The magic of numbers. Interpretation of the dream of winding a watch, an hourglass, an hour hand, a dial, a watch in Miller’s dream book

All dreams are interpreted taking into account the personality of the person who saw them, his life circumstances and the details of his dreams. Dreams about time are no exception. You can understand why you dream of a broken watch only if you have complete information about the life and secret thoughts of the dreamer, as well as knowing every small detail of the plot of the night vision.

What does the clock symbolize?

In general, a clock is a symbol of time, in all possible meanings of this concept. Each famous dream book gives additional meaning to the symbol.

For example, according to Miller’s collection of interpretations, clocks in dreams are harbingers of imminent misfortunes and sorrows. Why dream of a broken watch in this case? This indicates an approaching dark streak in life.

Numerologists consider the chronometers themselves to be secondary in the plot of dreams. From their point of view, details matter - arrows, numbers, the location of cracks on broken glass. For example, if the hands of a broken clock froze at one hour, this means that a month has been set aside for something important in human life.

Why break the clock yourself?

A dream in which a dreamer breaks a clock is a rather difficult vision to interpret. Understanding why you dream of breaking a clock depends on the details of the dream. Important points for interpretation are:

  • the chronometer was broken on purpose or by accident;
  • what kind of clock you dreamed of, wrist, table or wall;
  • whether the thing was personal, family or common;
  • the device was completely crushed, or only parts of it were damaged.

In addition, important points for understanding a dream are even smaller details - whether there was a strap or a chain, what happened to it after it was broken, whether the clock was running or standing, whether it was ticking or not.

What you dream of breaking your wristwatch or your own is an attempt to stop time, to slow down the events taking place in life. If an elderly person sees a dream, then this is evidence of his reluctance to grow old and die.

If in a dream a person breaks a large public clock, for example, a street chronometer on a city tower, then such a dream indicates his conservative beliefs and an attempt to influence the opinions of others. Such a dream may foretell that the person who sees it will become an obstacle to the development of any ideas or the implementation of innovations at work.

A randomly broken watch is a bad sign. This means that events in life will develop against the dreamer’s will and not at the speed with which he would like. Such a dream can also portend that the plan is not allowed to come true.

Why do you dream about broken watches?

To understand this dream, the following points are important: whether a watch is worn or not, the belonging of the item, its general appearance, the degree of damage. For example, a dream in which a person sees someone else's watch lying somewhere and passes by, only means that he lives at a faster pace than other people. If the dreamer picks up this watch, then this indicates that the person will soon accept the general rhythm of life.

The dream of a broken watch worn by a sleeping person has a different meaning. Such a dream is directly related to the personality and health of the person who saw the dream. It seems to warn that time is up. But what exactly there is no more time left for can only be interpreted by the dreamer himself.

Why do women dream about broken watches?

If a woman dreams of a dream, then most dream books interpret the meaning of the vision as a warning about imminent menopause or about women’s diseases. The dream of a broken watch on a woman’s hand can also be interpreted as a warning about infertility.

In such a dream, you need to pay attention to whether the clock has hands or numbers, and try to remember their location or combination. The position of the hands, like the combination of numbers, is not a symbol; it is a direct indication of the chronological period of time. That is, if the hands point to two o'clock, then the woman has two years left to give birth to a baby.

Why do you dream about broken watch glass?

Such a dream has a different meaning than the one in which a broken chronometer is seen in general terms. This dream is a good sign for the dreamer. However, in addition to the positive meaning, such a dream also carries chronological information. You need to try to remember the location of the hands or the digital value on the chronometer.

Why do you dream about broken watch glass? Most interpretations talk about overcoming barriers and obstacles that prevent a person from achieving his goals in life. Glass is a symbolic image of those obstacles that a person does not notice in life. But they prevent the dreamer from achieving any goals, building a career, or getting closer to realizing his desires. Arrows or numbers indicate the length of time during which obstacles will be overcome.

Why do you dream of a broken watch in your hands?

A dream in which a person holds a broken chronometer in his hands is ambiguous. The key to understanding it lies in the actions of the dreamer and in the type of device, as well as in its affiliation.

For example, the meaning of dreaming of a broken watch on another person’s hand, which the dreamer takes off and takes in his palms, lies in the harbinger of imminent responsibility for someone. If a man, and according to his plot, removes a broken chronometer from the hand of a close woman - his wife or girlfriend, then the dream foreshadows her imminent pregnancy.

Why dream of a broken clock on the wall?

The key points for understanding such a dream are the age of the clock, the presence of a cuckoo, pendulum or “chimes” in it, size and, of course, affiliation. What dreams of broken people mean is interpreted only taking into account the details of the dream.

A vision in which the sound of a cuckoo is heard, but the clock itself is broken and standing, indicates that the dreamer did not receive some very important news. The sound of the chimes and chimes also has the same meaning.

A broken old family clock is not a good sign. Such a dream speaks of a lack of development in the family, and predicts the routine coexistence of people under one roof, without warmth and family closeness.

If you dreamed of an old large clock with a pendulum, broken into pieces, with parts of the mechanism sticking out, and dangling hands, then this dream has an extremely bad interpretation. This dream foreshadows the destruction of unshakable foundations, traditions, the collapse of everything familiar and seemingly permanent.

For example, such a dream may foreshadow a political coup in the country or a revolution, war, or natural disaster. If in a dream there is a clear understanding that the antique watch belongs to the family of the dreamer, then the devastation and collapse of traditions will concern personal life and home. That is, a vision can predict divorce, loss of an apartment or other hardships.

The interpretation of what dreams of a broken clock on the wall means must also take into account its size. The meaning of the dimensions is simple - the larger the watch, the greater the trouble.

Why do you dream of a broken table clock?

Desktop chronometers in dreams symbolize work, employment and, in principle, everything related to a person’s social life. A broken or broken clock on the table is a dream foreshadowing stagnation in your career, routine, tedious and boring duties without any prospects.

Why do you dream of a broken clock on the table? The interpretation depends on the occupation of the person who saw the dream, his position and age. That is, if such a dream visited an elderly person, then it foreshadows the absence of shocks and changes at work until retirement.

If such a dream visited a young man, then this is a dream indicating the need to change his place of work, since no prospects are foreseen at the current one. A dream dreamed by a middle-aged man warns that he has exhausted himself in this workplace and his career will not develop.

Why do you dream about repairing a watch?

Dreams in which a person repairs a broken clock mechanism have a very good meaning. If we approach the interpretation of such a dream in a general way, then the meaning of the night dream is directly opposite to the meanings that plots with a broken clock have.

That is, if a dream with a broken wall cuckoo clock means that a person has not received important news, then a dream in which the one who sees it has repaired the mechanism foreshadows that a message or other information will still find its addressee. Other dream plots should be understood in a similar way.

