Treatment of varicose veins with nutmeg. Nutmeg: medicinal properties, contraindications, dosage

How to completely and permanently get rid of varicose veins!

Varicose veins cause serious complications and consequences. There is a way that helps to get rid of varicose veins MORE

What does nutmeg cure? beneficial properties and contraindications for varicose veins and other diseases. Walnut tincture, recipe for preparation with vodka, indications for use, what are the benefits for men and women. Detailed information in our article. We will be grateful for your feedback or repost on social networks.

What does nutmeg cure - Muscataceae family

Science and medicine are constantly moving forward, new drugs appear regularly. People are trying to find effective and safe remedy for the treatment of diseases. Nutmeg attracts people with its beneficial properties. Let's look at the main diseases that are treated:

  • insomnia – beneficial substances help relax the body and prepare for sleep;
  • hypertension – the nut promotes vasodilation;
  • dental problems – calcium, which the nut is rich in, improves the condition of teeth;
  • anemia - can be treated thanks to the iron that is found in the nut;
  • neurosis – characterized by a sedative effect;
  • swelling – relieves due to the removal of excess fluid;
  • varicose veins – the nut gradually helps improve the condition of veins and blood circulation;
  • kidney stones;
  • migraine – this plant relieves pain;
  • skin problems;
  • impotence.

This is an incomplete list of the medicinal properties of nutmeg. This remedy is used to get rid of a number of problems.

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Use in cooking: what taste

This spice is an indispensable part of the kitchen. professional chefs. Used in making desserts and cocktails.

The seasoning is used for marinades, preparing sausages, and mustard.

Used for making sauces. The nut has a pungent taste and a pleasant sweetish aroma. Spice Gives dishes a spicy and interesting taste.

Where does it grow

Nutmeg fruits grow on trees that all year round save green. The leader in cultivation and supply is Indonesia. Another variety of nut is grown on the island of Grenada. Nutmeg trees can be seen in Brazil and India.

Composition and calorie content

Has good vitamin composition. It includes: A, B1, B4, C, PP, B6 and folic acid and pyridoxine. The nut contains useful elements: zinc, copper, iron, manganese and essential oils.

The fruit has a calorie content of 525 kcal per 100 grams.

How to use

Many people have heard about the existence of nuts, but not everyone knows how to use them. Can be taken in the form of tinctures, drinks and powder. Let's look at some of the folk recipes:

  1. Pour the nut powder into vodka and take throughout the recommended course of treatment.
  2. Decoction is a popular way to consume the nut. To prepare, pour half a spoonful of nutmeg powder into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 16 minutes.
  3. Powder is an easy option to use and can be purchased at finished form and do it yourself.
  4. The oil extract is made on the basis linseed oil, similar to the recipe with vodka.

Which option is better to choose depends on the purpose of use.

Indications for use

This fruit has many beneficial properties. There are certain indications for the use of nuts:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypertension;
  • weakened immunity;
  • varicose veins;
  • impotence;
  • mastopathy;
  • headaches.

This is an incomplete list of diseases for which the nut has a therapeutic effect.


Nutmeg has medicinal properties, but not everyone can eat this fruit. Contraindications can be identified:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Epilepsy.
  3. Children's age (prohibited for children under 12 years old).
  4. Frequent allergic reactions.

Definitely worth checking out possible consequences and contraindications before use, both in cooking and for treatment.

Useful properties

Many have heard about the beneficial properties. Let's look at the main ones:

  • gives tone;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • cleanses from harmful substances;
  • regenerates;
  • has an antioxidant effect.

Due to this range of actions, this nut is in demand all over the world.

Benefits for men

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For men, nutmeg helps fight prostate adenoma and weakened erections. It is useful for hypertension, which occurs among men in old age.

Healing properties for varicose veins

This fruit is used to treat varicose veins, as a means complex therapy. A nutmeg-based drink helps improve blood microcirculation. Due to this, it is possible to avoid stagnation and the formation of blood clots.

