Hair treatment with onion juice. Onion for hair loss

Thick hair has always been in fashion; it allows you to attract well-deserved attention to its owner. But environment often affects them negative impact, also affects coloring, curling, blow-drying and even bad habits, as a result, the hair becomes brittle and often falls out. An onion mask against hair loss can come to the rescue; it helps strengthen it and has a positive effect on the growth process.

An effective hair mask or onion panacea

Onions are especially beneficial for hair. It improves their structure, growth and, above all, prevents hair loss. What allows this vegetable to cope with any problem related to the health and beauty of hair? Rich chemical composition. Onions contain useful minerals(zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorus), B vitamins, including folic acid, and vitamin A. Thanks to this composition, the hair is saturated necessary substances, which ensure the healthy functioning of the hair follicle and shaft.

Beneficial properties of onion mask

Despite the fact that onions are a very aggressive vegetable, when used in masks they have positive impact, which is determined by its chemical composition:

  • essential oils promote hair hydration and growth, reduce fragility;
  • glycosides improve metabolic processes in the cells, as a result of which they are saturated with all necessary substances and become stronger;
  • sulfur is the same substance that causes tears when peeling and chopping onions; it irritates tissues, stimulating hair to accelerate growth;
  • phytoncides, which provide the antimicrobial properties of onions, can eliminate all kinds of fungal diseases scalp;
  • organic acids normalize the ability of cells to regenerate;
  • potassium eliminates oily shine;
  • Niacin strengthens roots and makes hair color intense

Contraindications for onion hair masks

It must be remembered that this remedy is not suitable for every person; it may simply be individual intolerance. If there are any on the scalp mechanical damage, wounds from scratching, irritated areas of the skin, you cannot make masks from onions. To determine whether this treatment should be done, you need to rub behind the ear. onion juice, after 15 minutes, wash it off and pay attention to the sensations. If there is no burning sensation and the skin does not turn red, then you can use this product.

Substances contained in onions, their effect on hair

Simple onions contain groups of vitamins: B, PP and C. In addition to them, it also contains trace elements, fluorine, iodine, potassium, zinc. Available in juice organic matter, biotin and keratin, essential acids, essential oils. Together they strengthen the hair follicle, damaged hair cells are restored with the help of organic acids, with the help of potassium the curls are moisturized, ascorbic acid the blood thins and blood flow improves, increasing the delivery of oxygen to the follicles. The pungent substances in onions improve blood flow and strengthen hair. Cellular respiration becomes better as metabolic processes are normalized. With the help of biotin, hair damage is healed and hair fragility is reduced. Together, these substances become an ideal scalp and hair care product, and it is best used regularly.

How to make onion hair masks correctly

Despite all their effectiveness in strengthening hair, onion masks are not made too often. It's all because of the smell, which lingers on the hair for a long time. However, there are some little tricks that will allow you to avoid this. You also need to take into account that the chemical composition of onions is complex, it contains a lot of acids, and if they are applied to the scalp in high concentrations, they can burn the epidermal cells. For this reason, it is classified as an aggressive agent.

  1. Chopped onions are not used for masks; they need to be squeezed out to extract the juice before use.
  2. The head is turned into a puree in a meat grinder or blender and squeezed out using gauze.
  3. There is no need to apply the juice to your hair; it is easily rubbed into the scalp.
  4. There is no need to wash your hair; the mask works great on dirty hair too. And no wetting is required.
  5. The main thing is to provide warmth. To do this, put a plastic bag over your head, then fasten a terry towel.
  6. You need to keep the mask on for at least an hour, but if there is a burning sensation, you need to wash it off earlier.
  7. After treatment, you need to wash your hair with shampoo, then rinse with a previously prepared solution of vinegar (6%) (15 ml per liter of water), or water with lemon, half a glass of juice per liter of water.

The full course is usually 30-40 sessions, but sometimes 10-15 are enough. Such procedures need to be done 2 times a week for the effect to appear.

How to get rid of onion smell

Very often, an unpleasant odor that remains on the hair can be an obstacle to the use of such products. This scares many of the fair sex, and they lose sight of how effective this method is.

But getting rid of it will not be difficult if you prepare the most basic hair rinses with your own hands. An excellent remedy for combating the smell of onions can be decoctions of chamomile, rosemary or nettle.

If you have lemon at home, you can squeeze some juice out of it and add it to clean water. Mustard powder, various essential oils, coffee, and colorless henna can absorb the onion smell. If one of the components of the mask is honey, then you don’t have to worry about the unpleasant odor at all. The honey will fulfill its function and not the slightest trace will remain of the smell.

