Prayer for the fulfillment of plans. Very strong prayers for the fulfillment of desires instantly or as soon as possible

Dreams are an integral part of our life. By dreaming, we give ourselves a positive attitude directed in a certain direction. Dreams impel us to aspirations, and aspirations, in turn, to active actions to achieve a goal. And yet, dreams, for the most part, have a mental meaning; when dreaming about the fulfillment of desires, we first of all think not about how to get a good job, we imagine in our imagination a ready-made result without a chain of events that precedes it.

In our dreams, we imagine ourselves in the boss's chair. The degree of our spirituality reaches its peak. To be charged with positive energy, which will contribute to the materialization of desires, a prayer for the fulfillment of desires will help.

Regular reading, while thinking about your cherished dream, will help you to properly tune in to bring your plans to life, and set the right direction for the energy received. The main thing to remember is that the desire must certainly be disinterested, with a positive meaning; in no case should you wish trouble on someone, then it will all come back to you with interest. The main thing is that the desire is sincere, and then its fulfillment will not take long. Different peoples follow their own religious considerations and laws. Accordingly, the prayers differ significantly from each other.

Words, symbols, sounds... How much we know about them. Many people ask various questions: what does prayer mean, how should one approach it, what to say, and what timbre of voice? According to statistics over the past few years, people have begun to believe in symbols and prayers as well. 80% of the population always go to church or pray at home, asking for something good. Some people don’t see the point in this and just live, saying that it’s just life and there is no God.

Many religions carry certain beliefs, goals and spiritual values. Religious consciousness gives us moral values, knowledge and an attitude towards life, which is necessarily supported by prayers and petitions. There are a huge number of religions and beliefs (Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, etc.). But I would like to dwell on a few main ones - Christianity and Islam. Every faith necessarily has prayers for the fulfillment of desires. The surest step to pronouncing it will be to decide what you want. But you just need to believe in it (without faith in a dream, fulfillment is impossible).

Christian prayers.

Christianity is a world religion, the teachings of Jesus Christ. In this religion, prayer for the fulfillment of desires is called strong prayer. This includes conspiracies, fortune telling, rituals, help through angels and various rituals. The word is very important in a person’s life. Even if people don’t pronounce them, it significantly influences many situations in life. Prayers are unique symbols of life that give a person faith in the best and lead to the necessary solutions to problems.

There are very powerful prayers for desires that should be used carefully. They can either elevate a person or bring them down very low, manipulate other people, or make themselves a “doll.” People really love the “simplicity” of all unsolved problems, which is why they turn to prayers of desires. Words, especially energy, must be used carefully.

Christian prayers for the fulfillment of desires:

1. Prayer that calls on the Holy Spirit.

“The Holy Spirit, who solves all problems and sheds light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. yata, who gives me the Divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil committed against me, who is with me in all the storms of life. In this short prayer, I want to thank You for everything and once again prove that I will never part with You for anything, despite any illusoriness of matter. I want to dwell with You in Your eternal glory. I thank You for all Your good deeds to me and my neighbors.”

2. Prayer to the Most Holy Mother of God.

,Most Holy Theotokos, Mother of God. Do not be angry at my request, I do not hide my sins from you. For swearing and lack of patience, I ask Jesus for forgiveness. Let them reject illness, let their relatives not suffer, and sincerely repent for all their sins. May all your wishes come true as soon as possible, and may the gaps in unbelief be filled with Good. If these desires lead to the Underworld, I will read the Lord’s Prayer for salvation. Thy will be done. Amen."

3. Prayer for the fulfillment of a wish (spell).

“Lord God, Most Holy Mother of God, all Saints, all Wonderworkers, hear my prayers, hear about my needs, help me, servant of God (name), fulfill my (my) desires. Amen. Amen. Amen".

4. Prayer to Saint Martha (for the fulfillment of desires).

,Oh Saint Martha, You are Miraculous!
I turn to you for help! And completely in my needs, and you will be my helper in my trials! I promise you with gratitude that I will spread this prayer everywhere! I humbly and tearfully ask you to console me in my worries and hardships! Humbly, for the sake of the great joy that filled your heart, I tearfully ask you to take care of me and my family, so that we preserve our God in our hearts and thereby deserve the Saved Supreme Mediation, first of all, with the concern that now burdens me.
(then you should indicate your desire - help me find a job, get married, etc.)
I tearfully ask you, Helper in every need, conquer the burdens just as You conquered the snake until it lay at Your feet!”

5. Prayer to the Kazan Mother of God.

“O Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice! Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you! Blessed are You among Women and Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls!”
“Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! And now, and forever, and forever and ever! Amen!"

6. Prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant.

In the Orthodox world, the main “granter of desires” is rightfully St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Most people turn their prayers to him, because his image is in every Orthodox church. His image is identified with compassion, getting rid of illnesses, preserving life and health. Since ancient times, St. Nicholas has been considered the patron saint of travelers, even now, it is rare to find a car that does not have his icon in the interior. Drivers sincerely believe that the image of St. Nicholas will save them from accidents on the road and save their lives.

