Madder root dyeing instructions for use. Madder: medicinal and coloring properties of roots

An effective perennial madder for the treatment of urolithiasis: description and main purpose, beneficial properties, chemical composition of the root system, guidelines for the use of various dosage forms of crappie, real reviews.

The content of the article:

Madder is a herbaceous plant that is actively used in the treatment of urolithiasis. Any herbal medicine that contains madder is quite effective and safer than synthetic drugs. Its action is described as multicomponent. This plant does not cause adverse reactions or complications during the course of the disease, and carefully performs all its functions to improve the functioning of the urinary system. Madder cannot be called a universal remedy, but still it has the widest spectrum of action.

Description and purpose of madder dye

Madder is a perennial plant, unpretentious to growing conditions and undemanding to care. Other names that have become entrenched in popular usage are crappie, marina, petiole madder or Georgian madder.

Procurement of raw materials for medical purposes involves the selection of the root part of the plant in the autumn, when the above-ground part has already died, or in the spring, when the first shoots have not yet appeared. The process is quite painstaking. The dug up roots are thoroughly cleaned from the ground using cold water and then dried. You can dry it either in the open air, but not in the sun, or in a room with a low level of humidity and constant ventilation. When drying in special drying chambers, the temperature should not exceed 50 degrees Celsius.

Indications for use are quite extensive. They are based on the numerous beneficial properties of this plant. Preparations made on the basis of kappa are prescribed for the treatment of diseases of various body systems - digestive, respiratory, urinary, skin, etc. Thus, indications for use may include tuberculosis (intestinal or bone), osteomyelitis, rickets, ascites, gout, urolithiasis , dermatomycosis, ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes, acne, age spots, skin cancer and much more.

Madder plays an important role in the treatment of urolithiasis, which is a metabolic disease. The formation of stones in the urinary system is a fairly common ailment among the working population. Its share in the total number of urological diseases is large - from 32 to 40%, according to indicators in different countries.

The causes are numerous: genetic predisposition, daily diet, environmental conditions and acquired diseases that affect metabolism in the body. Among the diseases that cause the formation of stones of various compositions are vitamin deficiency, gout, osteoporosis and osteomyelitis, pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases, prostatitis (read about), cystitis, pyelonephritis and others. There is also a genetic predisposition, which can only be a cause in combination with other factors.

Symptoms of urolithiasis are quite debilitating for a person and bring a lot of discomfort and fear. These include blood in the urine, pain in the groin and/or lower back, frequent urge to urinate, renal colic, incomplete emptying of the bladder, accompanied by pain. Fever and vomiting are also possible.

At the moment, many tests have been carried out, the results of which prove the high effectiveness of madder against urolithiasis. At the same time, there is a high degree of safety of use for the vast majority of patients.

Based on the data described above (indications for use and possible causes of stone formation), as part of the treatment of urolithiasis, we can conclude that madder has a double effect. On the one hand, it helps get rid of stones, on the other hand, it fights the root causes of the appearance of insoluble salts in the urinary system (meaning the diseases described above that negatively affect metabolism).

Useful properties of the perennial madder

Madder has a variety of beneficial properties. In the treatment of urolithiasis, it has the following beneficial effects:
  • Antispasmodic effect. Reduces the tone of smooth muscles and enhances their peristalsis.
  • Diuretic effect. Madder increases the rate of urine formation by reducing the level of fluid in body tissues. Prevents the reabsorption of various substances (water, salts, etc.) into the body from already formed primary urine. At the same time, the rate of elimination also increases.
  • Analgesic effect. Madder in any dosage form can reduce the pain syndrome accompanying patients with urolithiasis.
  • Antibacterial property. The beneficial substances of the plant eliminate microbes belonging to the coccus group.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect. Actively suppresses inflammatory processes occurring in the body.
  • Destructive effect on stones. Under the influence of substances contained in the described plant, the stones are loosened, which contributes to their faster and less painful removal. Madder has the greatest destructive activity on stones consisting of calcium phosphate and magnesium.
  • Wound healing property. Promotes stopping bleeding and rapid healing of wounds in case of damage to the urinary tract during the passage of a calculus.
The consequence of this effect is the painless removal of sand and small stones, and a decrease in the acidity level of urine.

