Name - “Wheel”, “Spinning Wheel”, “Snake Biting Its Tail”, “Ring”. The day shows you your karma, karmic problems. The sign of this day is the swastika, salting (according to the Sun). The swastika is one of the oldest signs denoting the Sun in many nations. In addition, it denotes the movement of time and force (energy). In the 13th ld. the movement of vital force (Qi energy) through the channels of our body increases. This day corresponds to the sign of Gemini and its ruler is Mercury. Previously, there was a thirteenth zodiacal constellation Ophiuchus, it was called the constellation of magicians and wise men.

Day of spiritual transformation of the mind. It is possible to receive revelation and insight. It is useful to purify thoughts, remembering the universal Divine principle and the primacy of the Spirit. The day is favorable for communication and the beginning of joint learning (especially if it falls on Wednesday). This is a day of accumulating information, changing and transforming the past, studying one's own destiny and the lessons of karma. On this day you should bake round bread, make round amulets and gifts (for good luck), and spin threads. The first half of the day is especially favorable and allows you to take your proposals to a new level. Your superiors may notice your desire to improve your business or your creative endeavors. New activities, new acquaintances and friends may appear. Family relationships, relationships between parents and children and between relatives are strengthened. Any issues must be resolved calmly, maintaining peace of mind.

The second half of the day is less favorable. It is bad to start anything at this time, as there is a danger of being drawn into unnecessary affairs and worries. This can lead to wasted time and effort. There is also a danger of overeating and abuse of one’s health, and excessive consumption of sexual power. You cannot show hostility towards anyone.

Health- on this day, medicines and cosmetics are well absorbed (for example, a mask of mashed beets with sour cream), and rejuvenation occurs. You can cleanse and improve your skin. Blood movement and intestinal activity increase. You can load your stomach. The pancreas and the energy center Hara (“spool”) are associated with this day. Breathing exercises are helpful. You can go to the bathhouse or sauna. If you use the energies of this day incorrectly, you may experience hand cramps. Diseases of this day are dangerous and long-lasting, they can be fatal.

Nutrition- on this day you cannot go hungry or fast, since the energy of food is 13 hp. important for human development and easily digestible. Eat all the foods that are good for you. It is useful to bake loaves (round bread), pies, cheesecakes, pancakes, and round cookies. They say that bread baked with one’s own hands scares away evil spirits from the house and people, and gives strength and health. Round bread is an image of the Sun, a bloodless offering to the Gods, and through it the Gods give a person part of their power and bless his home.

Conception - A person conceived on this day will have a long life. But the occasion, happy or unlucky, will be of great importance in his life. A person can become both free and completely dependent on circumstances. His fate will include both the “whims of Fortune” and vivid manifestations of the laws of fate and the lessons of Karma.

Birth - The fate of children born on this day depends on the level of development of their parents, and on the day of conception, and on Divine providence. On this day, perfect students can be born, that is, people who will learn easily and joyfully. The best of them will be able to communicate with other worlds and deal with time. But physically sick children can also be born, having a congenital physical defect or disease (sometimes manifesting itself over time - for example, lameness). It is a great blessing if the parents of such a child have teaching abilities or are ready to learn together with their child from a knowledgeable person. Thanks to this, the child can achieve a lot in his life. If a person of this lunar day does not develop spiritually and does not use his capabilities, he can become very fussy and will spin in a whirlpool of affairs, like a “squirrel in a wheel,” not being able to break out of it and not belonging to himself. People's lives can be short-lived (due to illness), or - if a person has high fortitude - until a very old age.

Dreams- soon come true, true. They often predict (including in images, allegorically) unresolved issues, internal and external problems that are worth thinking about, as well as difficulties intended by fate.

Stones- noble opal (Pisces), ruby ​​(Leo).

14th lunar day

Name - “Pipe”, “Call”, “Sewage Cleaning Day”. Usually precedes the full moon.

The day is associated with the use of various sources of information.The beginning of any important tasks (including the conclusion of contracts, important phone calls for you, etc.) it is better to postpone it to this day of the Moon if there are no planets in destructive degrees and bad planetary situations in the natal chart. Businesses started on these lunar days are usually successful. Reading sacred texts and prayers is helpful. It is possible to obtain secret knowledge and manifest clairvoyance. Any physical exercise or labor is beneficial. The second half of the day is more favorable, since it allows you to realize your plans, which previously failed, in other ways and through other people. New thoughts and plans appear, creative communication intensifies. People who are spiritually developed are able to communicate with other worlds on this day. It is important to pay attention to everything that happens to you: all the signs of this day - they indicate the level at which you are, the issues that need to be resolved, and even the best ways to do this.