Recipes for the best onion masks

To prepare masks with onions, you can use it in pure form, and also combine with others healthy products of natural origin: honey, chicken egg, aloe juice, kefir and oils, vegetable and essential. In this case, onions are used in the form of gruel or juice.

Whatever option you choose, an onion mask against hair loss or to improve its appearance, you will succeed in any case. We have prepared for you best recipes onion masks.

Onion and nothing more

To prepare this mask, you need to chop 1 onion in a blender and squeeze out the soft juice through cheesecloth. massage movements need to be thoroughly rubbed into the scalp. Wrap your hair in cellophane or use a shower cap and a towel over it. You need to stay in this state for at least an hour, but if unpleasant sensations appear (burning, itching), you must immediately wash off the mask.

Onions and honey for hair loss

To prepare this mask, take castor oil 20 ml, honey in the amount of 1 tablespoon, 10 ml. onion juice. These components are thoroughly mixed until smooth and applied to the hair roots. The composition should be kept for no more than 50 minutes. Just 3-4 procedures over a month will be enough to stop the process of hair loss. This recipe will help make your hair thicker and shinier.

Kefir based

A mask containing kefir will help improve appearance strands and will accelerate their growth. In a deep bowl, mix squeezed onion juice and kefir in equal proportions. Add the egg yolk and, if desired, a few drops of burdock oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to hair for one hour. Don't forget to cover your hair with a bag and a towel.

Egg and onion mask

A mask made from onion juice and chicken yolk. To prepare it, squeeze the juice of one onion, mix it with the yolk separated from the white. Whisk the mixture with a whisk or fork and apply to the roots, gently rubbing it into the scalp. The mask should be kept under an insulated hood for no more than an hour. Then rinse it off with shampoo and rinse your hair with slightly acidified cool water.

Unscented mask

Many people do not want or are afraid to use an onion mask, because they justifiably expect a strong, difficult-to-remove odor from their hair. To neutralize this smell, you can add the same amount of kefir and the yolk of one to 1 tablespoon of onion juice. chicken egg or 2 – 3 yolks quail eggs. Then the process is standard: apply, wrap, wash off. This remedy can be used every other day for a month, after which you need to take a break.

Hair treatment with kefir, cognac and sea salt

  • 10 ml. burdock oil
  • 10 gr. sea ​​salt
  • cognac 10 ml.
  • honey 10 ml.
  • kefir in the amount of 1 tablespoon
  • 20 ml. onion juice

Specified quantity burdock oil Heat slightly in a water bath, then mix with honey and carefully add the remaining ingredients. The finished mixture should be applied to the roots and wait about an hour.

This recipe effectively fights against hair loss, helps speed up the growth process and improve hair loss. sebaceous glands. The procedures can be done with a break of 4-5 days.

With the addition of burdock oil

This best option for hair that is prone to dryness. After all, burdock oil itself not only produces a strengthening effect, but also intensively nourishes the curls. Add 4 teaspoons of oil and egg yolk to the onion juice. This mask is distributed over all hair, starting from the roots and gradually moving to the ends. Wrap your head in film and insulate it with a towel for 40 minutes.

It will be easy to wash it off your hair, since it contains egg. But still use shampoo to remove mask residue.

Cabbage and onion mask

This remedy has a restorative effect on hair follicles and hair structure. For the mask you will need prepared onion gruel. In a prepared container, combine it with three tablespoons cabbage juice. Rub the mixture into the roots and scalp. Keep the mask under the insulated hood for 40 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with slightly acidified water.

Mask with cognac

To prepare such a mask, you need to mix onion juice and cognac in equal proportions (usually 2 tablespoons of each product is enough), add a lightly beaten chicken egg yolk (or 2 to 3 quail eggs) to the mixture. Mix the whole mass thoroughly and add 1 tablespoon more natural honey, castor oil and lemon juice.

This “cocktail” has an intense effect, so it will help in as soon as possible To cope with the problem, the main thing is not to overdo it with the number of applications.

Carrot-honey activator

To prepare, take onion juice, lemon juice, burdock oil ½ teaspoon, carrot juice, dry yeast 5 grams, almond oil ½ teaspoon, honey 10 ml.

Prepare a mixture of all ingredients except yeast. Lemon, onion and carrot juice should be taken in a 1:1 ratio. Pre-steamed yeast 20 ml. warm water added to the mixture last. The mask is applied to the horse's head. She should be kept warm for an hour, under a hat and towel. This mask with onions significantly accelerates the growth of curls and treats damage to the structure.

