Can I drink while taking hormonal pills? Taking hormonal pills and birth control

Birth control pills are one of the most popular means to prevent pregnancy. They are convenient to take, you can always choose an individual drug on the advice of a doctor, and modern medicines absolutely safe. However, frightening myths about oral contraceptives do not subside even after half a century of their use. Obesity, skin problems, body hair and even temporary infertility - all these imaginary consequences attributed to harmless pills. Controversial issue is also interaction oral contraceptives and alcoholic beverages.

Birth control pills and alcohol

All oral contraceptives are classical hormonal drugs. Sometimes in number birth control pills include non-hormonal ones, but they are usually suppositories that are inserted into the vagina.

Pills designed to protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy, are based on two active substances– the main female hormone estrogen and the pregnancy hormone progesterone. In contraceptives, its role is played by a synthetic analogue - progestin. Both sex hormones are members of the steroid group.

World pharmaceutical market today offers 4 main groups contraceptive drugs:

  • monophasic (the proportion of both hormones may vary, but in each tablet it is constant);
  • biphasic (the portion of estrogen in each tablet is the same, and the amount of progestin depends on the phase of the monthly cycle);
  • triphasic (the dosage of both hormones varies depending on the time of the female cycle);
  • mini-pills (non-combined tablets containing only progestin).

Most of the specific medications on this list have not been tested for compatibility with alcoholic beverages.

The researchers only assessed overall impact alcohol on contraceptive drugs. To date, the instructions for use of the most popular drugs recommended by gynecologists do not list alcohol as a contraindication. There are also no special recommendations on how to combine tablets with alcohol.


Alcohol is an integral part modern life, and many women who do not plan to become a mother in the near future are not ready to give up a glass of wine and champagne on holidays.

Manufacturers of contraceptive drugs also do not want to risk their profits. Oral contraceptives take months or even years to complete, so chemists struggle to ensure that alcohol and these pills are compatible. So that they can be taken without fear.

This is confirmed by clinical studies contraceptives - the metabolism of steroids and alcohol occurs differently, therefore, during the process of processing in the body, these substances influence each other. Under one condition - the dose of alcohol should be minimal.

When any alcoholic drink enters the bloodstream, the liver immediately begins to work in accelerated mode. Ethanol acts as a catalyst for special enzymes in the liver, as a result, metabolism increases significantly. And not only the protein-fats-carbohydrates triad, but also hormones fall into the field of its influence. Exactly the ones contained in the small birth control pill.

As a result, estrogens with progestin break down faster, the duration of the “pregnancy medicine” is reduced - it lasts not 24 hours, but a little less. This means that an unplanned conception may occur, despite the fact that the effectiveness remains the same and the effect is not completely neutralized.
Here's a video about how alcohol interacts with birth control pills:

Admission rules

Ethyl alcohol is a very dangerous substance, and if it enters the female body, it can truly cause unpredictable consequences, especially in combination with hormones. Can you drink alcohol while taking birth control pills? To protect yourself, not harm your health and maintain the effect of contraceptives, it is important to follow simple rules taking birth control pills and alcohol.

If you just bought your first pack of oral contraceptives, try to stop drinking alcohol for a month. Let the body get used to hormonal stimulation, and the steroids “take root” in the body.

Follow the dosage strictly. The optimal dose of alcohol that can be drunk during contraception has long been calculated, and not by some mysterious scientists, but by specialists World Organization healthcare. This is 20 mg of ethanol per day - 50 ml of vodka, 200 ml of wine or 400 ml of beer. And in order to minimize the load on the liver, this dose can be taken no more than 2 times a week.

Be sure to keep a break between taking the pill and drinking alcohol. Minimum 3 hours, but many experts insist on 5.

And if you exceeded alcohol limit, it’s better to skip the pill altogether and not have sex for 1-2 days. Contraceptive effect Alcohol will still reduce the pain, and the combination of alcohol and medications can cause poisoning.

Hormonal contraceptives are not hormonal medications for treatment serious illnesses, the concentration of hormones in them is lower, therefore the recommendations for taking them are much softer. It is not necessary to completely stop drinking alcohol while using contraceptive pills. A couple of glasses of wine a week will not harm you, as long as you do not mix the tablets with alcohol and do not exceed the dosage. But if you are taking any additional medications (especially hormonal ones), be sure to consult with your doctor. You may have to completely forget about alcohol during treatment.