Healing properties for women

Helps women cope with mastopathy and varicose veins. This fruit is good for the skin. Rejuvenates, eliminates acne, evens out complexion. The benefits for hair are obvious and visible.

Nutmeg tincture with vodka

It is also useful for varicose veins. For treatment, there is a recipe based on vodka (1 l) and nutmeg (200 g).

Pour vodka over the nut powder and leave for 2 weeks.

The tincture helps reduce discomfort and improve blood flow. How to take this remedy- This important point. You need to take 20 drops 3 times a day.

What is the effect with kefir

In reasonable doses, kefir can be a successful sauce with pleasant taste. Such use may cause harm in the form of:

  1. Stomach pain.
  2. Deterioration of touch and smell.
  3. Hallucinations.

Therefore, nuts are quite insidious.

Narcology: narcological properties

Has narcotic properties. The fruit is safe in small quantities. All it takes is two pieces and you may experience hallucinations. Relaxation is observed, the body is in a state of euphoria and time slowdown.

The narcotic state manifests itself as causeless laughter, talkativeness, feeling of dry mouth. Overdose can result in death.

What cures in folk medicine

In folk medicine there are many recipes based on nutmeg. It is recommended to be used for hypertension; this spice has earned the title of a strong aphrodisiac.

Its tinctures help with varicose veins.

The powder relieves headaches, including migraines. It is important to follow the dosage to get a positive result.

Eating nuts for potency

Nutmeg is a spice that is beneficial for men. It is enough to take up to 1.5 g of powder diluted in boiling water before sex. The stimulating effect can remain for up to 6 hours.

It is important not to overuse this spice and remember the contraindications.

In cosmetology

Used in cosmetology. Oil improves condition facial skin and promotes rejuvenation.

This component can be found in products to combat cellulite. It is also healing for hair.

Ksenia Strizhenko: “How I got rid of varicose veins in 1 week!”

Often it is nature that provides us with opportunities for healing. Among its gifts, nutmeg deserves special attention, because it has beneficial properties. positive impact on the human body.

Many people associate this fragrant product on how to get rid of hair with varicose veins with the word “spice.” And this is not surprising, because nutmeg is widely used in cooking, but few people know that it is effective in treating many diseases, including varicose veins veins Nevertheless, even those who are skeptical about traditional medicine treat varicose veins with the help of this miraculous nut.

Useful properties

The fruits of the nutmeg tree are rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Included in this article is how to get rid of initial varicose veins The product includes vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B4, B6, PP, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus, selenium, as well as essential and fixed oils, protein, starch, pectin, organic acids and others useful to people connections.

The main healing properties of the nut include:

  • antitumor;

  • anti-inflammatory;

  • disinfectants;

  • stimulating;

  • immunomodulatory;

  • astringents;

  • tonic.

  • This product promotes regeneration epithelial tissue which helps speed up the healing process trophic ulcers that occur at an advanced stage of varicose veins. In addition, this seasoning has an analgesic effect, improves blood flow, amber has the healing properties of varicose veins, and completely relieves congestion.

    Effective recipes for varicose veins

    Varicose veins are a common how to get rid of varicose veins disease, with it there is a clear modification of the veins, which is characterized by their expansion, lengthening and loss of elasticity. Most often, plump young ladies suffer from this disease. Although slender girls who wear high heels for a long time also fall into this risk zone. This disease affects not only the veins of the legs; how to get rid of varicose veins, such a form as varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy is also common.

    Irina Pervomaiskaya: “How did I manage to defeat varicose veins at home in 8 days? How to get rid of varicose veins?!”

    If you regularly add a small pinch of this spice during the cooking process, it will not only diversify your dishes, but will also make your food delicious. prevention varicose veins

    To treat varicose veins, it is necessary to purchase whole kernels, which can later be grated or crushed by another in a convenient way.

    Advice: it is the fresh nut that is most effective for varicose veins, since, unlike ready-made powder, it still contains valuable oils. A powder is prepared from the fruits of the nutmeg tree, alcohol infusion, tea and rubbing.

