Raspberry-pistachio cake. Delicious sponge cake with raspberries and pistachios Pistachio cake with raspberries is made like a roll


Prepare a sponge cake.

Prepare 2 18 cm molds in advance, lining the bottom with baking paper. You can also bake in detachable metal rings, placing them on a silicone mat or baking parchment.

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees.

Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.

Sift flour and baking powder.

Start beating the egg whites at medium speed. If you immediately switch to high speed, the proteins will not be saturated with oxygen and the meringue will turn out uneven and quickly lose its shape.

As soon as the whites have turned into a fluffy foam, add sugar in 3-4 additions and beat until stable peaks form at medium speed. Switch to the highest speed and beat for another 1-2 minutes. The further result will depend on how well the whites are whipped.

Place the yolks, pistachio paste, butter and milk into a blender glass.

Beat with a blender until smooth. Add green (pistachio) coloring if desired.

Pour the pistachio mixture over the whites (don't forget to scrape off any remaining mixture from the blender), sift the flour and baking powder on top.

Gently mix the dough with a silicone spatula with quick and firm movements from bottom to top until smooth. There is no need to stir the dough for a long time; if small particles remain, they will disperse during the baking process.

Pour the batter equally into the prepared pans.

Bake for about 25 minutes (depending on the oven), check for doneness with a skewer. Do not open the oven during baking!

If 2 molds do not fit into the oven at once, then bake one at a time, but I haven’t tried it.

Remove the finished biscuits and place them upside down on a wire rack, leave for 30-40 minutes, then remove the biscuits from the pan and cool completely on a wire rack.

Wrap the cooled biscuits in cling film and put them in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours (or overnight).

Prepare raspberry confit.

Strawberry is prepared in the same way!

If you want 2 layers of confit, then you need 2 rings of 15 cm each, I made 1 layer in a 16 cm ring.

Place the rings in the freezer in advance so that the filling quickly sets on the sides and does not leak out too much.

Thaw the raspberries first (at least, put them in a saucepan on the lowest heat and thaw).

Soak gelatin in cold water.

Mix pectin with sugar.

Place raspberries in a saucepan, heat to 40-50 degrees and add pectin and sugar, stirring constantly.

Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 3-4 minutes.

Dissolve the gelatin (I dissolve it in the microwave).

Cool slightly and add dissolved gelatin, mix thoroughly.

Pour the mixture into the frozen rings, placing them on a silicone mat.

Place in the freezer until completely frozen.

Prepare the cream.

Place mascarpone, curd cheese, pistachio paste, powdered sugar in a bowl (if using coloring, add at this stage).

Beat with a mixer at medium speed until smooth (mascarpone should not be beaten at high speed, otherwise it will separate).

Gradually add cold cream, whisking continuously.

Assembling the cake.

Prepare a split ring and acetate film 10 cm high.

Remove the raspberry confit and remove the rings.

Cut each biscuit into 2 layers, thinly cutting off the top crust. I cut with a long bread knife (serrated) on a turntable.

Squeeze a little cream onto the base and place the first cake layer.

It is better to apply the cream from a pastry bag in a spiral.

To make sure all the layers of cream are equal, I weigh the bowl of cream, subtract the weight of the bowl (weigh it in advance), and put the same weight of cream on each cake.

Apply a thin layer of cream, lay out the confit, apply a thin layer of cream on top and cover the joint with cream.

Place the second sponge cake, iron it with your hand or an iron, apply the next layer of cream, then the next sponge cake, cream and filling again.

Place the cake in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Prepare cream for outer coating.

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it comes to room temperature.

Remove the cheese 20 minutes before cooking.

Beat butter with powder for 3-4 minutes, add cheese and pasta and beat for 5-6 minutes until a homogeneous and airy cream is obtained.

Transfer the cream into a pastry bag.

Take out the cake, remove the ring and film.

Apply the cream to the side in a spiral and apply the remainder to the top of the cake.

Level the top of the cake with a spatula, then level the side of the cake with a bench scraper. Wipe the substrate from cream deposits with a napkin or

Place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, remove and smooth the joint with a hot, dry spatula towards the middle of the cake, trying to make it as even as possible.

Place the leveled cake in the refrigerator until decorated (at least 20-30 minutes).

Decorate the finished cake as desired!

