How to name a character in a game: recommendations and ideas. Choosing the right name for your game

Many computer games provide us with the opportunity to create our own unique characters, customize their appearance, choose characteristics and, of course, give them a name. Some players quickly figure out what to name their character, others take a long time and carefully choose a nickname for their hero, with whom they will spend many hours in the game. How to choose an interesting and memorable name?

What to name a character in the game?

The choice of character name depends on your imagination, goals and setting of the game. If nothing immediately comes to mind, and you don’t want to think about it for a long time, then you can find a ready-made nickname or use a name generator. However, if you want to come up with a nickname yourself, here are some ideas on how to name your character:

  1. If in a game you need to choose a character’s class or specialization, then you can name him accordingly. For example, if your hero is a magician, then you can give him the name Gandalf, Merlin, or simply the Sorcerer. But it is better to avoid names that do not suit the character, unless your goal is to come up with a humorous nickname.
  2. Take the first name that comes to mind and rearrange the syllables in it. For example, Larisa - Sarila.
  3. Combine two names you know. For example, Irina and Anna - Anrina, Anton and Igor - Goran or Tongor.
  4. Swap the letters in a name or word. For example, laughter - Hems, Danil - Alnid.

Names of characters in online games

In a multiplayer game, choosing a name for a character is more difficult than in a single-player game, because your nickname will be seen and evaluated by other players. In addition, originality and memorability of the nickname are important. In such games you can find a variety of hero names:

  1. Proper name or its modified forms (Alexander - Alex, Ekaterina - Kat). They often add additional letters, numbers and symbols if their nickname is taken by someone else. For example, Ellena, R0man.
  2. The name of your favorite character from a book, movie, cartoon, game.
  3. Favorite name, word, event, place. It can be either a geographical name or just a beautiful word. But you need to be careful with such nicknames, because if you don’t know the meaning of the word you called yourself, then it’s better to clarify it.
  4. Names of famous personalities.
  5. Comic nicknames. For example, Horse Ball, UFO Driver, Sausage of Justice.
  6. Nicknames characterizing the character. For example, Sharp Shooter, Clever Thief, Chosen One, Princess.
  7. Random set of letters. For example, Qwerty, Dfdfdf, Jkwasd. Most often they call characters this way when they don’t want to think about a name, but sometimes you can come up with an interesting nickname this way.

Try to choose a unique name for the hero in an online game. Of course, you can call your character a popular movie character or a famous person, but then your character will get lost among similar nicknames. It is also important not to use insults or obscene words in the name of your hero.

Writing a name in Elvish

If you like fantasy themes, then you can try making an elven name for yourself. In the pictures you will find the prefixes and suffixes that make up the name. There is also a translation here so you can make a nickname with meaning.

Suffixes for female and male names are separated by a slash (/). Other spellings are indicated in parentheses.

A name is made up of a prefix and one or more suffixes. For example, consider what to name a female character. We take the prefix Syl-, combine it with the suffix -vanna and get Sylvanna, which means “forest fairy”.

You don't have to follow the rules when creating a nickname for your character. You can change and compose it as you like, add as many prefixes as you like, or do without them at all. The main thing is that you like the result.

Names for male characters

Coming up with a nickname for your character is certainly a fascinating process, but you can do it easier and choose from existing names. Since the usual names are not so interesting, let's turn to Old Norse, Celtic, Slavic, Japanese and African. Here are some examples of how to name a male character:

