Rosemary oil medicinal properties and uses. Rosemary essential oil: composition, benefits, application

Rosemary is one of the most popular spices, which is actively used to give hot dishes a deep, rich aroma. But rosemary can be used not only as a spicy additive: this plant has wide range antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, regulating properties, which are completely transferred to the essential oil made from rosemary leaves.

An impressive and very beautiful native of the Mediterranean slopes, from all the above-ground parts of which the essential oil of the same name is obtained - a legendary plant. Its name indicates its seaside origin, and many associate the plant itself with the legend of how the bush changed from white-flowering to blue-flowering after the Virgin Mary hung her cloak on it. But this is not why rosemary is called legendary, because this spice is one of the first crops that began to be used in religious rituals and medicinal purposes, having the status of a sacred plant among ancient civilizations.

Even in the Middle Ages, fragrant rosemary was considered a special plant; it was used in smoking rituals to drive out the devil and was actively used as an almost omnipotent medicine. And even though since then rosemary has long become more “culinary” than medicinal plant, and today its bright and strong aroma evokes strong emotions.


Essential oil Rosemary, or more precisely, its leaves and flowering twigs, is extracted by steam distillation. If young plants are used to obtain aroma oils, they are used entirely.

Externally rosemary oil colorless or slightly yellowish, it is fluid, light, but striking above all with its fresh aroma, as if a leaf had just been rubbed between the fingers.

The bitter aroma of this aroma oil is surprisingly warm, it immediately creates a cozy atmosphere. Strong, rich, combining notes of freshly cut herbs and a bitter aroma peppermint, rosemary literally surrounds you with a cloud of amazingly clean scent.

Essential oils that are complementary to rosemary are peppermint, , , .

Impact on the emotional sphere

Rosemary is the aroma of the sun, promoting success and strength. The warm aroma of rosemary is inspiring and stimulating. intellectual development and protects against negative impact. Immune strengthening oil helps strengthen vital energy, stimulates activity and action.

IN emotional sphere rosemary oil has a strengthening and harmonizing effect, helps overcome psychological and social barriers, eliminates uncertainty and excessive suspiciousness, helps strengthen memory and enhance intuition.

This is a fairly active aphrodisiac that stimulates sensuality and receptivity.

It is believed that rosemary best oil for students, because it helps develop memory and protects against mental fatigue.

Beneficial properties of rosemary oil

Rosemary oil combines restorative, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. It is considered one of the best immunomodeling and activating internal forces body oils.

  • One of the main effects of rosemary is analgesic and antispasmodic, while this unique aroma oil is hardly the only one that does not create pain when relieving pain. sedative effect. It copes well with both muscle pain and fatigue and muscle stiffness.
  • Rosemary is often used to stimulate activity nervous system, in particular, with local paralysis or impairment individual functions(speech, motor skills).
  • Helps relieve inflammatory processes in neuritis, arthritis and osteochondrosis, relieves headache and helps cope with eye fatigue under increased stress.
  • In the area of ​​the digestive system, rosemary oil helps normalize the functioning of the stomach, eliminate stagnation, dissolves sand and stones.
  • As an antiseptic oil, it is actively used for infected skin lesions and furunculosis.
  • This aroma oil has quite an active effect on the functioning of the heart and vascular system, promoting normalization blood pressure, strengthening blood vessels and relieving congestive inflammation in varicose veins.
  • Improving not only cerebral circulation, but also qualitatively regulating coronary circulation, very effective in combating dystonia and hypotension.
  • Rosemary oil is often included in the list of drugs for sore throats and other throat diseases, but it is most effective in the fight against respiratory diseases, from ordinary to severe asthma, because this aroma oil can penetrate the body very quickly.

Use in cosmetology

The main cosmetic effect of rosemary oil is restorative and normalizing. This excellent remedy for problematic and oily skin. Rosemary leaf aroma oil helps restore skin with wide pores, too oily and with rashes.

It is believed that rosemary oil is more active than others in dissolving scars and scars. Rosemary oil is often used to restore the skin of the hands, but it is most actively used for... Rosemary oil effectively eliminates dandruff, promotes deep cleansing hair and is ideal as active additive for products intended for the care of oily or combination hair. Overall Impact on hair - stimulating regeneration and accelerating growth.

