Methodology and organization of outdoor games in a children's health camp. Organization of outdoor games

Tatiana Kovaleva
Consultation for educators “Organization of outdoor games with preschool children”

Consultation for educators

Organization of outdoor games with preschool children

The meaning of outdoor games

Outdoor games create an atmosphere of joy and therefore make the most effective complex solution to health, educational and educational problems.

Situations on the playground, which change all the time, teach children to use motor skills appropriately, ensuring their improvement. Physical qualities naturally manifest themselves - reaction speed, dexterity, eye, balance, spatial orientation skills, etc.

The need to obey the rules and respond appropriately to a signal organizes and disciplines children, teaches them to control their behavior, develops intelligence, motor initiative and independence.

Outdoor games broaden children's general horizons, stimulate the use of knowledge about the world around them, human actions, and animal behavior; replenish vocabulary; improving mental processes.

Thus, outdoor games are an effective means of diversified development.

Classification of outdoor games

For ease of practical use, outdoor games are classified. A distinction is made between elementary outdoor games and sports games - basketball, hockey, football, etc. Outdoor games - games with rules. In kindergarten, mainly elementary outdoor games are used. Outdoor games are distinguished by motor content, in other words, by the dominant type of movement in each game (running games, jumping games, etc.)

Based on their figurative content, outdoor games are divided into plot-based and plotless. Story games are characterized by roles with corresponding motor actions. The plot can be figurative (“The Bear and the Bees”, “Hares and the Wolf”, “Sparrows and the Cat”) and conventional (“Traps”, “Dashes”, “Tag”).

In plotless games (“Find a partner”, “Whose link will be built faster”, “Create a figure”) all children perform the same movements. A special group consists of round dance games. They are performed to the accompaniment of a song or poem, which gives a specific flavor to the movements.

Competitive games differ in the nature of game actions. They stimulate the active manifestation of physical qualities, most often speed.

According to dynamic characteristics, games of low, medium and high mobility are distinguished.

The kindergarten program, along with outdoor games, includes game exercises, for example, “knock down the pin,” “Get in the circle,” “Overtake the hoop,” etc. They do not have rules in the generally accepted sense. The interest of the players is aroused by attractive manipulations of objects. Play exercises lead the little ones to games.

Game selection

When choosing a game, the teacher turns, first of all, to the program on which the institution works. Each game should give the greatest motor and emotional effect. Therefore, you should not select games with movements unfamiliar to children, so as not to slow down game actions.

The motor content of the games must be consistent with the conditions of the game. Games involving running at speed, throwing at a moving target or into the distance have no effect indoors. It is also important to consider the time of year and weather conditions. For a winter walk, for example, more dynamic games are logical. But sometimes a slippery surface makes it difficult to run and dodge. In summer it is convenient to compete in fast running, but in hot weather it is better not to hold such competitions.

Regulates the choice of game and its place in the daily routine. More dynamic games are advisable in the first half of the day, especially if it was preceded by activities with significant mental stress and monotonous body position.

During a walk in the afternoon, you can play games with different motor characteristics. But, given the general fatigue of children at the end of the day, they should not learn new games.

Methods of conducting outdoor games

Gathering children for a game

First of all, you need to mark the playground, prepare and place the necessary play equipment.

Gather children in the place of the playground where game actions will begin: in games with dashes - in the “house” at the short side of the playground, in games with formation in a circle - in the center of the playground. Gathering children should be fast and interesting. Therefore, it is important to come up with collection techniques. They vary depending on the age of the children and their attitude to the game.

Older children love and know how to play. You can agree with them on the place and signal for collection long before the start of the walk. Young children do not accept such methods. Directly on the playground, older children can be gathered with the help of barkers (“One! Two” Three “Play, run quickly!”, “One, two, three, four, five! I call everyone to play!”). You can, in a separate form, instruct individual children to collect the rest within a specified time period (while the spinning top is spinning, a melody is sounding, and attributes are being placed). You can use non-standard sound and visual signals (a sports whistle, a bell, a bunch of inflatable balls, etc.) Surprise moments are also effective: those who can run under a rotating jump rope, who can slide along an ice path, etc. will play.

Organizing children requires great resourcefulness from the teacher, because they also need to be taught to play and develop an interest in outdoor games.

Therefore, the teacher, attracting the attention of the kids, demonstratively plays with the ball, accompanying the movement with verses: “My cheerful ringing ball...”, or spins hand in hand with the birthday boy or doll, singing: “Loaf, loaf”; or approaching the children in a mysterious voice offers to see whose ears are sticking out behind the bush, and the house drawn on the site where the teacher invites looks like a real one - with a roof and a chimney...

The methods of gathering children for games need to be constantly varied.

Creating interest in the game

Throughout the game, it is necessary to maintain children's interest in it through various means in all age groups. But it is especially important to create it at the beginning of the game in order to give purposefulness to the game actions. Techniques for creating interest in the game are closely related to techniques for gathering children. Sometimes it's the same thing. For example, an intriguing question for kids: “Do you want to be a pilot? Run to the airfield."

Playing with attributes has a huge effect. For example, the teacher puts on a mask - a cap: “Look what a big clumsy bear has come to play with you...”, or “Now I’ll put on a cap for someone, and we will have a bunny... Catch him!” Or: “Guess who’s hiding behind me?” - says the teacher, manipulating the sounding toy.

In older groups, techniques for creating interest are used mainly when the game is being learned. These are most often poems, songs, riddles, including motor ones) on the theme of the game, looking at footprints in the snow or signs on the grass by which you need to find those who are hiding, changing clothes, etc.

Game explanation

The explanation of the game should be short and clear, interesting and emotional. All means of expressiveness - voice intonation, facial expressions, gestures, and in story games, imitation - should find appropriate use in explanations in order to highlight the main thing, create an atmosphere of joy and give purposefulness to game actions. Thus, the explanation of the game is an instruction, and the moment of creating a game situation.

In the younger group, the explanation is carried out in stages, that is, during game actions. It may take the form of a motor story. For example, the game “Airplanes”: “The pilots are sitting on a bench, waiting for commands to take off. Here comes the commander (the teacher puts on his cap): “Get ready for the flight,” or the game “Sparrows and the Cat”: “The cat is lying on a bench, basking in the sun (gesture towards the toy). He really wants to catch some bird. And at this time the sparrows spread their wings and flew off to look for grains..."

A preliminary explanation in the middle and older groups takes into account the increased psychological capabilities of children. This teaches them to plan their actions. The sequence of explanation, similar to an arithmetic problem, is fundamentally important: first – the condition, then – the question. In practice, unfortunately, a common mistake is when the explanation begins with assigning the child to the main role, as a result of which the children’s attention to the instructions drops, hence the failure in play actions. A similar incident arises when children are given attributes before explaining the game. Sequence of explanation: name the game and its concept, state the content as briefly as possible, emphasize the rules, remind the movement (if necessary, distribute roles, distribute attributes, place the players on the court, begin game actions.

If there are words, then you should not specifically learn them during the explanation; children will naturally remember them during the game.

If the game is familiar to children, then instead of explaining it, you need to remember certain important points with them. Otherwise, the teacher’s scheme of action remains the same.

Distribution of roles in the game

Roles determine children's behavior in the game. The leading role is always a temptation. Therefore, during the distribution of roles, various conflicts occur.

the distribution of roles should be used as a convenient moment for training children's behavior. the choice for the main role should be perceived as encouragement, as trust, as the teacher’s confidence that the child will complete an important assignment. Assignment to the main role is the most common technique. The choice of a teacher must be motivated. For example: “Children, let Sasha be the first trap. It's his birthday today. This is our gift to him. Do you agree? Or “Lenochka made the best riddle about our game. Let her nominate the fox...” Or “Masha was the first to hear the barker and quickly came running. She will be an entertainer..."