In general, in addition to the described properties, other properties are also attributed to madder:

  1. Anticancer activity. It manifests itself in the destructive effect of coumarins contained in the plant in relation to the genetic apparatus of the tumor.
  2. Antipyretic property. Anti-inflammatory activity helps lower high body temperature.
  3. Tonic effect. Gives energy, increasing performance.
  4. Hypotensive effect. Removing excess fluid and salts from the body, i.e. normalization of water-salt balance leads to normalization of blood pressure.
  5. Other. Antiallergic, anticonvulsant, antitoxic, antitussive, diaphoretic, astringent effect.

Contraindications to the use of madder

Considering the properties of kappa, contraindications for use can be described, i.e. those pathological conditions of the body that require the refusal of medicines containing this plant.
  • In the presence of a stomach ulcer, hyperacid gastritis;
  • In case of renal failure;
  • In chronic or acute glomerulonephritis;
  • For galactose intolerance;
  • If there is an individual intolerance by the body to any substance that is part of the plant;
  • During pregnancy;
  • During lactation.
There is also an age restriction - admission to people under 18 is prohibited.

The use of madder should be agreed upon with a qualified medical specialist who will fully take into account all the pros and cons and describe the correct dosage and frequency of administration. Only a serious attitude will help protect yourself from side effects and get the maximum therapeutic effect.

Possible side effects are:

  1. The appearance or intensification of pain;
  2. Allergic reaction;
  3. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

A clear sign of an overdose is the urine turning brownish-red.

Composition and components of madder

Each part of the plant contains certain substances. Despite the fact that a large number of useful substances (iridoids, phenolcarboxylic acids, flavonoids, coumarins, carbohydrates) were found in the aerial part of madder, it is the root system of this perennial that is used to treat urolithiasis, because its composition is more suitable for the treatment of this disease.

The rich chemical composition fully provides the entire list of beneficial properties available to madder. Let's get to know him better:

  • Organic acids. One of them, citric acid, is of great importance for the proper functioning of cellular respiration processes. Tartaric acid is also present. It improves digestion and improves metabolic processes. Malic acid has a wide spectrum of action, which stimulates metabolic processes, therefore it is an important substance in the treatment of urolithiasis. It improves blood circulation and normalizes cellular metabolism, strengthens the immune system, provides an anti-inflammatory effect, and improves water balance.
  • Anthraquinones. Among them are purpurin, purpuroxanthin, alizarin, ruberythric acid, haliosin, ribiadin, ibericin. They have a slight laxative effect. They are responsible for inhibiting the process of reabsorption of water from the intestines and urinary tract. Improves peristalsis of soft muscles. Helps restore cells and strengthen the immune system.
  • Iridoids. These are non-toxic, but very bitter substances. They are able to improve digestive processes, accelerate the elimination of toxic substances, have a diuretic, choleretic and antimicrobial effect, and stimulate wound healing processes.
  • Triterpenoids. They have an antimicrobial and metabolic stimulating effect. They also have high antimicrobial activity. Acts as an adaptogen and immunomodulator. Promote wound healing. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Sahara. They are an important source of energy for the entire body.
  • Ascorbic acid. Reduces the level of uric acid in the blood. Regulates redox processes. Improves capillary permeability. Increases immunity.
  • Squirrels. Participate in the synthesis of enzymes necessary for normal digestion. Regulate hormonal levels. Participate in the transport of hemoglobin. Increases the body's protective functions.
  • Pectic substances. Accelerate the elimination of toxic substances, heavy metals and radionuclides. Normalize metabolism. Cleanses the blood of harmful cholesterol.
  • Macro- and microelements. Necessary for the proper functioning of the entire body.

Selection of preparations with madder

The root system of crappie contains not only useful substances, but also dangerous ones. The experiments carried out prove that the lucidin contained is a powerful carcinogenic element that can cause the formation of not only benign, but also malignant formations in some organs of the digestive system. Thus, the intestines, liver and stomach are adversely affected.

But all this is relevant only when using unprocessed raw materials. Therefore, madder root is not used for treatment in its pure form. Preference should be given to pharmaceutical products manufactured using the correct purification technology.

Krapp is used in different dosage forms. The choice of one form or another depends on the location of the stones, the form of the disease and its severity.

