How to bring a person out of alcohol intoxication. Emergency measures

Knowledge of how to cleanse the body of alcohol is necessary for all those who are prone to drinking it. It is very easy to lose your measure when drinking alcohol, and therefore, in order to get rid of the unpleasant consequences of a hangover, the body is detoxified from alcohol. This procedure can be carried out both in a medical institution and at home, using medications or folk remedies.

Alcohol detoxification is necessary procedure not only for those people who seek to quickly cleanse the body after prolonged drinking. Knowing how to remove toxins from the body can also help those who rarely drink alcohol but still suffer from alcohol intoxication to cleanse and recover. Cleansing and restoration can quickly improve your health, as well as minimize the harm that can be caused by drinking alcohol.
When drinking alcohol, it is necessary to take into account that intoxication occurs 15-30 minutes after consumption. This means that by the time intoxication occurs, alcohol toxins are already in excess in the body. This is especially true for those who like to drink. Using alcoholic drink, you need to remember that it affects the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. The following suffer especially from excess alcohol:

  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • stomach;
  • intestines;
  • brain;
  • organs of the cardiovascular system.

Removing alcohol from the body allows you to minimize the harm from its use and helps you quickly cleanse yourself.

Important! The later recovery begins, the more difficult it is to stop cell destruction caused by drinking alcohol. Therefore, if you know how to quickly remove ethylene from the body, you can avoid the health-damaging consequences of the holidays.

Cleaning at home

Detoxifying the body from alcohol at home can be done in several ways:

  • reducing the amount of absorbed ethylene and its excretion;
  • reduction of manifestations of poisoning;
  • restoration of disorders caused by drinking alcohol;
  • renewal normal operation organs and systems.

You can remove ethylene from the body at home using: medications, and folk remedies. The choice of methods is very wide, which allows everyone to choose the most suitable option.


This category includes the use of any medications that can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription. Some drugs can put stress on organs gastrointestinal tract. This is especially true for people who want to cleanse themselves after alcohol poisoning, but at the same time have chronic kidney, liver or stomach diseases.
Here is an approximate list of drugs that help with cleansing:

  • Activated carbon. It is a natural sorbent. Absorbs ethyl alcohol, stopping its absorption. Taken after alcohol. The dosage is calculated based on the patient's weight: 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. The use of such a drug will help speed up the cleansing of alcohol from the body, but will not relieve severe intoxication. Similar drugs: Smecta, Polysorb, etc.
  • Glycine. Restores work nervous systems s and protects cells from destruction. Used to overcome alcohol intoxication. Administration is carried out sublingually every hour, 2 tablets for 5 - 6 hours.
  • Succinic acid. Participates in energy metabolism processes, and therefore is necessary to speed up the cleansing process. Removes alcohol and helps restore normal organ function. Take 1 tablet 3 times a day. It is worth noting that this remedy is used with caution if there is chronic diseases stomach.
  • Glutargin is also used in detoxification therapy for alcoholism. Helps activate the excretion of ethylene breakdown products through the kidneys. Taken according to instructions.
  • Zorex is often recommended to those who are looking for a way to cleanse their blood of alcohol. It activates excretion ethyl alcohol and prevents its further absorption.
  • B vitamins. They provide protective effect on the cells of the nervous system, which are particularly affected by alcohol intake. Taking these vitamins helps restore normal liver function.
  • Aspirin. Used to thin the blood, which is necessary after prolonged drinking of alcohol. With the use of aspirin, ethylene begins to be eliminated from the body much more actively, as the activity of capillary circulation increases. Detoxification from alcohol using aspirin and its preparations should be carried out in the absence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Enterosgel. It helps not only to reduce the absorption of ethylene, but also has a hepatoprotective effect.

Cleansing with folk remedies

Traditional medicine also contains a large number of recipes that cleanse the body of the effects of drinking alcohol. These recommendations have been tested for decades, and therefore can be very effective:

  • Water. Replenishing fluid levels helps you recover from intoxication.
  • Fermented milk products are one of the ways to restore the stomach after poisoning. Their use makes it possible to restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Dairy products perfectly quench thirst, restore water-salt balance and help normalize intestinal microflora.
  • Rice. This product is known for its absorbent properties, but it requires some preparation. 3 tbsp. Unrefined cereal is poured into a glass of water. The next day, the rice is washed in this water and filled with new water. This needs to be done about 5 times until the starch is completely removed from the cereal. Then the cereal needs to be cooked 1 tbsp at a time. within 25 minutes. During cooking, the water needs to be changed 1-2 times. It is recommended to take the porridge daily on an empty stomach. Rice has a binding effect and neutralizes the effect of alcohol.
  • Honey drink. A glass of cool boiled water is mixed with the juice of 1 lemon slice and 1 tablespoon of honey. Vitamin C, which is contained in lemon, helps restore fluid levels in the blood. Honey is a natural antioxidant that cleanses and restores the body protective functions. This drink is used 1 glass daily for 7 days.
  • Oats. 1 tablespoon of oat groats is poured into 1.5 liters. water and put on low heat. The decoction is prepared within 1 hour. It is consumed 1/3 glass several times a day. The use of oat decoction helps speed up the restoration of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Sauna. Visiting a sauna or bathhouse helps speed up the cleansing of the body. High temperature and humidity activate metabolic processes, which helps to quickly get rid of the manifestations of intoxication. It is recommended to perform 3 sessions of 5, 10 and 20 minutes.

Important! The severity of the effect of folk remedies may vary - it depends on the metabolic rate and individual characteristics body.