For example, sleeping with a woman's watch that doesn't work or is broken. If a woman in such a dream was able to fix a breakdown or start a watch, this means that she will cope with the health problems awaiting her or will avoid them altogether.

In the interpretation of such dreams, such a nuance is extremely important - was the repair of the mechanism completed, did the clock run? If in a night dream a person simply repairs a mechanism, but does not see the result of this process, that is, a working watch, then such a dream no longer bodes well. Such a dream tells a person that all his efforts to prevent something in life will be useless and in vain. And what exactly the dreamer’s efforts will not make sense can be understood from the rest of the plot of the night’s dream. That is, from such nuances as the type of mechanism, the location of the watch, its size and affiliation.

A clock mechanism is a very useful thing and at the same time fragile. Breaking it, whether in a dream or in reality, does not bode well. Especially if the watch was given by a loved one. But it also happens that a broken watch promises the dreamer good luck, dream books suggest. Let's take a closer look at why we have dreams in which we were careless to damage the chronometer.

Briefly about the clock mechanism

You can, excuse the tautology, spend hours discussing why broken watches are dreamed of. But we won’t do this, but arm ourselves with dream books and find out about everything in a couple of minutes. So let's get started.

  • Seeing a broken watch in a dream is a sign of danger.
  • The watch was presented to a lover - to indicate separation from him.
  • In a fit of anger, you threw them to the ground - your incontinence will play a cruel joke on you.
  • Throwing an alarm clock at the wall means you won’t be able to avoid problems by turning a blind eye to them.

Gustav Miller's explanation

Miller's dream book positions any device in a dream for telling time, be it a clepsydra or a newfangled chronometer, as a harbinger of grief. And if in a dream you see a broken watch, then don’t expect anything good. The most correct thing to do in such cases is to focus your attention on the most important aspects of life until the danger passes.

Numerology will tell you what to do...

Numerological dream books, when interpreting why a broken watch is dreamed of, recommend paying attention to the numbers on the dial. Here's what some of them might warn you about:

If in a dream you see “1”, you have exactly a month to put things in order. Hurry up! And if one is the only number on the dial, this means quarrels with loved ones if you do not pacify your temper.

"Five" symbolizes your cunning. Don't try to fool your friends, they will sense the falsehood. But the number “8” means poor health.

Broken device as a warning of danger

If a girl dreamed that she broke her wristwatch, then she needs to check her health “on the feminine side.” Vanga's dream book recommends not putting off a visit to the gynecologist for too long.

The man broke his wrist chronometer? The Eastern Dream Book will tell you why this is a dream: you are paying attention to a person who will betray you without a twinge of conscience. Breaking a wristwatch that does not belong to you in a dream means a quarrel with the owner of the accessory.

Break on purpose, or “Problems, go away!”

Did you dream that you threw your accessory on the floor and crushed the glass in it? This is a sign that you want to slow things down. Glass crushed in a dream is, as it were, a symbol of the destruction of the barrier separating you from luck, Tsvetkov’s dream book prophesies. And if you managed to crush not only the glass, but also the entire clock mechanism, then you will be able to avoid trouble.

The interpreter of Medea gives an interesting formulation to the vision in which you collected the broken watch. The interpretation of the dream goes something like this: those who dreamed that they were able to “put time together” are not afraid of any troubles. He can handle everything.

Time... Our ally, our enemy. Our most valuable resource. Therefore, any dreams in which we see a watch (whether it be a wristwatch, men's or women's watches, or a wall watch) and the time on the clock in a dream are not just a dream. This is a whole field for searching for the sacred and the only correct interpretation.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Seeing a wall clock in a dream represents your relationship with time itself. Do you have enough of it? How much time do you spend and on what? The dream book calls a wall clock an indestructible pillar, which we can only contemplate and think about how much time is allotted to us. Therefore, do not look for any supernatural, much less obvious, meaning in this case. You were just reminded that time is ticking...

Mayan Dream Interpretation

The progressive Indians of the New World knew much more about time than many of our contemporaries. Therefore, two different meanings can be distinguished:

  • The good thing is that the symbols in the Mayan dream book are adapted to modern times, which means the meaning of the dream is equal in all eras. In this case, the dream book calls the clock a symbol of timeliness, that is, everything goes according to the outlined plan, you have time for everything and manage your time wisely.
  • The bad thing is that you dreamed about a watch that you were repairing. Symbolic, isn't it? You repair what time shows, while spending... your time on it. In fact, you are wasting it, but only you can correct the situation, because time is individual for everyone and separate from everything material.

Russian dream book

I dreamed of a wristwatch or a wall clock, a floor clock, with a pendulum, without - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is losses. Yes, losses, especially of this most precious time. Just think: you have so much free time that you spend it watching how it actually flows. If there is no specificity in terms of the hands and the time they show, then that’s where the point ends. Otherwise, look at Pythagoras’s dream book - there is more analysis of the numbers that the dial shows you.

Noble dream book by Grishina N.

  • Watching a tower clock means realizing how inexorably time is passing and that you cannot keep up with it.
  • A working clock that runs regularly and strikes a certain hour indicates the proximity of an important event.
  • The dream of “looking closely at your wristwatch, trying to see what time it is” says that you are wasting your life on all sorts of little things.
  • Breaking a clock in a dream means disorder in life, loss of important acquaintances.
  • Losing a watch in a dream means losing someone close, or you want to be on time for an important event so much that there is a risk of oversleeping/being late.
  • The dream “the clock on the wall is knocking loudly” prophesies anxious anticipation; Something important is about to happen.
  • The dream “wall clock in the form of a closet” speaks of your secret abode, where you can hide from everyone and everything for a while.
  • Dream Interpretation: a clock can be heard behind the wall - events will occur in society that will affect everyone.
  • Dream Interpretation: given a pocket watch - to money, good luck and happiness. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: the clock has stopped - foretells the death/end of something.
  • Dream Interpretation: a watch on your hand without hands - your time is up and it’s time for you to step aside.
  • To see a clock that has gone backwards in a dream means a return to the beginning; allegorically - something from the past will again occupy all your time and attention.
  • The dream “the clock hands show midnight” is a symbol of the most important event in your life that will not happen soon.
  • The dream “the clock is standing still, but you still can’t fix it” says that your hopes are justified and you should not despair.
  • The dream of “buying a pocket watch” is similar to the waking action: fill your pockets full of small change; allegorically - a lot of tinsel all around, nothing concrete or useful.
  • What does it mean to wind a watch in a dream? You are burning with impatience. You just have to wait and you will get what makes you project such dreams.
  • In a dream, you dreamed of a clock whose hand you are trying to deliberately break or hold - happy days will come and go, and the fear of the rapid passage of time will only take root.
  • A broken watch in a dream means your dissatisfaction with your own life. It might even come to a divorce.
  • Did you dream about a clock from which a spider crawled out? The culprit of the crime is about to be found!
  • Seeing a watch with a skull in a dream means painful thoughts about the meaning of life.
  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a clock in which there was a sword instead of hands or a pendulum - everyone will inevitably feel the passage of time.
  • Dream Interpretation: hourglass - the transience of time for someone from your environment.
  • Did you dream about a wall clock with a cuckoo? Be peace and tranquility in your life.
  • Why do you dream of a sundial? You have made plans that have nothing to do with reality.