All ethers are endowed healing properties, rosemary oil is not included in the exclusion list. It is in demand due to its bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, and rejuvenating qualities. Therefore, many representatives of the fairer sex are happy to use ether in home cosmetology. It is valuable for the face because it improves the condition of the epidermis and enriches the skin with all necessary elements. However, in order not to be unfounded, we will study all the subtleties in order.

Benefits of rosemary ether

  1. The main value of the product under discussion lies in its ability to relieve pain. Rosemary ether acts as a strong analgesic, therefore it is used for skin soreness.
  2. Another advantage is the antiseptic effect. Thanks to which wounds, pimples, microcracks (appear due to exposure to frost and sun on the skin) are disinfected.
  3. It is famous for its ability to tone the skin and prolong youth, tighten the oval of the face, shape the jaw line, and highlight the cheekbones. All this becomes possible due to increased collagen production.
  4. Most often, rosemary ether is recommended for use if you are tired of dealing with problematic rashes, oily shine, and enlarged pores. In all these cases, the oil normalizes greasiness, and over time the skin becomes normal.
  5. The benefits can be achieved if you use the composition regularly. The ether not only disinfects the skin, but also smoothes out scars, eliminates dark marks and hyperpigmentation of the skin. The composition cleanses the dermis of toxins that come out through the pores.
  6. Besides the obvious positive influence on the epidermis, the product has found application in hair care. Various masks allow for short term get rid of dandruff, seborrhea, severe hair loss and other complex problems.

How to use rosemary ether

  1. There are several ways to use it, it all depends on what effect you need to achieve. You can add ether to the bath, use it in medallions and incense burners. The composition is used for massage and rubbing, as well as compresses. They are already enriching them ready-made products for skin, hair, nails.
  2. The composition is extremely successfully used in folk healing; the ether is recognized as effective in traditional medicine. It is prescribed as an auxiliary medicine for constipation, stomach problems (heaviness, indigestion). The raw material is effective for colitis, gastroenteritis, and flatulence.
  3. Ether is often used for inhalation and treatment of ailments associated with the respiratory tract. Due to its ability to relieve pain, the oil treats arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, and muscle spasms.
  4. Rosemary ether has found application in the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with the heart muscle and circulatory system. The oil strengthens the walls of blood vessels, frees the channels from cholesterol accumulations, and increases blood circulation. It is useful to use the product when varicose veins veins and hemorrhoids.
  5. As for antiseptic and anti-inflammatory qualities, the composition is used to treat burns, boils, hematomas, and suppurations. Any dermatological problems can be cured or prevented with this ether.
  6. In folk healing, this composition is partly famous for its choleretic qualities. It is also used to remove excess water to relieve swelling. The composition is effective for neuroses, sleep problems, depression, and other disorders of the psycho-emotional environment.
  7. New mothers turn to rosemary ether to increase lactation, improve the quality of milk and make it fattier. The oil is also used for relaxation, relieving pain in the neck, lower back and back.

Contraindications for rosemary ether

  1. The composition is not used if you are allergic to grass or the ether itself. To test the skin's reaction, apply a portion of the product to the wrist.
  2. If you are intolerant to the aroma of rosemary itself, you should also avoid the procedure. Otherwise, you can cause damage to your psyche.
  3. Categories of people with chronic hypertension should be especially careful. Ether helps to increase blood pressure levels.
  4. Experts advise new nursing mothers and pregnant women to avoid using rosemary ether.

Suitable for use by everyone without exception. For women with dry, oily, combination normal and sensitive skin. You should be careful, do not overexpose the masks.

Rosemary oil for oily skin

  1. The mask should be used regularly to cope with increased production subcutaneous fat. Active particles effectively eliminate defects in problematic epidermis. Soon you will notice an improvement in complexion and narrowed pores. The pH balance is restored.
  2. Pour 12 grams into a cup. white and 5 gr. black clay. Gradually add 15 drops of rosemary oil and 6 drops of macadamia oil to the ingredients. Get a homogeneous mass from the composition. Cleanse your face in advance and apply the mask. After 15, wash with herbal decoction.