Restoring the body after alcohol poisoning

Excessive alcohol consumption leads to disruption of the functioning of all organs and systems. This is felt as lethargy, weakness, lack of coordination, nausea, and vomiting. Fast recovery in such conditions it is possible only in a hospital setting. There, by alternating droppers, they carry out complete cleansing blood from alcohol.
Detoxification for alcoholism can also be carried out at home. It includes the use of means to restore normal functioning of all organs and neutralize ethyl alcohol:

  • Ethylene binding is carried out using activated carbon or its analogues - Smecta, Enterosgel.
  • Restoration of microflora is possible by consuming lactic acid products.
  • Restoring water-salt balance includes consuming large quantity liquids. It is better to use mineral water to restore electrolyte balance.
  • Best used for food chicken broth– it will not have an irritating effect on an overloaded stomach.
  • The use of diuretics will help prevent swelling and speed up the elimination of alcohol.
  • Vitamin C and B vitamins help restore normal functioning of the nervous system and help cope with performance disorders.
  • Aspirin will help restore blood thickness, activate capillary circulation. Also, using aspirin will help get rid of headaches and chills - common symptoms hangover.

Knowing how to cleanse yourself from alcohol, you can quickly recover after the holidays. Using simple tips will help you restore your performance and cleanse your blood of alcohol, reducing its harmful effects.

Alcohol intoxication is poisoning of the body that occurs due to a large dose of alcoholic beverages consumed. This condition causes a lot of inconvenience, interferes with productive work and can lead to many dangerous symptoms and complications.

Many people nowadays do not know how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home, so they resort to help traditional methods, the use of which does not lead to the desired result. However, in order to learn how to get rid of a disease, you need to be able to recognize it, and for this it is worth studying the symptoms of poisoning.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Alcoholic drinks do not affect all people the same. Their effect is determined by the amount of alcohol consumed and the individual characteristics of the body. However, the signs of alcohol intoxication are always the same:

  • Severe nausea, vomiting.
  • Convulsions may occur, but this is not a mandatory symptom.
  • Mental health problems.
  • Possible coma.
  • Breathing is too slow, intervals between breaths are 10 seconds or more.
  • Body temperature drops sharply.
  • The skin turns pale, and a blue tint may appear.
  • Headache or dizziness that occurs due to dysfunction of the cerebellum provoked by alcohol.
  • Pathological thirst.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning may vary depending on the degree of intoxication.

What stages does the body go through?

There are 3 degrees of alcohol intoxication. Each of them is accompanied by certain symptoms, and subsequently - consequences and complications. So, the stages of alcohol poisoning:

  • Mild degree, in which the proportion of alcohol in the body does not exceed 2%. Its signs are high spirits, excessive sweating, redness of the facial skin, dilated pupils. Usually this stage passes on its own through certain time. The person speaks incoherently and more expressively than in a sober state, but soon the usual pattern of behavior returns to him.
  • The average degree of intoxication occurs when alcohol in the body reaches 2 to 3%. This is indicated by a person’s uneven gait; he may see double. At the same time, he is not aware of the essence of his words and actions, but if he is left in a state of rest, then drowsiness will not take long to occur. Upon awakening, a person will feel headache, fatigue, nausea and a feeling of intense thirst. These symptoms disappear within a day after waking up. The average degree of intoxication affects not only the human psyche, but also his nervous system.
  • The third stage is severe. In this case, the alcohol content in the body can reach 5%. Severe poisoning poses a danger to entire organ systems. In some cases, even death from alcohol intoxication is possible. At this stage, breathing problems occur, and the person can fall into a coma or die from cardiac arrest. Acute alcohol intoxication may be accompanied by severe convulsions. It is in this case that it is necessary to relieve the symptoms of poisoning.

Although urgent measures should be taken only if acute alcohol intoxication has occurred; you need to know how to relieve the symptoms of any stage of poisoning. After all, in any case, a person needs help.

To reduce the degree of poisoning, you need to remove some of the alcohol from the body. To do this, take Aspirin and several capsules of activated carbon (1 for every 10 kg of body weight). These measures partially neutralize the effect of alcohol.

Remember that even in small doses, alcohol affects the functioning of all organ systems. Therefore, it is advisable after acceptance necessary medications call an ambulance. But if you want to do without the participation of doctors, then explore possible methods of treatment at home.

How to save a patient from the acute stage of poisoning

If you are able to take responsibility for a person who is in the acute stage of poisoning, then you should take the following measures:

  • Give the patient vitamin B6 intramuscularly. Within a few minutes a person should be able to speak coherently and intelligibly.
  • When the patient thinks clearly, give him a solution of nicotinic acid, phenamine and corazole mixed with half a glass of warm water. boiled water. After this, within half an hour the person will begin to behave adequately, and after an hour he will completely sober up.
  • Next, you need to reduce the patient's blood alcohol level. To do this, let him drink 20 ml of glucose solution. Also suitable for this purpose is 10 ml of ascorbic acid solution.

To help the body regain strength, you can additionally take B vitamins.

If you don't have it at hand necessary medications, and it is not possible to call an ambulance, then you need to know how to relieve alcohol intoxication quickly at home without the use of medications.

Getting rid of alcohol poisoning using home methods

To relieve a person from the symptoms of alcohol poisoning at home, it is necessary to take the following measures:

  • Provide fresh air circulation in the room.
  • Rinse your stomach. To do this you need to induce vomiting traditional way. If this cannot be done, then dilute a teaspoon of mustard powder in 200 ml of water and give the resulting solution to the patient to drink.
  • Periodically give the person who has been poisoned a sniff of ammonia.
  • Periodically you need to drink strong, hot and sweet tea.

If even after these measures the patient’s condition does not change, he must be urgently taken to the hospital. At the same time, do not forget that constant drinking is the key to normal functioning of the body.

