Clinical manifestations of intracranial tumor. Intracranial tumor Tumor in the cranial fossa - symptoms

For intracranial tumors Both conventional methods of X-ray examination of the skull (craniography) and artificial contrast methods (encephaloventriculography and angiography) are used. Contrasting methods, despite their significant value, have not yet found wide application. This is explained by the fact that they are quite complex and require mandatory joint work of a neurosurgeon and a radiologist and conduct the entire study in an appropriate clinical setting. In addition, they are not always safe and have a certain mortality rate.

In contrast to this craniography is a relatively simple research method that can be carried out in any X-ray room. According to a number of authors, with the help of craniography, in almost 40% of cases it is possible to establish not only the presence of a tumor process in the brain, but also the location and nature of the tumor. Of course, the radiologist must be well acquainted with the topographic and x-ray anatomy of the skull, and also be able to compare the data obtained from x-rays with the entire clinical picture. The research technique itself must be perfect, because a correct judgment about the nature of pathological processes in the cranial cavity largely depends on the quality of radiographs. In the future, we will not touch on contrast methods, but will focus exclusively on craniography data.

Due to the fact that it is correct comparison Since the clinical picture with craniography data is extremely important for the diagnosis of an intracranial tumor and determining its location, we consider it advisable to dwell on some ophthalmological symptoms of these tumors.

One of the most important symptoms is a stagnant nipple. Congestive nipples are observed in more than 75% of intracranial tumors. However, they only indicate the presence of increased intracranial pressure, but not at all the nature of the process itself and its localization. Vision with congestive nipples can be preserved for a long time, which, by the way, should be taken into account in the differential diagnosis with optic neuritis. In rare cases, patients note a rapidly transient fogging, sometimes quite frequent (up to 50-100 times a day). This forces patients to consult an eye doctor, who detects congestive nipples and is the first to determine the presence of increased intracranial pressure.

For diagnosis intracranial processes A thorough examination of the visual field is important. The study of visual field defects allows in some cases to quite accurately determine the location of the process. Thus, with complete loss of the visual field in one eye (unilateral amazonosis), the process is located in the area between the optic nerve canal and the chiasm, provided, of course, that the process is not located in the orbit. If the process involves the optic nerve and half of the chiasm, then there is a complete loss of the visual field in one eye and loss of the temporal half in the other. When the process is localized in the area of ​​the middle part of the chiasm, loss of the outer halves of the visual field of both eyes is noted (bitemporal hemianopsia).

If there are two symmetrical lesions Binasal hemianopsia is observed in the lateral corners of the chiasm. Such loss of the inner halves of the visual field is extremely rare. However, the possibility cannot be excluded that when the pituitary tumor grows sideways, the chiasm may become compressed in the lateral angles, as a result of which binasal hemianopia develops. When the process is localized behind the chiasma from the optic tract to the visual centers in the occipital lobe cortex, the same name (homonymous) hemianopsia is noted. But even here, by some signs, it is possible to determine where the process is located that caused a conduction interruption in the visual pathway.

We have provided only a diagram here possible changes in the field of view with intracranial processes, but the radiologist's familiarity with even such a simplified diagram may be valuable for understanding the changes detected on radiographs of the skull.

From ophthalmological signs The state of pupillary reactions also matters. For example, a hemianopic reaction of the pupils indicates that the process is localized in the area of ​​the chiasm or optic tract before the departure of the pupillary fibers to the nuclei of the oculomotor nerve. On the contrary, the pupillary response may be preserved when the process is located behind the nuclei of the oculomotor nerve.

Violation of the innervation of the eye muscles It also has a known diagnostic value. However, it must be borne in mind that paralysis can be caused by both a process in the orbit and an intracranial one. In the latter case, with so-called basal palsies, paralysis of other cranial nerves is often observed simultaneously.

It should also not be overlooked mind, that exophthalmos can be caused not only by a retrobulbar process in, but also by an intracranial tumor. Unilateral exophthalmos can be observed when a tumor grows from the anterior and middle cranial fossa into the orbit. Severe unilateral exophthalmos is often caused by hyperostosis of the wings of the main bone with the development of meningioma in this area. Some authors believe that compression of the cavernous sinus by a nearby tumor may also cause unilateral proptosis. With increased intracranial pressure, bilateral exophthalmos is sometimes observed, especially in childhood, which is probably due to pressing forward of the walls of the orbits.

Bilateral exophthalmos can also occur with thrombosis of the cavernous sinus, but a number of other characteristic signs are also noted, as a result of which differential diagnosis with an intracranial tumor does not present any particular difficulties.

Intracranial tumors develop from brain tissue, its membranes and skull bones. Tumors are divided into primary, originating from brain tissue, and secondary, metastatic.

Of the primary tumors, the most common are gliomas that develop from the medulla. They have infiltrating growth, lack clear boundaries, and can occur in all parts of the brain. Tumors called meningiomas (endotheliomas) arise from the meninges. Tumors have a benign course, slow growth, and sometimes reach significant sizes.

Secondary tumors are in most cases metastases of breast or lung cancer.

An intracranial tumor causes compression of local tissues and also affects the blood supply to the brain, compressing the ventricles of the brain, disrupting the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the cavities of the skull.

Clinical picture of intracranial tumor

The clinical picture of an intracranial tumor is determined by local and general symptoms. Common symptoms include headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and nipple congestion.

Headache is often the initial symptom. The pain covers the entire head or is localized at the location of the tumor, sometimes reaching extreme intensity. Vomiting is not associated with food intake, it occurs in the morning, on an empty stomach, when the patient moves from a horizontal to a vertical position. At first, vision is not affected, but then, due to atrophy of the optic nerve, complete blindness can occur.

With tumors of the frontal lobes, one of the first symptoms is mental disturbance in the form of foolishness, euphoria, a tendency to flat jokes and inappropriate jokes. When the tumor is localized on the lower surface of the frontal lobe, the olfactory bulb is compressed and therefore the sense of smell is weakened or lost.

The symptoms are most clearly expressed when the tumor is localized in the anterior central gyrus. Active movements in the lower and upper limbs, neck, facial and other muscles are lost, depending on the location of the tumor. Initially, paresis and then paralysis are observed on the side opposite the tumor. Paralysis can affect the entire half of the body (hemiplegia).

