How to give the best massage. How to do a back massage? Massage technique at home

Massage procedures help to recover from injury, tone the body, relieve fatigue, and relax the body. Back massage is used to treat and prevent spinal diseases. To obtain maximum results, an individual massage program is selected for each patient.

The back massage technique involves the use of certain manipulations in strict sequence to achieve a therapeutic effect.

How to properly do a back massage step by step:

  • Massaging is always performed from the lower border of the spinal region with a gradual transition to the shoulders and neck;
  • The massage therapist uses the outer side of the palm to massage the spine down to the gluteal muscles. Movements from the lower lumbar region to the shoulders are made by the inner part of the palm;
  • Particular attention is paid to the hands of the massage therapist. They should be soft and warm to prevent the patient from feeling discomfort;
  • The procedure eliminates interruptions during massage movements;
  • The massage technique involves the use of massage movements in strict sequence without sudden transitions;

  • Rubbing is done along the line of the spine;
  • Stroking is the initial and final manipulation;
  • To avoid damage to the spine, massaging it is prohibited;
  • Intensive kneading is used on the soft tissues of the back;
  • In the area where the kidneys are located, patting and tapping movements are excluded;
  • The procedure time is calculated based on the severity of the disease, body constitution, and age of the patient;
  • The first massage is carried out using a gentle influence and lasts 10 minutes;
  • The pressure force during massage increases after warming manipulations;
  • Before prescribing massage procedures, the doctor determines the presence of contraindications and adjusts the massage program according to the identified reasons.

Following established massage rules and knowledge of the spinal structure allows you to get rid of pain in this area.

Types of massage

Massage procedures are performed in two main types:

  • Relaxing massage;
  • Medicinal.

A relaxing back massage relieves the feeling of fatigue after physical exertion or sedentary work, tones the entire body, and prevents the occurrence of diseases. The use of aromatic oils helps to overcome bad mood and make the session comfortable.

The relaxation massage technique is simple and accessible to everyone. Anyone can learn and perform back massage at home.

How to give a back massage:

  • Begin with gentle stroking from the lumbar girdle to the shoulder region;
  • After light touches, they move on to a more intense method of stroking with the edge of the palm;
  • Rubbing is carried out along the spine, paying attention to the cervical vertebrae;
  • Kneading is done by pinching with your fingertips;
  • Pressure is applied with the thumbs without affecting the spine;
  • Vibration movements are made from the lower back up to the shoulders;
  • The massage ends with a relaxing stroke.

The procedure lasts 20 minutes using special oil for a greater relaxation effect.


Therapeutic back massage is used to treat diseases or for rehabilitation purposes. Massaging can be carried out manually, as well as using massage devices.

Types of massage:

  • Classical;
  • Can;
  • Vibrating;
  • Lymphatic drainage;
  • Sports;
  • Therapeutic.

The classic type of massage is unique for the treatment and prevention of diseases. It is used in most cases when massage is indicated.

Classic back massage techniques:

  • Stroking is done with an open palm over all areas of the back - from the lumbar region to the neck. First, they press with minimal force, then move on to deep stroking in order to prepare the muscles for massage manipulations;
  • Rubbing involves intense movement along the back from bottom to top with displacement of the skin. The method improves the supply of soft tissues with nutrients;
  • Kneading is carried out using strong pressure. To increase the pressing force, use two hands, placing them on top of each other;
  • Effleurage has an irritating effect on the muscles and tissues of the back. The movements are intense, with the hand clenched into a fist;
  • Vibration movements are carried out with the index fingers, shaking the tissue.

The massage will bring the expected results if you follow the right techniques. A good specialist with knowledge of the techniques and structure of the back is selected to conduct the sessions. Compliance with the conditions and techniques allows you to get rid of diseases.

Vacuum back massage

Vacuum massage is carried out by fixing cups on the back using a vacuum. The procedure improves blood flow to soft tissues and skin condition. This method is common among girls to get rid of cellulite.

Traditional vacuum exposure involves the use of jars made of glass or silicone material. Before the session, massage oil is applied to the back. The massage therapist makes sure that the jars are held tightly and begins to move them. To achieve the effect, 15 minutes are enough.

The vacuum procedure can be carried out using special devices. The device creates pressure that crushes the fat layer without causing pain. Before the session, the massager is adjusted taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. The massage therapist makes circular movements on the skin with light pressure. Improvements are observed in the middle of the massage course, but it is not recommended to interrupt the program in order for the results to be permanent.

Cupping massage prevents aging and fading of the back skin. The vacuum stimulates the skin, and special substances responsible for rejuvenation begin to be produced. After surgical operations, using vacuum action they get rid of blood stagnation in the tissues. For guys, the cupping method of massaging is indicated after active physical activity. Massage techniques are used to treat the effects of sprains, bruises, and restore damaged tissue.