Absorbents as neutralizers of low-quality alcohol

Absorbent drugs in general are not able to relieve alcohol intoxication. However, they help well if poisoning occurs due to the consumption of low-quality alcoholic beverages. The good thing about such drugs for alcohol intoxication is that they are absolutely safe for humans. Even if exceeded required dosage Medicines will not harm the body.

Typically, the following absorbents are used to get rid of alcohol intoxication:

  • "Enterosgel".
  • "Enterosorb".
  • "Carbolen".
  • "Lignosorb".
  • "Enterodesis".
  • "Polyphepan".

In addition to absorbents, they are often used homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathy as a way to combat intoxication

There are homeopathic medicines that help relieve the symptoms of alcohol poisoning. The drugs are not able to remove alcohol from the body, but they significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. For alcohol poisoning, the following drugs are used:

  • Anti-E. The medicine relieves headaches, relieves nausea and vomiting, and restores normal sleep.
  • "PROPROTENE-100". The drug activates the body’s forces that can fight poisoning.

Homeopathic medicines significantly reduce the symptoms of alcohol intoxication.

How to relieve alcohol intoxication at home using a dropper

If you are dealing with acute alcohol poisoning, then a dropper will help you put the patient in order. However, keep in mind that only professional doctors know how to place them without threatening the patient’s life. If you know for sure that the dropper you put in place for alcohol intoxication at home will not harm the patient, then you need to study what components should be included in the solution.

The patient must be administered intravenously a glucose solution with 5 ml of vitamins B1 and B6 and 10 ml of ascorbic acid solution. Such a dropper for alcohol intoxication at home will significantly improve the patient’s metabolism and help the body remove toxins.

If the poisoning is so severe that even intravenously administered drugs did not help, then the patient is taken to a hospital, where he is under constant monitoring doctors

Consequences of excessive alcohol consumption

If you know how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home, you still need to study the consequences of such poisoning. You may no longer want to repeat past experiences and put your body at risk. So, the consequences of alcohol intoxication:

  • The toxic substances contained in alcohol cannot be processed by the body; they affect the human nervous system.
  • Chronic heart disease may develop.
  • Blood pressure increases.
  • Kidney diseases enter the acute stage.
  • Alcohol intoxication with diabetes mellitus may provoke a coma.
  • Immunity decreases, the body becomes vulnerable to many infections.

Such pathologies occur in cases of severe poisoning. If we're talking about about the first or second stage of intoxication, then the body can cope with the consequences on its own.

What happens to the body during mild poisoning

When consumed in moderation alcoholic drinks The body is able to cope with the consequences on its own. The liver produces an enzyme that processes harmful substances, eventually bringing them out.

However, a blow to the nervous system occurs even with mild intoxication. As everyone knows, health is practically not restored. Therefore, even a mild but constantly repeated state of intoxication can lead to the development of nervous diseases.

How to prevent alcohol poisoning

In order not to wonder how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home, you need to take care in advance to ensure that poisoning does not occur.

Remember that any measures aimed at preventing intoxication will not completely relieve symptoms. They will only reduce the degree of intoxication, this does not mean that after a night of celebration you will not encounter unpleasant consequences.

So, the rules for preparing for the feast:

  • An hour before drinking alcohol, take a few tablets of activated charcoal.
  • A glass of milk before drinking alcohol will significantly reduce the degree of intoxication.
  • If you have the opportunity, do not neglect vitamins.
  • Try to eat more immediately during the feast. At the same time, give preference to meat, fish dishes. It is advisable to wash down all meals with juice or compote.

These precautions will significantly ease your condition after the feast, reduce the degree of intoxication and help avoid medical intervention.

If alcohol poisoning has arrived, you feel a headache, nausea and dizziness, and you urgently need to pull yourself together and go to work, then take the following measures:

  • Eat a fresh tomato salad or fish soup.
  • Drink more water.
  • Take Citramon.
  • Take a short walk to fresh air.

These seem to be simple rules will help you not only look better, but also feel more free. You will not get rid of alcohol intoxication completely, but your performance will increase significantly.

Thus, alcohol poisoning is not only an unpleasant condition, but also a health hazard. Therefore, try not to bring it to the acute stage of intoxication. However, if you have not calculated the dosage and it has arrived, take everything possible measures to relieve symptoms of poisoning.

When alcohol poisoning occurs, home treatment becomes the main method of care. This type of intoxication must be taken very seriously. The principle: if you sleep through it, it will become easier doesn’t always work to its fullest extent. Strong impacts on various life systems can cause serious violations, up to alcoholic coma. When pronounced signs poisoning, first aid measures should be taken.

The essence of the problem

Alcohol, at its core, is a poison for humans due to the presence of its main component - ethanol (ethyl alcohol). When consuming a small amount and taking it irregularly, the liver can easily cope with this toxic substance. The picture changes dramatically when drinking alcohol, the amount of which exceeds the liver’s ability to detoxify the body. As a result, metabolic and decomposition products accumulate: acetaldehyde, acetic and lactic acid, which, in turn, leads to acidosis - an acid-base imbalance. In addition, excess toxins are sent to the brain, which is accompanied by damage to the central nervous system.

In addition to the quantitative excess of ethyl alcohol consumption, cases of poisoning from low-quality drinks are recorded. The most severe consequences are caused by surrogates: methanol; butyl, hydrolysis, sulfite, methyl alcohol; denatured alcohols; components of paint and varnish products; ethylene glycol, which are dangerous in any quantity. Serious complications observed when drinking moonshine with poor purification due to the presence of various harmful impurities.

At the everyday level, the concept of “alcohol poisoning” usually means any painful and discomfort symptoms that occur after drinking alcohol. This is also the name for deterioration in health immediately after drinking (vomiting, problems with breathing and heart), and a severe morning hangover. In medicine, a more specific term is used - alcohol intoxication. It is caused by an excess of ethyl alcohol derivatives in the blood, which causes symptoms of general intoxication of the body and damage to the nervous system.