When the tumor affects the temporal lobes, auditory hallucinations are observed. Tumors of the occipital region cause loss of visual fields in both eyes and visual hallucinations. Cerebellar tumors are characterized by loss of the ability to produce appropriate muscle contractions during movement and imbalance when walking.

Diagnosis of intracranial tumor

The diagnosis of an intracranial tumor can be made based on the medical history and a thorough neurological examination of the patient.

For a long time, it was believed that metastases account for about 20% of tumors of the central nervous system (CNS), and their incidence is approximately 2 per 100 thousand of the population.

With the advent of modern examination methods and the increase in life expectancy of cancer patients, it became clear that currently the incidence of metastatic (secondary) tumors of the central nervous system is about 14 per 100 thousand population per year, i.e. exceeds the incidence of primary CNS tumors.

However, so far the number of patients with intracranial metastases in neurosurgical clinics does not exceed 20-25%. This is due to the fact that cancer patients in stage IV of the disease, even if they have appropriate symptoms, are usually not referred to neurosurgeons.

However, even in these cases, intracranial metastases may be the most significant cause of the severity of the condition and, ultimately, the death of the patient, and modern neurosurgical treatment can improve the quality and increase life expectancy.

In adults, the most common metastases (in 40% of cases) are lung cancer (usually small cell), breast cancer (10%), renal cell cancer (7%), gastrointestinal cancer (6%) and melanoma (from 3 up to 15% in different countries). The number of metastases in the central nervous system of all other tumors does not exceed 15%.

In children, metastases of neuroblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma and Wilms tumor (nephroblastoma) are most often observed.

In 50% of cases, brain metastases are single, in 50% - multiple. They can be located in various anatomical structures of the brain: in the medulla, in the dura or pia mater, in the subarachnoid space and ventricles of the brain and spread along the cerebrospinal fluid tract and perivascular spaces.

Carcinomas and sarcomas more often metastasize to the brain; metastases in leukemia primarily affect the soft meninges; breast carcinomas tend to metastasize to the dura mater with spread to the brain tissue. Prostate carcinomas most often metastasize to the skull and spine, and less often to the brain and spinal cord.

Most metastases affect the cerebral hemispheres, usually the white matter. Metastases to the brain stem and spinal cord are rare. Lung cancer metastases may be accompanied by suppuration.

Intracerebral metastases are often round in shape and usually delimited from the medulla. In many cases, there is swelling of the tissue around the tumor node. Sometimes swelling can be very pronounced even with small metastases.

Intracerebral metastases often have a low degree of differentiation and do not fully display the morphological characteristics of the primary tumor. This makes diagnosis difficult, especially with metastases from an undetected primary site.

Cytological examination of the cerebrospinal fluid may be appropriate only if the tumor has spread through the cerebrospinal fluid spaces; therefore, in other cases, a spinal puncture is usually not performed before surgery.

Clinical picture

The basis for suspicion of metastatic brain damage in a cancer patient may be the appearance of neurological symptoms, although in approximately 30% of cases metastases in the central nervous system may not appear. When symptoms appear, they gradually increase in severity.


The presence of metastases in the central nervous system is confirmed using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with contrasting with a special preparation. Typically, metastases appear as areas of increased signal.

The presence of a single lesion identified by MRI or computed tomography(CT) in patients with advanced cancer is not a clear sign of metastatic brain damage.

If a ring-shaped lesion is detected, it should be differentiated from an abscess (suppuration), hematoma (hemorrhage) in the resorption stage, malignant glioma, granuloma, or radiation necrosis.

In doubtful cases, it is carried out stereotactic biopsy lesion in order to clarify the histological diagnosis.

In 15% of cases, intracranial metastases are the first manifestation of cancer. Therefore, with an unknown primary lesion, taking into account the most likely sources of metastasis in the central nervous system, a detailed examination is necessary to identify the primary tumor.

All patients are recommended to be examined by an oncologist, including radiography and (with negative X-ray results) CT of the chest organs, mammography (in women), radioisotope scanning bones, fecal occult blood test. Sometimes histological examination of a removed tumor in the brain helps to identify the source of metastasis.


Surgery is an effective method for many types of metastases and is especially indicated for the treatment of tumors that are not sensitive to radiation.

To decide on indications for surgery, the patient’s general condition, the technical feasibility of removing metastases, and the prospects for combined treatment in the presence of metastatic lesions of other organs and systems are assessed.

Modern technical capabilities make it possible to diagnose and operate metastases at an early stage and small sizes.

The use of modern ultrasound diagnostic methods makes it possible to accurately localize the tumor, determine the direction of access and avoid damage to functionally significant areas of the brain.

Removal of metastatic tumors, especially large ones and located in functionally important areas, is usually carried out according to the same principles as other CNS tumors, i.e. fragmentation.

The likelihood of complete destruction of the tumor after surgery can be increased by irradiating the tumor bed with a laser beam. Experimental work is underway on the use of photodynamic therapy during surgery.


For metastatic tumors of the central nervous system, irradiation of the entire brain is necessary in most cases. For this purpose, lateral opposite fields are used.

They should cover the space from the vault to the base of the skull and from the upper edge of the orbit to the mastoid process. If the tumor is located in the lower part of the frontal or temporal lobe, the radiation field should cover the lower edge of the orbit and the external auditory canal. In this case, blocks are installed on the lens and base of the skull.

The usual dose is 20 Gy in 4-5 fractions or 30 Gy in 10-12 fractions.

Considering the long-term side effects (dementia) at a dose of 30 Gy in 10 fractions, it has recently been recommended to carry out irradiation in fractions of 1.8-2 Gy, but the effectiveness of treatment in this case decreases.

When treating single metastases, local irradiation of the lesion is added to a total dose of 50 Gy. In the presence of deeply located and (or) multiple small metastases, radiosurgical treatment is indicated.

Prophylactic irradiation of the brain after removal of small cell lung cancer reduces the number of intracranial metastases, but does not affect survival rates.


The choice of chemotherapy regimen depends on the nature of the primary source of metastasis.


The goal of treatment of patients with single or multiple metastases in the first stages is to stabilize acute neurological symptoms caused by increased intracranial pressure or convulsive syndrome. The decongestant effect of steroid drugs (dexamethasone at a dose of at least 8 mg per day) contributes to the reverse development of hypertension and neurological symptoms.

