“Patchouli oil - healing, magical and cosmetic recipes!” The magical properties of patchouli oil

  • Brand: AROMASHKA
  • Latin name: Pogostemon cablin
  • Retrieved from: leaves
  • Origin: Indonesia
  • Method of obtaining: steam distillation

A little history
The etymological roots of patchouli lie in the Hindi language: pachchai - “green”, ilai - “leaf”. It is a medium-sized tropical subshrub with serrated leaves and small white or pale lilac flowers.
Patchouli is considered to be native to Southeast Asia, but the use of the plant was not limited to this region.
Englishmen of the 19th century. Indian cashmere shawls with a unique patchouli aroma were highly valued, which became a hallmark of a truly “oriental” fabric.

In Japanese and Chinese traditional medicine (as well as in Malaysia and the Philippines), the plant was the main antiseptic, insecticide, and antispasmodic for abdominal pain. A decoction of patchouli leaves helped with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, colds and headaches. And also, as you know, patchouli oil has been pleasing both manufacturers and consumers of perfume products for a long time.

Applications and properties of patchouli essential oil
Patchouli essential oil is produced by distillation from all parts of the bush, but preferably - from young leaves. This is exactly the kind of oil we offer you on our website.

The oil turns out to be thick, dark yellow or orange in color, with a pungent aroma. At the same time, patchouli is one of the few esters that gain strength over time, like fine wine. The aroma becomes more delicate, but at the same time deeper and richer. Having lost the harsh, rough notes, it acquires some sweetness, spice, and woody balsamic quality. The rich musky aroma of patchouli cannot leave anyone indifferent. The color of the oil can change to dark brown, and the consistency can become even more viscous and thick.

For the beauty and durability of the aroma, patchouli is in great favor among perfumers. About a third of modern high-quality perfumes contain patchouli oil(and about half of all men's fragrances). It is also added to cosmetics, soaps, air fresheners, including as an odor fixer, and there is no synthetic product equal to patchouli.

Patchouli oil is also loved for its many other properties.

  • Antibacterial and antifungal. Scientists have proven the ability of patchouli essential oil to cope with bacteria and fungi. 20 out of 22 types of bacteria were suppressed during the experiment, all 12 out of 12 types of fungi failed against patchouli (S.Pattnaik, V.R.Subramanyam, C.Kole, India, 1996). Another experiment revealed the activity of patchouli oil against 17 types of pathogenic fungi and 16 types of symbiotic bacteria living on the skin, mucous membranes, nails, feet and armpits ( D.Yang, D.Michel, D.Mandin, H.Andriamboavonjy, P.Poitry, J.P.Chaumont, France, 1996).

    Use for foot and nail fungus locally, in its pure form. For facial skin and mucous membranes, dilution in a base oil or emulsion is required. Perfect for deodorizing the body, clothes and shoes.

  • Antidepressant and sedative. Traditional medicine has long used patchouli oil and the plant itself as a calming, anti-stress remedy. Some studies say that inhaling the scent of patchouli significantly reduces the activity of the sympathetic nervous system ( S.Haze, K.Sakai, Y.Gozu, Japan, 2002) and really reduces the feeling of anxiety, fear, i.e., patchouli has potential antidepressant properties (N.Manglani, V.S.Deshmukh, P.Kashyap, India, 2011).

    Use in aroma lamps, aroma pendants, baths, and body products.

  • Antioxidant. Some studies have shown that patchouli oil is effective in fighting free radicals, which cause all sorts of diseases. Patchouli thus prevents oxidation and premature aging of the body ( A. Wei, T. Shibamoto, USA, 2007).
    Use patchouli in your cosmetics (1.5% in emulsion and 2 - 3% in oil) and keep you young!
  • Insecticidal. Leaves, patchouli oil and their components and derivatives not only repel, but also kill some types of insect pests and are quite strong repellents against mosquitoes, ants and even termites.
    Use in an aroma lamp for your home and garden, create sprays for atomization (add to water, shake the bottle before each use, or use to completely dissolve the oil), apply to a cotton pad or place in your pockets (so as not to stain your clothes). The optimal combination is with essential oil, which is also an insecticide.
  • Immunomodulatory and antiviral. It has been revealed that patchouli alcohol activates the functions of the mononuclear phagocytic system, enhancing the body's humoral immune response and reducing cellular immunity. Thus, it represents a promising immunomodulatory agent (J.B.Liao, D.W.Wu, Sh.Zh.Peng et al., China, 2013).

    Also, during the experiments, the high activity of the component of patchouli, patchoulic alcohol, was established against one of influenza viruses. Depending on the dose of the drug, the number of cells affected by the virus was reduced by 75% at 2 μg/ml and by 89% at 10 μg/ml ( H.Kiyohara, C.Ichino, Y.Kawamura, T.Nagai and others, Japan, 2012).

    During the cold season or at the first weakness inhale with patchouli, take a bath(if not temperature). An aroma lamp and aroma pendant will serve as excellent prevention.

  • Painkiller. Patchouli can be effectively used as an analgesic, as evidenced not only by experience of use, but also by research conducted by scientists. In particular, the analgesic effect of patchouli has been confirmed ( T.C.Lu, J.C.Liao, T.H.Huang et al., Taiwan, 2011).
    Use patchouli oil in pain-relieving mixtures for muscle cramps, joint pain, and PMS pain.
  • Antiallergic. Along with the analgesic, a number of tests have also proven the antiallergic effect of patchouli essential oil: a pronounced suppression of passive cutaneous anaphylaxis and delayed allergic reactions ( J.J.He, H.M.Chen, C.W.Li, D.W.Wu et al., China, 2013).

