What vitamins are in apples table. The rich composition of apples with benefits for health and longevity

In the article we tell you what vitamins are in apples. Let's discuss who they are useful for and who they are contraindicated for. You will find out which fruits, green or red, have more ascorbic acid and some minerals.

Apples occupy a leading place in the list of fruits not only because of their taste. The amount of vitamins in apples is off the charts, and when proper storage they will provide a supply useful components almost until next season. Of course, the longer an apple sits, the less vitamins it contains. However, even after several months after harvest, apples contain more vitamins than some overseas fruits.

Apples are high in iron and vitamin C

To preserve the vitamins in apples, some still prefer to dry them. After all, even in this form, the apple retains most of the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. It also contains Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are important for humans.

  • water;
  • fiber;
  • carotene;
  • pectin;
  • starch;
  • organic acids;
  • macro- and microelements.

The fruit is rich in phytosterols, mono- and disaccharides, among which glucose and fructose dominate. It contains essential (valine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine) and non-essential (alanine, arginine, aspartic and glutamic acid, glycine, proline, serine, tyrosine, cystine) amino acids.


The table shows the vitamins contained in apples and their beneficial properties.

Substance Quantity per 100 g of product Useful properties
Vitamin A (retinol) 0.02-0.05 mg Provides correct work immune system, responsible for metabolic processes.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.01-0.03 mg Promotes wound healing by actively participating in cellular metabolism. Has an analgesic effect.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.01-0.03 mg Necessary for processing food into energy. Strengthens the immune system, plays important role at work nervous system.
Vitamin B3 (niacin) 0.25-0.4 mg Improves digestion, preserves healthy cells skin, helps the nervous system function properly.
Vitamin B5 ( pantothenic acid) 0.07 mg Normalizes oxidative processes, is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, some hormones and fats.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.08 mg Increases brain performance, improves memory and mood.
Vitamin B9 ( folic acid) 1.6-2.0 mcg Participates in hematopoiesis, regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 10.0 mg Strengthens the immune system. Slows down the aging process of the body. Neutralizes toxins of viruses and bacteria.
Vitamin E (tocopherol) 0.2-0.6 mg Has anti-inflammatory, vasodilating properties. It is classified as a cardioprotector.
Vitamin H (biotin) 0.3 mcg Stabilizes blood sugar levels. Controls fat metabolism.
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 2.2 mcg Necessary for normal blood clotting. Prevents bleeding and hemorrhages.

The table shows which vitamin is more found in apples. This is vitamin C - ascorbic acid. But you need to take into account that the color of the fruit directly affects the content of this coenzyme. A green apple contains significantly more vitamin C than a red or yellow one. Red and yellow apples contain more sugars, which is contraindicated for diabetics. The color of fruits is given by pigments, which can cause a negative reaction in children and diabetics. In addition, red and yellow apples have less acid, which means they are harder to digest.

Macro- and microelements

Nutritionists, first of all, value apples not for their vitamin content, but for the presence of some macro- and microelements. These fruits contain 350% daily norm boron and 63% rubidium.

Boron is important for joints - with its deficiency, there is a high risk of developing diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis. The mineral maintains normal levels of male and female sex hormones. Plays a major role in maintaining bone health, helping to better absorb calcium, which is responsible for development and regeneration skeletal system, including teeth.

Rubidium activates some enzymes, relieves some allergens, and reduces inflammatory processes in cells and the body as a whole. Restores the balance of the central nervous system and has a calming effect.

Macronutrients contained in apples:

  • calcium - 16 mg;
  • magnesium - 9 mg;
  • sodium - 26 mg;
  • potassium - 278 mg;
  • phosphorus - 11 mg;
  • chlorine - 2 mg;
  • sulfur - 5 mg.

Microelements contained in apples:

  • iron - 2.2 mg;
  • aluminum - 110 mcg;
  • boron - 245 mcg;
  • vanadium - 4 mcg;
  • iodine - 2 mcg;
  • cobalt - 1 mcg;
  • manganese - 0.047 mg;
  • copper - 110 mcg;
  • molybdenum - 6 mcg;
  • nickel - 17 mcg;
  • rubidium - 63 mcg;
  • fluorine - 8 mcg;
  • chromium - 4 mcg;
  • zinc - 0.15 mg.