The first half of the day is less favorable and is fraught with difficulties in family and business relationships. You should definitely follow what they are calling you to do, what they are trying to push you to do. Possible provocations on this day should be treated as a test of the level of development at which you are. Selfishness (egoism) and vanity appear, and a desire arises to shift responsibility and part of one’s work onto someone else. All this can cause complications in relationships. It should be remembered that it is on this day that sadness, grief and melancholy can “fall in” (they can be “treated” with great physical exertion and labor on the ground). In people who are sick and weak-willed, persecution mania and possibly even suicide occur. People with a weak Moon are better off not looking in the mirror on this day (especially full-length and for a long time). The mirror double can play a bad joke on you. Women should refrain from using perfumes and deodorants. People should especially avoid bad odors on this day, as they almost instantly affect a person’s condition. It is better to use aromatherapy.

Health- on this day, the “sewage pipe” through which a person discharges waste substances (slags) should be cleaned, but without the use of liquids. It is useful to cleanse the intestines, but without using enemas. Physical labor will also contribute to purification. Do not overload your eyesight. The Manipura chakra is associated with this day. Violations in the use of energy of this day lead to intestinal upset. This means that you are too “slagged” and do not hear what you are being called to do. People who fall ill on this day usually recover without serious consequences.

Nutrition- it is advised to eat more almonds and salty (in moderation - and everyone has their own “measure”) foods; you should avoid eating bitter and sweet foods. Fasting (Complete Cleansing of Your Bodies) is favorable. On this day, “dry fasting” is possible. Since any liquid on the day preceding the full moon “bothers” the human body, which is overflowing with energy, which is directed from the bottom up and requires exit through “clean pipes.”

Conception - a child conceived on this day will not lose contact with another world, even if he does not have enough spiritual development to understand what is happening, premonitions and anxiety will cover him and save him in the face of trouble. In the most difficult circumstances, he will be assisted by the help of the Ancestors. All his life he will be guided by the voice of conscience (if he wishes to hear it). A favorable condition for conception on this day is the purification of parents (physical and spiritual). Otherwise, their child will be blind and deaf to what is happening to him and other people in life.

Birth- people born on this day have clearly defined callings and often understand this quite early. They are characterized by the ability to captivate others, amazing adaptability, and the desire to follow the leader and the call. They are characterized by disgust, including towards “internal dirt”. The best of them are internally pure and ready for heroism, they are perfect and happy. If a person is 14th ld. spiritually undeveloped, then his mind will make him cunning and resourceful, able to disguise his true selfish intentions (even to the point of self-deception). People of weak character on this day of the Moon are often immoderate in food. The duty of parents is to help the child understand his calling and create the most favorable conditions for its implementation, conducive to the spiritual development of their child. You cannot choose for a child, but you need to offer him as many opportunities as possible for independent choice, while explaining the consequences of possible actions (both good and negative). Parents must teach their child to maintain cleanliness, both external and internal.

Dreams- are doubtful, but some of them may come true in a week. There are also prophetic dreams, especially among people born on this day of the Moon. Dreams can be sad, the subtle world is sad, we are too immersed in earthly affairs. The time for subtle energies has not yet come.

Stones - hyacinth (golden-red zircon; Aries), sapphire (Sagittarius).

Melancholy may overwhelm you on this day. We think: why all this, why all this fuss and fuss... But it must be overcome. Only by doing our earthly affairs do we acquire mental strength to start new things and continue old ones. Dedicate a day to work, load yourself with work, all efforts will bring good results. Happy, creative, joyful day. Luck accompanies every business. You need to work hard. This is the main day of the month , don't miss it! The best day to do any business.

15th lunar day

Name - “Fiery Serpent”, “Jackal with Wings”, “Day of Zurvan” (as the Persians called a man who fought against evil spirits, who considered it his duty to cleanse the earth of all filth), among the Egyptians - “Day of Anubis”. In Eastern texts it is called the “Day of the Tempter Ahriman” - the spirit of the flesh, which relaxes a person, makes him pliable, lazy, suggestible, succumbing to any earthly temptations. If full moon falls on the 15th ld., we should be more attentive to the events of the descending Moon, but if it occurs on the 16th ld., there will be half a month of rest (but this rarely happens).

The day is neither bad nor good, since it contains both characteristics. On this day it is useful to defend justice, exercise self-control and conquer your flesh. You should remain calm and self-possessed. You need to be clean - externally and internally - otherwise the subtle bodies of a person are destroyed. The day is favorable for creative, spiritual people, as they can demonstrate their abilities at the highest level and accomplish much of their plans, using the abundance of vitality (energy) of this day. A good sign on this day is a dog, even a barking one.