Let's consider several dosage forms with madder:

  1. Chopped root. Used to prepare decoction and infusion. The decoction perfectly removes salts accumulated in the body. The infusion eliminates pain in the presence of gallstones. The price for one package with a mass of dried root of 50 g is from 50 to 90 rubles.
  2. Tincture. The finished tincture can be purchased at pharmacies. Indications for use are the initial stage of urolithiasis, joint diseases and inflammatory processes in the kidneys. Separately, it is worth mentioning the drug Cystenal. It is a multicomponent tincture, containing magnesium salicylate, ethanol, essential oils and madder. Indications for its use are cystitis, urolithiasis. You can buy madder in the form of a tincture for 250 rubles.
  3. Pills. Contains 250 mg of madder extract. Cost per blister (10 tablets) - from 60 rubles. They contain excipients, for example, lactose, silicon dioxide, calcium stearate, potato starch, etc. They are used to treat kidney stones. They greatly facilitate the removal of sand and stones.
  4. Herbal tea. Contains not only madder, but also other plant components, for example, chamomile inflorescences and birch leaves. It softens stones in any part of the urinary tract and helps them leave the body painlessly. The cost of a package weighing 50 g is from 100 rubles.
  5. Drops. They are the best means for dissolving oxalates. They quickly relieve swelling and stabilize kidney function. The cost of a bottle (50 ml) is from 200 rubles.
  6. Powder. Prescribed in the presence of large stones. Krapp root powder eliminates the resulting pain syndrome, improving the patient’s well-being. In pharmacies, the price of powder starts at 90 rubles.

Instructions for use of madder

The patient's diet while taking medications with madder involves limiting the consumption of foods that contain large amounts of oxalic and citric acid, i.e. figs, sorrel, purslane, cranberries, strawberries, barberries, raspberries, etc. You should completely avoid chocolate, sauces, marinades, spinach, citrus fruits, cocoa. Healthy foods are those containing vitamins A and B, which include watermelon, sour apples, melon, beets, cereals, vegetable oils, meat, fish, and cucumbers.

Basic rules for taking madder:

  • The usual course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.
  • Between courses it is necessary to maintain a break - from 30 days to 11 months, depending on the dosage form.
  • It is advisable to take almost all forms of medication with kappa after meals (after 30-40 minutes). Otherwise, see the instructions for the purchased medicine.
  • The basis for dose reduction is the occurrence of renal colic.
  • Lower back pain and dark urine require discontinuation of treatment.
  • Taking kappa in liquid form should be done through a straw to reduce the harmful effects on teeth.
If we talk about different dosage forms, then the approximate instructions for madder in each specific case are slightly different. So, how to take madder in different dosage forms:
  • Krapp root. The decoction recipe is as follows: 5 g of powdered root is poured into 300 g of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. During this time, a large amount of useful substances will saturate the water. After boiling is completed, the solution is filtered and taken three times a day, 100 ml.
    Infusion recipe: 5 g of crushed root is poured into 200 ml of water at room temperature, left to infuse for 8-10 hours. After filtering, the roots are again filled with 200 ml of water, but this time boiling, and after 15 minutes they are filtered again. The waste raw materials are thrown away, and the first and second solutions are mixed. Take twice a day, 200 ml at a time.
  • Tincture. Most tinctures are taken 30-40 minutes after meals three times a day. Dosage - 5 ml in one dose. This dosage form requires sufficient fluid intake during treatment. The dosage of Cystenal tincture is smaller than for others, and is 3-5 drops, the frequency of administration is 3 times a day. There are other features of the use of Cystenal: the drug is either dissolved in water, or applied to sugar, taken before meals. If there is a negative reaction from digestion, the drug is taken after meals.
  • Pills. Before use, the tablets are dissolved in 100 ml of water. Dosage - 250 mg of extract three times a day. In case of particularly severe cases, an increased dose is prescribed - 2-3 tablets three times a day. Duration of treatment is up to 30 days with a 30-45 day break.
  • Herbal tea. Can be dosed - 1 sachet of herbal tea for 1 dose. In other cases, you should carefully study the instructions for use. The preparation technology involves the use of hot, but not boiling water (200 ml), which is poured into the vegetable mixture. The time required for infusion is 5 minutes. Medicinal tea is taken once a day in the evening. It is advisable to repeat the 30-day course of treatment no more than once a year.
  • Drops. It must be taken twice a day at regular intervals. 20 drops are diluted with 100 ml of clean water. Take with food.
  • Powder. Take 2-3 times a day. Wash down with boiled water. Maintain normal drinking regime.