  • Powder. To prepare it, you need to take a small nut and grind it in any convenient way (in a coffee grinder, grate amber oil for varicose veins reviews, or crush it with a knife/spoon). The finished powder is consumed 1 tsp. on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast, washed down with water. The product must be taken regularly until the pain disappears. Then the treatment regimen needs to be changed, limiting the treatment of varicose veins to amber once every three days.

  • Alcohol tincture. To prepare it you need to place 50 grams. powder into a glass container, pour the contents into 250 ml of vodka and put in a dark place for 10 days. The infusion must be shaken periodically. Take 3 times a day, 20 drops with a small volume of amber oil for varicose veins. During the course, the tincture is drunk completely. Then you need to take a break of one week and take the medicine again. The same infusion can be used to lubricate problem veins at night. Rub in until completely absorbed.

  • Tea. ? tsp powdered nuts, brew a glass of boiling water, amber powder for treatment varicose dermatitis, let it brew and add 1 tbsp. honey Take 100 ml twice a day (one hour before breakfast and two hours after dinner). You can also use a decoction of it as tea. carrot tops from varicose veins.

  • Rubbing. It is necessary to mix amber oil and varicose veins 10 ml of linseed, olive or other vegetable oil and 5 drops nutmeg oil. The finished mixture should be rubbed into the diseased veins with light massaging movements. This rub is useful to use in combination with Venarus tablets.
  • Contraindications

    We must not forget that nutmeg is a strong psychedelic product, which in case of overdose (2-3 pieces/day) can cause headache, obvious discomfort in gastrointestinal tract, hallucinations how to get rid of incipient varicose veins, psychoneurological problems, strong drowsiness accompanied by a feeling of euphoria that subsequently transforms into a terrible hangover syndrome.

    This amber nut for varicose veins is toxic to the liver, which means the use of this product is contraindicated for people who have problems with this organ. Some patients may experience individual intolerance of this spice.

    Advice: Children under 7 years of age should refrain from consuming the spice, as well as women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

    Treatment effectiveness

    Efficiency This seasoning has been proven by experts, and the responses from patients are mostly positive. This product normalizes blood flow well and reduces the symptoms of varicose veins. Upon completion of the courses, patients note positive effect. This is how to get rid of varicose veins nodes, the remedy is simple to prepare and use, and therefore is suitable for many patients.

    The only thing you can’t be lenient with is the dosage. As noted above, an overdose can lead to severe poisoning and even fatal outcome how to get rid of varicose veins.

    This product, unlike medications, does not contain harmful components, and also does not have any negative influence on the human body. Treatment of varicose veins with the fruits of the nutmeg tree - how to get rid of varicose veins natural and effective way, which relieves not only varicose veins, but also other health problems.

    » Walnut

    Portuguese and Dutch sailors brought exotic fruits to Europe from the Mollucan Islands in the Indian Ocean.

    According to legend, it was with spices (nutmeg and cloves) that Magellan paid off creditors for financing his circumnavigation.

    In the 18th century, the British managed to plant so many nutmeg trees on the island of Grenada that this state still ranks second in nutmeg production in the world.

    Until the 19th century, Holland and Portugal had a monopoly on the spice market.

    Since then, the cost has fallen sharply, especially when the plantations of this crop began to bear fruit. in Brazil, India, on the islands of Indonesia, in Africa, where the nut also grows.

    The nutmeg tree itself has a height of 10-12 meters, which is not tall by tropical standards.

    The fruits of this nutmeg tree are large fruits, similar to a peach. When fully ripe, they burst in half, exposing the pit.

    What does it look like? The nutmeg itself is nothing more than its core(like a kernel apricot kernel). About 2,000 of these fruits ripen on one tree.

    The nutmeg tree bears fruit for approximately 100 years, but Only the first 40 fruits bear fruit..

