Treatment of hemorrhoids at home with folk remedies. How to treat hemorrhoids at home: a review of medications and folk remedies

How to treat hemorrhoids at home? Comprehensively - including proper nutrition, special gymnastics, herbal remedies and antihemorrhoidal drugs. Some procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, while others are performed in a hospital setting. But in the initial stages of hemorrhoids, after diagnosis and a proctological examination, you can be treated at home under the supervision of a doctor.

According to statistics, 50% of people have experienced symptoms of hemorrhoids at least once in their lives. Often this disease is diagnosed in people leading a sedentary lifestyle. People call this disease “sedentary disease”, since physical inactivity leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. There is also a fairly high level of development of hemorrhoids in people engaged in heavy physical labor, pregnant women and women in labor. What treatment methods for this disease are considered the most effective? Is it possible to treat hemorrhoids with folk remedies? How safe is this approach?

Why does hemorrhoids occur and how do they manifest?

What causes pathological changes in the hemorrhoidal veins of the anus? Expansion, tortuosity of the veins, disruption of blood flow in them, inflammation - all this leads to the formation of painful nodes around the rectum, popularly called “bumps”. What causes hemorrhoids? Who is most susceptible to this disease? What are its symptoms, forms and possible complications?

Risk factors

In fact, hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectum, with the only difference being that the walls of the rectum pinch the swollen and prolapsed vascular nodules, causing severe pain to its owner.

The main reason for the development of hemorrhoids is a violation of the outflow of blood in the pelvic and rectal areas; thinning of the walls of veins and blood vessels, the appearance of blood clots and weakening of the muscles in the pelvic area. Some people are genetically predisposed to the appearance of such problems, while for others the catalysts for the appearance of hemorrhoids can be:

  • sedentary lifestyle associated with professional activities, sedentary position;
  • eating disorders, obesity, abundance of spicy food on the menu;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages, coffee;
  • smoking;
  • heavy physical activity, including sports overload;
  • pregnancy, postpartum period;
  • constipation and prolonged straining during bowel movements;
  • tumors in the intestines and rectum;
  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • anal sex;
  • stressful situations, depression.

Also in lately Doctors pay attention to the psychosomatic cause of hemorrhoids associated with chronic constipation.

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids

Symptoms may vary depending on the type and stage of hemorrhoids. But there are a number of signs that indicate the development of this disease. These include:

  • itching, burning, feeling of heaviness, discomfort in the rectum, anus;
  • pain during bowel movements and for some time after it;
  • red blood in the stool or on toilet paper;
  • nodes (bumps) around the anus are felt;
  • painful and bleeding anal fissures that appear during bowel movements;
  • swelling, inflammation, eczema of the perianal area (the area around the anus);
  • discharge of mucus from the rectum.

Diagnosis of the disease is simple - in 90% of cases, internal hemorrhoids can be easily detected by digital examination of the rectum - or visually if the nodes fall out. A detailed examination to assess the extent of the disease with ultrasound and colonoscopy can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Forms of the disease

  • Spicy. Large, bluish, inflamed nodes appear. The pain syndrome increases significantly, which is explained by the large number of receptors on the rectal mucosa. The inflammatory process can affect not only the fallen nodes, but also the areas around them.
  • Chronic. There is almost no pain in the nodes; it intensifies for a short time after defecation. The nodes fall out periodically, they can be set by hand, but at the last stage they remain outside all the time. Bleeding, itching, and discomfort in the anal area are often observed.

Hemorrhoids easily become a chronic, sluggish condition, against which relapses occur. The person feels quite healthy between exacerbations. But if the disease is not treated, these exacerbations appear more and more often, reducing the quality of life, interfering with plans and ideas.

Possible complications

Treatment of hemorrhoids during exacerbation must be timely, otherwise complications are possible. What does this mean?

  • Bleeding. Can be abundant and long-lasting. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor. Frequently recurring bleeding can lead to the development of anemia.
  • Thrombosis. A blood clot forms in the hemorrhoid. Infringement of the node causes severe pain, which is not associated with bowel movements and is constantly present. Severe swelling also appears. Extensive hemorrhoidal thrombosis is often observed in women after childbirth.

Less common: proctitis, colitis, fissures, fistulas, malignant tumors.

Hemorrhoids are a “delicate” topic. People are simply embarrassed to go to the doctor, resorting to self-medication. A variety of folk remedies, gymnastics, massage - methods of auxiliary therapy. They can be useful only for mild forms of the disease and for preventing relapses.

In most cases, to cope with an exacerbation, special creams, suppositories or tablets are sufficient, along with correction of diet and lifestyle. Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is required less frequently. Remember that the decision on how to treat hemorrhoids in this case can only be made by a doctor.

Methods of treating hemorrhoids in traditional medicine

Treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies is a popular topic in the Internet space. You can find many old recipes in Russian herbal books. Official medicine does not deny the benefits of herbal medicine for hemorrhoids. In pharmacology, the group of antihemorrhoidal plants includes: horse chestnut, elderberry, strawberries, raw potatoes, etc.

Homemade decoctions and infusions are prepared from these herbs for oral and external use. Also, extracts of some plants are added to pharmaceutical preparations for hemorrhoids.

However, it is important to know:

  • natural remedies can relieve symptoms, but do not always affect the cause;
  • the effect of folk remedies accumulates for a long time, during which time hemorrhoids can develop into a form that is more difficult to treat;
  • prolonged and uncontrolled use of herbs can cause overdose, poisoning and an allergic reaction;
  • in the acute period, it is important to quickly relieve pain, prevent the development of complications, and only medications can cope with this;
  • folk remedies have side effects, the manifestations of which have been studied less than those of classical medicine.