    This property will not leave you indifferent people with sensitive and allergic skin. It is preferable to include in light emulsions to relieve inflammation and itching.

  • Anti-inflammatory . Modern research also confirms that patchouli has anti-inflammatory effects, as demonstrated in a research study for the treatment of septic shock ( Y.C.Li, Y.F.Xian, Z.R.Su et al., China, 2014; T.C.Lu, J.C.Liao, T.H.Huang et al., Taiwan, 2011).
  • Antiemetic. As has long been known in Eastern folk medicine, patchouli oil can be used as a remedy for nausea and vomiting. This effect is proven by experiments with pets ( Y.Yang, K.Khinoshita, K.Koyama, K.Takahashi et al., Japan, 1999).

    Cold inhalation from a bottle, the use of an aromatic salt or a concentrated aroma mixture at a point is what will help you when motion sickness occurs in transport.

  • Wound healing. Patchouli oil, like other essential oils, has proven effective in treating abrasions, wounds, ulcers, and bedsores. About 100 people, patients in nursing homes and the disabled, participated in the experiment over three years. 12% oil concentration helped accelerate wound healing, suppressing infections and unpleasant odor (J. Kerr, Australia, 2002).
    Before applying to the wound, the oil must be diluted in a carrier oil.

In addition to all of the above, patchouli oil solves such gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea and constipation. That is, it normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. Moreover, in the second case, according to experimental studies, inhalations with patchouli oil are sufficient ( N.Mikuriya, Y.Kim, K.Fujimura, Japan, 2004). Alternatively, it can be used in massage mixtures for the abdomen.

Essential oil is also used in aromatherapy for insomnia, to improve concentration and mental abilities. Experiments have shown that an inhaled mixture of patchouli, orange, ylang-ylang, rosemary, mint, basil, geranium, bergamot, rosewood, chamomile and jasmine oils helps improve the condition of patients with severe brain disorders.
Inhaling the scent of patchouli lowers blood pressure and brain frequency, slows heart rate, reduces overall stress levels. And this, in turn, has a positive effect on a person’s sexual function, solving the problems of impotence and frigidity, which are products of mental disorders. Patchouli essential oil is recognized aphrodisiac .

Composition of patchouli essential oil
Sesquiterpenes: E-caryophyllene+guayene 19.2%, alpha-bulnesene 18.8%, Seychellene+patchoulene 13.7%, beta-patchoulene 2.6%
Sesquiterpene alcohols: patchulol 31.1%, pogostol 2%
Monoterpenes: beta-pinene 0.2%, alpha-pinene 0.1%

The use of patchouli essential oil in cosmetology
Patchouli oil has astringent and tonic properties, preventing skin sagging and muscle relaxation, which makes it indispensable in anti-aging cosmetics.
As a cosmetic product, patchouli oil has also proven itself in acne treatment and many other skin problems, because... it has regenerating, anti-inflammatory and tonic properties, regulates sebum production.
Applicable in hair masks, prevents hair loss. Relieves dandruff.
In mouth rinses strengthens gums.

Patchouli essential oil, like any other oil, requires a sensitivity test.

Please note, that all tips, recommendations and recipes on our website can ONLY be applied to oils from our range. The component composition of each Aromashka essential oil has been tested by us with the help of the French Laboratory Rosier Davenne and meets the highest international standards and requirements.

Specialists with the appropriate knowledge can always check the compliance of each component of essential oils with the required standards using chromatographic analysis data (chromatogram).

Chromatograms are available at all Aromashka offices and representative offices upon prior request. Documents are not sent by mail.

We are not responsible for oils from other companies and will not be able to answer you if difficulties arise.

All information provided on the site is for reference only and should not be considered a treatment guide or call to action. For any health problems or diseases, you should consult a doctor and perceive aromatherapy as additional help for the body. In this case, consultation with an aromatherapist is mandatory.

Made in Southeast Asia and then in South America, patchouli oil is now widely used in medicine and cosmetology. It is actively extracted by steam distillation of the leaves and inflorescences of the plant. The result is a liquid, viscous substance, the color of which can vary from yellow-green to dark orange. At first, the sharp, tart aroma of patchouli evokes associations with Indian spices, but later the smell acquires soft shades, and the longer the oil is aged, the more pleasant its aroma becomes. The benefits of this product for beauty and health are so great that this ether quickly becomes an indispensable tool in the home medicine cabinet.

The beneficial properties of patchouli oil have been known since ancient times. Thanks to its rich phytocomposition, this ether perfectly helps to cope with many ailments, restores youthful skin and gives clarity to the mind.

The oil contains the following chemical compounds:

  • patchoulol (patchouli alcohol), alpha-patchoulene, alpha-guayan and bulnesen; they give the ether a spicy, warm, harmonious aroma; patchulol has antiseptic and antifungal properties;
  • sesquiterpenes are fragrant substances, in perfumery they are used to fix aroma, and are also used as anthelmintics.

Patchouli oil is classified as essential oil, which means that the high concentration of components in one drop does not allow it to be used in its pure form.

Video: benefits of patchouli essential oil

Due to its therapeutic properties, patchouli oil is used in cosmetology and medicine. The impact of ether on the human body is manifested in the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antifungal; helps get rid of fungal nail diseases, herpes and lichen;
  • antiseptic, can be used in the treatment of wounds;
  • tonic; perfectly tightens the skin and evens out its tone;
  • calming; the aroma of the plant has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, removing a person from a state of stress and depression;
  • antipyretic;
  • diuretic, removes excess fluid from the body and relieves swelling;
  • stimulating, improves male potency, acts as an aphrodisiac on women;
  • insecticidal, the aroma causes insects to leave the room in which they live;
  • improving memory and concentration;
  • fighting colds; inhalation of ether vapor quickly relieves a runny nose, cough and sore throat;
  • improvement of metabolism.