Onion mask for dry hair

The next mask contains oils, so it is suitable for dry hair types. To prepare it, mix two tablespoons of fresh honey in an enamel bowl, olive oil and juice of one onion. Add three to five drops of orange essential oil to the mixture. Distribute the heated product on your hair and hold under an insulated cap for 30-40 minutes. Thanks to orange oil, the curls will acquire a pleasant citrus smell.

Yeast mask

In a small bowl, combine freshly squeezed onion juice and a teaspoon of yeast (dry). Add a little water and place in a warm place for 10 minutes. Apply the resulting mixture to the roots. Shut them down plastic bag and a warm towel. Wait about an hour and wash the mask out of your hair with shampoo. The yeast mask helps strengthen the hair follicle and affects the rate of hair growth.

Nourishing mask

The following mask is perfect for damaged hair. Thanks to its components, curls receive the missing nutrition, are saturated with moisture and are activated in growth. To prepare the product, mix one tablespoon of mayonnaise, the same amount of fresh honey and olive oil in a prepared bowl. Add two tablespoons of onion juice to the mixture. Distribute the mixture on your hair, special attention focusing on the root area and scalp. After 40 minutes, wash off the mask with shampoo.

Proper hair care

The beauty and health of hair is the result of proper care. In the absence of the correct daily care no hair healing mask for hair, used occasionally, will not have the desired effect. Make it a habit:

  1. Use shampoos, conditioners and conditioners according to your hair type.
  2. Hide your hair under a hat or hood in winter, and wear a hat in summer so that your curls are not harmed by high and low temperatures.
  3. Minimize traumatic factors. It is clear that in conditions modern world and the accelerated pace of life, it is difficult to completely abandon hair dryers and stylers, but the use of gentle styling devices is quite possible.
  4. Trim the ends regularly, even if you are growing your hair. After all, the ends suffer the most when rubbing against clothes, combing and styling. In order to improve the health of your hair ends, you don’t have to visit a hairdresser; you can trim millimeters of hair yourself at home using a special device.

In the struggle for thickness and desired length of hair, modern beauties are offered more and more new means: cosmetic companies and medicinal preparations filled the shelves of pharmacies and stores. But sometimes nothing helps our hair as much as the power of nature and old grandmother’s recipes. Therefore, more and more often girls are turning to folk herbal remedies. One of the most effective and popular ways to restore hair growth and thickness is the use of onion masks. About which recipes for onion masks for hair growth are the most effective, how to use onions and at the same time avoid them strong smell, which beneficial properties does this plant have any contraindications, read further in the article.

Operating principle

Onion is the number one plant for fans healthy image life, it’s just a treasury of vitamins, minerals, healthy sugars, saponins, alkaloids etc. It is on his biological active properties And unique set useful substances and based huge amount effective and simple recipes, including for hair growth and thickness.

Traditional medicine uses the irritating, stimulating and antimicrobial properties of onions. Plant in composition various masks can tone and dry the skin, absorb secretions and stretch harmful waste. Masks of a different composition moisturize, nourish and soften the root areas, and have a mild irritating-stimulating effect.

Attention! Treatment is carried out in courses, procedures are usually done once or twice a week for a month. The only limitation is that you need to make sure that the onion irritating composition does not get into your eyes.

Composition and beneficial properties

The properties of onions are due to the rich composition of substances beneficial to the human body:

  • phytoncides- their bactericidal properties have a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair follicles;
  • healthy sugars;
  • many minerals In particular, potassium normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • vitamins almost all groups nourish and accelerate blood circulation;
  • carotene, valuable enzymes;
  • niacin- gives a strengthening effect, restores the color and brightness of curls;
  • organic acids- fight split ends and prevent hair fragility;
  • essential oils- on the one hand, they give onion compositions pungent odor, and on the other hand, they activate all metabolic processes, ensuring the fastest delivery of useful substances into the cells.

Onion masks are good for the scalp, hair follicles hair roots. By improving blood flow, such masks supply the root areas with nutrients and oxygen, help strengthen and improve hair health. Unlike pepper, onions are more gentle, but no less effective, eliminating dandruff, increasing blood circulation and hair growth.

Many people practice alternating onion mixtures with garlic pulp, which also has a lot of beneficial properties.

What problems can it solve?

After using onion compositions, the structure of the strands is significantly improved, the roots are strengthened, and the growth of new hairs is stimulated.

With the help of onion masks you can treat any type of curls: oily, dry, normal. And also successfully fight dandruff, dryness, itching, excess fat, and achieve a real increase in the growth and density of curls.

Not only does the hair follicles become stronger, but new follicles are also awakened. Procedures can be carried out regardless of the time of year.

Advice. Many are alarmed by the presence of a sharp unpleasant odor after applying the onion, but don't worry - it's quite easy to get rid of.