So the prayer for the fulfillment of desires is addressed specifically to this saint. It is best to read it in the evening before going to bed, preferably alone, when everyday worries fade into the background, and you can fully feel the presence of spirituality in your mind. If you completely sincerely surrender to prayer, then its meaning acquires the correct meaning, and what you want comes true. You can ask Nikolai Ugodnik for help using the following words:

All-merciful Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher, all who flow with faith to your intercession and call upon you with warm prayer! Strive quickly and deliver the flock of Christ from the wolves that are destroying it and every Christian country, and protect it with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, cowardice, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from famine, flood, fire, sword and sudden death. And just as you had mercy on three men imprisoned, and you delivered them from the king’s wrath and the beating of the sword, so have mercy on me, in mind, word and deed, in the darkness of sins, and deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, as through your intercession and help With His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this world, and will deliver me from this place, and will make me worthy to be on the right hand with all the saints forever and ever. Amen."

Write this text down on a blank sheet of paper, and not only read it, but also carry it with you, then prayer will protect you from life’s adversities and failures every day.

There are a large number of prayers for the fulfillment of desires. Basically, everyone carries spiritual information and acts not only at the subconscious level, but also at the level of life actions. Every person on this planet wants all their cherished desires to be fulfilled. Their effectiveness is not possible without faith in the power of prayer and words. Without a strong desire to realize a dream, it will not serve as a powerful engine for action. The most faithful prayers for this are to the Lord God, the Mother of God, and St. Nicholas the Pleasant. The best days for prayer are on the waxing moon. Then every word will have value.

If we talk about magic, then there are various conspiracies for wishes. But we will not mention them. If a person has “dirty” thoughts and dreams, then it is better not to read prayers, they will not do any good. They can only make the situation worse. It is better to free your thoughts, cleanse everything bad and unnecessary. Even with prayers you can help your loved ones and relatives who need your support.

Appealing to the Lord God and the Holy words of prayers for the fulfillment of desires, instills hope for a better and brighter embodiment of the necessary dream. But do not forget about the inner state of your soul and the purity of your actions and thoughts. We must not forget God's commandments.

Esotericists think correctly about desires. It’s not for nothing that we were given a language to speak a word, to carry a powerful meaning. They believe that correctly written words carry enormous potential and give rise to the necessary actions. In order to read prayers, we need to know and correctly formulate our desires. Our thoughts may not be correctly formulated into our actions. Therefore, you must first think, and therefore act. Understand what we want!

Muslim prayer.

Islam is surrendering oneself to God. In Islamic traditions there are also prayers for wishes. They spiritually enrich people, faith, and life.

Muslim prayers of wishes include:

1. Prayer to the Almighty.

2. Prayer for the fulfillment of desires (Salavat).

3. Du'a for fulfillment of desires.

4. Du'a for love.

5. Muslim prayer for good luck.

6. Prayer for the calling of the Holy Spirit.

Residents of eastern countries also resort to the help of Higher Powers to improve their well-being and fulfill their desires, although by their mentality they are not too demanding of life’s blessings and can be content with little. But at the same time, Muslims are the same people who have their own emotions, desires and dreams, even if they differ somewhat from the needs of the inhabitants of Slavic countries. Eastern women also want to get married, give birth to healthy children, live in a prosperous family, but our idea of ​​happiness differs.

Muslim prayer for the fulfillment of desires in most cases is addressed to Allah, the highest powerful creature in the Muslim world. The concept of Muslim prayer has a deep meaning, first of all, complete obedience to Allah and his will; there is not the slightest hint of forgiveness for those who repent. Islam is a religion that generously rewards its ardent supporters and punishes its opponents.

An example text of a prayer for the fulfillment of desires sounds like this:

Innaa lil-lyahi wa innaa ilyaihi raaji'uun, allaahumma 'indakya ahtasibu musyybatii fa'jurnii fiihe, wa abdilnii bihee hairan minhe"

What does it mean in Russian:

,True praise belongs only to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I ask You, O Allah, for something that will bring Your mercy closer to me, the effectiveness of Your forgiveness, protection from sins, benefit from everything righteous. I ask You for salvation from all mistakes. Do not leave a single sin that You would not forgive me, not a single anxiety from which You would not deliver me, and not a single need that, being correct, would not be satisfied by You. For You are the Most Merciful."

Both in Christianity and Islam (Islam) there are conspiracies, spells, fortune telling and rituals. A variety of prayers to change your destiny, spiritual values ​​and happiness are based on the Holiness of the Quran. Every word spoken with a pure thought will protect and heal.

For Muslims, the canvas on which the prayer itself is written is of great importance. Since these are very energetic words, they must be on a very strong basis. For example: natural silk, a piece of clothing, a camel bone or a silver plate. The words are usually written with musk or apple juice.