Patchouli oil is an excellent remedy for potency

Male strength is valued at any age. It affects a man’s quality of life and is a guarantee of health, good mood, and attractiveness in the eyes of ladies. But it happens that for some reason a representative of the stronger sex cannot lead a normal sex life. Erectile dysfunction, neurosis with subsequent loss of libido, or impotence acquired as a result of illness - all this can cause serious psychological problems and frequent family quarrels. The use of patchouli oil, a natural aphrodisiac, will help prevent such consequences.

An essential extract from patchouli is considered a male prohormonal oil. This does not mean that it is not intended for women, but for a man’s body such oil will be much more useful and effective.

The bioenergetic effect of patchouli ether on the male sexual chakra is manifested in the awakening of the erotic principle and stimulation of sexual arousal. This method has long been used in Ayurveda and is used in tantric sex practices. The alluring aroma of the plant affects the psychological state of a man; the production of testosterone and estrogen, which are responsible for libido levels, is normalized.

Bath recipe to improve male potency using patchouli oil

  1. Add 6 drops of essential oil to 300–400 grams of sea salt.
  2. Pour into a bathtub filled with water.
  3. Relax and take a bath for 20 minutes.

The procedure is carried out every day before bedtime. After just three baths you will notice an increase in libido.

Erotic massage with patchouli oil

An erotic massage with patchouli oil will help you get in the right mood and increase your excitement. Add to 3 tbsp. l. any fatty cream or cosmetic oil 3 drops of patchouli ether. Rub the mixture into your palms and gently massage the man’s body, paying special attention to the neck, chest, buttocks and thighs. It is enough to perform a massage for 10 minutes.

Patchouli essential oil for women's health

Lack of sexual desire in women is a fairly common problem in modern society. Statistics show that every third woman at least once in her life has encountered a complete lack of libido and the inability to achieve orgasm. And even though this does not affect a young lady’s psyche as much as it does a man’s, the presence of these problems still prevents her from leading a full life. Obtaining sexual satisfaction is important for a woman’s health, beauty and youth, but without proper libido strength it will not be possible to achieve orgasm. That is why some doctors recommend that the fair sex use patchouli essential oil to increase libido.

Erotic massage, a bath with the addition of patchouli extract and rubbing an oil mixture into the lower abdomen - all these procedures will help restore a woman’s libido. The aroma of the oil will awaken sensuality and sexual desire.

Aromatherapy with patchouli oil

Scientists have long proven that many neurological, mental, digestive and hormonal processes are associated with the sense of smell. This is why aromatherapy is so widely used in Eastern medicine. Today this practice has become widespread in everyday life. Essential oils, incense sticks and candles can be easily purchased at any pharmacy or specialty stores.

Patchouli oil has an aroma that suits everyone. It either immediately captivates with its smell, or disgusts, but certainly does not leave anyone indifferent. Those who prefer oriental exoticism, heavy woody and earthy notes will like it. Patchouli is often the main component of men's perfume.

Aromatherapy with patchouli oil will help eliminate anxiety, stress and depression, and restore good mood. The smell of this plant invigorates, gives strength and determination. At the same time, it is useful to inhale ether vapors before going to bed; this will relieve insomnia and put you in a calm mood. Aromatherapy is another effective way to awaken sensuality and increase libido. If the date is at home, aromatizing the room with patchouli oil will help put yourself and your partner in the right mood.

Aromatherapy options:

  • aroma pendant - add 2-3 drops of the extract inside the pendant and wear it on you throughout the day;
  • aroma combing - apply 6 drops of oil to a wooden comb and comb hair for 5–6 minutes;
  • aroma lamp - add ether to the water poured into the aroma lamp at the rate of 3 drops per 15 square meters. m. premises; You can repeat the procedure every day;
  • spraying - add 400 ml of water with 3 drops of ethereal extract dissolved in it into a spray bottle;
  • aromatic evaporation - add 1-2 drops of oil to a small saucer filled with water, place the container on the windowsill or in any convenient place, the evaporation will saturate the air with the aroma of patchouli.

The simplest method of aromatherapy is as follows: apply 1-2 drops of essential oil to a handkerchief or piece of cloth and inhale the oil vapor for several minutes until a feeling of cheerfulness appears when you are depressed or until you feel calm when you are nervous.

Patchouli oil not only helps in eliminating ailments, but also successfully fights moths, flies, mosquitoes and bedbugs. To do this, just add 4 drops of ether to 500 ml of water, pour the liquid into a container with a spray bottle and spray it in a room or car once every 2 days.

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that the scent of patchouli attracts good luck and financial well-being. If previously it was enough to keep the dried stems of this plant at home, today the method of attracting wealth has changed a little. Lubricate the inside of the wallet with oil (2-3 drops) or carefully apply the ether to a credit card. It is believed that the smell of patchouli will soon attract money, valuable finds and winnings to the owner of these things.

All methods of aromatherapy with patchouli essential oil show their effectiveness after the first use.

The use of patchouli oil in cosmetology

Essential oils are widely used in cosmetology. They are actively added to caring creams, serums, shampoos and other skin and hair care products. Cosmetic preparations enriched with esters can be made independently.

Lifting with patchouli ether

Patchouli oil is an effective natural product that combats aging skin. It has a tightening effect, so at the first sign of sagging skin on the face and body, you should massage it.