Counting rhymes are often used to assign a leading role. They prevent conflicts: whoever has the last word will lead. The counters are truly understandable to older children: everyone jealously watches the counting hand. Therefore, words cannot be divided into parts. The counting book must be impeccable in a pedagogical sense.

You can assign roles using a “magic wand”, all kinds of pinwheels (spinning top, hoop, skittles, etc.), etc.

All of these techniques are used, as a rule, at the beginning of the game. To appoint a new leader during the game, the main criterion is the quality of execution of movements and rules. For example: “Vova came running to the bench the fastest. Now he will catch.” Or “Children, Sveta is great: she easily dodged the wolf and helped Valya out. Now she will be a wolf..."

Guiding the progress of the game

In general, control over the progress of the game is aimed at fulfilling its program content. This determines the choice of specific methods and techniques.

The teacher needs to monitor the movements of preschoolers: encourage successful performance, suggest the best course of action, and help by personal example. But large number remarks about incorrect performance have a negative impact on the children’s mood. Therefore, comments must be made in a friendly manner.

The same goes for the rules. Captivated by a joyful mood or image, especially in story games, children break the rules. There is no need to reproach them for this, much less exclude them from the game. It is better to praise the one who acted correctly. Weak children especially need benevolent reactions from the teacher. Some of them sometimes, having come up with a convenient excuse, need to be excluded from the game for a while (for example, to help the teacher hold the other end of the rope under which the “chicks” crawl).

The repetition and duration of the game for each age is regulated by the program, but the teacher must be able to assess the actual situation. If children cough while running, it means they are tired and cannot catch their breath. It is necessary to switch to another, calmer game.

An important point of leadership is the participation of the teacher in the game. In the first junior group, the direct participation of the teacher in the game is mandatory, who most often plays the main role himself. In the second younger group, children are entrusted with playing the main role in familiar games. In the middle and senior groups, leadership is indirect. But sometimes the teacher participates in the game if, for example, the conditions of the game require the appropriate number of players.

The outcome of the game should be optimistic, short and specific. Children must be praised.

Varying and complicating outdoor games

Outdoor games - a school of movements. Therefore, as children gain motor experience, games need to be made more complex. In addition, increasing complexity makes familiar games interesting.

When varying the game, you cannot change the design and composition of the game, but you can:

Increase the dosage (repetition and total duration of the game);

Complicate the motor content (the sparrows do not run out of the house, but jump out);

Change the placement of players on the court (the trap is not on the side, but in the middle of the court);

Change the signal (instead of verbal, audio or visual);

Play the game in non-standard conditions (it’s more difficult to run on sand);

Make the rules more complicated (in the older group, those caught can be rescued; increase the number of traps), etc.

The place of play in the pedagogical process

Outdoor games are held daily in all age groups, outdoors and indoors; Games are part of physical education classes and are used between classes as a means of active recreation for children. Games are held at children's matinees, holidays, and during leisure hours.

In the morning, during gatherings, games of medium mobility that do not excite children (skittles, serso) are appropriate. During walking hours, games are played that are more varied in content and with greater physical activity.

If before the walk it was a relatively “calm” activity, you can start the walk with a game. If the children are carried away by an interesting creative game, there is no need to interrupt it, but gather the children for a game at the end of the walk. It happens that work processes in the kindergarten area and creative games quickly end, children find it difficult to find something to do, then it’s worth playing in the middle of a walk.

You should not play outdoor games just before bedtime, as they can excite children.

When choosing games, the physical fitness of the children in the group, time of year, weather conditions, and location are taken into account. In a group room, children play in a limited area (“Guess by voice”, “Find where it’s hidden”, etc.) In cold weather, outdoor games should quickly warm children up, so a lot of physical activity is necessary, although you cannot require all children to have the same pace of movement .

It is necessary to keep in mind the sequence and alternation of activities. If children were sitting in the room, the game should provide physical release. If a physical education lesson was held with children, the games should be calm.

Games associated with excessive muscle tension and monotonous slow movements should be excluded. It is very important to select games that require different types of motor activity, so that their motor content is not repeated when performing other exercises. For example, if the lessons taught jumping, then there should be no jumping in the game. This is explained by the fact that, on the one hand, children cannot correctly convey the jump, their enthusiasm for the game interferes, on the other hand, such repetition creates the preconditions for a one-sided, limited effect on the body.

Outdoor games place special demands on children's clothing and footwear. Clothes should be light and loose, shoes should be lightweight.

The approximate average duration of the game is in the junior group - 5 - 6 minutes, in the middle group - 6 - 8 minutes, in the senior group - 6 - 10 minutes, in the preparatory group for school - 8 - 15 minutes (the total duration of the game is the time from the moment of collection children for the game until it ends).

Physical activity in games is regulated by alternating running, jumping and walking. In addition, physical activity can be regulated by reducing the total duration and number of repetitions of the game, increasing or decreasing the playing area, changing the weight or size of equipment, changing the rules of the game, decreasing or increasing the number of actions, introducing breaks, organizing a place to rest, changing the roles of players, etc. .

  1. Workshop for preschool teachers
  2. “Organization of outdoor games while walking”
  1. Target :
  2. expanding teachers' knowledge about increasing children's physical activity while walking.

Organizer: Art. teacher Andronova A.V.

  1. Workshop program:
  1. BLITZ survey
  2. Display of outdoor games, analysis of games.
  3. The joint work of teachers is drawing up a scenario for a physical education festival.
  1. Progress of the workshop.
  1. Message Art. teacher on the topic:Planning and organizing outdoor games with preschool children on a walk.

The daily routine for each age group includes two walks: morning and evening.

The task of walking in the first half of the day - restore strength after exercise, get the maximum positive charge.

A walk should provide relaxation to the child, relieve stress after classes and create a cheerful mood in him, which in turn provides the appropriate tone for the successful physical and mental development of the child in other conditions and activities.

When talking about planning a walk, you need to remember that there is a generally accepted structure for a walk.

If there was a physical education or music lesson before the walk, then the walk will begin with observation.

If there were quiet activities, then the walk will begin with active activity.

When planning the content of educational work during a walk, the teacher providesuniform alternation of calm and motor activities of children,correct distribution of physical activity throughout the walk, adhering to next approximate walk structure:

  • calm, independent activity of children (games, observations);
  • then outdoor games with elements of sports, sports entertainment;
  • children's work activity.

Planning work to develop movements during a walk should helpstrengthening, improving games and physical exercises, increasing children’s motor activity. It is important to choose the right time for games and exercises.

Organized motor activity should not be allowed to take place at the expense of children’s independent activity time.

The duration of mobile activity is 60-70% of the total duration of the walk,At the same time, the independent activities of children should not be infringed.

Outdoor games.An important place in the walk is occupied by outdoor games, in which all children in the group take part. To this end, the teacher arouses children’s interest in the game, makesits fascinating. Only the spontaneous active participation of children in the game creates in them
joyful mood and ensures its pedagogical effect.

The number of outdoor games is from one to three.
When selecting outdoor games, you need to pay attention to the type of basic movements. INwarm seasonmore outdoor games should be givenwith throwing, crawling, climbing.
In cold weather -with running, throwing, jumping.

The game is organized and conducted by the teacher, who not only leads, but also participates in the game, taking on the most responsible role.The duration of one game is 3-5 minutes, 7-10 minutes.
(depending on the children’s age and health status).

It is important that all students in the group take part in outdoor games. To this end, atthe walk is only plannedgames familiar to children.

With new games children meet in physical education classes.

Games help solve important problems of upbringing, teaching children, listening skills, being attentive, correctly controlling one’s movements, getting used to discipline and a conscious attitude towards classes.

The use of outdoor games requires adherence to the following methodological principles:

Taking into account the age characteristics of children: the older the children, the more complex the games become, the more important the plot and role-playing is, the rules gradually become more complex,
The role of personal initiative becomes more significant.

Compliance with physiological laws of adaptation to stress.