New family dream book

The theme of the clock in this dream book is presented from the point of view of your environment, but not in relation to time itself:

  • Seeing a clock in a dream means success in the stock market game. But you shouldn’t check the time using them, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain due to active rivals.
  • Dream Interpretation: breaking a watch or giving a watch to someone in a dream means it’s time to prepare for unknown troubles.
  • A dream about a watch in which you broke the glass: you behave too frivolously in society.
  • The dream book refers to stealing a watch as an attempt by your rivals to tarnish your reputation.
  • Seeing the time on a clock in a dream and hearing it chime a whole hour later is a sign of upsetting news.
  • Dream Interpretation: If a woman loses her watch, then trouble awaits her at home.

Gypsy dream book

Buying a watch and looking at it means a visit from an important person. The large clock on the building comes to your recognition. A gold watch in a dream symbolizes improvement in business, the duration of which depends only on you. Seeing a wall clock in a dream and trying to wind it means long labors, which will still be crowned with success. When the clock strikes, it measures lost time.

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

The interpretation of dreams in the dream book suggests that your ego cannot live within the framework of too strict routines and you always lack time. You control literally everything and therefore you often exceed the permitted limit of this self-control. Find time for solitude, relax, change your environment for a while and most likely you will not want to return to your old settings.

Ancient French dream book

  • The dream of “looking at the tower clock and seeing how your house is collapsing” is a dream about the collapse of all affairs.
  • Buying a watch in a dream is a reminder that no one and nothing lasts forever and you have to live with the knowledge that life alone is not enough for everything.
  • The dream of “many hours around” is one big reminder that, in fact, time does not depend on you, but you are more than dependent on it.
  • Receiving a watch as a gift in a dream is a sign that you need to be more responsible.

Ancient English dream book of Zedkiel

  • Meaning of the dream: the clock is striking tirelessly, and all you hear is it. This is a warning. It is especially good if the clock strikes the time before noon and not so good if it is 12 noon.
  • Finding a watch in a dream means an imminent wedding.
  • A wristwatch that is simply present in your dream is nothing more than a reminder that time is most important to you and that you are unlikely to accomplish everything you have planned for this life.

Eastern women's dream book

The dream book calls a wristwatch the inevitable end of your time waiting for some extremely important event. And if at the same time you hear the ticking of a clock, then there will be a black streak in your life for a long time. Did you dream about a stopped clock? This is for death...

Aesop's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a clock based on Aesop? First of all, they mean the inevitability of the end of everything and the passage of time independent of our fate. Sometimes watches symbolize health and age. Aesop's Dream Book gives more practical recommendations to reduce the influence of the clock on your destiny to a minimum.

  • According to legend, giving a watch to a newlywed for a wedding is a bad sign, because “happy people don’t watch watches.”
  • Why do you dream of a stopped clock - a bad event that will leave an indelible impression on all the inhabitants of the house.
  • Watching an hour and being afraid of being late somewhere in a dream is a sign that you missed some chance that you had once, and you didn’t even notice it.
  • In a dream, a new clock suddenly stopped working, or an old, non-working clock suddenly began to chime, then this promises big troubles - from illness to the risk of being left without a livelihood.
  • Why do you dream about buying a watch? This is your carelessness! You simply do not know how to navigate difficult circumstances.
  • Dream Interpretation: a broken watch is a sign that you will find yourself in a difficult situation and you will have to involuntarily make a choice.
  • If in a dream you set an alarm clock so as not to oversleep, then in real life you will face accusations that you do not deserve and disappointment.
  • Why dream of a broken watch - nothing lasts forever and just come to terms with this fact.
  • In a dream, sand is quickly flowing out of an hourglass - a reminder of the inexorable movement of time, and if you do not take action right now, you will miss a lot of epoch-making opportunities.
  • In a dream you dreamed of a watch that you are repairing - your attempts to stop the inevitable are in vain.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Miller's dream book: a watch means success in trading valuable assets, say, on the stock exchange. But if you just stare at the clock, then your efforts are worthless. In addition, rivals immediately become active.
  • If you dreamed about a broken watch, it means losses.
  • Why dream of a broken wristwatch - your behavior is extremely frivolous, especially in a society that is not very welcoming to your presence. You are at double risk.
  • Why do you dream about women’s watches? You can unwittingly put someone at risk and won’t even understand how this happened. The same applies to men's watches if you are a woman.
  • If a woman lost her watch in a dream, then troubles await at home, which will turn into real misfortune.
  • If you dreamed that someone’s watch was stolen, opponents will be waiting for you and will spoil your reputation at the first opportunity.
  • Why do you dream of a watch as a gift? Only to trouble.
  • Hearing a clock strike is a sign of bitter news.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does it mean if you dreamed about a clock? There are many options:

  • change for the better;
  • it's time to realize how fleeting life is;
  • wristwatch - for the start of new business;
  • why dream that a wristwatch was given to you - to unexpected news (both good and not so good).

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream of a clock on the wall: it’s time to think about the past time - how did you live it, did you leave a good or bad memory of yourself, what mark on Earth? If the clock is on the wall, then you do not value your life at all. Don’t let all the opportunities and joys pass you by - try to take everything from her, but also give back just as much.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a wristwatch - there is not much time left before the upcoming big event.
  • Dream Interpretation: the watch dial is difficult to see or is completely absent - a sign of serious danger. This dream prophesies a tragedy that only the Lord will help to survive.
  • Hearing the clock tick in a dream means your life will fall into a white streak, then into a black one, and will not get better soon. It may seem to you that God himself has turned his back on you, but no - you are simply destined to undergo trials, for which you will be rewarded with peace and happiness.

Freud's Dream Book

  • What does it mean if you dreamed of a watch that you keep winding on your hand: you will receive a reward for your work, for your efforts. However, it can also be intangible.
  • Why do you dream of a wall clock: you will be surprised by his clearly expressed feelings by a person who has hitherto been reserved, dry and incomprehensible as a person.
  • A huge tower clock is a sign of excellent, long-awaited news that you have been waiting for for so long.
  • Did you dream of many clocks on the wall? You spend your time and energy on everything - you try to do absolutely everything, although you know that a whole life may not be enough.
  • Did you dream that your watch broke? Well, apparently you are too straightforward and do not want to put up with the eccentric actions of your loved one, who, in turn, cannot refuse them. It's time for some of you to take the first step and become more careful and sensitive.