There is a generally accepted opinion that synthetic drugs are “chemicals” that cause great harm to the body. However, herbal treatment is not so harmless, considering the percentage of complications that arise after self-medication with baths and poultices. Hemorrhoids are a disease that develops slowly. It has the insidious property of abruptly turning into an acute form - with severe pain, inflammation and bleeding, violating all plans and agreements. This requires immediate medical treatment.

Traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids

Doctors often prescribe several medications at once: tablets against blood clots and for venous circulation; anesthetic cream to relieve pain; antiseptics for healing wounds and cracks; hormones to relieve itching.

It is convenient to use combination medications when treating hemorrhoids: instead of a whole package of medications, one tube of cream or a pack of suppositories is enough. Drugs of this type not only relieve pain, but also relieve inflammation, maintain vein tone, reduce capillary permeability, that is, they affect the cause of the disease.

Products that contain hormones and antibiotics should be treated with caution and used only under the supervision of a doctor, because they have significantly more contraindications and side effects.

For example, Procto-glivenol cream and suppositories contain the anesthetic lidocaine, which allows you to quickly and reliably relieve pain, and tribenoside - it effectively removes inflammation, swelling, and tones the veins. "Procto-Glyvenol" does not contain hormones and antibiotics, and interacts well with other medications. Combined drugs are equally effective for external and internal hemorrhoids.

Sometimes a massage is prescribed to get rid of stagnation of venous blood in the pelvis. Doctors avoid prescribing folk remedies because their safety and effectiveness have not been tested by anyone.

Features of treatment in women and men

According to statistics, 85% of pregnant women and women in labor experience hemorrhoids. The situation is not the best for male drivers or those representatives of the stronger sex who are engaged in hard physical labor or professional sports.

  • How to treat hemorrhoids in women. The principles of treatment are no different from the general approach. It is necessary to pay attention to specific “female” factors - pregnancy, childbirth, blood stagnation, inflammation in the pelvis, frequent diets and, as a consequence, constipation. How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy? This issue is resolved individually after a face-to-face consultation with a gynecologist and proctologist. Some medications have strict contraindications during the entire pregnancy, while others cannot use suppositories and ointments in the first trimester.
  • How to treat hemorrhoids in men. The principles of treatment are no different from the general approach. It is only important to eliminate the factors that influence the development of this disease in men - dietary errors, frequent alcohol consumption, “office life” and sedentary work, prolonged driving, physical inactivity. The cause may also be stress in the gym, weightlifting, or bodybuilding.

Maintenance treatment and prevention

The diet for hemorrhoids is aimed at preventing constipation, therefore, mechanically provoking a relapse. What can you eat if you have hemorrhoids?

  • Lots of fiber. It is useful to eat raw and boiled vegetables and fresh fruits. To prevent constipation, the following are recommended: prunes, dried apricots, fresh apricots, apples, peaches, grapes. The following vegetables are especially useful: beets, cabbage, zucchini.
  • Sufficient drinking regime. In addition to tea, juices, drinks, fresh kefir, you should drink raw drinking water. Lack of water in the body also leads to constipation.
  • Fresh dairy products. Fresh yogurt, yogurt, and kefir are especially useful.
  • Vitamin complex. When treating and preventing hemorrhoids, it is important to replenish the deficiency of magnesium, iron, and reserves of vitamins C, A, K, E, P, B.

You should avoid or limit foods that cause constipation:

  • flour products: bread made from white flour, rolls, crackers, as well as pasta made from durum wheat;
  • meat dishes: steep broths, boiled lean meat;
  • eggs: especially hard-boiled eggs;
  • vegetables: potatoes, radishes, radishes, eggplants;
  • dairy products: kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, which are stored for more than a day;
  • berries and fruits: blueberries, quince, pears, persimmons, bananas, pomegranate;
  • dishes with starch and gelatin: jelly, jelly, jellied meat;
  • drinks: strong tea, coffee, alcohol;
  • cereals: semolina, rice.

The diet for hemorrhoids is selected individually, since the body can react differently to the same foods.

What else is important for prevention?

  • Adjust your lifestyle - move more, walk, but do not overload the body, do not lift weights.
  • Monitor the hygiene of the affected area; during treatment, if possible, refuse toilet paper in favor of washing with warm water;
  • Empty your bowels in a timely manner at the first urge, do not strain, and do not sit for a long time on the toilet.

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home should be carried out only after consultation and examination by a proctologist. In 90% of cases, hemorrhoids are successfully treated without surgery - with timely consultation with a doctor, selection of effective drugs against hemorrhoids, correction of diet and lifestyle.


Pharmacists have developed a lot of medicines aimed at combating hemorrhoids. However, pharmaceutical drugs often entail side effects, and many people are embarrassed to contact pharmacists and doctors with an “uncomfortable” disease. Treatment of hemorrhoids at home is no less successful - traditional medicine has a lot of effective home remedies that allow you to cope with the disease in a very short time. But how to cure hemorrhoids? Lots of recipes!

Herbs and plants for hemorrhoids

Herbal infusions, decoctions and lotions for hemorrhoids help relieve pain and inflammation in the anus, stop bleeding and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.


The plant not only allows you to get rid of pain quickly, but also relieves inflammation in the anus and significantly reduces the symptoms of the disease.

Acute hemorrhoids are treated with yarrow tea:

  • The raw material of the plant is brewed with a liter of boiling water (two tablespoons).
  • The tea is infused for about 15 minutes, after which it is carefully filtered.
  • Drink a healing drink instead of tea throughout the day.

Treatment of external hemorrhoids at home using yarrow lotions:

  • One hundred grams of herb is poured into 100 ml of water and placed in a water bath.
  • The broth is brought to a boil, and then heated over the fire for about fifteen minutes.
  • The decoction is infused for about 45 minutes, then filtered and brought to its original volume using boiled water.
  • I apply lotions from the decoction to the sore spot for 15-20 minutes.