Real reviews about preparations with madder

As a rule, reviews of madder, used as a medicine for the treatment of urolithiasis, are positive. In most cases, there are no side effects, so doctors again and again prescribe this effective and safe remedy to their patients. Real reviews about madder are as follows:

Evdokia, 56 years old

I am very glad that my doctor prescribed madder for me, and not something else more expensive. Madder can be bought at any pharmacy. I really liked the medicine itself. Already on the 2-3rd day of treatment I felt significant relief, the pain when urinating subsided. The examination showed that the stone began to disintegrate quite quickly, although initially its size scared me very much. My course of treatment was 3 weeks. There were no side effects.

Kirill, 45 years old

After starting to take madder, my swelling went down quite quickly, and my joints became more mobile. From the very beginning, I visited the toilet quite often, but the process no longer caused as much pain. I can also note that the pressure has dropped a little, so my general condition is also pleasing.

Elena, 35 years old

A few months ago I was diagnosed with a stone in my kidney and sand in my urine. Then Urolesan and Canephron were prescribed. The symptoms went away quite quickly and did not bother me for some time. But about a month ago they appeared again. This time the doctor prescribed madder. Already in the second week of treatment, poor health was replaced by a feeling of health. Madder was much cheaper for me than the previous treatment, and the effect was still just as excellent. So more expensive does not mean better.

How to take madder - watch the video:

Buying madder is not difficult, but you should always use common sense and undergo the necessary diagnostic procedures before starting treatment. Remember, only a qualified doctor can prescribe adequate treatment. The instructions in the article are not a guide for self-medication, but are provided for informational purposes only.

Madder (lat. Rubia tinctórum) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Madder family (Rubiceae). It has a powerful main root, from which extend roots with creeping rhizomes, covered with exfoliating reddish-brown bark.

The stem is erect or ascending, thin, tetrahedral, rough, 30-150 cm or more in height.

The leaves are obovate or ovate-lanceolate, pointed, dense, up to 3 cm wide, up to 8 cm long. On the underside of the leaf along the central vein, as well as along the edge, there are spiny bristles. The lower leaves are opposite, the rest are collected in rings of 4-6 pieces.

The flowers are small, bisexual, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, yellowish-green, located at the ends of stems and branches in few-flowered semi-umbrellas. Blooms in June - September. Fruit ripening begins in August and continues until November.

The fruit is a black juicy drupe up to 4-5 mm long. Madder is common in Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Asia Minor and Asia Minor, Crimea, and North Africa. Grows in light pine forests, on forest edges, steppe meadows, in gardens, along fences.

The generic name comes from the Latin ruber (red), after the color of the roots, and tinctorus (dyeer). Even in ancient times, artisans of the ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Persians highly valued madder root. Permanent red paint was obtained from it.

Madder was perhaps the only plant that was used to dye wool, silk and cotton fabrics. Madder root was well known in modern times. Textile workers were especially interested in it. The Free Economic Society of Russia established a high award - a gold medal and a cash prize for the development of resistant varieties of madder.

Madder is grown for both medicinal and industrial purposes. Madder propagates both by seeds and vegetatively (by segments of rhizomes).

For industrial purposes, varieties are grown from which permanent dyes for fabrics are obtained. But recently, madder has somewhat lost its industrial purpose.

Collection and preparation of medicinal raw materials

For medicinal purposes, the roots and rhizomes of madder are used and harvested. The procurement of raw materials is carried out in late autumn or early spring. The dug up roots and rhizomes are cleared of soil and dried in the sun. Next, spread on fabric in a layer of 4 cm and dry in the shade or in a room with normal ventilation. You can dry it in dryers at 45-50°C. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.

Biochemical composition and medicinal properties

Madder rhizomes contain copper, iron, hydroxymethylanthraquinones and their derivatives, citric, malic and tartaric acids, sugars, proteins, and pectin substances. All these derivatives are yellow or red in color.

The glycoside asperuloside was found in young shoots. Madder contains anthraglycosides, which are low-toxic and more stable during storage.

Madder has a nephrolytic effect, which manifests itself in the ability to remove stones from the kidneys and bladder.

Madder has diuretic properties that have a bactericidal effect against the coccal group of microbes, reduces the tone and enhances peristaltic contractions of the muscles of the renal pelvis and ureters, promoting the advancement of stones.

Madder has the ability to gradually loosen and destroy stones in the kidneys and bladder. The greatest therapeutic effect is manifested in stones consisting of phosphate salts of magnesium and calcium.

Urine under the influence of madder turns red. Coloring begins 3-4 hours after administration and lasts up to 1 day when using medium doses.