Muslim prayers for the fulfillment of desires are rich in content and spiritual richness. The Koran says that there is protection from everything bad; it provides a wall to all problems and failures in life, not only for you, but also for your loved ones.

The prayer of every people is a kind of appeal to God, and it doesn’t matter which one, what matters is what you say, what words you convey. Write your desire correctly, whether it is a priority, what you need at the moment. Describe your capabilities to yourself and determine for yourself whether you believe in the accuracy of your desires and the reality of their fulfillment. Dreams that are not believed will never come true! Sincerity and readiness to bring the desired closer will definitely come true.

All prayers are varied. But each one carries the necessary meaning of the reader. For some it will help restore faith in themselves, for others in the health of loved ones and relatives, for others it will return peace and spirituality, for others it will simply give them the desire and “impetus” for self-realization. But don’t forget, every word you say carries meaning. Every meaning is an action. Every action is kindness or anger.

As people say - “the word is not a sparrow, if it flies out you won’t catch it...”, so think about your desires. Don't hurt yourself and others. Evaluate the essence of your desires.

I bring to your attention Orthodox prayers for the fulfillment of a cherished desire, addressed to the Holy Saints.
Every person has a dream to which he unrestrainedly strives.
Some want to get rid of illnesses, while others want to find long-awaited comfort.
To call upon holy Orthodoxy for help, an anxious prayer will be enough for you.

Just please, do not forget that your cherished desire must certainly fit within the framework of Orthodox spirituality.
Otherwise, look for help in the next section.

Before you begin fervent prayer, you must clearly imagine your deepest desire.
Think carefully about what it will bring to you. Perhaps all the aspirations that take possession of you are just a sinful mixture.
If so, then reconsider your values.
Remaining in secluded tranquility, light 12 church candles. Place an Orthodox icon of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow nearby.
Pray slowly and cross yourself slowly...

Prayer to the Lord God for the fulfillment of desires

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Fulfill my cherished desires and do not deny their sinless achievement. Bring good luck to wise actions and ward off success in sinful ambitions. May all good desires certainly be fulfilled, and bad deeds banished. So be it. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the fulfillment of a wish

Wonderworker Nicholas, help me with my mortal desires. Do not be angry at the impudent request, but do not abandon me in vain matters. Whatever I wish for good, fulfill with your mercy. If I want something bad, turn away adversity. May all righteous wishes come true, and may my life be filled with happiness. Thy will be done. Amen.

Prayer for the fulfillment of a wish to Matrona of Moscow

If you want your sorrows to subside, then it is best to turn to the Blessed Matrona with a prayer.
And she will definitely hear you.

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Help me fulfill all my bright, hidden and cherished desires. Save me from vain desires that destroy the soul and wound the body. Ask the Lord God for generous mercy and protect me from vile rottenness. Thy will be done. Amen.

Now you know that there are Orthodox prayers that fulfill cherished desires.
And I really hope that they will certainly come true.

    I read prayers every day, and wake up at night. Faith helps me feel better, especially in the rhythm of city life. I stop reacting this way to various attacks, especially at work this is true. Prayers have fulfilled my wishes more than once, both big and small, I believe in their truthfulness, maybe that’s why. If you don't believe it, it's unlikely that anything good will come of it.

    This really works, if you want to achieve your desire, you need to really, really want it, imagine what you want, and everything will certainly work out. How many times have I checked what exactly depends on faith whether it will come true or not and how quickly it will come true. Prayers help a lot with this, they are filled with energy, so they work instantly!

    I don’t believe in prayers or conspiracies or slander, but in the power of thought. How many times have I been convinced in my life that words are material, and if you think about it and imagine it vividly and preferably with a detailed description, how it will definitely come true. I remember this as a child, when before an important event I would lie down and fantasize, and in the end that’s exactly what happened.

    I think that what you want can only be achieved through your own work. You cannot pray and sit and do nothing. So it’s really unlikely that anything will work out. In general, yes, I agree with the comments above, thoughts are material and if you really, really want something, and at the same time you strive to achieve it through actions (not just thoughts and faith), then everything will definitely come true!

    This article is sincere, I read it and even burst into tears. How correctly everything is written here! Yes, indeed, the Lord will never leave us alone, he is always with us. But you shouldn’t completely shift responsibility for your life onto him. After all, this is not what He wants. He gave each of us a free choice of how to live. And we must make this choice with dignity. Then everything we have planned will be fulfilled.

    Prayers have helped me every time and still do, and I will not stop praying because thanks to them I live! I pray morning and evening! and if anything, I’m 12 years old!

    Read 3 times at any time of the day. And then print it where others can rewrite it. The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can go to my goal. You, who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil committed against me, are with me in all the storms of life. In this short prayer I want to thank You for everything and once again prove that I will never part with You in Your eternal glory. Thank you for all your good deeds to me and my neighbors. I ask you (desire). Amen.