Generalized or partial (partial) seizures are observed in patients with metastases to the central nervous system in 20% of cases, more often when the node is located near the cerebral cortex. Prescription of anticonvulsants (usually barbiturates or carbamazepine, depending on the characteristics of the attacks) leads to a decrease in the severity of symptoms.

Thus, the following treatment can be recommended for patients with metastases to the central nervous system. If a single metastasis is detected in the brain or spinal cord, its removal followed by radiation and (if necessary) chemotherapy is indicated. The presence of metastases to other organs is not an absolute contraindication for surgery. When making a decision, the severity of the patient’s condition and the availability of further treatment are taken into account. An alternative method of therapy can be radiosurgery (a gamma knife or a linear accelerator is more often used).

Pathological anatomy and pathological physiology. Brain tumors are divided into primary, originating from brain tissue, blood vessels or meninges and peripheral cranial nerve fibers adjacent to the brain; and secondary, metastatic.

Of the primary tumors, the most common are gliomas, which are observed in all parts of the brain and begin from the medulla. Gliomas usually exhibit infiltrating growth and therefore lack clear boundaries. Sometimes glioma is soft, grows quickly and is prone to bleeding into the tumor tissue, sometimes it grows more slowly, prone to decay and the formation of cysts. Histologically, gliomas are divided into astrocytomas, consisting of stellate cells and having a relatively benign course, oligodendrocytes, glioblastomas, consisting of polymorphic cells, and rapidly growing medulloblastomas, consisting of small round cells, and other, rarer forms.

The second most common type of brain tumor is meningiomas (endotheliomas) arising from the meninges. Most meningiomas are benign, usually solitary, slow-growing tumors composed of endothelial cells and significant amounts of connective tissue. Often meningiomas reach a significant size and are deeply pressed into the brain, pushing its convolutions apart (Fig. 20). Calcareous salts are sometimes deposited in meningiomas, and then they are called psammomas. Meningiomas may not produce any clinical symptoms for a long time. Next come adenomas originating from the appendage of the brain.

Other rarer tumors include ependymomas starting from the ependyma of the ventricles, papillomas originating from the choroid plexus, neuromas, angiomas, and dermoids.

Secondary brain tumors are metastases from other areas of the body, usually breast cancer or lung cancer. Metastases of tumors to the brain are mostly multiple. Cases of successful removal of single metastases have been described.

Tumors arising from the bones of the skull and growing into the cranial cavity are osteomas of the ethmoid-frontal region and osteosarcomas of the vault. Often occurring metastatic tumors of the skull bones do not produce symptoms of brain compression.

The clinical picture of a brain tumor can also be given by limited accumulations of fluid located between the dura and arachnoid mater and representing the consequences of meningitis - and rachnoid cysts.

Based on their location, they distinguish between extradural (extradura) and intradural (intradura) tumors, which in turn are divided into extracerebral (extracerebral) and intracerebral (intracerebral). Intracerebral tumors are divided into cortical and subcortical.

An intracranial tumor affects the contents of the skull in three ways: locally, by direct pressure on an adjacent area of ​​the brain, on a separate area of ​​the brain, and on the entire brain (compression of blood vessels and disruption of the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid).

Compression of the blood vessels by the tumor is reflected primarily in the compliant veins, which results in swelling of the supplied part of the brain, and this part can be very significant. Compression of the artery causes ischemia. A circulatory disorder is accompanied by impaired function of swollen or anemic areas of the brain, which causes the appearance of additional brain symptoms that make it difficult to recognize.

Disruption of the normal circulation of cerebrospinal fluid has even more important consequences. The tumor, displacing the ventricle, often disrupts the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid from the lateral ventricles of the brain through the third and fourth ventricles into the foramina of Magendie and Luschka, and from there into the cistern magna and beyond.

Brain tumor may compress the lateral ventricle, close the foramen of Monro and cause partial fluid retention (Fig. 21). A tumor located in the pituitary region or in the region of the third ventricle can compress the third ventricle and cause hydrocephalus, spreading to both ventricles. Tumors of the posterior cranial fossa, regardless of their location, cause retention and accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the aqueduct of Sylvius and in the first three ventricles of the brain. An adjacent tumor the size of a cherry is sufficient to compress the aqueduct of Sylvius. The accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (hydrocephalus), due to delayed outflow, plays a more significant role in the cause of increased intracranial pressure than the tumor itself.

Clinical picture. Symptoms accompanying intracranial tumors can be divided into general, depending on the increase in intracranial pressure, and local, depending on the direct effect of the tumor on a specific area of ​​the brain.

Common symptoms include headache, vomiting, dizziness, congestive nipple, etc.

Headache is often the initial symptom. The pain spreads throughout the head or may be localized. In the latter case, it occasionally corresponds to the location of the tumor. The pain is intense, sometimes reaches extreme strength and often ends with vomiting.

Vomiting of cerebral origin is not associated with food intake, it occurs on an empty stomach, in the morning, when moving from a horizontal to a vertical position, it occurs immediately and occurs without effort.

With intracranial tumors, the psyche changes, irritability and forgetfulness appear, and attention is focused on the manifestations of the disease. Toward the end of the disease, hibernation often occurs. The face becomes indifferent, mask-like.

An extremely common (up to 80%) and important symptom is a stagnant nipple. A stagnant nipple can exist for several weeks or months without weakening of vision, then optic nerve atrophy and complete blindness occur. A congested nipple is a consequence of cerebral edema spreading to the optic nerve, or a consequence of difficulty in the outflow of blood through the veins of the eye. In cases of brain tumors, especially large brain tumors, nipple congestion may be absent.

There is a slowdown, less often an increase in the pulse, dizziness (which, with the participation of the vestibular apparatus, can also be a local symptom); epileptic seizures, often occurring in the form of Jacksonian epilepsy; progressive increase in cranial volume, determined by systematic measurement, divergence of cranial sutures, especially in children; diffuse thinning of the cranial bones; local thinning of the bones of the vault due to increased pressure of pachion granulations, expressed as spotting on the radiograph; flattening of the sella turcica

Local, or focal, symptoms depend on the location of the tumor.

With tumors of the frontal lobes, the initial symptom is often a mental disorder in the form of mental dullness, weakening of memory, or in the form of euphoria, foolishness, a tendency to make witticisms and funny jokes. When the tumor is located in the area of ​​the third (left) frontal gyrus, where the cortical part of the speech system is located, motor aphasia occurs, i.e., the inability to pronounce words while maintaining the motor ability of the corresponding muscles. When the tumor is located on the lower surface of the frontal lobe, the olfactory bulb is compressed, as a result, the sense of smell on the same side is weakened or lost. There is also a balance disorder.