If you are allergic to onions, or any components of the masks, you should avoid them. It is easy to determine the allergenicity of an onion composition - you need to apply a drop of the product to inner part wrists or on the skin near the ear. If itching occurs, severe redness, irritation, swelling, any other discomfort and symptoms, such masks should be abandoned. In other cases, you can safely use onion recipes.

There are also contraindications for those who currently have damaged scalp, wounds, abrasions, scratches, dermatitis. Onions dry out the skin, so those with very dry hair and scalp should not use these products. Onion masks and compositions have no other restrictions.

Photos before and after

Rules and features of use

It is best to use onion juice to make masks., which is quite easy to obtain by passing a peeled and washed onion through a blender or meat grinder, and then squeezing the liquid through cheesecloth.

  1. An onion mask is applied to the scalp; the composition is not distributed through the hair.
  2. The head is not washed before the procedure.
  3. Curls should be combed well. We talked earlier about the beneficial effects of combing on hair growth.
  4. After application healing composition on the roots, you need to create a warming effect, for this you can put on a cellophane cap or wrap your head in plastic wrap, you can wrap a towel on top or use a woolen cap.
  5. Leave for 15–20 minutes, in case of severe discomfort, severe burning, or any unpleasant effects the procedure must be stopped and the composition must be washed off immediately.
  6. Wash off onion masks for thicker hair with regular shampoo suitable for your hair type.
  7. It is not recommended to wash off the product hot water, it is better to use warm.
  8. After washing your hair, it is better to use conditioner.
  9. To get rid of onion smell curls can be rinsed after washing simple composition- dilute a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a liter of water. You can also drop a little of your favorite essential oil into the rinse.
  10. Hair spray will help remove the smell, making it easier to comb.

The frequency of using masks with onion juice is once every 4–5 days. Best effect gives a course of 7–10 applications.

Features of application:

  • Negative reviews are mainly related to the unpleasant odor, but it is easy to get rid of;
  • It is easier to wash off onion juice from your hair than the pulp from the plant;
  • It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening or on weekends, so as not to worry about possible residual onion aroma and to treat your hair as comfortably as possible;
  • after the procedure you can light massage scalp.

Methods of application

Onion for hair growth can be used in in different forms: it can be juice or gruel, a decoction of the husk.

Directions for use:

  1. Onion juice For health, growth and beauty of hair, rub into the scalp. It is supposed to use pure juice without additives, rub into the roots of the hair with a light massage, and can be distributed throughout the hair. Wash off after 20–30 minutes warm water with shampoo and conditioner.
  2. Various compositions are good for accelerating hair growth. onion masks. They are used immediately after preparation, most effectively in courses.
  3. Many products are prepared based on onion peel . For example, these could be decoctions, rinses, masks. The decoction is added to shampoos, balms, and rubbed into the roots without additives.

Advice. When using products with onions, avoid contact with eyes. To prevent the mixture from dripping from the scalp onto the neck, you can use a roller made from a small towel or napkin. It is located just below the back of the head.

Application of onion peels

Onion peel for hair treatment bears not less benefit than the juice or pulp from the head of the plant itself:

  • helps in the process of cell regeneration;
  • activates the growth of curls;
  • restores damaged hair follicles;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • strengthens roots;
  • adds thickness and volume;
  • contributes to the acquisition of a beautiful shade of strands. How to dye your hair with onion skins, recipes effective formulations read on our website.

Apply the husk as follows. You can prepare a decoction:

A simple decoction recipe

Wash several large onions, dry and remove the skins. Boil two liters of water, add the husks, and simmer over low heat for about an hour. After the water turns red-golden, turn off the gas, leave for two or three hours, and strain.

You can add various herbs and other plant materials (for example, oak leaves, nettles, etc.) to onion peels.

Nettle decoction recipe

For 1 part of the husk you need to take 2 parts of nettle, brew it in 300 ml of water. Simmer over heat for 20 minutes, cool, strain. Rub into scalp before washing and leave for an hour or two. Read the beneficial properties and secrets of the effectiveness of nettle for hair growth in our previous article.

This decoction can be used for masks:

Recipe 1

Recipe 2

3 tablespoons of husk decoction mixed with a spoon of mayonnaise, a spoon of honey, oil (burdock, olive or flaxseed). Apply for an hour to the hair roots.

Recipe 3

To a spoonful of warm kefir, add two tablespoons of decoction, a teaspoon garlic juice, and the same amount of cocoa powder. Add a drop of rosemary oil and rub into the roots and ends of your hair. Leave for 45 minutes.

Mask recipes

Onion juice is used both in pure form and as part of masks. This natural remedy is a powerful activator that improves the effect of many mask components.

