Finalgon cream instructions for use. Finalgon: composition and release form, therapeutic efficacy, pharmacodynamic features

Today, one of the most popular remedies for treating problems with musculoskeletal system is finalgon ointment. It simultaneously has irritating, warming and analgesic effects. The drug is intended for external use. It normalizes blood circulation in the damaged area, dilates blood vessels, thereby relieving pain. Finalgon quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the epithelium, due to which it begins to act 10-15 minutes after its application to the skin.

According to doctors, Finalgon can be classified as a drug that improves and stimulates the functioning of receptors in the mucous membranes and tissue cells. The main components underlying the ointment are nicoboxil and nonivamide. These are natural alkaloids extracted from plants. They have a mild effect and are not able to irritate or injure the surface of the skin in any way.

Important: the safety of nonivamide has been proven by its use in cooking, as a hot spice.

The ointment is distributed in tubes of 20 or 50 grams, and has brown tint. It has a soft, homogeneous consistency. There should not be any pieces or flakes inside. The preparation must be completely homogeneous. Let's talk a little more about the main components:

  • Nonivamide. It is an analogue of capsacin, made from synthetic materials. Due to penetration into the deep epithelium, it has an analgesic effect. With multiple applications, its effect increases. It is used as vasodilator, which manifests itself in a thermal effect.
  • Nicoboxil. This component is a chemical extract from nicotinic acid. Its main property is vasodilation. Sometimes its effect manifests itself as redness on the top layer skin (hyperemia).

In addition to these substances, the ointment contains some other substances that complement and enhance the effect of the main components. These include:

  1. Medical Vaseline;
  2. Water;
  3. Emulsifier;
  4. Citronella oil;
  5. Paraffin;
  6. Sorbic acid;
  7. Cromadol.

They perform mainly a binding effect and cannot have a significant effect on the human body. However, they enhance overall impact the drug on the body, as a result of which it begins to actively act after 20-30 minutes.

Indications for use

Finalgon ointment. What does it help with? The answer to this question is of most interest to buyers of this product. The drug is mainly used for most degenerative, dystrophic and inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Doctors often recommend using this remedy to remove painful sensations. What is Finalgon used for:

  • Myalgia or otherwise muscle pain caused by various reasons, including excessive physical exertion.
  • Neuritis, inflammation of the nerves, resulting in joint pain.
  • Rheumatism and arthralgia are joint pains of rheumatic origin.
  • Inflammation of the joint capsule.
  • Ishalgia is inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
  • Joint pain caused by ligament damage, bruises and injuries.
  • Circulatory disorders

The ointment dilates blood vessels and penetrates into the deepest layers of the epithelium, relieving pain at the most short time. It mainly produces an analgesic effect. The drug improves blood circulation. This may be accompanied by not the most pleasant sensations, such as burning and redness. The ointment improves cellular nutrition and relieves muscle spasms, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of cartilage joints. The product relieves tension and promotes rapid tissue relaxation, starting the regeneration process. With regular use, joints will be able to regain their mobility in the shortest possible time.

Important: Finalgon ointment is often used by athletes to warm up muscles before starting training.

To effectively use Finalgon ointment, instructions for use are provided in each package. First of all, you should remember that this drug is intended for external use. Before applying it, you need to make sure that the surface of the skin is dry. Take a little ointment and rub it on the inflamed area. The product is applied with a special applicator. The column of ointment should not exceed 5 centimeters. The drug is rubbed into the skin massage movements. With him long-term use the effect may drop. If this happens, the dosage of this drug should be increased.

Finalgon ointment is used 2-3 times a day. As a warming agent, it should be used 30 minutes before the start of physical exercise. If the ointment does not have the required effect, it is recommended to contact qualified specialist for advice.

Some people are interested in the question of whether finalgon can be used during pregnancy. In this case, you should check for individual intolerance some components of this warming agent. However, in general, Finalgon is not recommended for use during this period. No tests have been conducted on the effects of Finalgon on the body of a pregnant woman and fetus, so it is better to refrain from using it.

Contraindications and side effects

Typically, Finalgon ointment does not cause any side effects, but you need to consider possible negative reactions from some systems human body. The ointment may cause the following reactions:

  • Shortness of breath;
  • Cough;
  • Loss of skin sensitivity;
  • All kinds of rashes that can be attributed to allergic reaction.

IN in rare cases it can cause a decrease in blood pressure and anaphylactic shock. Due to an overdose, severe hyperemia, swelling may develop on the skin, and reactions from body systems may appear, for example, changes in blood pressure and redness upper half bodies. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to wash it off the skin

During use, you must follow some rules to protect yourself from unwanted consequences. It should be remembered that Finalgon burns quite strongly, so you should not allow it to come into contact with mucous membranes and eyes. After applying the ointment, you must wash your hands with soap. You should not shower before or after applying the drug to your skin. If the product does get into your eyes, you need to remove it from the surface as quickly as possible using Vaseline.


Today, Finalgon has similar properties to similar cheap drugs, such as Betanicomylon, Betalgon and many others. For osteochondrosis, you can use Chondroxide and Theraflex. For bruises, injuries and inflammations, Capsicam is also often used, which has the same pharmacological properties as Finalgon. In addition, they are largely similar in their qualities and properties. If muscles are sprained or damaged, Finalgon can be replaced with Fastum gel.

