Garbage bags

Plastic bag- a bag made of polyethylene used for carrying/storing things and materials.

What are cellophane bags made of? How are plastic bags made?

In the process of any human activity, waste always appears that needs to be disposed of. Previously, garbage was taken out of a house or apartment in a bucket, but this was not convenient enough. Especially if you were in a hurry somewhere and had to return home to leave the bucket.

Over time, this problem was resolved. We started producing special garbage bags. They ensured that waste was disposed of quickly and efficiently. Now they are used everywhere: in production, construction, at home, in educational institutions, hospitals, various organizations, etc. With their help, the task of garbage removal has been greatly simplified. By the way, you can buy garbage bags of almost any size.

Garbage bags or bags are made from polyethylene. In the Russian Federation, a number of requirements are put forward for their production, for example, strength, reliability, environmental friendliness, etc. The domestic market offers a wide selection of garbage bags of various densities, sizes and even colors.

What are garbage bags made of?

Making garbage bags is a complex process that is carried out in several stages.

For their production, 2 types of polyethylene are chosen:

High blood pressure. This bag is elastic, durable, steam- and water-resistant, it can withstand strong tension and is less susceptible to rupture. The high-density polyethylene bag has a glossy surface and does not rustle.

Low pressure. Garbage bags are dense, rigid, have less stretch, but are more likely to tear. They have a matte surface and rustle.

Types of garbage bags

Depending on the purpose of garbage bags, the following types are distinguished:

For industrial and construction waste. Such bags are especially strong and large, because the waste is heavy and voluminous. Multi-layer bags are sometimes used in these industries. Their volume ranges from 140 to 240 liters.

For household waste. More often, such bags are made with fragrances, which helps to muffle the unpleasant odor from garbage. You can buy them at any grocery store or household chemical store. The optimal volume is 35-40 liters.

Volume and use of garbage bags

Garbage bags are produced in volumes from 20 to 240 liters. Garbage bags up to 100 liters are produced in rolls in small quantities (10-100 pcs.). Garbage bags of 30 and 60 liters are popular.

From 100 to 200 liters bags are produced either in rolls or in layers. They are often used in housing and communal services, restaurants, cafes, and during public events.

Larger volume garbage bags are used for waste disposal at construction sites. They are durable and reliable for filling and transporting waste.

Positive features of garbage bags

With the help of a special catalyst, which is added during the production of garbage bags, these bags decompose in 3 months when exposed to sunlight.
They are environmentally friendly.
Convenient to carry. Bags can be made with a special tape or cord that replaces handles. This ribbon is convenient for tying a bag.
Garbage bags have another advantage - low price, so they are available to everyone.

Polyethylene collection

Our company does not process all types of plastic bags, but only film, bags, sacks, production defects of stretch film (so-called shrink film) and LDPE.

LDPE is high-density polyethylene or, as it is also called, low-density polyethylene. LDPE waste can be generated during the direct production of polyethylene film. There is a lot of waste - in stores (packaging bottles, boxes, boxes), at glass factories (from packaging bottles, cans), at distilleries and beer factories (from packaging containers or finished products).

Stretch film is linear high-density polyethylene (LDPE). It can stretch a lot. Due to this property, as well as increased resistance to punctures and tearing, stretch film is used for packaging various goods, in particular on pallets. Stretch film waste is mainly generated and accumulated in warehouses of any size, at customs terminals, in logistics centers, etc.

But we do not recycle the popular T-shirt bags made of HDPE (low-density polyethylene) and “biodegradable” bags, which can be found, for example, in ABC of Taste. Polypropylene film, PVC film, bubble film, polyamide film, multilayer PVD+PP, PVD+PA films, as well as double-sided two-color films are also not suitable. Finally, we do not accept film contaminated with oils, grease, food waste or toxic chemicals.


We take the collected polyethylene to the warehouse. Up to 100 tons of film waste can be stored here, naturally in pressed form. At the first stage, the raw materials undergo careful sorting. Stretch is separated from LDPE, and types of films that cannot be processed by our facilities are rejected.