Medicinal properties:

  • Relieving muscle pain;
  • Relaxing effect for tendons;
  • Recovery from injuries.

The technique of performing cupping back massage involves circular movements with jars, as a result of which processes are activated that relieve nervous excitement and have a healing effect. After the session, the formation of hematomas is allowed. The patient experiences mild pain during the procedure, but if it becomes severe, the massage is stopped.

Massaging at home without the participation of a specialist is common. It is recommended to use silicone jars, as they are easier to work with. Movements are made from the lower back to the shoulder region. Failure to follow the rules will affect the results.


  • Increased body temperature;
  • Allergic rashes;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Oncology.

Self-massage of the back

Massage sessions help you relax after a working day, block pain due to osteochondrosis, and relieve muscle spasms. You can learn how to massage at home yourself. To do this, learn step-by-step instructions for beginners.

How to do a back massage yourself:

  • The room is ventilated to maintain comfortable conditions;
  • The person lies stomach down on a hard surface;
  • Massage gel is applied to the back;
  • The massage therapist’s hands should be pleasant and not cause discomfort;
  • During the procedure, pain is eliminated;
  • Intense and relaxing movements must alternate.

Massaging begins from the lumbar area, with a gradual rise to the shoulders.

  • Stroking;
  • Trituration;
  • Kneading;
  • Sawing movements;
  • Squeezing;
  • Pat.

Technical types of movements are done in any order, but the session always begins and ends with stroking.

Self-massage of the back is difficult, so the help of relatives is required. A person can massage his neck and shoulders to relieve fatigue after sitting for a long time. Apply rubbing and stroking along straight and circular lines.

At home, it is possible to use additional health products. Honey contains beneficial microelements that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Before massaging, take a shower. After which the honey composition is applied to the skin and rubbed in using basic massaging methods.

Massage sessions save you from many diseases, but it is not always possible to visit a massage therapist. Learning technical massage techniques at home is not at all difficult. It is important to find good sources of information. In this case, the benefits of self-massage will delight and inspire.

Massage makes it possible not only to restore functional abilities by relieving fatigue, but also to improve the health of the entire body. This is an extremely useful procedure that can reduce the manifestations of even the most severe disease over the course of a course. Spinal massage at home is aimed at creating an anatomically correct position of the vertebrae and muscles, which allows you to restore not only the bends and shapes of the sections, but also the blood supply, nerve conduction of the fibers, and prevent or eliminate developing pathology.

Back massage can be performed by a specialist or by the person himself. In the second case, the procedure is called self-massage.

Like any other manipulation, this effect has its own contraindications:

  • elevated temperature;
  • foci of inflammation on the skin;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • bleeding;
  • fresh wounds and injuries.

In such situations, any manipulation becomes impossible until the factors affecting human health are eliminated.

Preparation for the procedure and other nuances

Self-massage, like any other procedure, requires careful preparation, which will not take much time at home.

You should:

  • Clean the affected area from foreign medications and cosmetics. To do this, the surface of the skin is washed with ordinary soap and then with running clean water.
  • You should also wash your hands thoroughly.
  • The room is ventilated before the procedure, but the temperature should be maintained at a level that is comfortable for the person.
  • If necessary, you can use a pillow under your head, but only a small one.
  • During the session, the person lies on his stomach or sits.
  • During the session, a special massage product, balm or cream is used to warm the skin and promote blood flow.
  • Be sure to have napkins or towels nearby for drying your hands and skin.
  • Massage oil is not poured onto the skin. They just wet their hands.

If you plan to visit an experienced specialist, then you only need to follow the rules of hygiene, that is, take a shower without using cosmetics. It is better to wear clothes made from natural fabrics that will allow the skin to “breathe” after the procedure. You need to take a towel with you to the massage therapist. It is recommended to consult with a specialist about all the nuances before starting the course.

There are some rules that make back massage especially useful and effective.

If you decide to do self-massage, you should remember that:

  • You cannot press hard on the skin in the area of ​​the kidneys and spine, knead, clap, or beat;
  • Movements in the lymph nodes should follow the movement of the lymph flow;
  • There should be no muscle pain;
  • The muscles in the area of ​​influence should be relaxed;
  • It is necessary to maintain rhythmic movements (about 30 movements per minute), since a quick massage will only excite the muscles and such manipulations will not bring any benefit;
  • In case of pain, the intensity of the procedure decreases or stops altogether;
  • The change of movements should be carried out correctly and smoothly, there should be no pauses between techniques.

Self-massage of the back in the lumbar region at home begins with smooth movements, and then, as far as possible, you should move higher. You can also do a cervical massage yourself. The transition from department to department should occur smoothly and gradually, evenly devoting time to each area.

Self-massage of the neck

Almost everyone can massage up to the neck without much effort, and therefore everyone can do a massage at home in this area on their own.