Alcohol poisoning with of varying severity considered very common. Naturally, the question arises of how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home, because most people are unlikely to see a doctor with such a diagnosis. There are different means both according to folk recipes and in ready-made pharmaceutical form, which will provide effective assistance in case of alcohol poisoning. However, recognizing the priority of the household method, it should be remembered that in case of severe poisoning it is necessary to call an ambulance, because sometimes the lack of adequate measures leads to tragedies (especially when using surrogates).

Manifestation of poisoning

From a medical point of view, there are 3 degrees of alcohol poisoning:

  1. Easy stage. The concentration of ethyl alcohol does not exceed 1.4%, which causes minor disturbances mental functions. At this stage, euphoria appears, redness of the skin on the face, and dilation of the pupils.
  2. Middle stage. The alcohol level reaches 1.5-2.4%, which leads to minor manifestations of neurological symptoms. Characteristic sign: vomiting, like defensive reaction body. Motor coordination is impaired. Breathing becomes uneven.
  3. The severe stage occurs when the ethanol content exceeds 2.5%. In this case, dysfunctions are noted various organs and systems may arise serious threat for human life.

In the first 2 stages, medical intervention is usually not required, and the question is what to do in case of alcohol poisoning in mild degree, solved on your own. All unpleasant sensations can be relieved at home with simple pharmacy tablets(intended for these purposes) or “old-fashioned” methods.

Severe intoxication manifests itself quite alarming symptoms:

  • intense nausea and vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • slow breathing and heart rate;
  • decrease in body temperature below 36ºС;
  • pallor and bluish tint of the skin;
  • mental disorders;
  • excessive sweating.

In especially severe cases, a person may lose consciousness and an alcoholic coma may occur. In such circumstances, treating alcohol poisoning at home is dangerous: only professional measures can really help with severe alcohol poisoning.

Possible complications

Why is it necessary to detoxify the body as quickly as possible? Severe poisoning can lead to tragic consequences. One of the most dangerous manifestations- alcoholic coma, when it seems that a person has fallen asleep, although in fact the brain is affected. You can check a person’s condition by pointing a light beam at the eye. If the pupil reacts to light, then the drunk is simply sleeping. During a coma, such a reaction is not observed.

Another possible complication is breathing problems. The following manifestations should be considered very alarming symptoms: wheezing, intermittent breathing, skin pallor with a bluish tint. If help is not provided, breathing may stop altogether as a result of damage to the central nervous system, vomit entering the respiratory tract, and tongue retraction. The effects of alcohol on the functioning of the heart have serious consequences.

Any poisoning, especially alcoholic poisoning, leads to disruption of the water-mineral balance of the body. As a result of intoxication, the kidneys and urinary system work with great overload. The liver, which does most of the work of neutralizing toxins, finds itself in particularly difficult conditions. Alcohol poisoning can cause significant dysfunction of these organs.

Emergency assistance

There are cases when providing timely first aid saves a person’s life during severe alcohol intoxication. What to do at home if such circumstances arise? First of all, you need to call an ambulance, and before the team arrives, you need to take the following measures:

  1. If the victim is in a conscious state, then it is necessary to clear the stomach of the drink as much as possible. The best way is artificial vomiting. After this, you should rinse your stomach by drinking 0.5-1 liters of water with added salt.
  2. In cases where the victim is unconscious, inducing vomiting is unacceptable. It should be placed on its side and all measures should be taken to facilitate breathing. It is necessary to check for the presence of vomit in the upper respiratory tract and prevent the tongue from retracting. An attempt to restore consciousness can be made with the help of ammonia, brought to the nose.

Removing alcohol intoxication quickly is possible in the following ways:

  1. Intramuscular injection of vitamin B6. Significant relief should occur within 6-8 minutes.
  2. A solution of phenamine, corazole or nicotinic acid in warm water. Drink 100-150 ml, and relief should occur within 20-25 minutes.
  3. The level of ethanol in the blood decreases when taking a 40% glucose solution (20 ml); 5% solution of ascorbic acid (15 ml); 1% Nicotinamide (1 ml).

When trying to eliminate alcohol intoxication at home, the following actions are strictly contraindicated:

  • drinking alcohol in any form;
  • try to cure with active exercise or walking;
  • dousing with cold water;
  • taking sleeping pills and sedatives;
  • drinking drinks with a tonic effect (coffee, strong tea);
  • attempts to take the victim outside;
  • leaving him unattended.

Principles of treatment of poisoning

The question of how to treat alcohol problems at home depends on the severity of the phenomenon, age, and health status of the victim. In general, the following problems are solved in case of alcohol poisoning at home:

  • cleaning the gastrointestinal tract from ethanol and metabolic products;
  • normalization of water and mineral balance;
  • restoration of intestinal microflora;
  • neutralization of the effects of ethanol breakdown products on the body;
  • elimination of unpleasant and painful symptoms.

It has long been common practice to treat alcohol poisoning by artificial or natural vomiting. This process effectively cleanses the stomach of toxins and alcohol residues. At the same time, it should be remembered that the indomitable constant vomiting which continues even after complete cleaning stomach (especially with an admixture of bile or blood), becomes dangerous - leads to dehydration and weakening of the body. This phenomenon must be dealt with in a timely manner. As a rule, antiemetic drugs are taken. At home, applying an ice compress to the temples and drinking a restorative product, such as Regidron, helps.