Name Meaning Origin
Agro battle Celtic
Adio pious African
Aengus strong Celtic
Aivars warlike Scandinavian
Akayo smart Japanese
Akihiro smart, bright Japanese
Alan, Allen Beautiful Celtic
Almond omnipotent Scandinavian
Andragast dear friend Slavic
Andreas courage Scandinavian
Ansgar warrior Celtic
Art stone Celtic
Aretha new Japanese
Asbrand sword of the aesir Scandinavian
Audun prosperity Scandinavian
Bardi bearded Scandinavian
Bevan young warrior Celtic
Brand sword, fire Scandinavian
Vaylin son of a wolf Celtic
Westgeir spear of the west Scandinavian
Vincent army ruler Scandinavian
Voeneg enjoying the fight Slavic
Galvin sparrow Celtic
Goran mountain Slavic
Greenolf green wolf Scandinavian
Dakaray happiness African
Day shining Celtic
Dejan active Slavic
Jero cruel African
Dragan Expensive Slavic
Gyarvi brave Scandinavian
Zoran dawn Slavic
Ingemar famous Scandinavian
Iori addiction Japanese
Isao honor Japanese
Iskren, Iskra sincere Slavic
Jon pigeon Scandinavian
Kayden warrior Celtic
Calle hot Scandinavian
Kenta strong Japanese
Kirabo present African
Christer reliability Scandinavian
Katsu victory Japanese
Lan Earth Slavic
Leys meadow Celtic
Nobu faith Japanese
Auden angry Scandinavian
Rig king Scandinavian
Rio excellent Japanese
Rokero sixth son Japanese
Runolv wolf of mystery Scandinavian
Ryuu dragon Japanese
Svein boy Scandinavian
Skjeld shield Scandinavian
Tetsuo thinking man Japanese
Thorgeir Thor's spear Scandinavian
Tetsuya became a dragon Japanese
Udo peaceful African
Phelan wolf Celtic
Firun rain African
Hoten the one they wanted Slavic
Helvard defender Scandinavian
Einar army of happiness Scandinavian
Alban mountain Celtic
Enitan famous African
Yuichi brave Japanese
Yasuo honest Japanese

Names for female characters

As with male characters, you can either come up with a name for your heroine in the game yourself or choose from existing ones. Here are some examples of how to name a female character in the game:

Name Meaning Origin
Aamori good African
Adela doing Slavic
Akemi bright beauty Japanese
Alastrion defender of humanity Celtic
Alva elf Scandinavian
Annika grace Scandinavian
Arela promise Celtic
Ayaka colorful flower Japanese
Bergdis protection of the spirit Scandinavian
Britta strong Celtic
Vendela wanderer Scandinavian
Venetia happy Celtic
Grania Love Celtic
Grese pearl Scandinavian
Dalia valley flower Scandinavian
Devon foreseen Celtic
Dikeledi tears African
Jenniver white wave Celtic
Zhina silver Japanese
Idella generous Celtic
Izumi fountain Japanese
Isgerd ice protection Scandinavian
Ife Love African
Camryn freedom-loving Celtic
Kay respectful Japanese
Keya chick Scandinavian
Keori aroma Japanese
Carey clean Scandinavian
Lavena joy Celtic
Linetta polite, courteous Celtic
Mika first sound Japanese
Milada, Milena Darling Slavic
Miho beautiful bay Japanese
Mia stubbornness Scandinavian
Madoka calm Japanese
Naila lucky African
Naomi beauty Japanese
Narina satisfied Celtic
Ottalia abundance Scandinavian
Ran, Ren water lily Japanese
Rind protection Scandinavian
Rowena white, pretty Celtic
Saga seeing Scandinavian
Seylan winner Celtic
Siv bride Scandinavian
Solveig sunbeam Scandinavian
Sora sky Japanese
Sayeri small lily Japanese
Tsukiko moon child Japanese
Ula precious sea stone Celtic
Warnesh like gold African
Freya mistress Scandinavian
Hana flower Japanese
Shyla fairy Celtic
Shizuka quiet Japanese
Eidis island goddess Scandinavian
Eika love song Japanese
Enya singing elf Celtic
Eslinn inspiration Celtic
Eshe life African
Yuri lily Japanese
Yayoi spring Japanese

Comic names

If you want your character's name to make you smile and be memorable, then you can come up with a funny nickname. However, we should not forget that such a nickname can spoil the atmosphere of some games with its frivolity.

It is best to come up with such nicknames yourself so that they are unique. For example, you can combine two or three words together or slightly change well-known phrases and phrases (Rake Runner, Loaf of Fate, His Catness). The success of such a name will depend on your sense of humor and imagination.

How to name a character in The Sims

"The Sims" is a life stimulant, so it is best to call the characters here by ordinary names.

The easiest way to name a character in this game is to give him your own name or the name of a friend. The game also has a built-in random name generator. Just click the dice until the option you like comes up.

If you want to give your Sim an original and unusual name, then you can use the methods described above or the lists of names. You can choose a character's surname using the same principle.