The day of testing the soul in “astral battles” and carnal temptations. For people who are weak-willed and spiritually undeveloped, this is a difficult, satanic day. Cosmic energies (forces) push them towards renewal, but these aspirations in many people can manifest themselves through manifestations of selfhood - hostility, vanity, pride and selfishness towards other people. Hence - complications in relationships or a feeling of personal dissatisfaction. On this day the “inner serpent” manifests itself ( ovichoria - the dark side) every person. A bad sign for this day is a quarrel. At this time, a person’s spirit should be stronger than the flesh, one should abstain from sexual relations - their consequences can be unfavorable (there are two days of such strict abstinence in the lunar month). It should be remembered that on this day a person easily gives in to temptations, the influence of others, and can follow his base instincts and temptations.

Health- you should pay attention to the diaphragm and the activity of the pancreas. You can cleanse the pancreas. The energy of the heart center is associated with this day - the Anahata chakra. Behavioral disorders lead to stomach pain, sometimes to gastritis and ulcers. If any organ of your body hurts on this day, you could have misused the energy of the corresponding lunar day, you should take this into account. It is best not to get sick on these lunar days, as the disease goes away like a flash - quickly and severely, although usually without consequences.

Nutrition- food on this day is good, both spicy and lean, but hot. It is useful to eat viburnum (it has a beneficial effect on strengthening memory and taming the base nature in a person), cranberries, red rowan, legumes, barley, cabbage, red pepper. It is undesirable to eat apples on this day (too Yin food). Fasting is favorable.

Conception - be completely honest on this day of love. For both love and hatred control people conceived on this day; they are overcome by a struggle of feelings and a series of sufferings. From a meek creature, such a life can raise a fighter if he has enough fortitude. Then he can become an ascetic or a Great Teacher. But the fight against evil and the base element within himself will overcome him all his life. For weak creatures, this day of conception will predetermine a life full of suffering. It is unlikely that parents should take risks and tempt fate, since most people fall under the influence of this day of the Moon.

Birth - people of a low level of development, born on this day of the Moon, will succumb to all carnal and astral temptations (for they were born under the influence of the “astral serpent”). They are said to have a “snake nature.” Such children do not learn well, they are poorly suggestible (especially if the Moon is in opposition to Jupiter), they are overwhelmed by their own energy. They cannot fight themselves, they need to be taught this: to transform the force (energy) of destruction into the force of creation. Only the great love of parents, their moral purity, patience and example can become help and support for such a child. A spiritually developed person will perceive such a life as a test, as a lesson, as working out a certain karma. Strong-willed people of the 15th year. d. very freedom-loving. But they should constantly engage in self-purification of the body, feelings and thoughts, otherwise they may be plagued by diabetes and pancreatic diseases.

Dream- on the 15th lunar day there may be a prophetic dream (for this month), but beware of telling it. Look for a clue in your dream, an answer to your question.

Stones- agate (Taurus Gemini), jet (Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn).

Full moon- awakening of enormous unconscious forces in the body. There is a desire to arrange a feast, revelry, “showdown”, but this is not worth doing. Calm down emotions and maintain strength, overcome the desire to “put everyone in their place.” A quarrel will bring long-term troubles. Asceticism, abstinence and fasting are useful. The energy is so great that it blows us away. Humility. Perception of the world as it is.

Everything that happens on the thirteenth lunar day is deserved by us. Therefore, instead of being indignant and indignant, it is better to think, take an “excursion into the past”, understand what exactly we did “wrong” and, if possible, correct it (if nothing can be corrected, then at least sincerely repent and mentally ask for forgiveness from those who who were not treated properly).

General characteristics of the thirteenth lunar day


One of the critical days of the lunar month. It is wiser not to rush forward, but to look back.

The thirteenth lunar day is intended for “working on mistakes.”

Many situations are repeated, people and events from the past return to us, perhaps in a slightly modified form.

Fate seems to give me another chance. We once made a mistake in a similar situation, and now on the thirteenth lunar day we have the opportunity to “replay” the situation.

It is wise to use the thirteenth lunar day to break off relationships with people who bring disharmony into your life and take away energy.

If there is a “friend”, after communicating with whom you become depressed about your own worthlessness, ugliness, lack of success and lack of talent, then it’s time to say goodbye to her.

On this day, the processes of rejuvenation of the body are especially active.

This happens because the energy accumulated in the first two phases of the moon is already so powerful in our body that it begins to circulate in it in a vicious circle, literally washing, cleansing, and renewing all organs and systems.

Along with energy, blood, other fluids, and various useful substances circulate perfectly in the body. Therefore, on this day, eat more food containing useful substances - it will be perfectly absorbed.

Such a movement of energy in the body can raise some deep layers of old psychological problems.