Effect of madder preparations:

  • loosening of urates, oxalates and phosphates;
  • elimination of pain during urination;
  • elimination of dull aching pain in the kidneys;
  • improvement of water-salt metabolism;
  • decreased tone and increased peristaltic contractions of the muscles of the renal pelvis, as well as the ureters, which contributes not only to the advancement of stones, but also to their release;
  • in general, madder irritates the gastric mucosa and increases the acidity of gastric juice.

In addition, madder preparations reduce the spasms that accompany the passage of small stones.

Use of madder - recipes

Official medicine uses dry extract of madder as an effective antispasmodic and diuretic that helps loosen urinary calculi, which contain phosphates, as well as calcium and magnesium oxalates.

Madder extract in drops, tincture, powder and herbal tea from the plant are also used.

In folk medicine, forms of madder preparations such as decoction and infusion are mainly used.

An ointment is also prepared from madder roots (mixed with egg yolks and burnt alum), which is used externally for bruises, dislocations, and fractures.

Madder decoction

Madder decoctions help remove salts from the joints of the lower and upper extremities in diseases such as gout, arthritis, osteochondrosis, and polyarthritis. In addition, madder decoction helps with jaundice, dropsy and diseases of the spleen.

1 tsp the raw materials (roots and rhizomes) ground to a powder form are poured with one and a half glasses of boiling water. The product is put on fire and boiled for ten minutes, then filtered and cooled. Drink half a glass of the decoction three times a day (40 minutes after eating).

Madder infusion

This form of the drug is indicated as an analgesic, diuretic and antispasmodic for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis.

1 tsp crushed raw materials are poured with 200 ml of cold water, then the product is infused for 8 hours, after which the extract is filtered, while the raw materials are re-filled with 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting infusion is filtered after 15 minutes. The infusions are mixed and drunk in two doses during the day.

Madder tincture

Madder tincture is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, since the drug has a bactericidal effect against the coccal group of microorganisms. Madder tincture is also taken for joint diseases.

Take pharmaceutical tincture of madder, 1 tsp. half an hour after eating, and per day you need to drink about 1.5 liters of purified or distilled water.

Herbal tea with madder

Madder is part of a restorative herbal tea that promotes the dissolution and removal of stones localized in the kidneys, urinary tract, and gall bladder. Tea, the components of which (in addition to madder roots) are birch leaves and chamomile flowers, increases heart contractions without significantly affecting heart rate, blood pressure and respiration.

A packet of this herbal tea is filled with a glass of hot water and infused for about 5 minutes. Use once a day in the evening (it is advisable to drink tea an hour after meals). Course of treatment: three to four weeks. Prevention can be carried out annually.

The extract is available in tablet form. Capsules are taken orally, 2 to 3 pieces three times a day. The tablets should be dissolved in 150 ml of warm water immediately before use (it is recommended to drink daily at a strictly defined time). Treatment lasts 20–30 days. If necessary (and only after consultation with a doctor), the course of treatment can be repeated after 4 weeks.

Madder in drops

Madder drops help dissolve calcium oxalates (or convert them into magnesium oxalates, which are easily dissolved and excreted from the body). In addition, the drug reduces swelling, which has a positive effect on kidney function.

Apply 20 drops, which are diluted in 150 ml of water. The drops are taken twice a day while eating. The course of admission is 30 days.

Root powder

Powder made from madder roots is used to relieve spasms and pain when small stones pass. Take 1 g three times a day (the powder is washed down with 100 ml of boiled warm water).

Medicine with madder - cystenal

Cystenal (drops for oral administration) is a tincture of madder root with the addition of ethanol, magnesium salicylate and essential oils.

Cystenal is indicated for urolithiasis and cystitis, accompanied by secondary inflammatory changes, crystalluria, and spasms of the urinary tract.

Directions for use and dosage: orally, 3-5 drops 3 times a day 15-30 minutes before meals (in water or on a lump of sugar). If necessary, it is possible to temporarily increase the dose to 10 drops 3 times a day.

In case of increased acidity of gastric juice, Cystenal should be taken during or after meals. In case of reduced gastric secretion, a combination with drugs containing pepsin and hydrochloric acid is recommended. The course of treatment is 3–4 weeks.


In general, madder preparations, including Cystenal, are well tolerated. But it should be noted that when taking the drug, the urine turns reddish. If the staining is intense, the doctor reduces the dose of the drug. Contraindicated in acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, peptic ulcer.