Yarrow lotions can quickly cure bleeding hemorrhoids and relieve pain.


Lotions and compresses made from aloe decoction can quickly relieve aggravation of hemorrhoids and eliminate the hemorrhoidal node:

  • Cut the leaves of the plant into large pieces (10-12 leaves).
  • Place the leaves in a bowl and add a liter of cold water.
  • Leave in a water bath until it boils, and then for another 15 minutes.

Aloe is a versatile plant! From its juice you can make lotions and compresses for the treatment of hemorrhoids

A compress of aloe decoction should be applied warm to the sore spot. If the symptoms of hemorrhoids appear sharply, treatment of aloe hemorrhoids is carried out using the fresh juice of the plant. Aloe also treats hemorrhoids after childbirth and during lactation.


Celandine for hemorrhoids quickly relieves pain, relieves irritation in the anus, and has a bactericidal effect.

  • Dry celandine herb in the amount of one tablespoon is poured into half a liter of boiling water.
  • The mixture is infused for several hours (in a thermos), after which it is used as a lotion at night.

Wild strawberry

With just 2-3 procedures, you can get rid of hemorrhoids using an enema based on wild strawberries.

  • Take a tablespoon of wild strawberry roots and leaves and pour boiling water (200 ml).
  • After a couple of hours of infusion, the infusion is filtered and used for an enema.

After the first cleansing procedure, the symptoms of the disease will go away.


With the help of chamomile suppositories, hemorrhoids are treated in women during the postpartum period and in pregnant women:

  • Chamomile is brewed in a glass of boiling water (1 tablespoon of pharmaceutical preparation).
  • After infusing for 30 minutes, the broth is carefully filtered.
  • The decoction is poured into a medical fingertip and frozen in the freezer.

Ice suppositories are placed every other day, and after just a couple of sessions they provide a high healing effect.

External and internal remedies for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be treated externally with lotions, baths and ointments. Treatment of internal hemorrhoids with folk remedies is carried out using rectal suppositories and enemas.

Salt for hemorrhoids

Salt-based baths are made:

  • Half a kilogram of table salt is dissolved in three liters of water.
  • The mixture is placed on the fire, gradually brought to a boil, and then cooled to room temperature.
  • The mixture is poured into a basin in which you must sit until the liquid cools completely.

With this procedure, the initial stage of the disease, postpartum hemorrhoids, is quickly treated, but it is not effective against hemorrhoids.

Bay leaf for hemorrhoids

Treatment of external hemorrhoids with folk remedies is carried out using bay leaf baths.

To do this, the sheets (100-200 g) are poured with five liters of boiling water, cooled to the temperature required for taking a bath, and the bath is taken until it cools down.

Apple cider vinegar lotions instantly relieve pain and itching and help eliminate hemorrhoids.

Vinegar is diluted in a glass of water (1 teaspoon), after which cotton swabs are moistened in the liquid and applied to the affected area.

Smoke baths

An effective remedy, especially popular among men, who were treated for hemorrhoids by the Cossacks, who often suffered from this disease.

  • The first stage: a brick is heated in a furnace or on a fire and placed in a low metal container.
  • Finely chopped garlic is poured onto the hot brick, which begins to smoke as it heats up.
  • As soon as smoke begins to flow, the patient sits on the smoke bath.
  • As the brick cools, the stone heats up again and the procedure is repeated.

Relief from symptoms and pain occurs instantly, but to get rid of the disease more completely, it is worth repeating the procedure several times.

Tobacco for hemorrhoids

Based on tobacco leaves, you can prepare a lot of remedies for hemorrhoids in men, helping to quickly and permanently solve the problem.

  • At the first unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids, the following treatment is carried out: tobacco leaves (dried) are poured with boiling water and left for 2-3 hours. The infusion is poured into a basin, where baths are taken. The method allows you to get rid of the symptoms of hemorrhoids instantly, and with 3-4 procedures it will even get rid of old hemorrhoids.
  • Snuff is ground into powder and wrapped in gauze. The formed candle is dipped in vodka and then inserted into the anus. Relief comes after the first procedure, but for complete recovery you should put candles at least three times.

Methods for treating hemorrhoids using folk remedies can be used independently if the disease is not accompanied by severe bleeding, purulent discharge and sharp pain. Otherwise, hemorrhoids, the photo of which is shown above, need to be treated only in a hospital setting and under the supervision of a doctor.

Treating hemorrhoids at home is the fastest way to get rid of them using medications, diets and exercises. When selecting medications for a person, it is important to take into account that many drugs have side effects, so it is important to choose not only an effective, but also a safe drug. A doctor will help you cope with this task.

But if a visit to the doctor is postponed for some reason, you can resort to the help of conservative and alternative medicine.

Drugs for drug treatment

Inexpensive and effective remedies for hemorrhoids can be prescribed by your doctor. But many patients have no idea what kind of doctor treats hemorrhoids in men. Plus, there is a certain confusion that does not allow patients to immediately get an appointment with the right doctor.

The following can help get rid of the disease and make a diagnosis:

  1. Proctologist.
  2. Coloproctologist.
  3. Surgeon - coloproctologist.

When contacting a physician, he must:

  • manual inspection using tools;
  • Anamnesis collection - questioning the patient for complaints.

A coloproctologist is also a specialist whose competence is the study and treatment of rectal pathologies.

A coloproctologist will be needed only if drug therapy is unsuccessful and surgical intervention is required.

If you haven’t been able to find the right specialist, you can treat the disease using:

  1. Mazey.
  2. Candles.
  3. Tablets.
You can remove a hemorrhoid with various medications, but much depends on the form of the disease and the severity of symptoms.