To do this, use the following movements in a given sequence:

  1. Stroke;
  2. rub;
  3. To nag;
  4. Pat;
  5. Mash.

You should rub your neck muscles especially carefully, but without fanaticism. With sufficient experience, a person will be able to quickly and effectively relieve fatigue from muscles, as well as carry out high-quality prevention of osteochondrosis of the department. The advantage of this procedure is its convenience - you can set aside very little time every day for easy recovery.

Classic massage has its own methodology with many different movements and techniques that will help restore muscle tone, create a healthy silhouette, relieve muscle tension and carry out high-quality prevention of osteochondrosis.

The following movements are suggested in the specified sequence:

  1. It begins with stroking, which will warm up the back, speed up blood circulation and prepare the spine for further manipulation. This is done with both hands, starting from the tailbone and gradually reaching the shoulder blades.
  2. Rubbing is done with the surface of the palm, which makes it possible to increase blood flow to the surface of the skin. As a result, the fabric warms up noticeably.
  3. Kneading is done with two fingers, which grasp the muscles. Careful execution allows you to relieve muscle tension.
  4. Sawing is done as follows: hands are placed edgewise 3 cm from each other, after which the process of rubbing (“sawing”) begins, gradually moving towards the shoulder blades along the spine. This will warm the skin even more and warm the muscle tissue deeper.
  5. The squeeze is done by pressing the palm from the lower back and up the back, as if rolling the palm from the base to the fingertips. Attention is paid to the sacrum and sides.
  6. Planing is performed by spreading the pressed fingers in opposite directions. This stretches the tissue and stimulates the muscles.
  7. Chopping is done with the edge of the palm. This is a light tap without any pain.
  8. Next, the fingers close, forming an air cushion. Patting is done.
  9. Circular movements are made with fists;
  10. A concussion is produced, which already relaxes the muscles. To do this, a movement is made with the hands on the surface of the skin, as if sifting a sieve, creating vibration.
  11. The final technique is stroking, which will calm the muscles.

This is a complete spinal massage at home. The procedure takes 10-15 minutes to feel the effectiveness of the manipulations. You just have to remember that there should be no pressure or patting in the kidney area.

In case of cancer, even if the tumor is located in any other place, it is prohibited to massage or otherwise mechanically influence the skin, joints and organs. This may accelerate the progression of the disease.

The jars themselves can be plastic, but then they need a special device for removing air. There is also an old glass version, when the jars were treated with alcohol, set on fire and applied to the skin. The oxygen burned and the cans adhered tightly to the skin. This option has been used for quite some time to treat lung diseases.

The simplest and most convenient option today is rubber vacuum devices. It is enough to press on their surface and apply it to the skin so that the skin is captured. It is enough to simply control the degree of impact and the intensity of the vacuum effect. The procedure is much simpler.

To carry out the procedure correctly using a rubber or plastic device, the surface of the skin is treated with oil or fatty cream. After this, the can is applied to the cover and the air is removed from it. Next, circular movements are made clockwise without pressing, and then straight lines vertically and horizontally. Avoid the kidney area. At home, performing such manipulations yourself will not be difficult.

Interesting: experts consider this type of massage to be an excellent substitute for anti-cellulite procedures, helping to break down fat deposits in problem areas through mechanical action.

Self-massage of the lower back

Back massage at home can be done in several stages. You can use any of the following methods. You can combine them at your discretion or perform them sequentially.

Reception No. 1

Start manipulations by warming up your hands. To do this, bring your palms together, press them with your knees and start rubbing against each other. Then place your warm palms on the source of pain and wait until the heat begins to penetrate deep into the tissues. For best results, it is recommended to repeat the exercise up to 7 times.

Reception No. 2

Warm up your palms in the same way. Then apply them to your lower back so that your thumbs are located on the sides in a downward direction. The remaining fingers lie on the lower back slightly obliquely. Rub this area up and down with intense movements. Do this until a feeling of warmth appears in the deep tissues of the muscles.

Reception No. 3

After a good massage of the lower back with the pads of your fingers lying perpendicular to the spinal column and 5 cm to the side, perform small linear movements, then circular ones. You need to move along the spine from bottom to top.

Reception No. 4

Clench your hands into fists. Massage your back with the back of your body, making circular and straight movements. Do it without pressure and as carefully as possible. There should be no pain during the process.

You can massage the neck or lower back separately, or alternately work on both zones. In the process, use high-quality creams, balms or oils that have a hypoallergenic base. Avoid the procedure during an exacerbation of the disease to prevent deterioration. If you use additional devices or massagers, do not forget to remove any remaining product from their surface. Ideally, after each procedure, treat the surface of the product with alcohol. Wipe the treated skin surfaces with a cloth, and then take a contrast shower.