Recipe 1

Yeast mask for hair growth with onion to prevent hair loss and normalize the fat balance of the scalp.

You will need:

  • 1–2 onions;
  • yeast;
  • cosmetic clay;
  • for dry hair, burdock and castor oil.


Squeeze the juice out of the onion, add yeast, after dissolving it, evaluate the thickness of the mixture, add clay if necessary. For those with dry hair, add some oils. The mixture is applied to the hair for 20–40 minutes.

Recipe 2

Onion mask for hair growth with lemon and carrot juices.

You will need:

  • juices: onion, carrot, lemon, a tablespoon;
  • oils: almond, burdock, a teaspoon;
  • yeast diluted in 2 tablespoons of water.


Mix all the juices, add oil, then yeast, stir. Apply to roots, wrap. Leave for 40–60 minutes.

Recipe 3

Mask for rapid growth and beauty of hair with cognac and kefir

You will need:

  • onion juice – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • a tablespoon of: honey, salt, cognac, kefir, burdock oil.

Please note alternative composition, if there are no such components: onion juice, kefir, a tablespoon each and chicken yolk.


Mix the ingredients, apply to the roots, wrap, leave for an hour. Kefir neutralizes the smell of onions.

Recipe 4

Garlic-onion mask with cognac and yolk, to awaken new bulbs, better growth hair

You will need:

  • onion juice;
  • garlic juice;
  • cognac;
  • burdock oil;
  • just a tablespoon;
  • one yolk.


Everything is mixed, applied to the roots, for 40–45 minutes. Wash off with regular shampoo.

How to get rid of odor

There are several ways to remove onion odor:

  • You can make rinses with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar; table vinegar will also work.
  • A good way is to add lemon juice, banana pulp, and essential oils to masks for the rapid growth of curls with onions.
  • Colorless henna also helps, mix a teaspoon with a teaspoon of mustard, brew coffee and pour it into a hot drink. Add a drop lavender oil. After the onion mask, apply this mixture to washed hair and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse after rinsing herbal decoction. The smell disappears completely.

So, is it possible to increase hair growth with of this product? Yes, you can, but you shouldn’t expect miracles; onion masks are not a magic ointment that will instantly make a thick horse’s mane grow. Treatment and care will require time and patience, and positive result It will definitely be, provided that this remedy is individually suitable for a particular person. The information in this article will help you make the most of onions for hair growth.

Useful videos

Onion mask for hair growth.

Onion mask recipe against hair loss.

So, onions contain the following substances:

  1. Vitamin C stops the aging process, makes hair shiny, strong, elastic, healthy.
  2. Essential oils– they give the onion a specific smell and pungent taste. Essential oils trigger a powerful metabolic process, which wakes up inactive hair follicles and activates the hair growth process.
  3. Potassium normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, eliminating problems such as dandruff and oily hair.
  4. Sulfur activates regenerative processes scalp.
  5. Niacin– restores color, prevents gray hair and dullness.
  6. Glycosides and phytoncides fight fungal and viral infections, due to which you can forget about such a problem as seborrhea.
  7. Microelements, organic acids saturate hair wide range nutrients.

Learn more about use various oils to accelerate hair growth: , .

In order to bring your hair into perfect shape, give it a luxurious shine and a healthy glow, you can use the following onion-based home remedies:

  • onion masks;
  • rinsing with onion peel infusion;
  • rinsing with a decoction of burdock/nettle/chamomile/plantain leaves mixed with onion juice (10:1);
  • rubbing fresh onion juice into the scalp.

An infusion of onion peels is made very simply: an armful of onion peels is poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. Decoctions are also simply made from medicinal herbs, to which onion juice is added.

Brew two tablespoons of burdock/nettle/chamomile or plantain leaves with a cup of boiling water and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then a tablespoon of onion juice is added to the broth, and the solution is rubbed into the hair roots.

IMPORTANT: Onion masks will allow you to achieve amazing results, but to do this you need to do them 1-2 times a week for 3 months.

Rinsing with an infusion of onion peels also strengthens the hair and energizes it with vitamins and microelements. In addition, the infusion gives blonde hair beautiful golden hue. But if you want to achieve the effect of rapid growth, then use onion hair masks.

Terms of use

Of course, thanks to his the richest composition onions are one of the most effective cosmetics, but there are a number of nuances here, failure to comply with which can not only negate all the beneficial properties of this plant, but also lead to serious negative consequences.

Do not overuse onion masks and do not keep the mask on for more than 15 minutes, because active substances, included in onions, can cause scalp burns.

Also, this vegetable should not be used for allergic reactions at him.

