Colme drops are a comfortable way to treat alcoholism. The best analogues of Colma drops

The drug Colme is used in drug therapy alcohol addiction for more than thirty years. The emergence of this remedy is associated with the discovery at the beginning of the twentieth century of a sensitizing effect (increasing the body’s sensitivity to the effects of various chemicals, which leads to the development allergic reactions) cyanamides in relation to alcohol.

Colme was originally released in tablet form, but recent years Colme drops, which are essentially aqueous solution cyanamide

Composition and release form of the drug

The drug is available in the form of drops for oral administration, which are a colorless transparent solution with a slight odor of ethyl acid. One drop of Colme contains three milligrams of cyanamide, and one milliliter of drops contains sixty milligrams of the substance.

As additional substances The drug contains:

  • Sorbic acid.
  • Acetic glacial acid.
  • Sodium acetate.
  • Distilled water.

In pharmacies, Colme is sold in dark glass capsules of fifteen milliliters, complete with a dropper.

How does the drug work for alcoholism?

The action of the drug is based on blocking the enzyme involved in the breakdown of ethanol, as a result of which the concentration of acetaldehyde significantly increases. This is a substance that has a toxic effect on the entire body. When the level of acetaldehyde increases, the patient experiences extremely negative feelings:

Such symptoms are assessed as a reaction of the body medium degree gravity. However, the patient’s body can react to alcohol much stronger:

  • Collapse.
  • Severe depression of respiratory function.
  • Intensive reduction in blood pressure.

The severity of symptoms depends on how much alcohol the person drank - what more dose, the more severe the reaction. IN extreme cases supportive respiratory and cardiovascular systems. These symptoms are so intense that the addicted person experiences persistent conditioned reflex, which is directly related to drinking alcohol because every time a person drinks, these symptoms appear.

Over time, the patient develops a reflexive-conditioned aversion not only to the taste, but even to the smell of alcohol. Absolute majority medicines with similar action contain the active ingredient disulfiram.

Cyanamide, which is contained in Colma, gives the drug the following advantages over analogues:

  • Colme is less toxic than disulfiram.
  • The drug begins to act much faster than its analogues (no later than one hour after administration).
  • Colme is a liquid, and drugs with disulfiram are a dry substance that is poorly soluble in liquids, which allows you to mix Colme into drinks and food, completely unnoticed by the patient.
  • Colme has no smell or taste.
  • The drug does not change its useful properties even when exposed to high temperatures, up to 120˚C.

Treatment with Colme can be carried out both at home and in a hospital clinic.

The main condition for starting drug therapy is complete absence state alcohol intoxication and ethyl alcohol in the patient’s blood.

To do this, before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo infusion-detoxification therapy or maintain a period of sobriety of one or two days. Taking Colme usually starts with a dose of twelve to twenty-five drops (set individually by the doctor) with an interval of twelve hours. Over time, the dosage of Colme can be reduced to a maintenance level.

The duration of treatment for Colme depends on the complexity of each individual case, therefore it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate by taking the drug uncontrollably. Drops are added to not hot without alcoholic drinks or cold food, it is convenient to dose them using a special bottle with a dropper into which the contents of the ampoule are poured.

Interaction of Colme with other drugs

Concomitant use of Colme with metronidazole, isoniazid, phenytoin and other aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitors can significantly enhance the body's response to alcohol consumption (these combinations should be avoided).

A break of at least ten days must be observed between taking disulfiram and Colme. Colme is also not compatible with drugs of the aldehyde group (paraldehyde and chloral products).

When taking two or more medications, it is necessary to take into account the fact that they can either enhance or weaken the effect of each other. In the first case, there is a risk of overdose or poisoning, and in the second, the patient may not get the desired effect from the drug.

Indications and contraindications

The following indications for the use of Colme can be distinguished:

Contraindications to the use of Colme are:

  • Diseases respiratory system.
  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Severe liver diseases.
  • Kidney diseases that are accompanied by dysfunction.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • Increased sensitivity and individual intolerance to the active components of the drug.

Possible side effects

Colme should not be used without a doctor's prescription and prior full examination sick. This drug may have negative impact to work endocrine system. It is used with caution when:

  • Diabetes mellitus of any type.
  • Diseases thyroid gland.
  • Cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Kidney diseases.