Modern dream book

  • Did you dream about a watch on your hand? You constantly maintain order in the organization of your life and work and will always achieve success as long as your rules and truths by which you live are fully observed.
  • Dream interpretation: the clock hands have stopped. Well, it’s time to step away from work for a while, give yourself a break and look for a field for further work.
  • Breaking a watch means losses and troubles, and breaking only the glass of a watch means fleeting acquaintances.
  • Stealing a watch in a dream means your reputation will suffer due to ill-wishers.
  • Dream Interpretation: a wristwatch as a gift - your interests will be threatened due to banal imprudence and a penchant for pleasure, the practical value and importance of which for you is unjustified.
  • Just looking at the clock means enemies who do not sleep.
  • Hear the clock strike - you will receive unpleasant news later.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Why do you dream of a watch on your hand? For profit and nothing more. But if they appeared in a dream to a sick person, then this... to his short life.

The dream book calls a gold wristwatch the key to your success in the eyes of other people, but you should not boast about it, because pride can throw you off the pinnacle of success.

Esoteric dream book

Traditionally, this dream book gives the most “interesting” interpretations, which reveal the issue of the presence of watches in dreams much more broadly.

  • Why do you dream of a wristwatch: for coordinated work and your wise use of your time.
  • A broken watch or dreamed that your wristwatch stopped - you clearly do not fit into the overall picture of time. More precisely, you are late every now and then and you have problems, as it is now fashionable to say, with “time management.”
  • Why do you dream of lost hours: you are missing out on time and in your personal life too much space is given over to little things that don’t “make a difference.”
  • Why do you dream of a large wall clock: a fateful time is coming for you and your family. It's time to turn on all your attention and seize every moment that life provides. This is akin to a door behind which a long new corridor may await, filled with bright light - new opportunities, in other words. But you need to open each such door and see what awaits you behind it.
  • Huge chimes and tower clocks on public display are part of government affairs that will affect the life of every person, not just you.
  • Seeing a watch on your hand in a dream, but not attaching importance to its high cost, ticking and time is a sign of stability, which is imaginary. It seems like it exists, but you just want to constantly make amendments to it, in the hope that you will reach the desired level.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a watch? Let them be working, non-working, gold, gifted, stolen - the essence is the second and third... The main thing is that this identifies, if I may say so, “the determinism of the reflective matrix.” In simple terms, your watch is a conscious and subconscious reflection of a repeatedly repeated series of events that cannot be further developed. For example, you constantly get to know a person and want to tie the knot, only at the last moment the person disappears and you start over. If so, then it’s time to move a little away from your canon and find a different approach. After all, in case of failure, an already familiar result awaits you, but if the option works, then there is a chance to get out of this useless obsession that constantly poisons your life.

Idiomatic dream book

  • Here the interpretation is different. You need to match your dream to the most suitable of the idioms listed, and you will get an approximate meaning of its message.
  • “Happy people don’t watch watches”: joy is timeless, but it was not worth giving a watch to anyone - not everyone will understand, and karma will not contribute to the happiness you are looking for.
  • “The hour has struck” - a crucial period of life has arrived, and perhaps the end of it.
  • “Watchmaker” - your accuracy in business is exemplary.
  • “The clock has stopped” - the end of affairs and even death.
  • “Be as precise as a clock” and “Running routine” is your ability to work like an automatic machine - smoothly, accurately and tirelessly.

Autumn dream book

This dream book calls a wristwatch a sign of deliverance from a terrible danger.

Spring dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: breaking a wristwatch means troubles with health, troubles in the family.
  • The dream book advises wearing a watch with a clear awareness that it runs inexorably and a watch is not an accessory, but a reminder that nothing lasts forever. In a dream, such an image has exactly the same interpretation.
  • Did you dream that you were given a watch? You will probably have a little bit of luck, which will be replaced by the need to work more than before. Thus, the clock in a dream is like a reminder: “Don’t forget, there is something you need to do before you rest.”

Summer dream book

Wipe your watch in a dream - you will live out your life in a foreign land.

Did you dream of a gold watch on your hand? To have success near you, as well as a reminder of what it cost you.

Children's dream book

How many hours the clock shows is how much vitality a child has. The earlier the hour, the higher the supply of his vital energy. If a child says that he heard a clock ticking in a dream, then his body is warning that a disease is developing inside the body, and it is about to manifest itself.

Intelligent dream book

A watch on a hand in a dream means the health of its owner; a broken watch in a dream means damage and injury; broke a clock in a dream - to the death of a relative.

Folklore dream book

The clock stopped - to someone's death. What watch do you see in your dream? Tower - to the inexorability of the passage of time; a gold watch in your property - to prosperity, to which the road is uneven and difficult; broken watch - to troubles and grief; received a watch as a gift - this is a reminder for you not to relax; you give a watch to someone - you are acting frivolously and giving up grandiose prospects.

Women's dream book

  • Women's watches are rarely dreamed of, just like men's. Usually, old ones appear in dreams, with pendulums, whole, broken, working and not.
  • An ancient clock suggests that the time has come to reflect on the past and draw conclusions.
  • A wall clock shows that you value your life at all. Life is not eternal, so you should not miss all its opportunities that it throws at you every now and then.
  • Dream Interpretation: a wristwatch on your hand - there is less and less time left before an important event in life.
  • A watch without a dial is a sign of serious danger.

Russian folk dream book

According to the dream book, a clock is your connection with time, how you feel it. Watches usually symbolize age. According to popular belief, if the clock has stopped, then there will be fire in the house. If in a dream you constantly look at your watch, then in reality you will get a chance that is very important and you don’t want to miss it. If you find a watch, but it does not work, it is completely broken, then you will find yourself in a difficult situation in reality. The dream book considers buying a watch to be your weakness: you do not know how to cope with situations that suddenly appear on the horizon every now and then.

Erotic dream book

  • Why do you dream of a watch: a reminder of an important matter, of plans that are not yet destined to come true.
  • Hearing a clock strike in a dream means that you are very sensitive by nature, but have a weakness to react to the slightest irritation.
  • If the clock runs forward in a dream, then you are disappointed and your desires were never achieved. But that's just for now.
  • If the clock lags behind in a dream, then a long romance awaits you, complete harmony with the object of passion.
  • If in a dream you see right through a watch, you see its working mechanism, then everything is in order with your health.
  • But if the clock does not work in a dream or was running and suddenly stopped, then there have been disruptions in your sex life.

Ukrainian dream book

A stopped clock means death; if the clock ticks, life will change for the better. Watches also dream of making acquaintances and pleasant meetings.

Psychoanalytic dream book

A watch that displays a clearly visible time (you see the hands) can indicate the time of a really strong experience in the past, which could even leave a mark on your health. Therefore, you should watch the work of the heart and once again, and especially not “shock” yourself over trifles.

