How to make aroma oils at home. How to make essential oil at home - the simplest methods and recipes

Making your own essential oils is not so easy and it costs some financial investment! So is it possible to learn how to make essential oils at home? The short answer is yes, you can make homemade essential oils.
Firstly, I want to give you brief overview of what essential oils are because there is a lot of confusion around the subject.
An essential oil is a concentrated oil that is known to contain the aroma of a plant. While essential oils have been used in perfumes, cosmetics and incense for many decades, aromatherapy has reinvigorated people's interest in these wonderfully aromatic, soothing oils to promote calmer or more relaxed feelings. positive sentiments based on smell.
Aromatherapy uses aromatic compounds found in plant extracts, which are known to have medicinal properties. The scent of other plants can enhance a person's sense of calm, and others can even have an uplifting effect on the mind.

So is it possible to make your own essential oils?

The short answer is yes, you can make essential oils at home.
You will find that making your own essential oil can save you sufficient quantity money and you will also be confident in the flavors you will receive, however... Be prepared for a high initial outlay!
Making your own pure essential oils at home involves a distillation process, which means purchasing or making your own! While you can still make your own from various items around the house, it may be safer to buy from the store.
Having said that, if you intend to use essential oils yourself, you can find the parts you need in the store homemade bread or in the specialty section of a hardware store.
Thus, essential oil DIY is quite a technological process. Alternatively, the oil infusions below cost very little and give great results and are much easier than trying to make your own essential oil and I use them for my incense sticks.

Traditional process for creating essential oil

Distillation is also quite modern method preparation of essential oils.
So, as a beginner, we recommend starting with an alternative and more traditional essential oil infusion process. Infusing the oil will give you very nice aromatic results, and although it is not as strong as distilled essential oil, you can vary the strength to suit your needs and you don't need to dilute.
The key to making good oil infusions is choosing the right materials. You want to use a pale-colored oil with a mild scent that won't overpower the flowers, herbs, or spices you intend to use with it. Olive oil, jojoba oil, safflower oil, almond oil or canola oil can often work very well.

Selecting Herbs for Oil Infusion

You can use almost any garden herb when making your own essential oil. You should use leaves and flowers, but avoid using any woody stems or branches. Always pound the leaves to release their scent before adding them to the oil. The most popular are lavender, rosemary, peppermint, thyme and lemon balm.

Spices selection

Perhaps the most common spices found in essential oils are the most aromatic. The most popular are cinnamon, coriander, cumin, nutmeg and cloves.
You will need to crush the spices to fully release their flavors before adding them to the oils with the solution and pestle.

Choice of colors:

Aromatic flowers are very popular additions to many homemade essential oils. You can choose one or more colors in your oils. Make sure you use petals only because they contain most of the flavor you want.
Cut the flowers while they are not completely open and remove the petals for use in your oils. Most fragrant flowers are great for essential oil, such as roses, carnations, frangipani, hyacinths, lavender, violets, marigolds and many others.

Basic rose oil infusion

You can make an infusion of rose petals.
Homemade rose essential oil
For a good infusion, make sure you choose from buds where the buds have only partially opened. You only need 1/4 cup of petals.
Place the petals in a jar with a lid. You only need to press the flowers a little to release the oil and aroma.
Place the damaged flower petals in glass jar and pour in 1/2 cup of your chosen base oil. Seal the jar and shake it well to mix the flower oil with your base oil. Leave the jar overnight.
Once the flowers have been soaked in oil for 24 hours, strain the oil and discard the petals. Repeat the procedure again with another 1/4 cup of blue petals and let them soak in the oil overnight.
Experience the aroma of your homemade essential oil after the second batch of petals has been discarded. If you prefer a stronger smelling oil, repeat the process a third time.
When the aroma reaches a point that is strong enough for you to like, strain the oil into a dark glass container. Seal it tightly and store away from sunlight until you need it.