In the intense rhythm of our lives, situations arise when we urgently need to eliminate sudden pain in the back or joints. An excellent remedy for this case is the drug finalgon. It belongs to the group of local irritant and analgesic effects.

Main components

The composition of the drug Finalgon includes two active substances and also several auxiliary ones. Active substances include:

  • nonivamide (4 mg);
  • nicoboxil (25 mg).

TO auxiliary components include:

  • diisopropyl adipate (120 mg);
  • silicon dioxide (20 mg);
  • Vaseline (822 mg);
  • sorbic acid (2 mg);
  • citronella oil (2 mg);
  • purified water (5 mg).

Release form

Finalgon is available in the form of a colorless or slightly brownish ointment, transparent or translucent, uniform and homogeneous texture. The amount of ointment depends on the packaging: 20 or 50 grams in an aluminum tube, in a cardboard box. The kit includes an applicator for applying ointment.

Pharmacology of the drug

Nonivamide is a synthetic analogue natural substance called capsaicin. He's in large quantities contained in hot pepper and has an analgesic property, which manifests itself with gradual penetration into tissues and nerve fibers. Nonivamide also has a vasodilating effect, accompanied by a prolonged and intense thermal sensation. This occurs when afferent nerve roots deep in the skin are irritated.

Nocoboxil is a substance derived from nicotinic acid. It has a vasodilator effect, causing hyperemia of the skin areas much faster than nonivamide.

When combined, these two substances have complementary properties, these are:

  • vasodilation;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • increasing the speed of enzymatic processes;
  • activation of metabolism.

Finalgon begins to act immediately after application to the skin and penetration of the active substances, which is manifested in an increase in the temperature of the area and the appearance of hyperemia. The local effect of Finalgon becomes maximum after half an hour.

Application dose

Finalgon is initially used in small doses on small areas of the skin to assess individual tolerance and eliminate the possibility of an allergic reaction. The intensity of the reactions may differ for different people, so for some, a small amount of ointment will be enough for the necessary warming effect.

Using the supplied applicator, apply a strip of the drug no more than half a centimeter to the desired area of ​​skin using light rubbing movements. In order to enhance the effect of Finalgon, you can wrap the application site with a warm cloth.

If you use the ointment repeatedly, healing effect may decrease and the dose may need to be increased. As necessary, the ointment is applied two to four times a day.

Finalgon ointment is used by athletes as a warming agent before starting training. The recommendation for use in this case is that you need to apply the drug half an hour before training.

If, when applying the drug to the skin, it gets on your hands, you should wash it off thoroughly. warm water with soap.

If after ten days of using Finalgon there is no desired effect, then its use should be discontinued.

Overdose symptoms

Like any medicine, the drug has its contraindications. If it is too intense and long-term use ointment may cause an overdose. Its symptoms are as follows:

  • redness of the upper parts of the body;
  • elevated temperature;
  • soreness in the areas where the ointment was applied;
  • low blood pressure.

If you use an excessive amount of ointment, or apply it despite existing contraindications, vesicles or pustules may appear at the sites of its application.

Conditions for which the use of Finalgon is indicated

  • arthritis;
  • arthralgia and myalgia of rheumatic origin;
  • sports injury, bruise and damage ligamentous apparatus;
  • myalgia as a result of excessive physical exertion;
  • neuritis;
  • ischalgia;
  • bursitis and tendovaginitis;
  • peripheral circulatory disorders;
  • as a muscle warming agent to protect against sprains and injuries during sports activities.

All these conditions are manifested by painful sensations in muscle tissue which the drug helps eliminate.

Contraindications for use

The drug does not have special contraindications, except:

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • hypersensitivity to nicoboxil, nonivamide or allergy to ointment excipients.

How to wash off ointment from the surface of the skin

In order to wash off the ointment, you can use the following methods:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad with vegetable oil and wipe the area of ​​inflammation using wiping movements. Change the cotton pad often to remove the ointment more effectively. You can also apply vegetable oil to the affected area, wait one minute, then wipe with a soft cloth.
  2. Apply the rich cream to the inflamed area of ​​skin, rub lightly, then rinse with wiping movements using cotton wool or a soft cloth. try not to transfer the ointment to nearby areas of the skin.
  3. Get rid of the burning sensation and unbearable pain You can use milk. Milk with as much fat as possible will help wash off finalgon. Apply it to the affected areas or blot a cotton pad and wipe off the ointment.
  4. One more thing effective remedy To eliminate pain and burning of the skin, use sour cream. To wash off the ointment from the area of ​​inflammation, apply fatty sour cream in a thick layer and leave for some time. Using a napkin, remove the sour cream using a wiping motion.
  5. You can also wash off Finalgon with facial wash if an overdose or an allergic reaction occurs. It needs to be applied to the inflamed area, lightly rubbing into the skin, then collected with a napkin. After the area has been treated with foam, you need to apply a little oil; any vegetable oil, such as sunflower, will do.
  6. In order to wash off the ointment, you can use regular soap, preferably baby soap, as it is hypoallergenic. After lightly lathering your hand, apply the resulting foam onto the skin with massaging movements. Only after this is skin contact with water possible. Rinse under running warm water.
  7. Carrots have proven to be effective folk remedy, it will help relieve pain and inflammation in the affected area. It should be used as a compress. To do this, grate one carrot on a fine grater and place it on the skin, cover it with a cotton cloth. After some time, wash off.