For those diagnosed iron deficiency anemia and lack of hemoglobin, you should give preference to green fruits - they have a higher concentration of iron. You can check how rich an apple is in iron by making an incision - the faster the cut of the fruit darkens, the more useful it is for hematopoiesis.

Nutritional value

In addition to vitamins, apples contain 0.4 g of protein, 0.4 g of fat, 9.8 g of carbohydrates, 1.8 g dietary fiber and 86.3 g of water. 100 g of product contains 47 kcal.

The benefits of apples for the body

You already know what vitamins are contained in apples, now let’s look at specific examples why they are useful.

Disease, condition How they work
Alzheimer's disease Protect the brain from aging. Useful for improving and preserving memory.
Prevention of cancerous tumors Reduces the likelihood of pancreatic cancer by 23%. Prevent growth cancer cells in the liver, mammary gland and colon.
Protection against bad cholesterol Reduce cholesterol levels and help reduce it. The apple diet reduces blood cholesterol by 30%.
For the cardiovascular system They have a beneficial effect on the immune system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce their permeability, and relieve swelling. Proven healing effect with hypotension and hardening of blood vessels.
For the gallbladder Protects against the formation of stones in gallbladder. Have a soft choleretic effect, help prevent cholecystitis.
For diabetes Fruits with no high content sugars are indicated for patients diabetes mellitus. Fiber reduces blood sugar fluctuations.
Postmenopausal They increase bone density, which is important for women during this period, characterized by the risk of developing osteoporosis.
For asthma Helps reduce levels respiratory diseases. Children with asthma are better able to cope with the disease if they regularly drink apple juice. The vitamins in apples are very useful for pregnant women - thanks to the fruits, the risk of developing asthma in future children is reduced.
For digestion Improves digestion of food, normalizes stool. Effective for both constipation and diarrhea. They stop the processes of rotting and fermentation in the intestines, prevent flatulence and bloating. Indicated for weight loss.
For the liver Promotes detoxification of the body, removes waste and toxins.
For skin and hair They have antioxidant properties and prevent the aging of the epidermis. Must be consumed orally and added to cosmetics for skin and hair care.

Scientists are still debating whether apple seeds are beneficial. There is a theory that the enzymes contained in the seeds are natural antitumor agent. To do this, it is recommended to consume 3-6 pieces per day.

You can also find out what vitamins are in,.

Possible harm

Despite great content vitamins and minerals and beneficial properties of apples, they should be consumed with caution by people with the following diagnoses:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • colitis.

This does not mean that fruits should be abandoned altogether. Just don’t use them during periods of exacerbation of diseases. The rest of the time, especially with colitis, make fruit puree.

For more information about apples, watch the video:

What to remember

  1. Apples are the No. 1 fruit in almost the whole world. The vitamin C content in it is 50% higher than in an orange.
  2. The fruits are rich not only in vitamins, but also necessary for the body minerals. For example, the boron content in one apple is 350% of the daily value.
  3. Apple renders positive influence to all systems of the body. However, in some cases it is better to refuse it. This concerns peptic ulcer stomach, gastritis acute form and colitis.

Apples are the most common fruit crop in our latitudes. There are more than 10 thousand varieties that are grown in a variety of climatic conditions. These fruits can be eaten fresh, soaked, frozen, baked and even salted. What vitamins are contained in apples?


Apples are a source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, organic acids, sugar and other biologically active compounds. They are available all year round and are especially valuable during the season when they ripen.

Apples contain vitamin A, which prevents early appearance wrinkles, increases the body's resistance to infections, and participates in metabolic processes. Vitamins B 1, B 5, B 6 and B 9 are necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, stimulate mental activity. Vitamins B 2 and PP help cleanse the body and improve blood circulation. Apples contain a lot of vitamin C, which is involved in almost all internal biochemical processes, including in fat, protein, carbohydrate metabolism. It promotes the breakdown and absorption of iron, is needed for the synthesis and absorption of collagen and performs many other functions. Vitamin K in apples promotes wound healing and has a beneficial effect on digestion. Vitamin E is involved in metabolic processes and stimulates protein synthesis, increases tissue respiration, affects cell division, and acts as an antioxidant.