Therapeutic effect

The question of how to treat alcohol poisoning at home is solved mainly by taking ready-made pharmaceutical drugs or folk natural remedies. Therapy allows you to relieve intoxication when using the following drugs:

  1. Enterosorbents. Their action is based on the sorption of residual toxins and metabolic products remaining in the gastrointestinal system, after which everything is eliminated during bowel movements. The following sorbents are recognized as the most effective: Enterosgel, Polysorb MP, Smecta, Filtrum, Lignosorb, Polyphepan, Entegnin, Karbolen. Activated carbon does not have the effectiveness of these drugs, but has highest prevalence taking into account availability and harmlessness. It is taken at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight. Modern pharmacology offers a specific sorbent - Rekitsen-RD.
  2. Normalization water balance. To restore water, salt and mineral balance in the body, rehydrating preparations are used, which contain sodium, potassium, chlorides, and various carbohydrates. The most commonly used solutions are Regidron, Hydrovit, Citraglucosolan. Severe poisoning is treated with intravenous drip injection. The following products are used: Disol, Hemodez, saline solution, glucose solution (5-10%), ascorbic acid solution (5%). If necessary, the doctor may prescribe nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, magnesia, potassium chloride, Panangin.
  3. Normalization of microflora. Alcohol significantly disrupts the balance of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines, which leads to its dysfunction. The task of restoring microflora is solved by taking the following drugs: products with lactobacilli; Bifidumbacterin; Linux; Bifiform; Enterol; Baktisubtil.
  4. Homeopathic remedies. They relieve many symptoms of alcohol poisoning. Among the most effective are the following drugs: Anti-E and PROPROTENE-100.
  5. Help for alcohol poisoning - severe hangover. For this purpose it is recommended specialized drugs: Biotredin; Zorex; Limontar; Metadoxyl; Alka-Seltzer.

Possibilities of traditional medicine

At home, the fight against alcohol poisoning is often carried out using folk remedies that have been proven in practice over centuries. The following methods can be recommended:

  • hot tea with lemon;
  • decoction of rose hips;
  • mixture tomato juice, raw chicken egg and table vinegar (8-10 drops);
  • as an antiemetic: green tea with the addition of lemon balm or peppermint;
  • vitamin cocktail: lemon or Orange juice, honey and egg yolk;
  • tea with the addition of ginger and honey.

Alcohol poisoning can lead to serious consequences, if timely measures are not taken. In case of severe intoxication, it is necessary to seek medical help. Most often, poisoning occurs moderate character, and such intoxication can be effectively treated at home.

Each of us has some experience with alcohol - it just so happens that we celebrate all significant events at a generously set table with booze. Little or much, but alcoholic drinks are always present in our lives. Relationships with alcohol will not cause trouble if you consider your own capabilities and drink wisely. Without knowing the measures, you can seriously harm your health, especially since the question “what to do in case of alcohol poisoning?” many of us ask ourselves after the poisoning has occurred. If a person has too many strong drinks, you need to act immediately. Let's find out how to help a victim of alcohol poisoning at home.

Alcohol poisoning: when does intoxication occur?

Drinking alcohol leads to intoxication - the nervous system at this time is in a special “floating” state from the psychoactive effects of ethanol. Good mood and the feeling of euphoria that we look for at the bottom of a glass or shot glass are nothing more than the first signs of alcohol poisoning.

Even a few drops of alcohol affect the state of the body, and the more a person drinks, the more serious the consequences of intoxication will be. Alcoholic drinks vary in the strength of their effect on the nervous system. The most “harmless” is alcohol that contains no more than 15% ethanol: champagne, vermouth, wine and beer. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with strong drinks such as cognac, vodka, tequila, whiskey and gin. Absinthe is recognized as the strongest alcohol.

Alcohol poisoning: stages

The damage to the body by the components of alcohol occurs as follows: ethanol in the “happy” drink enters the stomach and is soon absorbed by the mucous membranes, through which it enters the blood. A certain portion toxic substances will neutralize the liver, but the organ will not be able to completely neutralize a large proportion of alcohol, then the unprocessed poison penetrates into the brain tissue. It is at this stage that things happen irreversible changes in the structure of neurons and the functions of internal organs.

Intoxication resulting from alcohol consumption is classified into several stages. The degree of poisoning can be accurately determined by laboratory research by the number of ppm in the blood. How intoxicated a person is can also be determined by the corresponding symptoms of alcohol poisoning.

Mild alcohol poisoning

For the sake of a pleasant feeling of slight intoxication, an alcoholic drink is, in fact, placed on the table. A couple of glasses of wine - and you are guaranteed an emotional uplift, slight excitement, as well as unmotivated bliss. In such a state it is difficult to evaluate one's real opportunities, rather, one would like to inflate them. However, in reality, the number of errors in the work of a drunk person increases, and his mental and physical activity noticeably decreases. Mild degree Alcohol poisoning can be identified by dilated pupils and a slightly reddened face. The drinker sweats more and feels the need to empty the bladder more often.

In addition, a drunk person begins to raise his voice, all his statements become more categorical and uncompromising. He has difficulty expressing his thoughts coherently and concentrating. Sweeping movements, “floating” facial expressions, loss of control over hidden personality traits are also considered mild symptoms degree of intoxication. Usually a person comes to his senses quite quickly and easily.

Moderate degree of alcohol poisoning

Signs of moderate alcohol intoxication cause more serious concerns: a person’s coordination of movements is impaired, he is “thrown” from side to side, has double vision and speech intelligibility is lost. In this state, the drinker is not responsible for his words and actions. In general, the behavior of a drunk person is determined by his character - alcohol can cause excessive boastfulness, bravado, vulnerability, touchiness, scandalousness or aggression. Brings sobering general weakness, excruciating headaches, severe thirst, nausea and vomiting.

Severe alcohol poisoning

When a drunken person's condition worsens, his statements become illegible and meaningless, and he himself ceases to understand anything. Flushed face, hot skin and low pain sensitivity complement big picture severe intoxication of the body. While intoxicated, a person can be seriously injured and not feel it.