Wanderer's Dream Book

  • The price of a watch for a wanderer is completely unimportant. He looks at their usefulness, simplicity and reliability. Therefore, hours in a dream represent your readiness to go towards your goal, without wasting yourself on any nonsense that only creates the illusion of significance.
  • Finding a wristwatch in a dream means you are rushing things. They will develop, but at their own pace. Therefore, the significance of the final accomplishment will be higher than all expectations.
  • Why do you dream of an expensive watch: the marriage will be successful and profitable in all respects.
  • The clock has stopped in your sleep: your death is not asleep, it is in a hurry to lay its bony hand, maybe it will choose someone else.
  • A clock with a pendulum is the work of the heart. The smoother the ride, the better your “motor” works.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

The clock always shows how sudden we are on Earth: time runs its own course and no one has any demand for it. Here he has a message for you... How do you live, what actions have you committed? While you are thinking, remember that time is running out and you need to have time to correct your wrongdoings and ask for forgiveness. If, of course, you are conscientious.

A broken clock or no hands, not ticking - society does not want to see you in its ranks. In the worst case scenario, you will also be persecuted by your own family.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Why do you dream for many hours: these are all your mistakes and miscalculations. Just look at their number and draw conclusions.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

  • Did you dream about a pocket watch? Family relationships are more than healthy and you have nothing to worry about.
  • Did you dream that you found a watch? You should be more punctual and pay attention to all the details that make up your life.
  • Why do you dream of a gold watch? People close to you may rob you.
  • The clock doesn't work? You're simply wasting your time
  • Why do you dream of giving a watch? You are deceiving yourself by thinking that you are doing good to someone. People don't appreciate your actions and take them for granted.
  • A large clock in a dream with a sonorous chime is a reminder that hangs over your head like a sword of Damocles.
  • A watch broken in a dream promises sadness and a broken life.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

This is the most detailed dream book, which focuses specifically on the numbers that you saw in your dream. But first, some general information:

  • The hourglass is a sign of your active involvement in the life of society, and they will easily pin the organization on you and shift all responsibility onto your shoulders.
  • Why dream of finding a watch: you suddenly come across a whole pile of things that seem important to you, but you won’t be able to pass by, because you’re wondering what awaits at the bottom of this pile of seemingly plausible things...
  • Why do you dream about buying a watch? It all depends on the purpose. If for yourself, then it’s time for you to be more responsible and attentive to how you spend your own time; if it is for the purpose of presenting to someone, then you yourself are calling for trouble, since you are giving up an important quality - being able to keep several thoughts in your mind at once and also perform several things at the same time.

Now let's go through the numbers! (cm. )

1. Clock with the number “one”.

  • A large wall clock in which the number “1” appears means that in exactly 1 month you will conquer the person you like. If, in addition to one, no other numbers are presented, then you are extremely self-confident and, through negligence, which is not allowed by your own pride, you can ruin your relationships with friends. If you dream of a gold watch whose hands are broken or crooked, then you should not boast of your first victory - it may be followed by a series of failures, which will immediately bring you down on your face.
  • If you move the hands to 1 o'clock in the afternoon in a dream, then in 19 days you will be sued! If the unit was bright, then you will win the case, but if, on the contrary, it is careless and cloudy, then after the loss you will have to deal with the consequences for another whole year.
  • Why do you dream about wall clocks, electronic ones? If they show the time “00:01”, then in reality you will have to make some kind of discovery in 64 days and at the same time you will actively argue with your immediate circle.
  • If you see an electronic watch in a dream, and the sum of the numbers when added gives you a number with a unit in it, then in reality you will have to give up your beliefs and reconsider your goals. Let's say a woman dreams of such a combination as 21:07, 10:09 (that which adds up to 10, with a unit in the composition). This is a very favorable sign that promises success and victory on the love front. If in a dream you were unable to add up the numbers, you could not understand what time it was outside - day or night, then in reality in your professional field you will be burdened by doubts and indecision.

2. Clock with the number “two”.

3. Clock with the number “three”.

  • Seeing a clock with a clearly marked “3” in a dream means that for 3 weeks you have been racking your brains over some problem or wasting time on a boring task that does not bring benefits in any way. And there is no end in sight for him... You may even dream of exactly 3 o’clock in the morning/day, or if these are electronic numbers, no other number except three is displayed. This means that in 3 days you will cope with all your worries and do it so thoroughly that you will surprise those around you.
  • If a wristwatch in a dream points to three with both hands, then after 21 days or 39 you will receive an important message that “circumstances have changed.” You will probably have to go to another city.
  • If you see the time at 3 minutes past midnight on an electronic display in a dream, then get ready to let into your life a real onslaught of love and passion, so strong that for the next 3 weeks, months and even years, you will be immersed in your feelings.
  • If the electronic scoreboard shows 03:00, 06:06 or another time, the sum of the digits of which ultimately gives “3”, then consider that you have reached a new level of development. It's time to pay attention to the composition of the team you work with: remember who approached you on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th of last month. These are the people you should count on.

4. Clock with the number "4".

If you are not Chinese, for whom the number four is equivalent to the symbol of death, then the following interpretations will be more favorable to your fate.

  • If a wristwatch in a dream shows the number “4” with both hands, then your respectability and importance have begun to go off scale and this prevents you from looking soberly at the circumstances. If at the same time you can’t get enough of your watch, saying how chic and beautiful it is, then you simply cannot free yourself from all sorts of social protocols, conditions, attitudes, which can simply be called “this is how it is accepted, because I am from this society.” " However, there is a good outcome: someone you have seen 4 times already will help you get out of this bad rut and change the environment, which will allow you to be natural.
  • Seeing a clock that clearly shows the number four means that you are impeccably righteous and correct and therefore completely boring to be around. Everyone around you sees you as a saint, with whom you can’t talk about anything earthly, let alone do it!
  • If seeing the number 4 in a dream instilled fear and a subconscious sense of danger, then you are tired of being a saint with a clean reputation for everyone. You want to have the opposite effect, to dilute your experience. Let's say, sit in company, have a drink... but nothing more. After all, for those around you this will be out of the ordinary!
  • If the four instilled a certain calm, a feeling of joy, then in real life you are still that big sinner. No, of course you have a positive beginning, a moral core, you just know how to turn off your conscience in time and consciously follow the lead of your feelings. It’s especially easy to throw dust in everyone’s eyes. The only true advice: be who you really are, otherwise you’ve already done a lot of things.
  • If an electronic clock shows “00:04” in a dream, then in 40 days you will be working two jobs in order to earn as much money as possible to implement your plans, because their positive outcome will depend on money and nothing more. If the clock in a dream reminded you that you are late and frantically rushed to a meeting, then in reality you will not save the required amount and will have to borrow money.
  • If the time “00:40” is displayed on the board, a big acquisition awaits you - a computer, a car or even an apartment. And the more pleasant the outcome will be in reality if in a dream you received real satisfaction from your acquisition.
  • If the clock shows the time, when adding the numbers the result is four (17:05, 23:44), then this indicates that you need to be patient and wait for the results of your work. You have already done everything that depended on you, now let circumstances and the natural course of things do all the work. Don't try to interfere with the course of things and artificially speed things up.
  • If in a dream you spent 4 minutes or hours, months, years on something, then in reality in 4 weeks you will be disappointed in your friend.