Of the macro- and microelements, apples are especially rich in potassium, iron, copper, and to a lesser extent calcium, magnesium, sodium, manganese, chromium, fluorine, phosphorus, and zinc. Potassium is involved in the regulation of electrolyte, water, acid balance, is necessary to ensure the conduction of nerve impulses and blood pressure regulation. Iron is involved in oxygen transport and is necessary for redox reactions. With its deficiency, hypochromic anemia is observed, increased fatigue, myocardiopathy, atrophic gastritis. Copper is necessary for the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. It is part of enzymes with redox activity, and is also needed to meet the oxygen needs of tissues.


Apples are a source of dietary fiber. Fiber in fruits lowers cholesterol, helps eliminate toxins, prevents the formation of gallstones, lowers blood sugar levels, normalizes microflora, promotes activation digestive enzymes in the intestines.

Apples strengthen blood vessels. This is facilitated by vitamin C and tannins as part of the fruit. In combination with citric, malic and tartaric acids, these components normalize the work digestive tract, prevent constipation, increase appetite. Therefore, fruits are recommended for violations of peristalsis; fresh apples are useful for low acidity, baked – at elevated levels.

Apples are useful for reducing blood cholesterol, strengthening blood vessels, and for atherosclerosis and heart failure.

Potassium and tannins prevent salt deposition uric acid and serve as a gout prevention. In addition, eating at least one apple a day prevents the development of urolithiasis.

These fruits have a choleretic effect and help prevent cholecystitis. Due to the iron content in easily digestible forms, fruits are recommended for anemia in children and pregnant women.

The benefit of apples lies in their mild diuretic effect. They are recommended for swelling, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart failure.

Pectin in fruits helps break down and remove cholesterol, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis. This substance has bactericidal properties and helps get rid of germs in oral cavity. If you chew an apple thoroughly, you can not only improve the condition of your teeth, but also massage your gums. Iodine in apple seeds is useful for thyroid diseases.

Ka which variety to choose

Apples contain large number fiber, organic acids, sugars, as well as carotene and pectin. Depending on the variety, the compound is biologically active substances is changing. Wild varieties contain more tannins, fiber, pectin and starch, and aromatic ones have antimicrobial properties. Sour apples contain more vitamin C. Green apples contain more iron, red apples contain more sugars.

Imported fruits have the least value in terms of the content of biologically active substances. So that they can be for a long time stored, before transportation, the fruits are covered with technical wax, which cannot be washed off with a brush or hot water. To verify its presence, just scrape the skin with a knife - wax scales will remain on the edge. The peel of such fruits should be cut off before consumption. In terms of composition, imported varieties are inferior to apples grown in middle lane. In them less vitamin C, organic acids, enzymes. This is due to the fact that the fruits are picked unripe, presentation they accept along the way.

It is best to eat fruits grown on your own plot. Thus, according to the content of vitamins C and P, which have preventive action for hypertension, the leading varieties are “Renet champagne”, “Borovinka Sergeeva”, “Parmin winter golden”, “Kuban”, “Babushkino”, “Winter excellent”, “Chinese pendant”, “Magistralnoe”, “Zorka”, “flashlight” ", "miracle" and others.

How to use

It is not recommended to eat apples immediately after the main meal: this causes fermentation in the stomach. The greatest benefit can be obtained if you eat the fruit 2-4 hours after eating. If you need to increase appetite and quality of absorption nutrients, it is recommended to eat it half an hour before the main meal.

Apple juice has no less healing properties than the fruit itself, although it has more glycemic index. It helps rejuvenate the body. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prevents the development inflammatory processes in the kidneys, eliminates constipation.

This fruit is enviably popular and has many beneficial properties. What vitamin is contained in an apple? Are all varieties equally useful? These questions are of interest to those people who seek to lead healthy image life.

Useful information

Apples are brought greatest benefit, if you eat the fruits with the peel and in fresh. The fact is that the peel and thin layer under it contain the bulk of vitamins, and most useful substances destroyed by heat. Preference is given to “native” varieties - imported apples are much less healthy. The amount of vitamins (in particular vitamin C) depends not only on the variety, but also on the shelf life of the fruit. What vitamins are present in apples? The range of useful substances is represented by vitamins A, group B, C, E, K.