  1. Add 2 drops of patchouli ether to your favorite cream or base oil (2 tablespoons of base).
  2. Gently massage the muscles for 5–7 minutes, gently tapping the skin with the back of your hand. Pay special attention to the contour of the face and neck.
  3. Allow the oil to absorb, then blot off the remaining residue with a soft cloth.

The lifting effect will be achieved after 3–4 procedures.

Thanks to the firming properties of the ether, a massage with patchouli oil will help lift sagging breasts.

Patchouli oil in the fight against wrinkles

The fight against wrinkles is a priority in cosmetology for women aged 30+. Crow's feet near the outer corners of the eyes and the resulting nasolabial folds are often the target of careful treatment with creams and anti-aging capsules. However, the effect of these drugs is not always permanent, and after stopping their use the problem often returns. Of course, it will not be possible to get rid of wrinkles forever; humanity has not yet learned to defeat the natural aging process, and this is not necessary, because any age is beautiful in its own way. However, it is always possible to restore a youthful appearance. Patchouli essential oil will help women with this.

Massage with patchouli oil is performed as follows:

  1. To 2 tbsp. l. Jojoba oil add 3 drops of patchouli extract.
  2. Apply the composition to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté and massage over problem areas for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Blot the remaining oil with a napkin.

After 2 procedures, wrinkles will visually become smaller, the skin will be more toned, and the facial contour will be more pronounced. You can make this mask once a day, preferably before bed.

You can also use patchouli oil as an enriching component for your favorite anti-wrinkle cream. To do this, just add 1 drop of the extract to the amount of cosmetic product that you use at a time.

Patchouli oil for oily skin

Oily skin causes a lot of trouble. Often it looks unsightly; due to excess sebum, pores become clogged, resulting in acne. Fighting oily skin is difficult, but possible.

Care for oily skin with patchouli oil:

  1. To 1 tbsp. l. base oil add 2 drops of patchouli oil and 1 drop of peppermint extract.
  2. Gently rub the resulting mixture into your face using your fingertips. Pay special attention to areas with enlarged pores.
  3. Remove residues with a soft cloth.

The procedure must be carried out every day. After the third use, you will notice that your skin tone has evened out and your skin's oiliness has decreased significantly. The face will take on a healthier, more vibrant appearance.

Patchouli ether for dry skin

Patchouli oil helps combat flaking and irritation of dry skin. To do this, to 2 tbsp. l. base oil, glycerin or 10 ml of cream, add 2 drops of patchouli ether. Rub the mixture into your face using patting movements of your fingers.

This procedure can be done daily. The result will not take long to arrive.

How to use patchouli oil for problem skin

Patchouli extract has a good antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to this, it can be used in the fight against pimples, blackheads and acne. To do this, use a cotton swab, previously soaked in oil, to apply it pointwise to problem areas. To avoid burns, you need to ensure that the concentrated ether does not come into contact with healthy skin.

  1. Add 2 drops each of patchouli and peppermint oils to 200 ml of water.
  2. Pour the mixture into special ice molds and leave in the freezer.
  3. Rub with ice cubes every morning and evening, avoiding the areas around the eyes.

Cold temperatures will help increase the tone of skin blood vessels. After several procedures, the complexion will improve, the contours will be tightened, the coveted blush will appear, the pores will narrow, and there will be much less inflammation.

How to Enlarge Lips with Patchouli Essential Oil

Sensual lips always look beautiful and seductive. If nature has not given you plump lips, and you have no desire to increase them with Botox injections, you can turn to natural remedies. Due to the high concentration of phytocomponents, the oil will promote natural skin irritation. This will cause increased blood flow, and the lips will noticeably increase in size. It is important not to overdo it; just two drops of ether added to 1 tsp are enough. base oil.

Due to its antifungal properties, patchouli oil effectively eliminates herpes. To do this, you need to precisely apply the essential concentrate to the fungus-affected area on your lip 2 times a day. After 2 days the inflammation will disappear.

Losing weight with patchouli essential oil

The versatility of the effects of patchouli oil on the body is also manifested in its ability to remove excess weight. Options for using ether for weight loss:

  • aromatherapy - inhaling vapor stabilizes the secretion of gastric juice, due to which a quick feeling of satiety occurs, so you can force yourself to skip an extra meal, but you must remember that you cannot completely refuse food, it is advisable to adjust the diet by adding more fiber and Omega -3, and under no circumstances overeat;
  • baths with the addition of 6 drops of ether will help remove excess fluid from the body, this leads to weight loss;
  • massage with patchouli oil removes toxins and affects the restoration of metabolism, in the same way they fight cellulite;
  • wrapping with cling film - you need to mix 5 tbsp. l. base oil and 4-5 drops of patchouli and ylang-ylang oils, massage the mixture onto problem areas of the body, then wrap them in cling film and leave for 20 minutes; gradually fat accumulations will disappear;
  • tea with essential oil - dissolve 1-2 drops of patchouli extract in 1 cup of tea, drink no more than once a day.

All these techniques will be really effective if you remember to do them daily.

Contraindications to the use of patchouli oil

In order for patchouli oil to bring real benefits to your body, you should first make sure whether you can switch to using it without harm to your health. Contraindications to the use of ether:

  • I and III trimesters of pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • children under 6 years of age;
  • gastritis and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum (if you plan to use the oil internally);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • increased skin sensitivity.

The main sign that you should not use oil is individual intolerance. To check for an allergic reaction in 1 tsp. any oil (even sunflower oil will do) dissolve 1 tsp. patchouli ether. Apply the liquid to your wrist. If no redness, itching, peeling or swelling appears within 1-2 hours, you can safely start using the oil.