Hormones – BAS, on physical level control the body's biorhythms. Produced by the endocrine and mixed secretion glands (pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, testes and ovaries, etc.), they play the role of a mechanism that triggers all vital processes. Hormones affect target organs through the blood, forcing them to perform certain functions.

The combination of alcohol and drugs with hormones is unacceptable. Hormonal pills act as hormone replacement therapy, stimulant or antihormonal treatment. Their goal is to normalize the changed hormonal levels in humans.

The effect of alcohol on hormones

Optimal hormonal background- the key to successful human existence. Alcohol disrupts this balance, causing a disruption in the production of hormones. The background is destabilized with all the ensuing negative consequences. There are no documented benefits to the human body from drinking ethanol-containing products. Compatibility between alcohol and hormones is zero.

The negative effects of such a “cocktail” are based on the ability of the highly toxic metabolite acetaldehyde to suppress the production of some hormones while simultaneously stimulating others. When C2H5OH enters the blood, there is a strong jump in cortisol, the stress hormone. With constant abuse, a person is susceptible to: stress, depression, anxiety, severe anxiety, mental disorders.

It is important that disturbed balance cannot be cured. Having partially recovered from the “blow” of alcohol, the body continues to work taking into account the imbalance. An incomplete cycle of hormone synthesis leads to new pathologies. As a result, other enzymes are produced that indicate stress anomalies:

  • cortisol, ensures increased fat deposition, promotes the development of depression, pathologies of the nervous system and changes in the psyche;
  • prolactin, in increased production, provokes infertility, stopping lactation, neoplasms of the adrenal glands in a malignant form;
  • adrenaline, its increase enhances the effect of intoxication, providing addiction to bright, strong emotions, causes diseases of the cardiovascular system and adrenal glands.

The rate of formation of negative disorders is unpredictable. Ethanol destabilizes the level of female sex hormones, provoking:

  • obesity;
  • stimulation of excessive hair growth;
  • roughness of voice timbre;
  • disruption thyroid gland;
  • change in body configuration.

In men, a different picture is observed. Alcohol reduces testosterone production by up to critical level. With beer alcoholism, fat deposits form on the waist, hips, and abdomen, and gynecomastia develops. Libido decreases sexual functions are lost, the man turns into a thick, amorphous creature of indeterminate gender.

C2H5OH and main groups

The basis is made up of 4 types of hormones, they are responsible for stabilizing the central nervous system, the instinct of procreation, cell renewal, digestion of food coma and removal of residual products. Without this, a person dies. Alcohol in minimal, even standard doses, causes an imbalance within 5–7 minutes after wine alcohol enters the blood.


“Steroids” are responsible for cell restoration, form gender. The synthesis of corticosteroids helps resist pathogenic microflora, builds immunity, and stops aging. C2H5OH enhances their synthesis, provoking a hypertrophied reaction, and the body is poisoned with toxic decay products.

The adrenal glands produce estrogens and androgens. When C2H5OH and its breakdown products penetrate into them, the organ’s functioning stops. The production of estrogen increases, against the background of which female body the level of other hormones changes. Men begin to recycle own testosterone, which is fraught with fatty liver and alcohol addiction.


Responsible for redox processes, formation antiviral immunity, the functioning of the organs of touch, the stability of body temperature. Stimulates reproductive system: in men – sperm production, in women – education corpus luteum, fetal development. Beer is most dangerous for the hypothalamus due to its weak depressant (relaxing) effect. Against the background of the action of alcohol, already synthesized hormones are converted into cortisone (stimulates the synthesis of carbohydrates and proteins, inhibits lymphoid organs).

Thyroid gland

Its thyroid hormones are responsible for the growth of organs and tissues in a child, and for metabolism in adults. The gland is capable of accumulating iodine, a deficiency of which leads to cretinism. It reacts to the presence of wine alcohol in the blood by stopping the production of its own and sex hormones.