Vitamin A (retinol)

Vitamin A is an antioxidant. This substance is necessary for our bones, skin, teeth, and hair. It helps maintain vision and also helps strengthen the immune system. The vitamin supports the functions of cell membranes, normalizes metabolic processes (including fat metabolism), and inhibits the aging process.

B vitamins

B1 (thiamine) takes part in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, regulates the passage nerve impulse. This substance protects cell membranes from peroxidation products.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is necessary for the formation of antibodies and red blood cells, as well as for regulating body growth and maintaining reproductive functions. The vitamin is responsible for the health of hair, skin, nails, as well as for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - this substance is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and amino acids, as well as for the synthesis fatty acids, histamine, cholesterol, hemoglobin, acetylcholine. It is important to remember that pantothenic acid is destroyed when heated - apples are best eaten fresh.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is needed by our body to absorb another B vitamin - cobalamin. Vitamin B6 is involved in the production gastric juice, promotes the absorption of fat and protein, serves as the prevention of various nervous and skin disorders. This substance prevents aging, reduces spasms, cramps, and numbness.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) – this substance is necessary for the creation and maintenance of the functions of new cells. Vitamin B9 is responsible for the growth of the body, therefore it acquires special meaning in childhood.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is needed for the restoration of tissue cells, blood vessels, gums, teeth and bones. It is necessary for the complete absorption of iron. Ascorbic acid supports protective forces body. At acute shortage this substance causes bleeding gums, hemorrhoids, varicose veins veins

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Tocopherol promotes the development of a growing organism, neutralizes the effect free radicals, enhances immune system, serves as a preventive measure coronary disease heart, increases endurance, improves skin condition, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps restore cells.

Vitamin H (biotin)

Biotin interacts with insulin (responsible for carbohydrate metabolism), participates in the synthesis of glycogens, helps absorb protein, promotes the absorption of other vitamins, and participates in fat burning.

Vitamin K (phylloquinone)

Phylloquinone ensures normal blood clotting. This substance plays a special role in bone formation (supports protein synthesis bone tissue), increases strength vascular walls, enhances muscle contractions, participates in the formation of energy, normalizes motor activity Gastrointestinal tract.

What vitamins does an apple contain? As you can see, this healthy fruit is real " vitamin bomb" The big advantage is that you can use it throughout the year.

Many have heard that apples are often called the fruit of health - this is true, they contain a large amount of vitamins such as C, B1, B2, P, E, including manganese and potassium. It is also one of the easily settled sources of iron. Apples are used not only for prevention colds, but also for the treatment of serious illnesses such as malignant formations
. Sufficient quantity potassium help stabilize blood pressure, well, calcium is necessary to strengthen tooth enamel and bone tissue. Do not forget that apples are almost hypoallergenic and can be consumed by almost everyone.

The fiber contained in green apples takes a long time to digest and prevents you from feeling hungry for a long time. It also contains pectin, which will help improve your complexion and promote youthful, fresh skin.

The benefits of baked apples are as great as those of raw apples, with heat treatment they do not lose a lot of nutrients. Don’t forget that the benefits of baked apples are also great.

Harm of apples.

Nowadays, apple diets are very common, thanks to which they burn effectively. excess fat. And therefore, people should not forget that while on such a diet due to coarse fiber, which is found in apples, can cause exacerbation of colitis and cause disruption gastrointestinal tract. Apples are especially harmful for those who have gastritis or duodenal ulcers.

Apple seeds contain a large amount of iodine and in order not to harm the body, it is recommended to consume no more than 5. Apple seeds, since they contain acid, which is a strong poison for the human body. Only if you limit yourself to the recommended amount, then apple seeds, on the contrary, will be beneficial for the body.

Can you eat apples for gastritis?

If you have high acidity, you can eat apples, you just need to choose sweet varieties. Due to the content of vitamins such as carotene, iron, manganese, potassium and calcium in apples, they are recommended for intestinal infections. If gastritis worsens, you should eat oven-baked apples in the first week.