After sorting, bags of a certain color are put into a crusher. In it, using V-shaped knives (in our circles this type is also called “dovetail”), the film is crushed to particles of uniform size. The knives are driven by an electric motor.


From the crusher, through a pneumatic conveyor, the so-called “crushed material” enters the sink. In it, with the addition of special cleaning solutions, the “crushed” is cleaned of dust and other non-polyethylene inclusions.


The next stage of processing is agglomeration. The so-called “cooking” takes place in it. The operator loads clean “crushed material” into the working chamber through the loading window. The raw materials fall along the guides onto the rotating rotor, are crushed by knives and, due to friction against the body and among themselves, are heated to the plasticization temperature. In this case, the entire volume of loaded raw materials becomes like a mushy mass.

When the material becomes homogeneous, “shock” water is added to it, as a result of which the material is sharply cooled and sintered into individual small balls of irregular shape. The agglomerate is dried for some more time at natural ambient temperature and unloaded into prepared containers to go to the final stage. The cooking process itself lasts from 5 to 10 minutes.


The granulation process can be compared to minced meat through a meat grinder. The agglomerate that we obtained at the previous stage is loaded into the extruder hopper. It is called so because the production of granules is based on the extrusion method - forcing the molten mass through a molding hole.

In general, our “minced meat” from boiled bags is melted under the action of heaters and pressure created by a rotating screw. The polymer melt is forced through a filter into the rotating extruder head. Already from it come the so-called threads. To cool, we pass them through a water hose and then into knives, where we cut them into uniform granules.


The granules are packaged in clean polypropylene bags, approximately 50 kg each. No special storage conditions are required, but it is advisable that it be in a dry room.

Finished raw materials

We sell the resulting granules, depending on the composition and color. Stretch granules of natural color are used for the production of secondary stretch. LDPE granules of natural color are used for the production of secondary shrink or technical film. Colored LDPE granules are mainly used for the production of garbage bags.

There is no person who does not use plastic bags in everyday life.

It would seem that this thing is not of particular value, it costs a penny, but without it it would be a little difficult.

A plastic bag is a bag made of polyethylene used for carrying/storing things and materials (

The birthplace of plastic bags is the United States of America. These products first appeared in 1957 and were used as packaging material for bakery products, as well as vegetables and fruits. Only 25 years later, the well-known and now in demand “T-shirt” bags appear on sale, easy to use and without which no trip to the store or market can be imagined. In 1973, the production volume of bags was 11.5 million pieces in Western Europe, and by 2002 it had grown to 5 trillion pieces produced annually all over the world.

Main types of raw materials used for making bags

The main types of raw materials used to make bags are polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP).

Polyethylene bags.

They are the most popular. There are high pressure plastic bags, which can withstand a load of up to 20 kilograms, and low pressure - such bags can withstand a load of up to 5 kilograms.

Polypropylene bags.

No less popular raw material for the manufacture of packaging. Such bags are also very often used in everyday life. Polypropylene is odorless and can be easily painted in any color. Products made from this raw material are transparent and tear-resistant.

Film made of polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene.

Such packaging can be used for food products. This film is characterized by flexibility and strength.

Types of plastic bags

There are several main types of plastic bags:

T-shirt package

Anyone who has seen it will understand why the name is what it is. Despite the fact that the price of such packages is cheap, their carrying capacity is very significant.

Packages for packaging

These products are often used for packaging food and non-food products.

Bags with cut-out handle

Such bags have the shape of a rectangle, with a handle cut out at the top edge, which is characterized by resistance to stretching.

Plastic bag production process

The production of plastic bags is impossible without using a special machine - an extruder. A mixture of polyethylene granules with paint granules and additional additives is poured into it. A heating process occurs in the machine, and the result is a molten mass of polyethylene. In order for it to take on the appearance of a bag, it should be passed under high pressure through a small slot from which a polyethylene tape appears. In order to divide it into two parts, a stream of air is supplied, which forms a bubble and rises to the top. The almost finished film is wound onto reels.