Rosemary oil against wrinkles

  1. To smooth the skin and fully saturate the tissues, you should regularly use cosmetic masks with rosemary. In this way, it will be possible to eliminate sagging skin, fine wrinkles will disappear and pores will narrow. The complexion is noticeably improved.
  2. It’s not difficult to prepare such a mask, just add 15 grams. kelp in a glass with green tea. Wait a while for the composition to swell. Next, add 7 grams to the liquid. cocoa powder 5. gr. coconut oil and 8 drops of rosemary ether.
  3. Remember to remove your makeup before applying an anti-aging product. Spread the mask in a thick layer over your face and wait about half an hour. It is recommended to wash off the composition with micellar or mineral water without gas.

Rosemary oil for dry skin

  1. To fully tone and nourish the skin, regular cosmetic procedures. Fabrics in mandatory you need to get minerals and organic acids. Systematic use of the product will restore the skin to its former elasticity.
  2. Wash a medium sized cucumber and take half. Remove the skin and pass through a blender. Add 8 grams to the finished gruel. starch, add 15 ml. cream and 6 drops of rosemary ether. Before applying the mask, you need to steam your face with a herbal decoction.
  3. After the procedure, apply a thick layer ready-made mask. Go around the lips and skin around the eyes. Rest for 40 minutes. It is advisable to wash off the mass with a decoction based on plantain. Apply nourishing cream to your face.

Rosemary oil for acne

  1. To combat blackheads and frequent inflammation on the face, you should use home remedies. Systematic procedures will significantly improve the condition skin. There will be no problems with skin rashes in the future.
  2. Pass 15 g through a coffee grinder. rice to make flour. Add 8 drops of ether and a pinch of cinnamon to the powder. Stir. Steam your face with any in an accessible way. Massaging, apply the mask for 20 minutes. Wash your face with water and citrus juice.

Rosemary oil for rosacea

  1. A mask with rosemary ether will help to cope with white spots and redness (rosacea). Facial care for such a problem should be regular. Natural ingredients will fully strengthen blood vessels and eliminate the appearance of venous networks.
  2. Turn the ascorutin tablet into powder using any available method. Combine it with 7 gr. pink clay, 18 drops of almond oil and 7 drops of rosemary ether. Apply the product onto the skin using massaging movements. Wash your face with tea leaves after 10 minutes.

Rosemary oil is very popular in cosmetology. The ether is used not only for skin care, but also for hair. Oil has a number of healing qualities which allow you to delay the aging process. Use masks systematically to always look your best. The recipes are quite simple, and the cooking process can be done by anyone.

Video: rosemary essential oil

One of the popular essential oils is rosemary oil. Its application is quite wide. The main properties of rosemary oil are considered to have a tonic, strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect. It is an excellent antidepressant.

It is inhaled, rubbed into the skin, used in cosmetic masks, anti-cellulite wraps and relaxing baths. For some diseases it is taken orally. The aroma of rosemary essential oil is rich and fresh, herbaceous and minty with woody and balsamic notes.

Magical aroma

Aromatherapy lovers will love the effect that can be achieved using rosemary essential oil. Its use is indicated for inflammation respiratory tract. It softens cough and soothes.

It is indispensable for people mental work. Rosemary oil helps combat stress, relieves migraines, improves memory and concentration. By inhaling the vapors of this essential oil, you will feel cheerfulness and mental clarity. It relieves mental and muscle fatigue.

Strong – and this is also rosemary oil. The properties of awakening sensuality have been attributed to this fragrance since ancient times. Rosemary is believed to enhance the sensation and perception of intimacy, increasing the duration and frequency of erotic contact.

Rosemary aroma oil is combined with oils of geranium, all kinds of citrus fruits, and some others.

Taste it

Rosemary oil is also used internally. Its taste is spicy and hot, quickly warming. Yes, it is a panacea for gastrointestinal tract: relieves colic, improves general condition with an ulcer.

It has astringent and fastening properties and is used as anthelmintic. In consultation with your doctor, you can use the oil orally, 5 ml 2-3 times a day. Try taking it with honey or diluting it with warm water.

For migraines, in parallel with the use of oil in an aroma lamp, you can take rosemary oil orally. Five to six drops are dissolved in half a glass of water at room temperature and the product is drunk about an hour before each meal. The course is one and a half to two weeks.