The benefit of all of these products is that they contain fat, which helps combat burning and pain. But here are the means that are used first, despite their ineffectiveness. Most often they try to wash away Finalgon:

  • water;
  • alcohol;
  • various water-based emulsions;
  • alcohol-containing lotions.

All this not only will not help in the fight against the problem, but may even aggravate the situation, facilitating the penetration of the drug even deeper.


Trade (nonproprietary) name:


International nonproprietary name:

Nicoboxil + Nonivamide

Dosage form:

ointment for external use


1 g of ointment contains:
Active substances:

nonivamide (nonylic acid vanillyl amide) (PSVA) 4 mg
Nicoboxyl (nicotinic acid butoxyethyl ester) (NSBE) 25 mg
Excipients: Diisopropyl adipate (Crodamol) 120 mg; colloidal silicon dioxide 20 mg; Vaseline (paraffin, soft white) 822 mg; sorbic acid 2 mg; citronella oil 2 mg; purified water 5 mg.


Almost colorless or slightly brownish, transparent or translucent, homogeneous ointment.

Pharmacological group:

local irritant

ATX code:


Pharmacological properties


It is a synthetic analogue of capsaicin and has analgesic properties, which manifest themselves as a result of the gradual penetration of the substance into the peripheral nociceptive C-fibers and A-delta nerve fibers when the drug is repeatedly applied to the skin
Nonivamide has a vasodilating effect, which is accompanied by an intense, long-lasting sensation of warmth, due to stimulation of afferent nerve endings in the skin.

It is a derivative of nicotinic acid, which has vasodilating properties with the participation of prostaglandins I2 and E2. The hyperemic effect of nicoboxil (nicotinic acid butoxyethyl ester) develops faster and is more intense than the hyperemic effect of nonivamide.
Combined action

Nonivamide and nicoboxil have complementary vasodilating properties, cause skin hyperemia, increase the rate of enzymatic reactions, and activate metabolism.
The appearance of redness and increased skin temperature within a few minutes after application indicate rapid penetration active ingredients drug into the skin. Finalgon's action manifests itself locally.
The effect of the drug develops within a few minutes maximum effect occurs within 20-30 minutes.
The analgesic effect of a combination of nonivamide 0.4% and nicoboxil 2.5% was demonstrated in an efficacy study in patients with acute nonspecific low back pain.
It was found that patients who used the drug Finalgon (2 cm of ointment per application and used the drug up to 3 times a day for 4 days) experienced a clinically significant decrease in the intensity of pain in the lower back within 4 hours after the first use; on the last day of treatment, determined individually, a clinically significant reduction in pain was also observed. A clinical study found that pain relief began within 1-2 hours.

Indications for use

Arthritis, rheumatic pain in joints and muscles, sports injuries, bruises and damage to the ligamentous apparatus, muscle pain caused by excessive physical activity, lumbago, neuritis, sciatica. bursitis, tendovaginitis. acute nonspecific pain in the lower back.
For preliminary “warming up” of muscles before physical exercises and sports competitions.
As part of complex vasodilator therapy for peripheral circulatory disorders.


  • Hypersensitivity to nicoboxil. nonivamide or excipients drug.
  • Do not apply ointment to sensitive skin open wounds, inflamed areas of the skin, areas of skin with increased permeability: neck, inner lower abdomen, side of the thighs.
  • Childhood up to 18 (due to insufficient data on efficacy and safety for this group of patients).

Pregnancy and breastfeeding period

No special studies of the drug FINALGON have been conducted during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Do not use the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
No studies have been conducted on the effect of the drug on fertility.

Directions for use and doses

Treatment should begin by applying a small amount of the drug to a small area of ​​skin to assess the individual response. Individual reaction the preparation may vary significantly: for some people it will be enough to apply a small amount of ointment to cause the necessary warming effect, while for others the warming effect will be insignificant or absent.
It is necessary to start using the drug with the lowest dose. To do this, using the supplied applicator, a column of the drug no larger than 0.5 cm in size is applied to the corresponding palm-sized area of ​​skin with light rubbing movements. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the area of ​​skin on which the drug is applied can be covered with a woolen cloth.
With repeated use, the reaction to the ointment may decrease, which requires an increase in the dose, which is selected individually. The maximum recommended dose of the drug is no more than 1 cm per palm-sized area (about 10 cm x 20 cm)
If necessary, use the ointment up to 3 times a day.
To pre-warm the muscles before physical exercise or sports competitions, it is recommended to rub in approximately 30 minutes before they begin.
If there is no desired effect within 10 days, you should contact a specialist.
After applying the drug to the skin, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Side effect

During clinical studies and long-term use of the drug, the following side effects were identified:
From the immune system: anaphylactic reactions, hypersensitivity.
From the nervous system: paresthesia, burning sensation.
From the respiratory system: cough, shortness of breath.
From the skin and subcutaneous tissues: vesicles or pustules at the application site, erythema, local skin reaction(eg contact dermatitis), itching rash, facial swelling, urticaria, feeling of heat at the site of application.