Sensitive massage aromatherapy oil infusion

Some aromatherapy oils are excellent for use as a sensual massage oil to help enhance feelings. For this infusion, you will need approximately 1/4 cup of mixed jasmine flowers, lavender flower, and grated vanilla.
Place 1/4 cup of jasmine flowers, lavender flowers and grated vanilla beans in a jar with a lid. Touch the flowers lightly with a wooden mallet to bruise them and release the aromas.
Place the flowers in a glass jar and pour 1 cup over it olive oil. Seal the jar and shake well.
Leave the oil for 48 hours to cool the flowers.
After 48 hours, wet the oil and discard the flowers. Pour the oil into a dark glass container and store it in a cool, dark place until needed.
You should find that the scent is quite subtle, but will become more pronounced as the oil is warmed slightly by the natural warmth of your skin during a sensual massage.
We hope you enjoyed this article on how to make your own essential oil and infusions.

The use of essential oils has long gone beyond the perfume industry and has gained widespread popularity. Therapists in clinics can now easily prescribe aromatherapy treatment, and cosmetologists even consider these drugs to be indispensable in creating beauty. Their only drawback is high price. But this problem can be easily solved if you know how to make essential oil at home. As practice shows, it is not inferior in quality to pharmacy products, but is several times cheaper.

Preparatory stage: proper procurement of raw materials

Aroma oil can be extracted from almost any vegetation, be it a wild bush or a noble flower from a country flower bed. But before you make essential oils at home from the selected plant, you should clarify in which part of it the concentration is concentrated. maximum quantity aromatic substances. For example, in the flowers of the May lily of the valley, despite the pronounced pleasant smell, they contain only about 0.04%, and the fruits clove tree - 22%.

Spicy clove is the leader in essential oil content. To obtain a high-quality final product, it is important not only to know how to make essential oil, but also when to prepare the raw materials for it. There is nothing complicated about this, just remember the following few rules: If inflorescences are used to extract aromatic oils, then they are cut off at the peak of flowering, choosing fully open flowers. Rhizomes are dug up exclusively in the fall, when the leaves begin to dry out. In the case of using stems or leaves, the raw materials are collected before the formation of buds. Seeds and fruits are taken only when fully ripe. If the entire above-ground part of the plant is suitable for processing, then optimal time for collection - initial stage flowering. Raw materials are harvested only in dry, sunny weather, immediately after the dew has dried. Suitable for preparing oils: fresh plants, and dried herbs.

Available methods for preparing essential oils

There are several methods for making your own essential oil. These are extraction, distillation, enfleurage and infusion. The choice of method largely depends on the type of raw material.

Low-cost methods: extraction and distillation

The easiest and fastest way to obtain aroma oil, which does not require any additional equipment or extra costs, is pressing. But it is only good for processing citrus fruits. The essence of this method is to manually squeeze the oily liquid from the peel of the fruit.

Any raw material except fruits and seeds is suitable for extracting fragrant oil from plants by distillation. The disadvantage of this method is that you cannot use improvised means - distillation requires a special distillation apparatus, similar to the one used to make homemade alcohol.

But if you build such a device at home, then the production process will practically not differ from how essential oils are made in pharmaceutical factories, and at home you can get very high quality product, in no way inferior to pharmaceutical drugs.

Flower lipstick and essential tinctures

The beautiful word “enfleurage” refers to the complex procedure for obtaining aromatic oils by extraction with purified solid (mainly beef) fat. The idea is that plant parts are placed on a thin layer of fat, pressed with a press and left for a while. The fat absorbs the aroma and the result is what perfumers call floral lipstick. Subsequently, it is dissolved with alcohol and filtered, obtaining pure oil. This method is very expensive and labor-intensive, so it is used only for processing very delicate and fragile flowers of plants such as roses, violets, and jasmine.

Enfleurage began to be used to extract aromatic oils from plants several centuries ago. Some essential oils can be prepared at home only by infusion. To do this, additionally use alcohol or base vegetable oil without its own odor. They are poured over prepared plants and infused, usually from 3 days to 3 months. After that alcohol tincture filtered, and the oil is squeezed out. The saturation of the oil depends on the duration of infusion.

The most popular recipes for homemade aromatic oils

Fragrant aphrodisiac from roses

To prepare this aroma oil with a subtle, enticing scent, use strong-smelling red garden roses.