Skin care and massage

Rosemary essential oil is used for the face and skin of the whole body. It stimulates the regeneration of skin cells, normalizes skin function sebaceous glands, nourishes and smoothes the skin. It is rubbed into the scars and age spots to make your skin smooth and clear. Lotions based on rosemary oil will help get rid of acne.

You can add a few drops of rosemary oil to your favorite face and body cream. Just make sure you don't have allergies first. When rosemary oil is applied externally, a slight burning sensation is noted for 3–5 minutes, this is quite normal phenomenon. But if discomfort do not go away, redness and itching appear, perhaps you cannot tolerate some component of the oil.

A bath with a few drops of rosemary oil or a massage with this oil will not only have a beneficial effect on the overall condition of the skin, but will also help with muscle pain. So, when stretching muscles, it is recommended to use the following mixture of oils for massage: sunflower + rosemary + + . Warm the mixture in your palms and rub into the affected area with gentle circular movements.

For beautiful and healthy hair

Rosemary oil is believed to have beneficial effects on scalp health. It also helps with excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands. It prevents hair loss and provokes active growth hair.

If you decide to try rosemary oil for hair, reviews advise doing it in combination with various other essential oils. For example, combine 20 ml and 10 ml of jojoba oil. To this base add 2 drops of rosemary oil and a drop of birch oil. The composition should be rubbed into the scalp, wrapped in film and left for an hour. Afterwards, rinse with warm water.

A simpler option is to add oils directly to the shampoo. For 100 ml of shampoo, take 6 drops of rosemary oil. And advice for those who don’t have time to prepare masks and shampoos - just apply rosemary oil to a comb and comb your hair carefully, slowly. Such procedures will make your hair thicker and more manageable. Online reviews say it's very good remedy, stimulating hair growth. Just don't use it too often; some people note that the scalp becomes excessively dry.

Not everyone can

In some cases, it is worth limiting and even eliminating the use of rosemary oil. Its use in large quantities may cause headaches and dizziness. Blood pressure may rise.

Rosemary oil should not be used for hypertension and epilepsy. Pregnant women and children under 6 years old should also not experiment with rosemary oil. This essential oil can also cause allergic reactions. Redness, burning and itching of the skin, coughing, and tearing may indicate that you have an individual intolerance to rosemary essential oil.


Rosemary officinalis is a well-known spice that is used in cooking to improve taste qualities various dishes. Also from of this plant essential oil is produced. It is widely used in cosmetology and folk medicine, since it has numerous useful qualities. The uses and properties of rosemary oil have been known since ancient times. This knowledge will still be useful today.

How to get this product

Rosemary essential oil is extracted from the young leaves, stems and flowers of this plant. After collecting the raw materials, they are subjected to certain processing. The essential extract itself is obtained in several ways: extraction using a solvent, pressing, and steam distillation.

Product production occurs according to one of the following schemes:

  1. The prepared raw materials are poured with boiling water. It must be completely submerged to release all the beneficial substances.
  2. Rosemary prepared in a special way is laid out on grates, after which hot steam is passed through it.
  3. Combine two production methods. Boiling water and steam are used simultaneously.

After processing the plant high temperatures a gaseous mixture is formed. It contains particles of essential oils that have numerous beneficial properties. To collect them, steam is moved to a special tank, where it is maintained low temperature. As a result, it turns into a liquid state.

After special distillation of the resulting substance, two products are formed - aromatic water and essential oil. Each of them has a certain value.

Useful properties

The properties and uses of rosemary essential oil are varied. This is due to its rich composition. The main medicinal components are pinene, camphor, limonene, vitamins A, C, PP and many others.

The main properties of rosemary essential oil include the following:

  • Has a positive effect on emotional state person. Helps improve intellectual abilities and get rid of shyness.
  • Given its analgesic properties, rosemary is effective for severe pain and spasms. At the same time, the plant does not have a sedative effect.
  • Helps with fatigue, muscle or joint pain. This is especially true after intense physical activity.
  • Useful for cholelithiasis.
  • Effective when available various diseases stomach, liver, cardiovascular system.
  • The beneficial properties of rosemary are also useful for women who suffer from irregular menstruation and other cycle disorders.
  • Stimulates the functioning of the nervous system. The main use of this plant is the treatment of local paralysis.
  • Characteristic plant extract implies that it is suitable for elimination inflammatory processes different localization.
  • Antiseptic and restorative properties make it possible to use this cosmetic product from scars, burns and other dermatological problems.