    Nutmeg is the core of the nutmeg tree, similar to the kernel of an apricot kernel.

    The technology for their processing is quite complicated:

    • nuts are dried;
    • remove the peel;
    • the kernels are soaked in the mixture sea ​​water and coral lime (derived from corals) with stirring;
    • dry again.

    All these processes last for 3-4 months. The result is an oval nut a little more than 2 centimeters long (the larger, the higher the value; they also have a richer aroma).

    Calorie content and vitamin composition

    100 grams of nutmeg have a calorie content of approximately 550 kcal, but no one eats it in such quantities, it is inappropriate to talk about the benefits of the spice in terms of calorie content.

    The value of a nut is not determined by percentages and calories. Rich composition- as many as seven vitamins from group B, vitamins A, PP, E, H, U, K), saturated mineral complexes(magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, silicon, copper, iodine, molybdenum, cobalt and others available chemical composition), essential and fatty oils, eugenols, saponins, pectin substances - this is what determines true value spices.

    Benefits for the body, beneficial properties for men and women

    This unique combination vitamins, essential oils and minerals makes the spiced nut almost a panacea, given its real effectiveness.

    In Israel, as well as in Germany, there are specialized clinics that, in addition to pharmacological advances, use the medicinal potential of plants, including nutmeg, for treatment and rehabilitation.

    Israeli doctors believe that the nut (especially in combination with garlic) can even prevent cancer.

    This method is used to treat initial stages varicose veins and tuberculosis, inflammatory processes liver and spleen, colds and viral diseases, enuresis.

    Essential volatile oils of nutmeg produce a warming effect, which is successfully used in massage compositions in the treatment of neuralgia, sciatica, myositis and various rheumatic lesions.

    Usage healing power nut is justified for both women and men. Even simple regular use of this spice not only improves immunity, hinders development oncological diseases female genital area doubled(according to Israeli clinic"Cherite").

    Mastopathy and other benign tumors are successfully cured by doctors at this clinic with complexes based on nutmeg essential oils.

    Walnut helps fight baldness. But its consumption also increases the amount of testosterone in the blood in men, which helps restore male sexual health: impotence, premature ejaculation and other disorders.

    Essential oils are used in perfumery and aromatherapy to prevent viruses from entering cells human body, which allows the spice to be used during influenza epidemics.

    By the way, they knew about this back in the Middle Ages and used it during the plague and smallpox epidemics.

    The program “Live Healthy!” will tell you a lot of interesting things about nutmeg:

    Harm and contraindications, side effects

    With all these remarkable properties It is unacceptable to abuse nutmeg under any circumstances.

    No harm to health daily consumption should not exceed approximately 1 nut per 10 kilograms of human body weight.

    Otherwise, intoxication is possible:

    • impaired coordination of movements;
    • severe drowsiness;
    • euphoria (hallucinogenic effects);
    • subsequent withdrawal syndrome(hangover).

    A contraindication is a special intolerance of the body - even death is possible.

    Particular care should be taken against abuse nutmeg for pregnant and lactating women, preschool children.

    Use in folk medicine

    The unique composition of this oriental spice not only promotes the development of immunity.

    Nutmeg extracts often serve components various natural medicines: decoctions, ointments, compresses, tinctures. Most of them contain bee honey and milk.

    Conveniently, these proven remedies can be made independently at home and used for treatment.

    Here are some of them, developed over centuries of Ayurvedic medicine in India and tested by modern practice.

    Colds go away quickly after drinking this tea:

    • half a glass of boiling water;
    • a quarter teaspoon of grated nuts;
    • 1 teaspoon natural honey(add directly to drink when boiling water has cooled slightly).

    For diarrhea and other stomach disorders Prepare the mixture and take 20-30 minutes before meals. Mix half a glass of curdled milk (yogurt, kefir), half a glass boiled water, half a teaspoon of powdered ginger, a third of a teaspoon of ground nuts.