With tumors in the area of ​​the anterior central gyrus, focal symptoms are especially pronounced. Here, in the upper part of the central gyrus, the motor volitional centers are located. Here the highest analysis and synthesis of motor acts takes place. Compression or germination of the upper part of the gyrus by a tumor leads to loss of volitional movements of the lower limb, compression or germination of the middle part leads to loss of movements of the upper limb, lower - movements of the cervical, facial, chewing, pharyngeal and tongue muscles.

The initial stage of tumor development is accompanied by irritation phenomena, namely, seizures, usually in the form of Jacksonian epilepsy. The phenomena of irritation are subsequently replaced by phenomena of oppression, initially in the form of paresis, and then paralysis on the opposite side, individual limbs (monoplegia) or half of the body (hemiplogia) are subject to paresis or paralysis.

When the tumor presses on the posterior central gyrus, in the cortex of which part of the sensitive system of the face and limbs is located, during the period of irritation unpleasant, partly painful sensations (paresthesia) arise; during the period of oppression, sensitivity is lost (anesthesia) on the face, on individual limbs or on the entire half body (hemianesthesia).

Tumors of the posterior parietal region are accompanied by a picture of astereognosia (inability to determine the shape of an object by touch), apraxia (loss of the ability to make appropriate movements) and alexia (loss of the ability to read while maintaining vision), etc.

Encephalography and ventriculography for tumors in the area of ​​the central gyri and parietal lobe gives a picture of collapse of the cavity of the lateral ventricle located on the side of the tumor and displacement to the opposite side of the other lateral and third ventricle (Fig. 21).

The temporal lobes are responsible for the cortical control of the auditory system. Since the cortex of the right and left lobes has a connection with the hearing aids of both sides, if one side is affected, hearing loss does not occur. Auditory hallucinations are sometimes observed.

With tumors located in the left temporal lobe, right-handers experience sensory aphasia (the inability to understand the meaning of words while maintaining hearing).

Tumors in the occipital region, in the cortex of which the analysis and synthesis of visual perceptions occur, cause the same name hemianopsia - loss (for example, of the right) halves of the visual fields of both eyes. In the initial stage, visual hallucinations are observed.

Tumors of the posterior cranial fossa are located in the cerebellar hemispheres, in the vermis, in the fourth cerebral ventricle or in the cerebellopontine angle.

Cerebellar tumors are characterized by asynergia and ataxia. Asynergia is the loss of the ability to produce coordinated, appropriate contractions of the muscles of the trunk, limbs and head, for example, when walking, when throwing a leg forward, the body tilts back instead of the usual bending forward. Ataxia is expressed in trunk instability, a tendency to fall forward or backward, and an unsteady gait, reminiscent of a drunken gait. In addition, symptoms of cerebellar tumors are: muscle hypotonia; nystagmus, which appears when turning the head to the side and depends on dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus; congestive nipple; dizziness and vomiting when turning the head, especially when throwing it back; headache concentrated in the occipital region, less often symptoms of damage to some cranial nerves (especially often V, VI, VII and VIII pairs) on the side of the tumor and sometimes symptoms from the pyramidal tracts. In the initial period of development, cerebellar tumors can only manifest themselves as symptoms of increased intracranial pressure.

Tumors of the cerebellopontine angle(the angle between the pons and the cerebellum) are clinically manifested by symptoms from the auditory nerve (from which the tumor often originates, representing a neuroma developed from the fibers of this nerve - tumor acousticus), initially tinnitus, dizziness, then decreased and finally loss of hearing in one ear. Symptoms of irritation and compression of neighboring cranial nerves - auditory, trigeminal, facial and, finally, the cerebellar symptoms described above and symptoms from the pyramidal tracts gradually join.

Pituitary tumors (hypophysis cerebri) are manifested by headache felt in the depths of the orbits, bilateral temporal hemianopia due to tumor pressure on the chiasm of the optic nerves, expansion and deepening of the sella turcica (as seen on the radiograph), symptoms of compression of the third ventricle (diabetes insipidus or diabetes mellitus). Other symptoms vary depending on the nature of the tumor.

Chromophobic pituitary adenomas, in addition, are accompanied by symptoms of pituitary insufficiency, i.e., infantilism if the disease began in childhood, weakening of sexual functions in the form of cessation of regulation in women and sexual weakness in men if the disease began after puberty in adults, in addition, obesity or, conversely, emaciation and a decrease in basal metabolism.

Chromophilic adenomas are characterized by gigantism, if the disease began in childhood, and acromegaly, which is an enlargement of the distal parts of the limbs, nose, and chin. In adults, the tumor manifests itself as weakened sexual function and general weakness. Less commonly observed are symptoms from the optic nerve that appear in the late stage of the disease.

Tumors of the pituitary tract, occurring predominantly in childhood and adolescence, are manifested by symptoms of increased intracranial pressure, congestive nipples, hypo- and hyperthermia, polyuria, pituitary insufficiency, and compression of the chiasm. X-ray shows flattening of the sella turcica, destruction of the posterior wedge-shaped processes, and deposits of calcareous salts above the sella.

Brain stem tumors when located in the cerebral peduncle, they are accompanied by paralysis of the III and IV pairs of cranial nerves; when the tumor is located in the pons, they are accompanied by paralysis of the V, VI and VII pairs. These nerves are paralyzed on the side of the tumor. At the same time, paralysis of the limbs occurs on the opposite side ( paralysis alternans).

The location of the tumor in the medulla oblongata causes paralysis of the IX, X and XII pairs of cranial nerves on the same side. When the tumor is localized in the fourth ventricle, severe dizziness and vomiting are observed as a result of increased intracranial pressure (hydrocephalus due to overflow of the cerebral ventricular system).

Pineal tumors (gl. pinalis) in children three and four years of age are accompanied by the onset of premature puberty.

The course of intracranial tumors is different and depends on the histological structure of the tumor and its location. Meningiomas, pituitary adenomas, neuromas ( tumor acousticus) and tumors of the cerebral hemispheres progress much more slowly than, for example, glioblastomas and tumors of the posterior cranial fossa. The usually progressive course of intracranial tumors sometimes ends in unexpected death due to respiratory arrest, due to pressure on the respiratory center of the medulla oblongata, especially with tumors of the posterior cranial fossa.