You can check your reaction to onions in the following way: cut the onion and apply a little juice to your wrist. If redness appears and pain symptoms(itching, rash), then you will have to give up the onion mask. If no painful reaction occurs, then this is your folk medicine.

Also, many people are afraid of the too strong smell of onions. To avoid causing tearing, you can place the cut onion in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.

ATTENTION: Unlike most hair masks, onion paste is applied not to the strands, but to the scalp, to the root zone. Then you need to wrap your head first with cellophane film and then cover it with a towel.

In recipes for onion masks for hair growth, onion is the main component; it can be supplemented with eggs, honey, aloe juice, essential oils, herbal tinctures and vitamins.

In order to make a mask for hair growth from onions at home, you must first grind the onion in a blender.

Then, if the mask requires onion, and not mush, then it is squeezed through gauze by hand.

The most simple recipe, which has come down to us since ancient times, is a mixture of equal proportions of onion juice and hot water.

The juice solution is rubbed into the root zone and left for 10 minutes, then washed off.

However, the following recipes have a great effect.

From onion juice and egg yolk

Strengthens, tones, heals.

1 tablespoon of onion juice mixed with one egg yolk. Add 1 tablespoon of burdock (olive or castor) oil to the mixture. The mask is evenly distributed over the root zone and left for 15 minutes, then washed off with lukewarm water.

IMPORTANT: The onion mask should not be washed off with hot water, because in this case the strong onion smell will be more persistent. If the mask causes a strong burning sensation, it is washed off immediately.

From aloe juice with honey and onion

Gives hair elasticity and elasticity, fights dandruff.

Honey and aloe are known for their healing, restorative effect. These components are actively used in cosmetology, both to create face creams and for hair care.

To prepare a triple effect mask, mix 1 tablespoon of onion juice, aloe juice and liquid honey. Rub into the scalp and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with either cool water or a decoction of chamomile or nettle.

From carrot, lemon and onion juice

Launches the regenerating process, accelerates hair growth.

In order to prepare this onion mask, you can use the gruel, but remember that the gruel is harder to wash off, so it is better to use the juice wisely.

To prepare, mix 2 tablespoons of carrot, lemon and onion juice, add 1 teaspoon of burdock oil and apply this mixture along the entire length of your hair (especially, thoroughly rubbing into the root zone). Cover your head with film and wrap it with a towel. The mask lasts for half an hour, then is washed off.

How to get rid of the smell?

To get rid of the pungent, unpleasant onion smell after a mask, you can use several proven recipes:

  • simultaneously eliminates odor and strengthens hair decoction of medicinal herbs. Wash off the mask with nettle decoction and mandatory, leave your hair to dry for about five minutes, and then rinse with plain, not hot water;
  • good for eliminating odors lemon juice. Just dilute a tablespoon in a bowl of water at room temperature lemon juice and rinse your hair with this solution. After five minutes, rinse with running water;
  • helps a lot in such cases and colorless henna . Mix 1 teaspoon of henna and mustard and pour hot coffee (freshly brewed). Add a few drops of rosemary or lavender to the mixture. After you rinse off the onion mask and shampoo your hair twice, apply this aromatic mixture and leave for another 20 minutes, then rinse with warm herbal infusion. There will be no trace of the unpleasant smell.

Useful materials

Read our other articles on the topic of growing hair:

  • Tips on how to grow curls or something else, return natural color, accelerate growth.
  • The main reasons which are responsible for their growth and which influence good growth?
  • How is the hair and even?
  • Products that can help you grow: effective, in particular brands; products and; and various; and Horsepower brands; as well as others, in particular

Every woman at some point in her life has to face the problem of hair loss. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, in almost all cases they will help cope with the disease folk masks based on onion juice at home.

Onions for hair loss - reviews

Onions have been used in cosmetology for quite a long time. The sulfur it contains helps reduce irritability and inflammatory processes scalp. B vitamins, popularly called “vitamins of female beauty.”

In the collagen gaps in the structure of the strands, voids form, the cuticular scales open and the hairstyle becomes vulnerable. The microelements contained in the root vegetable stimulate the production of natural collagen. Human body cannot produce sulfur on its own, so the mineral must be supplied with food for hair ideal optionexternal application. Based on feedback and survey responses in social networks, the topic of which is , 3 of the most effective recipes preparing onion masks.