Other beneficial properties- lowering cholesterol levels and increasing bile secretion.

Contraindications for use

The medicinal properties and contraindications of rosemary oil should be carefully studied before using it. This remedy is not always useful for humans. The main contraindications for use of this product include:

  • The period of gestation. During pregnancy there is big risk development of an allergic reaction to the drug.
  • Children's age (under 6 years).
  • Epilepsy or other diseases with similar symptoms.
  • High blood pressure.
  • High skin sensitivity or tendency to allergies.

Directions for use

When using rosemary oil, you should not forget that this product will be beneficial if you follow simple rules:

  1. The essential extract is prohibited both during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. The product is intended for outdoor use. It is not advisable to use it internally.
  3. Rosemary extract is not recommended to be used undiluted. This may cause burns or lead to an allergic reaction.
  4. Avoid contact of oil with mucous membranes.
  5. The shelf life of this product is 1.5 years. After this period, its use is prohibited.
  6. Rosemary oil should be stored in a dark place at an air temperature of +2...+15 °C.
  7. It is best to buy plant extract at a pharmacy or certified store. This will allow you to avoid purchasing a fake.

Application for hair

The use of rosemary oil in cosmetology is very extensive. First of all, it is recommended to use it as a means for hair growth, combating hair loss and dandruff. Very hard to find similar product, which would also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp. It strengthens hair follicles, eliminates increased fat content by regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result of using the oil, the appearance hair. They acquire a healthy shine and silkiness.

Rosemary essential oil for hair (dry or oily) is mainly used in medicinal masks.. The most popular of them:

  1. In a 2:1 ratio it is necessary to combine oils from grape seeds and jojoba. Add to the finished mixture essential extracts. The hair mask with rosemary oil also contains birch, bay, and calamus oils. Considering them high concentration, each ingredient is added in an amount of 1-2 drops. The resulting product is thoroughly rubbed into the hair and scalp. This mask is kept for an hour. It is recommended to turn your head in a plastic bag or cling film to strengthen positive effect from the procedure.
  2. For those with dry hair, it is recommended to use a mask containing olive and rosemary oil (3:2). The resulting mixture should be distributed over the entire length of the hair. It needs to be kept for about an hour, after which you need to wash your hair with regular shampoo.
  3. If your hair is weak, you can use an egg-based mask. It will add shine, strengthen the roots and launch active growth. To prepare the mask, mix one egg, a teaspoon of honey and onion juice, 5 drops rosemary extract. She is kept on her head for an hour.

Application for skin

The uses of rosemary oil are varied. It is recommended to be used for the skin of the face and body, for acne and pimples, for stretch marks and cellulite. This is due to the fact that this product enhances local circulation, has restorative properties. If you regularly use rosemary essential oil on your face and body, you will notice that your skin will become pleasantly smooth and silky, and the number of wrinkles and other blemishes will be significantly reduced.

To achieve positive result It is recommended to use the following recipes:

Such simple recipes using rosemary oil will help in the fight against various cosmetic defects. It is also possible to use this product internally, but this can only happen under the supervision of a doctor and with strict indications.

What are the benefits and uses of rosemary essential oil? This is one of the most powerful tonic and stimulating agents plant origin. The drug is taken to restore physical, psychic powers and development of intellectual potential (memory, thinking).

In addition, it is a powerful regenerating, anti-aging drug that stimulates the growth of new cells. That's why it is so often used in cosmetology. The drug is classified as a top note oil, that is, it evaporates quickly and has an immediate, pronounced effect on the nervous system. You should not overdose it, otherwise it may cause side effects from the nervous system and digestion. According to its energetic characteristics, rosemary oil encourages active action, gives clarity of thinking, develops stress resistance and self-confidence in a person.

Features of the drug

Rosemary oil is a colorless, yellowish-tinged liquid. During storage it may darken and thicken, but it does not lose its medicinal properties. Different pungent odor camphor, hot-spicy taste.