    The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can go to my goal. You, who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil committed against me, are with me in all the storms of life. In this short prayer I want to thank You for everything and once again prove that I will never part with You in Your eternal glory. Thank you for all your good deeds to me and my neighbors. I ask you (desire). Amen.

To improve their situation in a certain area of ​​life, people make plans and calculate further actions. But it is not always possible to solve problems on your own, without resorting to the help of higher powers. A prayer for the fulfillment of a wish, said by a believer with all his heart, will certainly help in the fulfillment of his cherished dream. The only condition should be only positive thoughts in the request, which is aimed at good and will not harm anyone. You must believe that prayer, powerful in its energy charge, changing life and fulfilling desires, will begin to act instantly. A person may not notice this, but everything will happen exactly like this, because the Lord knows best what happiness consists of.

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      • Timeliness of God's help

        To change your life for the better and feel like a happy person in the near future, you need to prepare for certain actions. It should be understood that even the strongest prayer and sincere request cannot always help in the absolute and literal fulfillment of a dream. When entrusting your plans to higher powers, it is recommended to believe in maximum help. To err is human, and desires can even cause grave harm.

        Holy prayer implies complete trust in the Lord, the ability to shift the resolution of the problem to His discretion. The Almighty is a lover of humanity, so He will never leave His children without help. And how it will be provided can be analyzed over time. This is confirmed by lines from the Bible that talk about the necessity and timeliness of God’s help, the value of which a person realizes after time.

        Preparation before prayer

        In order to correctly ask God to fulfill a desire and confidently count on the speedy fulfillment of the request, it is necessary to offer something in return. A person cannot hope for constant help from heavenly forces without performing concrete actions pleasing to God. Their order should be like this:

        • Attending church and donating a certain amount of money, food, or random gifts.
        • Confession to a priest or sincere repentance of your sins. It is obligatory to light candles in front of holy icons. The smoke of a church candle quickly brings a person’s groans to the Lord.
        • Laconic and specific formulation of your desire in writing. Maximum concentration of attention on this text, a mental representation of the fulfillment of a dream.
        • Reading the text daily (repeating your wishes, which must be written by hand, is also encouraged).
        • Choosing a holy image to which to turn. It is not necessary to memorize this prayer; it will be enough to rewrite the text by hand and read it from a piece of paper.
        • The prayer must be said out loud, delving into every word and thinking through the sentence. The absence of extraneous thoughts and maximum penetration into the essence of the text will help the desire to come true in the near future.

        Holy images

        Any chosen saint fulfills the sincere desires of a person who believes in his help. The most common prayers are addressed to the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos (especially the icon of the Quick Hearer), the Guardian Angel, the Holy Spirit, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Saint Matrona of Moscow, Saint Martha, etc.

        An appeal to any saint should be accompanied only by pure thoughts, which in no case will harm other people. The driving force will be faith, hope and love. Anger and revenge will never be supported by higher powers, because the Lord is the only judge who has the right to administer justice.

        Image of Jesus Christ

        The most universal effective method of fulfilling your intended desire is turning to Jesus Christ. The prayer should be said in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. The text must be read three times, kneeling in front of the icon; it is advisable to light a church candle. Women are advised to cover their heads with a scarf.

        Prayer to the Mother of God

        The Most Holy Theotokos is always ready to come to the aid of everyone who turns to her. The classic appeal should be read 2 times a day in the morning and 3 times in the evening, on your knees. You should choose a prayer based on the essence of your desire.

        Each icon with a specific prayer corresponds to a specific reward (in personal life, business, health, etc.). Another way is to read “Hail Mary, Virgin Mary” daily 9 times for 7 days. This effective appeal will minimize the time it takes to fulfill your desire.

        Saint Nicholas

        An appeal to Nikolai Ugodnik for help in fulfilling a wish will never go unnoticed. The prayer is repeated 3 times, kneeling in front of the icon of St. Nicholas with lit candles. Both home prayer and going to church with an icon of your favorite saint will be effective.

        Holy Trinity

        A request for help from the Holy Trinity is a simultaneous appeal to God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. This trinity will allow you to quickly implement your plans, especially if the desire concerns harmony in something.

        The prayer should be said in the traditional way three times during the day and evening in front of the icon of the Holy Trinity.

        Saint Martha (Martha)

        This prayer for the implementation of our plans is very strong and effective. For the corresponding ritual, it is necessary to read a prayer every Tuesday 9 times in front of the icons of St. Martha, Jesus Christ and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

        First, you should read the text of the appeal to the holy eldress, written in your own hand, then succinctly highlight the essence of your request and finish by saying the prayer “Our Father.” A candle lit in front of an icon should not be extinguished; let it burn out to the end.