A clear explanation of the rules of the game and the distribution of roles.

In the selection of outdoor games and competition elements, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the physical development and health of children.

Games, being a specific type of activity for a child, are widely used in physical therapy to solve set therapeutic problems.

Let me remind you that the choice of timing and exercises
during the walk depends on previous work in the group.

If physical education or music class was held in the morning, then it is desirable organize games and exercises in the middle or end of the walk, and at the very beginning, provide children with the opportunity to play independently and practice with a variety of aids.

On other days, it is advisable to organize the motor activity of children at the beginning of the walk, which will enrich the content of their independent activity.

On days of physical education classesOne outdoor game and some physical exercise (sports exercise or exercise in the main type of movement) are organized with children.On other days, when there is no lesson, an outdoor game, sports exercise and exercise in the main form of movement (jumping, climbing, throwing, throwing and catching a ball, etc.) are planned.

When carrying out exercises and basic types of movements, different methods of organization should be used (frontal, subgroup, individual). The most appropriate is the mixed use of different methods of organization.

It is advisable to organize children’s exercises in the main types of movements into subgroups, depending on the degree of mobility of the children.

During the walk, outdoor games and play exercises of varying degrees of intensity (sedentary, moderate activity, high physical activity) should be planned.

During the month, 15-20 outdoor games (including relay games) can be played, while 3-4 new games are learned.

Let me remind you that the total duration of the game is 3-5 minutes, 7-10 minutes.

The health-improving effect of a walk largely depends on the properly organized motor activity of preschool children. When planning a walk, the teacher provides individual work with children on physical education. Individual physical education work should be planned daily and with those children who have problems mastering basic movements. Please note that there are children with varying degrees of mobility. Individual work can take place in an entertaining game form, sports games and entertainment.

For example, recommended for older groupssports exercises and elements of sports games: badminton, table tennis, basketball, football, hockey, gorodki.

Sports games.Sports games and exercises are carried out daily during walks or in the gym.

Basketball. Passing and throwing the ball to each other with both hands, throwing into the basket with both hands from behind the head. Mastering the game using simplified rules.

Football. Passing the ball to each other with kicking it with the right or left foot while standing still, tossing the ball with the foot, hitting the ball into objects, scoring into the goal. Mastering the game using simplified rules.

Hockey. Ability to skate, dribble the puck with a stick, pass the puck to each other, shoot the puck into the goal. Mastering the game using simplified rules.

Badminton. The ability to hold the racket correctly, hit the shuttlecock, and throw it to a partner without a net. Mastering the game using simplified rules.

Tennis. The ability to hold a racket, hit the ball, and throw it over the net. Mastering the game of table tennis and tennis using simplified rules.

Role-playing games.Role-playing games must correspond to the age, interests, level of development of children and take into account gender-role differentiation. They are based on the knowledge that children have. The topics should be very diverse.Games are held on everyday and industrial topics; games to reinforce traffic rules and rules of conduct on city streets; construction, theatrical; games whose themes are related to modern life.

To organize a role-playing game, there should be a minimum of ready-made aids. When a child has a full arsenal of benefits, the child repeats production actions. If a child has substitute objects, the child begins to develop play and his actions move into a role-playing plan. This is very important when preparing children for school.

Exercises to develop fine motor skills of the fingers. The movements of a child's fingers and hands have a special developmental effect. In China, palm exercises with stone and metal balls are common. The popularity of classes is explained by their healing and toning effect on the body. Regular exercises with balls improve the child’s memory and mental abilities, eliminate his emotional stress, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, develop coordination of movements, strength and dexterity of the hands, and maintain vitality.

Work on developing hand movements should be carried out regularly, only then will the greatest effect from the exercises be achieved. Tasks should bring joy to the child.

Avoid boredom and overwork.

These exercises should be carried out in accordance with the time of year and weather conditions. These exercises are carried out in all age groups, starting from a young age individually, with a subgroup of children and frontally. The complex is held at any convenient time of the day, every day. The set of exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills includes:

Finger gymnastics -It is recommended to carry out with children who have problems in speech development.

  • Laying on asphalt, sand, snow from natural materials (sticks, pebbles, plastic plugs, autumn leaves, fruits and other materials).
  • Buildings made from natural materials (anthill, broom made from blades of grass).
  • Games with sand (sifting, Easter cakes, molds).
  • "Guess by touch."
  • Drawing while the text is spoken.
  • Drawing with a stick, crayons on asphalt, sand, snow.


Learning a new game should be included in your plans.Approximately 35 new games are held throughout the year. There are 5 familiar games and 1 new game planned for the week.

Bright attributes should be prepared for each outdoor game. These can be emblems on ribbons, various hats of birds, animals, large soft expressive toys. Materials and equipment used for organizing independent activities for children (ice boxes, doll sleighs, boxes for transporting snow, large plywood figures of animals from favorite fairy tales, molds, shovels, buckets, sticks for drawing on the snow, signets, reins, plumes, flags, skittles , masks for role-playing games, skis, equipment for experiments, snow gauge, toys made from waste material). It is necessary to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the storage and placement of removed material.

Several tasks are solved in outdoor games:

increasing the emotional tone of each child,

satisfying the need for a variety of active movements,

clarifying knowledge about various objects (birds fly, a bunny jumps),

orientation in the surroundings (ran to the sandbox, to the veranda, etc.),

the ability to listen to an adult and perform movements in accordance with the requirements of the game.

In the process of outdoor play, children learn dialogue speech when they don’t just repeat after an adult, but answer him. In the process of outdoor play, the child receives satisfaction both from friendly communication with peers and from the bright attributes that the adult brings to the game.

Outdoor games during a walk activate children’s movements and enrich them with new vivid impressions. In outdoor games, each child’s ability to listen carefully to an adult’s speech, fulfill his demands, and coordinate his actions with the actions of his comrades is reinforced.

Outdoor games are planned and conducted by the teacher independently, taking into account the wishes of the children, on the recommendations of specialists, or thematic. They can be very diverse, so to avoid monotonyIt is advisable to plan outdoor games by day of the week or week.Such planning makes it possible to take into account the interests of each child, fully cover the program material in the section of outdoor games, and organize the activities of the teacher.

During daily walks, outdoor games and physical exercises

children’s motor experience expands, their existing skills in

  1. basic movements; agility, speed, endurance develop; are being formed

independence, activity, positive relationships with peers.

BLITZ survey

1.Which of all types of children's activities are more important?

2. How many outdoor games are played per day?

3. The main task of outdoor games?

4. How and on what basis are outdoor games selected?

5. The role of outdoor play in preparing children for school?

  1. 2. “Organization of outdoor games” teacher Kolobovnikova N.V.
  2. The meaning of outdoor games.

Outdoor play is one of the important means of all-round development of children. It provides physical, mental, moral, and aesthetic education. Active motor activity of a playful nature and the positive emotions it evokes

enhance all physiological processes in the body, improve the functioning of all organs and systems, and also develop motor skills and abilities, develop physical qualities (speed, agility, accuracy, flexibility, speed-strength qualities). The game promotes the development of mutual assistance, collectivism, honesty, discipline, and promotes the development of strong-willed qualities (restraint, courage, determination, the ability to cope with negative emotions). In outdoor games, the child is given the right to decide for himself how to act in a given situation, to make his own choice to achieve the goal. Games help expand and deepen your understanding of the world around you, solve problems in the development of speech, mathematics, etc.

  1. 2. Purpose of the game.

The purpose of the game is chosen to consolidate the material acquired by children in the process of motor activity (for example: to consolidate the motor skill of throwing a bag at a vertical target, to develop motor quality – accuracy, eye, to cultivate moral and volitional qualities... and problems from other sections can be solved.)

  1. 3. Classification of outdoor games.

Outdoor games are divided into 2 groups:

elementary -plot-based, non-plot-based, fun games;

complex - football, towns, volleyball, etc.