Side effects of essential oil

If the dosage is not observed and contraindications are ignored, side effects may occur. Patchouli essential oil can cause burning, redness of the skin and even burns. In this case, the damaged areas should be washed with water, after which it is advisable to consult a doctor. It is important to prevent concentrated oil from getting into your eyes and mucous membranes.

Before using patchouli essential oil, it is advisable to consult a specialist.


What is patchouli

What is patchouli essential oil, the properties and uses of this oil, as well as what medicinal properties does it have and what exactly is patchouli oil useful for human health? These questions often arise among those who care about their health and show interest in traditional methods of treatment, in particular treatment with essential oils. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

Patchouli, or Indian patchouli (Pogóstemon cáblin) is a species of tropical shrubby plant from the genus Pogostemon of the Lamiaceae family.

Perennial herbaceous shrub. The average height and diameter of the bush is 70-100 cm; in cultivation it can be larger. The roots are branched and fibrous. The stem is hard and hairy.

The leaves are opposite, broadly ovate, strongly toothed or pinnate, with a pleasant strong odor.

The flowers are white or pale lilac, with purple specks, collected in brushes, in whorls of 10-15 pieces. Corolla diameter 8.5-10 mm. The fruits are nuts.

Under the name patchouli, the plant is widely used in the perfume industry due to the high content of volatile aromatic substances released in the form of essential oil (patchouli oil).


The patchouli plant itself is a perennial subshrub native to the Philippine Islands. Patchouli grows no more than 90 cm in height, with long drooping leaves and white-lilac flowers. Patchouli is a rather fastidious plant and needs fertile soil, which it quickly depletes.

The name of the patchouli plant comes from the Hindi language, and the oil was first used in India, where it was used for medicinal purposes, and later it began to be used in perfumery. From time immemorial, patchouli oil has been an indispensable antidote to insect bites and even poisonous snakes.

Patchouli aromatic oil is obtained precisely from the young leaves of the bush, although they themselves have no odor; they are pre-dried and treated for a long time using superheated steam. The consistency of the oil is heavy and dense, mustard-greenish in color, it can be difficult to remove from the bottle, so it is recommended to warm the container with the warmth of your hands or in warm water.

The main producers of this essential oil are India, Indonesia, Malaysia and China.

Properties of patchouli essential oil

Patchouli essential oil has a general strengthening effect on the human body, it coordinates self-regulation processes, and also regulates the activity of the nervous system, and also has a fairly strong antidepressant effect. In alternative medicine, patchouli essential oil is used as an antiviral agent recommended for the flu, as well as shingles and herpes.

By using patchouli essential oil rectally, you can eliminate the inflammatory processes of hemorrhoids. It is indicated for cystitis and urethritis, and also has a mild diuretic and decongestant effect.

Patchouli essential oil prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the genital area. This is why patchouli oil is often included in intimate hygiene products.

Patchouli essential oil, being a strong erotic stimulant, makes libido stronger and sexual relationships more open and harmonious. By enhancing potency, patchouli helps renew relationships and also rejuvenates the body's endocrine system.

By actively influencing the emotional, physical and mental state of a person, patchouli oil helps to find a way out of even the most difficult situation that requires increased concentration and attraction of intuition.

Back in the Victorian era, dried leaves of the patchouli bush were used, which were laid out in the folds of the famous cashmere shawls to protect them from moths. In India, dry patchouli sachets are still a popular means of scenting laundry. Patchouli essential oil has long been used by perfumers to create oriental-type fragrances.

As a member of the class of aromatic adaptogens, patchouli is considered an aphrodisiac. Its aroma can be called nightly and alluring due to its tart, warm and resinous notes.


Before starting use, be sure to check the essential oil for individual tolerance.

Patchouli essential oil is contraindicated during pregnancy, gastritis and gastric ulcer (in this case, it can only be used externally).

It is believed that this aroma is complex and you need to approach it very carefully. Maybe you should start by using patchouli as a wardrobe product and then this light and magical aroma will unobtrusively reveal its mysterious facets. In addition, insects (moths and their larvae) will not like such a neighborhood.

Patchouli essential oil for skin and face

In cosmetology, the properties of patchouli essential oil are used to nourish, smooth, rejuvenate and refresh the skin. It is especially suitable for dry skin prone to aging. Patchouli essential oil also relieves irritation and flaking of problem skin.

By helping to quickly heal cracks in the skin, patchouli essential oil promotes complete tissue regeneration and provides a lasting effect for allergic dermatitis and eczema.

Patchouli essential oil is actively used to achieve a lifting effect and to give the skin elasticity. It has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect.

The ways to use patchouli essential oil are quite varied. These are aromatic medallions and aromatic incense, it is used for taking aromatic baths, enriching various cosmetics (shampoos, creams, ointments, lotions, etc.), for massage products, douching, microenemas, as well as internal use and aromatization of wine and tea (in dry).

If you experience problems with your facial skin, and not only that, you can use patchouli oil by adding a few drops to your favorite cream. As a result, you will get a beautiful complexion, inflammation on the skin will disappear, wrinkles will become less noticeable, and the skin will be smoother. The properties of patchouli oil are such that it is suitable for any skin type. In addition, patchouli has a strong antiseptic effect, so it is still used in alternative medicine to combat skin irritations, as well as for faster healing of cuts and abrasions. In addition, you can make steam baths by adding patchouli oil.

Cream for dry and tired skin

You can use your regular cream as a base, but ideally it is better to use transport oil. With any choice, to 10 mg of base you need to add 2 drops of ylang-ylang patchouli essential oils and 1 drop of grapefruit oil.