The effect of skin flushing and the severity of dose-dependent side effects may be aggravated after the use of excess amounts of FINALGON ointment.
Using excessive amounts of the drug may lead to the formation of vesicles or pustules at the site of application of the ointment.
An overdose of the drug can cause systemic reactions (redness of the upper body, increased fever, flushing, painful hyperemia, decreased blood pressure), because Nicotinic acid esters have good transdermal absorption.

When using an excess amount of the drug, the effect can be reduced if you remove the ointment from the surface of the skin using vegetable oil or a fat-based cosmetic cream from the mucous membrane of the eye (in case of accidental contact with medical petroleum jelly. If necessary, symptomatic treatment should be carried out.

Interaction with other drugs

Interactions with other drugs used locally or systemically have not been identified.

Special instructions

The drug causes hyperemia of the skin, resulting in redness, a feeling of warmth, itching and burning at the site of application. These symptoms may be more pronounced when applying an excessive amount of the drug or in case of intensive rubbing over the surface of the skin. Using excessive amounts of the drug or vigorous rubbing on the surface of the skin can lead to the formation of vesicles or pustules at the site of application of the ointment.
After using Finalgon, you should immediately wash your hands with soap.
Care must be taken to avoid accidental contact of the drug on other areas of the skin or contact of the drug with another person.
Avoid accidental contact of the drug with your face, eyes, nose or mouth. This can lead to temporary facial swelling, facial pain, conjunctival inflammation, eye congestion, burning eyes, blurred vision, oral discomfort and stomatitis.
Do not take before or after applying the drug to the skin. hot bath or shower.
Sweating or applying heat to the application site may cause redness of the skin and an intense feeling of warmth even several hours after applying Finalgon.
The drug contains sorbic acid, which can cause local skin irritation (for example, contact dermatitis).

Effect on the ability to drive or operate machinery

No special clinical studies have been conducted on the effect of the drug on the ability to drive a car or use machinery. However, caution should be exercised when using the drug when driving a car or operating machinery.

Release form

Ointment for external use. 20 g or 50 g in an aluminum tube, closed with a plastic cap with a punch for the membrane. Each tube with an applicator and instructions for use will be placed in a cardboard pack.

Best before date

4 years.
Do not use after expiration date.

Storage conditions

At a temperature not exceeding 25°C, out of the reach of children.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.

Name and address of the legal entity in whose name the registration certificate was issued

Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, Bingerstrasse 173,
55216 Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany


Haupt Pharma Wolfratshausen GmbH, Pfaffenrieder Strasse 5,
D-82515 Wolfratshausen, Germany,
or Globopharm Pharmaceuticals Products und Handelsgesellipaft mbH, Breitenfurterstrasse 251,
A-1230 Vienna, Austria

You can obtain additional information about the drug, as well as send your complaints and information about adverse events to the following address in Russia

Boehringer Ingelheim LLC
125171, Moscow,
Leningradskoe highway, 16A, building 3

In some cases, to relieve symptoms of muscle and joint damage, activation of blood flow is sufficient.

An increased flow of oxygen and nutrients accelerates regeneration processes, normalizes metabolism, and promotes the rapid elimination of inflammatory toxins.

Finalgon ointment is largely known for the rather specific sensations that occur at the site of application. However, such discomfort indicates the activity of the main ingredients of the drug, and after some time the pain goes away without a trace.

According to pharmacological taxonomy, Finalgon belongs to the class of local irritants. The drug contains two active components: nonivamide and nicoboxil. Additionally to maintain rheological properties and consistency of the drug it contains soft paraffin, silicon dioxide, purified water and other ingredients.

Nonivamide is a synthetic analogue of the main alkaloid of various types capsicum, which belongs to the Capsicum family - capsaicin. It is thanks to this substance that this vegetable, when eaten, causes strong burning sensation V oral cavity. Wide Application In medicine, capsaicin was obtained due to its interaction with specific receptors located deep in the epidermis. IN medical literature They are called capsaicin-sensitive. Effect of nonivamide on nerve endings leads to their blocking and suppression of pain impulses. Stimulation of these same fibers causes local rapid dilation of blood vessels.

The effect of this component of Finalgon ointment is enhanced by the second ingredient - a synthetic derivative of nicotinic acid, which is also known as vitamin B5. After penetration into the thickness of the tissue, this compound helps to relax the smooth muscle walls of blood vessels and activate blood flow.

Finalgon is produced by a well-known pharmaceutical company with a long history, Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany, in the form of an ointment containing 25 and 4 mg of nicoboxil and nonivamide per 1 g of the drug, respectively (a photo of the packaging with the medicine can be found in a matter of minutes upon request on the Internet). The action of the drug is based on the combination of the effects of its main components.

When used, Finalgon exhibits the following therapeutic activity:

  • warming up;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • vasodilator;
  • antispasmodic;
  • analgesic.