By motor content (dominant basic movement - running, jumping, etc.)

By figurative content:

a) plot - they are characterized by roles with corresponding motor actions; they reflect the phenomena of the surrounding life, the habits of animals and birds, transport, and the actions of people). Especially popular in younger and middle groups.

b) plotless - do not have a plot, images, but are similar to the plot in the presence of rules and roles. These games are related to the performance of a specific motor task and require children to be independent, quick and dexterous. (“Traps”, “Dashes”, “Who will throw further”, “Ball School”, “Skittles”, “Ring Throw”)

According to dynamic characteristics - games are distinguished according to the degree of physical activity

(small, medium and high mobility)

According to the number of children - in the younger group - 1 role (“Cat and Mice”): in the older group - 3-4 roles (“Geese-Swans”)

By the number of rules - in the younger group - 1-2 rules; in older groups -3-4

According to the presence of verbal accompaniment - poems, songs, recitatives. (“On a flat path, “We, cheerful guys, love to run…”) The text sets the rhythm of the movement. The end of the text serves as a signal to stop the action or to start new movements.

  1. 4. Variability in the complexity of the game.

1. Increase the distance.

2. Change the type of movements.

3. Change the pace of movements.

4. Increase in the number of traps.

5. Increase in the number of children.

5. Complicating the rules.

6. Change the placement of the players.

7. Change the signal to start the game (verbal, audio, visual)

Children themselves can be involved in creating new versions of the game.

  1. Methods of conducting outdoor games.
  1. 1. Game selection.

Games are selected in accordance with the program tasks of a given age.

The time of year and weather conditions are taken into account.

Place during the day (dynamic in the 1st half of the day, different games in the 2nd, but take into account

fatigue and physical activity during the day.

At the request of the children

At the request of the birthday boy.

At the request of those who have distinguished themselves in something good.

  1. 2. Gathering children for the game.

Make markings on the playground, prepare manuals and equipment.

Getting ready for the game 1-2 minutes.

Older age:

Barkers (“One, two, three, run quickly to play!”)

Making a riddle

Showing a bright picture

A word, a tambourine, a bell, a flag, a whistle.

Instruct individual children to gather the others while the spinning top is spinning.

or music is playing

- “Those who can run under a rotating rope will play.”

Younger age: -singing a song, reciting a poem, demonstratively accompanying the movement “My cheerful ringing ball...”.

Ring the bell

Gather children by displaying a bright toy.

Wear a mask-cap

  1. 3. Explanation of the game.

It should be short, understandable, interesting and emotional.

In youth gr. The teacher places the children in a circle. The explanation is made during the game itself.

The teacher himself places and moves the children, tells them how to act, and is accompanied by a demonstration (“how a bunny jumps, “a car drives out”). There is no need to specifically learn the text; children will learn it during the game. The teacher takes upon himself to play the main role, and then, when the kids get used to the game, he entrusts this role to the children themselves.

In older groups, children are placed in a line, semicircle, or flock. Sequence of explanation: name of the game, content, emphasize the rules, distribute roles, distribute attributes, place players, begin game actions.

If the game is complex, there is no need to give a detailed explanation, but it is better to do this: first explain the most important thing, and then, during the game, supplement the main story with specific details. When repeated, the rules are clarified.

If the game is familiar, you can involve the children themselves in the explanation or remember certain important points.

  1. 4. Distribution of roles

Counting table (they prevent conflicts)

Using all kinds of turntables (spinning top, pin)


By choice of the birthday boy

  1. 5. Guidance during the game.

In general, control over the progress of the game is aimed at fulfilling its program content. All play activities are led by the teacher. He gives commands, a signal to start the game,

instructions during the game, evaluates the actions and behavior of children, encourages successful execution, suggests how it is appropriate to perform a movement, makes comments in a friendly manner, regulates physical activity.

Games of great mobility are repeated 2-4 times, calmer games 3-5 times. The total duration of the game in the younger group is 5-7 minutes, in the older group - up to 15 minutes.

  1. 6. End of the game, summing up.

Summing up the game should be done in an interesting way to arouse desire

achieve even better results next time. In the younger group, the teacher ends the game with a proposal to move on to some other activities of a calmer nature.

In the senior groups, the results are summed up: those who performed the movements correctly, showing dexterity, speed, ingenuity, followed the rules, helped out their comrades, names those who broke the rules, and analyzes how success was achieved. Children can be involved in the discussion. This accustoms them to analyzing their actions and causes a more conscious attitude towards following the rules of the game and movements.

When a teacher knows well the organization scheme and methodology for conducting outdoor games, follows them, and uses interesting speech material, then children develop an interest in games and a need for them. Skills of self-organization, responsibility and discipline are formed.

  1. Exchange of experience. Demonstration of promising plans for outdoor games for all age groups (educators).

4. Demonstration of outdoor games for use during a walk.

5. Joint drawing up of a scenario for a physical education holiday.

At the end of the workshop, an analytical conversation was held with the participants and after an exchange of views the following decisions were made:

  1. Prepare long-term plans in a uniform style.
  2. Create information booklets for parents about the importance of outdoor games.
  3. Hold a physical education festival “Fun Starts” on the street.

Organization of outdoor games.

In pedagogical practice, social life and everyday life, there are two main forms of organizing outdoor games: lesson and extracurricular. Lesson The form of outdoor games involves the direct leadership role of the teacher, regularity of classes with a constant composition of participants, regulated content and volume of game material and its relationship with the organization, content and methodology of the educational process in which this game is included. Outdoor games related to extracurricular the form of classes, imply a large role of organizers, leaders from among the children themselves; They are organized, as a rule, sporadically, the composition of the participants may change, and the games vary in content and volume of game material. The time allocated for outdoor games in the motor mode of schoolchildren depends on the age, class in which the children study, on the year-round training schedule and other types of activities and recreation. As already mentioned, in the lesson form of outdoor games, the leading role is played by the leader, who solves the following tasks: 1) health-improving, 2) educational, 3) educational. There is also another group of games used for physical education - a group of sports games. Sports games are the highest level of development of outdoor games. They differ from mobile ones by uniform rules that determine the composition of participants, the size and layout of the site, the duration of the game, equipment and inventory, etc., which allows for competitions of various sizes. Competitions in sports games have the nature of wrestling and require great physical stress and volitional efforts from the participants.


Preparation for the game is especially important in cases where the game is offered for the first time and the teacher is not able to foresee all situations that may arise during the game. Preparation consists of choosing a game, preparing the site for the game, preparing equipment for the game, and preliminary analysis of the game.