During a long course of treatment for alcoholism (more than six months), it is necessary to check the functioning of the thyroid gland every six months. Colme is usually well tolerated by the body if the patient does not drink alcohol.

However, in some cases, the patient may experience the following side effects:

  • Drowsiness.
  • Feeling tired.
  • Skin rash.
  • Transient leukocytosis.
  • Tinnitus.

Many speak of Colma as a drug that can be used without the knowledge of the addicted person. However, this is strictly not recommended, since alcohol is found not only in drinks, it is added to food, confectionery, medications.

If the patient does not know about Colme’s treatment and consumes anything from this category of products, he will experience a disulfiram-like reaction in the body, which may well be fatal. T

There is also a risk of an emergency admission of the patient to a hospital, where a person who does not know about Colme’s treatment will not notify his attending physician and will receive a dose of medication containing alcohol, which will require emergency intervention by the team intensive care. Particularly stubborn patients with a severe dependence on alcohol may well continue to drink alcohol against the backdrop of a reaction to the drug, literally testing their heart and other organs for strength.

The following analogues of Colme can be distinguished, which are also used to treat alcohol dependence:

  • Disulfiram.
  • Lidevin.
  • Proprothene-100.

Disulfiram is a classic drug from the group of acetaldehydrogenase inhibitors, healing effect at this drug is achieved due to the intense reaction of the body to alcohol drunk simultaneously with the drug:

  • Hyperemia skin.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Flushes of heat to the body.
  • Dizziness.

The more alcohol a patient drinks, the stronger and longer the symptoms will appear. In extreme cases, symptoms may worsen to:

  • Respiratory depression.
  • Cramps.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Acute heart failure, heart attack.

Another analogue of Colme is Lidevin, which is also used for the treatment of chronic alcohol dependence and relapse of binge drinking. The specificity of the drug’s action lies in the effect of disulfiram on the metabolic processes of ethanol, which leads to an increase in the level of acetaldehyde. If a patient drinks alcohol during the course of treatment, he will have the following symptoms:

  • Nausea.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Headache.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Blood pressure surges.

The patient’s physical condition is assessed as moderate or severe, however, Lidevin contains vitamin B, which increases the body’s ability to tolerate the effects of disulfiram.

Proproten-100 is produced in the form of lozenges; the drug also has an anti-alcohol effect on the patient’s entire body, reducing the craving for drinking alcohol and the risk of possible relapses binge drinking

Medicine also helps to increase the level of brain resistance to the toxic effects of alcohol. Proprothene-100 is used not only as a remedy against alcoholism, but also to alleviate psychopathological disorders (anxiety, sleep disorders, increased nervousness, anxiety, decreased emotional background).

To develop an aversion to alcohol and reduce cravings for strong drinks, narcologists recommend taking Spanish drops of Colme. The medicine has a simple dosage regimen and can be taken with food and drink. If the patient strictly adheres to the condition of abstaining from alcohol, the risk of side effects is minimal. Negative consequences appear only when the drops are combined with ethanol. When taking it, you must be careful and strictly follow the doctor's instructions.

Colme's cure for alcoholism

Spanish drops are designed to combat alcoholism and long-term drinking bouts. The product helps provoke an aversion to alcoholic beverages, causing large amounts of alcohol upon contact with ethanol. unpleasant symptoms. When using medication as therapy, carefully monitor the patient's condition and give the medication only with his or her consent to avoid negative consequences.

Composition and release form

Colme is available in the form of a solution. The liquid is colorless and has the smell of vinegar. Each dark glass ampoule contains 15 ml of solution. The medication is packaged in a cardboard box; the kit also includes a bottle with a dropper for convenient dosing. The composition of the drug is indicated in the table:

Pharmacological action

Colme - drops intended for the treatment and prevention of alcoholism. The mechanism of their action is based on the suppression of aldehyde dehydrogenase, a substance involved in the process of ethyl alcohol metabolism. Blocking the enzyme increases the concentration of acetaldehyde. This ethanol metabolite causes discomfort(nausea, shortness of breath, tachycardia, flushing of the face), which bring discomfort to a person who drinks alcohol after taking Colma. This effect of the drug leads to the formation of an aversion to the taste and smell of alcohol.