Thanks to the intense blood flow, the active ingredients of Finalgon ointment quickly penetrate the lesion. The onset of the therapeutic effect is accompanied by a feeling of heat or burning on the skin in the area of ​​application. In accordance with the information provided in the instructions for use, discomfort is replaced by pleasant warmth.

The drug eliminates muscle spasm, which is especially pronounced in osteochondrosis, this promotes additional blood flow to the affected joint. Activation of local cellular immunity helps reduce intensity inflammatory process. Sufficient quantity oxygen and nutrients ensure cell regeneration cartilage tissue and restoration of the physicochemical properties of synovial fluid.

Activation of blood flow in the vessels surrounding the joint contributes to the rapid “delivery” of medicinal ingredients of other medications used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Despite the pronounced clinical effect, Finalgon ointment does not have a systemic effect. The components of the drug enter the general bloodstream in such minimal quantities that data on the pharmacodynamics of the drug are neither in the annotation nor in other documents describing the experience of using Finalgon ointment in clinical practice, No.

However, the use of the drug is limited during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since for obvious reasons the effect of the drug on fetal development has not been properly assessed. An overdose of Finalgon ointment is also manifested by skin reactions.

The advantage of the drug is the absence of analogues in composition. Its price in pharmacies is relatively high, but on the other hand, for daily use it requires minimum quantity cream, and the course of treatment itself rarely lasts more than 10-14 days. According to experts, cheaper analogues act much more slowly and have less effect on the processes of activating blood flow and accelerating cell regeneration.

Finalgon ointment: what it helps with, indications and limitations for use, undesirable effects and complications

The drug is used not only for treatment inflammatory lesions joints. It is indicated when various diseases and soft tissue injuries, regardless of etiology. The medication is recommended even to professional athletes to prevent sprains during physical training and prepare muscles for stress.

The range of indications for Finalgon ointment includes the following conditions:

  • pain in joints and muscles, regardless of the cause of its occurrence (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis and others similar diseases);
  • injuries, bruises, sprains and tendons;
  • muscle soreness after training;
  • neuritis and neuralgia;
  • acute pain in the back, caused by pinching of the sciatic or other nerve;
  • rheumatic lesions joints;
  • myalgia and myositis;
  • bursitis;
  • discomfort associated with sciatica, sciatica, lumbago;
  • nonspecific back pain;
  • inflammatory processes in the tendons.

In some cases, doctors prescribe the drug in combination with other medications for oral administration in the treatment of peripheral circulatory disorders.

But in alternative medicine, the scope of application of Finalgon ointment is somewhat wider. It is also recommended to be used to eliminate the symptoms of cellulite; some daredevils treat prostatitis with its help. Sometimes healers advise applying ointment to the feet as a distraction for diseases of the ENT organs and respiratory tract.

In addition to pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of the drug is limited to:

  • hypersensitivity or intolerance to the ingredients of the ointment or capsaicin;
  • V early age(due to the lack of data on the safety of using the medicine);
  • in the presence of open wounds, burns, dermatoses, inflammatory lesions of the epidermis in the area where the ointment is applied.

Most common side effect is a pronounced skin reaction. It manifests itself in the form of a strong burning sensation, redness and local hyperthermia, loss of tactile sensitivity.

But these reactions go away some time after using the drug. Sometimes when treating too large an area there is a risk of shortness of breath and coughing. Rest unwanted reactions associated with violation of the rules for using the ointment. To protect the sensitive skin of your hands, the package with a tube of Finalgon contains an applicator.

This ensures easy application of the drug, and the relief protrusions on its plastic surface additionally provide massage effect and promote faster absorption of the ointment into the skin. But in the presence of an allergic reaction, a severe form of Quincke's edema may develop.

Finalgon: instructions for use, symptoms of overdose and combination with other drugs

The principle of action of the drug is associated with its effect on specific receptors and nerve endings. However, their sensitivity is individual for each patient. Therefore, to determine the dosage of Finalgon ointment, the instructions for use recommend conducting a preliminary test.

A minimal amount of the drug is applied to a small area of ​​skin in the area outside forearms. The occurrence of symptoms of an acute allergic reaction serves as a contraindication to further use of the drug; a slight burning sensation indicates normal tolerability of Finalgon, and the absence of results indicates that the drug should be used three times a day.

The medicine can only be applied using an applicator.

If the results of the preliminary skin test were satisfactory, a strip of cream about half a centimeter long is squeezed out of the tube onto the applicator. After this, rub the ointment into the skin over the painful area with light massaging movements. If there is no result, the amount of Finalgon is doubled.

When we're talking about For products for external use, it is quite difficult to determine a single or maximum dosage. Therefore, in this case, the manufacturer uses more understandable terms.

An area measuring approximately 20×10 cm is taken as a “unit” of the treated skin surface, and the maximum possible amount of ointment is a strip 1 cm long. The instructions for use of Finalgon cream determine the frequency of use depending on the susceptibility to the action of the drug and the severity of clinical symptoms. It is usually recommended to apply the drug 2-3 times a day. To enhance therapeutic activity If the medication is administered, the treated area of ​​skin can be covered with a woolen scarf or flannelette diaper.