5. Clock with the number “5”.

  • Seeing a clock with the number “5” in a dream means that in reality you are playing the role of some other person, whom you are not even a bit of your “I”. If the wall clock shows five, then someone from your inner circle is trying to fool you. Moreover, this person may live... on the 5th floor or have “32” in his phone number. Go through your contact list and stay alert.
  • If an electronic clock shows “00:05” in a dream, then this indicates that you make too many demands on others and life itself, and your ambitions are so great that they conflict with the plans and needs of those around you. Moderate your ambition, but you will have to live with modesty at the ready for the next 5 years, which will allow you to ultimately be what you see yourself in your dreams.
  • If the clock display shows 05:00 or 00:50, then a period of downtime and financial difficulties awaits you. In exactly 2 weeks you will be able to borrow the amount for a long time. If you are sure that you can pay it back, then feel free to borrow it and use it even for business needs. But if there is doubt, then it is better to endure the period of need, otherwise you risk getting into even greater difficulties.
  • To see numbers on a scoreboard in a dream that, when added together, give a five, means that after 5 months you will finally recognize true love, but it will only bring pain, since you will not be able to be with the person you love so much.

6. Clock with the number "6".

  • If in a dream you saw only a six on a scoreboard, wall or wrist clock, then you can rest assured that you did the right thing if you agreed to the offer that was offered to you 6 days ago. In six months, you will praise yourself for your intelligence and determination. But if the six is ​​unclear, cloudy, or the arrow pointing to it is crooked, then your enterprise will benefit only you, and everyone else will suffer because of your selfishness.
  • If all the numbers on the dial are only sixes, then this is a sign from above! You are too frivolous in your responsibilities and will overlook a serious mistake or make a miscalculation, for example, during document management. If a mistake is made, then you will not see any promotion or leave without a queue. Therefore, be especially vigilant on the 14th and 15th. The coming June will be extremely busy. For schoolchildren and students, such a vision in a dream promises fulfillment of desires if they complete the work they started exactly 14 days ago.
  • If a wristwatch shows six in a dream, with both hands pointing exactly at it, then after 6 days you will learn something that will help you achieve your secret desires. For women, such a dream promises victory in love: they will know everything about the secrets of their rivals and will be able to use them to their advantage. If the watch glass is cracked, then the rivals will also be active - they will prepare a couple of trump cards in reserve.
  • Seeing exactly six on an electronic scoreboard in a dream is a personal warning. The time that is displayed on it is also symbolic: “00:06” is a sign that you missed in love, but the mistake served a purpose and, oddly enough, your bonds with your loved one will only become stronger. Seeing “06:00” on the board means that in 51 days you will accomplish almost a feat in the eyes of others and will be the center of attention. Articles about you (!) may appear in newspapers, and your face will even appear on TV! Just stand the test of sudden fame and don’t become arrogant, otherwise the people’s hero will receive a different face...
  • Seeing “17:34” on the board and no other time means impending hard physical work, which will bring overwork and even prolonged illness to the girls.
  • If the numbers on the scoreboard when added together give a six, then this, albeit implicit, is still evidence that you are working too much and your body may malfunction if you do not take a vacation or at least reduce the speed. Drinking and relaxing in company is not recommended, as this can also add mild depression to general fatigue.

7. Clock with the number "seven".

  • To dream of a watch with only seven on the dial: your nature is very creative and often looks for ways to get out. If you are saddened by this seven, then in life you have accepted an offer that haunts you, since you are not completely confident in the correctness of the decision made and in your capabilities. If you look at the seven opposite and the fact that there are no other numbers on the dial, then this indicates that you are ready to give your all to do what you gave your honest and binding word. After 16 days (1+6=7) you will get the result and understand whether you have started the business.
  • If in a dream both hands on the clock point to seven, then after 88 days (the total is also 8+8=16=1+6=7) you will have a serious conversation, which will end with a decision about moving to another city or about a serious operation.
  • If in a dream you dreamed of an electronic clock that shows “00:07”, then this means that... you are hated by a person you barely know! Therefore, you do not perceive him as an enemy, although there is a real risk of falling into his trap. Therefore, you should be vigilant on the 7th, 16th and 25th of the next month.
  • If the board shows 7 am, then in the next week you will have some kind of performance in public.
  • If the clock transmits any other time and its numbers, when added, give seven, then you will be visited by the entertainment that you have been dreaming about for 7 months in a row.

8. Clock with the number "8".

  • If in a dream a wristwatch shows only 8 and there are no other numbers, then this indicates impending ill health. And you will be sick for a long time and seriously, so much so that you will have to take a vacation and go far out of town.
  • If in a dream the wall clock shows 8 hours and 40 minutes (both hands are on the figure eight), then you can fully count on the help of friends and the participation in your affairs of a mass of people who are not indifferent to your fate. The help of a person who will be 8 or 17 years younger/older than you is especially valuable.
  • If the wall clock chimed exactly 8 times in a dream, then in reality you will show your artistry and show an outstanding performance on stage. Such a dream is especially favorable for students of a theater school - they have chosen their specialty correctly.
  • If in a dream the electronic clock shows “00:08”, then in exactly 8 days an important change will happen in life - someone you know will end up in jail...
  • Seeing “01:07” on your watch is tantamount to a warning that the fate of the person you met on July 1 – July 1 of last year depends on you. If you have quarreled with him since then, you urgently need to make peace.
  • If the board shows “00:17”, then someone who is now 17 years old will have serious problems.
  • If the board shows “00:26”, then there is a person with whom you have known for 26 years or you have common interests with a person who is just 26 years old.
  • Seeing a clock on which the sum of the numbers is eight (17:00 or 19:34) means that boredom is consuming you, and you are looking for opportunities to change your environment, pick up a hobby or make new acquaintances.