Unlike disulfiram, cyanamide has low toxicity and does not have hypotensive effect. The reaction to alcohol after taking Colme occurs within 45-60 minutes and lasts about 12 hours. Cyanamide has a specific action. The substance helps block only aldehyde dehydrogenase, without affecting the functioning of other enzymes in the body.

Indications for use

Before using the drug Colme, you should consult a specialist, since you need to exclude the presence of contraindications and the possibility of side effects. Doctors prescribe medication to treat alcoholism in chronic form. After successful therapy, aimed at eliminating dependence on alcohol, the drug is used to prevent relapse.

Instructions for use Colme

An important requirement of the instructions is the condition that the prescription of a medication is possible only after the patient has completed all the necessary diagnostic measures. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will determine the required dosage and explain what consequences the patient can expect when using the product. The instructions prohibit adding drops to food or drinks without the patient’s knowledge.

Drops for alcoholism

For the treatment of alcohol addiction, long binges the drug should be taken 12-25 drops 2 times a day. Required dosage must be installed by a specialist. Colma should not be consumed simultaneously with hot drinks or food, since high temperatures negatively affect the active substance. The ampoule should be opened and the liquid contained in it should be poured into the bottle from the box. You need to put a dropper dispenser on top of the bottle. If the medicine needs to be stored for a long time, the bottle should be tightly closed.

Application of Colme Light

The composition of the drug Colme Light includes vitamins, yarrow and thyme extracts. The product helps to minimize the risk of breakdowns that can occur after successful treatment for alcoholism. According to the instructions, you need to take 5 ml of syrup three times a day. It is advisable to take the medicine at the same time with food or immediately after a meal. The course of therapy is 1 month. According to doctors, the medication is safe for long-term use, you can drink it for prevention.

Special instructions

Colme drops should be used to solve the problem of alcoholism only with the consent of the patient and under the supervision of a specialist. During treatment, the possibility of a reaction to ethanol, which is contained in food products or medicines. Therapy is allowed to begin 12 hours after the last intake of strong drinks. When prescribing the drug to patients with certain pathologies, caution should be exercised, as there may be a health risk. At long-term use drops should monitor thyroid function.

During pregnancy

The use of the drug during pregnancy may lead to unpredictable consequences for mother and fetus. The use of the medication in any trimester of pregnancy is strictly prohibited. Toxic components of the medicine can enter the child’s body through mother's milk Therefore, breastfeeding is an absolute contraindication to drug therapy. Treatment during lactation is possible when the baby is switched to artificial nutrition. Resume breastfeeding possible after complete removal of the medication from the woman’s body.

Drug interactions

The active ingredient of the drug is incompatible with drugs of the aldehyde group (chloral derivatives and paraldehyde). Patients who have undergone treatment for alcohol dependence using disulfiram can take Colme no earlier than 10 days after stopping treatment. An increase in the patient's reaction to drinking alcohol occurs when joint use cyanamide with aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitors (metronidazole, phenytoin, isoniazid). Combinations of these drugs are recommended to be avoided.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated by patients who do not drink alcohol during therapy. Neglecting the conditions specified in the instructions for use of Colme may cause unpleasant consequences. Possible side effects include the following:

  • increased drowsiness;
  • sensation of tinnitus;
  • skin rashes;
  • feeling excessively tired;
  • transient leukocytosis.

If patients taking Colme strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and do not drink alcohol, severe complications can be avoided. The severity of the consequences depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. When in contact with ethanol, the drug may cause side effects:

  • redness of the skin;
  • loss of vision clarity;
  • increased sweating;
  • pain behind the sternum;
  • general weakness;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • nausea;
  • pronounced sensation of pulsation in the head and neck area;
  • sharp fall blood pressure;
  • collapsed state;
  • vomiting;
  • breathing disorders.


The instructions for use do not describe specific clinical symptoms overdose. If a large concentration of the drug enters the body, the severity of adverse reactions may increase. Upon admission high doses medications require gastric lavage, symptomatic and detoxification therapy aimed at normalizing the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. In severe cases of overdose, a blood transfusion may be required.


