Love oracle fortune telling. Fortune telling with Tarot cards: Oracle of Love layout

To start free online fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about the future. Eliminate all extraneous thoughts, do not get distracted and do not lose concentration. Hold down the deck until it feels like it's time to end the shuffle.

Oracle. This is perhaps one of the most detailed oracles to date, the range of its answers is simply enormous. Its origins lie in ancient times and are found in almost all cultures; only the tools used differ. But here, too, everything is subject to the same logic. What is the use of bones by nomads, coins by priests or cards by fortune tellers. A choice of four characters is required, each of which can have four possible answers. The use of such a system will make it possible to obtain a very, very large number of answer options and, accordingly, cover and illuminate a very large area of ​​the querent’s life. There is a division into 16 main oracles, each of which is responsible for its own sphere. Here are the names of the oracles: Oracle of Autumn, Oracle of the Seas, Oracle of the Sun, Oracle of Flowing Stones, Dragon Oracle, Summer Oracle, Amazon Oracle, Flying Arrow Oracle, Winter Oracle, Four Winds Oracle, Love Oracle, Competition Oracle, Spring Oracle, Moon Oracle, Oracle treasures, Oracle of fertile land. Each of them in turn is divided into 16 small oracles: Fire, Vulcan, Snake, Day, Elf, Heart, Harvest, Source, Comet, Night, Storm, Knight, Flower, Dream, Mountain, Kingdom. You will be given an interpretation of the oracle that has been given to you, and the main oracle will also be given so that you understand the general direction of the events awaiting you, or to explain the advice given to you by the prediction. On our resource we will tell fortunes using a card deck; there is also an option using three coins. Do not fortune tell an excessive number of times, do not tire the oracle, one fortune telling is needed for one person, at a time, after a certain time you can repeat it, but observe moderation.

Fortune telling technique online for free

To receive the oracle's answer, we need a deck of cards, 36 or 52 pieces. The main thing is that the number of cards of each suit is equal, since we will only need suits without reference to the value of the card. Tune in carefully, concentrate and ask the oracle to reveal the whole truth to you. Shuffle the deck and push some of the cards towards you with your left hand, then you need to take them out, four at a time, laying them out in the order they were received from left to right. To determine the main oracle, we need to analyze the first and fourth cards, namely their suits. And to get the final answer, the second and third. It may take quite a long time to explain the entire theory; anyone who wants to study this oracle on their own should study specialized literature. If there are a large number of requests, I will post a detailed description on a separate page, write if necessary, email is on the contact page. For those who want to receive an answer from the oracle using our website, we provide this opportunity, completely free of charge; to do this, you need to tune in and click on the deck of cards just below on the page.

If you are on the Belshazzar website, it means you want to guess the attitude of a man (boyfriend, husband, lover, ex)! Our website offers a very convenient “online love fortune telling” service. You just need to make a guess about the attitude of the person you are interested in and click on the “guess” button. The oracle will give an extremely accurate and truthful answer to your question (does he love you or not?). So, are you ready to ask the Higher Powers about the secret? Then feel free to press the button!

The male version of this fortune telling (whether a girl loves you) is found.

Does the guy love you? Imagine its appearance and click on the button


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Fortune telling online for free for love - it really works!

Your loved one has no idea how easy it is to look into his soul! Who is he thinking about there, what is in his heart? What pictures does he paint in his imagination? Do you really want to know about this? Then our online fortune telling is definitely for you! The free service is not at all similar to gypsy card solitaire, nor to runes or other fortune-telling games.

We offer you a unique way to tell your attitude fortunes. This method was used by noble ladies back in the 18th century, during the time of A. Pushkin. The beauty of fortune telling was that each answer from the Oracle was accompanied by a beautiful love quatrain. Women of that distant time could not live a day without lyrical works. The gentlemen read their poems to them, confessing their feelings. Husbands dedicated poems to their beloved wives, and lovers - to their beloved and future brides.

Previously, when guessing about attitudes, one had to use volumes with a collection of poems. The ladies simply asked their question and used the book to interpret the answer and determine its meaning. This required a lot of free time, which modern young ladies do not always have at their disposal. Yes, and books with romantic poems may not be at hand.

But today you can tell fortunes about love with just one click of a button - the Oracle itself will select the appropriate quatrain for you. After reading this, you will find out how your loved one treats you. You don't need to do anything extra - just click on the key and wait for a response from the Higher Powers.

The modern way of online fortune telling for love is a happy opportunity to calm down if you are worried about everything that concerns your lover. Do you want to meet him, see him alone, but don’t know how he will react to this? The oracle will give the exact answer!