I used DGF Royal Pistachio paste, 200 g, carat violetta cheese, Bonfesto mascarpone, white city cream 33%, Doctor Etker gelatin, APC citrus pectin.

P.S. I expected more from the cake itself, it didn’t exceed my expectations, but all the guests really liked it. Biscuits do not require soaking. The cake is also very heavy! You can't eat a lot of it, because... it is very high in calories. It's a little sweet for me, I would reduce the sugar a little more. Yield per portion 2.2 kg 18 cm diameter 10 cm height. You can make your own pistachio paste.

Pistachio cake is an exquisite dessert with an original taste. A light, airy delicacy will become the highlight of not only an evening tea party with friends, but also a decoration for even the most formal table setting.

To make a classic pistachio sponge cake with a delicious filling you need:

  • a pack of butter weighing 250 g;
  • 4 eggs;
  • zest of ½ lemon;
  • 180 g pistachio paste;
  • 400 ml milk;
  • 300 g flour;
  • a packet of baking powder;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 30 ml lemon juice;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. The softened butter is whipped with sugar until the volume increases significantly.
  2. With constant stirring, eggs are driven into the mixture one by one.
  3. After adding citrus zest, milk and paste, beat everything again.
  4. Dry ingredients, except sugar crystals, are combined and mixed into the liquid.
  5. The finished flour mass is poured into 3 molds, which are sent to a hot oven (180°C) for 25 minutes.
  6. A syrup is prepared from sugar, water and juice, with which the biscuit is soaked.

Amazing dessert with raspberries

Pistachio cake with raspberries captivates those with a sweet tooth with its original appearance and extraordinary taste.

To complete the recipe, you will need for the biscuit:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 180 g flour;
  • 100 g butter;
  • a packet of baking powder;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 2 times less pistachios.

For cream:

  • 500 g curd cheese;
  • 140 g cream;
  • 170 g powdered sugar;
  • 110 g butter;
  • 200 g raspberries;
  • 15 g corn starch;
  • 30 g sugar.

Preparation stages:

  1. The nuts are ground to a paste consistency and then mixed with softened butter.
  2. The eggs are beaten with sugar, after which flour and baking powder are poured into the liquid mixture through a sieve.
  3. The dough is kneaded with the addition of pistachio-oil paste.
  4. The biscuit is baked at 180°C.
  5. The raspberries are doused with boiling water and ground in a blender, after which the raspberry puree is placed in a saucepan, where it is mixed with 30 g of sugar.
  6. After boiling, starch diluted in 30 ml of water is added to the raspberry mass.
  7. When the raspberry sauce boils again, it is cooled, covered with cling film and refrigerated.
  8. From ⅓ curd cheese, cream and 70 g of powdered sugar, prepare the cream for the layer by whipping for 7 minutes.
  9. The leveling cream is whipped from butter, remaining cream cheese and powdered sugar.
  10. The cake is cut into three layers, each of which is covered with cream for a layer, and on top with raspberry sauce.
  11. When the cake is soaked in the refrigerator, the sides are covered with cream to level it.

Cooking with strawberries

To implement the recipe you will need:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 80 g flour;
  • 1.5 sachets of baking powder;
  • 10 gelatin plates;
  • 400 g frozen strawberries;
  • 500 g cottage cheese;
  • 250 ml cream;
  • 30 ml lemon juice;
  • 280 g sugar;
  • 80 g pistachio nuts;
  • a little powdered sugar

Cooking technology:

  1. 60 g pistachios are ground.
  2. Beat eggs, 150 g of sugar for 5 minutes until stable foam.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix flour, baking powder, pistachio crumbs, after which the dry ingredients are added to the egg mass.
  4. The dough is baked into a biscuit for about 30 minutes.
  5. Gelatin is soaked in water.
  6. A hot mass is prepared from frozen strawberries, lemon juice, a shot of water and the remaining sugar, which is pureed and mixed with gelatin.
  7. Next, cottage cheese and whipped cream are mixed in alternately.
  8. The sponge cake is divided into three layers, 2 of which are covered with airy cream.
  9. When the cake is soaked, the top sponge layer is decorated with powder and the remaining pistachios.

Pistachio mousse cake

Pistachio cake is a spring table decoration, which at the end of winter, thanks to its green flowers, will give a feeling of approaching warmth.

For the crust you will need:

  • 80 g pistachios;
  • 80 g softened butter;
  • 75 g sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 10 g flour;
  • 10 g corn starch.