To make a diagnosis of an intracranial tumor, in addition to a neurological examination, a number of additional studies are required, most of which are mandatory.

Radiography makes it possible to recognize tumors emanating from the cranial bones, to see calcareous deposits in psammomas, and thinning of bones in the area of ​​digital impressions ( impressiones digitatae) in the skull (which is expressed by a spotty pattern), dilated veins diploe due to stagnation, divergence of cranial sutures, which is observed in a sharp form in children. The last three signs provide indirect evidence of increased intracranial pressure.

Ophthalmoscopy is mandatory to determine the presence of congestive nipples and optic nerve atrophy.

A lumbar puncture makes it possible to determine intracranial pressure and obtain cerebrospinal fluid for examination. With free communication of the cranial subarachnoid space and the ventricular system with the spinal subarachnoid space, the pressure in the latter with the patient in a horizontal position is equal to the pressure in the former. With intracranial tumors, the pressure in the spinal subarachnoid space is usually increased, sometimes quite significantly. In some cases it remains normal; sometimes lowered. A decrease in pressure is observed when the tumor interrupts or obstructs the communication between the system of the cerebral ventricles and the cranial subarachnoid space, on the one hand, and the spinal subarachnoid space, on the other. A frequent reason for the interruption of communication is the depression of the brain into the foramen magnum in tumors of the posterior cranial fossa. Under these conditions, the cerebrospinal fluid undergoes significant changes. Characterized by an increased protein content with a small amount of formed elements and a yellowish color of the liquid (xanthochromia). These changes are more pronounced, the more difficult the communication between the cranial and spinal spaces is.

Lumbar puncture is contraindicated for tumors of the posterior cranial fossa and for tumors of uncertain location. The removal of fluid from the spinal subarachnoid space, lowering the pressure in it, increases the usual penetration of the brain into the foramen magnum in tumors of the posterior cranial fossa, which can cause death.

For intracranial tumors, a lumbar puncture is made with the patient in a supine position. The liquid is removed slowly, in small quantities.

Encephalography and ventriculography make it extremely easy to determine the location of the tumor. Guided by the bilateral or unilateral filling of the lateral ventricles with air, changes in shape and displacement under the influence of the tumor, it is often possible to make an unmistakable conclusion about the side and location of the lesion. For example, with a tumor located in the right cerebral hemisphere of the brain, the compressed right lateral ventricle is displaced to the left, while the left one is filled with air (Fig. 21).

Encephalography is contraindicated for tumors of the posterior cranial fossa and brain tumors of undetermined location. Ventriculography is contraindicated on the side of the cerebral hemisphere tumor and when the ventricle is displaced by the tumor.

When diagnosing a brain tumor, it is differentiated from a number of diseases: gumma, chronic brain abscess, late post-traumatic hematoma, sclerosis of the cerebral arteries, meningitis.

Treatment. The main treatment method for patients with brain tumors is surgery. Under certain conditions, the radiation method is also used. Each of these methods has its own indications. Due to the steadily progressing course of the disease and the threat of vision loss, surgery should be performed as soon as possible, as soon as the diagnosis is made. To perform the operation, it is necessary to know the localization of the Tumor, the possibility of access to it (depth, position), and the possibility of removal (size, spread). In addition, a satisfactory general condition of the patient is required. The operation does not eliminate decreased vision or existing blindness.

As diagnostic methods developed and surgical techniques improved, new, deeply located parts of the brain became accessible, such as the third or fourth ventricle, quadrigeminal region, and pineal gland.

Brain tumor removal surgery very serious. Its production requires high technology, strict asepsis and special tools.

To determine the projection onto the surface of the skull of certain parts of the cerebral cortex, the location of the two most important cerebral sulci is established: Rolandic and Sylvian. The position of these grooves also determines the position of individual centers of the cerebral cortex. Usually they use the Krenlein scheme (Fig. 22).

To access tumors of the cerebral hemispheres, a fairly large hinged osteocutaneous flap is created. The hole in the skull must be large both to avoid damage to the brain when squeezing it and for ease of examination of adjacent areas. The hole is closed osteoplastically.

For tumors of the posterior cranial fossa, the part of the occipital bone adjacent to the foramen magnum and covering the cerebellum is completely removed (Fig. 23).

The path to pituitary tumors is made either from the nasal cavity or from the side of the calvarium, opening the cranium and lifting the frontal lobe of the brain, which provides sufficient access to the chiasm of the optic nerves and the tumor. Now the second method is preferred, since the first is often complicated by meningitis.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia, which allows the surgeon to work slowly, punctually fulfilling all technical requirements.

Strict asepsis and careful control of bleeding are necessary. Wax is used to stop bleeding from the diploe. From cerebral vessels - hemostatic mosquito clamps, electrocoagulation. Careful handling of the brain mass and especially the brain centers is of great importance. If there is significant blood loss, blood is transfused. In the postoperative period, bleeding with the formation of a hematoma and cerebral edema, causing an increase in intracranial pressure, is dangerous. The hematoma is emptied, and a hypertonic sodium chloride solution is administered intravenously to reduce intracranial pressure. Hyperthermia (up to 40-42°C) sometimes observed in the first two days in the absence of infection depends on irritation of the temperature-regulating nerve centers.

Postoperative mortality ranges from 10 to 25% and depends on the location of the tumor. It is less in tumors of the cerebral hemispheres and greater in tumors of the posterior cranial fossa and pituitary tumors.

As for long-term results, some of those operated on recover completely or with partial defects (vision); a significant proportion experience relapses. The best long-term results are obtained from operations for meningiomas that can be completely removed. As a rule, gliomas that do not have clear boundaries recur.

In case of inoperable brain tumors, to reduce increased intracranial pressure, which causes great suffering to the patient, a palliative operation is performed - decompressive trephination. For large brain tumors, for decompression, either a large piece of the calvarial bone is removed according to the location of the tumor, or a small hole is created in the temporal bone, thereby opening the dura mater. A decrease in intracranial pressure is also achieved by puncture of the lateral ventricle. For tumors of the posterior cranial fossa, the posterior arch of the atlas is removed to relieve pressure from the medulla oblongata.