Not all categories of patients are allowed to take the drug to combat chronic alcoholism. The drops have a row absolute contraindications:

Experts identify several conditions for which the medicine is prescribed with caution. The use of the drug in the presence of these factors should be accompanied by constant medical supervision. Relative contraindications are:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney ailments light form;
  • epilepsy;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • heart and vascular diseases of mild or moderate severity.

Terms of sale and storage

The drug Colme for alcoholism is dispensed from pharmacies only upon presentation prescription form. The drug should be stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. The shelf life of the medicine is 24 months from the date of manufacture. After this period, use of the product is prohibited.


The drug does not have structural analogues according to the active substance. If it is not possible to purchase Colme, it can be replaced with products related to the same pharmacological group, having first consulted a doctor. Analogs of the drug are as follows:

  • Disulfiram - tablets, oil solution, produced in China, Poland and France. According to its action, the medication is classified as anti-alcohol drugs. The effectiveness of Disulfiram is due to an increase in the concentration of acetaldehyde. The ethanol metabolite leads to dyspepsia, asthenia, drop in blood pressure, and tachycardia. Intoxication with this substance helps create a person’s dislike for alcohol. Disulfiram can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Contraindications include: epilepsy, pregnancy, chronic diseases nervous system, diabetes mellitus, individual intolerance. It is recommended to take 125-500 mg orally per day. Injections and implantation can only be carried out by a specialist.
  • Metadoxil is an Italian drug produced in tablet and injection form. The active substance (methadoxine) has a hepatoprotective, anti-alcohol, and detoxification effect. Liver protection is provided by regulating the balance of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Reducing the toxic effects is achieved by inducing enzymes of this organ that are involved in the metabolism of ethanol. The drug helps improve memory and thought processes, reduces motor agitation, and has an antidepressant effect. Indications for the use of Metadoxil tablets are liver diseases caused by exposure to alcohol, chronic alcoholism. The solution is used to treat withdrawal symptoms and acute poisoning ethanol-containing products. Metadoxil therapy is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding, individual sensitivity to components. Pills should be taken orally, 1 pc. 2 times/day about half an hour before meals. The minimum course is 90 days. At acute intoxication you need to administer 1-2 ampoules of the solution intramuscularly or 300-900 mg intravenously.
  • Antaxon is an Italian medicine that blocks opiate receptors. Release form: capsules and oral solution. Used for chronic alcoholism. It is forbidden to take Antakson to patients under 18 years of age, if there are opioids in the urine test, acute hepatitis, renal failure, withdrawal syndrome, positive reaction with naloxone, hypersensitivity to the components. For the treatment of alcohol dependence, 50 mg of the drug is prescribed daily. Duration of therapy – from 12 weeks.

Alcoholic drinks for large quantities Russians have become faithful companions, accompanying them every day both on holidays and in everyday life.

The consequence of such “friendship” is the same – alcoholism. There are many ways to treat alcohol addiction, but many prefer drug method. Colme's drops also joined the fight against her.

Colme is a very expensive, high-quality method of returning a person to normal rhythm life, without alcoholic beverages. But you will have to shell out a substantial amount of money.

Many consumers are increasingly interested in the question: do this medicine have similar substitutes or generics? It's time to analyze pharmaceutical market in search of new analogues of Colme drops for alcoholism.

Basic information


The drug contains sorbic acid, acetic acid, sodium acetate and purified water. It is this burning composition that resists the “green snake”.


Prescribed for any stages of alcoholism, also used for prophylactic purposes and to prevent relapse.


Drops are contraindicated for:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • renal failure;
  • liver pathologies;
  • disorders in the respiratory system;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding.

In addition, this medicine can cause side effects, so taking it without a doctor's recommendation is strongly not recommended!

Side effects

Many people believe that drugs in the form of drops have minimal negative impact on the human body. This judgment is fundamentally wrong! Drops for alcoholism can accompany a person with a number of unpleasant side effects. These include the following symptoms:

  • skin itching;
  • rash, redness on the skin;
  • state of fatigue, tiredness (even in the absence of physical activity);
  • daytime sleepiness;
  • leukocytosis;
  • tinnitus.

If you combine drops and alcoholic drinks at the same time, then The patient can expect very unpleasant sensations:

  • a clear sensation of pulsation in the head, temples, and neck;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • feeling severe discomfort in the stomach;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • blurred vision, loss of image clarity;
  • increased sweating;
  • feeling of fullness in the chest.