Functions of the pancreas

Its hormones are responsible for the breakdown and excretion of food and give a “hunger signal” by releasing ghrelin. Alcohol triggers a mechanism to stop this process; as a result, the iron releases all the accumulated hormone, prompting a person to excessively absorb food. Insulin is involved in the production of enzymes necessary for the breakdown of ethanol. In combination with alcohol, compatibility is zero, side effects even include coma.

Interaction of hormonal drugs and alcohol

Whether or not you can use drugs and alcohol is clearly shown in the table. Is compatibility of intoxicants acceptable when prescribed? medicines- the results are below.

Name of drugs

When is it prescribed?

Result of combination with alcohol


Testosterone propionate, Testesterone Enanthate, Testoenat, Methyltestosterone

Uterine fibroids, tumor mammary glands, menopause, osteoporosis, PMS

Intoxication, increased estrogen production, severe intoxication


Drug of the same name

Relief of spasms of smooth muscle tissues of the gastrointestinal tract, hypoglycemia

Zero result of therapy


Bromocriptine, Protilerin, Sermorelin

Deficiency of production, hypofunction of glands

Hormonal disorders, pathologies of central nervous system functions

Levothyroxine sodium, Thiamazole, Thyreocomb®, Thyreoidinum

Iodine deficiency

Zero effect of therapy

Insulinum aspartum, Insulin glargine, Insulin detemir, etc.

Diabetes mellitus

Hypoglycemia, coma


Prednisolone, Urbason®, Medrol®, etc.

Pathologies of rheumatic nature, asthma, allergies

Gastrointestinal ulcers, severe intoxication, critical surges in blood pressure, central nervous system depression

Contraceptives (estrogens, gestagens)

Janine, Klayra, Triquilar, Miniziston, etc.

Ovarian hypofunction, infertility, ovulation suppression

Critical level of estrogen, bleeding, disorder of the entire hormonal system

Oxytocin (“pituitary” hormone), against the background of intoxication, prompts a person to act illogically. Using drugs based on it and alcohol can cause disruption of the nervous system and internal organs.

Combination of antiandrogens ( antitumor agents) and alcohol increases estrogen levels. Therefore, the combination of testosterone, bicalutamide and alcohol is unacceptable.

Correct security

There are no cases when an endocrinologist allows combining hormonal agents and ethanol-containing products. Any intake of C2H5OH and its breakdown products into the body already disrupts the functioning of endocrine system. This happens unnoticed, and in the presence of hormone therapy and existing pathologies, the reactions are unpredictable.

During lifelong hormone replacement therapy (Addison's disease), alcohol-containing liquids of any quantity and strength are prohibited. It is possible to relax when taking contraceptives, but only when their course is completed and the doctor has given the go-ahead for drinking alcohol.

Consequences and complications

It is illogical to combine hormone therapy and alcohol; it is sometimes frivolous and carries direct danger. The most harmless consequence is the lack of treatment effect, but more often the endocrinologist is forced to diagnose irreversible damage hormonal levels and lifelong medication use. It is difficult to predict how the body will behave. The central nervous system, liver, kidneys, pancreas, digestive tract And genitourinary system. Violation hormonal balance– irreparable, and often fatal, retribution for non-compliance with the rules for combining alcohol-containing drinks and hormones.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medicine with alcohol

Enter the name of the drug in the search bar and find out how compatible it is with alcohol

We've all been told that alcohol leads to fat formation, loss muscle mass, decreased protein synthesis and a drop in testosterone levels. I'd like to take a closer look at these claims, including the research behind it all. We all work our butts off in gyms and have a right to know what effect alcohol actually has on our strength and mass. We also know that a real athlete “sits at home while everyone in the area goes out to get drunk.” All this is supposedly in the name of better performance, but personally I think he's just a lazy person who doesn't know how to have fun. I encourage you to have an open mind as we begin to delve further into this topic.

Alcohol and insulin resistance

“Drunkenness” was the direct cause that led experimental rats to the development of insulin resistance. This tells us that the body is not able to distribute glucose and fat to the necessary areas, including muscles. Decreased glucose intake can lead to hyperglycemia, which in itself is a cause of the onset of type 2 diabetes. Let me explain something very accessible language. The information is based on research conducted by the Institute of Diabetes and Metabolism, located in Icahn, New York. The study was conducted on rats, not humans. This study proved a direct relationship between alcohol abuse and high concentration glucose in the blood, which indicates insulin resistance. I don't think it's hard to believe, but it's best case scenario, since the study was conducted on rats, and our physiology is slightly different from theirs. Again, we are talking about natural drunkenness with a large number alcohol and binge drinking for 2-3 days. But be that as it may, it doesn’t take a genius to understand that you shouldn’t overeat simple carbohydrates and fats when blood alcohol levels are already high.