For rose oil, you need to take only garden flowers, and not greenhouse flowers with a weak odor. Two glasses of petals are first placed in a container and pressed down with a weight for compacting for a day, and then poured with olive oil so that it thin layer cover the petals on top, preventing the access of air. Infuse this mixture in a dark place for at least a month. Every two days the jar must be thoroughly shaken or its contents mixed. When the infusion is ready, the petals are squeezed out and thrown away, and the fragrant product is poured into a dark glass bottle and stored in the refrigerator. This remedy is well suited for bathing, after which the body emits a pleasant aroma. Mythologists claim that it was thanks to rose oil that Cleopatra conquered Caesar.

Mint symphony with anti-stress effect

For cooking natural preparation called “Mint Symphony”, which relieves stress and calms nervous system, use only fresh and intact peppermint leaves. They must be washed thoroughly, dried with a paper towel and torn into small pieces by hand to speed up the release of juice.

The leaves are compacted tightly into a glass jar, filling it to the very top, and poured with oil from grape seeds, then close with a lid. The jar is hidden in a dark place for a day. After 24 hours, the mixture is filtered, the leaves are squeezed out and discarded, and the procedure is repeated again using fresh leaves and oil filtered from previous use. Each time it will acquire an increasingly rich aroma and a characteristic greenish color.

Invigorating citrus oil

The beauty of this product, besides healing properties and a pleasant aroma, also due to the fact that orange or lemon peels are used for its preparation. Thus, you can eat the fruit, replenishing the body’s vitamin reserves, and put the peel to good use. For cooking aromatic agent peels from several fruits are crushed, placed in a jar and filled with any refined vegetable oil that does not have its own odor. After letting the mixture brew for a week, the jar with a loosely closed lid is placed in a steam bath for 30 minutes, after which the resulting liquid is filtered, carefully squeezing it out of the peel. Once cooled, your homemade essential oil is ready to use. Before using any aromatic oil for medicinal or for cosmetic purposes It is necessary to consult with a specialist, because each of them has a number of contraindications. For example, mint can cause miscarriage early stages pregnancy, and citrus fruits can cause allergies in children.

Today, aromatherapy is at the peak of popularity; translated from Greek, this word literally means “smell treatment.”

Let's try to catch and lock the smell in a bottle at home.

So, we will need leaves, flowers or plant stems.

Filling vegetable raw materials glass jar (up to half), fill the other half with warm vegetable oil. It’s good if there is not a transparent container, but one made of dark glass. Close the jar tightly and store in a warm place for 2-3 weeks, preferably in the sun, until the leaves turn brown. Then we carefully remove them and fill them with new, fresh ones. And so on until the oil is properly saturated with aroma. As a rule, this is 2-3 refills. When the oil is ready, remove the plant residues and pour the infused oil into bottles. Be sure to close tightly to prevent air from entering.

But that's it aromatic herbs, whether you take them internally or externally, such as as a massage oil, use carefully. First, apply a few drops to your wrist: if there is no response during the day allergic reaction, then continue to use this plant.

It is better to collect flowers for preparing aromatic oil at the moment of their full disclosure, and leaves and stems – until the plant blooms. If you use everything at once (both stem and flower), then collect during flowering. The time of collection is also important. It is better to do this in the morning, but when there is no dew and on a good sunny day. You can use not only fresh, but also dried raw materials. Dry it in the same way as for medicinal needs: in a dry, dark, ventilated room. Under the influence of the sun, essential oils evaporate and beneficial substances disintegrate. After drying, plants lose more than half their weight. You can make your own oil at home from almost all garden plants.

Preparation of calendula oil

2 tbsp. l. crushed flowers, pour 1 cup olive or sunflower oil close the lid and let it brew for 2-3 weeks in a warm place. Strain. The oil is ready. Store in a dark place in a container with a closed lid.

Lavender oil - how to prepare

2 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials pour 1 cup vegetable oil(olive, flaxseed, almond or others), leave in a cool, dark place for 2 months, shaking occasionally.

How to make your own clove oil

Place crushed cloves in a slow cooker and pour in any vegetable oil so that it completely covers the cloves. Cook for 3-4 hours at the lowest temperature. Then strain and pour into a glass jar.

There is another way. Place 1 cup of crushed cloves in a container, pour in any vegetable oil (olive, corn, etc.) so that it is a few centimeters higher than the clove powder. The oil should cover the level of the plants by 2-4 fingers, but no more. Cover with a lid and leave to infuse in a sunny place for two weeks. Then strain the oil and pour into bottles.