With the help of apples you can improve your health and treat gastritis. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash the apples (preferably green varieties), core them and grate them. It is recommended to eat grated apples early in the morning, since you cannot eat anything for 4 hours before and after taking them, and by 11 o’clock you can have breakfast calmly. It is not recommended to eat apples at night, as they promote gas formation, which can worsen the condition. The first month you should eat apples in this form every day, the second month - 3 times a week, and the third month - 1 time a week. But all this must be combined with the prescribed diet, that is, exclude acute and salty food, fatty, coffee, strong tea, fresh bread.

Useful properties of apples for weight loss.

Due to its beneficial properties, apple is the basis different diets, as well as fasting days. This product allows you not only to effectively lose weight, but also improve your health. So as not to torture yourself strict diets and at the same time achieve the desired result, you just need to include apples in your diet and arrange fasting days.

Nutritionists recommend eating 2-4 apples a day or drinking 2 glasses of freshly squeezed apple juice. Apples contain a high content of vitamins such as (C, E, G, carotene, B vitamins and folic acid. Due to the food content, it is recommended to eat 5 - 6 apple seeds per day.

To lose weight, you should arrange fasting days 1-2 times a week, and for prevention, 1 fasting day per month will be enough. But before you introduce apples into your diet for weight loss, you need to know the following nuances:

First you need to determine which varieties of apples are right for you, since with peptic ulcers increased acidity You can’t eat sour apples, only sweet ones. And with low acidity, sour apples are appropriate.
Grated apples are easier to digest, but do not peel them as they contain a lot of nutrients underneath.
It is best to eat apples raw or after minimal heat treatment.
Only if you have no contraindications, then it is best to use several varieties of apples for weight loss.

Apple peel, what are its benefits?

An apple is not only tasty, but also very useful product, which is indispensable for our health. And the beneficial properties of apples have long been known to everyone. But as for apple peels, is it really that healthy? After all, many of us doubt its benefits, trying to carefully peel the skin from the apple.

Apple peels contain both insoluble fiber, which removes excess cholesterol from the blood, and soluble fiber, which in turn removes cholesterol from the liver. Thanks to numerous tests, it was found that the oxidants contained in apple peel help slow down the growth of cancer cells.

How to store apples in winter.

Of course, apples can be stored all winter and there is nothing difficult about it, the main thing is to choose the right variety, carefully remove them from the tree, and most importantly, create suitable conditions for storage.

To keep apples well, it is recommended to wipe each of them with a cloth soaked in glycerin or wrap it in thin paper. The best storage container is a box or cardboard box. The fruits must be carefully laid and the fruits sprinkled with sawdust, sand, peat chips or shavings. When storing apples in winter, you need to follow certain rules: do not store apples with strong-smelling foods, such as onions and garlic; indoor air humidity should be about 85-90%; The temperature during storage of apples should be around 0%.

Another way to store apples is to store them in the garden. The hole should be approximately 40-50 cm deep, but it is also worth considering climatic conditions terrain, since the depth of the hole may depend on this. Apples need to be put in plastic bags, tied tightly and placed at the bottom of the hole, after which the apples need to be covered with spruce or juniper branches to protect them from rodents and covered with earth. And don't forget to make a mark, for example, put a stick, in case you forget where to dig.

Vitamins in apples and pears

To taste and appearance fruits, you can determine the content of certain substances in them. In particular:

  • the astringent taste is associated with the presence of large amounts of tannin and tannins;
  • the orange-yellow color of the pulp indicates a significant carotene content;
  • fruits that quickly turn brown when cut are rich in vitamin PP;
  • having a strong aroma - rich in phytoncides.

The chemical composition of apple and pear fruits is characterized by a balance of the main components - sugars, pectin substances and organic acids. Apples and pears are one of the main sources for humans of pectin substances (Antonovka vulgaris, Welsey, Babushkino, etc.), which have the following beneficial properties:

  • bind and neutralize compounds of heavy and radioactive metals,
  • inhibit the development of harmful microorganisms in the intestines,
  • normalize the digestion process,
  • contribute to the removal of cholesterol from the body, thus being an anti-sclerotic factor.