Face mask

You can use avocado or almond oil as a base, to which you need to add 2 drops of patchouli and leuzea essential oils and 4 drops of chamomile oil. Dosages are given for 10 ml of base.

Steam bath for facial skin

Add 1 drop each of patchouli, leuzea and neroli oils to half a liter of water.

Erotic fragrances

To make them, you need to take 10 drops of an odorless oil base, to which you need to add:

1 drop each of patchouli and ylang-ylang oils, 2 drops of cedar oil and 3 drops of sandalwood oil;

3 drops each of patchouli, ginger and bergamot oils, as well as 2 drops of cinnamon oil;

1 drop of patchouli oil, 2 drops of sandalwood and palmarosa essential oils, 3 drops of ylang-ylang oil.

Plunging into the world of the fabulous aroma of patchouli, you will get a complete feeling of love, kindness and well-being.

Patchouli essential oil for hair

Patchouli oil for hair is an ideal additional hair care product. It is enough to regularly add it to your shampoo when washing your hair, and after a fairly short period of time you will notice that it begins to grow faster, look better and no longer electrified. In addition, thanks to its use, hair roots are strengthened.

But this is not all the benefits of using this oil, because it is also famous for its effectiveness in the fight against hair loss and dandruff. All you need is to regularly massage your head with it. Hair masks are also made with this oil. The use of this essential oil will help create optimal conditions for hair growth, help get rid of various scalp problems and prevent the development of infectious or fungal diseases.

Natural plant extracts help beauties to avoid photoaging of the skin, eliminate its withering, excessive dryness, oiliness, inflammation and acne on the face. For lovers of luxury products filled with aromatic notes and many nutritional components, patchouli essential oil is suitable. In addition, the article will reveal the secret of how you can use patchouli oil to attract money, and not just youth.

Composition of aroma ester

Patchouli essential oil is obtained from Pogostemon patchouly, or rather its young leaves. The plant grows in warm regions with high humidity (Seychelles, Philippine Islands). It is not surprising that Asian women were the first to use patchouli oil.

Externally, the miraculous nectar resembles avocado oil. It is a thick, greenish liquid with a slightly viscous consistency and a pleasant aroma.

Patchouli essential oil is used not only in cosmetology, but also in aromatherapy. Light, spicy notes, special warmth and comfort in the smell calm the nerves and transport you to the world of fairy-tale magic.

Among the multifaceted composition, rich in essential components, the following stand out:

  • Patchoulol or patchouli alcohol is the basis of the product (it takes up about half of the total composition of the oil). It provides the anti-inflammatory properties of the extract;
  • Benzaldehyde is the fountain of youth. It activates cell regeneration, ensures rapid tissue renewal and guarantees a rejuvenating effect on the face;
  • Eugenol is a natural antiseptic and bacteria fighter. This aromatic component not only blocks the action of foreign organisms (bacteria, viruses), but also relieves pain symptoms.

These are not all the components of the fragrant ether. There are others - alcohols, phenols, arenes, organic acids, sulfides, which have a healing effect on the skin.

Benefits for the skin

Natural patchouli oil for skin is nutrition, protection, care, treatment and rejuvenation. Let's take a closer look at the magical properties of this valuable extract:

  • Bactericidal, antiseptic - allows you to speed up the healing of wounds, eliminate rashes and cure acne and ulcers on the face. After a course of treatment, the skin becomes clean and healthy;
  • Regenerating – restores the natural smoothness of the skin, eliminates wrinkles, promotes rapid healing of wounds without residual marks or scars. The product actively fights age-related changes in the epidermis, improves tone and tightens contours. The face is noticeably transformed, “getting younger before our eyes”;
  • Moisturizing and nourishing – replenishes the lack of nutrients and moisture. Softness, elasticity, healthy skin tone after regular use of plant essential oils in express face masks are guaranteed;
  • Toning – normalizes metabolism and secretion of sebaceous glands. This is important for oily skin. This valuable product eliminates greasy shine and gives a healthy, even tone;
  • Anti-inflammatory – soothes the skin, eliminates irritation and redness on the face. In addition, the product gets rid of acne, normalizes metabolic processes, reduces the degree of irritability and problematic teenage skin;
  • Medicinal – the oil dries out eczema, helps in the treatment of dermatitis, skin infections, and relieves puffiness in the eye area in the morning.

Patchouli oil in home cosmetology is known for its noticeable lifting effect. Add the elixir to base oil for self-massage of the face and body - a stunning effect is guaranteed. This property of the extract is also used to restore breast elasticity after childbirth, combat cellulite and stretch marks.

Application in home cosmetology

Patchouli oil is an effective and well-known product in many fields (in cosmetology, medicine, dermatology), its use will bring true pleasure and help heal the skin. Let's take a closer look at the features and methods of action of the essential facial product:

  • Healing bath procedures - to stabilize the functioning of epidermal cells, replenish lost strength, stimulate blood circulation and generally relax the nervous system, it is recommended to use an aromatic bath with the ether of this plant. Add 4-5 drops of citrus extract, pine squeeze and patchouli essential oil to a hot bath. Take a bath for 20 minutes. After the procedure, it is ideal to do a light acupressure;
  • Face masks with aromatic extract - simple but effective compositions containing patchouli oil can soothe the skin, eliminate dryness and excess oily shine and smooth out wrinkles. In addition, it is possible to create separate means of targeted therapeutic action. Pimples, acne, inflammation and dermatitis will disappear instantly;
  • Massage is the second most important factor in quick and painless rejuvenation and skin tightening. Add fragrant oil to a massage product or mix with a base oil extract to enhance the effectiveness of your sessions. Read more about the secrets of using cosmetic essential products;
  • To enrich your skin care cosmetics, add just 1-2 drops of aromatic ether to your main face cream to increase its effectiveness and healing properties. The main thing is not to overdo it, patchouli extract is famous for the high activity of its constituent components;
  • Aromatherapy - the spicy aroma of the product promotes complete relaxation, gives free rein to creative impulses and flights of fancy.