Massage is a wonderful way to relax, which also has a healing effect if done correctly. It helps maintain youth and energy. Allows you to get rid of accumulated fatigue. During a massage, the body relaxes, blood circulation is normalized, and the skin becomes more elastic.

Creating an appropriate environment

Since massage is aimed mainly at obtaining pleasure and maximum relaxation, that is why before doing it, you should create the most favorable conditions for this. Here's what they include:

  • a massage table, which at home can be replaced with any hard surface; it should be covered with a non-slip blanket made of natural material, and a small pillow should be placed under the head of the person being massaged;
  • a suitable atmosphere, which consists in creating the most comfortable ambient temperature and air humidity for a person; before performing a massage, the room must be ventilated;
  • a suitable environment - to do this, dim the lights in the room, play relaxing, calm music, and, if desired, light candles or an aroma lamp;
  • Prepare everything you need for a massage - massage oil or cream, towel.

Once everything is ready, you can begin the massage itself.

What massage techniques are there?

Russian massage technique includes 4 main techniques, which include:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • kneading;
  • vibration and impact techniques.

For a non-professional massage therapist, the correct implementation of these techniques will be quite sufficient; you should not try to perform something more complex, since with an incorrect massage you can achieve the opposite effect and cause serious harm to health.

Back massage technique

Professional massage requires special training, but it doesn’t take much to make your loved one feel good and help them relax. Try to do everything carefully and without strong pressure, focus on the sensations of the person being massaged and follow his instructions. Massage techniques include the following:

  1. Before the procedure, take a little warm massage oil in your palms and gently apply it to your back. Any massage should begin with light, stroking movements, gradually making them more intense. Make the movement from bottom to top along the central part along the spine, but without touching it itself. At the top of the back, the stroking movements should be expanded, capturing the shoulder area. Continue these movements for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Start longitudinal movements, starting from the spine, from the lower back to the sides. At the same time, work the sides well. Duration – 5 minutes.
  3. After this, proceed to rubbing - make the same movements in direction as indicated in the first two paragraphs, but using your fingertips. Do it for 10 minutes.
  4. The next stage is kneading. In order to perform continuous kneading, the hands must be in the same plane, but in contact with each other. The tissues on the back are deeply grasped, with one hand you need to move them away from you, and with the second hand - towards you. Then make a shift in the opposite direction. In this case, the movements should smoothly flow from one to another. Do everything carefully, working all areas of your back for 10 minutes.
  5. You can supplement the massage with vibration movements, for which one hand remains on the massaged area, and the second moves along the part of the body, without leaving the surface of the back.
  6. The final stage of the massage is percussive techniques, which include tapping, chopping movements and patting. Initially, we perform tapping, for which we make gentle blows with our fingertips or fist. We continue with chopping movements - using the edges of our palms, we gently tap the entire back area. And we finish by clapping our palms. All these techniques should not cause pain and should not be performed for long - no more than 5 minutes.
  7. You should finish the massage where you started - with light, stroking movements.

Movements can be combined and complemented with each other.

Basic rules of massage

When performing a massage, you should adhere to the following basic rules:

  • It is forbidden to do massage for many diseases, first check the list of those diseases for which it is unacceptable;
  • Massage with caution if there are moles;
  • Do all the movements that you perform during a massage carefully, without unnecessary pressure, be interested in the sensations of the person being massaged in order to avoid unpleasant health consequences;
  • all movements should be uniform, smooth, with a clear rhythm, avoid abruptness and long stops - this will help a person relax as much as possible;
  • After a massage, you should not get up immediately; you must cover the person being massaged with a towel and let him lie down for a while.

If you are worried about back pain, it is best to contact a professional massage therapist or sign up for a massage course, after which you will be able to please your family with a quality massage all the time.

At the end of a hard, eventful working day, you really want to rest a little, relax, devote some time to yourself and relieve the tension that has arisen. The best way is a relaxing back massage. It helps relieve tension from muscles that have been very tense during the day. However, in order to achieve the desired effect, and not harm yourself, you need to know how to properly massage your back.

Back massage - rules of execution

  • We do not forget about hygiene, and therefore before starting the procedure you need to wash your hands with warm water. Be sure to use cream or oil for massage.
  • It is more appropriate to start massaging your back from the sacrum area, and then smoothly move higher.
  • The massage always begins with light stroking. Both circular and along the back movements are acceptable. Gradually you should massage a little more actively, applying more and more force.

The most basic rule that should always be followed when performing a massage is not to put pressure or rub the spine directly. It is necessary to massage strictly only the area along the spine and nothing else. Experts also do not recommend applying too much pressure or patting the area on the back near the kidneys, and there is no need to use maximum force between the shoulder blades. In these areas, you can only massage lightly with gentle movements.