Interestingly, there are also a large number of studies conducted in humans that have shown, on the contrary, improvements in insulin sensitivity (versus decreases in rat studies) and glycemic control. For gym enthusiasts, this can mean that nutrients will be absorbed more efficiently, muscle potential will increase, and body fat will decrease. This may be the main reason, according to some studies, why moderate drinking people people who don't drink live longer. This information simply spits in the face of the entire mainstream surrounding the modern fitness community. Looking at the research below, I'm starting to feel pretty confident that moderate intake is better than no intake at all.

Alcohol and excess weight gain

Drinkers always lose weight better than non-drinkers, especially women. This is strange, since alcohol has a fairly high calorie content - 7.1 kcal per gram, and is also similar in structure to dietary fats. One theory tells us that alcohol reduces appetite, which reduces long-term food intake. Another cites the previously mentioned increase in insulin sensitivity in moderate drinkers, leading to better distribution nutrients and fat loss. Alcohol works in a similar way to carbohydrates in that it inhibits fat oxidation (fat loss), so dietary fat is stored more easily in food cells. As a result, the body responds to insulin, and the alcohol itself is not stored as fat. The main reason for fat gain under the influence of alcohol may be a decrease in impulse control. I myself am guilty of this, since more than once returning from drinking I pounced on cookies and cakes at home until I fainted from a food coma.

Alcohol, growth hormone and testosterone

You've probably heard about how alcohol reduces testosterone levels in men. The fact is that this is true, but the exaggeration has reached the point of distortion. Alcohol can indeed reduce testosterone to some extent, but we are talking about 120 grams pure alcohol. 120 grams of alcohol is almost 10 shots of real liquor. After such a binge, testosterone dropped by 23% in just 16 hours. The secretion of growth hormone is reduced by ethanol (alcohol), through deep suppression. There is also an increase in cortisol production (+36%), which can lead to unwanted accumulation of fat deposits. In studies that examined the effects of 70-80 grams of alcohol, no negative effects on testosterone were found at all. In fact, the media took several studies and made a real tragedy out of them, colorfully describing the destructive effect of alcohol on testosterone secretion. This may happen to you after 10 beers with your drunken drinking buddy, but all this has little to do with the reality of normal people.

But this is not all good news for athletes who deliberately give up alcohol. Studies on rats did show a decrease in protein synthesis, but this has not been proven in humans. Chronic alcoholics, however, do have a reduced percentage of muscle mass. But now we are talking about moderate intake. In addition, alcohol is perceived by the body as a poison and is a “metabolic priority.” When you're drinking digestive juices secreted primarily for the breakdown of alcohol. All other food in your stomach goes under number two.

Key Points

Moderate alcohol consumption may improve insulin sensitivity, leading to better absorption nutrients and other health benefits;

It's not alcohol that's to blame for weight gain, it's your drunken trips to McDuck;

A negative effect on testosterone has not been proven when drinking moderate doses of alcohol. But after a serious drinking session, there really is a drop in testosterone and growth hormone levels for the entire next day. Just don't get too drunk:

Alcohol does have a negative effect on protein synthesis in rats. As for people, there is still no confirmed data;

Alcohol does not directly promote weight gain, but may act as an inhibitor of lipolysis. If you eat a bunch of derma (fat/sugar) while drunk while lipolysis is weakened, your body composition may change for the worse;

It is better to drink low-calorie alcohol, such as dry wine, rum and sugar-free drinks. Whereas beer and sweet wines are best left for a special occasion;

Don't act like an idiot and don't take this article as if green light drunkenness. Be careful and think with your head.

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Everyone knows that alcohol should not be consumed with certain medications. But little is known about how hormones and alcohol combine.

However, this issue is extremely relevant for many, for example, for women who use hormonal contraceptives or for athletes who use special supplements containing hormones.