Pros: reveals the environment in which the player will play
Cons: again, it can merge with related queries; it does not always make it clear exactly how to interpret the name

Subgroup of abbreviations

Sometimes even abbreviations are used, which are usually then deciphered. Examples: C.A.T.S., S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Pros: Abbreviations attract attention and intrigue people; decoding can reveal the essence in more detail
Cons: It can be difficult to fit words to an acronym; You may have trouble finding the name.

Group Number Four, or Mix

In fact, merging words to form new names is a fairly good practice. In this case, the result, although unique, can tell you something.
Example: The Neverhood
Can change familiar words, but in such a way that the search engine does not correct them: Scribblenauts

Pros: the name is unique, the player understands the essence
Cons: The title can be very complex. and the search engine will automatically correct


What did I choose? I chose Group Number Four and decided to name my project so as to introduce the setting and reveal the plot, in which one of the key points in future updates will be the absence of the sun. Specifically - Nullysun, that is, “Zero Sun” or something like that. I wouldn’t say the result so openly if it weren’t for one important mistake that I didn’t take into account:

The players remembered the name well, but with writing there was just a problem - they often wrote Nullisun instead of Nullysun. What does this mean? Try, if the name is original, to avoid letters such as Y, W, beware of combinations U/OO, C/K, KS/X, etc. This is especially true for those who rely, among other things or mainly, on a Russian audience.

Computer games are a great way to spend time and also make money from their development. Game creators are often faced with the question of how to name the game so that the name is successful and memorable. Ordinary players are usually concerned about something completely different: choosing a name for a character, a name for a clan or guild.

Game name

Before considering all the options for how to name the game, it is advisable to consider it in as much detail as possible.

For convenience, write down on the sheet in front of you who the target audience of the game is, who the main characters of the game are and what their names are, what genre your game belongs to, in what era and in what world the game takes place and other factors. It would also be a good idea to research how similar games of competitors are named.

After that, based on the information received, brainstorm: write down absolutely all the options for names that come to your mind. Don’t discard any ideas, even the most crazy and stupid ones, the main thing is to write as many options as possible.

After that, try to choose about a third of the options that seem most successful and interesting to you. Show the remaining names to your acquaintances, friends or colleagues and ask them to evaluate these options, choosing the least and most successful.

After that, choose the name that is most successful from the point of view of different people and approve it.

Character nickname

When creating a character in an online game, you are usually asked to enter his name. And in regular games you can often name a character the way you like best. That is why players are faced with the question of how to name themselves in the game so that the nickname is successful and suits both the character and the real person hiding behind him.

There are several criteria that a game character's nickname must meet:

  • He must not break the rules of the game. This only applies to online games, since the character's nickname will be visible to other users. As a general rule, games do not allow characters to be given names that are obscene, controversial or hateful, and in some cases they are not allowed to be named after celebrities. For regular games there are usually no such restrictions.
  • The name should be short, sweet and easy to pronounce. This requirement is especially important for team and online games. Since other players will have to call you by your nickname, it is important that it can be pronounced quickly and correctly. If you choose a long name, be prepared for the fact that other players will call it abbreviated and you may not like this option at all.
  • The nickname must suit the character. Agree that an orc named Heinrich will look a little ridiculous, and a noble nobleman named Fingercutter will look at least strange. That is why, before naming a character in the game, you need to “try on” a nickname for him and think about whether it will suit him. For example, you can simply use your last name or initials.

Guild or clan name

In online games, players quite often unite into groups called clans or guilds. Each clan has its own name, so its leader must choose a name. Before naming a clan in a game, the leader usually consults with other players, but choosing a good name can be difficult.

There are also several simple requirements for the clan name:

  1. It is desirable that the name of the clan be associated to some extent with its members. That is, it should display who is in the clan and which players are in it.
  2. If possible, the name should also reflect the focus of the clan. Before you name a guild in the game, find out for what purpose it was formed: for trade, joint battles, exchange of items, or other tasks. This will help you choose the most interesting and successful name.
  3. This point is especially important, since it determines how comfortable the clan members will feel in it. There should be a good derivative from the name of the clan, which will be used to call its members. This will allow other players to identify which clan certain players belong to. In addition, this will help unite clan members to more effectively carry out its tasks. A good option would be to name your clan something related to the game. Although coming up with something original like: Kindsi Evil or KingS would also be a good option.