The choice of game primarily depends on the general objectives of the lesson, when setting the main criteria are the age characteristics of the children, their development, physical fitness, and the number of students. When choosing a game, you must take into account the form of the activity (lesson, recess, holiday, walk). Lesson and recess are limited in time; the tasks and content of games during recess are different from those in the lesson; The festival mainly uses mass games and attractions, in which children of different ages and different physical fitness can take part. The choice of game directly depends on the location where it is played. In a small narrow hall or corridor, games are played with a linear formation, games in which participants take turns. In a large gym or on a playground, it is good to play games with running in all directions, throwing large and small balls, and with elements of sports games. During walks and excursions outside the city, local games are used. In winter, games on skis, skates, sleighs, and games with snow buildings are held on the site. When organizing outdoor games, you need to take into account the weather conditions (especially in winter). If the air temperature is low, a game with active actions of the participants is selected. You cannot use games where you have to stand for a long time, waiting for your turn. Sedentary games, in which participants take turns performing a game task, are good in hot weather. The availability of manuals and equipment also influences the choice of game. Due to the lack of appropriate equipment or failure to replace it, the game may not take place.Preparing the playing area. If outdoor play is carried out outdoors, then you need to remove the turf or select a flat green area (especially for children of primary school age) that does not require this. The shape of the site is preferably rectangular, at least 8 m wide and 12 m long. Several benches can be placed at a distance of 2 m from the field. The area is limited by the front (short) and side lines; a transverse line is drawn dividing it in half. You can place flags at the corners of the site by making excavations in the ground. It is permissible to place flags along the side border at the intersection of the center line. It is customary to mark the lines with chalk paint; on a grass area along the lines, you can lightly cut the turf to create a 2-3 cm groove. Boundary lines are drawn no closer than 3 m from a fence, wall or other objects to avoid injury. The area for winter games must be cleared of snow, compacted, and a snow bank built along the edges. For some games it is sprinkled with sand. You can make a separate area for games that are most preferred by children, which they like to play on their own. Before starting a game indoors, the leader must ensure that there are no foreign objects in the hall that interfere with the movements of the players. Sports equipment (parallel bars, crossbar, pommel horse, goat) must be put in the utility room. If this is not possible, then they should be placed against a short wall and protected with benches, netting or other objects. Window glass and lamps should be covered with nets. The room should always be ventilated and the floor should be wiped with a damp cloth. If the leader plans to play a game on the ground, he gets to know it well in advance and marks the boundaries for the game. Places for games are prepared by students together with the leader.Inventory preparationfor outdoor games. Outdoor play must be provided with appropriate equipment. These are flags, colored headbands or vests, balls of various sizes, sticks, clubs or skittles, hoops, jump ropes, etc. The equipment should be bright and noticeable in the game, which is especially important for younger schoolchildren, and its size and weight should be feasible for the players. The amount of inventory is provided in advance. The manager maintains the inventory in proper condition and systematically puts it in order. You can involve children in storing and repairing equipment. For games on lawns and winter playgrounds, you can use cones, snow, etc. Participants receive equipment or place it on the site only after the leader explains to them the rules of the game.

Preliminary analysis of the game.Before playing the game, the leader must think through the game process and foresee all possible situations that arise during the game. It is especially necessary to anticipate and prevent possible adverse events. The leader, who knows the given group of players well, preliminarily outlines the roles of the players and thinks through how to involve weak and passive players in the game. For some games, he selects his assistants in advance, determines their functions and, if necessary, gives them the opportunity to prepare (for example, in local games). The assistants are the first to become acquainted with the rules of the game and the place where it will be held.

1. Get acquainted with the requirements and rules of the game that the children will play. Prepare all necessary equipment and materials before starting.

2. Take into account the level of development of children, their talents, skills and inabilities.

3. Offer only those games that are accessible to this age group, corresponding to the height of children, their strength, and life experience. Skillfully remove participants from a game that is difficult for them.

4. Avoid overenthusiasm (overexcitement) among those playing.

5. Be ready to participate in the game as an ordinary player, obey all the rules, including those that seem to belittle the dignity of an adult.

6. Help children who are not quite as competent or as coordinated as their peers by assigning them tasks or opportunities to perform exercises based on the dexterity they have. A child with a handicap may enjoy being a timekeeper, scorekeeper, or referee in a game in which he is unable to participate. Ignore the mistakes of some children or carefully correct them without interrupting the game. Do not reprimand children in front of others if they have broken the rules or made a mistake in the game.

7. Explain the rules of each game in time and allow the children to practice one or more times before the active game begins. Have a number of alternative games and necessary equipment prepared in advance if the children do not approve of the first game proposed by the leader.

8. Give children rest between games in accordance with their age and abilities.

9. Choose games taking into account the possibility of complicating them: start with the simplest ones, practice, gradually complicate them as the children’s dexterity improves.


1. Placement of players and the place of the leader when explaining the game.

Before starting to explain the game, it is necessary to place the participants in such a way that they can clearly see the leader and hear his story. It is best to line up the players in the starting position from which they will start the game.

If the game is played in a circle, then the explanation takes place in the same circular formation. The leader takes a place not in the center, but in a row of players or, if there are a large number of players, slightly ahead of them. You cannot stand in the center of the circle, because then half of the players will be behind the leader. If the players are divided into two teams and lined up against each other at a great distance (“Challenge”), then for an explanation it is necessary to bring the teams closer together, and then give the command to retreat to the borders of the “houses”. In this case, the leader, explaining the game, stands between the players in the middle of the court, at the side border, and addresses first one or the other team. If the game begins with scattered movement, you can line up the players when there are few of them, or group them near you, but so that everyone can clearly see and hear the leader. It should be remembered that the presentation of the game must be accompanied by a demonstration. Visualization helps to better understand the game, and after the explanation the participants do not have any questions. When explaining the game, you should not place children facing the sun (they will have trouble seeing the leader) or the windows (they may look out the window and get distracted). The leader should stand in a visible place, sideways or, in extreme cases, facing the light, but so as to see all the participants and control their behavior.

2. Explanation of the game.

The correct explanation of the game greatly influences its success. As already mentioned, before starting the game, the leader must clearly imagine its content, first analyze it, and only then begin to explain.

The story should be brief: a drawn-out explanation can interfere with the perception of the game. The exception is games in the lower grades, which can be explained in a fabulous, exciting way. The story must be logical and consistent. Any game should be explained approximately according to this scheme:

a) the name of the game (you can say for what purpose the game is played);

b) the roles of the players and their location on the court;

d) the goal of the game;

d) rules of the game.

The explanation of the game ends with answers to questions from the players. You should answer loudly, addressing everyone. When talking about the progress of the game, the leader will undoubtedly touch on the rules, but at the end of the story it is necessary to once again focus on them so that the children remember them better. The story should not be monotonous; it is advisable to highlight important game moments with your voice. Complex terms should not be used in the story, and new concepts should be explained. The leader must pay attention to the mood of the students: if they are distracted, it is necessary to shorten the explanation or revive it. The content of the game is explained in detail only when students play it for the first time. When repeating the game, you should only recall the main content and explain additional rules and techniques.

3. Identification of drivers.

There is a tendency among many game organizers and presenters to appoint a team captain or allow teams to make their own choices. But, firstly, in the case of an appointment, children suspect the presence of favorites, regardless of whether it is fair or not, and, secondly, teams can choose a leader because he is the strongest in their group. Such a leader may intimidate or offend others.

The leader of the game must establish such an order so that each child takes turns leading.

You can highlight it in different ways.

A). By appointment of the manager.

b). There is a way to select a driver by lot. The draw can be made by calculation, throwing and other methods.

V). To determine the driver by lot, you can “stretch on a stick.” The participant takes the stick from below, the second player takes it higher with his hand, the third player takes it even higher, etc. The driver becomes the one who takes the stick by the upper end and holds it or covers the top of the stick with his palm. This method is applicable for 2-4 players.

G). The organizer of the game or one of the players clamps several straws (stems of grass, ribbon or twine) in his fist. All but one are the same length. He holds them in such a way that the other players cannot guess which one is shorter. Each player draws one straw. The one who draws the short one becomes either the driver, or the beginner, or the leader of one of the teams.

d). The organizer of the game, or one of the players, or the team captain holds both hands behind his back, clenched into a fist, out of sight of the free players. Other players alternately announce an even or odd number of fingers. This is how the team, the order of play, etc. are determined.

e). When drawing lots, throwing can be used. The one who throws the stick, stone, ball, etc. the furthest is the driver. This method takes a lot of time. It can be used when playing outdoor games outside of school hours.

and). One of the most successful ways is to select a driver according to the choice of the players. This method is good from a pedagogical point of view; it allows you to identify the collective desire of children, who usually choose the most worthy drivers.

However, this method is difficult to apply when playing with poorly organized children, since drivers are often chosen not on merit, but under pressure from stronger, more persistent children. The leader can recommend that the children choose those who run, jump, hit the target, etc. better.

h). It is fair to establish a priority in choosing a driver so that each participant plays this role. This helps develop organizational skills and activity.