    Warming paste for pain in muscles and joints(rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia):

    • 1/2 cup nut powder;
    • 1 glass of pure olive oil;
    • 1/2 cup natural anise oil.

    As a sedative and for insomnia recommended to prepare overnight: half a teaspoon of ground nuts and 1 tablespoon bee honey, 1 glass of lukewarm milk.

    Restless children and babies who are teething can be given 0.1 gram (pinch) of ground nuts twice a day, with the addition of milk and bee honey. The child will not be capricious while eating and will be calmer.

    A warm compress of milk and grated nuts relieves headaches and will help cope with a cold.

    Boil a gruel of grated nuts diluted in half with water for 7-10 minutes - this The mixture helps strengthen hair roots. The paste is applied to damp hair and left for 30-40 minutes.

    Recipes for masks based on nutmeg:

    Expensive "Flongenzyme" for treatment multiple sclerosis can be replaced, constantly taking 1 tablespoon of infusion 3 times a day 2-3 hours before meals:

    • 1/2 cup grated nutmeg;
    • 200 ml medical 96% alcohol;
    • 200 ml of natural flaxseed oil.

    Infuse the mixture in dark warmth place for two weeks. This remedy is completely harmless and, unlike Flongenzyme, there is no need to take breaks in the dosing cycles.

    For varicose veins and thrombophlebitis A tincture of 200 grams of ground nuts and 1000 ml of vodka helps effectively. After 10 days, you can already take 20 drops three times a day (with water).

    Tincture to increase male sexual activity:

    • 1 cup ground nutmeg;
    • 1 cup powdered ginger;
    • 1/2 cup anise seeds;
    • 1 liter of medical alcohol.

    Infuse in a dark glass container for at least a week, shaking daily. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day.

    How to use in cooking?

    The spicy wonder has been used since ancient times as universal medicine, but already around the 6th century the nut took root in European cuisine, but already as a flavoring agent for dishes and alcoholic beverages.

    Even then it became clear that spices not only improve the taste of food and drinks, but also make them healthier.

    The use of spicy additives increased the shelf life of products, since they suppressed the development of pathological microflora (this was not suspected).

    Nutmeg is added not only to alcohol, but also to many sweet dishes, most often to various baked goods. A pinch of nut adds an original taste to prepared products - jam and homemade marmalade. It is often added to fish and meat dishes.

    Cooking sausages, smoked meats, various sauces Now it is simply unthinkable without the use of nutmeg. It is often used for mushrooms and vegetables.

    Italian "Bolognese pasta" and bechamel sauce, candied fruits in Central Asia— they also contain grated nuts.

    And also in baked fruits, pumpkin dishes, and seafood, characteristic of all Mediterranean cuisine. Italians add it to ravioli and tortellini fillings.

    The aroma of nuts forms a harmonious composition with other oriental spices- cardamom, ginger, allspice and turmeric.

    In all recipes, nutmeg is involved in very small quantities, but this pinch of powder can change the taste of products beyond recognition.

    TO meat dishes, pasta can be prepared with béchamel sauce. For 4 servings you will need:

    • 100 grams of butter;
    • 3 tablespoons flour;
    • 2 glasses of milk;
    • salt;
    • ground white pepper;
    • a pinch of nutmeg.

    Melt the butter in a thick-walled bowl. Fry the flour, stirring well until it begins to change color (this is literally 2 minutes).

    Pour in the milk in a thin stream, breaking up any lumps and continuously stirring the sauce. Cook until thickened, stirring continuously. Add nutmeg, pepper and salt to taste.

    “1000 and one spice of Scheherazade” tells about nutmeg:

    Spicy-burning aroma of nutmeg- not only a pleasant addition to your favorite dish. This pinch of powder contains the whole complex the most useful substances, which not only decorate the taste, but are also able to treat many diseases.

    Walnut has interesting property— its aroma depends on the size and shape, the larger and rounder the more refined and stronger the aroma.

    There is no point in buying ground nuts - the smell goes away too quickly no matter how you store it. Best option- purchase special set: in a jar there are several nuts and a special grater.