The price of Colme drops ranges from 1000 to 1400 rubles per bottle of the drug.

List of analogues of the drug Colme in drops

Among the wide range pharmaceuticals, aimed at getting rid of alcohol addiction, especially replacement drugs such as Mexidol, Proproten-100 and AlcoBloker stand out. The last two of these remedies are analogues of Colme drops, also in drops.

Where to buy substitutes, as well as their prices, we will consider below.


Compound. The drug has an antioxidant effect, which is based on the substance ethylmethylhydroxypyridine.

Indications. The drug is used in various areas:

  • in the treatment of alcohol dependence;
  • to eliminate withdrawal symptoms after quitting alcohol;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • dystonia;
  • psycho-emotional disorder;
  • traumatic brain injury.

Price. The drug is available in the form of tablets packed in blisters. It goes on sale in a cardboard box. Average cost in Russian pharmacies – within 250 rubles for 30 tablets.

Comparison with the original. Mexidol has more extensive scope of application, while the original is directly aimed at combating alcohol addiction. However, the analogue has a much more acceptable cost. Another difference is in the release form.

About Pro Ten-100

A well-known analogue of the drug Colme in drops.

Compound. The basis of the composition is a homeopathic mixture, antibodies, a proportion of ethyl alcohol and purified water.

Indications. The most powerful remedy, direct action which is aimed at treating alcohol dependence, eliminating withdrawal symptoms and preventing relapse.

Price. Purchase a 25 ml bottle containing medicinal drops, possible within 280 rubles.

Comparison with the original. The analogue has a very complex composition, while the cost of the drops is several times cheaper than the original. Indications for use are the same.


Compound. One of the most modern means to combat alcohol addiction has a completely natural, natural composition:

  • aloe vera;
  • motherwort;
  • turmeric;
  • blue;
  • centaury;
  • thyme.

This makes the drug as safe as possible for the human body. Unlike most medicines, contraindications include only increased sensitivity or intolerance to those natural healers, which form the basis of the composition.

Colme drops and its analogues received widespread in the field of recovery from alcohol addiction. The mechanism of action of such drops is to increase the level of acetaldehyde, which in turn causes a painful reaction in the body when consuming alcohol. This causes negative attitude to alcohol.

Features of the drug Colme

Colma is allowed to cure chronic addiction from ethyl alcohol, while most other drugs only eliminate hangover syndrome. Alternatively, drops can be used as prophylactic against relapses that are possible after treatment. Under the influence of the drug, the enzyme that is necessary for the breakdown of ethanol is blocked. As a result, when consuming even a small amount of alcohol, the concentration of acetaldehyde sharply increases, which causes toxic poisoning body. Toxicosis causes a whole list of unpleasant sensations:

  1. tachycardia,
  2. dyspnea,
  3. severe nausea
  4. high blood pressure,
  5. rushes of blood.

The listed symptoms cause a persistent aversion to alcohol in an alcoholic, since with each consumption of alcoholic beverages this condition will invariably be repeated. The conditioned reflex disgust that is formed concerns not only the taste, but also the smell of alcoholic beverages.

The vast majority contain disulfiram. But Colme drops are prepared on the basis of cyanamide, which is active substance in this drug. That is why Colme is much less toxic than disulfiram-based drugs and acts faster. However, when taking such a drug, you can be prepared for the following side effects:

  • tinnitus;
  • drowsiness;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • skin rashes.

Such side effects do not pose a danger to either the health or the life of the patient, so if all recommendations for taking this medication are followed, the life of a coded former alcoholic is complete.

An analogue of Colme is known since Soviet times - it represents a group of acetaldehydrogenase inhibitors. When taking such a drug, the body produces an active reaction to any alcohol-containing drink. The powerful therapeutic effect is due to the following consequences from the combination of Disulfiram with alcohol:

  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • tachycardia;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • flushes of heat to the body.

A small dose of alcohol causes severe toxicosis, and the breakdown products of alcohol poison the body. All this leads to the following consequences:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • respiratory depression;
  • acute heart failure;
  • heart attack;
  • convulsions.