And). You can assign a driver based on the results of previous games. The player who turned out to be the most dexterous, fastest, etc. in the previous game becomes the driver. Participants must be informed about this in advance so that they strive to demonstrate the necessary qualities in the games. The negative side of this method is that weak and less dexterous children cannot act as drivers.

4. Distribution into teams.

Distribution into teams can also be done in various ways.

A). The leader distributes players into teams at his own discretion in cases where it is necessary to create teams of equal strength. This method is most often used when conducting complex outdoor and sports games in high school. Players do not take an active part in compiling teams.

b). Another way to distribute players into teams is to line up students and count on the first or second; The first numbers will make up one team, the second - another. Several commands are composed in the same way.

Such a quick distribution is appropriate for a lesson, since it is limited in time, but its disadvantage is that the teams are not always equal in strength.

V). You can divide the players into teams by figure marching or calculating a moving column. There should be as many people in each row as there are teams required for the game.

This method also does not require much time, but the composition of the teams is random and often unequal in strength.

G). A collusive method of dividing teams is also used. In this case, the children choose captains, dividing into pairs (approximately equal in strength), agree who will be who, and the captains choose them by name. With this division, the teams are almost always equal in strength.

This method is very popular with children, since it itself is a kind of game. However, its disadvantage is that it cannot be used in lessons - it takes a lot of time.

d). Method of division by appointment of captains. Players choose two captains, who in turn select players for their team.

This is a fairly fast method, and the teams are mostly equal in strength. The negative side of this method is that captains are reluctant to take on weak players, which often leads to resentment and quarrels among the players. To avoid unpleasant situations, it is recommended not to complete the selection and divide the remaining ones by calculation. The method for appointing captains follows

use only in games with high school students who can correctly assess the players’ strengths.

5. Selecting team captains.

The role of team captains is very important: they are responsible for the behavior of the entire team as a whole and for individual players. The captain is given the right to distribute roles in the team, monitor compliance with the rules and discipline. He is the direct assistant to the manager.

Captains can be chosen by the players themselves or they can be appointed by the leader. Usually teams are first compiled and only after that captains are appointed. In the case of division into teams by choice or collusion, captains are chosen in advance.

In permanent teams, captains are periodically re-elected.

6. Allocation of assistants.

For each game, the leader selects assistants who monitor compliance with the rules, take into account the results of the game, and also distribute and arrange equipment.

The number of assistants depends on the complexity of the rules and organization of the game, the number of players and the size of the site and room. The leader announces the appointment of assistants to all players.

Depending on the complexity of the game and the tasks solved during the lessons, assistants are allocated before the players are lined up or after the game is announced and the drivers are selected.


Outdoor games solve such important problems as: health, educational, educational.

With proper organization of classes, taking into account age characteristics and physical fitness, outdoor games have a beneficial effect on the growth, development and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, the muscular system, on the formation of correct posture in children and adolescents, and also increase the functional activity of the body.

In this regard, outdoor games that involve various large and small muscles of the body in a variety of dynamic work become of great importance; games that increase joint mobility.

Under the influence of physical exercises used in games, all types of metabolism (carbohydrate, protein, fat and mineral) are activated. Muscle loads stimulate the functioning of the endocrine glands.

Particularly valuable in terms of health benefits is year-round outdoor games: those involved become more seasoned, and the flow of oxygen into their body increases.

The game has a great impact on the formation of personality: it is such a conscious activity in which the ability to analyze, compare, generalize and draw conclusions is manifested and developed. Playing games contributes to the development in children of abilities to act, which are important in everyday practical activities, in the games themselves, as well as in gymnastics, sports

Experience on the topic

« Russian folk games"

“Little like a bird sings.” These words succinctly and figuratively highlight the main thing: play is the natural state of a child, his main occupation. They belong to N.K. Krupskaya, whose views on the essence of play formed the basis of preschool pedagogy.

The games used for physical education are very diverse.

They can be divided into two large groups: active and sports.

Outdoor games:

Actually moving: plot, plotless, fun games, attractions.

Sports: football, volleyball, basketball, badminton, tennis, gorodki, hockey.

But I noticed that folk games have almost disappeared from childhood today. The preservation and revival of national culture is now one of the primary tasks. In order for a child to develop a feeling of love for the Motherland, it is necessary to cultivate in him an emotionally positive attitude towards the places where he was born and lives, to develop the ability to see and understand their beauty, the desire to learn more about them, to develop a desire to provide all possible assistance to the people who love him. surround. Therefore, we must remember that folk games as a genre of oral folk art are national wealth, and we must make them the property of our children. So the need arose for me to create a circle of Russian folk outdoor games.

I set myself the following tasks:

1. Conduct a literature analysis.

2. Determine the relationship between physical education and the capabilities of folk traditions.

3.Examine existing experience.

She began her work by studying methodological literature. Along with studying methodological innovations, I studied outdoor games and their organization. “Russian Folk Outdoor Games” by M.F. Litvinova became my reference book.

Then work began to create conditions for playing games: for this purpose, play corners in groups were refurbished, their aesthetic design and rational arrangement of play material were thought out.

For the first time, when studying a particular game with children, I tell them about the history of its creation.

It turned out that it is not easy for children to convey the movements characteristic of some animals. To do this, I tried to talk more about the habits of animals - the characters of games, such as “At the Bear in the Forest”, “Fox in the Chicken Coop”, “Hares and the Wolf”, etc. The teachers read fairy tales and folk nursery rhymes aloud with the children made all the necessary attributes.

In the older groups, while learning games with the children, she talked about the different peoples inhabiting Russia, introduced them to the history and traditions of these peoples.

I chose folk outdoor games in accordance with the physical education tasks that I was currently working on and the motor skills that the children had already mastered, as well as in accordance with the recommendations of the program and based on the principle of similarity of the attributes used or the tasks solved with the help of games.

Only after this did the “Russian Folk Outdoor Games” circle begin its work. I set myself a task:

Arouse children's interest in folk games. Learn how to organize them yourself.

Because game is the main activity of children, then when drawing up a plan, I decided to more effectively use outdoor games, which not only stimulate the child’s motor activity, but also contribute to the development and improvement of basic movements.

The most suitable games for children are those with a simple and accessible plot, as well as game exercises based on the performance of specific motor tasks. I selected these tasks in games and play exercises in such a way that they corresponded to the capabilities of the children. First of all, these are movements such as walking, running, throwing, and crawling. I tried to distribute all the game material in a certain sequence, taking into account the complexity of the movements.

During the period of children’s assimilation to a new environment, outdoor games made it possible to teach them to play together, in harmony, not to bump into each other while running, and to navigate in space (the game “Ordinary Tag”).

In the future, I tried to select outdoor games and play exercises in such a way that they ensure the diversified development of children’s movements. When planning games, I definitely took into account the development of which motor skills and abilities require special attention during a given period.

Story-based outdoor games occupy a large place in working with children. In these games, along with developing and improving movements, I teach children to act in accordance with the rules of the game. The fulfillment of these tasks primarily depends on us, educators, on how much we were able to interest children in the game. Therefore, I tried to explain the game emotionally and expressively and took a direct part in the game, showing interest in the children’s actions. All this helped with active actions and made me want to repeat the movements again and again. Performing one or another role in the game, I not only suggested how to move, but also showed an example of the correct execution of movements.

So in the game “Cockfight” she showed how to jump on one leg and push each other with the shoulder, while encouraging the children who most successfully performed the movement.

Considering that the motor capabilities of older children are greater, the game invited everyone to practice their movements. I tried not to limit the space for movement. Do not reduce the time of active actions, increased the dosage of running and jumping in games.

Preschoolers play familiar outdoor games well. However, observations have shown that children's interest in the game and motor activity are noticeably reduced if a familiar game is played for a long time in the same version, without changing anything. This circumstance forced me to take a more serious approach to varying games.

To ensure children's interest in outdoor games, it is necessary to make changes to their content from time to time: complicate them, supplement movements, etc. Various options for conducting outdoor games include preserving its rules and improving children’s movements, taking into account their individual characteristics.