There are usually no special restrictions on clan names. Of course, they must be censored and must not incite hostility between players, since such a name simply will not be approved. Also, it is best to write the clan name in Latin so that there are no problems with its display in the game.

Choosing a suitable title for your game is one of the most important things you will do during development. The name is what will be associated with your game; how players will refer to your game; a title that will appear in article titles; and (most importantly) it will be part of your game's identity.

Before you begin, there are several important factors to consider. It's about the distinctiveness of your title, the "meaning" of the title, how easy it is to remember, how it translates, and its potential for use in sequels.

How the decision was made on the name “Grey”

Choosing a name for our game “Grey” seemed like a very simple task at first. We wanted it to reflect the world around the player, to match the style, theme and, most importantly, the story. The name "Grey" was all of the above.

But we did not expect the consequences that the choice of such a simple name led to.

After the release of "Grey", we noticed some problems with the writing. Thus, the names “Gray” and “Grey” led to some confusion. Sometimes, it simply didn't show up in Google search results. The video of our game was almost impossible to find on YouTube without adding additional terms. These small problems had a detrimental effect on those people who were unable to find our game.

Our choice of name was based solely on how well it suited the game. We didn't fully consider how the title would impact people searching for the game or articles about it. Or ourselves, the authors of the game. Now that we've released "Grey" and realized the implications of this title, we'd like to offer some help based on our own experience.

The name must be unique...

Before you finalize the name of your game, it's important to find out what already exists with a similar or even (in the worst case scenario) identical name. The fastest way to check if the selected name is taken is to search Google, Bing, check Facebook, Twitter and other social networks, as well as media.

If you find that a game title is too general or has already been taken, it's important to weigh your options. If you choose a current title, you may have trouble getting first results on Google, which can be very damaging. How will people download your game or find information about it? What additional keywords will they have to search for just to see your game? Will your game show up in other results when searching for different or similar games? A poorly chosen title can significantly impact your game, both in the short and long term.

Google search results for "Grey" (left) and "Grey Mod" (right). Our game is highlighted in color

If you google “Grey”, the first things that come up are: color page from Wikipedia, company, spelling “Grey vs. Gray" and even the movie The Grey. On the other hand, searching for "Grey Mod" shows our mod in the top several times. If we had chosen a more unique name or added a subtitle to our game, a Google search would have brought up our game as one of the first results, without the potential player having to add keywords to search for.

...But not too much

However, you can go overboard with choosing a unique name. If your title contains symbols (such as "+"), this can make searching difficult because the plus sign usually has a specific meaning (such as "include this term"). A name that is difficult to pronounce or difficult to spell can also lead to undesirable results. If a player doesn't know how to spell and pronounce a game's name, he's unlikely to be able to find information about it or reference it.

When choosing a game name, try to make it easy to remember, write, read, pronounce or find.

Using a subtitle

Adding a subtitle to your game's title can add more personality and help better describe what your game is all about.

Let's take a look at World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, for example. Although this is an add-on, it does a good job of demonstrating how a subtitle can help describe your game. Just by the name "Cataclysm" one can assume that some destructive event has happened or will happen in the game's storyline. This will help players guess what your game is about before they see or play it. And some players may be interested in the name alone.

A game's subtitle can impart a strong meaning, enticing gamers to take a look at the game

If you have problems with uniqueness when choosing a game name, use a subtitle. It will help your game get to the top of search results. A subtitle will allow you to easily use a general word for the title. For example, adding the subtitle “The Gathering” to the word “Magic:” will result in a unique name that players can easily find.

Translation and localization

Before you 100% decide which name suits your game best, make sure it has a good translation and localization.

The problem we encountered was the different spelling between the words "Grey" and "Gray" in different localizations. However, spelling "Grey" with an "e" is common to British English speakers, and "a" - American). Although the problem was small, if spelled differently, it could still lead to completely different results in Google. If it is possible to avoid problems with the localization of words in the title, of course, this should be done.

Likewise, there may be problems with localization if you choose a “fictional” name (for example, a fictitious name for a faction, city, or other game entity). It's important to use a translator to make sure the title doesn't have unintended meaning! A good example of this is the players in many multiplayer games. It's not uncommon to see nicknames that sound "cool" but actually mean something quite rude in another language.