The severity of alcohol intoxication varies dire consequences: A heavily intoxicated person has difficulty breathing and may experience cardiac arrest. When a portion of alcohol enters the body, which, translated into pure alcohol equals 300 - 400 g, comes acute poisoning alcohol. This condition is extremely dangerous, its main symptoms are as follows:

  • convulsions;
  • breathing problems;
  • copious secretion of saliva;
  • redness of the whites of the eyes.

To a person with acute intoxication alcohol requires emergency medical attention.

Alcohol coma

Severe alcohol poisoning can be complicated by the stage at which the intoxicated person falls into a coma. Coma- This is a kind of stunning of the body that occurs when ethanol in the blood increases to 3%. The main symptom of approaching danger is deep fainting. In some cases, the victim’s behavior is characterized by slight motor agitation. An indicator of the deterioration of the well-being of a person who has had too much alcohol is his eyes:

  1. There is no reaction of the pupils to light, the corneal reflex does not work (the eyelids do not close if you carefully touch the cornea).
  2. There is nystagmus (movement eyeballs according to the principle of a pendulum).
  3. Constriction of the pupils can also indicate an approaching alcoholic coma. In some cases, the pupils either narrow or dilate. Sometimes you can observe a picture when at the same moment the pupils of the left and right eyes have different sizes.

Due to tongue retraction, penetration of vomit into the respiratory tract, excessive secretion saliva and phlegm, the victim’s breathing is impaired: the person breathes unevenly and intermittently, sometimes wheezes, while his face acquires a bluish tint. Blood pressure at alcoholic coma decreased, and the pulse is weak and thready. In this condition, involuntary release of urine and feces is often observed.

Poisoning with surrogate alcohol

Poisoning is caused not only by large doses of alcohol, but also by low-quality alcohol or its surrogates. Alcohol surrogates are liquids that are not intended for internal use, but often used instead of alcoholic beverages (due to lower cost). Drinking medical tinctures, colognes, lotions, denatured alcohol, moonshine, mash, “chat” and other dangerous liquids always ends in failure. The symptoms of intoxication will be somewhat different than with classical alcohol poisoning.

After taking a surrogate, a person practically does not get drunk, but if you know the symptoms of poisoning, you can notice them immediately:

  • tinnitus;
  • impaired vision and smell;
  • increased salivation;
  • stomach pain.

If a person is not helped in time, he may die. Treatment for poisoning with surrogate alcohol is not carried out at home - as soon as there is suspicion of intoxication, you should immediately call an ambulance. If it is possible to deliver the victim to the hospital faster than the ambulance arrives, you should do just that. The sooner a patient is treated by qualified doctors, the greater his chances of survival.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

Without resorting to the services of doctors, you can cope with lung poisoning and medium degree. There are a number of measures that will help bring the injured person to his senses: rid his body of ethanol residues and neutralize decay products.

Gastric lavage for alcohol poisoning

None medications cannot be taken, since many medications in combination with alcohol create an “explosive” mixture, which will only worsen the victim’s condition.

Give the intoxicated person 300–500 ml of water to drink. This is necessary in order to induce vomiting and thus rid the stomach of the contents. In most cases, you don’t even have to press on the root of the tongue with your fingers - vomiting opens on its own, as the body tries to independently expel what is poisoning it. You will have to provoke vomiting until it starts to come out of the stomach. clean water.

Important! You cannot force water in or induce vomiting if a person has lost consciousness. Instead, it's better to wait until he arrives ambulance. At this time, the patient needs to be turned on his side, freed from tight clothes and try to bring you out of fainting: intensively massage your ears, sprinkle with water, bring ammonia to your nose.

In cases where uncontrollable vomiting persists even after complete emptying of the stomach, the following techniques will help to cope with its urges:

  • hold your head under the stream cold water or apply ice to the back of the head;
  • take an anti-vomiting medicine (such as metoclopramide). If this does not have any effect, and the vomit is replaced by blood or bile, you need to take the victim to the hospital as soon as possible.

Restore fluid balance in the body in case of alcohol poisoning

The next step in helping with alcohol poisoning is to eliminate the lack of fluid in the body. Due to intoxication, the process of dehydration develops: ethanol causes a diuretic effect, and the liquid is excreted from the body with urine, as well as vomit. In especially severe cases, dehydration threatens a person’s life. Give the victim any liquid to drink. Best fit mineral water or clean water with lemon juice. If a person is tormented by vomiting, pharmaceutical products will help restore the balance of moisture in the body. saline solutions such as Regidron and Gidrovit.

This remedy can also be prepared at home: dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of water at room temperature. table salt and soda, and then add 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. The victim should take the healing solution 2 to 3 sips every 30 minutes.

Treatment with sorbents and beneficial bacteria for alcohol poisoning

Help for alcohol poisoning at home is unthinkable without the use of sorbents. Medicines Polysorb (1 tbsp per 0.5 tbsp of water), Smecta (one-time 3 sachets per 1 tbsp of water), Enterosgel (50 g per 1 tbsp of water) will significantly improve the condition of a person suffering from alcohol intoxication. By the way, activated carbon in case of alcohol poisoning, many consider it to be almost the only means of eliminating feeling unwell. In fact, the sorption capabilities of the drug are not very large, but because of the reasonable price, they continue to take it “for old times’ sake”: 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight, washed down with water. The drugs described above are needed to remove toxic waste products from the body and reduce diarrhea. Medicines in this group are not taken together with other medications, so an interval of about 2 hours should be maintained.

If due to poisoning appeared severe diarrhea, it is imperative to restore the intestinal microflora. Special complexes will help solve this issue beneficial bacteria Acipol, Yogurt, Linex.