Don’t worry, take it calmly - if you suddenly begin to be tormented by some long-ago, seemingly forgotten problems and unpleasant memories, this only means that the time has come to get rid of this old negativity.

This day is quite energetically strong, and therefore the energy of the day will help you. You can use the already mentioned methods of purifying consciousness and discharging negative blocks.

Symbol of the day:


Wheel (Snake biting its own tail) with a swastika inside.

Conception on the 13th lunar day

Chance will play the main role in the life of a person conceived on the 13th lunar day. Whether this case will be happy or unlucky depends on both fortune and karma. Happiness or unhappiness?

Complete freedom or complete dependence on circumstances? Whatever the karmic load that the nascent soul brings with it into this world, such is the answer.

Born on the 13th lunar day


On the thirteenth lunar day, children are born, from whom they grow up to be noisy and fussy people. They usually live to a ripe old age.

A person born on this day is distinguished by the ability to easily contact others. But if he does not have patience, he becomes fussy and finds it difficult to belong to himself.

As a rule, he spins in a whirlpool of affairs, like a squirrel in a wheel, unable to escape from it, and not belonging to himself. He often lives to a ripe old age.

On this day, creators are born, ideal students who easily master information and learn with pleasure. These are people who are always dissatisfied, whose creativity requires eternal searching.

Anyone born on the thirteenth lunar day is an ideal student. Your ability to absorb information is amazing, you just “catch” it out of thin air.

Those born on the thirteenth lunar day are often magicians capable of working with temporary streams, and mediums who come into contact with other worlds.

This requires certain preparation and imposes certain obligations. Communication of an unprepared person with “parallel worlds” can lead to tragedy.

Therefore, many people do not even suspect the existence of other worlds besides ours. Those born on the thirteenth lunar day can answer their doubts with a quote from Goethe’s Faust:

The spirit world is nearby, the door is not locked,
But you yourself are blind, and everything in you is dead.
Wash yourself in the morning dawn, like in the sea,
Wake up, this is the world, enter it.

People of the thirteenth lunar day are creators, always in search and striving to achieve perfection.

These are artists who discover images in the world that have existed since the creation of the world, but which, nevertheless, they were the first to see. They are focused on the future and guided by other dimensions.

What they have today is never enough for them.

Health on the thirteenth lunar day


A wonderful day for cleansing procedures, self-healing and self-healing. Water procedures are especially useful: pouring cold water or a cold shower.

Diseases of the thirteenth lunar day are considered karmic, and there are not enough medical means to treat them. As a rule, the disease is severe and difficult to cure.

True, if you are able to trace the circumstances that preceded the disease and eliminate them from your life, then the disease will go away along with them.

A good day to remove moles, wrinkles and other skin “things” that spoil the appearance.

Rejuvenation day. The best day to visit a cosmetologist, masks and massages. But cuts and other injuries with bloodshed on the thirteenth lunar day are undesirable.

Remember that the stomach, small intestines, and pancreas are the most sensitive and vulnerable at this time.

Pain in the stomach area is possible - this is a sign of lack of spirituality.

Illnesses that arise on this day can be dangerous and protracted. Medicines are absorbed well and act effectively, but do not abuse them.

For cosmetic purposes, use herbs. On this day, the stomach should not be empty.

This is a day of energy cleansing, a day of working with karma, it is useful to be alone with yourself.

At the same time, the day is good for learning, business contacts, and joint actions aimed at exchanging and accumulating information. You need to express yourself with something new.

Try to free yourself from the burden of the past.

Diet and nutrition on the thirteenth lunar day


Most of the diet for this lunar period should consist of light food - fruits, vegetables, juices, whole grain cereals, and the like. Seafood is healthy.

The thirteenth lunar day is the most ideal time to try previously unknown foods and dishes. It's a time of culinary exploration and discovery! You can try everything, but little by little.

On this day, fasting is prohibited; on the contrary, you need to load your stomach well (eat a hearty meal, but do not overeat), all food is well absorbed and you don’t have to worry about the possible appearance of extra pounds.

You can afford meat dishes, baked goods (preferably homemade and prepared today), fish, seafood, light red wine and a variety of spices.

Haircuts and hairstyles on the thirteenth lunar day


Hair cutting

Let's get healthier and get richer.

Cutting your hair to any length today will sharpen your intuition, which, in turn, will tell you what to do and what not to do in order to improve the health of the genitourinary and excretory systems, in order to increase capital, to contribute to the success of your business.

Cutting your hair will help you if you want to make peace with a person with whom you have not communicated for a long time because of old grievances.

You will have the right words and courage to start a conversation, and the person will show you goodwill.