Why do you need such a natural remedy as madder (tablets)? Reviews about this drug, its instructions for use, contraindications, side effects and indications will be presented below. We will also tell you how much this product costs, what its composition and pharmacological properties are.

Composition, description and packaging

The drug (tablets), the reviews of which are controversial, goes on sale in blister packaging. One cardboard pack can contain from 10 to 60 tablets (250 mg each).

The drug in question has a light brown or brown color, as well as inclusions and a mark in the middle.

The active substance of this medicine is the dry extract of madder. In addition, the tablets also contain additional elements such as potato starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose (or so-called milk sugar), calcium stearate and croscarmellose sodium.

Pharmacological characteristics

Madder is a tablet of plant origin. According to experts, they have an antispasmodic and diuretic effect on the human body.

After taking the medicine orally, smooth muscle peristalsis increases and its tone decreases. As a result of this effect, all sand (from the kidneys), as well as other stones that contain magnesium and calcium phosphates, are expelled from the human body without feeling any pain.

What properties does the madder preparation have? The use of this natural remedy acidifies urine, reduces the severity of pain syndromes and improves the general condition of patients who suffer from nephrourolithiasis.

It should also be noted that during therapy with this drug, kidney stones gradually turn red and loosen.

Pharmacokinetic properties

What pharmacokinetic properties does the medicine madder have (the price of the drug is indicated below)? In accordance with the International Convention, during clinical trials of herbal medicines there is no need to study their pharmacokinetic parameters in isolation. Therefore, they are not described in the instructions.

Indications for use

What is madder used for? Tablets based on the dry extract of the mentioned plant are used for the following diseases and conditions:

  • urolithiasis (used to facilitate the passage of sand and small stones, as well as reduce spasms);
  • nephrourolithiasis of the kidneys (if it is not possible to perform surgery);
  • prevention of relapses after surgery;
  • treatment before surgery;
  • inflammatory phosphaturia;
  • urinary tract infections.

Contraindications to the use of tablets

For which diseases should patients not be prescribed Madder? The tablets, reviews of which are presented below, should not be taken for the following conditions:

  • glomerulonephritis (acute and chronic);
  • severe renal failure;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • galactose intolerance or glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • hypersensitivity to the elements of the product.

It should also be noted that this drug should not be taken during lactation and gestation.

Madder dye: instructions for use

If the patient has been prescribed this drug, then its dosage must strictly comply with the instructions or requirements of the doctor.

How should I take madder extract? Reviews from experts say that it is taken orally, three times a day (one tablet). To promote better absorption of the drug, it is recommended to first dissolve it in half a glass of warm drinking water.

If there is a need, the single dosage of the medication is increased to 2 or 3 tablets. The duration of therapy with such a natural remedy is 20-30 days.

After consultation with your doctor, the course of treatment can be repeated, but not earlier than after 5-6 weeks.

Signs of overdose

What symptoms of overdose can cause madder? The use of this drug in high doses may cause pain, which is directly related to the process of passing small stones.

Adverse reactions

What adverse reactions can madder (tablets) cause? Reviews from experts say that the herb of this plant, its root, as well as medicines based on them sometimes provoke the development of allergic reactions. In addition, when using such a drug, the patient’s urine may turn reddish. If such a change occurs abruptly (to a brown-red color), then the dose of the medication should be reduced or the course of treatment should be temporarily interrupted.

Drug interactions

To date, no significant interaction of this drug with other drugs has been recorded. However, experts do not recommend taking madder at the same time as alcoholic beverages.

special instructions

Madder dye for cats is used only for This use of the drug can replace some medical procedures that are quite difficult to carry out in animals.

Some veterinarians prescribe medicine to animals at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of pet weight. To ensure that the cat swallows the entire solution, it is recommended to give it using a regular syringe from which the needle has been removed.

Madder for cats is prescribed in a double dose if the pet has a severe course of the disease and there is no urination.

After your pet’s condition improves and urinary problems go away, you should return to the original dosage.

To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, at least 1 month. In this case, a new solution should be prepared every 2 days.

Just like in humans, the color of pet urine can change from golden and yellowish to reddish. This is normal. You shouldn't be afraid of him. However, if the animal’s urine becomes too rich brown-red in color, then it is necessary to either reduce the dosage of the drug or discontinue it altogether.