External hemorrhoids are treated using ointments, but internal hemorrhoids are treated with suppositories. Tablets are prescribed to strengthen therapy and improve its effectiveness in both cases.


To quickly treat hemorrhoids at home in men and women, you can use ointments of various spectrums of action, the following drugs have minimal toxicity:

  • Heparin ointment;
  • Levomekol;
  • Ichthyol ointment;
  • Bezornil;
  • Fleming's ointment;
  • Boro is a plus;
  • Vishnevsky ointment.

When using products for external use, you should follow certain rules:

  • apply the medicine to clean and dry skin;
  • apply a disc or swab made of gauze or cotton wool to the inflamed area;
  • Do not use 2 products at the same time.

That is, before starting treatment it is necessary to carry out standard hygiene procedures. Then apply the selected ointment to the inflamed area and apply a cotton swab or pad. It is advisable to carry out such procedures before bedtime. You can do them several times a day: morning and evening.


Treatment of hemorrhoids in an adult man can be carried out using suppositories; more often than other medications, proctologists prescribe suppositories:

  1. With sea buckthorn oil.
  2. With ichthyol.
  3. With calendula extract.
  4. With propolis.

These suppositories will help get rid of the first signs of varicose veins of the rectum at the initial stage of development, but if the disease has progressed to stage 2 or 3, then suppositories are prescribed:

  • Relief;
  • Posterisan;
  • Anuzol.

Homeopathic suppositories are often prescribed; they are quite effective and well tolerated. When used correctly, they can complement drug therapy.

What medications are prescribed:

  1. Adonis.
  2. Immuntil.
  3. Anti-K.
  • it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures;
  • lie on your side, bend 1 leg at the knee and move it forward slightly;
  • insert a candle into the anus;
  • lie on the bed for 15–20 minutes.

This treatment is very effective in the fight against hemorrhoids, but it is recommended to carry out the procedures on a regular basis: 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 10 to 14 days.


External and internal hemorrhoids are also treated with tablets; venotonics are most often prescribed. Agents that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their tone.

How and what is the best way to treat varicose veins of the rectum:

  1. Venarus - improves blood microcirculation in blood vessels and capillaries, increases their tone.
  2. Pilex - tones and strengthens the walls of veins and blood vessels.
  3. Heparin - prevents the formation of blood clots, anticoagulant.
  4. Vikasol - accelerates cell regeneration processes, restores the walls of the rectum.

Tablets will help if a lump appears, they will strengthen blood vessels, and are often part of complex therapy, which is most effective.

You can get rid of the main signs of the disease with the help of complex therapy in 3–4 days. It is also necessary to take medications as part of prevention.

Exercises for prevention

Exercises for hemorrhoids can be combined with drug therapy, or done during remission to prolong it and avoid relapse.

Gymnastics for varicose veins of the rectum, a list of several exercises that can be done at home:

  • It is worth lying on your back, raising your legs up so that you get an angle of 45 degrees. Then make cross swings with your legs, reminiscent of scissor movements. Repeat the exercise 50 times.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and place them straight, stretch your arms along your body. Raise your pelvis up, fixing the position at the top point for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise 30 times. You can gradually increase the duration of the “pause”, bringing it up to 3 minutes.
  • Lie on your back, then raise your body, take a knee-elbow position (stand on all fours and rest your elbows on the floor). Then, arch your back 10–15 times, imitating the movements of a cat. Do at least 30 repetitions.

When doing exercises at home, do not forget that the simplest and most effective is squeezing the anus. This exercise does not require special training or equipment; it can be done unnoticed by others.


Proper nutrition helps the body cope with the main signs of pathological changes. The diet for hemorrhoids is part of complex therapy; it is prescribed to all patients to reduce the severity of symptoms. Proper nutrition will help minimize the likelihood of constipation and normalize the digestion process.

What to do when the first symptoms of the disease appear, what foods to include in the diet:

  1. Dried fruits - as well as other products with soft dietary fiber.
  2. Fresh fruits - apples, bananas, grapes, as well as compotes and fruit drinks made from them.
  3. Cereals - buckwheat, egg, oatmeal, pearl barley, as well as porridges prepared from them.
  4. Fermented milk products - fermented baked milk, sour cream, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir.
  5. Various oils - sunflower, pumpkin, flax, corn.
  6. Fresh herbs - basil, cumin, parsley, dill and cilantro.
  7. Mineral water - provided that it contains a large amount of magnesium and sulfates.
  8. Soups - if they are prepared in light meat or fish broth with the addition of fresh vegetables.

It is not prohibited to eat meat and fish, but it is advisable that these products do not have high fat content. At the same time, you need to avoid large amounts of protein foods - this can cause constipation.

If you have hemorrhoids, you should not eat the following foods:

  • mashed potatoes;
  • semi-finished products;
  • beans, peas;
  • sweet soda;
  • fresh milk;
  • bread made from rye flour;
  • white cabbage;
  • strong tea and coffee.
You should not eat foods that increase gas formation in the stomach; a ban is imposed on dark chocolate and baked goods made from refined flour.

It is not advisable to experiment with dishes that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. You will have to exclude hot, spicy, salty, smoked, fried and fatty foods.

It is also necessary to limit your fiber intake, since otherwise there is a high risk of developing diarrhea or other digestive problems.

Varicose veins of the rectum can be cured forever without resorting to medications. Decoctions of medicinal herbs and plants will help with this. They are used to create enemas.

How to cure hemorrhoids with enemas, what can be used:

  1. Chamomile decoction with calendula.
  2. Decoction of oak bark with yarrow.
  3. A decoction of celandine with St. John's wort.