X-ray therapy is used for tumors of the brain stem that are inaccessible to surgery, as an additional method of treatment after surgery for unremovable gliomas and especially for tumors of the brain appendage. The most effective effect of radiotherapy (preferably in combination with radiotherapy) is on chromophilic pituitary adenomas.

Brain tumor- intracranial solid neoplasm, a tumor formed as a result of abnormal growth of cells in the brain or in the central spinal canal.

Brain tumors include all tumors inside the skull or in the central spinal canal. They are formed as a result of abnormal and uncontrolled cell division, usually not only in the brain itself, but also in lymphatic tissues, blood vessels, cranial nerves, meninges, skull bones, pituitary gland and pineal gland (epiphysis). Cells involved in tumor formation are neurons and glial cells, including astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and ependymal cells. Brain tumors can also be transmitted from a cancer located in another organ (metastatic tumors).

Primary (true) brain tumors are usually located in the posterior fossa in children and in the anterior two-thirds of the cerebral hemispheres in adults, although they can affect any part of the brain.

Sub/epidural hematoma

Severe headaches and very high blood pressure

Malignant hypertension

Acute severe headache

A definitive diagnosis of a brain tumor can only be confirmed by histological examination of tumor tissue samples obtained either through brain biopsy or open surgery. Histological examination is important in determining appropriate treatment and correct prognosis. This examination is performed by a pathologist and typically consists of three stages: intraoperative examination of fresh tissue, preliminary microscopic examination of prepared tissue, and subsequent examination of prepared tissue after immunohistochemical staining or genetic analysis.


Tumors have characteristics that make it possible to determine their malignancy and development trend, which allows doctors to determine a treatment plan.

Anaplasia or dedifferentiation - the transition of cells to an undifferentiated state, disruption of the process of cell differentiation and their orientation in relation to each other and to blood vessels - a characteristic of anaplastic tumor tissue. Anaplastic cells lose complete control of their normal functions and cellular structures become significantly compromised. Anaplastic cells often have an abnormally high nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio, and many are multinucleated. In addition, anaplastic cells usually have nuclei that are unnaturally shaped or large in size. Cells can become anaplastic in two ways: tumor cells can dedifferentiate and become anaplastic (dedifferentiation causes cells to lose their normal structure and function), or cancer stem cells can increase their ability to reproduce (eg, uncontrolled growth by failure of the differentiation process).

Atypia- a sign of cell abnormality that may indicate malignancy. The meaning of an anomaly depends largely on the context.

Neoplasia- uncontrolled cell division. Neoplasia in itself is not a problem. But the consequences of uncontrolled cell division lead to the fact that the volume of the tumor increases in size, this occurs in a limited space, the intracranial cavity, which quickly becomes problematic, since the tumor invades the space of the brain, moving it to the side. This leads to compression of brain tissue, increased intracranial pressure and destruction of brain parenchyma. Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) may be due to the direct effect of the tumor, increased blood volume, or increased cerebrospinal fluid volume, which in turn causes secondary symptoms.

Necrosis- premature cell death caused by external factors such as infections, toxins or injury. Necrotic cells send incorrect chemical signals that prevent phagocytes from processing dead cells, resulting in the accumulation of dead tissue, cell debris, and toxins in and around the dead cells.

Arterial and venous hypoxia, or deprivation of certain areas of the brain of sufficient oxygen supply, occurs when a tumor uses the blood vessels located around it for blood supply, and the tumor competes for nutrients with surrounding brain tissue.

In general, the neoplasm can produce metabolic products (eg, free radicals, altered electrolytes, neurotransmitters) and release and replenish cellular mediators (eg, cytokines) that disrupt normal parenchymal functions.


Secondary brain tumors

Secondary brain tumors are metastatic tumors that have invaded the inside of the skull from cancer that originated in other organs. This means that the cancer has developed in another organ or in other parts of the body and that the cancer cells have detached from the primary tumor and then entered the lymphatic system and blood vessels. These are the most common brain tumors. There are approximately 170,000 new cases annually in the United States. Cancer cells circulate in the blood and are deposited in the brain. There, these cells continue to grow and divide, becoming new tissue due to tumor invasion by the primary cancer. Secondary brain tumors are very common in the terminal phase in patients with incurable metastatic cancer. The most common types of cancer that cause secondary brain tumors are lung cancer, breast cancer, malignant melanoma, kidney cancer, and colon cancer (in descending order of frequency).

Secondary brain tumors are the most common cause of tumors in the intracranial cavity.

The bones of the skull can also be subject to neoplasms, which by their nature reduce the volume of the intracranial cavity, and can lead to brain damage.

By behavior

Brain tumors and intracranial tumors may be cancerous (malignant) or non-cancerous (benign). However, the definitions of malignant or benign growths are different from those typically used for other types of cancerous or non-cancerous growths in the body. For tumors in other parts of the body, three properties are used to differentiate benign from malignant tumors: benign tumors are self-limited, non-invasive, and do not form metastases. Characteristics of malignant tumors:

  • Uncontrolled mitosis(growth due to abnormal cell division)
  • Anaplasia(transition of cells into an undifferentiated state), the neoplasm cells have a clearly different appearance (differ in shape and size). Anaplastic cells are distinguished by pleomorphism. Cell nuclei may be extremely hyperchromatic (darkly colored) and enlarged. The nucleus can be the same size as the cytoplasm of the cell (the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio can be 1:1, instead of the usual 1:4 or 1:6) Giant cells can be formed - larger in size than their neighbors. They either have one huge nucleus or contain several nuclei (syncytia). Anaplastic nuclei can be of variable and bizarre shape and size.
  • Invasiveness(intrusion) or penetration. In the medical literature, these terms are used as equivalent synonyms. However, for the sake of clarity, this article is of the opinion that they mean slightly different things, this opinion does not go beyond the scope of this article:
    • Invasion or invasiveness is the spatial expansion of a tumor due to uncontrolled mitosis, in the sense that the tumor invades the space occupied by adjacent tissues, thereby pushing other tissue aside, and ultimately compressing the tissue. Often invasive tumors are visible on tomograms as clearly defined.
    • Infiltration is the spread of a tumor by microscopic tentacles that penetrate surrounding tissue (often making the contours of the tumor vague or diffuse), or the dispersal of tumor cells into tissue beyond the circumference of the tumor. This does not mean that infiltrative tumors do not take up a lot of space or do not compress surrounding tissue as they grow, but the penetration of the tumor makes its boundaries difficult to distinguish, and it is difficult to determine where the tumor ends and healthy tissue begins.
  • Metastases- spread of the tumor to other places in the body through lymph or blood.