Patchouli oil for the face has several main contraindications for use: pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitive skin and an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

Effective recipes for facial beauty

Special masks will help you fully appreciate the power of the nutritional components of the extract. They express the maximum effectiveness of the drug, and a quick and high-quality effect on problem areas is guaranteed.

Cleansing mask

You can perform a light but productive peeling of the facial surface with the following oil mixture:

  • 1 drop of plant extract;
  • 10 drops sesame oil.

Using massaging movements, distribute the mixture onto the surface. Pay special attention to scars, wrinkles and favorite acne spots. After 2 weeks of regular use, there will be no trace of rash left.

Moisturizing mask

A light mask made from the following cosmetic products can moisturize the skin and at the same time tighten the drooping corners of the mouth and eyes:

  • 1 drop of patchouli ether;
  • 20 drops of olive oil.

Apply the oil mixture to the steamed skin, cleaned of dirt and residual fatty secretions. The mask lasts for half an hour. During this time, you can perform a small self-massage of the face. At the end of the procedure, remove any remaining product with clean water. You need to perform such a mask 1-2 times a week and after a month the result will pleasantly surprise you: the oval of your face will become clear and toned.

Rejuvenating mask

Only a nourishing mask filled with highly effective ingredients can transform mature skin. After 15 minutes of the procedure, you will feel incredible lightness, tone and a surge of energy. To prepare this composition you will need:

  • 2 drops of aromatic ether;
  • 10 ml avocado oil;
  • 2 drops of Leuzea extract;
  • 4 drops of chamomile oil tincture.

Apply a mixture of cosmetic oils in an even layer to the epidermis. Complete the procedure with light pressure on acupuncture points on the face. This will activate internal processes, accelerate blood flow and transport of nutritional components deep into the integument, and accordingly, the effectiveness of the product will increase. After 15 minutes, pat your face dry with a paper towel.

Please note that patchouli oil is famous for its highly active components, which can cause a negative reaction in case of an overdose. Therefore, it is important not only to comply with recipe standards, but also to take seriously the slightest sensation of discomfort or itching during a cosmetic procedure.

Anti-aging cream

An excellent addition to a nourishing express mask for mature skin is a natural anti-aging cream prepared at home. For it you will need:

  • 10 ml baby cream for foundation;
  • 2 drops of aromatic patchouli elixir;
  • 2 drops grapefruit oil;
  • 2 drops of ylang-ylang ether.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Excellent skin rejuvenation cream is ready to use. Use it as your main skincare product every day.

Use patchouli oil in combination with cosmetics and daily skin care products. 1-2 drops of this miraculous elixir can complement any composition and add healing properties.

The uniqueness of the drug does not end there; you can use aromatic patchouli oil to attract money. How this works, read in the next section.

Richness with patchouli essential oil

Patchouli oil for attracting money is another secret of a wonderful remedy. For skeptics, this use is not suitable, but for those who have not yet lost faith in magic, the power of thought and the materialization of desires, this is it.

It's time to reveal the secrets of establishing financial well-being with the help of a fragrant product:

  1. Patchouli oil does not require complex manipulations to attract money and wealth. It is enough to lubricate your wallet and objects that accompany you in your line of work with a special oil composition (for example, pens for writing, a computer, or even your favorite jewelry). To prepare the miraculous mixture you will need: 7 drops of spicy oil, 5 drops of cedar marc, 2 drops of nutmeg oil composition, 1 drop of cinnamon ether.
  2. You can use the magic money mixture to prepare a relaxing bath.
  3. Place a piece of “financial well-being” in your favorite locket so that it constantly smells fragrant and sets you up for immediate wealth.
  4. And finally, the mystical use of the remedy. To attract money, combine cedar extract and patchouli oil in a ratio of 5:7. Treat a green candle with the resulting composition or drop a little mixture into an aroma lamp. Set fire to the oily liquid before moonrise on the sixth day of the lunar calendar.

Attention! You cannot apply the miraculous “financial” remedy with your fingers, only with a cotton swab or ear swab.


Today we are talking about the properties of the amazing patchouli essential oil, whose history of use in medicine, cosmetology and even magic has acquired both a lot of facts and a lot of legends.

It was used to treat fabrics in ancient India, added to perfumes at Napoleon's court, used ether to treat diseases, and it was believed that patchouli was a strong antidote to snake bites.

Is this oil really so unique and endowed with special properties?

History of discovery and brief characteristics of patchouli ether

Initially, patchouli oil was widely used in ancient India as an antidote to snake bites and poisonous insects.

The oil of the tropical patchouli bush became famous and widely used in the Middle Ages.

Later, during the time of Napoleon, when the plague was raging in France, not a single self-respecting lady left the house without first placing a few leaves of this plant under her shawl.

They provided the owner with a pleasant aroma, protection from unpleasant odors, and also repelled insects.

Since then, this particular smell has been associated with youth and beauty, which is why the aroma of patchouli is widely used in perfumery.

Oddly enough, in the next century, the fashion for a strange but pleasant smell passed, and its use even became a bad taste.

Elsa Schiaparelli, a fashion designer who stood at the origins of high fashion, managed to return patchouli to its former pedestal.