For example, everyone is familiar with the game “Sly Fox”. And her options could be:

    The leader touches 2 or 3 children who become leaders.

    A restriction is introduced for the fox: salt with his left hand.

    The game is not played by children, but by different animals: hares, ducks, bears, and so on, so they must move during the game in accordance with the images.

I borrowed an interesting technique for explaining outdoor games in the form of a mini-fairy tale from MPGU teacher E.Ya. Stepanenkova. The main requirements for such mini-fairy tales are their imagery and emotionality, the presence of specific game content and a clear signal for the start of action.

For example, for the game “Owl” the fairy tale could be something like this.

“Animals often gathered to play in a forest clearing: little hares, bear cubs, squirrels. They ran, jumped, climbed - as best they could, and everyone had fun. And in the hollow of the tree lived an owl. She slept during the day and flew out to hunt at night. When she sees that night has come, she shouts: “Wow!” - and flies for prey. The animals will hear her hoot and quickly run to their houses. And when morning comes, the animals come running to the clearing to play again.”

A very important point when playing the game is the distribution of roles. You can assign children to certain roles using various methods: assign someone a role, choose a counting rhyme, etc. To prevent children from using accidentally heard counting rhymes with negative content, we learn rhymes during class in a circle. In addition, we use counting rhymes with questions, collusions, lots, and guessing. I'm holding a competition for the best counting rhyme for the game. Such competitions allow children to enrich their knowledge about folk games, cultivate taste and imagination, and develop a sense of rhythm, which is so necessary in folk outdoor games. An album was created with the most favorite and interesting rhymes.

I pay great attention to the use of natural materials in folk games: pebbles, sticks, twigs, cones. I encourage the use of folk games in free activities.

I pay special attention to children’s compliance with the rules. The rules have great educational value. Obedience to the rules develops in the child will, endurance, and the ability to consciously control his movements and slow them down.

So, folk games in combination with other educational means represent the basis of the initial stage of the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.

Methodology for organizing and conducting outdoor games

The methodology for conducting outdoor play includes unlimited possibilities for the integrated use of various techniques aimed at shaping the child’s personality and skillful pedagogical guidance of it. Of particular importance is the professional training of the teacher, pedagogical observation and foresight.

Organization of the game includes preparation for its implementation, i.e. choosing a game and a place for it, marking the site, preparing equipment, preliminary analysis of the game.

The methodology for conducting an outdoor game includes: gathering children to play, creating interest, explaining the rules of the game, distributing roles, and guiding the progress of the game. Summing up as a methodological stage is the announcement of results, relaxation, summing up the results of the game and its evaluation.

When conducting an outdoor game, you should remember that it is necessary to gather children in the place on the playground from where the game actions will begin; the gathering should be quick and interesting. An explanation of the game is an instruction; it should be short, understandable, interesting and emotional. Roles determine children's behavior in the game; the choice of the main role should be perceived as encouragement, as trust.

Gathering children for a game.

Older preschoolers love and know how to play. To gather children for the game and create interest, you can agree on a place and a gathering signal long before the start of the game. You can gather children with the help of barkers (“One, two, three, four, five - I invite everyone to play); instruct individual children to gather the rest within a specified limited time (for example, while the melody is playing); use sound and visual cues; use surprise tasks: for example, the one who can run under a rotating jump rope will play.

Game selection.

The selection and planning of outdoor games depend on the working conditions of each age group: the general level of physical and mental development of children, their motor skills, the health status of each child, his individual typological characteristics, the time of year, the characteristics of the regime, the location, the interests of the children.

When selecting story-based games, the child’s well-developed ideas about the plot being played out are taken into account. To better understand the game plot, the teacher carries out preliminary work with the child: reads works of fiction, organizes observations of nature, the habits of animals, the activities of people of various professions (firemen, drivers, athletes, etc.), watches videos, films and filmstrips, conducts conversations. The teacher pays significant attention to preparing the attributes of the game. The teacher makes them together with the children or in their presence (depending on age).

Each game should give the greatest motor and emotional effect. Therefore, you should not select games with movements unfamiliar to children, so as not to slow down game actions. The motor content of the games must be consistent with the conditions of the game. Games involving running at speed, throwing at a moving target or into the distance have no effect indoors. It is also important to consider the time of year and weather conditions. For a winter walk, for example, more dynamic games are logical. But sometimes a slippery surface makes it difficult to run and dodge. In summer it is convenient to compete in fast running, but in very hot weather it is better not to hold such competitions.

Regulates the choice of game and its place in the daily routine. More dynamic games are advisable on the first walk, especially if it was preceded by activities with significant mental stress and monotonous body position. On the second walk, you can play games with different motor characteristics. But, given the general fatigue of children at the end of the day, they should not learn new games.

Creating interest in the game.

Throughout the game, it is necessary to maintain children's interest in it; it is especially important to create it at the beginning of the game in order to give purposefulness to the game actions. Techniques for creating interest are closely related to techniques for collecting children. Sometimes it's the same thing. For example, an intriguing question for kids: “Do you want to be a pilot? Run to the airfield!” Playing with attributes has a huge effect. For example, the teacher puts on a mask-cap: “Look, children, what a big clumsy bear came to play with you...”, or: “Now I’ll put a cap on someone, and we will have a bunny... Catch him!” Or: “Guess who’s hiding behind me?” - says the teacher, manipulating the sounding toy. In older groups, techniques for creating interest are used mainly when the game is being learned. These are most often poems, songs, riddles (including motor ones) on the theme of the game, looking at footprints in the snow or signs on the grass by which you need to find those hiding, changing clothes, etc.

Children's interest in games with elements of competition increases if they wear a uniform and select team captains, a referee and his assistant. Teams receive points for completing tasks correctly and quickly. The result of the calculation determines the assessment of the quality of task performance and collective actions of each team. Conducting games with elements of competition requires great pedagogical tact, objectivity and fairness in assessing the activities of teams and their members, promoting friendliness and camaraderie in the relationships of children.

Explanation of the rules.The leader should state the rules of the game briefly, since children strive to reproduce everything stated in the actions as quickly as possible. All means of expressiveness - voice intonation, facial expressions, gestures, and in story games, imitation - must find appropriate use in explanations in order to highlight the main thing, create an atmosphere of joy and give purposefulness to game actions. Thus, the explanation of the game is both an instruction and the moment of creating a game situation.

The sequence of explanations is fundamentally important: name the game and its concept, briefly outline it with its content, emphasize the rules, recall the movements (if necessary), distribute roles, distribute attributes, place the players on the court, begin game actions. If the game is familiar to children, then instead of explaining, you need to remember the rules with the children. If the game is complex, then it is not recommended to immediately give a detailed explanation, but it is better to first explain the main thing, and then all the details as the game progresses.

Children are introduced to the new game clearly, concisely, figuratively, and emotionally within 1.5-2 minutes. An explanation of the plot-based outdoor game is given after preliminary work with the child on the formation of ideas about game images. The themes of plot-based outdoor games are varied: these can be episodes from people’s lives, natural phenomena, or imitation of animal habits. During the explanation of the game, a game goal is set for children, which helps to activate thought, understand the rules of the game, and form and improve motor skills.

When explaining a non-story game, the teacher reveals the sequence of game actions, game rules and signal. It indicates player locations and game attributes using spatial terminology. When explaining the game, the teacher should not be distracted by comments to the children. Using questions, he checks how the children understand the game. If the rules of the game are clear to them, then it is fun and exciting.

When explaining games with competition elements, the teacher clarifies the rules, game techniques, and competition conditions. He expresses confidence that all children will try to cope well with the game tasks, which require not only speed, but also high-quality execution (“Who will run to the flag faster”, “Whose team will not drop the ball”). Correct execution of movements gives children pleasure, a sense of confidence and a desire to improve.