        Matrona of Moscow

        The help of this holy old woman is known far beyond Moscow. To achieve the cherished goal, it is necessary to purchase 11 candles, icons of Jesus Christ, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Matrona of Moscow.

        Focusing on fulfilling your desire, you need to light candles, read a prayer you wrote yourself, voice your dream and read the “Our Father.” It is not necessary to wait for the candles to burn out completely; you can repeat the ritual every day until your plans are fully accomplished.

        New Year's addresses on the eve of the Nativity of Christ, the old New Year and the baptism of the Lord will be effective. These days you can turn to the Almighty, the Virgin Mary, the Guardian Angel and all your favorite saints.

        In other religions

        Tibetan culture is aimed at raising the spiritual level of people and shaping their life cycle. The monks recite certain mantras every day that help improve all areas of life. Constant repetition and reflection of prayers activates the impact on your personal life, health, career and creativity. That is why people of all civilizations use Tibetan prayers in Sanskrit and translated into their languages. Daily repetition of the phrase “Mangalam dishtu me mahanevari” will help improve your life and fulfill your cherished desire.

Complete collection and description: an effective prayer for the fulfillment of desires for the spiritual life of a believer.

Examples of powerful prayers that will help fulfill your desire literally in one day!

Let your manifest desires be directed towards good - and the people will be kind.

Often you and I confuse the impulse that arises under the influence of a meeting, business, unexpected circumstances with Desire. A strong prayer for the fulfillment of a desire in one day will help you with this.

Texts of powerful prayers that will help fulfill your desire

Powerful prayers to help fulfill desires

In this case, you can answer three questions without difficulty:

Notice how it will “fall” on my head or in my palms, but how much “stomping” I will have to do to achieve what I want.

People follow different paths towards their dreams. Straight and honest, winding, with bumps and unevenness. How will it happen? Some people call on friends, family, and colleagues for help, while others, gritting their teeth, climb on their own. There is another way - to turn with prayer about your desire to the Lord and the Saints. Yes, we know that what we want doesn’t always come quickly and not in the form we would like to meet it. The Lord knows best what a person needs now, and if we exclaim in despair: “I didn’t want this,” then only in a hurry. Many people are happy to understand God’s plan after a while.

The most powerful prayers that will help fulfill your desire

Coincidence and luck are also important. Their coincidence can bring the desired closer, or it can push it back a few steps.

As in any prayer, for its fulfillment, two things are important:

  • Unshakable faith in the limitless possibilities of God
  • A complete lack of desire to do harm to another or to achieve one's dreams by making another person's life worse

Only pure thoughts and sincere words of prayer will help your desire come true.

God does not leave His children alone with their problems, but will always respond with wise advice, a hint, an intuition awakened in you, a favorable combination of circumstances. The Lord will grant you health and strength to carry out your plans, will turn the faces of those who can help and make the meeting with the necessary people real. It’s just that many cannot see it and complain that the Lord did not help. This is not true! This is not about a gift, but about a dream that needs to be built or suffered through.

People have long known powerful prayers that help fulfill desires.

Prayer to the Lord God

Son of God, Lord Jesus, bring success to my deeds, help me to fulfill my cherished desires.

May they not harm their neighbor.

My thoughts are pure and open before you. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Prayer in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered powerful

Nicholas the Wonderworker, do not leave me in my earthly affairs.

May luck follow me in my vain affairs.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

If your soul is not calm, you cannot find harmony with the world around you, your loved ones, if the situation has already happened and there is no going back, and you don’t have enough strength to go forward, pray to Matrona of Moscow.

Blessed Matrona, give my soul the desired silence.

May there be peace in my soul, and may the black worm not wear away at it.

I ask you for your generous mercy, help me find the joy of life.

Peter and Fevronia

If you have any questions or need help in your current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

I read prayers every day, and wake up at night. Faith helps me feel better, especially in the rhythm of city life. I stop reacting this way to various attacks, especially at work this is true. Prayers have fulfilled my wishes more than once, both big and small, I believe in their truthfulness, maybe that’s why. If you don't believe it, it's unlikely that anything good will come of it.

This really works, if you want to achieve your desire, you need to really, really want it, imagine what you want, and everything will certainly work out. How many times have I checked what exactly depends on faith whether it will come true or not and how quickly it will come true. Prayers help a lot with this, they are filled with energy, so they work instantly!

I don’t believe in prayers or conspiracies or slander, but in the power of thought. How many times have I been convinced in my life that words are material, and if you think about it and imagine it vividly and preferably with a detailed description, how it will definitely come true. I remember this as a child, when before an important event I would lie down and fantasize, and in the end that’s exactly what happened.

I think that what you want can only be achieved through your own work. You cannot pray and sit and do nothing. So it’s really unlikely that anything will work out. In general, yes, I agree with the comments above, thoughts are material and if you really, really want something, and at the same time you strive to achieve it through actions (not just thoughts and faith), then everything will definitely come true!