Many women often worry about this after separation (or divorce), since they still love their man and want to be with him. How often does this happen! According to statistics, every second divorced woman still wants to return to a relationship that was previously happy, but has now simply outlived its usefulness. Fortune telling online about love feelings will help you decide what to do - should you continue to fight for your happiness with this person or perhaps connect your life with someone else?

If a moment has come in your life when you are anxiously wondering whether this or that person loves you, then do not suffer in vain! Fortune telling online for free for love will help you answer this exciting question at the level of your subconscious. Your thought about your loved one, repeated many times, can become the very “fuse” that will ignite a real love fire in a man’s heart. Think you can't make someone fall in love with you? This is not true - every woman is a little witch, and witchcraft is available to each of us. Therefore, allow yourself a little magic - and use love fortune telling for your benefit!


Last week we looked at the “Oracle of Love” layout. You had a week to leave your interpretation in the comments to the article. Today you will receive an interpretation from the master and consider a new Tarot layout for relationships.

You can find the schedule for last week.

Interpretation of the “Oracle of Love” layout

Relationship between Alena and Ruslan. Querent - Alena.

First card - Moon

Question: State of affairs.

The moon is unsettling. There is something hidden and uncertain about relationships. It is not clear what causes the uncertainty of the state. The complexity of the relationship is not obvious. However, the Moon is a cool card that has a negative impact on relationships.

Second card - 2 staves

2 staves indicates that the querent is currently assessing the prospects for further relationships. Perhaps the Moon is a state of uncertainty within the querent himself. It is possible that Alena doubts the advisability of continuing the relationship in the form in which it exists today. This can be either a reformatting of relationships or a search for a new partner.

Third card - Ace of Cups

Question: How do they treat you?

From today's partner - Ace of Cups. Alena has no reason to doubt that her partner treats her very well. Literally, she is the joy of his life.

Fourth card - Knight of Swords

Question: What does the Oracle tell you?

The oracle invites the querent to take active action. The longer the querent is in a state of uncertainty, the more she will doubt herself and the decisions she has made. However, when acting, one should not forget about the Ace of Cups, which describes the partner’s relationship with Alena.

New layout “Oracle of Love - 2”

Give an interpretation of the layout from real life

Relationship between mother and adult son. The querent is the mother.

First card - Priestess

Question: State of affairs.

Second card - Page of Swords

Question: What does the heart worry about?

To carry out fortune telling on the subject of love relationships, several basic options for fortune telling are used. Among them, the Oracle of Love fortune telling certainly stands out. You can get its features and the correct interpretation of the cards from this material.

The most popular request is to get an answer to the question: “Does your lover love you or not?” To do this, you just need to think about the person disturbing your soul and formulate your question in your thoughts, and then mix the cards and arrange them according to the following scheme.

What do the cards mean in the layout?

  • 1st – will tell you about the current situation of your love story;
  • 2nd – will tell about your emotional experiences;
  • 3rd – speaks about the attitude of the person of interest to you;
  • 4th – Oracle's recommendation regarding what you need to do now.

Detailed interpretation of each card.

Detailed description of the first card

Major Arcana

  • Jester - you are now waiting for new love;
  • Magician - a person is in a state of spiritual elation;
  • Priestess - describes either a platonic relationship or receiving new information;
  • Empress - relationships are in full bloom;
  • Emperor - a person dreams of stability in love;
  • Dad is a spiritual love affair;
  • Lovers - mutual feelings;
  • Chariot – difficult times;
  • Justice - you are guided by reason, not feelings;
  • Hermit: speaks of detachment, coldness, loneliness;
  • Wheel of Fortune - a change of ups and downs;
  • Strength – passion in relationships comes first;
  • The Hanged Man is a time of deadlock;
  • Death - unnecessary relationships end;
  • Moderation - tells about emotional immaturity;
  • The Devil is a love trio;
  • Tower - the ground disappears under your feet;
  • The star is the hope that everything will be fine in the relationship;
  • Moon – the presence of a rival;
  • Sun – simplicity and clarity;
  • Court is the second beginning of a relationship;
  • Peace – speaks of harmony, happiness and peace.

Suit of Wands

  • Ace - the fortuneteller dreams of love;
  • 2 – presence of doubts;
  • 3 – speaks of a love journey;
  • 4 – a solid foundation is laid;
  • 5 – disputes;
  • 6 – happy future;
  • 7 – struggle for authority;
  • 8 – passion;
  • 9 – no faith;
  • 10 – stress, depression;
  • Page – new connections;
  • Knight - passions are heating up;
  • Queen – comfortable, “warm” relationship;
  • The king will tell you about a new acquaintance.