Dry or fresh herbs are brewed with boiling water and left for 6-8 hours. Then enema procedures are performed.

They will help:

  • empty your bowels without pain or constipation;
  • reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process;
  • reduce the size of the nodes.

If bleeding occurs, a decoction of burnet will help to cope with it. This herb has a powerful hemostatic effect; it can be mixed with wormwood, and then brewed with boiling water, simmered in a water bath for 30 minutes, cooled and used for enema procedures.

Folk remedies

How to treat external hemorrhoids in men using remedies? To do this you need to have certain knowledge. There are several methods that are most popular among patients.

Quick ways to get rid of hemorrhoids using traditional methods:

  1. Compresses or lotions.
  2. Baths with herbal decoctions.
  3. Homemade candles.
  4. Essential oils with a softening effect.

Compresses and lotions are made in the evening. You can replace them by washing them using decoctions of medicinal herbs. It’s easy to prepare a decoction for a compress or lotion, you need to mix 2 tbsp in a container. spoons of chamomile, oak bark, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 12 hours, then use as directed.

Baths will help if the node is bleeding or the lump is inflamed. A pre-prepared infusion of medicinal plants is poured into a small amount of warm water. The duration of the procedure is 15–20 minutes. You can take baths every day; in combination with other medical procedures, they help to cope with hemorrhoids much faster.

Suppositories can not only be purchased at the pharmacy, they can be prepared at home, independently. There are several proven recipes:

  • you can make a candle out of ice - it will help stop bleeding and relieve pain;
  • prepared from butter and honey – will relieve inflammation and soften irritated skin;
  • cut from raw potatoes will not only help stop bleeding, but also reduce the size of the knot.

Medical statistics say: 60% of people experience hemorrhoids. The occurrence factors are physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle, improper and unsystematic nutrition, problems with intestinal motility, genetic predisposition.

Having discovered the first signs of hemorrhoids, people are in no hurry to see a doctor, embarrassed to reveal sensitive problems to strangers. As a result, the disease progresses and reaches a stage where surgical intervention is unavoidable. By visiting a proctologist in the early stages of the disease, you will be able to do without drastic measures and treat at home.

Hemorrhoids go through stages of development. The first two are characterized by periodic bleeding and the formation of nodes, which, after prolapse, independently return to the rectum. This . At the third stage, the nodes are adjusted independently. The fourth stage occurs when the nodes fall out and cannot be set. These are external hemorrhoids.

External hemorrhoids cause a lot of suffering and inconvenience. There is a high risk of complications - vein thrombosis, heavy bleeding, tumors. We recommend that you urgently make an appointment with a coloproctologist. To treat internal hemorrhoids, measures and remedies have been developed that can be used at home.

Nutrition for hemorrhoids

The effectiveness of the hemorrhoid treatment method will not be complete without following an appropriate diet. Eat 5-6 times a day, preferably at the same hours. The amount of liquid consumed during the day is at least 2 liters. The goal is to prevent constipation, which causes an exacerbation of the disease. Useful products:

  • Vegetables and fruits in raw, boiled and baked form. Preference is given to fruits enriched with fiber - apples, pumpkin, beets, carrots, cabbage. Eating dried fruits is beneficial - prunes, dried apricots, figs, plums and apricots. The laxative effect helps empty the intestines.
  • Fresh fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, yoghurts.
  • Porridge – barley, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet.
  • Compotes, jelly, juices and fruit drinks. Lack of fluid in the body affects constipation. Doctors advise drinking unboiled water due to its high content of microelements.

List of products prohibited for consumption:

  • Fresh white bread, pastries, confectionery;
  • Potatoes, radishes, radishes;
  • Pasta, rice, semolina porridge;
  • Smoked meats, hot sauces;
  • Pickled and canned foods;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol.

Properly organized nutrition does not irritate the intestinal mucosa and reduces inflammation.

Drug treatment of hemorrhoids

For internal hemorrhoids at home, it is advisable to use topical medications - suppositories, ointments and creams. Before using the medicine, read the instructions - contraindications and side effects.

When treating internal hemorrhoids, suppositories (rectal suppositories) are prescribed. Advantages over oral and injectable drugs:

  • Direct action directly on the sore spot - on the rectum;
  • Repeated administration and increased dosage of the drug are not required. The risk of side effects and allergic reactions is reduced;
  • Most drugs are absorbed within half an hour, bringing instant relief;
  • Ease of use for small children and people with swallowing disorders.

Rectal suppositories according to the mechanism and direction of action are divided into:

  • Wound healing - used for wounds of the rectum and anus - Methyluracil, Natalsid, suppositories with propolis.
  • Anti-inflammatory - relieve swelling, redness, eliminate the inflammatory focus - Ultraproct, Posterizan, Relief.
  • Astringents - reduce itching and burning, heal, dry wounds - Anuzol, Anestizol.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies

Traditional medicine can help cure hemorrhoids without the use of drugs. Official medicine does not deny the benefits of herbal medicine, but warns:

  1. The effect of using traditional medicines takes time. During this time, the disease enters a new stage.
  2. Uncontrolled use of these drugs is fraught with overdoses, allergic reactions, and poisoning.
  3. Side effects have not been studied.
  4. Traditional medicine recipes are applicable at home.
  5. Suppositories made from raw potatoes treat advanced internal hemorrhoids. Injected into the rectum at night for several days.
  6. An anti-hemorrhoids herbal collection made from rose hips, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, raspberry leaves with an anti-inflammatory effect, and knotweed with hemostatic properties are useful. Brew – 1 tablespoon per two cups of boiling water. Take half a glass three times a day for two to three weeks.
  7. Tampons with celandine juice have an analgesic, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect.
  8. Candied honey suppositories help get rid of internal hemorrhoids.
  9. It is useful for internal hemorrhoids to visit a bathhouse and sit for 15 minutes on a steamed birch broom.