The largest amount of pectin is obtained from baked fruits. Apples and pears contain almost all vitamins (A, B, C, E, PP, P, K). Daily requirement The body's vitamin C levels can be satisfied by eating 2-3 (250-300 g) fresh apples or pears. Small fruits usually contain more ascorbic acid. This is due to the fact that the largest amount is concentrated in the outer layer of pulp. Northern varieties are richer in vitamin C. The fruits contain a lot of vitamin P. The fruits contain 28 microelements (copper, zinc, molybdenum, manganese, etc.).

What acid is in apples?

Malic acid is found in unripe apples, grapes, rowan, barberry, raspberry, orange, tangerine, lemon, etc. Shag and tobacco plants contain it in the form of nicotine salts. In nature, the L-form of malic acid predominates.


In addition to their great taste, apples have beneficial properties in very large quantities. In our country, this is the most familiar fruit and it’s nice that it is extremely useful and necessary for our health. Medicinal properties apples can explain them healing composition. These fruits contain vitamins P, C, E, B1, B2, carotene, as well as potassium, iron, calcium, sodium, boron, phosphorus, copper, iodine, aluminum, magnesium, fluorine, manganese, zinc, pectins, fiber, organic acids and sugars. And the peel of the fruit contains flavonoids. The beneficial properties of these vitamin-rich fruits have been found wide application and in folk medicine, and in cooking, and even in cosmetology. Apples: beneficial properties for health Apple fruits help normalize functioning digestive system and gastrointestinal tract, and are also used to increase appetite and prevent constipation. One fruit with peel contains more than 10% of the required daily amount of fiber that the body needs. Insoluble fiber contained in apples is excreted from the body harmful substances and prevent constipation. Eating this fruit improves intestinal microflora and digestion. Apple reduces cholesterol levels in the blood due to the pectin content in it. Eating this product helps remove cholesterol from the body, thereby reducing the likelihood of heart attacks and blockage of blood vessels. And pectin helps bind harmful substances (for example, arsenic and lead) that enter the body, and then remove them from the human body. The biologically active components of these fruits can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. Apple juice perfectly strengthens the cardiovascular system.

What vitamins are contained in peaches?

This delicious fruit contains numerous organic acids (tartaric, citric, malic), mineral salts(iron, potassium, phosphorus, copper, zinc and others) and vitamins. The vitamins in peaches are represented by the following complex: vitamin C, group B, as well as vitamins E, PP, K and carotene.

Oranges are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The most important and useful substances it contains:

  • vitamins: A, C, E and B vitamins,
  • trace elements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, magnesium, zinc,
  • amino acids, flavonoids,
  • glucose, fructose, sucrose.

Of course, orange is primarily valuable for its large amount of ascorbic acid. It is believed that one citrus is enough to get all the necessary daily intake of vitamin C. The vitamins in sweet and sour orange are a boost of health that is needed at any time of the year, but is especially needed in winter period. It is also known about anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action, which will definitely come in handy during a cold. Thanks to its multivitamin composition, the orange fruit is able to restore balance essential microelements in the body, strengthen the immune system.

What are the benefits of apples for women?

In some cases junk food You can even call them apples. Benefits for the body and contraindications of a product are not mutually exclusive concepts. There is a misconception: apple skins contain many allergens, so to avoid negative reaction the fruit needs to be peeled.

If you are allergic to apples, avoid them completely; removing the peel will not help! Sweet fruits are not friendly to tooth enamel. Also, this garden miracle will harm gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcers, severe damage to the gallbladder. The plant fibers contained in the fruit can cause flatulence - this property will weaken if the fruit is baked in the oven. Read also:

  • What are the benefits of nectarine for the body?
  • What are the benefits of baked apples?
  • What are the benefits of prunes?
  • Is horseradish good or bad for the body?
  • The habit of snacking on an apple cannot be considered harmful. It is not for nothing that this fruit appears on the covers of health magazines - people who do not eat apples get sick much more often and more severely than lovers of the “fruit of paradise”. To be fair, it should be noted that sometimes raw apples lead to a deterioration in health, but if you know everything about the benefits and harms of this plant product, no trouble will happen! Any person with early age It is clear that eating apples is very healthy! However, not everyone knows why these fruits are so useful.

What vitamins are contained in green apples?