Hormones are always present in the human body, even without additional intake, and when people drink alcohol, they, as a rule, do not think about the interaction of their own hormones and alcohol, but there is such an interaction.

How does alcohol affect hormonal balance?

Like any product that gets into human body, alcohol interacts with the entire body and is involved in metabolism, as well as in the formation of human hormonal balance.

Alcohol suppresses hormones such as testosterone. With regular and long-term use alcohol atrophy occurs muscle tissue, precisely because of insufficient testosterone production.

Some low alcohol drinks, especially beer, not only suppress testosterone, but also provoke increased production of progesterone, which is female hormone. Thus, a person who drinks a couple of glasses of beer every day is actually taking a certain amount of female hormones every day.

Over time, this inevitably leads to a hormonal imbalance towards progesterone and estrogen.

In a woman’s body, everything happens exactly the opposite. Estrogen, the main female hormone, is suppressed and the balance of hormones produced by thyroid gland. This is due to the predominance of progesterone, which, although initially a female hormone, is assigned an auxiliary role by nature.

At daily consumption alcohol, the balance of hormones is disrupted, which leads to sad consequences for health and appearance.

Are hormonal drugs and alcohol compatible?

There are different ones, for example, when using contraceptives, you can drink alcohol. However, drinking alcohol often means completely different things.

That is, a couple of glasses of wine at dinner will not affect your health in any way when using contraception, but liters of beer or vodka, leading to unconsciousness, will inevitably reduce the reliability of the pills and affect the endocrine system and health in general.

As for medicines And sports supplements, the so-called anabolic, then drinking alcohol together with these drugs disrupts the functioning of the body as a whole.

When combining alcohol and hormonal drugs, the following is often observed:

  • exacerbation peptic ulcer and gastritis;
  • the occurrence of severe muscle cramps;
  • rapid development of thrombophlebitis;

  • the appearance of migraine as a disease;
  • intensive work of the adrenal glands, leading to disruption of the body’s endocrine system;
  • dysfunction of the reproductive system.

Even if the instructions for the drug say that drinking alcohol is possible, there is always a risk of increasing the level of production of hormones such as:

  • aldosterone;
  • adrenalin;
  • cortisone.

And their increased production always has in the body negative consequences, individual for each person.

Interaction of alcohol with major hormones

There are many hormones, and they all interact to one degree or another with alcohol that enters the bloodstream. However, on human health First of all, it affects the synthesis of alcohol and hormones that enter the body with the help of drugs and are produced by the pituitary gland and a number of other glands.

Steroid hormones

Androgens, or, are not only the basis of many sports supplements, but are also produced in every body by the adrenal glands and gonads. Their natural area of ​​responsibility is the formation and functioning of the reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics.

When taken artificially, protein synthesis in the body is significantly enhanced and muscle tissue grows. WITH medical point vision. as medicinal effects, steroid therapy is used in the treatment of disorders:

  • endocrine system;
  • reproductive functions;
  • tumors.

As a rule, fibroids in women are also treated with steroids. If there is an excess of androgens or it is impossible to treat them due to any individual reasons, hormonal antiandrogens are used, mainly bicalutamide.

All steroids, both androgenic and antiandrogenic, are completely incompatible with alcoholic drinks. The habit of drinking a couple of glasses while taking steroids inevitably leads to a sharp jump production of estrogen as an “antidote”, which leads to mass sad consequences, including education cancerous tumors and impotence.

Hypothalamic-pituitary hormones

Gonadotropins, that is, hormones of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, are the basis of the human endocrine system.

Doctors very often use them to treat various health disorders, for example, they treat:

  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • endometriosis;
  • a number of endocrine pathologies.

When drinking alcohol in combination with drug therapy with hormones of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, a sharp surge in other hormonal groups occurs, and the necessary ones are suppressed. That is, the effect of the drugs is negated, and the production of one’s own similar hormones is significantly reduced.

Thyroid hormones

The main hormones produced by the thyroid gland are:

  • triiodothyronine;
  • thyroxine.

And they are also included in many hormonal-based medications intended to treat large quantity pathologies and disorders in human body, ranging from iodine deficiency to pathologies of the thyroid gland itself.