As you can see, the process of making aroma oils

is simple, the only difference is in the duration of the process, because all plants give off aroma differently: some quickly, others longer. You can check the degree of readiness with only one tool - your own nose. Plants that have just been doused with oil do not smell anything - check!

To keep oils longer, add a few drops of preservative. This castor oil or liquid vitamin.

By the way

Laboratory glass jars can be found in pharmacies different colors: blue, dark green, purple. It is curious that back in the 19th century, the American doctor Edwin Babbitt discovered that water poured into a bottle of a certain color acquires special properties. For example, blue glass treats nervous disorders, red color dilates blood vessels, and blue constricts. So you can also add color therapy to aromatherapy. In the end, aroma oil in a colored bottle - it's just beautiful.

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Essential oil - mixture aromatic substances, famous for her healing properties. Essential oils are obtained from flowers, all kinds of herbs, nuts - in the world there are more than 2000 species of plants suitable for extracting oils from them. About benefits and diversity therapeutic methods aromatherapy (a system of health procedures based on the use of essential oils) has long been known.

There is a beautiful legend associated with the Indian queen Nur Jahan. One day, the royal lady was preparing to receive her husband, the ruler Jahangir, and ordered the servants to fill the pools with rose water. After some time, Nur noticed an oily film on the surface of the water. At first the queen was furious, but upon touching the greasy spot, she discovered that the oil had a pleasant aroma and texture. Thus, according to legend, the secret of obtaining essential oil from roses was discovered.

However, long before the Indian queens, noble ladies of Egypt, Rome and Greece began to use essential oils. It is known that it was these civilizations that became the inventors of the distillation apparatus. More information about the history of the moonshine still and its variety made of copper - alambik - can be read in the articles “Alambik: history of origin” and “Moonshine still and its history: from origins to the present”.

From the above, it becomes clear that the first and still the most optimal method of extracting healing essential oils from plants is distillation. Moreover, as additional product in this process, flower water or hydrolant is obtained, which also has many beneficial properties.

Now there are several other ways to get healing oils and water, aimed specifically at trying to extract oil from plants at home. This includes enfrelage using fatty wax and glass plates, infusion of plant material in oils, and hand pressing. But it was the distillation method that proved to be the most cost-effective and, most importantly, highly effective. That is why nowadays almost all companies involved in the production of essential oils are equipped with distillation machines.

Since ancient times, distillation has undergone minor changes, the technology has remained the same, only useful improvements have been made to it. It was the goal of improving the process of obtaining oil from flowers and plants that inspired the Persian scientist and physician Avicenna in the 9th century to increase the length of the cooling tube of the distillation apparatus and roll it up into a coil. The current moonshine stills (distillers) used for distilling oils have certainly been brought to perfection - this is a consequence of their long and rich history.

So how can you make essential oil and flower water at home using the distillation method?

The fact is that the size of the distillation apparatus can be any - only the volume of the resulting substance will depend on it. Huge industrial equipment is not necessary to replicate the distillation process. There are devices that are absolutely the same in technology, but only compact in size, convenient for homemade essential oils. Some craftsmen make distillers with their own hands, resorting to various original solutions, using glass and steel containers. Obviously, such an activity is quite dangerous and requires certain, almost professional, skills.

This can be a classic moonshine still, or a copper alambik - essentially the same apparatus, but only made of copper and, as a rule, manually. Alambik, in turn, has a variety that is specialized specifically in the production of hydrosol and essential oils. This is alquitara - an invention of the Arabs. In it, the cooler is located vertically above the distillation cube. Steam passes through such a device especially shortcut and unhinderedly conveys valuable oils for concentrate. In other distillers, the cooler is connected to the still by a rather long tube. In addition, alquitars, for the most part, are equipped with a sieve and even a special intermediate container, which make working with natural raw materials - flowers, plants and nuts - very convenient.

An important point for preparing real essential oil is what material the equipment is made of. Copper has a clear priority because it has unique antiseptic properties.