  1. Prepare a mixture of onion and honey in equal proportions. For this mask, it is better to use onion pulp; to prepare it, you need to grate the root vegetable manually or using a blender. Apply this mixture to the scalp, cover with film and a scarf, and leave for 20-30 minutes. After the specified time has passed, remove the film and wash your hair.
  2. Prepare a puree from half an onion, add a teaspoon of burdock oil, mix everything thoroughly. Add a shot of dark beer to the resulting mixture and rub into the scalp. Keep the mask on for at least half an hour, then rinse off. After such therapy, the roots of the curls are strengthened, and the strands themselves will shine with an unusual glossy shine.
  3. For the procedure you will need a pre-prepared infusion. To do this, you need to chop 1 onion and pour in 100 ml of cognac, leave for 24 hours. Rub the medicine into the roots and leave for half an hour. Before application, be sure to perform a light massage to increase blood circulation. Then rinse with shampoo and rinse with vinegar solution.


Anastasia Timokhina (26 years old), Sevastopol

I constantly face the problem of seasonal hair loss. The effect of cosmetics is so small, so I decided to try to overcome the disease with onions. It was not possible to completely stop the loss, but it was possible to significantly reduce it. I'll try to make masks in advance, before the problem arises.

Oksana Kuznetsova (29 years old), Rostov-on-Don

Onions in various masks helped me cope with hair loss. I do it every time new recipe so as not to cause addiction.

Diana Dontsova (52 years old), Tver

Onions are a wonderful remedy for many ailments. Onion compresses helped me with alopecia areata. My daughter also regularly makes onion masks.

Onion juice for hair loss: reviews

Many masks are recommended to be made using pure onion juice. This is explained from the point of view of ease of use; it is difficult to wash off the remaining pulp from the hair. Sometimes it makes sense to use juice because of the consistency of the other ingredients in the mixture. It is also more convenient to use juice for rubbing. The effect of masks based on pulp and juice is the same, so the option of use depends on personal preference.

On hair care forums, where the topic of discussion is onion juice for hair loss, the following masks received the most flattering reviews.

  1. Onion juice is most often used to treat hair loss. To obtain it, you need to chop 1 root vegetable; if the strands are too long, you may need 2 onions. Fold the gauze in half or three times and place the pulp there. Squeeze, the juice will be squeezed into the container, and the remaining pulp will remain in the gauze. Rub the resulting juice into the roots, cover the head with film and leave until completely absorbed. For more intense nutrition and strengthening, you can add a little castor or.
  2. Resuscitating onion mask against hair loss with honey. To prepare, mix honey and honey in equal proportions. fermented milk product. The optimal quantity of products is 30 gammas. Add a tablespoon of fine sea salt, a teaspoon of cognac and the juice of half a root vegetable to the mixture. This composition should be applied to the scalp with massage movements and left for half an hour.
  3. Awaken 10 grams of yeast with warm water; you will need twice as much. When the yeast rises, add a tablespoon of castor oil and the same amount of burdock oil. And another 2 tablespoons of onion juice. The mixture is applied to the skin and strands. Walk with a mask for 20-30 minutes.


Marianna Kondratyeva (38 years old), Kameshkovo

Onion masks have one drawback - the smell. You have to tinker extra to get rid of it. But as you know, beauty requires sacrifice. They are really very effective.

Evgenia Sokolova (22 years old), Buturlinovka

I recently encountered rapid baldness. In such a situation, an unpleasant odor is the lesser of two evils. Masks with sea ​​salt. Literally after the first use the result is noticeable.

Anna Gulyaeva (30) years old, Polessk

An excellent way to get rid of odor and eliminate dandruff is Sulsena, sold in pharmacies. I noticed it by accident, this is a personal discovery.

Ways to eliminate odor after onion masks

Product Application
Vinegar Rinsing with vinegar solution after washing your hair
Lemon juice Used as an additional ingredient in a medicinal mixture
Honey Included in the mixture for nutrition and odor elimination
Coffee You need to prepare a slurry of coffee and water. Rub the prepared mixture into the roots and distribute along the length of the strands.
Banana Prepare a paste from banana pulp; it can be used as part of a mixture or rubbed into the scalp.
Ether Add essential oil into the mask. You will need 3-5 drops

The described masks are very effective both for the prevention and treatment of hair loss. However, the use of any of them is individual for each woman. You need to choose the appropriate option.

Many people are confused by the fact that onions leave an unpleasant odor on the hair, but this is not a problem. The smell of onions will not remain if you rinse your hair with water acidified with apple cider vinegar after washing. You can learn how to rinse your hair from the article on the blog ““. In addition, you can add essential oils to the onion mask for hair loss. For example, oils of rosemary, lavender, cedar, etc.

Onion hair masks can be made at any time of the year. The onion-honey mask is very popular, especially for hair; it is prepared in different variations. Maximum effect benefits from an onion mask are achieved with regular use. It is advisable to make onion masks in a course.