When massaging the back, the following techniques are acceptable: rubbing, patting, stroking, pinching and kneading. It should be noted that throughout the entire procedure the massage therapist skillfully alternates the above techniques.

It is important to know that the neck and shoulders need to be rubbed and kneaded, using a little more force than massaging the muscles in the lower back. After all, it is the neck and shoulders that are exposed to the most stress during the day.

Another rule that must be followed is to take into account the wishes and condition of the person who entrusted his back to you. If you are asked to massage a little harder, then you can slightly increase the pressure, although this does not contradict the basic rules, that is, it does not harm your health.

Contraindications to back massage

It is worth knowing that it is not always possible to do a back massage. So, if a person suffers from infectious skin diseases, fungal diseases, has problems with blood vessels, or has previously suffered serious spinal injuries, massage is strictly prohibited. And in other situations, massage will only bring benefits, help you relax, and relieve fatigue.

How to do a back massage - technique

It is better to start a full body massage from the back. Since it is less sensitive to influences from the outside than the chest and abdomen. It's no secret that the blue area contains a huge number of muscles that are very tense. The most vulnerable areas are the shoulder blades and lower back.

Back massage can be done both from top to bottom and from bottom to top. On the back, the long, wide and trapezius muscles are worked with massaging movements.

The person being massaged should lie on his stomach, and his hands should be along his body. As noted above, the massage should begin with stroking. Gradually you need to add strength. Movements are performed strictly from the sacrum upward to the supraclavicular fossa. One hand should move the thumb forward, the other hand should have the little finger forward.

The following basic techniques used in back massage can be distinguished:

  1. straight, forceful rubbing with fingertips;
  2. rubbing in a circle with the pads of your thumbs;
  3. circular rubbing - with the pads of all fingers of one hand using force;
  4. concentric rubbing - the thumb and index finger work;
  5. rubbing bent fingers with phalanges, and this can be light massaging, or maybe with the use of force.

When massaging the broad muscles of the back, it is recommended to knead the heel of the palm. And when massaging the long muscles stretching from the sacrum to the back of the head, it is best to use deep linear stroking with the thumbs of both hands from bottom to top. The back of the head, upper and middle back - you need to massage in accordance with the direction of the muscle fibers. You can rub along the spine only in circular movements with the pads of your fingers or the phalanges of bent fingers.

Back massage - photo instructions

We offer you photo instructions or a guide on how to properly do a back massage.

  • Place your hands on the back of the person you are massaging. The right hand should be on the lower back, and the left hand should be between the shoulder blades.
  • Gently move your right hand to the person’s left buttock, while your left hand should remain in the same area. With fairly soft movements, with minimal use of force, begin to massage, while you need to slightly rock the entire torso.
  • Slowly, bring your left hand towards your right.
  • While rocking your entire body, slowly stroke your entire back with your left hand, starting from the left side.
  • Talk to the person you are giving the massage to, find out if he feels comfortable.
  • Place your hands on your lower back. Smoothly move up towards your neck.
  • Then, also smoothly return back to your lower back. Repeat this several times.
  • When the entire back is lubricated with oil, starting from the lower back, begin rubbing with wide circular massaging movements, using minimal force. Slowly move towards the shoulder blade area. Having reached the shoulders, stroking, go down again to the lower back.
  • Lower your right hand in the lower back area onto the spine, place your left hand on top - thus, applying light pressure, move towards the neck.
  • Use your middle and index fingers to press on both sides of the spine. Thus, you need to go down again to the lower back.
  • Using two palms, massage from the buttocks to the neck, alternately on both sides.
  • Place two palms side by side on the lower back, resting only with the base of the palm and with quick, rhythmic movements begin to warm up the muscles, in the direction from the buttocks to the shoulders. Lower yourself to the starting position in the same way.
  • Using both hands, using force, massage the muscles of the buttocks and lower back.
  • Using your thumbs, knead the skin along the spine. And then in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.
  • Clasp your palms and lower your arms to the middle of your back.
  • Slowly, carefully turn the hands of the person whose back you are massaging, palms down.
  • Press both palms firmly enough onto the lower back and massage so hard that the skin gathers into folds. While moving one palm forward slightly, do not forget to slightly pull the other back.
  • Let's start kneading the shoulder and neck muscles. In these areas, you can safely use more force.
  • With your left hand, grab your partner's left hand under the elbow, and with your right hand, grab his hand. Wind it up gently, without causing pain, and place it on your lower back. The palm should face up.
  • Place your left hand under his left shoulder. With the fingers of your right hand interlocked, rub in circles on your left upper back. Particular attention should be paid to the area between the spine and the shoulder blade.
  • Massage the entire shoulder blade with pinching movements.
  • Do all of the above on the right side.
  • Lightly clench your fists and “drum” them over the entire surface of your buttocks.
  • With the sides of your palms, lightly tap your buttocks at a fast, rhythmic pace.
  • Cup your palms in handfuls and lightly pat them, starting from your buttocks and ending at the top of your neck.
  • With the back of your hand, pat the right side of your torso.
  • Gently place both of your palms along your spine, with your fingers pointing straight down. Gently, but at the same time with pressure, run your hands along your back several times.
  • Use wave-like movements over the entire area of ​​your back and lower back down to your lower back. Do this several times.
  • Place your hands on your upper back. Bring them together and massage the neck muscles with exciting movements. All fingers should move towards the collarbones.
  • Now, pressing lightly, massage the cervical vertebrae thoroughly.
  • Then you need to place your hands slightly below your shoulders, on either side of your spine. And massage in a circular motion from the center. Gradually, continuing to massage, go down to the lower back.
  • At the same pace you need to reach the buttocks. Don't forget to rub the sides. Then we return with stroking movements to the neck.
  • In the area of ​​the shoulder blades, pressing on the back, massage both sides of the spine. Grab the neck too.
  • Using the pads of your thumbs, making small circular movements from the spine to the sides, walk along the entire back, starting from the neck to the lower back. The greatest force must be applied in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, and the least on the lower back.
  • Place your palms directly on your shoulder blades. Alternately acting with your left and then your right hand, in a circular motion, while applying slight pressure, go over the entire surface of the back. And don't forget to include your buttocks too.
  • Spread your fingers wide and lightly press the pads onto the skin. tap all over your back. Finally, stroke the entire surface of your back several times.