In 1937, she decided to add a touch of fragrance to her new perfume, which subsequently captivated the whole world.

patchouli plant

What is patchouli?

Patchouli is a low shrub whose natural habitat is the expanses of the Philippine Islands, India and Malaysia.

Today it is grown far beyond their borders: in Burma, Sumatra, Paraguay and China.

The color of essential oil can vary, mainly reddish-green and dark brown.

But the consistency is always the same: the oil is viscous and viscous.

Its smell remains unchanged. The young oil gives off a warm, pungent note, vaguely reminiscent of the aroma of a forest after rain, trees and damp earth.

Over time, a subtle, sweet, noble scent appears.

The oil has a unique smell

How is patchouli oil obtained?

To extract the valuable extract, the leaves of the bush are dried naturally and then treated with steam.

The ester contains patchoulol, that is, patchouli alcohol, which is extracted from the plant.

Since it is the main component, the quality of the product directly depends on its quantity.

The integrity of the aroma is also created by adding alpha-patchoulene, guayene, and boulnesen.

Beneficial properties of patchouli essential oil

Patchouli oil has a specific smell

Like other essential oils, patchouli extract:

  1. Patchouli calms and helps reduce anxiety
  2. Relieves the development of depression and worsening stress
  3. Helps to tune in to positivity and sensuality
  4. Tones the soul and body
  5. Helps increase vitality
  6. Helps you focus and increase productivity
  7. Stimulates unloading of the subconscious and cleansing of the human soul and mind
  8. Helps stimulate imagination, creativity, artistry
  9. Improves mood and harmonizes our emotional state

Patchouli oil in cosmetology

The cosmetic use of essential oil is no less well known.

If you look closely at the labels on anti-aging skin products, you will notice that they contain tropical shrub extract.

He is capable of:

  1. Get rid of sagging skin
  2. Remove wrinkles, folds, peeling
  3. Clear acne marks
  4. Relieve oily shine, irritation, inflammation
  5. Stop dandruff formation
  6. Save from the consequences of allergic reactions
  7. Cure from fungus

Patchouli oil is widely used in cosmetology

This product is an excellent additive for enrichment, lotions, creams, rinses and other cosmetics.

One of the most sought-after cosmetic properties of patchouli extract is the treatment of the so-called “orange peel”.

Etherol restores elasticity to even the most flabby and sagging skin.

This effect is due to the fact that the oil helps remove excess fluid from the body and treat skin imperfections.

Mystical patchouli: true or false?

Its properties as a talisman and a real magnet for money are also known.

No one can give a clear answer to the question: is it true or false?

Some believe that a financial love spell is nothing more than a fiction, based on the use of scent on the shawls of rich ladies who, due to their origin, found equally rich husbands.

Others believe that a drop of extract in a wallet or on a credit card will increase the financial well-being of the entire family and bring everything they desire.

Many people consider patchouli oil to be a money talisman.

The magical properties of patchouli essential oil depend largely on whether you believe in them.

If you think that a drop of fragrant oil will help you get out of a difficult financial situation, then this is probably what will happen!

Tip: Charge the supplement before testing the mystical effect. To do this, take a bottle of essential oil in your hands and hold it thinking about wealth and desired purchases. Experts in this matter recommend diluting the oil with a base and applying it to places on the body where blood pulsation is especially noticeable. According to them, such an application will provide maximum effect.

We should not forget about visualization. Be sure to imagine yourself as the owner of everything you want.

Focus on the sensations. Create the most realistic picture of your near future.

To make it work, take the idea seriously and don't let skepticism get the better of you.

The magic of oil will work if you believe in it.

How to lure money into your home with patchouli

You can force people to bring money into the house in the following ways:

  1. Treat everything you use to make money with undiluted oil. For example, if you need a computer for work, drop some oil on your mouse, keyboard, or router.
  2. Be sure to apply the extract to your wallet, credit cards, lucky coins or banknotes.
  3. Make a mixture of patchouli oil and cedar etherol in a ratio of 7 to 5. Lubricate a green candle with the resulting liquid. It should be lit strictly on the sixth day of the lunar calendar.
  4. "Financial" bath. In a container, combine sea salt and one part each of cinnamon, patchouli and cedar. Place the mixture in the bath while water is running. You need to relax and imagine yourself in the desired role of a successful, rich person. The duration of the water procedure is 20 minutes.
  5. Use a special medallion with a few drops of extract so that the help of the oil is always nearby.

TOP recipes for using patchouli essential oil in home cosmetology

We have prepared better recipes for using patchouli oil in home cosmetology

The properties of patchouli essential oil provide maximum effect when used correctly:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of sesame oil and 5 drops of shrub leaf extract. Apply the composition to problem areas of the skin daily. A couple of weeks of use, and the skin will become cleaner, tone up, and gain elasticity.
  2. 2 drops of patchouli, grapefruit, ylang-ylang and 10 ml of skin cosmetic should be massaged onto the face every morning. As a result, you will very soon notice the disappearance of wrinkles and dullness.
  3. A face mask is made from base oil and a few drops of patchouli. Apply for 30 minutes, then rinse off first with warm, then cold water. The basis for oily skin should be grape seed oil, for dry skin - jojoba oil, aging skin needs wheat germ oil. To restore cells, choose avocado squeeze, for rejuvenation - walnut.
  4. The most effective way is to use patchouli leaf oil in a steam bath. Two drops of neroli, leuzea and patchouli are diluted in a liter of hot water. You need to hold your face over the steam for about 10 minutes to remove oily shine and open pores.

It is important to monitor not only the quality of the purchased product, but also the correct dosage and application.



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