The process of making essential oil at home using a copper alquitara is similar to water distillation and looks like as follows. Plant material is placed in an intermediate container; in some cases it must be pre-soaked (for example, pink petals usually kept in water for 6-12 hours). Water is poured into the cube (no more than 75% of the total volume) and a sieve with flower petals, herbs or nuts is inserted. If the alquitar does not come with a special sieve, you can put the plant material directly into the cube. But it is important to understand that the raw materials can burn and make the cube unsuitable for subsequent distillations. Then the cube begins to warm up and the water supply to the cooler is turned on. Essential oils will rise up the column to the cooler and condense, and the condensate itself, along with them, will be collected at the outlet into any convenient container. Essential oils in the container rise to the surface of the exiting liquid and form an oil film. Water is the same hydrolate (floral water), retains its aroma for a long time and has useful qualities, which are so valued in production natural cosmetics. Indeed, simple and affordable way obtain products rich in natural healing properties.

You can use the finished essential oil for making perfumes, cosmetics, homemade soap, V medicinal purposes. Essential oils are unique storehouses of vitamins, boast many healing properties and are the basis magical world aromatherapy. Geranium, rose or lemon balm oils have a calming effect. Oils of rosemary, cloves, and thyme help relieve fatigue. Jasmine, lavender, citrus fruits and ylang-ylang will lift your spirits.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that some essential oils have even found their use in cooking. However, you should approach the use of any oil internally with extreme caution. Firstly, you must always use a solvent - first add the oil to a spoonful of sunflower oil, mayonnaise, honey or jam. Secondly, be sure to take into account that not all oils are suitable for consumption. Here are a few of the acceptable ones: basil, bergamot, grapefruit, coriander, cinnamon, lemon, tangerine, nutmeg, mint, patchouli, fir, rose, chamomile, sandalwood. And some types of essential oils can be hot – this is extremely undesirable for the stomach. These are oils of ginger, spruce, yssola, cedar, myrrh, myrtle, rosemary, tea tree. Despite the risk, the use of essential oils in food has a very beneficial effect on the health and condition of the body. A pleasant fact is that many production facilities for flavoring confectionery they take essential essences, of course, taking into account all the features of working with them. You can also use essential oil to flavor tea - just add paper soaked in a couple of drops of oil to the container where the tea leaves are stored.

The aromatic waters obtained during the distillation process can also be used in the preparation of cosmetics, medicines, and perfumes. Flower water is an integral part of the fascinating science of herbal medicine. Rose water is good for the eyes, especially for babies, fir water is a universal antiseptic.

Hydrolate is a mixture of distilled water and flower oil - essentially a condensate obtained during distillation. They have many uses both in cosmetology and for medical purposes.

The ability to prepare essential oils, floral waters and hydrosols at home opens up many horizons. The resulting products are extremely useful and have a huge range of applications. There is a lot of literature with recommendations on the selection, collection, preparation and combination of raw materials and interesting recipes. Of course, making essential oils with your own hands is an amazing, original and rewarding hobby.

As you know, essential oils are not only used in perfumery, but also in cosmetics, medicine and aromatherapy. In the latter case, essential oils are used in massage, baths, and inhalation. They are well absorbed through the skin. Inhaling essential oils, even if they are used as an external remedy, in which case their effect on a person is beneficial. The aroma of oils has an effective effect on the brain and the entire body as a whole, and through the lungs they enter the blood.

Infused aromatic oils different from . What is the difference between them? Infused fragrance oils are made by infusing flowers, stems or leaves in a vegetable oil, while the essential oils are extracted from the plant various methods without adding anything to them. Their properties are not the same. The aroma of infused oils may not have the same strength as essential oils. During the infusion process, infused oils also absorb those plant matter, which do not contain essential oils.

IN Ancient Greece To obtain infused oil, they used olive oil, which was abundant there. This is how aromatic oils were obtained, used both in medicine and in cosmetics. This method was used for many centuries until the distillation method was developed.

How did they do it?
Plant material - leaves, flowers or stems - was placed in a container with vegetable oil. All this was stored in a warm place for two to three weeks, until the leaves turned brown. Then they were removed and replaced with new, fresh ones. And so on until the base oil is saturated with the smell of the plant material. The container in which the oil and petals were placed was an ordinary pot with a wide neck. IN southern countries the pots were left in the sun until the process was completed. In more northern countries, it is more difficult. Some people place the pot in a pan of water and heat it. But the infusion process should not be fleeting, in this case the oil will turn out worse. And yet, the infusion method is quite simple in our home conditions. You can get excellent massage oil at the lowest cost if you have your own beautiful garden with flowers.