At sharing with alcohol, ethanol breaks down into thyrocytes in the body, and accordingly there is a change in the amount of thyroid hormones, which entails the suppression of others and a complete change in the effect of treatment.

Moreover, the person’s well-being significantly deteriorates, and constant nausea, specific pains and other unpleasant symptoms.

Pancreatic hormones

The main hormone of the pancreas is insulin. It affects almost everything that happens in the human body:

  • protein synthesis;
  • carbon cellular metabolism;
  • adipose tissue;
  • process of phosphorylation and fermentation.

Moreover, it is insulin that is directly responsible for the absorption and breakdown of glucose. Drinking alcohol while taking insulin is strictly prohibited. In combination with additional insulin entering the body, alcohol provokes the immediate development of hypoglycemia and, if help is not provided, coma.

Generally hormonal drugs and alcohol are incompatible things. However, everything is purely individual and the question of whether it is possible to drink while taking this or that hormone-containing drug can only be answered unequivocally by an endocrinologist.

“Harmony in hormones” - this is the motto for everyone healthy person endocrinologists around the world. And for good reason. After all, optimal hormonal levels are the key normal functioning the entire human body. So, it is worth knowing that hormones in the human body are constantly produced and ensure a harmonious connection between all organs. And if the slightest malfunction occurs in the functioning of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands, a corresponding deficiency/excess occurs certain hormones. To correct the patient's condition, doctors prescribe hormonal therapy. And when treating with such drugs, you need to know that drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited. We will discuss below exactly how alcohol affects hormones and what happens in the body with this combination.

Causes of hormonal disorders

All hormones, without exception, control vital important functions body, ensuring the exchange of information between all systems. However, malfunctions also occur hormonal system, which leads to a deterioration in the patient's condition. The main causes of disruptions in the hormonal system are:

  • Adolescence and puberty;
  • Thyroid dysfunction or hyperfunction;
  • Problems with the adrenal glands;
  • Malignant formations in the human body;
  • Encephalitis, etc.

In order to stabilize the patient's condition, hormone replacement drugs are prescribed, which restore balance in the body and stimulate the production of its own hormones. During such therapy, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol in any quantity. Why? Let's find out below.

Alcohol and a healthy body

If we talk about healthy acting organism, then here it is necessary to focus the reader’s attention on the fact that alcohol, consumed periodically, has negative impact on all human systems, including the hormonal one. And perhaps at her, even first of all.

Thus, under the influence of ethanol, which constantly enters the blood, a person produces the stress hormone cortisol. Over time, with constant (regular) libation, an excess of cortisol is formed, which leads to depression, sleep disorders, apathy, anxiety states and other mental disorders. Also, when processing ethanol, the adrenal glands release into the body increased amount adrenaline.

Specifically for men constant use alcohol (and beer in particular) threatens to reduce the level of the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for masculinity and potency. Thus, under the influence of alcohol, a man’s body begins to produce the female sex hormone estrogen. As a result, a man begins to acquire femininity features, such as enlarged breasts, a grown belly, and fat on the abdomen and thighs. In addition, it decreases sexual desire, potency disappears, and if it remains, then ejaculation occurs many times faster than in a healthy, non-drinking man.

FYI. Alcohol has no less active effects on female hormonal levels. So, women, on the contrary, lose their sex hormone estrogen under the influence of alcohol. In return, drinking ladies get male hormone testosterone, which makes the lady rougher in appearance and changes her gait to that of a man. Also, under the influence of ethanol, a woman has a violation menstrual cycle, decreased libido, infertility or early menopause.

If we take into account a person suffering from hormonal imbalance and taking hormone therapy, then the effect of alcohol on the body will be simply catastrophic. That is why it is worth remembering that hormonal therapy usually lasts more than one week or even a month. This long period treatment that involves complete failure from alcohol. Otherwise, at best, all the efforts of the doctor and the patient will be reduced to zero. In the worst case, the patient will provoke complex side effects from different systems body.