When taking this medicine, providing medical care is a necessity for the patient. Otherwise, acute toxicosis will end in death. After taking the drug, the patient is specifically given alcohol to drink so that dire consequences drinking alcohol remains in my memory. Drinking alcohol to form a conditioned reflex to alcohol occurs under the supervision of doctors who, if necessary, will be able to provide the required assistance. Treatment with Disulfiram should only occur in a hospital.

  • Before using the drug, the patient undergoes thorough examination, which allows you to assess the likelihood of side effects that are possible when taking the medicine.
  • Drinking alcohol after treatment with the drug is completely impossible, so if there is a relapse, the patient’s condition is very serious.
  • To conduct a course of treatment for alcoholism, the consent of the person dependent on alcohol is required.
  • The course of treatment involves a large load on the cardiovascular and nervous system, so it is used mainly to get rid of alcohol addiction in young people without pathologies, when other treatment options do not bring the desired effect.

Medicines containing disulfiram

Disulfiram is included in many medications for the treatment of alcohol addiction - all of them are also analogues of Colma and act in approximately the same way. As an example we can note. A special feature of this drug is its use to get rid of chronic alcoholism, as well as its relapses. Although it can be called an analogue of Colme, their composition is radically different. Since disulfiram affects ethanol metabolism, this leads to an increase in acetaldehyde levels. Any alcohol-containing drink causes characteristic symptoms:

  • nausea,
  • dizziness,
  • muscle weakness,
  • headache,
  • blood pressure surges,
  • tachycardia, etc.

In this situation physical condition the patient can be assessed as moderate or even severe. At the same time, vitamin B, which is also included in Lidevin, allows the body to endure the effects of disulfiram less painfully. This drug, like other disulfiram-based medications, allows you to overcome alcohol addiction due to a conditioned reflex that reinforces the connection between drinking and the body’s painful reaction, which causes an aversion to alcohol.

Another analogue of Colme is Proproten-100, which is produced in the form of lozenges. This drug has an anti-alcohol effect on the body and eliminates addiction to alcohol and relapses. The drug relieves psychological dependence from alcoholic drinks and increases the brain’s resistance to toxic effects alcohol.

The advantage of this drug is its beneficial influence for psychopathological disorders that are inevitable after systematic use ethyl alcohol - these can be anxiety, sleep disturbances, nervousness, increased emotionality, etc. Also, with the help of Proproten-100, a former alcoholic can get rid of somatovegetative disorders, for example, headaches, tremors, tachycardia, muscle weakness etc.

In any case, the choice of the drug that is optimally suited for the treatment of alcoholism in each specific case remains with the narcologist.

08.12.2017 Narcologist Mikhail Konstantinovich Transition 4

Analogs of the drug Kolme

Analogues of Colme in drops and its other forms are medicines that are similar in their mechanism of action. Medicines work on a similar principle, so they are prescribed for hypersensitivity or intolerance to any substances found in Colma.

Disulfiram is a fairly common analogue of the well-known Colme drops. It provokes development adverse reaction due to the ingestion of ethyl alcohol into the body. If the patient takes the drug and drinks alcohol, the following effects begin to appear:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • severe headaches, dizziness;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • high blood pressure.

When interacting with alcohol in the body, severe poisoning is provoked. The symptoms of intoxication are different for each person. It all depends on the health and condition of the body.

If side effects from the drug appear, you should immediately seek emergency help. Because if first aid is not provided to an alcoholic in time, death, due to severe poisoning of the body.

The product has a lot positive feedback. Before the course of treatment, the patient must undergo a medical examination and consult with the attending physician. If a person has any pathologies internal organs It is prohibited to take medicine.

Today, replacement drugs for relieving alcohol addiction can be found in every pharmacy. There are drops, tablets, suspensions and other forms of medicine. Their mechanism of action is similar. All medications containing disulfiram produce a conditioned reflex in the body to alcohol, which allows you to get rid of addiction.


The peculiarity of the drug is that it is used to treat chronic alcoholism. In composition it differs significantly from Colme. It includes healthy vitamins, which make side effects easier to bear. Vitamin B helps the body to tolerate disulfiram less harmfully. A product that can replace many effective means against addiction, actively fights alcoholism.


Available in the form of dragees for resorption. Effectively helps overcome mental and physical dependence. Active substances drugs promote recovery mental health and the general condition of the person. Relieves insomnia, headaches and hangovers.