Important! Diarrhea in case of alcohol poisoning cannot be purposefully eliminated - this is another protective reaction in addition to vomiting, with the help of which the body gets rid of toxic substances.

Eliminate pain from alcohol poisoning

The headache of moderate alcohol poisoning can sometimes drive you crazy. The painful sensations cannot be tolerated - pain syndrome needs to be blocked. Aspirin is not suitable for this purpose, since acetylsalicylic acid in combination with ethanol will not bring any benefit to the body. Then what to drink if you have alcohol poisoning? The best way to relieve pain is with ibuprofen-based analgesics.

How not to treat alcohol poisoning

In attempts to alleviate a person’s condition due to alcohol poisoning, it is strictly prohibited:

  • resort to a dubious hangover method (treat a hangover with a new portion of alcohol);
  • accept hot bath or go to the bathhouse;
  • drink “inappropriate” pills - Furosemide, Paracetamol, Analgin, sleeping pills and antiallergic drugs;
  • take medications to relieve diarrhea.

Folk remedies for alcohol poisoning

People have come up with many ways to overcome hangovers and alcohol poisoning without pills:

  1. Dilute 2 tbsp in 1 liter of boiled water. l. honey and take several sips throughout the day.
  2. Prepare a decoction of tansy - a wonderful remedy for poisoning of any kind. Take 50 g of dried raw material and brew it with boiling water (0.5 l), then add 20 g of chamomile flowers. The cooled and strained product should be taken with meals at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per 10 kg body weight.
  3. After violent libations, ammonia solution will quickly bring you back to life; in everyday life - ammonia. Dissolve 10 drops of the product in a glass of water. You need to take the medicine 1 - 2 small sips every 30 minutes.
  4. If you are tormented by nausea, you can save yourself with a decoction of lemon balm. 1 tsp dried and crushed raw materials, add 250 ml of boiling water, let it brew a little, and then drink healthy drink instead of tea. For taste, you can add a little honey and a slice of lemon to the product.
  5. The fastest way for your body to get rid of toxic toxins is to drink lemon, orange or grapefruit juice throughout the day.

The morning after a party where there was a lot of drinking, you need to allow yourself to rest. Alcohol poisoning cannot be tolerated on your feet. It's best to accept cool shower, do not forcefully eat, drink a lot of plain water. If there is a feeling of general malaise, you need to go to bed and not get up until the weakness goes away. If after 10 hours your health does not return to normal, you should consult a doctor.

Alcohol intoxication is poisoning of the body by the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol. Its metabolites are more toxic than ethanol itself, especially acetaldehyde. Its action causes the appearance of symptoms of such a phenomenon as alcohol intoxication; how to relieve poisoning? Neutralize acetaldehyde. The process can be accelerated using several methods, their choice depends on the degree pathological process. To determine it, it is important to pay attention to the symptoms and their severity.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

How to treat alcohol intoxication depends on the degree of poisoning. Symptoms depend on ppm - a unit of measurement of alcohol in the blood.

The degrees of intoxication are as follows:

  1. 0.3-1.0 ‰: euphoria, increased self-confidence, decreased concentration, the appearance of minor speech impairments - slowing down.
  2. 1.0-1.5 ‰: decreased reactions to external stimuli, slowing down of perception, appearance psychomotor agitation or lethargy, lack of coordination of movements (wobbly gait).
  3. 1.5-2.2 ‰: moderate severity – disorientation in space, severe dizziness, double vision, severe speech impairment.
  4. 2.2-3.0 ‰: loss of the ability to stand and move, lack of response to external stimuli, inability to control physiological functions (incontinence).
  5. 3.0-4.0 ‰: acute condition, lack of reflexes, impaired breathing and circulatory functions, high probability coma.
  6. 4.0 ‰ or more: paralysis respiratory system, death.

Most people experience intoxication up to stage 3, stage 4 is less common. However, some individual characteristics - young age, changes in the production of enzymes that break down alcohol products, a number of diseases - can lead to severe consequences and with relatively small doses of alcohol.

How to relieve severe alcohol intoxication? Only in conditions medical institution, this condition requires immediate medical intervention. In other cases, attempts can be made to improve the condition of the house.

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How to prevent alcohol intoxication

If the question of how to cure alcohol poisoning worries you on the eve of an upcoming feast, you can resort to one of several methods:

  • take adsorbents before drinking alcohol (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight) and continue to do this while drinking alcohol;
  • eat a bowl of milk porridge or drink milk shortly before drinking alcohol;
  • drink vitamins - before and during the feast.

The main condition is not to drink on an empty stomach. This will help the body cope with poisoning. In addition, it is important to drink a lot of water, which ensures the restoration of water balance and enhanced removal of toxins.

How to help cope with poisoning?

In order to determine how to quickly relieve alcohol intoxication, it is necessary to choose a method or a combination of methods, depending on the indications and individual characteristics. However, first aid for poisoning is carried out according to a single scheme.

If symptoms are severe (severe intoxication), it is important to call emergency medical help. It is necessary to provide access to fresh air - take the person outside or, if this is not possible, open the window, loosen the collar.

Gastric lavage - effective way, for this you should dilute it in a glass warm water 2 tbsp. baking soda, offer a drink. This will cause vomiting and clear the stomach of any remaining alcohol, otherwise the absorption of alcohol in the stomach will continue and the condition may worsen.

If a person is not conscious, he should not be placed on his back - lay him on his side to prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract. You can bring it back to consciousness using ammonia or vinegar, giving the drinker a sniff. You can put it on your forehead cold compress, and to the hands, feet, back of the head, calves - mustard plasters.