Hair coloring

It is better to refrain from coloring even with natural dyes on this day.

This will take away your strength, may disrupt the function of the hair antennas to capture subtle vibrations of the akash, and will not bring the desired result: you will not make an impression on others by dyeing your hair, and you yourself will not receive satisfaction from it.

So put off changing your suit until better times.

Today it is also better not to resort to synthetic dyes.

What to do with your hair

We style at home to harness the energies of nature; don’t go to the hairdresser to get your hair done today.

Your hair today works intensively for reception, but no less intensively for transmission.

It turns out that the information and energy being pushed through you leaves you very quickly. Therefore, if you do your hair outside the house, it is exactly where you will be at the moment that the energy will flow (after all, styling your hair greatly intensifies energy exchange).

It's better for you to keep your energy to yourself. Therefore, do your own hairstyles and styling. Although it makes no sense for you to make any particularly complex structures from your hair these days.

For what activities is the 13th lunar day favorable?


Business and work on the thirteenth lunar day

The thirteenth lunar day is unsuccessful in all endeavors, everything returns to normal.

Beginnings are unfavorable. The day is meant for "revision", revision and completion. The most successful day for reviewing contracts and projects and their correction. It's better not to start anything.

Continuing things, you can go back to their beginning and trace the entire chain until today. This practice will help you see all the shortcomings and shortcomings, find the “weak link” and strengthen it.

It is good on this day to close enterprises that have ceased to fulfill their functions and are no longer needed by their founders.

Personal life on the thirteenth lunar day

It is advisable to refrain from new acquaintances and contacts. It is possible to meet people with whom you once parted, and did not part in the most joyful way. This is a day to reconsider relationships.

Who knows, maybe your first husband wasn’t so bad if you look at him through the eyes of a seasoned forty-year-old woman.

And if he reappears on your horizon on the thirteenth lunar day, then it is possible that he will also look differently at the little things that caused you to break up, and perhaps he won’t mind trying to start all over again.

Why not?

Esoterics on the thirteenth lunar day

A favorable day for making talismans, for applying protective signs on stones, paper, metal. You can perform magical engraving on the inside of the ring. Almost all dreams come true.

Gardening on the thirteenth lunar day

It is best to devote the day to “working on mistakes.” For example, if you uprooted useful plants when weeding instead of weeds, it’s time to plant a sheaf of them.

The 13th lunar day is full of awareness, active actions and victories. It is well suited for spiritual practices, meditation and analysis. These lunar days are like a vicious circle. The past can remind you of itself by meeting long-forgotten people. Or a feeling of deja vu in some situation.

Description of the thirteenth lunar day

Characteristics of the 13th lunar day - a time of search, active action, mysticism. The moon can reveal many secrets, give you a good chance, show what is stopping you from moving on. These days, cosmic energy fills everything around us. You should be careful and use the given power carefully.

Features and properties of the 13th lunar day

Talismans and symbols:

  • the symbols of this day are a wheel and a snake that bites its tail;
  • Talisman stones include red opals and rubies;
  • - tree;
  • main colors are indigo, blue, cornflower blue.

These lunar days will help you understand the great wisdom and perfection of the universe. All actions in this world are repeated endlessly, moving in a spiral. Each time a new round brings with it something new, acquires fateful moments and radically changes our whole lives.

The thirteenth day of the lunar calendar is a period of spiritual quest, insight and clairvoyance. On this day, the universe can lift the mysterious veil and illuminate the path to an unknown future. Therefore, today magic is allowed to those who understand karmic laws well and are ready to make the transition to a new level of perception.

People with pure thoughts and an open soul get a chance on this day for a rapid leap forward, new discoveries, and a happy occasion. Even if the symbol of the day is a circle, you shouldn’t mark time. Show determination and resourcefulness. You must believe in your strength and trust in fate.

This is a particularly lucky day for creative people. It reveals a person’s hidden reserves, increases his intuition, and sharpens his inner vision. Artists or musicians can create a unique masterpiece. Scientists will give the world the greatest discovery.

Who should not be active on this day

You should not do anything on this day if your inner world is in a state of chaos. In this case, give up commercial, financial or creative activities. If you experience negative emotions, are angry at yourself and at the whole world, forget about even the most insignificant successes on this day. A person with a bad mood and a negative attitude towards others may lose previously achieved positions.

Lunar relationships on the 13th day

The twelfth lunar day is suitable for concluding marriages and church weddings. Very young couples can count on a long and happy life. Their youthful maximalism will allow them to overcome all life’s obstacles and carry their love through all trials.

Mature couples getting married today will experience stability and prosperity. Especially if they don’t have to start from scratch and build their future from scratch.