A course of treatment can only be prescribed by a narcologist after a complete medical examination. The patient can choose which drug he will take during therapy.


The product is in the form of a suspension for internal administration. Available in ampoules or vials. The main active substance is an extract from white dung beetle, which helps to form a long-lasting aversion to ethyl alcohol, nicotine and narcotic drugs.

During the course of treatment, the patient develops a conditioned reflex. He begins to think that everything side effects occur due to the consumption of alcohol, as a result of which an aversion to alcohol is formed. One more active component Coprinol is succinic acid. It helps improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys. In addition, the components of the product increase human immunity.


An analogue of the drug Colme in the form of a suspension. Available in bottles, it is a dietary supplement. Biologically active substances nourish the body, saturate cells with vitamins and beneficial bacteria.

Alcofinal is prescribed as aid in the treatment of addiction. The active substance glycine helps improve the functioning of the brain and psyche. Due to the component, a person experiences a surge of strength and mood. Glycine improves psycho-emotional health patient, increases tone and improves immunity. Take only as directed. L-citrulline saturates the body's cells useful components, relieves lethargy, depression, fatigue, irritability. The product is actively used for sports nutrition. It is also sometimes prescribed as a dietary supplement in the treatment of addiction.

Extra Blocker

The active components of the product help get rid of addiction and form a persistent aversion to ethyl alcohol. Therapeutic effect is formed thanks to aversion therapy. When drinking alcohol, side effects immediately begin to progress, causing feeling unwell. After a couple of attempts to accept alcoholic drink the addict realizes that he cannot drink.

This effect is achieved thanks to:

  • B vitamins;
  • folic acid;
  • glycine;
  • medicinal herbs: knotweed, centaury, thyme, green tea, coprinus mushroom (or dung beetle).

When ingested, the components do not show any reaction, but if even a drop of alcohol gets into the body, it will begin to progress sharply negative reaction. Depending on the dose of alcohol, poisoning may occur varying degrees. Therefore, if the patient begins to experience side effects, you should immediately call ambulance in order to avoid bad consequences.

If the substance is constantly in the body, a person will not be able to drink alcohol. Each glass will provoke strong side effects. And with subsequent use, the effect will intensify. After several tests, the patient realizes that alcohol has begun to bring him no pleasure, but only poor health, and will independently give it up.


Analogue effective drug Colma for relieving alcohol addiction. The drug helps to give up addiction for a long time. Active substances effectively restore dead cells and help nourish the body with vitamins.

Alcobarrier removes everything toxic substances from the body, helps normalize metabolism and improve brain function. Available in the form of drops. The product includes:

  • medicinal herbs;
  • succinic acid;
  • vitamins;
  • fibergam.

Alcobarrier is allowed to be taken by patients diabetes mellitus and with hypersensitivity to various substances. The dietary supplement consists only of natural ingredients, which makes it completely safe for use. Does not cause side effects. Allowed for use with other products. Helps eliminate cravings for drinking. Has good quality and a cheap price.

General and differences between cyanamide and disulfiram

According to experts, the original remedy and its analogues effectively help get rid of alcohol addiction. Each drug acts differently, but the maximum positive effect from all is the same. But significant difference analogues in that the Colme drops themselves are created from toxic cyanamide, which has a more severe effect on the human body.

In addition, you may notice the following differences:

  1. Cyanamide. Substance when interacting with ethyl alcohol does not provoke a sharp decrease in blood pressure.
  2. Disulfiram. The product is completely absorbed into the cells of the body 10-12 hours after administration, but is effective for 5-6 days after its completion. This is its great advantage, since Colme drops are effective for only a day after the end of the course.
  3. Impact on the body. Cyanamide works much more effectively and efficiently than disulfiram. It localizes the relapse without affecting other important components of the body.

Based on all the pros and cons, we can conclude that the drug Colme is more effective in the fight against alcohol addiction. It actively acts only on certain relapses and helps to give up alcohol for a fairly long period. It can also be taken as a preventive measure.

It is also worth noting that the price of Colma’s analogues differs significantly from the original. Drug analogues are most often included in complex therapy for more positive effect. They help improve general condition, remove toxins from the body, restore mental and physical activity.



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