Hair bow. Benefit

Onion masks are very effective for hair loss, since after their use the hair roots are strengthened, the blood supply to the scalp is improved, the hair follicles receive nutrition, and hair growth improves.

Onions have a fairly rich composition. IN onions contains phytoncides, organic acids, essential oils, carbohydrates, vitamin E, C, carotene, B vitamins, potassium, chromium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, calcium.

  • Niacin helps strengthen hair roots, making color brighter and more saturated.
  • Phytoncides contained in onions have a bactericidal effect.
  • Organic acids restore damaged areas of hair, help in the “fight” against hair fragility and split ends.
  • Vitamin C accelerates blood flow, thereby improving the delivery of oxygen to the hair follicles.
  • Potassium contained in onions regulates sebum production.
  • Essential oils give onions a pungent odor and pungent taste, and by activating subcutaneous blood microcirculation, metabolic processes are improved, thereby providing the hair roots with nutrients.

Homemade onion masks are used mainly for hair growth, as well as to prevent hair loss.

But when preparing onion masks, you need to know some nuances, as well as familiarize yourself with the rules for using onion masks and contraindications.

Uses and contraindications of onion hair masks

For masks, it is best to use onion juice. To prepare onion juice, simply peel, wash, cut the onion and pass through a meat grinder or blender. Squeeze the juice from the onion puree using cheesecloth.

  1. Onion masks should be applied to the scalp, not to the curls.
  2. There is no need to wash your hair before applying the mask. But before applying the mask, you need to comb your hair.
  3. Hair does not need to be wetted with water before applying the mask.
  4. After you have applied the mask to the roots of your hair, warm your head, put on a cellophane cap and wrap your head in a towel.
  5. Keep onion masks on your hair for about 20 minutes. If it starts strong burning sensation scalp, the mask should be washed off immediately.
  6. Onion masks should be washed off with shampoo.
  7. Do not wash off the onion mask with hot water; you need to wash off the mask with warm water.
  8. In order to remove the smell of onions, after washing your hair, you need to rinse it with water and apple cider vinegar. A spoon for a liter of water apple cider vinegar. You can add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to the water.
  9. It is better to use the mask once every 5 days. How to make masks for hair loss better course, 7-10 procedures.

And now about contraindications. If you are allergic to onions or have an individual intolerance, then you will have to give up onion masks. Check the mask for individual intolerance, you can apply a little of the prepared composition to the wrist area or near the ear. In the absence unpleasant symptoms such as itching, irritation and redness, the mask can be used on hair.

Onion masks are contraindicated for scratches and wounds on the scalp. The use of onion masks for dry hair is not recommended, as onion masks dry out the skin and hair.

Onion masks for hair loss and hair growth

To soften the effect of the aggressive substances that make up onions, various ingredients that are beneficial for hair are added to the masks. You can add essential oils to masks. There are a lot of recipes to help strengthen hair roots and enhance hair growth.

Folk remedies are always especially popular, as they have wonderful effect, plus accessibility and ease of use.

Honey and onion hair mask

  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 2 teaspoons of aloe juice (can be replaced with an ampoule of aloe extract)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of onion juice

If the honey is candied, then it needs to be melted in a water bath, but not boiled. Mix the ingredients of the mask and apply to the hair roots, dividing the hair into partings, apply the mask using a cotton pad. Leave the mask on your hair for 30-40 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

Oil mask with onion for hair

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of onion juice
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon flaxseed oil
  • 1 teaspoon castor oil
  • 1 teaspoon sea buckthorn oil
  • a couple of drops of lavender or rosemary oil, or ylang-ylang

Mix the oils with onion juice and apply to hair. Before applying the mask, mix the mask well and apply this mask from roots to ends. You need to put a cellophane cap on your hair and wrap your head in a towel. Leave the mask on for an hour. Wash off the mask with shampoo. You can rinse your hair with water acidified with lemon or water with apple cider vinegar.

Onion mask with yolk for hair.

  • 1 yolk
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of onion juice

You can add essential oil to this mask, just a couple of drops. The ingredients of the mask should be mixed and applied to the roots of the hair. Put a cellophane cap on your hair and wrap your head in a towel. Leave the mask on your hair for 30-40 minutes. Wash off the mask with shampoo. This mask is very effective for hair loss.

You can read more about hair masks with yolk in the article ““. In the article, you will also find other recipes for hair masks with yolk.

Classic onion hair mask.

To prepare this mask, we only need onion juice, which must be diluted with boiled water in equal quantities. Rub this mixture with cotton pads into the hair roots. Divide the hair into strands, soak cotton pads in a solution of onion juice and water, and rub into the roots of the hair. Leave the mask on your hair for an hour, rinse with shampoo.



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