Suit of Cups

  • Ace is an indicator of optimism;
  • 2 and 3 – talk about reciprocity;
  • 4 and 5 – dissatisfaction with your union;
  • 6 – someone from the past appears;
  • 7 – dreams of love;
  • 8 – hopeless connections are terminated;
  • 9 and 10 – indicator of harmonious, measured relationships;
  • Page – trusting relationship;
  • The knight is a new suitor;
  • Queen - follow the lead of emotions;
  • King – relationship with a mature person.

Suit of Swords

  • Ace - battle for love;
  • 2 – withdrawal from the conflict;
  • 3 – love disappointment;
  • 4 – calm;
  • 5 – time of disagreement;
  • 6 – the person is self-absorbed;
  • 7 – false;
  • 8 – obstacles in relationships;
  • 9 – bad feelings;
  • 10 – separation;
  • Page – cold;
  • Knight - separation due to crisis;
  • Queen - divorce;
  • King - the relationship is not happy.

Suit of Pentacles

  • Ace - luck in love;
  • 2 – insincerity of one of the partners;
  • 3 – desire to start a family;
  • 4 – reliability;
  • 5 – difficult period;
  • 6 – mutual understanding in a couple;
  • 7 – period of stagnation;
  • 8 – work on relationships;
  • 9 – marriage union;
  • 10 – the relationship ends;
  • Page - new feelings arise;
  • Knight - fundamentality in love;
  • Queen - indicates stability;
  • The king is reliability, faith in the future.

Characteristics 2 cards

The 2nd card will indicate your inner experiences, but you should not attach much importance to it, because it is not the most important in the layout.

Major Arcana

  • Jester and Lovers - you can rest easy;
  • Cards from the Magician to the Court will indicate the doubts from which you often suffer, as well as the future prospects of your union;
  • Hermit - fear of being alone;
  • Death is a strong experience;
  • Sun - you have an ideal relationship;
  • The world is worried about the future of the couple.

Suit of Wands

When Wands appear as the 2nd card, this is definitely a concern.

  • Ace, 7 and 10 - you are worried about your own feelings;
  • 5, 6 and King - dissatisfied with their loved one;
  • 3 and 4 – general anxiety;
  • 2 – external influence;
  • 8, Page and Knight - anxiety due to the speed of development of relationships;
  • 9 – you are experiencing the pain of the past;
  • Queen - jealousy.

Suit of Cups

  • Ace, 3, 7, 8, Knight, King and Queen - they will tell about your experiences;
  • 9 and Page - everything will be fine, don’t worry;
  • 2 and 4 – your loved one is sincere with you;
  • 10 and 5 – an uncomfortable union;
  • 6 – you relive the past again and again, let it go.

Suit of Swords

Swords indicate anxiety, suffering, which was provoked either by your behavior or the behavior of your lover. All cards of this suit will have a negative meaning, except for the Six, which symbolizes doubts about a new relationship.

Suit of Pentacles

Pentacles – doubts of the questioner.

  • Ace - incorrect vision of the situation;
  • 2 – no stability;
  • 3 – material is higher than spiritual;
  • 4 – you are very jealous;
  • 5 – feeling of emptiness;
  • 6 – symbol of doubt;
  • 7 and 8 – fear of wasting time;
  • 9 – craving for solitude;
  • 10 – you are more worried about your loved ones than about yourself;
  • Page – worries about what was missed;
  • Knight - boredom causes excitement;
  • King - it is difficult to predict the future of the couple;
  • The Queen is excessive commercialism.

Description 3 cards

It is the 3rd card that plays a very significant role in the layout; it will tell you about the fortuneteller’s attitude towards you.

Major Arcana

  • Jester - you are loved madly, but not for long;
  • Magician - you are fascinated;
  • Priestess – the presence of a “quiet” admirer;
  • Empress - desire to care;
  • Emperor - they dictate their terms to you;
  • Dad - the presence of a spiritual connection;
  • Lovers - you are truly loved;
  • Chariot – removal of obstacles;
  • Justice is a prudent person;
  • Hermit - the person asking is not ready to enter into a relationship with you;
  • Wheel of Fortune - a change in attitude towards you;
  • Strength - you are loved very much;
  • Hanged Man - your partner is uncomfortable with you;
  • Death - rupture is inevitable;
  • Moderation - speaks of patience, care;
  • The devil - they are trying to seduce you;
  • The Tower is an unpredictable union;
  • Star - they will follow you anywhere;
  • Moon - the partner cannot understand himself;
  • Sun - attentive to you, kind, proud of you;
  • Court - new virtues have been considered in you;
  • The world - you are the ideal of your loved one.