This article is sincere, I read it and even burst into tears. How correctly everything is written here! Yes, indeed, the Lord will never leave us alone, he is always with us. But you shouldn’t completely shift responsibility for your life onto him. After all, this is not what He wants. He gave each of us a free choice of how to live. And we must make this choice with dignity. Then everything we have planned will be fulfilled.

Prayers have helped me every time and still do, and I will not stop praying because thanks to them I live! I pray morning and evening! and if anything, I’m 12 years old!

Read 3 times at any time of the day. And then print it where others can rewrite it. The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can go to my goal. You, who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil committed against me, are with me in all the storms of life. In this short prayer I want to thank You for everything and once again prove that I will never part with You in Your eternal glory. Thank you for all your good deeds to me and my neighbors. I ask you (desire). Amen.

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Very strong prayers for the fulfillment of desires instantly or as soon as possible

There is probably no person in the world who, at least once in his life, has not dreamed of getting a magic wand and using it to fulfill his deepest desires. But, alas, magic lives only in fairy tales. In real life, you often have to rely on luck, which is in no hurry to favor everyone, but still all people, without exception, are waiting for this moment. A prayer for the fulfillment of a wish will help bring this moment closer - in some cases it can play the role of a magic wand and make a person’s cherished dream come true in the very near future.

Difference from conspiracy

Prayers for the fulfillment of a wish should not be confused with conspiracies that pursue the same goal - these are two completely different things.

Not a single Orthodox prayer, even the most powerful, gives an absolute guarantee that a person will receive what he wants. A prayer is a request, and when voicing it, the person praying never knows in advance whether higher powers will respond to this request or not, he only hopes for a positive outcome.

Although Christ said: “ Ask and it will be given to you”, - we should not regard God as a great magician and wizard who will miraculously fulfill all our desires. There may not be a result from prayer - first of all, due to the fact that the person praying is simply not morally ready for his dream to come true; moreover, if it comes true, it may not justify his aspirations and hopes, and even sometimes cause harm. Higher powers understand this and always know how a person will feel better, and therefore they are in no hurry to fulfill absolutely all his requests.

A conspiracy, unlike a prayer, already a priori gives an orientation towards a positive result and is almost always accompanied by various occult actions. The conspiracy has nothing to do with Orthodoxy. A conspiracy is witchcraft, therefore its use by the Church is not welcomed (in particular, due to the fact that turning to it has a negative effect on a person’s soul and causes great harm to it).

Specification is the key to fulfillment of desire

It is very important to correctly formulate your desire.

It often happens that the person praying has only some general idea about his dream, but does not know what he specifically and precisely wants to receive. The inability to formulate a competent formulation of your desire delays its implementation indefinitely or completely deprives any chance of fulfillment. Therefore, you need to ask for a specific need: healing from an illness, profit in business, obtaining a certain position, profitable sale of an apartment, etc. It is concretization that is the primary guarantee of the nearest meeting with your cherished dream.

Ritual before reciting the sacred text

  1. Think carefully about your desire, formulate it, not forgetting to be specific.
  2. Visualization. You need to imagine in your imagination that the dream has already come true. Next, try to clearly feel the feelings and emotions that your desire would evoke in you after its fulfillment.
  3. In such a joyful and elated mood, you need to formulate your desire and write it down on a blank piece of paper. It is also advisable to describe your joyful experiences there.

The finished piece of paper must be protected and carried with you until the wish comes true. The text written on it should be re-read at least 2 times a day. It is useful to do this before reading sacred words.

The most powerful Orthodox prayers

With a prayer for the fulfillment of a desire, it is customary to turn, first of all, to the Lord God himself. Also highly effective are prayer requests directed to:

There are also ways in which all heavenly guardian angels and saints are asked.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

One of the most powerful Orthodox prayers that helps bring the fulfillment of your cherished dreams closer. The performer must carefully prepare for reading it: clear his head of anxious and negative thoughts, forget about problems, and clearly formulate his desire.

It is best if its text is pronounced in the temple. If there is no opportunity to visit the church, it is not forbidden to contact Nicholas the Pleasant at home, but this must be done in complete silence, with a burning candle, in front of the icon of the saint. Text:

This prayer will have special power if it is said by the performer on his birthday. But you can use it on ordinary days too.

Matrona of Moscow

You can make a request to the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow at home. This must be done in a calm state, in absolute solitude.

Icons of Matronushka, Nicholas the Pleasant and Jesus Christ are placed on the table (if any of them are missing, buy them in advance), 11 church candles are lit in front of them. Having crossed yourself and bowed to the images, begin reading:

This prayer ritual is required to be performed daily until the dream comes true.

John the Theologian

Your innermost desire will be fulfilled in the near future if you say a prayer to John the Theologian on your birthday. The words are as follows:

Lord, all saints and angels

Another powerful prayer that will fulfill wishes in the near future sounds like this:

This prayer is read daily, 12 days in a row. Be sure to visit the church on one of these days and light a candle in front of the icon of Christ and say these words in front of it. It is also advisable to make a donation to the temple (any amount).