Securing your chosen name

Securing your game's title once it's been chosen can be an easy process if done correctly (if not, it can lead to headaches later if an attacker tries to hijack your title). Once you've chosen a game title, it's best to start by registering a domain name, Facebook page, Twitter account, and so on.

When choosing a domain name, Facebook page name, or any other name to register, it is important that you choose the most obvious one. For example, if it is possible to get a domain in the area. com - this can be a big help when an interested user starts randomly searching for your game's website. Having a page on social networks with a unique name will help users easily identify the topic of the community or find the address of your site (if you are not yet high in the search results).

If your project is a mod or an indie game, you should also create a game profile on or these are excellent sites for presenting your development to players. Both sites allow you to create news posts that will appear on the home page. They also allow you to create a page for your game, which will really help build an initial audience.

If you want hundreds of thousands of players to see news about your game on the front page, try IndieDB and ModDB.

However, if you are not yet ready to show your work and don’t want to reveal anything publicly for now, it’s okay, you can wait a while. If your game name is unique enough, there is nothing stopping you from registering on these sites later. The worst-case scenario would be the need to create a subtitle when profiles on sites are already registered under the previously chosen name.

Finally, we come up with a name

We've talked about why you should make sure you choose the right name for your game and the important factors to consider when choosing, but how do you actually come up with a name?

When it comes to choosing, here are some tips that may help you:

  • Think about what your game is about. Is there a storyline with a unique theme? Could it be related to the game's title or subtitle? For example, the name Heavy Rain characterizes the presence of rain as an important element of the game.
  • Is your story or game not yet fully formed? Try using a random name generator that uses words of your choice, such as Word Mixer. This generator can come up with interesting names. And if you're not too worried about the title being a "real" word, then this is the easiest way to ensure your game ranks at the top of search results.
  • Can you use a generic title for your game based on its main theme, but at the same time, use a unique subtitle to support it? While the name Magic itself can refer to many different games (like Might and Magic), the subtitle Magic: The Gathering makes the title unique.

All these methods will help you come up with a name for your game. If you're still having trouble and your game hasn't been fleshed out yet, it's probably worth waiting before choosing a final title.


Choosing a suitable title for your game is a very important task. You should not choose something that is difficult to remember, difficult to pronounce, or something too general. You have to find the right balance to benefit your game both in the short and long term.

We wrote a column for CPU that explained what factors should be considered when choosing a title for a mobile game.


Initially, the game was called in the Japanese style - Pakkuman (the sound you hear when you chew something, the Japanese call paku-paku). After going a long way to the market, she became Puck-Man. The round character itself is nothing more than a pizza without one slice. But when they began entering the American market, the developers did not want to abandon the risky name, which was consonant with Fuck-Man, and, after working with American marketers, they called the game Pac-Man.


The creator of Tetris didn’t bother too much. He simply combined two words - Tetromino and tennis - into one. Tetromino is a geometric shape containing four squares, and tennis is the favorite sport of Alexey Pajitnov, the creator of Tetris.

The Legend of Zelda

Shigeru Miyamoto named the game's heroine Zelda simply because he liked the sound of the name of Scott Fitzgerald's wife, Zelda Fitzgerald. Link was originally supposed to be named Chris, in honor of Shigeru's godfather. But the creator decided to give him a name that symbolizes mediation between the game world and the player himself.


Halo suffered the most from renaming. At first the game was called Solipsis, after the planet on which the events take place. At various stages of development, Halo was called Star Maker, Star Shield, Hard Vacuum, The Crystal Palace and, for some reason, The Santa Machine and Monkey Nuts. The latter had to be abandoned almost immediately, since the co-founder of Bungie Studios could not admit to his mother that he was working on a game with that name.

The spherical Solipsis was eventually renamed Halo, inspired by the culture of science fiction novels by Iain Banks.

Use one to three words in the title. Three-word names, by the way, have a special magic, which I will talk about below. Avoid abbreviations, and if you still want to use one word in the title, choose a sufficiently meaningful one, or come up with a new one.

For example, if your product is a recipe app, name it The Ultimate Cooking Game instead of The Ultimate Cooking Guide. Stand out from your competitors. Hardest Game Ever is one of the few that managed to achieve success with such a name.