Light mousse with white chocolate:

  • 600 ml cream;
  • 30 g gelatin;
  • 2 bars of white chocolate;
  • 30 ml water;
  • 200 g mango puree.

Cooking process:

  1. Beat the eggs one at a time into the whipped butter-sugar mixture.
  2. Flour and starch are sifted into pre-crushed pistachios, after which the dry ingredients are mixed with the liquid composition.
  3. The dough is baked into a biscuit for about 20 minutes at 170°C.
  4. ½ gelatin is soaked in water.
  5. Gelatin is poured into the melted chocolate and 100 ml of cream in a stream.
  6. The remaining cream is whipped and mixed with the chocolate mass, after which the mousse is poured onto the cooled cake.
  7. The base of the dessert is sent into the cold.
  8. From the remaining ingredients with the addition of chopped mango, mango mousse is prepared, which is poured into the first mousse layer.
  9. The dessert is infused in the cold overnight.

Recipe from Andy Chef

A famous blogger’s new take on the confectionery delicacy of French cuisine makes it possible to prepare a dessert worthy of restaurants at home.

For the biscuit you should prepare:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • the same amount of flour;
  • a piece of butter.

Cake cream:

  • 250 ml milk;
  • 5 g gelatin;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 25 g flour;
  • the same amount of pistachio paste;
  • 70 ml cream.

Strawberry compote:

  • 100 g of puree and strawberries;
  • 5 g pectin;
  • 15 g sugar.

Creation stages:

  1. The eggs are mixed with sugar, after which the container is placed in a water bath so that the sugar crystals dissolve.
  2. The egg mass is beaten, and then melted butter is added and flour is poured in.
  3. The homogeneous, almost airy dough is poured onto a baking sheet covered with parchment, which is sent to the oven for baking.
  4. Milk is poured into a container on the stove, and the gelatin is soaked in ice water.
  5. At this time, the yolks are beaten with sugar and flour.
  6. The yolk mass is introduced into the boiling milk in a thin stream with constant stirring.
  7. The cream base is poured through a sieve, and when it cools slightly, it is mixed with nut butter and swollen gelatin.
  8. When the custard is almost cold, use a blender to stir in the lightly whipped cream.
  9. Refrigerate the pistachio sauce for half an hour.
  10. Pectin and sugar, mixed until smooth, are poured “rain” into the boiling strawberry puree.
  11. After 3 minutes of boiling, pieces of berries are added.
  12. A circle with a diameter of 16 cm is cut out of the cake with a confectionery ring, along the rim of which slices of berries are laid out.
  13. The cake is filled with cream, in the center of which compote is distributed.
  14. A ring of smaller diameter is used to cut out the next circle, which is placed on top of the compote.
  15. The sponge cake is again covered with pistachio cream and strawberry sauce.
  16. At the end, the remaining pistachio mass is distributed, and the cake is sent into the cold, where the gelatin will acquire the necessary structure.

Three-layer culinary masterpiece

A three-layer cake with nuts is prepared in several stages.

For cream:

  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 350 g butter;
  • 200 g pistachios.

For the biscuit:

  • 200 g sugar;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 300 ml sour cream;
  • packaging of baking powder;
  • 200 g poppy seeds;
  • 200 g peeled, chopped nuts;
  • 200 g cranberries.

In the process of creation:

  1. A dough is prepared from sugar, eggs, sour cream, flour and baking powder, which is divided into 3 parts.
  2. Each part is mixed with different ingredients (cranberries, poppy seeds and nuts) and baked.
  3. Condensed milk is whipped with butter and washed pistachios.
  4. After cooling, the baked cakes are generously coated with pistachio cream.

Pancake pistachio cake from Palych

To prepare an original dessert, you need a fairly simple food set.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 15 g sugar;
  • 300 ml milk;
  • flour;
  • 80 g pistachio paste;
  • a pinch of salt.


  • 400 ml milk;
  • 1.5 chocolate bars;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 1 package of vanillin;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 120 g butter.

Work progress:

  1. From the above products for pancakes, a batter is prepared, from which the products are baked.
  2. Sugar and chocolate are added to boiling milk.
  3. When the cream stops boiling, beat the eggs into it.
  4. After cooking the cream for 1 minute, add oil.
  5. Next, a pistachio pancake cake with layers of chocolate cream is assembled.