Suit of Wands

This suit of cards will tell about the warm attitude of the fortuneteller, as well as his positive intentions and spiritual care.

The only exceptions will be cards two, five, seven, nine and ten.

Suit of Cups

Most of the cards of this suit testify to the love of your partner, as well as his support and sincere intentions towards you.

Suit of Swords

When Swords appear in the love oracle in the place of the 3rd card, they speak of a lack of feelings, negativity towards you, coldness, independence, aggressiveness and resentment.

Suit of Pentacles

The Arcana of Pentacles have varying meanings, but for the most part they indicate interest in you. Although it is possible that some obstacles in love may arise.

  • The Queen is a symbol of the desire for independence;
  • Knight and Page - will tell you about a certain down-to-earthness and modesty of your partner;
  • 8 – speaks of his mistakes;
  • 7 – your loved one is uninitiative;
  • 4 – possessive instinct;
  • 2 – speaks of frivolity and a desire to avoid responsibility;
  • 5 – interest in you, but the relationship is unfavorable;
  • Ace, 3, 6, 9, 10 and King are positive cards.

4 card

Card 4 – gives you advice in relationships. You yourself must establish its correct interpretation, based on the basic meaning of the cards, as well as the interpretation of the upcoming positions. Use your intuition for this.

Finish reading the article by watching an interesting video clip

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Every person, regardless of age, gender and social status, wants to be loved and happy. It would seem that it would be simpler: meet a worthy partner, fall in love and enjoy life. But the reality is harsher. Even in relationships where the feelings of a man and a woman are deep and sincere, quarrels, misunderstandings, mutual reproaches and resentments often arise. Fortune telling with tarot cards - an ancient magical tool of introspection and self-development - will help you understand the essence of the problem, change the situation, find harmony and love.

Fortune telling with tarot cards: “Oracle of Love” layout

The “Oracle of Love” tarot spread is used when a love relationship is overshadowed by anxiety, jealousy, and uncertainty about the reciprocity of the partner’s feelings. This method is able to provide brief but reliable information for reflection and further action.

The execution of the “Oracle of Love” layout, regardless of the chosen tarot deck, begins with the choice of a significator. The significator is a card (key), personifying the person asking, and is depicted in the layout diagram by the letter S. The essence of its designation is that each person is the center in his own microcosm and in his relationship with his partner. The choice of significator is carried out on a whim, from representatives of the major or figured cards of the minor arcana.

Tarot “Oracle of Love”: principle of layout and interpretation of cards

Shuffling the deck, the questioner mentally concentrates on his relationship with his loved one, after which he selects 5 keys and places them next to the significator as follows:

  • 1 key - above S on the left;
  • 2nd key - above S on the right;
  • 3rd key - under S on the left;
  • 4th key - under S on the right;
  • 5th key - placed on S.

The interpretation of the “Oracle of Love” layout in tarot fortune telling is interpreted by the following questions:

  1. What are your personal feelings, doubts, experiences in your current union?
  2. Feelings, emotions, the true attitude of the questioner towards his partner?
  3. Past events that brought two people together?
  4. What keeps people in the current union: mutual passion, affection or only children, habit, sense of duty?
  5. The Oracle's advice regarding a person's further actions: is it worth maintaining the relationship and what will be the result.

The meaning of tarot cards in a love reading

The interpretation of the minor arcana is carried out from the perspective of numerology and the suit of the dropped cards . Aces personify the initial impulse of development, the emergence of creative power. Twos express the relationship of opposites - good and evil, man and woman, spirit and matter. Threes symbolize idea, formation and final result. Four is the harmony between the Universe, the material world, logic and the human mind. Fives warn of a partner's inconstancy, inevitable changes in relationships, a situation out of control, heartache and despair. Six in a relationship between lovers is a symbol of balance and stability, confidence in the future, calm and trust, wedding and motherhood. Sevens embody wisdom and perfection of the mind, spiritual development of the individual. Eights in relationships predict revival, reconciliation and balance of opposing forces. In fortune telling they are interpreted as a sign of the destruction of something old and unnecessary in order to clear a place for the emergence of bright feelings. Nines combine the physical, conscious and spiritual planes of existence. Tens indicate the completion of a certain life cycle and the emergence of new relationships.

Personalized cards of the minor arcana - King, Queen, Horseman and Page indicate in fortune telling, as a rule, specific people and are considered individually from the position of the person asking .

There is a pattern in the interpretation of the suits of the alignment for current love relationships. “Positive” suits of Coins and Cups predict bliss, joy, happiness in the relationship between a man and a woman. “Negative” Swords and Wands express despair, pain and all the severity of relationships . The meaning of the major arcana is treated similarly to any other tarot system.



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