Terms of sale, storage, expiration date

Where and how should madder tablets be stored? The instructions for use of this drug contain the following information in this regard: the drug must be placed in a dark and dry place. Its storage temperature should not exceed 15°C. It is also necessary to keep the medication out of reach of small children.

This product is sold in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. Its shelf life is three years.

Analogs and cost of the drug

How much does madder (tablets) cost? The price of this herbal preparation is not very high and is about 70-90 Russian rubles (10 tablets).

How can you replace this medication if it does not suit you? The following medicines are analogues of Madder extract: “Urocholesan”, “Canephron”, “Urolesan”, “Blemaren” and others. These drugs have a similar effect on the human body, but have a completely different composition. In this regard, before taking them, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Rubia tinctorum
Taxon: Rubiaceae family ( Rubiaceae)
Other names: Georgian madder, petiole madder, speck, crapp, marzana, marina
English: Indian madder, madder, Dyer's madder, alizarine, purpurin

The generic name comes from the Latin ruber- red, based on the color of the roots, and tinctorus- dyeing.

Botanical description of madder

A perennial herbaceous plant with a long horizontal rhizome. The rhizome is branched, cylindrical, red-brown on the outside (orange-red wood inside), thickened at the nodes, multi-headed, developing several stems from crowded buds. The roots are superficial, branched, cylindrical. The stem is branched, from 30 cm to 1.5 m high, ascending, decumbent, tetrahedral, with opposite branches, seated along the ribs with prickly spines bent back, with which the plant clings to neighboring grasses. The leaves are paired, opposite or 4-6 in whorls, glabrous, about 10 cm long and 3 cm wide, shiny, lanceolate, narrowed at the base into a very short petiole, spiny at the edges, rough. The flowers are small with a star-shaped corolla 1-1.5 mm in diameter in axillary semi-umbrellas, collected in leafy multi-colored panicles. The fruit is drupe-shaped, fleshy, with 1-2 seeds.
Madder blooms in June-August, bears fruit in August-September.

Where madder grows

Madder is a plant of the Mediterranean flora, distributed in Asia Minor and Central Asia, Eastern Europe: Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, the countries of the former Yugoslavia. As a wild plant, it is found in the south of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus.
It grows along the banks of rivers, irrigation canals, among bushes, prefers loamy soils with a constant level of moisture.

Collection and preparation of madder

The rhizome and root of madder are used as medicinal raw materials. They are dug up in the fall after the above-ground parts have died off or in early spring before regrowth begins, thoroughly cleaned of soil and immediately washed in cold water. Dry in the open air, under awnings or in attics with good ventilation, laying out a thin layer of 3-5 cm on tarpaulins or fabric and stirring periodically. It is better to dry in dryers at a temperature of 45-50 ° C. The shelf life of raw materials is 3 years.

Chemical composition of madder

Madder rhizomes contain organic acids (malic, tartaric, citric), hydroxymethylanthraquinones and their derivatives (5-6%). triterpenoids, iridoids, sugars, proteins, ascorbic acid, pectin substances, polyphenolic compounds: purpuroxanthin, quinizarin, purpurin, alizarin.
Carbohydrates, iridoids, phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives, coumarins, flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol, apigenin, luteolin, etc.) were found in the aerial part. The glycoside asperuloside was found in young shoots (up to 7%). The leaves contain flavonoids and iridoids.
The flowers contain the flavonoids hyperoside and rutin.

Pharmacological properties of madder

Madder has diuretic properties, has a bactericidal effect against the coccal group of microbes, reduces the tone and enhances peristaltic contractions of the muscles of the renal pelvis and ureters, promoting the movement of stones.

The use of madder in medicine

Madder has the ability to gradually loosen and destroy kidney and bladder stones. The greatest therapeutic effect is manifested in stones consisting of phosphate salts of magnesium and calcium, as well as oxalate nature.
Urine under the influence of madder turns red. Coloring begins 3-4 hours after administration and lasts up to 1 day when using medium doses.
Preparations from madder roots (tinctures, decoctions, dry extract, etc.) are used in traditional herbal medicine and modern medicine for kidney diseases - as a nephrolytic agent to reduce spasms and facilitate the passage of small stones.
A decoction of madder leaves and branches is used as a lotion for women with amenorrhea.
Crushed leaves and roots fade freckles and remove pigment spots on the skin.
A decoction of madder root in wine or water with a small addition of honey and sugar is recommended for the treatment of jaundice, spleen obstruction, melancholy, paralysis, lumbosacral radiculitis; it is effective for internal and external bruises.