How to do a back massage - video

And in conclusion, we offer you a video lesson that will help you do a back massage correctly and professionally.

Classic back massage - video

The human body is designed so uniquely that sometimes you are amazed that pain in one place radiates in the opposite direction.

If you have liver or kidney disease, your back hurts; if a nerve is pinched in your back, your leg will pull.

Every person can learn how to properly massage the back, both for preventive purposes to improve the health of the whole body, and to get rid of pain in a certain area.

Back massage: to do or not to do

Back pain, sometimes acute and more often nagging, is not always a sign of a disorder in the spinal system. Each part of the spinal column is responsible for a specific organ of our body, so if painful sensations appear, do not rush to do a back massage, especially at home, but consult a doctor and determine the cause of the disease.

Indeed, if you do a back massage correctly, recovery will occur much faster for the following diseases:







Bronchitis and many others.

Back massage not only relieves pain, but also relieves increased nervous excitability and calms. If you do a back massage correctly, then at the end of it the patient will want to take a nap for a couple of minutes.

A relaxing effect on muscles and nerve endings can overcome chronic fatigue syndrome.

Scoliosis noticed in time can be easily overcome with regular massage sessions; in this case, it is especially important to do a back massage correctly, knowing where to relax and where to increase the impact.

However, using the main principle of doctors “do no harm,” never massage any organ, especially the back, if a person has cancer, problems with the blood system, tuberculosis, tumors or infections, before starting massage sessions, be sure to get permission from a doctor, if you do not confident in the diagnosis.

How to do a back massage correctly: preparation

Before you begin massage sessions, listen carefully to the patient, determine whether he or she has any contraindications, and determine what type of massage you will do:




A relaxing massage, as a rule, is done for preventive purposes, to relieve muscle tension, remove excitability and fill the body with calm.

If a problem arises, we perform a therapeutic massage, paying attention to painful areas.

Sports massage helps relieve muscle tension, relieve spasticity, calm and relax before or after exercise.

Hypertensive patients should definitely measure their blood pressure before and after a massage, if the tonometer readings are above 160 mmHg. It is forbidden to do a massage, it is better to first massage the head and neck, relieve the pressure and then begin the procedure, but without practice, it is better not to risk it.

The place for massage manipulations can be a chair if we are working with the upper back, or a table or sofa if we are working with the entire or only the lower dorsal surface, the main thing is that the surface is hard.

The air temperature in the room should be comfortable for the person receiving the massage, but the room should be ventilated before the session begins.

For massage you will need massage oil or cream, a silicone jar if you decide to do a cupping massage and honey for a honey massage.

To properly massage your back, you should familiarize yourself with the basic techniques and methodology for each type of massage.

How to do a back massage correctly: sequence of actions

Whatever type of massage we proceed to, the obligatory condition remains the direction of the manipulations performed, from the center of the back to the periphery, without affecting the area of ​​the lymph nodes.

The back massage can be divided into 2 parts, upper and lower. For respiratory diseases, pain in the thoracic spine, intercostal neuralgia, we massage the lower part of the thoracic region, then move to the upper half.

Backache, radiculitis, pinched sciatic nerve, nagging pain in the legs require massage in the lower back, so we do the same massage of the lower part of the thoracic region, then move on to the lower back.