9. Clock with the number "9".

  • Have you seen a simple wall clock on which nine is clearly visible? You will take a risky step and act in a way that no one expects.
  • If the arrows point to nine (say 9 hours 45 minutes in the morning/night), then in exactly 9 weeks guests you have been expecting for a long time will appear on your doorstep, or you will receive news that will allow you to get ahead of your competitors.
  • An electronic clock that shows “09:00” or “00:09” means anxiety and nervous anticipation. Until you receive a signal that it is time to act, it is better not to take any action. If the clock shows exactly “09:09”, which gives two nines initially and a nine when summed according to the already known principle, then you should pay attention to the means that you want to use to achieve your goal. If your digital watch is broken, don’t wait for something to happen to it – get down to business right away! This promises success and good money.
  • If you see a cuckoo clock and hear it cuckoo exactly 9 times, then your business will decline and you will simply fall out of the general flow. If the cuckoo's voice hurts your ears, then you need rest. After it, you can safely return to your old business. If the cuckoo's voice is hoarse, then you will have to give way, you will be passed over, and discord may occur in the family.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

  • The primary elements, planets and emotions of the image of a watch in a dream are absolutely all known. This is almost the most important sign that always leaves an imprint on life after awakening.
  • The watch reflects what is missing in your life in material terms. This is the identification of your relationship to time and your life in it. If previously a person had enough of natural rhythms, now he cannot live without hours and a day. Thus, the agreement to follow a single time became the reason for the emergence of a single society. Therefore, time has become an ally for some, but for the vast majority an enemy that needs to be kept up with in order to defeat it, which only a few can achieve.
  • A sun, sand, or mechanical clock in a dream reflects yin - the internal state, while yang is responsible for external characteristics. If in a dream you see the first hours of awakening, sleep, or try to see what time it is, then this indicates that you simply do not keep up with its progress in reality. And this suggests that your internal rhythm does not coincide with the rhythm of society. If you try to focus on the external rhythm without listening to the internal one, this will lead to the thinning of qi - your internal energy. Adjust your goals and your capabilities, review the entire plan: what are you spending your time on? What is really important to you and makes sense with practical application, and what only creates the illusion of perfection and completeness of life? This way you can rid yourself of the internal time block and find strength. If time in a dream is rapidly decreasing, then you are wasting your time, or wasting your energy on a person who takes all your efforts for granted.
  • Why do you dream of a watch in a dream? If they are broken or stopped, then this indicates that you are fixated on the past, which is high time to let go. If the clock stops on the wall, then at that moment the collapse of the house or family itself begins.
  • Lost hours in your sleep? You are trying to keep up with the rhythms of life around you, and such a dream is unfavorable: you lose your own goals and guidelines for moving through life. You are looking in the wrong place and with the wrong means, your methods do not correspond to the spirit of the times.
  • If someone threw away a watch in a dream, then this is a symbol of his getting rid of internal blocks, which could be caused by the opinions of others, habits, and comments. Such a dream is favorable, as it marks your free, but no less responsible attitude towards life, which every now and then smiles back at you.
  • A sundial in a dream again speaks of compliance with the rhythms of life. The whole watch evokes a feeling of consistency, as if every piece of a puzzle is in place and you can see the whole picture. A destroyed clock says the opposite - not only are the rhythms disrupted, but you constantly feel that something is wrong here, even if at first glance there is logic and obvious meaning in everything.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • Why do you dream of an antique watch: in the future you will greatly repent for the mistakes of the past. It is also possible that these are mistakes made by your ancestors, long before you appeared.
  • Why do you dream of a clock on the wall: in the future something of such magnitude will happen that your life will completely change.
  • Why you dream of a wristwatch: men’s or women’s is not the point, the main thing is that you really don’t have enough time to carry out your plans. Also, speaking of politics, the ruler who is now in power does not have time to implement all his projects and reforms.
  • Why do you dream of a watch without a dial: a bad omen that speaks of unusual and sad events that are about to happen.
  • Why do you dream about the sound of a clock: someone close to you is in dire need of help, and the sooner you help, the better for everyone.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Why do you dream of a pocket watch? These are calm, correct and honest relationships in the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: Finding a wristwatch means it’s time for you to learn punctuality.
  • Dream Interpretation: gold watch - you can be robbed by loved ones. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: gift, watch - you are deceiving yourself.
  • The dream “the clock is not ticking” warns: you are wasting your time.
  • The dream of “breaking a clock” symbolizes bad deeds.
  • The dream “the clock does not work, is not wound” is a dream about the death of a distant acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

  • Dream Interpretation: The interpretation of dreams generally reduces “watches” to negativity, especially if the watch is gold. In this case, your loved ones may rob you.
  • Why do you dream of a broken watch: the matter still doesn’t work out and perhaps you need to abandon it in favor of another or take a break and rest.
  • What time does the clock show in a dream? If you remember the hour, the exact time, then consider that after such a period of days (days, weeks, months, years) an event will occur that will answer the questions that have been gnawing at you for a long time.

Dream book of health

Any watch in a dream means desynchrosis – a disruption of natural biological rhythms in the body.

If the clock suddenly stops in a dream, then one of your loved ones may be in danger and even death.


As you can see from all of the above, the clock and the time that it shows is a very important sign that will definitely leave its mark on the fate of everyone who dreams of it. We hope that our huge combined dream book on the topic of watches will help you correctly interpret the vision and do everything possible so that it serves you well in reality.

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

change in life; remember the hour and minutes (year and month or month and day of change); buy - the beginning of new things; someone is buying nearby - conducting unexpected new business, offers from an unexpected place.

I dreamed about a clock

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a watch in a dream means that you will succeed in playing the stock market. To dream that you are looking at your watch means that your efforts will be negated by your rivals. Breaking a watch portends troubles and losses. Breaking the glass of a watch is a harbinger of your frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society. If a woman loses her watch in a dream, it means that troubles at home will cause misfortune. To dream that you have stolen a watch means that you have fierce opponents who are trying to tarnish your reputation. Giving someone a watch means that trouble awaits you. If you hear the clock striking, upsetting news is possible.

The meaning of a dream about a clock

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, winding up the watch on your hand - such a dream indicates that you will receive a reward for the work you have done, only this reward may not be material. If you dreamed of a large wall or grandfather clock, it means that you will be surprised by sex with a person whom you always thought of as very reserved and dry. It turns out that in an informal setting this person expresses his feelings very clearly, so that there is no doubt about his emotionality. If you dreamed of a tower clock, it means that you are about to learn some very important news, and long-awaited one at that. A broken watch is a symbol of bad sex. Perhaps you are too straightforward and do not want to come to terms with some of your partner’s eccentricities, in your opinion, and he, in turn, does not want to give up these quirks. Someone has to take the first step, right?

Clock in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Looking at an old watch in a dream is a sign that in the future you will greatly regret the mistakes you have made in the past. Perhaps such a dream means that you will be ashamed of the mistakes made by your ancestors. Seeing a wall clock in a dream means that in the future you will experience something that will radically change your life. If you dreamed of a wristwatch, then such a dream suggests that you will not have enough time to carry out your plans. Perhaps this dream suggests that the ruler who is now in power in your state will not have time to implement all his reforms and projects. Determining time in a dream using a clock that does not have a dial is a bad omen. The event that will happen to you will be unusual, and therefore will greatly upset you. Hearing the sound of a clock in a dream is evidence that someone close to you really needs your help. And the sooner this help is provided, the better.