After this comes the stage of manufacturing the necessary forms. If it is necessary to apply a drawing, a printing press is used. With its help, an image, logo, inscription, etc. is applied.

Plastic bags and the environment

Today, both plastic and paper bags are in use. In order to take care of the environment, it is more advisable to use bags made of paper. The reason is that polyethylene is made from petroleum products and has a long decomposition period when it is in the ground. But today “ecological” plastic bags are already used, which decompose within 10 years. Thus, nature will be less polluted if people prefer paper products to plastic bags.

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A regular packaging bag was first produced in the USA in 1957 and was intended for packaging sandwiches, bread, vegetables and fruits. By 1966, about 30% of bakery products produced in this country were packaged in such bags. By 1973, the production volume of bags in Western Europe amounted to 11.5 million pieces. In 1982, plastic bags with a handle (so-called “T-shirts”) appeared on sale in the largest shopping centers. By 2002, the total global production of plastic bags was estimated in the range of 4 to 5 trillion pieces per year.


Depending on the purpose, the following types of packages can be distinguished.

  • A transparent packaging bag is made of low or high density polyethylene, or a mixture of the first and second. Performs a protective function (protects the product from moisture and contamination). The leaders in the production of the thinnest bags of this type are the countries of Southeast Asia, China and Russia: they produce bags with a thickness of only 4.5-5 microns.
  • T-shirt bags (from English. T-shirt bags) are predominantly made from High Density (low pressure) polyethylene HD (“rustling”) or, sometimes, high pressure (low density) LD, LLD (“smooth”). They got their name from the characteristic structure of their handles. Although bags of this type were the latest to hit the market, they have firmly established their position in supermarkets and retail outlets.
  • Bags with cut-out and loop handles. The production of bags of this type is considered the most difficult. For production, high-density polyethylene, linear low-density polyethylene, medium-density polyethylene and laminates are used. Bag handles have several modifications. Cutting handles can be reinforced (welded, glued) or unreinforced.
  • Garbage bags (bags) are made of low or high density polyethylene, or a mixture of them with the addition of dyes. They are also available with handles (similar to a T-shirt bag) or with ribbons for tightening.
  • Branded plastic bags, often with the image of the company's trademark.

Types of packages according to manufacturing technology:

Environmental issues

In the environment, discarded bags remain for a long time and are not biodegradable. Thus, they form persistent pollution. 4 trillion bags a year are used worldwide. They kill 1 million birds; 100 thousand marine mammals and countless schools of fish. 6 million 300 thousand tons of garbage, most of which is plastic, are dumped into the World Ocean every year.

Therefore, the circulation of plastic bags raises serious objections from environmentalists. For this reason, in a number of countries the use of plastic bags as household packaging is limited or prohibited.

The fight against plastic bags

Various measures are being taken to combat environmental pollution from plastic bags, and about 40 countries have already introduced bans or restrictions on the sale and/or production of plastic bags:

England: Already in the autumn of 2004, the world's first biodegradable bread bags were launched on the market in the UK. The new material from which the bags are made completely decomposes into carbon dioxide and water within four years. UK residents have agreed to use recyclable food bags whenever possible. So, two years ago, Devon businesswoman Rebecca Hocking convinced the owners of 43 stores to switch to reusable fabric bags for their customers. Late last year, Prime Minister George Gordon Brown called on all British shops to replace harmful plastic bags with paper ones.

Marks and Spencer has stopped issuing free bags. The company donates money from the sale of packages to the creation of new city parks and gardens.

Social advertising is also popular: customers at the entrance to the store are greeted by a poster: “Come to us with your package or bag! Take care of the environment." Six in ten UK consumers believe that food should only be packaged in biodegradable packaging.

Latvia: A tax has been introduced on plastic bags used in supermarkets to reduce their use.

Finland: Supermarkets have machines that collect used bags, which serve as raw material for recycling and producing new plastic.

China: since June 1, 2008 forbidden produce, sell and use plastic bags with a film thickness of less than 0.025 mm.

Italy: since January 1, 2011 in the country forbidden use of plastic bags. Customers are now required to have reusable bags or biobags for purchased items.


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