First, let's get acquainted with the techniques of classical massage, which underlie all other types of massage manipulations.

Each massage begins with stroking and rubbing.

— We perform stroking 3-5 times for 2-3 minutes, placing open palms on the back, stroking in straight lines, circular or zigzag.

On an obese body, this technique can be performed with the knuckles of hands folded into a fist. We start slowly, gently, gradually moving to a faster pace and increasing the pressure on the skin of the back.

- Let's move on to rubbing. We do this manipulation in two or three different techniques, the main thing is to achieve a uniformly red state of the skin at the end of rubbing.

1. “Shading” is performed with four fingers of both hands, performing rubbing movements at a fast pace, with pressure, trying to shade the surface being massaged.

2. Sawing is a good and effective technique that provides rapid blood flow. We place our palms on the edge opposite each other, begin to quickly move our hands up and down, rubbing the skin over the entire surface.

3. You can rub the skin well by placing four fingers with emphasis on the thumb, and making circular movements with them, slowly moving from the center to the periphery and from bottom to top. We do the rubbing for 7 – 10 minutes, depending on the area of ​​massaging.

- We continue to do this technique, move on to kneading, but we try not to rub, but to push through each area of ​​​​the skin, stopping at the detected seals and painful places. During the first massage sessions, you should be very attentive to the sensations of the person being massaged, try not to cause pain, easing the pressure in places of acute pain.

If it’s more convenient for you, you can knead with your thumb, then the rest will serve as a support.

"Rolling" allows you not only to relieve tension from the skin, but to give it elasticity and restore tone. With the fingers of both hands we grab the roll of skin, try to move it, pushing it from below with our thumbs, and with the other four we quickly move it, as if we are running away from this “cart”.

"Rolling" can only be done on the skin of a not too thick body and not a very thin body, so that it is possible to form a skin fold, which we will roll with one hand onto the open palm of the other, gradually moving over the entire massaged surface.

We perform each technique slowly, trying to compress the skin as tightly as possible, stretch it, repeating the manipulations 5 times from bottom to top, from the center to the sides.

- If the patient is not hypertensive, then we finish the classic massage with vibration - patting or tapping.

Patting is done with open or folded palms, tapping is performed with the radial side of hands folded into a fist or with the ribs of open hands, intensively, but without fanaticism, we act on the entire surface being worked, from bottom to top and back, ending the entire massage with stroking.

Now we move on to direct massage of each zone.


1. When starting a massage, we remember that we perform all manipulations without touching the spine itself, and we do not work on areas where lymph accumulates, that is, in the armpits and in the groin area.

2. For hypertensive patients, all types of massage should be done from the neck to the tailbone, without “pumping” the blood, so as not to provoke an increase in pressure.

Getting started classic massage, you should pay attention to small subtleties.

— When massaging the lower part of the thoracic region, when working on the intercostal surface, ironing and rubbing is best done with a “rake” with fingers widely spaced.

— When working on the scapular area, it is important to massage under the scapula; to do this, we place the hand behind the back, place the back of the palm on the kidney area, with the scapula sticking forward, and carefully knead the subscapular surface.

— It is forbidden to vibrate in the area of ​​the heart and kidneys, as well as in case of hypertension.

Relaxing massage The easiest way to make a miracle is with a jar, a silicone jar, which you can buy at the pharmacy.

You can also use a glass jar with a suction cup, but it is more painful and more often injures the skin, especially in the abdominal area.

To ensure that cupping massage does not cause painful sensations, stroking and rubbing should be done before starting it.

Lightly squeeze the jar and press it tightly against the oiled surface of the back; now you can move it, drawing any lines, figures, even pictures, but from the spine to the sides. Of course, this will not be a professional massage with honey, but it will bring some benefit.

After a classic or cupping massage, apply a thin layer of slightly heated honey to the heated skin, then apply your hands, pressing them tightly to the skin, literally sticking, and sharply tear them off, while the skin of the back will automatically rise following the palms.

We also massage from the spine to the sides, limiting it for people prone to sudden surges in pressure. Place your palms with your fingers up, parallel to each other on both sides of the spine. It all depends on the strength of your hands, speed of reaction and desire to help

With a properly done massage, with good intensity, the honey will begin to turn into white lumps, and then completely disappear, being absorbed into the skin.

At the end of the honey massage, your back can be covered with cling film, no more than half an hour, or cloth made from natural materials, and wrap it thoroughly. Under no circumstances should you leave the film on overnight, as this can cause skin burns, but under the fabric the skin can warm up until the morning.

Attention! Honey massage can be done for people who are not allergic to honey.

Whatever type of massage you choose, remember that the result comes after the entire course of 10-15 sessions, whether the procedures are performed daily or every other day, the effect is stronger in the second case.

If long-term treatment is necessary, you should alternate types of massage or change the hands of the massage therapist so that the body does not get used to it.