Hemorrhoids can be treated at home using baths. Cold water relieves pain and stops bleeding, and warm herbal decoctions have an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect. Baths are prepared using horse chestnut fruits, oak bark, viburnum and sea buckthorn berries, and birch leaves. A bath of a strong decoction of onion peels fights pain. The patient sits in a basin with water or a decoction of herbs, spreading his buttocks. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Lotions with sea buckthorn oil and homemade ice candles made with herbs are used. Infusions of chamomile or knotweed are poured into foil molds and placed in the freezer. Use three times a day until bleeding and pain are completely eliminated.

Enemas from herbal decoctions - chamomile, strawberry leaves, celandine - will help. An enema of strong tea leaves relieves burning and itching and stops bleeding.

Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the risk of developing hemorrhoids increases because the fetus, increasing in size, puts pressure on the internal organs and causes stagnation of venous blood. The approach to treating internal hemorrhoids in pregnant women at home is cautious. The goal is not to harm the baby with medications. Do not take sitz baths or drink herbal infusions.

Drink infusions of sea buckthorn, rowan, and viburnum berries. Keep your bowels regular. The procedures performed are agreed upon with the gynecologist and proctologist. During pregnancy, start treating hemorrhoids in the initial stage - the result will be much better.

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids at home will bring the desired result if you follow the following recommendations:

  1. Refrain from sitting for long periods of time and periodically stretch or go for short runs.
  2. Stick to your diet, avoid eating prohibited foods and avoid alcohol.
  3. Colds and hypothermia aggravate the course of the disease. Do not sit on cold surfaces.
  4. Constipation and incomplete bowel movements should not be allowed. Laxative teas or decoctions of buckthorn and senna will help stabilize the intestinal tract. It is recommended to refuse toilet paper - wash with cool water.
  5. Avoiding physical activity, lead a healthy lifestyle - walk, jog, swim.
  6. Proctologists advise taking a course of special massage aimed at eliminating congestion in the pelvic organs. You need to perform a set of physical exercises daily aimed at strengthening the muscles of the rectum.

Only comprehensive treatment using herbal remedies and medications, including proper nutrition and special exercises, will help get rid of hemorrhoids quickly and permanently at home.

Treatment of a delicate problem at home is possible at an early stage of the disease. Both forms of hemorrhoids, internal and external, can be treated with medications and, in addition, folk remedies. It must be remembered that the effectiveness of using antihemorrhoidal drugs depends on compliance with the doctor’s instructions, who prescribes drugs in accordance with the exact diagnosis.

Treatment for internal hemorrhoids, where the hemorrhoids are located above the dentate line of the anal canal, and external (external) hemorrhoids, in which the lumps are located below, will differ slightly in the means used.


Treatment with topical agents is used for external hemorrhoids or internal hemorrhoids with prolapsed nodes. Any drug is applied to clean and dry skin after defecation and genital hygiene.

The action of the drugs is aimed at eliminating swelling, itching, pain, inflammation, and some also have hemostatic properties. Therapeutic ointments are quickly absorbed and significantly alleviate the condition. The choice of medication in this case depends on the active ingredient and contraindications.


Ointment "Relief"

The ointment contains phenylephrine. Widely used in proctology as an anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor that quickly heals wounds. The medicine is contraindicated due to individual intolerance. Caution should be exercised when using the ointment if you have hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure, or diabetes.


Ointment "Troxevasin"

The drug is available in the form of ointment and gel. The active component troxerutin acts on veins and capillaries. For hemorrhoids, it reduces the symptoms of pain, itching, and bleeding. The product can also be used in the form of applications. To do this, soak a sterile bandage with gel, then apply it to the hemorrhoidal cones. After complete absorption, the bandage is removed. Do not use ointment or gel in early pregnancy, with pathologies of the duodenum, or stomach ulcers.


Ointment "Ultraproct"

This ointment contains two active substances: cinchocaine and fluocortolone. Taken together, the action of the components has a strong analgesic effect, as well as anti-inflammatory and decongestant. For internal hemorrhoids with painful hemorrhoids that have prolapsed, it is possible to apply gel to the nodes, then they are carefully pushed into the anal canal with your fingers.

How to use Ultraproct ointment

The ointment is not prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy, in patients with tuberculosis, syphilis, or in the presence of fungal infections.


Ointment "Levomekol"

The drug has an immunostimulating, antibacterial effect. It has a positive effect on tissue healing and relieves unpleasant symptoms of the disease. It is used not only for therapy, but also for prevention. For internal wounds, you can administer the ointment using a catheter, warmed to normal body temperature. The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician. The medicine has contraindications, including fungal skin infections and personal intolerance to the components of the composition.

"Hepatrombin" and other heparin-based ointments

Ointment "Gepatrombin"

The medicine contains sodium heparin, prednisolone and lauromacrogol. Active components prevent blood clotting, eliminate itching, swelling and anesthetize. Can be used to treat internal hemorrhoids. The product is contraindicated for various skin lesions of viral, fungal and bacterial origin. Also, ointment and other forms of medication are not used for skin tumors, early pregnancy, or tuberculosis.


Ointment "Proctosedyl"

The drug contains several active components: hydrocortisone, framycetin, benzocaine, esculoside. The ointment is used for the treatment and prevention of acute and chronic hemorrhoids. For internal hemorrhoids, the form of rectal capsules is used. Contraindications will be similar to most of these drugs: pregnancy, lactation, viral and fungal skin infections.