Why do you dream about a watch?

according to Vanga's dream book

If you saw an old clock in a dream, then such a dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did you do good or bad deeds, what mark will you leave behind on Earth. If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not let it pass you by. Seeing a wristwatch in a dream is a sign that there is very little time left for an important event in your life. Determining time in a dream using a watch that does not have a dial is a harbinger of serious danger. Such a dream prophesies a great tragedy, which you can only survive by turning to God for help. Hearing the sound of a clock in a dream is a prophecy that your life will not get better for a long time. It will seem to you that God has turned his back on you, but this is not so, you are simply destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Seeing time in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Time and time mysteries can be a difficult element when interpreting a dream. Since dreams come to us as phantasmagoria, very few signs can be used to judge how time is perceived in a dream. One dream may seem to take place in real time: twenty minutes of events in a rem cycle; another dream may take place in a series of edited scenes taking place over several days, weeks, years, or an immeasurable period of time; another dream may turn out to be completely outside of any time bounds. One way to determine the movement of time in a dream is to simply imagine scenes of situations and try to establish any chronological changes in them. Another way is to think about numbered objects in your dreams and associate their numbers with the time frame of your life. If the clock in your dream shows 5:15, then it could be a time, a date, or time elapsed between two ages; in the latter case, perhaps five and fifteen years. Sometimes time mysteries are frustrating and surprising, sometimes they are full of deep meaning: you can easily observe the periodically repeating cyclical structure of life, remember the time when maturity and self-awareness manifested themselves, how long the transition period took. In this way many things can be understood. Sometimes the temporal aspect can influence the emotional environment of the dream; it is likely that a dream in “real time” will have a different emotional connotation than a dream in “scattered time.”

The meaning of a dream about a watchmaker

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a watchmaker in a dream or coming to him to have him repair a broken watch means that a woman will meet a strange man who will tell you that he has a strong desire for you. If such a dream was seen by a man, it means that someone wants to deceive him in matters related to work or business.

Expert answers


Good afternoon I dreamed that I found a lost gold wristwatch - a gift from my mother. What does this dream mean? Thank you in advance. (Mylnikova, Inna)

There are few details for an accurate interpretation, but the dream means that in reality you will finally findtime for something important to you or successfully complete some long-standing task.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

If you dreamed of a watch, it is a symbol of life, change (good or bad), movement, success or defeat.

If in a dream you remember the time shown by the clock, then try to understand what exactly this means. See numbers.

A working clock in a dream means that your business is progressing successfully.

Seeing or receiving a watch with a bracelet in a dream predicts imminent marriage. Losing them in a dream means the collapse of your hopes. But if you can find them in a dream, then happiness awaits you in your married life. An expensive watch in a dream portends good changes and promises health, wealth and prosperity.

The clock hands indicate how much time is left until the desired moment.

A stopped watch in a dream foreshadows a stop in business or the death of the one to whom this watch belongs. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may lose track of time, and warns you about imprudent actions that can greatly harm your well-being. If you. If you dream that someone took a stopped watch for repairs, then you will be able to safely get out of another adventure.

If the clock is rushing in a dream, then you should not make hasty decisions. The dream also indicates that you need to do something important and indicates deteriorating health. But if in a dream you see that the clock is lagging behind, then you should hurry up so as not to miss the lucky chance. If the clock slows down in a dream, then your life is in danger or trouble. Seeing a lot of ticking clocks in a dream means that you will have many different things to do that will bring profit or benefit. A broken watch in a dream foretells failure due to obstacles that you cannot overcome. Seeing a broken clock mechanism in a dream means that you will lose your income. For patients, such a dream threatens death. A watch without hands or with broken hands indicates that stagnation in business and great worries await you. Seeing a lot of broken watches or dropping a watch and not picking it up in a dream means that you should abandon useless undertakings.

Breaking a clock in a dream means that you yourself will interfere with your happiness or frighten away your luck. Seeing a broken watch is a harbinger of the death of a loved one. But if in a dream you dropped your watch, but it did not break, then you will have great luck in a matter that you considered hopeless. The ringing of an alarm clock in a dream indicates to you that the time has come to make an important decision or take a decisive step. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will make a good profit. See sounds.

The striking of a wall clock in a dream predicts imminent and sad events, and sometimes a funeral in the family. Losing or giving a watch in a dream is a harbinger of domestic troubles. Finding a watch or receiving one as a gift in a dream means that due to your frivolous behavior you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Such a dream also indicates that you should take advantage of the good advice of your friends or loved ones.

If you dream that your watch was stolen, then beware of ill-wishers who want to harm your happiness or well-being.

Stealing a watch yourself in a dream is a sign that you are ready to do anything for the sake of your happiness.

Winding a watch in a dream means that you have to make an important decision.

If you dream that an acquaintance left his wristwatch with you, then you will have a happy and long-term relationship (partnership, friendship) with this person.

Why do you dream of a watch according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"
If you dreamed of an ancient clock:

If you saw an old clock in a dream, then such a dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did you do good or bad deeds, what mark will you leave behind on Earth. If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not let it pass you by.
If you dreamed of a wristwatch:

Seeing a wristwatch in a dream is a sign that there is very little time left for an important event in your life.
The clock has no dial in a dream:

Determining time in a dream using a watch that does not have a dial is a harbinger of serious danger. Such a dream prophesies a great tragedy, which you can only survive by turning to God for help.
Hearing a clock tick in a dream:

Hearing a clock tick in a dream is a prophecy that your life will not get better for a long time. It will seem to you that God has turned his back on you, but this is not so, you are simply destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.
Why do you dream of a clock according to the dream book -

If you dreamed of a clock, it is a symbol of inexorable time, a reminder that life passes. Symbol of the period of life to which the marked time corresponds. If you dreamed about a stopped clock, it is a sign of stagnation in life. If you dreamed of a clock without hands, a broken clock - to be rejected by your family and society. Winding a watch in a dream means changes for the better. If you dreamed of a pocket watch, it means a wonderful family relationship. If you dreamed of a gold watch, your close friends will rob you. If you dreamed of a big striking clock, remember that time is money. If you dreamed of an alarm clock ringing, it means good changes.

Hearing a clock tick in a dream is a prophecy that your life will not get better for a long time. It will seem to you that God has turned his back on you, but this is not so, you are simply destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a pocket watch, your family troubles will soon be resolved; find a watch in a dream - be more punctual, otherwise you risk missing out on a profitable offer; if you dreamed that you found a gold watch, your loved ones may rob you; if you dreamed of a broken watch without winding, you are deceiving your heart; giving someone a watch in a dream means you are wasting time on heartfelt concerns; if you dreamed of a striking clock, time for you is money; breaking a clock in a dream - expect bad news; if you dreamed of an unwinded watch, you will receive news of the death of a close relative. Wasting away over a clock in a dream means good health.



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