lot of interesting and useful information.



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