"Fleming's Ointment"

"Fleming's Ointment"

A homeopathic remedy consisting of several components: calendula, witch hazel, aesculus, and also contains menthol and zinc oxide. The ointment relieves pain, eliminates inflammation, and has bactericidal properties. Used for external hemorrhoids in an uncomplicated form. Can be used during pregnancy.

Vishnevsky ointment (balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky)

The ointment contains castor oil, birch tar and an antiseptic substance. Properties of the drug: accelerate tissue healing, reduce pain. The ointment has a warming effect, increases blood flow to the affected area, and dries the wound. The medicine has no contraindications.


Proctosan ointment

The drug consists of bufexamac, lidocaine, bismuth, titanium dioxide. The ointment eliminates the symptoms of the disease and has an antibacterial effect, suitable for the treatment of chronic and acute hemorrhoids. The drug can also be used in the treatment of internal hemorrhoids. To do this, the ointment is administered rectally using an applicator. “Proctosan” is well tolerated, but is prohibited for use in case of tuberculosis, inflammatory processes, during pregnancy and before reaching 18 years of age.


Ointment "Bezornil"

The ointment is based on natural ingredients (amber, borneol, pearls). The action of the substances allows the product to be used to eliminate pain, itching, and purulent formations. The ointment has strong regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. The medicine can be used for insect bites and burns. Before use, consult a doctor, especially during pregnancy.

Rectal preparations

Medicines in the form of suppositories and capsules for administration into the rectum are prescribed for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids.

The drugs are divided into several groups and are used depending on the action of the active components in the composition. Suppositories, like ointments, are used after defecation.

"Gepatrombin G"

Candles "Gepatrombin G"

The medicine in the form of suppositories has a similar effect to the ointment: antithrombotic, moderately inflammatory, has a positive effect on tissue regeneration. Contraindications will be identical to the ointment form.


Suppositories "Gepazolone"

Suppositories are similar in composition to hepatrombin, but they additionally contain an anesthetic - “Lidocaine hydrochloride”. The drug is suitable for severe pain. Medicine is prescribed for anal fissures, itching, eczema caused by inflammation. For hemorrhoids, it is prescribed as part of complex therapy.

Contraindications: infectious skin lesions, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

"Relief Advance"

Suppositories "Relief Advance"

The medicine is based on one active ingredient - benzocaine. The suppositories additionally contain oil obtained from shark liver. The drug has hemostatic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Candles are used up to 4 times a day. Not used for granulocytopenia and thromboembolism.

"Proctosedyl M"

Rectal capsules "Proctosedyl M"

Available in the form of rectal capsules, which are inserted into the anus in the morning, at night and after each bowel movement. It contains the same active ingredients as the ointment of the same name, so the drug will have similar properties. The medicine eliminates pain, reduces spasm of the sphincter muscles, anesthetizes, prevents the development of blood clots and fights bacteria. Not used for hypertension, under the age of 2 years, during pregnancy, skin damage due to a viral or fungal infection.


Diclofenac suppositories

It is advisable to use suppositories for pain and inflammation in the rectum. The drug relieves pain, spasms, inflammation, prevents the development of bruises, swelling and hematomas and is not addictive. It has an extensive list of contraindications, including:

  • exacerbation of diseases of the stomach or duodenum;
  • pregnancy;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • heart disease;
  • hypertension.

Use with caution in diabetes mellitus, over 65 years of age, and anemia.


Candles "Ichthyol"

The drug has several forms of release: cream, ointment and suppositories. Unlike other similar medications, suppositories do not have a very quick effect, so systematic use and intake of additional medications is necessary. Avoid combined use with drugs that contain heavy metal salts and alkaloids. Ichthyol suppositories have no contraindications.


Candles "Anuzol"

The suppository contains herbal ingredients, including belladonna, belladonna extract, as well as a complex of bismuth oxide and zinc. The effect on the body is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic. Suppositories are not used for individual sensitivity, intestinal atony, myasthenia gravis, glaucoma, during pregnancy and lactation.


Candles "Ultraproct"

The drug in the form of suppositories contains the same main active ingredients as a similar ointment. It is usually used 1 piece for 24 days; in severe cases, the use of 2-3 suppositories is allowed. Do not use for viral diseases or in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

"Propolis DN"

Candles "Propolis DN"

Propolis-based suppositories are no less effective for illness. They remove inflammation, itching, pain, and also destroy germs and cleanse damaged tissue from infection. The medicine improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of bleeding. Contraindications include personal intolerance to bee waste products.


Suppositories "Methyluracil"

The active component of suppositories restores damaged cells, improves tissue nutrition, and relieves inflammation. The main effect of methyluracil is to accelerate the formation of blood cells. Suppositories are also used for proctitis, constipation, and anal fissures. Contraindications include leukemia, hemoblastosis, age under 8 years.


The range of effects of oral drugs against hemorrhoids is wide. They are used in addition to topical medications for greater effectiveness.

Oral medications for the treatment of hemorrhoids

They have a pronounced analgesic effect and can relieve inflammation.
Laxatives are taken to prevent stool from hardening and irritating the mucous membrane.
Stop bleeding, relieve inflammation.
"Aspirin Cardio"
Prevents the development of thrombosis, reduces spasm of vascular walls.
"Ginkgo Biloba".
They increase the tone of venous vessels, improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation and swelling.
Relieve inflammation, eliminate pain, reduce swelling.

All medications must be prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account contraindications and the possibility of side effects. In addition, the specialist individually determines the need for combined treatment and may prescribe several medications for use.

Folk remedies

Traditional treatment methods help to cope with the disease in the early stages. The advantages of this treatment are accessibility, minimal contraindications, and side effects. Before using any product, consult a doctor.