Green apples contain much more nutrients compared to their red counterparts. They contain vitamins B and C, chlorophyll; apple, ascorbic, wine, boric and citric acid; trace elements such as iron, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese and phosphorus.

Why are these fruits considered so healthy? What vitamins are contained in apples? It is this topic that we dedicate our today's review.

Why was the “most beautiful of the beautiful” Aphrodite given an apple? Is it really possible that ancient Greece nothing else grew? One theory says: it was the most revered (and rare at that time!) fruit. In Rus', at one time, a guy who wanted to propose to a young lady solemnly handed her a huge red apple. Even now, some Indian and South American religious denominations worship apples. And in some places they are called a symbol of life, hinting at the fall of Adam and Eve.

Vitamins contained in apple

Let's try to list the vitamins contained in an apple, because out of 15 it is vital necessary for a person There are 12 of them. Almost the entire set!

However, we will consider only those vitamins that are most abundant:

  1. It’s not for nothing that it’s in first place on the list: a pair of green “sevens” will fully provide it daily norm. Immunity, blood vessels, nervous and cardiovascular system, - the body simply needs it!
  2. B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9, more about them) fight depression and stress, supporting the central nervous system. They also break down fats and carbohydrates, heal chapped mucous membranes (sticking on the lips, for example, is caused by a lack of these vitamins), fight oily hair, and delay the occurrence of irreversible age-related changes on the face and body;
  3. Vitamin P (rutin) promotes normal state blood vessels - its lack provokes varicose veins and capillary fragility.

    Did you know?
    Determining whether the aromatic fruits you bought have enough vitamin P is very simple: it is its presence that provokes the darkening of the cut. If the flesh of apple slices quickly turns brown and becomes slightly tart in taste, you can be sure: they contain vitamin P, as well as tannins, which ensure better absorption. Do you want to add such fruits to your salad, but are you worried that after a while it will look unaesthetic? Drizzle over freshly cut pieces weak solution lemon juice.

  4. Vitamin H (biotin) is a component necessary in the formation of regulating carbohydrate and protein metabolism enzymes. Indirectly participates in the synthesis of DNA and RNA.

And yet, how many vitamins are in one apple?

Before you find out how many vitamins are in one apple, take a look at its color. Red or green? The first one is sweeter. The second is more useful.

Green, sour apples boast a high content of vitamin C—the large “seven” contains about 50 mg—as well as iron. A couple of juicy fruits will more than provide a person’s daily requirement of ascorbic acid, but the biotin (vitamin H) in an apple is 1/5 of the daily requirement. Vitamins B1 and B2 are approximately 1/7, and all other B vitamins are even smaller. Still, you won’t be able to eat apples alone!

Red apples have a quarter less nutritional value, but they are much sweeter and more tender - such fruits can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities and without worrying about the stomach lining. Although it is better for those suffering from ulcers to consume them baked. And those prone to allergic reactions- exercise caution.

Did you know?

  • A magical set of apple benefits can help in the fight against smoking! For this purpose, you need to eat only these fruits (of any color) for 4 days and green tea, slightly sweetened with a spoon of honey. Questionable recipe? Try it anyway! It certainly won’t do any harm; on the contrary, the body will be cleansed and the figure will become slimmer.
  • Just one large apple, eaten early in the morning, can replace a cup of coffee. Their tonic and invigorating effect is approximately the same, the main thing is to overcome the habit!

What are the benefits of apples?

What are the benefits of apples and why are they called “fruits of beauty”? Let's try to guess! It won't be difficult, because we already know something.

They stimulate the appetite, delight the eye and sense of smell, promote digestion, help the kidneys work, providing a slight diuretic effect, are effective against hypertension, the pectin contained in them magically affects peristalsis and removes cholesterol - is this really not enough? The choleretic properties of apples favor the functioning of the liver; the easily digestible sugars in them do not interfere with the pancreas at all, allowing you to absorb the magical fruits in almost any quantity. When eating them, remember about the seeds: only four pieces contain the daily requirement of iodine.

But healing apples also help regulate blood sugar levels and promote work lymphatic system and give you the opportunity to lose weight. The video we have proposed will tell you not only what vitamins are contained in apples, but also (by the way!) about the apple diet.



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