For prevention and for chronic diseases, you should undergo 2-4 full courses of massage per year.

Summer has come, and more work has been done in gardens and vegetable gardens, which puts a lot of strain on joints and muscles, leading to fatigue and pain. A massage that you can give to yourself helps relieve fatigue from your muscles. How to massage yourself so as not to harm, but only to get relief and pleasure?
I invite you to the group on Folk Wisdom, Medicine and Experience

How to do self-massage

What does massage give?

  1. Massage brings not only local relief to the treated area, but has a beneficial effect on the entire body: skin, joints, muscles, nervous and circulatory systems.
  2. When massaged, the movement of blood and lymph is activated in the skin, which significantly improves the nutrition of all cells and their saturation with oxygen. The skin becomes firm, elastic, and acquires a healthy, beautiful color.
  3. The nervous system quickly responds to the massage, activating the blood supply not only to the body, but also to the brain, raising the condition to a high level. In addition, the massage effect stimulates metabolism, accelerating it, normalizing the activity of all internal organs, increasing vitality, strengthening defenses, and is a prevention of colds.
  4. The positive effect on muscles and joints is expressed in the fact that improved blood circulation increases their performance and removes all harmful substances from them formed during training or work. The joints and tissues closest to them also begin to be better supplied with nutrition and oxygen, and mobility increases.
  5. The biggest advantage is that all these miracles are in our hands. It is necessary to learn the correct techniques for self-massage. And remember that the impact on the body should not be painful.
  6. It has also been noted that massaging for at least 15 minutes improves performance by almost 2 times.
  7. Doctors recommend self-massage for cardiovascular problems. At the same time, sleep significantly improves, leg swelling and shortness of breath decrease.
  8. Massage helps with diseases of the kidneys, respiratory organs and other ailments.
  9. Massage perfectly complements morning exercises. By performing self-massage in the morning, you will recharge yourself with energy for the whole day and increase the endurance of your joints and muscles.

How to give yourself a massage

Self-massage is convenient to do while sitting on a chair. It is necessary to start the warm-up from the periphery to the center, bypassing the area of ​​the lymphatic systems (nodes): armpits, in the inner bend of the elbow, popliteal, etc.

Be sure to lubricate your hands with massage cream or oil. To enhance the effect, it is good to use products containing medicinal herbs.

Before the massage, it is better to warm up under a hot shower, sauna, steam bath, and your muscles will relax.

Head massage

Start from the hairy area of ​​the forehead to the back of the head. You should tilt your head slightly forward and rub the skin with your fingertips, first in a straight line, and then in a circular motion. At first, perform 8-10 times, and then within a month increase to 20-22.

Make 3 circular movements behind the ears and begin to massage the neck along a straight line 7-10 times, each time increasing the number of repetitions.

Hand massage

First, massage the fingers of the left hand, gradually moving higher to the shoulder. Start with deep rubbing, massaging on three sides: along the front, outside and back. Stretch your hands in a circular motion, covering almost the entire forearm.

Then knead the forearm. The right hand works 7-10 times on the left shoulder from the ears along the neck down to the middle of the shoulder. We act similarly on the other shoulder.

Chest massage

The left side is massaged with the palm of your hand counterclockwise with wide movements at least seven times, skipping the nipple area. The right one is massaged in the same way, but in a clockwise direction.

how to give yourself a massage

Abdominal massage

This can be done in two ways:

  • circular movements only in a clockwise direction. Moreover, the right palm does not leave the body, increasing the circles. The left hand periodically jumps over the right;
  • rub with intermittent movements in the shape of the letter “P”, starting from the bottom and to the right.

Back massage

Of course, it’s difficult to do it yourself. However, if you grab the fingers of your left with your right hand, then with the back of your hands you can rub the accessible part of your back well from bottom to top.

The back is rubbed along the spine along three lines, starting from a line four centimeters from it, and then across the spinal column to the sides, rising from the waist up to the shoulders.

thigh massage

Foot massage

It starts with the left leg from the bottom. First, self-massage the soles and feet, then knead the lower legs, and then move on to the thighs, and finally knead the buttocks. The thigh massage must be carried out long and deep, since this muscle is large. The buttocks are massaged from the folds to the lower back. Do the same with the other leg.

Conditions for self-massage

It is advisable to carry out the procedure naked. Then a pleasant and useful procedure is combined with.

The massage should last at least 25-30 minutes.

Self-massage should not be performed in case of any inflammatory processes, elevated temperature, skin diseases, oncology, tuberculosis.

We hope you understand how to massage yourself, i.e. on one's own. Take some time for yourself, enjoy this wonderful procedure and be healthy.

And also a useful video on massage and self-massage.

Massage of legs, feet, head - video



Traditional medicine recipes are most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an addition to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

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