The use of the ointment is continued until pain, stiffness and other symptoms disappear. However, if treatment does not bring results within 10 days, you should consult a doctor for additional advice.

When used to prepare for physical exercise Finalgon ointment instructions for use recommend applying 20-30 minutes before the start of training. For hematomas, sore throat and bruises, Apply Finalgon to the affected area of ​​the skin once a day. To get rid of cellulite and fat deposits in problem areas, it is recommended to mix the drug with any cosmetic cream or body milk.

It should be rubbed in 2-3 times a week after a shower. According to reviews, the result is noticeable after 10-12 such procedures.

The occurrence of overdose symptoms is usually associated with exceeding the recommended amount of the drug or the frequency of its use. Redness and blisters appear on the skin, reminiscent of the effects of a burn.

Also similar condition accompanied by severe pain in the area of ​​application, itching, intense redness. General systemic reactions are also possible in the form of flushing of the face and torso, fever, chills and shortness of breath, and a drop in blood pressure.

In this case, it is necessary to remove the remaining ointment from the skin as quickly as possible. Ordinary water is not suitable for these purposes. Finalgon is removed with a cotton pad using Vaseline or any other fat-based cream; vegetable oil is also suitable. Then you need to consult a doctor to prescribe symptomatic therapy.

When using Finalgon ointment, the instructions for use do not describe possible complications when combined with other medications. Subject to required dosage the active ingredients of the medicine do not enter the systemic blood flow, therefore do not affect the pharmacodynamics of other drugs. But when simultaneous administration oral forms chondroprotectors Finalgon enhances their activity. To avoid adverse reactions, the ointment should not be used in combination with other medicinal creams and gels for external use.

Finalgon: analogs, special instructions during treatment, cost

This drug is neither an urgently needed drug nor a potent and dangerous drug, so it can be purchased at any pharmacy. Store in a place protected from children’s access at a temperature not exceeding 25ºС. Shelf life: 4 years. After this time, the ointment separates and its components lose their activity.

The ingredients of Finalgon have a pronounced irritant effect, so when using the medicine it is necessary to observe certain safety measures. This:

  • Do not apply the product to sensitive skin in the abdomen, inner thighs, back of the wrists, elbows, neck, etc.;
  • avoid getting the ointment on the mucous membranes of the genitals, mouth and nasal cavity, eyes, as this can cause serious burns;
  • after applying the drug, even using an applicator, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • It is not advisable to take a shower for about half an hour before using the ointment and for 1-2 hours after;
  • sweat or excessive tight clothes may cause pain in the area where Finalgon is used;
  • do not allow another person, and especially a child, to come into contact with the ointment-treated skin.

If the product gets on the mucous membrane or in the eyes, it is also removed with greasy cream or Vaseline. If pain, burning, redness and swelling do not go away, or vision deteriorates, you should consult a doctor.

When prescribing Finalgon ointment, it is quite difficult to select analogues, since this drug has unique composition. Therefore, the drug can only be replaced with medications for external use that are similar in therapeutic activity.

For example:

  • Deep Hit (UK), contains methyl salicylate and a complex of essential oils;
  • Alvipsal (Russia) based on viper venom, turpentine and others natural ingredients plant and animal origin;
  • Capsicam (Latvia), a rather interesting drug that can be compared in effectiveness with Finalgon. It also contains nonivamide, but nicoboxil contains another nicotinic acid derivative, benzyl nicotinate. Turpentine and camphor enhance the effect of the main components, and dimethyl sulfoxide ensures rapid penetration medicinal substances through the pores of the epidermis;
  • Carmolis (Switzerland), the gel contains more than ten different essential oils;
  • Apizartron (Germany), containing bee venom and anti-inflammatory methyl salicylate;
  • Nizhvisal (Russia), domestic analogue Capsicama;
  • Espol (Russia) based on natural capsaicin and essential oils.

Finalgon, analogues of which have the same contraindications, is not used for children and adolescents under 18 years of age, as well as during pregnancy (regardless of the period) and breastfeeding.

Negative reviews from patients are mainly associated with unpleasant sensations that arise when using the drug. For this reason, some patients do not complete the course of treatment or do not comply with the frequency of use of the drug throughout the day.

It is quite clear that therapeutic effect in this case it will be weakly expressed. Experts are convinced that Finalgon’s analogues in composition are pharmaceutical market are missing. The cost of a 20 g tube of ointment is 280 rubles.

Often in medical practice use Finalgon ointment. This effective drug, possessing complex action. In a short time, it increases blood flow, significantly reduces pain, inflammation, eliminates smooth muscle spasm, warms up musculoskeletal system, improves mobility. The instructions for use will tell you more about the properties, mechanism of action and rules for using Finalgon ointment.