Those who marry during the “golden autumn” will be happy until the end of their days. Their life will be filled with high romance, respect and tranquility of mature love.

In what cases is marriage on the 13th lunar day contraindicated?

Today you cannot enter into official relationships of convenience. Everything that was so carefully and diligently calculated will collapse and fly head over heels from the heights of your dreams. All attempts to correct the situation will lead to nothing. Misfortunes will occur with enviable consistency. You will very soon realize that this running in circles brings only pain and suffering. Breaking off a relationship is much more difficult than preventing a rash step.

Sexual intimacy on the thirteenth day of the lunar cycle

You can and should have sex on this day. Your intuition is strengthened today by the special magic of the day. You will easily guess all the desires of your partner and will be able to achieve incredible heights of sensual pleasure. Be free and relaxed. Use your imagination. Make tonight unforgettable for both of you.

Conceiving a child

Not a very good lunar day for conception. The child's whole life will turn into one continuous test of endurance. The black and white stripes will replace each other at breakneck speed. Misfortunes will follow incomprehensible luck, rapid rises will be cut short by causeless falls. A person will become completely dependent on external circumstances and non-random “accidents” of karmic laws.

Work on this lunar day

The rapid 13th lunar day is one of the most successful days for active people. On this day the stars recommend:

  • sign profitable agreements;
  • enter into contracts;
  • invite new partners to the project;
  • conduct real estate transactions;
  • engage in creativity;
  • work with finances;
  • engage in volunteer and social activities.

Today, teamwork will benefit the cause. Invite new employees to your team, do not be afraid to transfer the initiative to young and talented hands.

This day is good for continuing and completing all previously started projects. If they are still far from completion, make new adjustments to your plans, carefully study promising areas, and think about expanding the boundaries of your business.

Creative people can discover new avenues for inspiration. The mystical 13th lunar day can give insight and emotional uplift. Take a close look at the world around you - the universe may be sending you clues.

Is it possible to change jobs on the 13th lunar day

This day is quite suitable for dismissal, as well as for changing jobs. But there is one small “but”. If you have already decided everything a long time ago, agreed on everything, agreed on everything everywhere, you can get a new job. In this case, hopes for a promotion, fulfillment of your requirements, and a high salary will be justified.

If you decide to leave work only today, you may not be able to stay at all. Usually such decisions are made in a fit of resentment against superiors or quarrels with colleagues. Cool down, let your emotions settle down. Tomorrow your future will no longer seem so hopeless and gloomy.

Health on a lunar day

On the thirteenth lunar day, it is worth paying attention to the thyroid gland and mental state. Listen to yourself. This is a good day to go for a diagnosis, see a doctor and start treatment.

During this period, all cosmetic procedures will give an amazing effect. Therapeutic and nourishing masks, facial exercises, anti-wrinkle massage - do it all with a positive attitude. A visit to a beauty salon today will help restore youth and attractiveness.

If you have been planning a trip to the dentist for a long time, but could not decide on it, run and get a Hollywood smile. The treatment will be painless, and prosthetics will be performed quickly and successfully.

On this day, it is recommended to organize a “stomach holiday” for yourself. Go on a visit or invite your friends or colleagues. You can relax and plunge into the blissful world of sweets and baked goods without harming your waistline. But only without fanaticism. Do not overload your stomach with a large meal.

Today, moderate exercise, walks in the fresh air, relaxation and meditation will benefit your health.

Choosing a new hairstyle or haircut on lunar days

The 13th lunar day is good for cutting hair. Your hair will become thicker, keep its shape well and grow faster. Cutting your hair will bring health and luck into your life.

Today is a wonderful lunar day for hair cutting, perming, dyeing and creating an exclusive hairstyle. Everything you do with your hair today will have a positive impact on your life. A trip to the hairdresser will help you find your soulmate and find family happiness. If you have already found your match, cut at least one strand on this day - your love will flare up with new colors.

Characteristics of people born on the 13th lunar day

People born on the 13th lunar day live a bright and fruitful life. Among them are many sages, discoverers, famous scientists and artists. They are in a hurry to learn everything new and interesting, they are very active, and always strive for success.

"Thirteenth" people often have paranormal abilities. Higher powers endowed them with heightened intuition and the ability to see lies well. Therefore, they are difficult to deceive and be influenced by others.

Children born on the 13th day find it easy to study at school. As a rule, they graduate from all educational institutions with high scores. The only problem for the “children of the devil’s dozen” is that they often have to miss classes. They are very fragile and painful. They grow up to be hardy and strong if they are developed physically and constantly monitor their health.

Important aspects of life

Health - those born on the thirteenth lunar day usually live to a ripe old age. Diseases haunt them in childhood and adolescence. You need to start looking after your health then. Sports sections, swimming in open water, hardening - all this will allow the “thirteen” to become physically healthy in adulthood.