To preserve the scent of rosemary and its beneficial properties, quick steam distillation of fresh branches, shoots with flowers, and leaves of the plant is required. Dry raw materials that are pre-soaked can also be used for production. The main regions where rosemary grows and the countries producing this product are France, Spain, Romania, Greece, Croatia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Portugal, Italy, Tunisia and others. “Champions” in production are Tunisia and Spain. After the first distillation, the highest quality oil is obtained; subsequent distillations produce a lower quality product.

Healing effect

What are the main beneficial properties of rosemary oil?

  • Stimulating.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • General strengthening.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Painkiller.
  • Antioxidant.
  • Immunostimulating.
  • Tonic.

There are also a number of other medicinal properties:

  • diaphoretic;
  • choleretic;
  • expectorant;
  • appetizing;
  • astringent.

The drug contains terpene alcohols:

  • borneol;
  • camphor;
  • camphene;
  • cineole;
  • verbenone;
  • pinenes;
  • dipentene;
  • myrcene.

These substances give rosemary essential oil medicinal properties and provide it wide application in traditional and alternative medicine, perfumery, cosmetology.

Application in medicine, cosmetology, cooking

How is rosemary oil used? For what symptoms and diagnoses is this remedy most effective?

  • Aromatherapy. Recommended for weakness, apathy, lethargy, intellectual, emotional stress, constant stress, physical activity, loss of strength. Aroma sessions improve memory, mental activity, fill with energy, encourage active image life. Acceptable standards for aroma lamp: from 3 to 6 drops. Sessions can also be taken for acute respiratory viral infections, colds, and headaches.
  • Massage . Used in medicinal purposes- for radiculitis, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, osteochondrosis. Add a few drops of rosemary to the base oil. Massage relieves muscle soreness pain syndrome. The product is also used in anti-cellulite massage, since it stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes well.
  • Application in cosmetology and perfumery. The product is added as a fragrance to cosmetics and perfumes. Useful for the skin of the face and the whole body, often used for hair loss. Rosemary essential oil is especially effective against acne and acne spots.
  • Baths and tubs. Main indications for procedures: constant lethargy, loss of strength, drowsiness, viral infections, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin inflammation, premenopausal period, PMS, cleansing the body of toxins. Baths are prescribed for swelling of the legs and excessive sweating. They add not only rosemary, but also oil tea tree, bath salt.
  • Rubbing and compresses. Rubbing is carried out to relieve muscle and joint pain. To do this, add 8 drops of oil for every 10 g of base (cream, balm, ointment). Compresses can be made for neuralgia, myositis, but they are also applied to wounds, burns, and inflamed areas of the skin. They are left for half an hour, adding 7-8 drops to the base. Compresses can be cold or hot.
  • Inhalation. Add 1-2 drops to the solution. They are beneficial for acute respiratory viral infections and colds; they are prescribed to soften coughs and discharge sputum. For asthma, use strictly according to the indications and recommendations of a doctor. It is also prohibited to perform inhalations on children without a pediatrician’s prescription. It is often recommended to add eucalyptus and mint to rosemary oil and breathe in their vapors.
  • Cooking. Most often, dry or fresh herbs are used as a spice for vegetable soups, salads, sauces, marinades, fish, meat, mushroom dishes, cheese. This seasoning is most popular in Mediterranean countries. Rosemary oil is also used in cooking. However, it is not added to pure form due to the high concentration of substances. It is most often mixed into vegetable oil, added to sauces. This seasoning is used in combination with thyme, basil, and sage. Most often, rosemary oil is added to poultry and fish dishes; this spice also enhances the taste of Italian pasta, pizza, and risotto.
  • Oral use. It is allowed to drink only in small doses and in dilution. Usually add 1 or 2 drops to tea, water, juice. Take no more than 2 times a day. Evening use is not recommended due to its high tonic effect. Prescribed as an expectorant for coughs. As a natural immunostimulant - to strengthen the immune system and restore strength after illness. The oil is also taken for drowsiness and lethargy, to stimulate the cardiovascular system, for hypotension, nervous exhaustion, diseases of blood vessels and muscles, digestive disorders. Meet positive reviews about the treatment of viral, fungal, bacterial infections. In addition, the product increases male potency, helps women with severe PMS, during the premenopausal period.