Of the above characteristics of malignant tumors, some elements do not apply to a primary brain tumor:

  • Primary brain tumors rarely metastasize to other organs, and some forms of primary brain tumors may metastasize but do not spread beyond the intracranial cavity or central spinal canal. Due to the presence of the blood-brain barrier, cancer cells from the primary tumor cannot enter the bloodstream and settle elsewhere in the body. Anecdotal case reports of some brain tumors spreading beyond the central nervous system are occasionally published, such as bone metastases from glioblastoma.
  • Primary brain tumors are usually invasive. Those. they will expand in space, invade the area occupied by other brain tissue and compress those brain tissues, but some of the most malignant primary brain tumors will invade surrounding tissue.

Of the numerous classification systems used for tumors of the central nervous system, the World Health Organization (WHO) commonly uses the classification system for astrocytomas. Founded in 1993 to eliminate confusion regarding diagnoses, the WHO system outlines a four-level histological classification for grading astrocytomas, which assigns a grade from 1 to 4, with 1 being the least aggressive and 4 being the most aggressive.

Brain tumor treatment

When a brain tumor is diagnosed, a medical panel is formed to evaluate the treatment options presented to the patient and family by the lead surgeon. Given the location of primary solid brain tumors, the “do nothing” option is generally not considered in most cases. Neurosurgeons take time to observe the evolution of the tumor before suggesting a treatment plan for the patient and his relatives. These different treatments are available depending on the type and location of the tumor and can be combined to increase the chances of saving your life:

  • Surgery: complete or partial resection of the tumor to remove as many tumor cells as possible.
  • Radiation therapy: the most commonly used method to treat brain tumors; the tumor is irradiated with beta rays, x-rays and gamma rays.
  • Chemotherapy: is an option for cancer treatment, however, it is rarely used to treat brain tumors because the blood-brain barrier between the blood and brain prevents drugs from reaching cancer cells. Chemotherapy can be thought of as a poison that prevents all cells in the body, including cancer cells, from growing and dividing. Thus, patients undergoing chemotherapy experience significant side effects.
  • Various experimental methods treatments have been described in clinical studies.

Survival for primary brain tumors depends on the type of tumor, age, performance status of the patient, extent of surgical removal of the tumor, and other case-specific factors.


The main and most desirable course of action described in the medical literature is surgical removal of the tumor (resection) by craniotomy. Minimally invasive techniques are being studied, but are far from common practice. The initial goal of the surgery is to remove as many tumor cells as possible. Complete removal is the best outcome, but cytoreduction of the tumor (removal followed by radiation or chemotherapy) is otherwise. In some cases, access to the tumor is impossible, and this prevents or makes surgery impossible.

Many meningiomas, with the exception of some tumors located at the base of the skull, can be successfully removed by surgery. Most pituitary adenomas can be removed surgically, often using a minimally invasive approach through the nasal cavity or base of the skull (trans-nasal, trans-sphenoid approach). Large pituitary adenomas require craniotomy (opening the skull) to be removed. Radiation therapy, including a stereotactic approach, is used for inoperable cases.

Several ongoing studies aimed at improving the surgical treatment of brain tumors use a method of labeling tumor cells with 5-aminolevulinic acid, which causes them to glow. Postoperative radiation therapy and chemotherapy are an integral part of the therapeutic standard for malignant tumors. Radiation therapy may also be used in cases of low-stage glioma where significant tumor removal cannot be achieved through surgery.

Anyone undergoing brain surgery may suffer from epileptic seizures. Seizures can range from none to severe tonic-clonic seizures. Prescribed treatment is aimed at minimizing or eliminating the occurrence of seizures.

Multiple metastatic tumors are usually treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy rather than surgery, and the prognosis in such cases is determined by the condition of the primary tumor, but is usually poor.

Radiation therapy

The goal of radiation therapy is to selectively kill tumor cells while leaving healthy brain tissue unharmed. With standard external beam radiation therapy, complex treatment of the brain with doses of fractions of radiation is used. This process is repeated for a total of 10 to 30 procedures, depending on the type of tumor. This provides additional treatment for some patients with improved outcomes and increased survival rates.

Radiosurgery is a treatment method that uses computerized calculations to focus radiation on the tumor site while minimizing the radiation dose to the brain tissue surrounding the tumor. Radiosurgery may be an adjunct to other treatments, or it may represent the primary treatment for some tumors.

Radiation therapy may be used after, or in some cases, at the site of tumor resection. Forms of radiation therapy that are used for brain cancer include external beam radiation therapy, brachytherapy, and in more complex cases, stereotactic radiosurgery such as Gamma Knife, CyberKnife, or Novalis Tx radiosurgery.

Radiation therapy is the most common treatment for secondary brain tumors. The amount of radiation treatment depends on the size of the area of ​​the brain affected by the cancer. Standard external radiation with "whole brain radiation therapy" or "whole brain radiation therapy" may be offered if there is a risk that other secondary tumors may develop in the future. Stereotactic radiation therapy is usually recommended in cases involving fewer than three small secondary brain tumors.

In 2008, a study published by the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center found that cancer patients who were treated with stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) combined with whole-brain radiation therapy to treat metastatic brain tumors were at risk for learning problems and more than twice as many memory problems as patients treated with SRS alone.


Patients undergoing chemotherapy are given drugs designed to kill tumor cells. Although chemotherapy can improve overall survival in patients with the most malignant primary brain tumors, it does so in only about 20 percent of patients. Chemotherapy is often used in young children instead of radiation because radiation can have negative effects on the developing brain. The decision to give this treatment is based on the patient's general health, the type of tumor, and the extent of the cancer. The toxicity and side effects of many drugs, and the uncertain results of chemotherapy for brain tumors, make this treatment less preferable to surgery and radiation therapy.

Neuro-oncologists at the University of California, Los Angeles are publishing real-time survival data for patients diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme. It is the only institution in the United States that maps how brain tumor patients perform on current therapy. They also show a list of chemotherapy drugs that are used to treat high stage glioma.