Various injuries, damage to the ligamentous apparatus and diseases that provoke joint or muscle pain often lead to swelling, joint deformation, and compression of nerves. In this case, the vessels that deliver oxygen and other beneficial nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of joints and tissue repair are narrowed or compressed. Poor blood circulation and disruption metabolic processes lead to the development of pathology, degenerative-dystrophic changes, increased sensation of pain, numbness, and vascular spasms. To combat this problem, drugs from the group of local irritants are intended.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

The therapeutic effect of Finalgon is due to a unique combination of two active components that complement and enhance the effect of each other. This:

  • Nonivamide is a phenolic compound, an analogue of the alkaloid capsaicin contained in various types red capsicum (hot) pepper and is responsible for its irritating effect. This organic substance is otherwise called vanillylnonamide. It is usually produced synthetically, making it more heat resistant than natural capsaicin. By acting on the terminal structures of nerve fibers (skin receptors) that respond to painful stimuli, nonivamide has an irritating effect, which is accompanied by transmission nerve impulses from the peripheral part of the body to the parts of the central nervous system. Centers of the head and spinal cord trigger coordination activity, activating various systems, which ultimately leads to the development of a characteristic local reaction in the area affected by Finalgon.
  • Nocoboxil is a derivative of nicotinic acid (niacin, B vitamin), butoxyethyl ester. Accelerates enzymatic reactions, participates in the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates, the formation of protein molecules, and biosynthesis processes. With the participation of prostaglandins vascular origin, synthesized by smooth muscle and endothelial cells, causes dilation of small blood vessels.

Against the background of local tissue irritation and the occurrence of reflex reactions, various pharmacological effects develop.

So, in accordance with the instructions, Finalgon provides:

  • vasodilator effect – normalizes work vascular system, reduces the tone of the vascular wall. At the same time, the amount of circulating blood increases, a sufficient level of oxygen saturation of tissues is ensured, and essential microelements. The effect is pronounced, achieved mainly due to the direct vasodilating effect of nocoboxil;
  • analgesic effect - relieves pain, weakens painful sensations in the area of ​​affected tissue. Pain relief is achieved due to the distracting effect of nonivamide, which consists in switching the attention of the central nervous system from the source of pain in the pathological focus to other incoming signals from the site of skin irritation (background burning, tingling, tingling);
  • warming effect - provides a rush of blood to the treated area of ​​skin, activation of the process of transfer of thermal energy, increasing capillary permeability, locally increasing the filling of blood vessels. The effect is manifested by an intense, long-lasting sensation of warmth in the area treated with ointment. The temperature of the skin increases by 1-2 degrees in a few minutes;
  • hyperemic effect – activates blood circulation, increasing the flow arterial blood, which is accompanied by characteristic redness of the epidermis immediately after applying the ointment.

Composition, release forms

Holder registration certificate Finalgon is the global pharmaceutical corporation Sanofi, represented by Sanofi Russia JSC. The medicine is produced at a plant in Germany or Austria.

Under trade name Finalgon produces the only dosage form intended for cutaneous use. This is an ointment packaged in 20 or 50 g tubes, which is a homogeneous, almost completely transparent substance. It is colorless or may have a slight tint of brown.

The aluminum tube with ointment is closed with a plastic screw cap equipped with a punch (for piercing the protective membrane), and, together with instructions and an applicator for applying the composition to the skin, is placed in an individual cardboard box. Dosage of active components that determine the therapeutic effect of the drug Finalgon: nocoboxil - 25 mg per 1 g of ointment, nonivamide - 4 mg.

Finalgon also includes a number of auxiliary ingredients:

  • diisopropyl adipate (Crodamol), petroleum jelly (a mixture of soft white, completely purified paraffin hydrocarbons) – fat base, prevents moisture loss, softens and protects the skin;
  • silicon dioxide in colloidal form (polysorb) – binds and eliminates endogenous and exogenous aggressive substances (toxins of different nature);
  • sorbic acid – a natural preservative, antimicrobial substance;
  • citronella oil – fragrance, essential natural aroma oil with a herbaceous-floral odor;
  • highly purified water is a solvent.

How does Finalgon work?

The effectiveness of Finalgon is explained by the multidirectional mechanism of action of the ointment components. This external remedy provides quick and high-quality assistance to patients with acute pain. Numerous clinical studies have shown a significant reduction in pain after 4 hours when using the medication for the first time and 1-2 hours with regular 4-day use.

It has been proven that the composition easily overcomes the upper layers of the skin, penetrates the subcutaneous tissue and deep into the tissues, and acts at the cellular level. The patient immediately feels warmth in this place, the maximum effect is achieved after 20-30 minutes. In what cases can Finalgon ointment be used and what it helps with is indicated in the instructions.

So, the result of the course is:

  • expansion of the lumen of blood vessels in a limited area, increased blood circulation in the underlying tissues;
  • depletion of blood flow in the inflamed area, reduction of swelling, fatigue, heaviness in the legs;
  • reduction of pain, intensity of the inflammatory process, reduction of spasm of damaged muscles;
  • improvement of skin permeability, activation of metabolism, enzymatic reactions, local cellular immunity;
  • warming up the muscles before intense physical activity, improving the functioning of the ligamentous apparatus, protecting joints and ligaments from ruptures, pinching, and injuries;
  • rapid recovery of muscles in the area treated with ointment, acceleration of regeneration of nearby damaged tissues.

Indications for use

The ointment is indicated primarily for local therapy pain syndrome and inflammation in musculoskeletal pathologies of various origins. In such cases, Finalgon is usually used as part of complex treatment, together with other medications and physiotherapeutic techniques or as a first aid remedy to alleviate the condition even before going to the doctor. The ointment is actively used in sports medicine.