If the hostess decided to surprise her guests with an exquisite dessert, then pistachio cake is an excellent choice.

While we have a calm before the battle here (the group for the course announced in the previous post was filled instantly, and even with a waiting list!), we are finally working hard on the site (the Spanish one will be released first, followed by its copy in Russian, but with its content).
Groups for 2014 are being recruited, some courses are very active, some have absolutely no takers. Therefore, in the near future there will be changes in the schedule: although for me what we published is a fairly logical evolution, if you want to truly learn something, my opinion does not always coincide with the opinion of the students.

Do you know which course gets the biggest hype? For complex modern cakes, level II... Dear ones, I will not tire of repeating that to make such cakes, you need to start FROM THE BASE, otherwise it will be very difficult later, there will be mistakes in your work and problems that you will face every day, but not you will know their decisions. You don't learn to ride a bike before you learn to walk, do you?

And the tartlets themselves:

Shortbread dough

250 g flour
150 g butter
95 g powdered sugar
3 g salt
30 g ground almonds
60 g eggs
Red dye (powder or gel)

Pistachio baked cream

120 g butter
120 g sugar
110 g eggs
120 g almond powder
60 g flour
40 g pistachio paste

Raspberry coolie

250 g raspberry puree
60 g sugar
4 g pectin NH
4 g lemon juice

Pistachio whipped ganache

160 g white chocolate
110 g cream 35% (1)
270 g cream 35% (2)
40 g pistachio paste

Decor: chopped pistachio pieces, white chocolate discs, fresh raspberries


Mix flour, powdered sugar, salt, almonds and vanilla. Add cold butter, cut into cubes. Process into crumbs by hand, with a knife or in a food processor. Add the egg and quickly knead the dough. Roll out between 2 sheets of baking paper and cool. Roll out to the desired thickness (2 mm), place in a tart ring (mould).
Bake until half cooked at 150C.

Pistachio baked cream.

Grind the softened butter with sugar until smooth, add eggs, almond powder, pistachio paste. Mix everything with a whisk (without whisking!), and finally sift the flour into the mixture. Place the cream in the tart and bake at 175C until done.

Mix raspberry puree with 2/3 sugar, heat to 40-45C, add the remaining sugar mixed with pectin, bring to a boil, cook, stirring with a whisk, 1 minute after boiling.
Add lim. juice, stir. Place in tart over baked cream.


Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath. Pour hot cream (1) in 3-4 additions, make ganache in the usual way. Add pistachio paste and cold cream (2), beat everything with a blender until smooth. Cover with film (contact) and let cool for at least 4 hours. Beat in a mixer with a whisk attachment at low speed and remove from a pastry bag.

Welcome to the website for cake recipes TortyDoma.ru. Today I will tell you and show you a recipe for a very tasty cake." pistachio-raspberry" It has a rich pistachio flavor, and the raspberry confit adds zest. The cut of the cake looks very appetizing, so I am sure that those who try it will not remain indifferent. The photo quality was not very good, sorry.

So let's begin.

Raspberry confit:

  • 450 g raspberries;
  • 70 g sugar;
  • 10 g gelatin and 60 g water.

Pistachio sponge cake (20–22 cm mold):

  • 6 eggs;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 190 flour;
  • 2 tsp baking powder;
  • 70 g pistachio paste;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • 70 g butter.


  • 350 grams of cream cheese;
  • 500 ml cream;
  • 150 grams of powdered sugar.

Step-by-step cooking process

First we will make the raspberry confit.

Grind the defrosted raspberries through a sieve and remove the seeds. Add sugar and heat until it is completely dissolved. Then dissolve the swollen gelatin and add it to the cooled raspberry puree.

Pour the finished mixture into an 18 cm mold and put it in the freezer.

Let's start preparing the biscuit

First of all, carefully separate the whites from the yolks.

Add some of the sugar to the whites and start at low speeds, gradually increasing, beat until stiff peaks form. This is what whites should look like.

Then add the rest of the sugar to the yolks and beat until light and fluffy.

Now mix in the whites, using a silicone spatula from top to bottom, until a homogeneous air mass is obtained. Then add the sifted flour with baking powder in two additions. And also mix carefully. This is what our dough should look like.

Place the dough in the mold and place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 35–40 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden skewer.