By uniting those playing in groups or teams, the teacher takes into account the physical development and individual characteristics of the children. The teacher selects children of equal strength for teams; To activate insecure, shy children, they are connected with brave and active ones.

Distribution of roles.Roles determine children's behavior in the game. Children 6 years old are very active, and everyone basically wants to be a driver, so the leader must appoint them himself in accordance with their abilities. Children should perceive their choice for the main role as encouragement. You can also appoint the player who won the previous game as the driver, rewarding him for not being caught, completing the task better than others, taking the most beautiful pose in the game, etc.

There are several ways to choose a driver: the teacher appoints him, always giving reasons for his choice; using a counting rhyme (conflicts are prevented); using a “magic wand”; by drawing lots; The driver can choose a replacement. All of these techniques are used, as a rule, at the beginning of the game. To appoint a new driver, the main criterion is the quality of execution of movements and rules. The choice of driver should contribute to the development in children of the ability to correctly assess their own strengths and the strengths of their comrades. It is recommended to change the driver more often so that as many children as possible can play this role.

Game management.

In general, the teacher’s guidance of outdoor play consists of controlling the course of the game and is aimed at fulfilling its program content.

By directing the game, the teacher cultivates the child’s morality; Forms correct self-esteem, relationships between children, friendship and mutual assistance, teaches the child to overcome difficulties. Correct pedagogical guidance of the game helps the child understand himself and his comrades, ensures the development and realization of his creative powers, and has a psychocorrective and psychotherapeutic effect.

During the game, the teacher pays attention to the child’s compliance with the rules and carefully analyzes the reasons for their violation. The teacher monitors the movements, relationships, load, and emotional state of the child in the game.

Most older preschoolers have a good command of basic movements. The teacher pays attention to the quality of movements, making sure that they are light, beautiful, and confident. Children must quickly navigate space, show restraint, courage, resourcefulness, and creatively solve motor problems. In games, it is necessary to set tasks for children to solve independently. So, in the game “Colored Figures”, children are divided into links, and in each section a leader is chosen. At the teacher’s signal, children with flags in their hands scatter around the hall. At the command “Circle!” they find their leader and form a circle. Then the task becomes more complicated: the children also scatter around the hall and at the command “In a circle!” They are built around the leader, and while the teacher counts to 5, they lay out some figure from the flags. This complication of the task requires children to be able to quickly switch from one activity to another - in this case, from active running to performing a collective creative task.

By searching for solutions to certain motor problems in outdoor games, children themselves acquire knowledge. And knowledge acquired through one’s own efforts is assimilated consciously and imprinted more firmly in memory. Solving various problems gives children confidence in their abilities and brings joy from independent small discoveries. With the skillful guidance of the teacher in outdoor play, the creative activity of children is successfully formed: they come up with game options, new plots, and more complex game tasks.

In a number of games, children are required to be able to come up with movement options and various combinations of them. These are games like “Make a Figure”, “Day and Night”, “Monkey and Hunters”, etc. Initially, the teacher plays the leading role in creating movement options. Gradually he involves the children themselves in this. Entering into a role and figuratively conveying the nature of movements is facilitated by children coming up with exercises on a given topic. For example: come up with an exercise that imitates the movements of animals, birds, beasts (heron, fox, frog). It is also possible to come up with and name an exercise, and then perform it (“Fish”, “Snowplow”, etc.).

Involving them in making the rules more complex plays an important role in the development of children’s creative activity. At first, the leading role in varying games belongs to the teacher, but gradually children are given more and more independence. So, when playing the game “Two Frosts” with children, the teacher first offers the following option: whoever gets “frosted” remains in place, and the children, running to the opposite side, should not touch the “frozen ones.” Then the teacher complicates the task: while running away from the “frost,” the children must touch their “frozen” comrades and “warm” them up. After this, the teacher invites the children themselves to come up with options for games. The most interesting ones are selected from the proposed options. For example, the children decided that it would be more difficult for the “frost” to “freeze” the athletes, so during dashes the children imitate the movements of skiers or skaters.

Thus, an indicator of children’s creativity in the game is not only the speed of reaction, the ability to enter into a role, conveying their understanding of the image, independence in solving motor problems in connection with a change in the game situation, but also the ability to create combinations of movements, game options, and complicate the rules. The highest manifestation of creativity in children is their inventing of outdoor games and the ability to organize them independently. Entering into a role develops in children the ability to imagine themselves in the place of another, to mentally transform into them, allowing them to experience feelings that may be inaccessible in ordinary life situations. Thus, in the game “Firemen in Training,” children imagine themselves as brave, dexterous, courageous people, not afraid of difficulties, ready to sacrifice themselves to save others. Since play involves active movement, and movement involves hands-on exploration of the real world, play provides continuous exploration and a constant flow of new information.

Signals in games for preschool children are best given not with a whistle, but with verbal commands, which contributes to the development of the second signaling system, which is still very imperfect at this age. Recitatives are also good. Rhymed words spoken by the choir develop children's speech and at the same time allow them to prepare for performing an action on the last word of the recitative.

When assessing the game, the teacher notes the positive qualities of the children, naming those who successfully fulfilled their roles, showed courage, restraint, mutual assistance, creativity, followed the rules, and then analyzes the reasons for breaking the rules. The teacher analyzes how success was achieved in the game. Summing up the game should be done in an interesting and entertaining way. All children must be involved in the discussion of the game, this teaches them to analyze their actions and causes a more conscious attitude towards following the rules of the game. The outcome of the game should be optimistic, short and specific. Children must be praised.

The active game ends with walking, which gradually reduces physical activity and brings the child’s pulse back to normal. It should be noted that children show greater physical activity in games, especially in cases where jumping, running and other actions that require a lot of strength and energy are interspersed with at least short breaks and active rest. However, they get tired quite quickly, especially when performing monotonous actions. Considering the above, physical activity when playing outdoor games must be strictly regulated and limited. The game should not be too long. It is advisable to offer short-term outdoor games in which greater mobility alternates with short breaks.

In the preparatory (final) part, you can include games with rhythmic walking and additional gymnastic movements. They should require organization, attention, and coordination of movements from the players, contributing to overall physical development (for example, the game “Who Came Up”);

In the main part, after performing the main movement, for example running, in order to develop speed and dexterity, it is better to play running games (“Two Frosts”, “Wolves in the Moat”, “Geese-Swans”), in which children, after running quickly and dodging, they can rest by jumping and jumping. When dividing players into competing groups, the leader must take into account the correspondence of the nature of the game actions to the physical fitness of the children, and immediately identify the results of each player’s actions for his team. The predominant place is occupied by games with short dashes in all directions, in a straight line, in a circle, with changes in directions, games with running such as “catch up - run away” and with dodging; games with bouncing on one or two legs, with jumping over conditional obstacles (a drawn “ditch”) and over objects (a low bench); games with passing, throwing, catching and throwing balls, cones, pebbles at a distance and at a target, games with a variety of movements of an imitative or creative nature. Each game consists mainly of one or two of the above types of movements, and usually they are used separately or alternately, and only occasionally in combinations.

Games can be played at any time of the year, outdoors. The duration of the game depends on its intensity and complexity of motor movements, the characteristics of the child’s physical development, the state of his health, and on average can be 10-20 minutes. The load can be dosed using the following methods: decreasing or increasing the number of players; duration of the game in time; size of the playground; number of repetitions; the severity of objects and the availability of rest breaks. At the end of the game, it is necessary to encourage the baby, noting his dexterity, strength, and initiative.

Thus, outdoor play is one of the complex means of education: it is aimed at comprehensive physical fitness (through direct mastery of the basics of movement and complex actions in changing conditions of collective activity), improving the functions of the body, and the character traits of the players.

A well-thought-out methodology for conducting outdoor games helps to reveal the child’s individual abilities, helps to raise him healthy, cheerful, cheerful, active, able to independently and creatively solve a wide variety of problems.



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