Hormonal drugs and alcohol

Thyroid hormones

In case of thyroid function disorders, medications are prescribed that are designed to equalize the balance of hormones. These are mainly drugs thyroxine or triiodothyronine. This group hormones provide speed metabolic processes, anabolism and catabolism in the body. If it is marked increased function thyroid gland, then the endocrinologist prescribes antagonist drugs, which, on the contrary, inhibit the production of hormones. Basically, hormonal therapy is prescribed in the case of such pathologies with the thyroid gland:

  • Hyperthyroidism (excess of thyroid hormone);
  • Hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone deficiency)
  • Autoimmune thyroiditis (rejection of the thyroid gland by the body itself);
  • Lack of iodine.

It is worth knowing that hormonal therapy stabilizes the patient’s condition, and alcohol taken carelessly again causes fluctuations in the hormonal system. This is why pathologies can occur various types from a simple deterioration in health to complex tachycardia, etc.

Androgens and antiandrogens

This type of hormone is used most often in the treatment of men, since such hormones are primarily responsible for the formation of secondary reproductive organs. male characteristics. In addition, androgens and antiandrogens stabilize catabolic processes in the body. Indications for taking such hormones may include:

  • Prostate oncology;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • Reproductive system disorders.

Women are treated with such hormones in case of formations in the uterus or mammary gland, as well as in osteoporosis or menopause.

If a man combines androgens with alcohol, the body will produce increased production of the hormone estrogen. And this, in turn, will completely nullify therapeutic effect(at a minimum) or disrupt liver function.

Glucagon with alcohol

This type of hormone is indicated for muscle spasms of organs gastrointestinal tract and with hypoglycemia. If the patient has hypoglycemia, then simultaneous administration Alcohol with hormones can provoke a hypoglycemic coma. In the most innocent case, therapy will simply be useless.

Insulin with alcohol

The most terrible side effect may result from such a combination. The fact is that alcohol itself leads to a decrease in the glycemic index in the liver. And in diabetics it is already reduced. If you combine the hormone insulin with alcohol, it can lead to coma and even fatal outcome. Therefore, taking risks with alcohol in this case is strictly prohibited. It is worth remembering that doctors may simply not have time to provide first aid to the patient, since the alcohol-insulin reaction occurs at lightning speed.

Ganadotropin hormones and pituitary/hypothalamic hormones

This group of hormones is prescribed for decreased function hormonal glands at the patient. The therapy is long-term and constantly monitored. If the entire process is disrupted by the intervention of ethanol, then at least all efforts will be reduced to the patient’s original state, that is, hormonal imbalance. In the worst case, you will suffer greatly nervous system the patient and some of the internal organs.

Estrogens/gestagens and alcohol

Estrogen therapy is prescribed mainly to women with the following pathologies:

  • If there is a hormonal imbalance;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Infertility or miscarriage;
  • Inhibition of ovulation in the middle of the cycle;
  • Dysfunction of female ovaries;
  • And also for atherosclerosis.

Needless to say, if a woman is struggling with infertility, then drinking alcohol is inappropriate in principle. However, even in such conditions, some patients decide to violate the prohibitions. In this case, the level of estrogen will increase sharply, which is not good for the body. So, the liver and kidneys will survive a one-time and short-term increase in the hormone calmly. But if the picture is constant, which is not excluded when combining alcohol with hormones on on an ongoing basis, then the liver will not withstand such pressure and will simply fail.

Corticosteroids and alcoholic drinks

If the patient is hormone therapy corticosteroids will begin to drink alcohol, it is possible that strong toxic poisoning. In addition, the risk internal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract increases approximately 1.5 times. The formation of ulcers in the stomach or intestines is also possible. In addition, there may be an increase in pressure to a critical level, central nervous system disorders and additional hormonal imbalance.

Hormonal contraceptives and alcohol

This group of drugs suggests that a woman can drink a little alcohol while taking the pills. However, it is worth knowing that we're talking about really about small portions of alcohol and only excellent quality. So, a woman who is protecting herself from pregnancy with pills can drink a glass of dry red wine, a glass of whiskey or 0.5 liters of beer twice a week. Nothing more!

If a woman abuses alcohol, then, at a minimum, the effectiveness of the pills will be zero (pregnancy may occur), and in the maximum case, bleeding or even hormonal imbalance will appear.

Important: under no circumstances, under any pretext, drink alcohol in tandem with hormonal medications. This big risk for health and life.



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