The wish usually comes true within the next 12 days after the completion of the prayer ritual.

Important: prayer can be used no more than once a year!

How to read prayers correctly

There are quite a lot of Orthodox prayers designed to help a person fulfill his desires. All of them must be pronounced sincerely, with firm faith, with repentance and humility in the soul. Besides, desires must be such that they cannot harm anyone. If all these conditions are met, the Lord and His saints will certainly respond to the request of the person praying, although sometimes this may take some time - everything is God’s will.

When dreaming of the fulfillment of his desire, a person should not place all his hopes only on prayer. Efforts will be required from him himself so that the dream can come true. The person praying must try to do everything in order to get what he wants: pray in accordance with all conditions, improve himself, his knowledge, skills and abilities, take care of his soul.

More than once I read a prayer for the fulfillment of a wish to St. Nicholas - I always helped. I think the rest of the prayers are strong and effective, the main thing is to believe in them.

I believe that saints always help if you pray to them sincerely and if the request does not harm anyone! Very good prayers!

The main thing is to believe in them and everything will come true.

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Prayers to saints for the fulfillment of desires

Every person at least once in his life dreamed of a magic wand and other unusual methods of achieving goals. Unfortunately, those do not exist in our world. Life is so arranged that everyone must achieve everything on their own. And there's nothing you can do about it. Only occasionally does luck turn to someone, but everyone, without exception, is waiting for this moment. By the way, bring it closer prayer for the fulfillment of a cherished desire will help, especially if it is said on a birthday. We will find out who should read it in order to achieve their goal from our article.

Saint Martha (Martha) will help!

“Oh Saint Martha, You are Miraculous! I turn to you for help! And completely in my needs, and you will be my helper in my trials! I promise you with gratitude that I will spread this prayer everywhere! I humbly and tearfully ask you to console me in my worries and hardships! I humbly, for the sake of the great joy that filled your heart, I tearfully ask you to take care of me and my family, so that we preserve our God in our hearts and thereby deserve the Saved Supreme Mediation, first of all, with the concern that now burdens me (desire ). I tearfully ask you, Helper in every need, overcome hardships just as You defeated the snake until it lay at Your feet! Amen"

This prayer for the fulfillment of a wish is very powerful. Numerous reviews speak about this. It helps you achieve your goals and resolve difficult life situations (of course, if it is God’s will).

Things to remember: if your dream is revenge on someone, then it is better not to rely on the help of Saint Martha, and other Martyrs of God, in this situation.

So, you need to read a prayer for the fulfillment of a wish every Tuesday 9 times. In this case, there should be a burning church candle on the table, and in the room where the prayer for the fulfillment of desire is said there should be complete silence so that you can fully concentrate on the words.

The time of day does not matter when reading. The main thing is that the reader is in a good mood and has no negative thoughts. It is recommended to take a shower and put on clean clothes before reading the prayer to fulfill your desires. It would be nice if there were fresh flowers nearby and the room smelled of bergamot.

After reading the prayer for the fulfillment of desires, you must let the candle burn out to the end.

It is better to rewrite the text first and then read it. Before the cherished words, you need to indicate your desire on paper, so that you can subsequently pronounce it clearly and without hesitation. You cannot read a strong prayer for the fulfillment of desires to Saint Martha, the text of which is reprinted or rewritten by someone else.

But that's not all! After reading the sacred words, you should say “Our Father” 1 time:

“Our Father who art in heaven, may Thy Name be hallowed, may Thy Kingdom come, may Thy Will be done, as in heaven, so on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one, for Thy Kingdom is, and Thy Power, and Thy Will forever and ever. Amen"

“O Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice! Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you! Blessed are You among Women and Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls!”

To help the prayer for the fulfillment of desires, complete your words with the phrases:

“Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen" and "Saint Martha, ask Jesus for us!"

Words of petition to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

“Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, saint of the Lord! During your life, you did not refuse people their requests, and now you help all those who suffer. Bless me, servant of the Lord (name), for the speedy fulfillment of my deepest desires. Ask Our Lord to send His mercy and grace. May He not abandon my desired request. In the name of Our Lord. Amen"

This prayer for the fulfillment of a cherished desire is very powerful. It should be read in complete silence with a burning candle and in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

If possible, get rid of negative thoughts and problems. State your desire clearly. It is better if the petition to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is read in church. A great day to make a request is your birthday. It is during this period that the Spirits are most favorable to the supplicant.

Another petition to Nicholas the Wonderworker

The words of the prayer for the fulfillment of a cherished desire must be read from a pure heart, with endless faith and good thoughts.

So, the day before pronouncing the cherished words, visit the church and stand in the service. Don't forget to purchase three church candles, an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, Matrona of Moscow and St. Martha.