Table. The most common herbal raw materials used in therapy

NamePlant propertiesContraindications
Venotonic, reduce capillary fragility, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. In addition, horse chestnut eliminates vascular spasms, relieves swelling and inflammation.Rose hips should be used with caution if you have problems with blood pressure.
Horse chestnut is not taken for constipation, intestinal atony, or pregnancy.
Hemostatic, strengthens capillaries, relieves inflammation.Prohibited for bleeding disorders, acute stomach diseases, and urolithiasis.
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, promote the resorption of hemorrhoids.Low blood pressure, bradycardia, pregnancy, increased blood clotting.
They relieve pain and inflammation and have a bactericidal effect.Exacerbation of pancreatitis, allergy to bee products.

A decoction based on a herbal mixture - horsetail, St. John's wort, oregano, renal knotweed, steelhead, hay and chamomile. All ingredients are mixed, and 1 tablespoon of raw material is taken per 1 glass of water, poured with boiling water for 8-12 hours. The strained infusion should be taken three times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals. Decoctions and tinctures

For a decoction of nettles, take 2 tablespoons of the raw material, which are poured with a glass of boiling water. After two hours, the decoction is ready, it can be consumed before meals, half a glass in the morning and evening.

An alcohol-based tincture is prepared from propolis; for this you will need 0.5 liters of a 70% alcohol solution. Before cooking, bee glue is frozen for 15 minutes, then it needs to be grated on a fine grater. The alcohol is poured into a dark glass container, then propolis is added. It is necessary to shake the tincture and place it in a dark place for 2 weeks. For the first three days, shake the container periodically. The strained medicine is taken three times a day, 1 teaspoon 1 hour before meals.


Microenema from nettle, chamomile and yarrow: the mixture is taken in equal proportions of 50 mg, poured into 100 g of boiling water. After the mixture has cooled, it is filtered and administered rectally once a day. You can prepare a microenema from one chamomile; to do this, pour 100 g of boiling water into one teaspoon, strain after cooling and use the freshly prepared infusion every other day for 15 days.

Suppositories and tampons

Propolis suppositories can be bought at a pharmacy or made according to the following recipe: any animal fat is placed in a cup, for example, lanolin 150 mg, 50 g of propolis and the same amount of beeswax. All this is mixed and heated in a water bath until the components are completely dissolved. Then the mixture is filled into molds and frozen; then you should store the candles in wax paper in the refrigerator.

Chamomile-based suppositories are made very simply: chamomile decoction is poured into molds for rectal suppositories and frozen. They can be used morning and evening. Crushed chamomile, chestnut seeds, sage leaves and oak bark are mixed and poured with boiling water. We recommend 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water. The collection is infused, then cooled. A clean, sterile tampon is soaked in the infusion and inserted into the anus.

Lotions and ointments

To treat inflamed bumps with external hemorrhoids, it is recommended to lubricate them with liquid honey. You can prepare a compress tincture from propolis and use it for 2-3 weeks. To prepare a compress, you need to dissolve propolis in warm water and leave for 1 day, then soak a sterile bandage with the liquid and apply it to the sore spot.

You can prepare an ointment from propolis; for this you need any fatty oil: vegetable, peach, etc. in the amount of 100 g and 20 g of crushed propolis. Mix the ingredients in an enamel bowl and heat in a water bath for an hour, cool. Apply ointment to hemorrhoids in the morning, afternoon and evening for 3 weeks.

Other treatments

In addition to medications and folk remedies, other methods of therapy are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.


In the treatment of hemorrhoids, a diet is mandatory. It allows you to reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease.

For acute hemorrhoids it is necessary:

  • eat small meals (5-6 times);
  • do not limit fluid intake (up to 2 liters per day);
  • steam, eat boiled food;
  • monitor the intake of vitamins and minerals into the body;
  • eliminate or minimize foods that cause constipation.

Small meals, a complete supply of all necessary substances to the body and a sufficient amount of fluid are the main conditions of the diet for exacerbation of hemorrhoids

Prohibited foods include:

  • legumes;
  • fried, smoked dishes;
  • sweets, ice cream, chocolate and cocoa;
  • pear, quince, grapes;
  • rice, potatoes;
  • flour products made from butter dough.

Completely eliminate alcohol and spices. If the regimen is not followed, there is a high probability of constipation, which causes the hemorrhoids to enlarge, become pinched and fall out.


A sedentary lifestyle is not good for anyone and is strictly prohibited for external hemorrhoids. With a sedentary lifestyle, constant breaks from work are necessary for 5-10 minutes every hour for a simple warm-up. Exercises “Bicycle” and “Scissors” are useful. Performed lying on the floor, the legs make movements similar to pedaling. Also, from a lying position, you need to make wide but smooth swings of your legs, reminiscent of the movement of scissors.

There are contraindications to exercise for hemorrhoids:

  • deep squats;
  • sharp swings of the legs;
  • weightlifting;

It is advisable to spend half an hour a day walking in the fresh air, or better yet, intense walking.

Treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth

Some young mothers face the problem of hemorrhoids after childbirth. But not all products that are produced can be aimed at combating pathology. Many medications are contraindicated during lactation. To avoid having to give up breastfeeding, you need to choose a fairly effective remedy that does not harm the baby.

Suppositories for treatment after childbirth and during pregnancy:

Gepatrombin G can be used during lactation and in late pregnancy. Approved ointments for use without contraindications are Levomekol and Vishnevsky ointment. Inflamed nodes can be lubricated with honey and other folk remedies can be used, for example, sitz baths based on chamomile, nettle, and St. John's wort.

If you are ill, it is strictly forbidden to take a hot bath or visit a sauna or bathhouse. You should also not wear clothes or underwear that are too tight. When excess weight appears, a diet and an active lifestyle are necessary. The same recommendations apply to the prevention of hemorrhoids.

Video - How to cure hemorrhoids at home



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