The family life of people born on the thirteenth day is usually successful. They are quite amorous, faithful, romantic and shy. Marriage with such a person will be a complete surprise. They can intuitively sense their partner's desires. “Thirteenth people” are able to predict quarrels, so they usually “disappear” before they appear.

Career - usually these people achieve success in all endeavors. Among them are many successful businessmen, famous politicians, famous military leaders. Despite significant achievements, “thirteens” always come to the rescue and do not like ostentatious hype around their name.

What do dreams mean on the 13th lunar day

On the thirteenth day, dreams usually come true. They can be very bright, kind and happy. Try to remember them. Some dreams may contain an important clue. For example, how not to step on the same rake and avoid recurring negative events.

Dreams on the 13th lunar day reflect your life path. They point out mistakes or tell you how to fix them. Don't despair if you see a nightmare or something unpleasant today. Dreams today teach and guide, and do not pronounce the final verdict of fate.

Rituals of the 13th lunar day

Rituals today should be aimed at success, achieving financial stability, and fulfilling desires. But to each such ritual, a pair ritual is added for the development of spirituality. This could be meditation or practices to cleanse karma. Today is the day of receiving “gifts” and the day of painstaking work on the inner “I”.

Raising money

On this day, buy a beautiful red wallet made of genuine leather. Then take four “new” coins and go to the intersection at night. Show these coins to the four cardinal directions. Ask for help from the four elements and the Moon. This money should settle in your new wallet and attract wealth to you.

13th lunar day – hair cutting, hairstyle, coloring and what to do with hair in general

A haircut during this period will have a good effect on you. It will have a positive effect on the entire body, activate the work of intuition and direct it to business issues, and accelerate hair growth. But it is not advisable to dye your hair.

Any hairstyle, even a complex one, must be done independently. Do not go to the hairdresser and do not ask loved ones to help you.

Thirteenth lunar day - characteristics

The 13th lunar day, in essence, is a logical continuation of the twelfth day. It is necessary to continue the work begun with the same zeal and perseverance. Never slow down or doubt your abilities.

This day is charged with active, active energy. Merge with him into a single whole. Then your efforts will interact with the power of the twelfth lunar day, and all the necessary events will happen by themselves, directed by the power of your desire and desire for their implementation.

Today you are recharging with cosmic energy. The old energy in you seems to be renewed and filled with power. Be open to these changes - they will empower you. The energy of this day is different from previous lunar days. Its influence on intuition is great - you will be able to comprehend great knowledge.

This period is associated with relationships: build relationships with relatives. You may want to get closer to someone and start making friends. There may be some sentimentality.

You will also feel a craving for beauty. Go to nature, relax. It is very important during this period to do what you really want. There is no need to act through force.

If you are lazy or, even worse, interrupt the process without completing it, your work is doomed to remain unfinished for a long time. You will walk in circles all the time, unable to move from a dead point. This is largely due to the symbol of the thirteenth day, which is the wheel.

This symbol also means that old problems that you have not solved in the past may return to you. Don't panic and tackle them with the same zeal. They will not be able to resist your pressure, strengthened by the energy of the thirteenth lunar day.

Round objects built on this day will become a kind of amulets for you. By the way, round-shaped jewelry you create with your own hands will also have great power as amulets.

On this day you can go on long trips or business trips - they will be successful. The main thing is to be on the move all the time.

The thirteenth lunar day is good for doing science and obtaining new information. Read books or look for specific information - you will definitely find it. In addition, today any knowledge is absorbed better than usual.

Get creative. The 13th lunar day has great mystical significance, and creative people today can see the essence of things, find something new in the familiar. This is a day of discoveries and revelations with yourself and the entire cosmos.

Mystical and esoteric practices will also be useful. Thanks to the energy of this day, they will bring you more sensory information, and you will gain the opportunity to see what was previously hidden from you. What lies beyond this world.

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  • Get creative
  • Act decisively
  • Make breakthroughs
  • Cut hair
  • Do your own hair
  • Use your intuition
  • Build relationships
  • Make new friends
  • Relax
  • Follow your desires
  • Continue with the 12th day
  • Make changes in business
  • Bring something new to work
  • Go on trips
  • Receive new information
  • Read books
  • Engage in psychic practices
  • Visit the dentist
  • Carry out cosmetic procedures
  • Adjust physical activity
  • Spend time in nature
  • Build round objects
  • Endure troubles stoically
  • Experiment in sex
Not recommended
  • Slow down the pace
  • Be lazy
  • Panic
  • Doubt your abilities
  • Do hair coloring
  • Act through force
  • Go to the hairdresser
  • Asking people close to you to style your hair
Thirteenth lunar day and health

On the thirteenth day of the lunar cycle, you need to take care of your skin. It will be useful to go to a cosmetologist and have cosmetic procedures done. Or spend time on your skin at home. The fight against cellulite or excess weight is especially effective on this day for women.