Read more about and its application in our other article.

What are the contraindications for rosemary oil? Do not use for hypertension, insomnia, increased nervous excitability, epilepsy, individual intolerance. Do not take during pregnancy, lactation, childhood. Possible allergic reaction for external use and oral administration. The concentration of terpene alcohols in the oil can cause the following side effects: hives, itching, swelling, kidney irritation, intestinal and stomach cramps.

The use of rosemary oil in cosmetology

What are the uses of rosemary essential oil in cosmetology? The product is widely used as a cosmetic raw material. It is added to creams, shampoos, gels, soaps, lotions, balms, masks.

Skin care

Face masks

Masks are made for different purposes: for acne, acne and to relieve inflammation, to tone and nourish, moisturize and firm the skin. In addition, you can enrich facial skin care products with oil - creams, tonics, lotions.

Mask recipe for oily skin type

  1. Take 2 drops of rosemary oil.
  2. Pour in 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tsp. mineral water.
  3. Add 1 tsp. blue cosmetic clay.
  4. Stir thoroughly.

The mask can be applied for 10 minutes, no more than 2 times a week. This product not only dries out the skin, but also helps get rid of acne and inflammation.

Mask recipe for dry skin type

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese.
  2. Add 2 drops of rosemary oil.
  3. Add 1 egg yolk.
  4. Stir thoroughly.

The mask can be applied for 15 minutes no more than 2 times a week. Also suitable for dry skin types is a mixture of rosemary and olive oil. You can add geranium oil, which eliminates flaking, relieves irritation and inflammation, and has rejuvenating properties.

It is also recommended to make mask-compresses to get rid of spots and scars after acne. In this case, prepare a mixture of tea tree and rosemary oils. The mixture is applied to a cotton pad, sealed with a band-aid and left for 2 hours.


  • an allergic reaction is possible during cosmetic procedures;
  • It is recommended to carry out the test on a small area of ​​skin;
  • if itching, urticaria, or swelling occurs, wash off the mask immediately;
  • the oil is not used in its pure form, as it can cause severe irritation skin.

Hair care

Rosemary essential oil for hair has been used since Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Why is rosemary oil so beneficial for hair?

  • Prevents dandruff.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduces their increased secretion.
  • Eliminates dullness and oily shine.
  • Rosemary is beneficial for hair growth.
  • Stimulates blood circulation, nourishes hair follicles, strengthens the roots.
  • Restores the structure of damaged hair after coloring, over-drying, perm.

How is it used?

  • This product can be used to enrich shampoo for daily use.
  • Mix with other essential oils.
  • Added to masks and rinses.

Hair masks

Masks can be rubbed into the hair roots and scalp. It is recommended to heat the oil before use, this enhances its properties. They are also applied along the entire length of the hair and left as a compress (from 20 minutes to 1 hour). As a base, you can take olive, castor, burdock, almond, peach, wheat germ, jojoba, and tea tree oils.

Strengthening hair mask with rosemary

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil.
  2. Add 1 egg yolk.
  3. Add 3 drops each of cedar and rosemary oil.
  4. Mix the ingredients.

mask massage movements rub into the scalp, the remaining mixture is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair. Leave for 30 minutes, rinse with regular shampoo.

Hair growth mask

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. green cosmetic clay.
  2. Dilute in warm water until a liquid paste forms.
  3. Add 2 drops of oil.
  4. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar.
  5. Mix.

The mask is applied to freshly washed hair. This is done with rubbing massage movements. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse hair thoroughly.

Mask for oily hair

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. almond oil.
  2. Add 4 drops of rosemary oil.
  3. Mix.

This mixture is rubbed into the scalp for 5 minutes, after which it is left for 40 minutes as a compress (under cellophane and a towel). After applying the mask, your hair should be thoroughly washed with shampoo.

Rosemary essential oil is classified as a stimulant, tonic, antispasmodic, antiseptic action. It is widely used in cosmetology, cooking, aromatherapy, medicinal and cosmetic massage. Also this effective remedy at viral infections, cough, eating disorders, loss of strength, physical and psycho-emotional overload.



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