Medicinal preparations of madder

Cystenal(drops for oral administration) is a tincture of madder root with the addition of ethanol, magnesium salicylate and essential oils.
Cystenal is indicated for cases accompanied by secondary inflammatory changes, crystalluria, and spasms of the urinary tract.
Directions for use and doses: orally, 3-5 drops 3 times a day 15-30 minutes before meals (in water or on a lump of sugar). If necessary, it is possible to temporarily increase the dose to 10 drops 3 times a day. In case of increased acidity of gastric juice, Cystenal should be taken during or after meals. In case of reduced gastric secretion, a combination with drugs containing pepsin and hydrochloric acid is recommended. The course of treatment is 3–4 weeks.
Madder root decoction: Brew 10 g of finely crushed madder roots with 1 cup of boiling water, heat in an enamel pan with a lid for 10 minutes, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3-5 times a day.
Madder extract prescribed orally for urolithiasis 3 times a day, 3-4 drops per piece of sugar half an hour before meals. For attacks of colic, 20 drops of extract are prescribed once. Take after meals. The course of treatment is 20-30 days. Repeated courses are carried out after 4-6 weeks

Results of scientific research on madder

In a study on rats, madder was found to have antidiarrheal activity.
Animal studies have shown that the plant is carcinogenic to rats.
When studying madder, its antimicrobial properties were discovered in vitro (in vitro).

Contraindications for the use of madder

Madder preparations are contraindicated for acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, gastric ulcers, and hyperacid gastritis.
Madder root, when taken orally, can cause miscarriage in humans.

Use of madder on the farm

The history of madder cultivation is primarily associated with its use as a bright red dye (alizarin pigment). Madder extracts, marketed under the name krappe, were most popular in the 19th century - before the era of aniline dyes.
Purpurin, extracted from madder, is being considered as a potential substitute for cobalt in lithium-ion batteries. This will help eliminate hazardous material from production, allow batteries to be produced at room temperature, and reduce the cost of battery disposal.

Used Books

1. Maznev N.I. Encyclopedia of medicinal plants. 3rd ed. - M.: Martin, 2004
2. Inoue, Kaoru; Yoshida, Midori; Takahashi, Miwa; Fujimoto, Hitoshi; Ohnishi, Kuniyoshi; Nakashima, Koichi; Shibutani, Makoto; Hirose, Masao; Nishikawa, Akiyoshi (2009). "Possible contribution of rubiadin, a metabolite of madder color, to renal carcinogenesis in rats." Food and Chemical Toxicology 47(4):752–9
3. Kalyoncu, Fatih; Cetin, Burcu; Saglam, Hüsniye (2006). "Antimicrobial activity of common madder (Rubia tinctorum L.)". Phytotherapy Research 20(6):490–2.
4. Karim, Ahmed; Mekhfi, Hassane; Ziyyat, Abderrahim; Legssyer, Abdelkhaleq; Bnouham, Mohammed; Amrani, Souliman; Atmani, Fouad; Melhaoui, Ahmed; Aziz, Mohammed (2010). "Anti-diarrheal activity of crude aqueous extract of Rubia tinctorum L. Roots in rodents." Journal of Smooth Muscle Research 46(2): 119–23.
5. Blömeke, Brunhilde; Poginsky, Barbara; Schmutte, Christoph; Marquardt, Hildegard; Westendorf, Johannes (1992). "Formation of genotoxic metabolites from anthraquinone glycosides, present in Rubia tinctorum L." Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 265 (2): 263.
6. Inoue, Kaoru; Yoshida, Midori; Takahashi, Miwa; Fujimoto, Hitoshi; Shibutani, Makoto; Hirose, Masao; Nishikawa, Akiyoshi (2009). "Carcinogenic potential of alizarin and rubiadin, components of madder color, in a rat medium-term multi-organ bioassay." Cancer Science 100(12):2261–7.
7. Reddy, Arava Leela Mohana; Nagarajan, Subbiah; Chumyim, Porramate; Gowda, Sanketh R.; Pradhan, Padmanava; Jadhav, Swapnil R.; Dubey, Madan; John, George; Ajayan, Pulickel M. (2012). "Lithium storage mechanisms in purpurin based organic lithium ion battery electrodes". Scientific Reports 2.

Photos and illustrations of madder



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