When you get home, close the windows and doors. Light the candles, arrange the icons and read the following prayer to fulfill your desires:

“O all-merciful Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher, all who flow with faith to your intercession and call upon you with warm prayer! Strive quickly and deliver Christ’s flock from the wolves that destroy it; and protect every Christian country and save it with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, cowardice, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from famine, flood, fire, sword and sudden death. And just as you had mercy on three men imprisoned, and you delivered them from the king’s wrath and the beating of the sword, so have mercy on me, in mind, word and deed, in the darkness of sins, and deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, as through your intercession and help With His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this world, and will deliver me from this place, and will make me worthy to be on the right hand with all the saints forever and ever. Amen"

To make your dream come true, let the candle burn out to the end. Perform the ritual every day until your desire comes true. Don't forget to thank the Saints for your help.

Appeal to John the Theologian

This prayer for the fulfillment of a wish is quite effective. Numerous reviews prove this. In order for your dream to come true in the near future, it is better to make a request to the Saint on your birthday.

“O great and incomprehensible God! Behold, to beseech You we offer Saint John, whom You have vouchsafed with ineffable revelations, accept intercession for us, grant us the fulfillment of our petitions for Your glory, and moreover, make us spiritually perfect for the pleasure of endless life in Your Heavenly abodes! O Heavenly Father, who created all the Lord, the All-Powerful King! Touch our hearts with grace, so that, melting like wax, they will be poured out before You and mortal spiritual creation will be created in honor and glory of Yours, and of Your Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Read a prayer for the fulfillment of your cherished desires in front of a burning church candle and in front of the face of Saint Martha, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos and John the Theologian.

Petition to Jesus Christ

This powerful prayer for the fulfillment of a desire is intended for the face of Jesus Christ. Sit on your knees, cross yourself three times and say the following words:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Do not be angry at my heartfelt request, but do not refuse endless mercy. Bless me for the fulfillment of my desire and reject all the damn abysses. May all your plans come true now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

Muslim prayer

To fulfill a desire, one should turn to Allah, the most powerful creation among Muslims. The words are:

“Alhamdu lil-lyahi rabbil-'aalamiin, as'alyukya muujibaati rahmatik, wa 'azaaima magfiratiq, val-'ismata min kulli zanb, val-ganiimata min kulli birr, you-salayamata min kulli ism, laya tada' liyi zanban illya gafartakh , wa laya hamman illya farrajtakh, wa laya haajaten hiya lakya ridan illya kadaitahaa, ya arkhamar-raahimiin"

Translation: “True praise belongs only to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I ask You, O Allah, for something that will bring Your mercy closer to me, the effectiveness of Your forgiveness, protection from sins, benefit from everything righteous. I ask You for salvation from all mistakes. Do not leave a single sin that You would not forgive me, not a single anxiety from which You would not deliver me, and not a single need that, being correct, would not be satisfied by You. For You are the Most Merciful"

It’s great if the Muslim prayer for the fulfillment of a wish is read on the birthday of the person asking.

Joseph Murphy's Prayer

Before reading the prayer for the fulfillment of a desire, you should indicate your dream on paper, mentally thinking about every word, and then write the text of the prayer itself. Every morning and before going to bed, you must pronounce the written text slowly and clearly. Cycle – 2 weeks. A wish will definitely come true if it does not harm anyone.

“All my desires are conscious, I know that they exist in the invisible world. Now I ask that they be fulfilled and am ready to accept this gift. I rely on the will of the Creative Power that is within me. She is the source of all blessings and miracles. I feel how my desire is imprinted in the subconscious, in order to then come true in reality, because everything we think about sooner or later happens in reality. This is the principle of our consciousness. I feel that what I asked for will certainly come true, and therefore I am absolutely calm. There is a strong confidence in the heart that the desire will soon come true. My whole being is full of joyful excitement. I am at peace, for the Lord is peace and tranquility. Thank You, my Heavenly Father. So be it"

Before you begin to say a prayer for the fulfillment of your desire, you should mentally imagine how the dream comes true.

Matrona of Moscow to help

If you want your dream to come true, read the prayer for the fulfillment of a wish to the Matrona of Moscow. Remaining in secluded tranquility, light 11 church candles. On the table place the icon of Jesus Christ, Matrona of Moscow and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Cross yourself and bow down. Perform prayer every day until your dream comes true.

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Help me fulfill all my bright, hidden and cherished desires. Save me from vain desires that destroy the soul and wound the body. Ask the Lord God for generous mercy and protect me from vile rottenness. Thy will be done. Amen"

As you can see, there are a huge number of Orthodox prayers for the fulfillment of desires. The main thing is to read them from the heart and with faith. And if it is God’s will, then you will definitely achieve your goal. Remember that prayers for the fulfillment of desires are powerful, and if they are aimed at harming someone, then you can’t expect help from the Saints. Good luck to you!



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