    Then you'll always have a portion of freshly grated nutmeg on hand.

    Nutmeg is known as an exotic seasoning, but not everyone knows about its benefits in the fight against varicose veins. ABOUT healing properties This product should be known to those who have noticed spider veins, small veins or swelling.

    Let's find out how to hide the veins of varicose veins. Reviews of nutmeg will help determine the advisability of using this product.

    Any medicines have side effect or a number of contraindications. They also have folk remedies, but usually to a much lesser extent than in medications. Moreover, they are much cheaper. Another advantage - has been tested by generations of people, so such recipes should help cope with the manifestations of the disease.

    Traditional medicine is usually divided into two types: for internal use and external use. The first type includes decoctions and tinctures, and the second - compresses, creams, ointments.

    All these remedies have a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the legs; They are usually made based on:

    • green tomatoes;
    • Datura seeds;
    • horse chestnut flowers;
    • carrot tops;

    The effectiveness of folk remedies depends on the stage of the disease. First signs varicose veins can be eliminated special exercises and taking medicinal decoctions.

    However, with progressive disease, more serious therapy will be required, including treatment special drugs, performing surgery.

    Useful properties of nutmeg

    The seed of the fragrant nutmeg consists of many micro- and macroelements. In its composition in large quantities contains:

    • B vitamins (B1, B2, B4, B6);
    • vitamins C, A, PP;
    • folic acid;
    • beta-carotene;
    • sodium, magnesium, potassium,
    • calcium,
    • phosphorus, manganese, selenium,
    • zinc, copper and iron.

    Nutritional value is 6 g of protein, 36 g of fat, 29 g of carbohydrates, 21 g of fiber per 100 g of product.

    Nutmeg is a good tonic. It has anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. Traditional medicine notes antibacterial, antitumor and soothing effects.

    This product helps the epithelium to recover, so it is often used for ulcers duodenum, stomach.

    Fragrant seeds are used for insomnia, nervous excitability, colds, and inflammation.

    Their analgesic effect helps with osteochondrosis and arthritis. In addition, nutmeg is famous as a potent aphrodisiac.

    Regular consumption of this spice helps prevent the development of benign tumors, infections caused by staphylococcus. Nutmeg seed helps to cope with impotence, relieve fatigue, improve work circulatory system, improve the condition of blood vessels.

    Nutmeg for the treatment of varicose veins

    Varicose veins are a common disease characterized by dilation and lengthening of veins and loss of elasticity. This condition is often observed in people with overweight and shoe lovers high heels. Varicose veins often appear not only on the legs, but also in the groin - this form of the disease is common in pregnant women.

    To prevent vein diseases, it is recommended to add a pinch of nutmeg to dishes. To treat varicose veins, nutmeg must be whole. It is best to grind nutmeg kernels in a coffee grinder or grate them, rather than using ready-made powder from the store: in this case, the product will be much healthier, as it will preserve valuable oils.

    Nutmeg is the middle of the seed of the nutmeg tree. To extract it, the kernel is first dried and then shelled. The resulting kernels are further dried. Nutmeg contains vitamins, minerals, and essential oils, which in small quantities have a beneficial effect on the human body. If the product is abused, hallucinations or digestive problems may occur.


    Useful properties of tinctures

    Nutmeg has a high nutritional value: 100 g of product equals 557 kcal. It is used in cooking, in the form of spices and for production various tinctures. Constant consumption of the product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Has a calming and tonic effect. Positively affects male potency.

    There are many options for preparing tinctures based on nutmeg. They are all very similar to each other. But if you change the amount of spices, the result will be completely different. Possible options preparations:


    • one lemon;
    • coffee beans - 12 pieces;
    • half nutmeg;
    • oak bark – 35 g;
    • sugar – 2 tbsp. l;
    • vodka – 3 l;
    • vanilla.