Beware of the twins

You should not share more than one word in the name with competitors. If you see that there are already a certain number of Fruit Slicers in the store, look for a worthy replacement for one of the words. When checking possible names, pay attention not only to the category in which you are going to place your product.

Find a word that catches you

Hook the user with a word that he does not often encounter in everyday life. Swirl, whirl, prelude, pandemic - you won’t see or hear these words very often; they can act as an external trigger and stimulate downloads. And the word butt, for example, people hear and use regularly, but they are not yet accustomed to names containing this word. Such words will also attract attention.

Such catchy words should be appropriate, of course.


As you work on the title, imagine that your user's reading level is no higher than third grade. No one will be able to read the word Agathokakological, and instead of clicking on Install, a person will twirl his finger at his temple and go looking for a game with a sane name.

Invent a new word

Remember Pajitnov and come up with a new word by combining two old ones. With an original name it will be easier to fight with competitors, the name itself will be remembered.

Be careful in the process of inventing so as not to make the mistake from the previous point. Bad example: Indestructotank - Indestructable and Tank, a difficult word with repeated syllables. A good example: Exorbis - Ex Orbis, where Orbis means the aura of the planet (old astrology).

The magic of three words

Clash of Clans, Age of War, Age of Sparta, Call of Duty, World of Tanks, King of Thieves, Mirrors of Albion, Heroes of Atlan - all these games are in the tops of Google Play, most are marked as “editor's choice”. The names of these games consist of three words, one of them is the conjunction of, untranslatable into Russian, meaning the genitive case.

Three-word names are beneficial from an optimization point of view.

Through the lens of ASO

The title is an important factor in app ranking and, along with the icon, the main way to attract users' attention. About half of App Store and Google Play users use search when looking for a new app.

What are users looking for? Often, when searching, either general phrases that coincide with category headings are used - for example, “puzzles”, or keywords that correspond to the interests of users (in total, up to 80% of the total number of search queries). And demand, as we know, creates supply.

Back in the spring of 2013, the share of applications whose names included keywords was only 16%. After 2.5 months - already 51% (according to Tune).

Everyone knows that the words specified in the title are taken into account first when searching. An experiment conducted by MobileDevHQ showed that Placing a keyword in the title can increase an app's search rankings on Google Play by 10.3%.

As for the App Store, using our case study on search engine optimization for the game Tanktastic as an example, we managed to increase the application’s position for the popular request tanks from 70 to 30 positions in one update - thanks to just changing the title (by the way, it is now 12th in the US).

In the title you should place only the most relevant queries, that is, those that are suitable and applicable to your game. No matter how trivial and obvious it may sound, users download those applications that meet their expectations. If the application does not justify itself, it will be deleted, which may negatively affect the rating and position of the application.

In the case of our client, Easy Ten, adding the phrase “foreign languages” to the title of the easy ten application allowed it to immediately start in eighth position for this query (currently in third).

Make it easier for users to find their game. Approve the main title of the application, for example, Easy Ten, and simply add keywords in the language of the country in which you decide to publish. For example, “Easy Ten - learn any language” for the USA and “Easy Ten - foreign languages” for Google Play in Russia (top 3 for the query “foreign languages”). In this way, you will form a brand that will subsequently be searched for purposefully.

As you know, the optimal number of characters in the title for Google Play is 25, although you can use up to 70 characters, but in this case the title will not be fully displayed in the application results. For the App Store, the optimal number is 35 characters, although titles with long words can be shortened when displayed. The maximum number of characters is 255, of which the user will be able to see only 70 on the application page (for iPhone).

That is, you will have two to five keywords for the title. Try to include those words that can give some idea about the game when you first look at it in the store. For example, “Barboskiny - games for children” (top 2 for the query “games for children”, top 13 in Russia in the category “For the whole family” on Google Play). Having only four words, in this case it was possible to include two high-frequency queries in the title, while voicing the features of the application, since it consists of several mini-games featuring popular cartoon characters.

Or another example - Sword vs Sword. Looking at the title, you can already guess what the game is about, but we did not include other keywords in the title, since the query sword itself is quite popular. Many publishers use keywords directly in the naming of their games.

Another conclusion follows from this - consider ASO at earlier stages, even when creating the name of your game.

And remember, whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail.

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