A complete list of indications - for which the external agent Finalgon is used - is given in the official instructions.

These are the following diagnosed diseases, physical conditions and cases:

Instructions for use of Finalgon ointment

The treatment regimen is prescribed individually, based on the purpose of the ointment, the expected effect, the nature of the damage and the severity of pain symptoms. The drug should be used in the lowest effective dose. But, it is important to consider that each body reacts to the active ingredients of the drug differently, so before starting treatment it is necessary to test the drug and evaluate the reaction.

To achieve the desired result, some patients may only need low dose Finalgon, for others such an amount will not lead to the desired positive effect. Having selected the required dosage, they begin treatment.

  • Apply the ointment to a small area of ​​skin (approximately equal to the area of ​​the palm) in the area of ​​maximum pain. Distribute using the included applicator, performing light rubbing movements in a circle until the composition is completely absorbed. If you do not have an applicator, wear rubber gloves to perform the procedure. Avoid accidental contact of ointment particles with mucous membranes, facial skin or other sensitive areas of the body (neck, inner thigh, lower abdomen). Do not treat the skin surface if there are open wounds, cuts, inflammations, ulcers, or burns.
  • The average single dosage is a column of ointment with a maximum height of 0.5 cm. The frequency of administration is up to 3 times a day.
  • To warm up muscle elements and ligamentous structures, apply Finalgon half an hour before the intended load.
  • Strengthen therapeutic effect The use of wrapping, warming bandages (any warm cloth over the treated area of ​​the body) will help. To avoid excessive redness, soreness of the skin and an increase in temperature, it is forbidden to apply a heat source or provoke sweating in this area for several hours after the treatment procedure.
  • You should avoid taking a hot bath or shower immediately before and after using the topical product.
  • With repeated treatment, the susceptibility of receptors to irritant effects The active ingredients of Finalgon are slightly reduced, which will require an increase in the amount of ointment. The dose can be increased within the maximum permissible values ​​- 1 cm column of ointment to cover a surface measuring 10x20 cm.
  • After completing the treatment session, wash your hands thoroughly with soapy water.
  • If after systematic use for 10 days there is no significant positive effect, stop the course of therapy and consult a doctor.

It is not recommended to exceed the dosage prescribed by the treating doctor or official instructions.

Otherwise, an overdose is possible medicine, which can manifest itself:

  • local reaction in the form of the appearance on the surface of the skin of small fluid-filled sacs (vesicles) or inflamed pustules (pustules);
  • systemic reaction– an increase in body temperature, increased blood flow, a drop in pressure, reddening painful lesions.

If an overdose is suspected, it becomes topical issue– how to remove the effect of Finalgon?

The instructions recommend removing excess ointment with cotton balls, cosmetic discs, napkins moistened vegetable oil or cream with a greasy texture. To cleanse the mucous membrane, you must use medical Vaseline. The ointment is contraindicated for use in patients with intolerance to major or additional components medication and under 12 years of age.

  1. Highly specialized studies to confirm the safety of the drug Finalgon during pregnancy or absence negative influence on the possibility of conception were not carried out. Therefore, this category of patients is prohibited from undergoing ointment therapy.
  2. For the same reason, it is not advisable to use Finalgon while breastfeeding. Increased caution Requires admission during adolescence (12-18 years).

Side effects

Clinical experience has shown that with long-term use of Finalgon, especially in high doses and treatment with ointment large area body, various negative effects may occur. They often form at the site of application and are caused by contact of the skin with irritant nonivamide. Possible side effects of a systemic nature are associated mainly with the good penetrating ability (transdermal absorption) of nocoboxil.

The instructions warn about the following undesirable consequences:

  • hypersensitivity reaction (allergic response), incl. acutely developing anaphylactic;
  • skin sensitivity disorder, spontaneously occurring sensation of tingling, burning, numbness, crawling;
  • violation of the depth and frequency of breathing, cough;
  • vesicular rash, purulent pimples, focal redness, skin inflammation, nettle fever, itching, swelling of the face.

Drug interactions with others medications for internal or external use has not been identified.

Cost of the drug, analogues

A doctor's prescription is not required to purchase the ointment. It should be stored in a tube with a tightly screwed cap at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. The drug is valid for 4 years. How much Finalgon costs in a pharmacy is affected by its location and pricing policy pharmacy network.

The cost of Finalgon tube 20 g varies between 270-330 rubles. A synonym (analogue in terms of active ingredients) is Betalgon and Betanicomylon ointment, but pharmacies no longer sell them. Finalgon can be replaced with a drug with a different composition, but which has a similar therapeutic effect.

Analogues of Finalgon The following ointments are available:

When choosing an analogue, one should proceed from personal preferences and characteristics of the body, the perception of one or another component of the drug. If we compare, for example, Viprosal, Finalgon or Capsicam - which is better, then we must take into account that instead of an analogue of hot red pepper, Capsicam contains camphor and turpentine, and Viprosal contains viper venom. Some people experience a strong burning sensation from Capsicam, others from Viprosal or Finalgon. The ointments have no objective differences. It is better to entrust the final choice to an experienced specialist.



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