After providing first aid, you need to contact specialists to continue removing intoxication. In addition, it is important to remember that if such episodes recur from time to time, it is important to begin treatment alcohol addiction. How to cure a person from alcoholism forever -.

Pharmacy methods for relieving alcohol intoxication

Drugs that relieve alcohol intoxication are divided into several groups:

Adsorbents. They are designed to absorb toxic substances, bind them and remove them from the body. naturally. It is worth remembering that alcohol is absorbed very quickly, so it is preferable to take such medications in advance. However, even if the toxic effect begins, they will help alleviate the condition. Adsorbents are produced in different forms, some of them have increased bio-activity due to additional components– vitamins, amino acids, macro- and microelements. The list of products with an absorbent effect is wide and includes not only the usual activated carbon, but also the following drugs:

  • enterosgel;
  • carbolong;
  • ultra adsorb;
  • polyphepane;
  • enterodesis;
  • filtrum;
  • smecta;
  • neosmectin;
  • rivercen-RD;
  • algisorb, etc.

Symptomatic remedies. Alcohol intoxication - how to relieve it with complex drugs and what is their mechanism of action?

  1. Biotredin - the action is to normalize metabolism, increase efficiency and mental activity, relieve hangover symptoms, reduce psycho-emotional stress. This is achieved by normalizing acetaldehyde. It has a rapid effect and does not accumulate in body tissues.
  2. Zorex - works due to the content of unitol in the composition, which allows it to bind toxins and decay products. Relieves intoxication, enhances biochemical reactions, promotes the removal of toxins from the liver.
  3. Limontar - the effect is due to the content of citric and succinic acids:
    • normalizes metabolism;
    • acts as an antioxidant;
    • reduces the negative effects of toxic substances;
    • increases appetite;
    • acts as a stimulator of the physiological functions of organs and systems;
    • enhances performance.
    • Has a fairly fast effect.
  4. Metadoxyl - acts due to magnesium and sodium. The main results are accelerated elimination ethanol breakdown products, restoration of the ratio of fats in the blood plasma, relief of the unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal syndrome. You can take the drug in two forms - tablets and injections.
  5. Yantavit - dietary supplement based on succinic acid and glucose. Effects - enhancement protective forces, normalization of energy metabolism, restorative effect, relief of hangover, overcoming cravings for alcohol. It is worth noting that the latter is not a reason to use the drug as independent method addiction treatment. Treatment for alcoholism must be comprehensive.
  6. Glycine is a drug with antitoxic, antioxidant and some nootropic effects. Allows you to improve the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, reduce aggression, increase mental activity, relieve tension and stress.
  7. Alka-Seltzer - contains sodium carbonate and citric acid. It acts as a means to improve liver function, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves withdrawal symptoms, improves sleep, and relieves muscle and head pain.

Symptomatic treatment may consist not only of taking complex means, but also the relief of a certain symptom with a single-component drug. Thus, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or antispasmodics can help fight headaches, drugs to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid– relieve stomach pain or heartburn. It is important to consult a specialist first. In addition, diuretics are widely used, since harmful substances are partially eliminated urinary system. When taking them, it is necessary to maintain an optimal water regime - drink a lot of warm liquid (not soda).

It is important to remember that you should not ask the question “how to relieve alcohol intoxication with medication” in case of severe poisoning - in this case only doctors can help.

Homeopathic remedies for alcohol poisoning

Moderate degrees of intoxication can be corrected with the help of homeopathy. Substances in such preparations help break down toxins and stabilize the condition.

  1. ANTI-E - relieves symptoms of disorders of the vegetative-vascular and nervous systems, eliminates headaches, weakness, sweating, stomach pain, low mood and insomnia. It is important to take the product according to the instructions and in the required dosage.
  2. PROPROTENE-100 – effective for chronic intoxications alcohol. Improves general condition, relieves symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, reduces cravings for alcohol. It should be remembered that chronic alcohol poisoning undermines health, so it is necessary to seek the help of specialists. It is easy to suspect addiction in a loved one - popular signs of alcoholism are described in this article.

Folk ways to combat alcohol intoxication

Alcohol intoxication: how to relieve it at home? You can combine traditional recipes with taking medications.

The most effective and simplest recipe is strong black tea. After preliminary cleansing of the stomach, it is taken sweetened with honey.

Chicory root decoction – no less effective remedy, which must be taken 1 tbsp. four times a day.

You can eliminate nausea with water with lemon or green tea with mint and lemon balm. The latter are especially good for nervous excitement and insomnia, as they have a calming effect.

Celery root juice in the amount of 1 tsp. three times a day will bring the body into normal condition faster.

Mineral water is an excellent way to restore water-salt balance, compensate for the deficiency of certain microelements and restore vigor.

Rosehip infusion not only normalizes the condition, but also relieves the deficiency of ascorbic acid, which is destroyed and excreted under the influence of alcoholic beverages.

In case of relatively normal health, it is necessary to maintain moderate physical activity– this will speed up metabolic processes and the removal of toxins and waste. It is also important to be in the fresh air or regularly ventilate the room - this helps reduce hypoxia and saturate the brain structures with oxygen.

The answer to the question of how to treat alcohol intoxication is integrated approach– You also need to remember about nutrition. Preference should be given light diet, fasting is not recommended, but taking heavy food during this period it is not worth it.

It must be remembered that even after receiving the answer to the question “how to quickly relieve alcohol intoxication,” it is necessary to eliminate the main cause of this condition - do not abuse alcohol in the future. Alcohol addiction is a serious obstacle to implementing this recommendation, so you should consult a specialist to treat the underlying disease. If it suffers close person, it is necessary to determine how to persuade an alcoholic to undergo treatment - otherwise the consequences of chronic poisoning by alcohol breakdown products can be fatal.

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