Remove the finished biscuit from the mold, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

Now let's prepare the cream and start assembling the cake.

Cream cheese and cream should be cold. Combine all the products and beat for a few minutes. Ready.

We divide the sponge cake into 3 cake layers and assemble the cake in the following sequence: cake layer - soaking in sugar syrup - cream - confit - cream and so on until the end.

And today I have a tender, very tasty, simply inspiring sponge cake with raspberries and pistachios. Once you try it, you will plunge into a world of pleasure and bliss! It captivates from the first bite! Such a delicious combination of unusual pistachio sponge cake, delicate, fascinating cream and raspberries! And how beautiful it is in cross-section - just like a picture! Let's do it together! Don't worry - it's easy to make.


  • vanillin - 2 grams;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • pistachios - 30 grams;
  • flour - 150 grams;
  • salt - a pinch.


  • butter - 200 grams;
  • cream cheese - 200 grams;
  • vanilla - 2 grams;
  • berries - to taste;
  • powdered sugar - 100 grams (to taste);
  • white chocolate for sides - 100 grams.

Delicious sponge cake with raspberries and pistachios. Step by step recipe

  1. For the biscuit dough: add salt, sugar, vanillin to lightly beaten eggs and beat with a mixer at maximum speed for 10 minutes. As a result, you will get a very fluffy, dense egg mass (it will be almost white).
  2. Chop the pistachios with a knife, in a mortar with a masher or a rolling pin. It is not recommended to grind them with a blender, since the nuts are quite oily, so the blender will grind them into a paste, and we need individual pistachio crumbs.
  3. Pour in the pistachios and sifted flour, mix gently with a silicone or wooden spatula so as not to disturb the airy structure of the dough. Mix with a spatula using upward movements.
  4. Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, lightly greased with butter. You can also use a special silicone mat for baking biscuits. Flatten the dough on the baking sheet into a layer approximately 1 centimeter thick.
  5. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Leave the finished biscuit to cool completely.
  6. We prepare white chocolate: temper it - heat it to 40 degrees, cool to 25-26 and heat it again to a working temperature of 28 degrees. This is done so that the chocolate parts harden well, become hard and have a beautiful glossy shine. First, melt the chocolate pieces in a water bath (in a glass or plastic container), stirring constantly and bringing the temperature to 40 degrees. Cool by placing our container in a bowl of cold water (make sure that the water does not get into the chocolate), do not forget to stir constantly. When the chocolate has cooled to 25-26 degrees, it must be heated again to operating temperature - for white chocolate this is 28-29 degrees (this can be done in the microwave, holding for 5-8 seconds and stirring constantly). We check that the tempering is correct - dip the tip of the knife into the chocolate mixture and place it on the table: after 2-3 minutes the chocolate should harden. If this does not happen, then we continue to heat, cool and heat again.
  7. From prepared (tempered) chocolate we make biscuit blanks - sides in the form of strips, approximately 7x4 centimeters in size. It is very convenient to do this with a pastry pallet with a bend: dip it in chocolate and make strokes on parchment paper.
  8. Place the chocolate in the refrigerator until completely hardened.
  9. Prepare the cream: combine room temperature butter, cream cheese, vanillin, beat them with a mixer, gradually adding powdered sugar. Adjust sweetness to your taste.
  10. Using a pastry ring (mine is 20 centimeters in diameter), cut out 2 cake layers from the frozen sponge cake.
  11. To create a beautiful cake shape, assemble it in a pastry ring. Place the biscuit on the bottom, pour ⅔ of the buttercream, and top with raspberries. Fresh berries are best, but frozen ones are also possible: just defrost them and dry them a little on a towel.
  12. Place the second layer of cake, pressing lightly so that the cream underneath is distributed as well as possible. And put everything in the refrigerator for an hour so that the cream hardens. For an emergency hardening option, place it in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  13. Cover the frozen cake with the rest of the cream on top and sides, decorate with raspberries and pistachios. And on the sides in a circle we glue the frozen sides of white chocolate.

Raspberry sponge cake with pistachios is ready! Very soft dough, with a slight taste of pistachios, the most delicate buttercream, diluted with light raspberry sourness - I would eat this and eat it! Instead of raspberries, you can use any other berries (strawberries, blueberries, etc.). Since my child loves bananas, I prepared a banana cake for him - it also turned out very tasty and tender. And you can come up with your own unusual version.



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