On this day, go to the dentist. Taking care of your oral health today will be as effective as possible.

If possible, try to spend this day in nature.

Thirteenth lunar day and sex

The energy of the thirteenth lunar day is favorable for everything new and unusual. The same applies to sex. The more extreme it is, the better. Try new techniques or poses, maybe try some unusual looks.

Try to make this process last as long as possible. If you cannot increase its duration, increase the quantity. This will also have a positive effect on you and your relationship.

If you feel unwell or are sick, it is better to abstain from sex. Since it can completely devastate you, while it should fill you with energy and make you happy.

Thirteenth lunar day and marriage

A strong, friendly family in which harmony reigns can be created on the thirteenth lunar day by people whose lives are connected with science or creativity. Researchers, travelers and anyone who is attracted to everything new and unknown will also have a successful marriage.

On the thirteenth lunar day, a successful union can be formed by people who are currently in the process of transitioning to a new stage in their lives. This could be a change in social status, position, or a radical change of place of residence.

Ideally, if both of these factors coincide, such a family will fall within the natural lunar cycles and will be especially happy.

It is also believed that the moon on the thirteenth day of the cycle favors people over 30 years of age who are getting married. This is due to the fact that this age is already quite mature. As is the state of the moon on the thirteenth day, which can be described as mature.

Thirteenth lunar day and business

On the thirteenth day of the lunar month, changes need to be made in business. Perhaps you should change your business strategy or find new partners. Maybe your suppliers are not completely satisfying you - so replace them.

Sign new contracts, start new projects, or find a new area or niche for work.

Otherwise, you risk that the channel through which energy flows to you will be blocked and your development will stop altogether. This is fraught with problems and even the complete collapse of the entire business.

Thirteenth lunar day and conception

Children conceived on the thirteenth lunar day must understand the difference between chance, which is managed by fate, and circumstances, which are influenced, first of all, by the person himself. Then a happy and interesting life awaits him - he will be the favorite of fortune. If not, then he will have to mark time in indecision all his life.

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Lunar birthday. Thirteenth lunar day: advice from an astrologer on the day of Retribution 13th lunar day today

Moon phase: Second quarter, waxing moon.
The symbol of the 13th lunar day is a wheel, a spinning wheel.
Stones of the day – opal, .

The energy of the thirteenth lunar day of the month is aimed at renewing vitality. All processes occurring in the body are in energy balance. During this period of time, the body seems to be recharged energetically.

Man strives for the unknown, for the unknown. Even in the simplest and long-familiar things, he finds something new for himself, and sees something that he had not noticed before. This is a time of discovery and knowledge, a time when you can analyze past events, make sense of them and move on. It is today that you can solve the problem that was preventing you from living, and today you can get energy and strength to move to the next stage.

It is very important for a person on the 13th lunar day to continue the work that has already been started. It is necessary to make every effort to implement it, because the success of the entire business depends on the work of this day.

The thirteenth lunar day is favorable for creative endeavors. The energy of this day gives a person the opportunity to show his abilities in creating something new and extraordinary for himself. Don't be afraid to start learning - it will only be beneficial. To gain knowledge, you need to contact the best teachers, and then the result will soon be noticeable.

At the same time, on these lunar days a person must show calm and prudence, and refrain from sorting things out. It is not recommended to conflict and quarrel.
The day is favorable for holding social events, but it is not recommended to do it alone. By participating in social work only as a team, you can achieve success.

Not the best time to travel. It is better to postpone the trip to another period of time, otherwise losses and disappointments are possible.

The thirteenth lunar day of the month is a good day for business. It is possible that nothing important will happen, but overall the day is favorable. It must be remembered that today you need to work as a team to achieve results. To resolve work issues, it is better to involve colleagues and jointly find the right solution.

Diseases that occur on the thirteenth lunar day of the month are dangerous. At the first symptoms, you should seek help from a medical facility. It may be necessary to use modern medications for treatment.

On these lunar days, it is recommended to carry out procedures to rejuvenate the body, as well as visit a SPA salon or sauna. Cosmetic procedures using modern cosmetics will bring a positive effect. Playing sports today is beneficial for the human body.

It is necessary to carry out procedures to cleanse the entire body, but under no circumstances should you starve. You need to take your diet seriously on this day of the Moon and select foods that will be beneficial.
The thirteenth lunar day of the month is an unfavorable time for marriage.



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