How to make your own aroma oil?
Take a large, clean flask with a wide neck (you can use a ceramic pot with a lid) and fill it a third full plant material. Now fill almost to the top with grape seed or almond oil, or sesame, olive or sunflower. Cover tightly so that there is no contact with air, otherwise the oil may go rancid. Place the flask in a warm place, preferably in the sun if the weather is hot. It is better to use a non-transparent container. At night, when there is no sun, you can bring it into the house. When the petals turn brown, remove them with a strainer that fits through the neck of the container and add a fresh batch. You need to repeat this 2-3 times, maybe four. When the oil has absorbed the essential oils, remove the last remnants of the petals and pour the oil into bottles, close tightly. Without air access, the oil can be stored in a dark place for several months. Use for massage.

Infused oils can be prepared from those plants that you know are used in medicine, and you know for sure that you will not have allergies, then you can try. But first, consult your doctor. Infused oils, whether homemade or purchased from a pharmacy, can be used in blends or by adding 3-10% infused oil to a carrier oil.

Here are some examples of preparing infused oil.
St. John's wort oil. It is used in the treatment skin diseases, wounds, abscesses, burns. This oil has several methods of preparation, including quick ways. It can be prepared not only from fresh flowers and leaves, but also from dry ones. Take part of the dry herb (you can buy it at the pharmacy), pour in 5 parts of sunflower oil, place on water bath, then set aside and let sit overnight. Ready oil strain. Or this way - mix part of dried St. John's wort flowers, 2 parts of sunflower oil, cover with a lid and leave for 3 weeks. Then strain. The oil is ready.

Calendula oil. Used in the treatment of skin diseases and to make the skin soft.

Take 2 tablespoons of crushed flowers, pour a glass of olive or sunflower oil, close the lid, let it brew for 2-3 weeks in a dark place. Strain. The oil is ready. Store in a dark place in a container with a closed lid.

Orange oilgood antiseptic, lifts your spirits, works well against cellulite. This oil is included in many anti-cellulite creams and reduces blood pressure. The oil contains many vitamins.

How to make orange oil?
Take fresh ones orange peels, chop them finely, put them in a jar, pour in vegetable oil so that the oil covers the crusts above one centimeter. Close the lid, place in a dark place for 3 days, after which the infused oil should be placed in a water bath for 30 minutes. When the oil has cooled, strain and squeeze out the crusts. The oil is ready. You can also make tangerine or lemon. But lemon juice spoils quickly.

Attention! When steaming in a water bath, do not close the lid tightly, only slightly, otherwise it may explode.

Peppermint oil– good sedative, helps with nervous disorders, loss of strength. Place part of the dry herb in a clay pot or glass jar, add vegetable oil (1:5), mix, close tightly, and leave in a dark place for 3 weeks. Strain. The oil is ready.

Rosehip oil. Take 1 part fresh fruits rose hips and add 3 parts of any vegetable oil. You can insist for about 10 days.

Burdock root oil. The simplest recipe. Take 50 grams of dry burdock root, chop finely, pour in 100 g of olive oil. Close the lid and let it brew for 10 days. Strain, the oil is ready. This oil can be used to treat hair. An hour before washing, lubricate your hair with this oil, cover it with a plastic scarf, then you can wash it off, but you will need shampoo, since the oil is quite greasy. Hair will grow well, become thick and silky.

To take as much as possible from the burdock useful substances, after 10 days, boil the oil for 15 - 20 minutes over low heat. After the oil has cooled, strain.

As you can see, the methods for making infused oils vary slightly, but they are all simple. Many oils can be made using similar methods, for example, lemon balm oil, peach oil, and carrot oil. Rose oil It is very difficult to make at home, although the method of preparing it is described in the novel “Perfume” by Patrick Suskind. Some oils cannot be made at home. Such plants require a whole laboratory. You cannot make grapefruit oil, fir oil, menthol oil and many others. In such cases, it is better to use a pharmacy or a special store. You should not risk your health.

Before you make an infused oil, you need to ask yourself two questions:

1) will you have any allergies?
2) is it possible to make infused oil from this plant at home and how?

It is better to store oils not in plastic, but in glass bottles, made of dark glass, with closed lids, away from children.



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