    Grind the lemon, remove the seeds. Grind the coffee in a grinder. Place all ingredients in a glass bowl and pour vodka on top. Keep for 10 days in a dark place. Before use, pass through a sieve.


    • zest of 5 lemons;
    • vodka – 5 l;
    • nutmeg – 2 pieces;
    • anise – 15 g;
    • nutmeg flowers – 20 g;
    • cinnamon – 45 g;
    • cardamom – 23 g;
    • sugar - 2 kg.

    Before preparing the tincture, you need to make an alcohol extract with lemon. To do this, mix lemon zest with vodka and distill it. Next, in glass jar you need to add all the spices and add lemon extract. Close the container tightly and leave to infuse at a temperature of 40 C for 4 days. Every 24 hours, shake the tincture. Before drinking, the drink must be passed through a sieve and sugar added.


    • vodka – 500 ml;
    • chopped nutmeg – 10 g;
    • cloves – 5 g;
    • cinnamon – 5 g;
    • vanilla – 16 g;
    • sugar – 350 g.

    Mix the spices and pour into a glass jar. Pour vodka on top and mix thoroughly. Let the drink brew for 15 days. After time, the tincture must be boiled and passed through a sieve.

    Tincture casserole


    • vodka – 1 liter;
    • chopped nutmeg – 5 g;
    • cardamom – 5 g;
    • capsicum – 10 g;
    • lemon zest – 8 g;
    • ginger – 10 g;
    • cinnamon – 10 g;
    • cloves – 8 g.

    Place the spices in a saucepan and pour vodka on top. The container must be sealed with a lid and a weight placed on top. Cook in a preheated oven for 12 hours. Pass through a sieve before use.


    • cognac – 1 liter;
    • cloves - 10 pieces;
    • lemon zest – 60 g;
    • nutmeg – 1 piece.

    Combine spices with cognac in a glass container and seal tightly. Infuse cognac for 30 days. Before use, strain.

    Nutmeg is used not only in cooking, but also for medicinal purposes. It is used in the production of drugs to treat hypertension blood pressure, headaches and toothaches. Also, it is able to improve blood circulation and cope with blood clots in blood vessels.

    Nutmeg is added to prepare a variety of healthy alcohol tinctures. Let's look at some recipe options.

    Tincture to eliminate varicose veins and thrombophlebitis


    • ground nutmeg – 200 g;
    • vodka – 1 liter.

    Mix nutmeg with vodka and leave to stand for 20 days. The tincture should be consumed daily, 25 drops three times a day.

    Tincture for the treatment of multiple sclerosis


    • ground nutmeg - half a glass;
    • medical alcohol – 200 ml;
    • flax oil – 200 ml.

    Combine all products and leave at room temperature for two weeks to mature. The drug should be taken 3 times a day three hours before meals. The tincture is allowed to be drunk regularly.

    Tincture for increasing potency


    • nutmeg - one glass;
    • anise - half a glass;
    • alcohol – 1 liter.

    Mix all ingredients well and close the container. Leave to infuse for a week. Stir the tincture every day. Take 25 drops three times a day.

    Medicinal tincture


    • alcohol - half a liter;
    • sugar – 50 g;
    • mixture of rum, plum and cherry essences – 6 g;
    • membranes walnut– 3 g;
    • thyme – 3 g;
    • tarragon – 3 g;
    • anise and kmin – 1 g;
    • mixture of elderberry flowers, cloves, St. John's wort, cardamom - 4 g;
    • mixture of nutmeg with allspice and black pepper – 3 g;
    • rose petals – 2 g;
    • cinnamon – 2 g;
    • ginger – 2 g;
    • mint – 2 g.

    Pour all dry ingredients with a small amount of water and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Let the broth cool and pass through a sieve. Add alcohol and sugar to the resulting liquid. Mix well and pour into a jar. The resulting tincture perfectly eliminates the feeling of overwork.

    Nutmeg is very healthy spice. It is very popular in both cooking and medicine. Regular consumption of this spice will help get rid of many health problems.



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