Other treatments

Shunt surgery is not used as a treatment for cancer, but as a way to relieve symptoms by reducing hydrocephalus due to blockage of the cerebrospinal fluid.

Researchers are currently studying a number of promising new treatments, including gene therapy, targeted radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and new chemotherapy drugs. A variety of new treatments are now available at research centers specializing in the treatment of brain tumors.


The prognosis depends on the type of cancer. Medulloblastoma has a good prognosis with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgical resection. While with various glioblastomas, the average survival period is only 12 months, even with the use of aggressive chemotherapy and radiation therapy and surgery. Base brain gliomas have a poor prognosis, like any form of brain cancer, with most patients dying within one year, even with therapy, which usually consists of radiation to the tumor combined with corticosteroids. However, there is information that one type of centrally located base glioma may have an exceptional prognosis for long-term survival.

Glioblastoma multimorpha

Glioblastoma of the brain is the most dangerous and most common form of malignant brain tumors. Even with aggressive multimodal therapy consisting of radiation, chemotherapy and surgical resection, the average life expectancy is only 12-17 months. Standard therapy for glioblastoma consists of maximal surgical resection of the tumor, followed by radiation therapy two to four weeks after surgery to remove the cancerous tumor, followed by chemotherapy. Most patients with glioblastoma take corticosteroids, usually dexamethasone, to relieve symptoms during their illness. Experimental treatments include gamma knife radiosurgery, boron neutron capture therapy, and gene transplantation.


Oligodendrogliomas are incurable but slowly progressive malignant brain tumors. They can be treated with surgical resection, chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. When low-grade oligodendroglioma is suspected in selected patients, some neuro-oncologists opt for a course of watchful waiting and symptomatic therapy only. It has been established that tumors associated with mutations in chromosomes 1p or 19q are especially sensitive to chemotherapy drugs. One source reports that oligodendrogliomas are "among the most chemically sensitive of human solid tumors." With low-grade oligodendrogliomas, the average life expectancy reaches 16.7 years.

Epidemiology of brain tumors

The incidence of low-grade astrocytomas has not been shown to vary significantly by ethnicity. However, studies examining the incidence of CNS malignancies have shown some dependence on national origin. Since some high-grade tumors arise from less dangerous tumors, these trends are worth mentioning. In particular, the incidence of central nervous system tumors in the United States, Israel, and Nordic countries is relatively high, while Japan and Asian countries have lower rates. These differences likely reflect some biological differences as well as differences in pathological diagnosis and reporting.

Worldwide data on cancer incidence can be found on the WHO (World Health Organization) website and is also processed by IARC (World Agency for Research on Cancer), based in France.

Data on the incidence of brain cancer show significant differences between more and less developed countries. Less developed countries have a lower incidence of brain tumors. This may be explained by mortality from undiagnosed tumors. Patients in countries with extreme living conditions are not receiving a diagnosis, simply because they do not have access to the modern diagnostic tools needed to diagnose brain tumors. Also, many deaths there are due to the fact that it is not possible to take appropriate measures to treat the patient before the tumor becomes life-threatening. However, research suggests that certain forms of primary brain tumors are more common in certain populations.

United Kingdom

UK national statistics on newly diagnosed brain malignancies 2007 (absolute numbers and incidence per 100,000 people)

Units of measurement

All ages

Absolute numbers

Frequency per 100,000 inhabitants


In the United States, 43,800 new cases of brain tumors were identified in 2005 (United States Central Brain Tumor Registry, United States Primary Brain Tumor Registry, Statistical Reports, 2005-2006), accounting for less than 1% of all cancer cases, 2.4% of all cancer deaths, and 20-25% of childhood cancers. Ultimately, it is estimated that there are 13,000 deaths per year in the United States alone as a result of brain tumors.

Developing countries

While cancer death rates are declining in the United States, children in developing countries are suffering due to the lack of a modern healthcare system. More than 60 percent of the world's children with cancer have little or no access to effective treatment, and their survival rate is significantly lower than in countries with developed health care systems.


Vesicular stomatitis virus

In 2000, researchers at the University of Ottawa, led by John Bell, Ph.D., discovered that vesicular stomatitis virus, or VSV, could infect and kill cancer cells without affecting healthy cells when combined with interferon.

The initial discovery of the oncolytic properties of the virus applied to only a few types of cancer. Several independent studies have identified many other types that are susceptible to the virus, including glioblastoma cancer cells, which make up the majority of brain tumors.

In 2008, artificial engineered strains of VSV were obtained that had less cytotoxic effects on normal cells. This achievement allows the use of the virus without the simultaneous use of interferon. Therefore, the prescribed virus may be administered intravenously or through the olfactory nerve. In the study, a human brain tumor was implanted into the brains of mice.

Viral treatment research that has been conducted for several years has not found any other viruses as effective or specific as VSV mutant strains. Future studies will focus on the risks of such treatments before they are applied to humans.

Replication of retroviral vectors

Researchers at the University of Southern California, now located in Los Angeles, led by Professor Nori Kasahara, reported in 2001 the first successful application of replication using retroviral vectors to transduce cell lines derived from solid tumors. Based on this initial experience, researchers applied the technology to a natural cancer model, and in 2005, reported long-term survival for an experimental animal brain tumor model. Subsequently, in preparation for human clinical trials, this technology was further developed using the Toca 511 virus and Toca FC. This pathway is currently in the testing phase for the potential treatment of recurrent high-grade glioma, including glioblastoma and anaplastic astrocytoma.

Brain tumors in children

In the United States, about 2,000 children and adolescents under the age of 20 are diagnosed with malignant brain tumors every year. Relatively high incidence rates were reported in 1985-94 compared to 1975-83. There is some debate as to the reasons for this difference. One theory is that the trend is a result of improved diagnosis and reporting, since the jump occurred at the same time as magnetic resonance imaging became widely available, and there were no coincidental jumps in mortality rates. For central nervous system (CNS) cancer, the survival rate in children is approximately 60%. The extent depends on the type of cancer and the age at which the tumor occurred, with younger patients having a higher mortality rate.

In children under 2 years of age, about 70% of brain tumors are medulloblastomas, ependymomas, and low-grade gliomas. More rarely, and usually in infants, teratomas and atypical teratoid/rod tumors occur. Germ cell tumors, including teratomas, account for only 3% of childhood primary brain tumors, but incidence varies widely around the world.



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