Yin and yang meaning male and female. Yin-yang theory

The Yin-Yang theory is one of the main theories of all ancient Chinese teachings. Traditional Chinese medicine, ancient martial arts, Feng Shui and the entire cosmology of Taoism are based on the dynamics of Yin and Yang.

According to this theory, everything in the Universe consists of two opposite, but deeply interconnected principles - Yin (feminine) and Yang (male).

The interaction of these two forces creates the essence of life around us. One cannot exist without the other, since in their apparent opposition, they deeply support and nourish each other.

Tai Chi symbol

One of the most common images of the harmonious interaction of Yin and Yang is the Tai Chi symbol, where black is the female Yin energy, white is the male Yang energy.

  • Yin energy– soft, slow, diffused, wet, passive and quiet. Think about the rhythm and essence of feminine energy - the softness of the water, the mystery of the moon, the darkness of the black earth and the deep silence of the night.
  • Yang Power expressed by qualities opposite to Yin energy. This is the fiery directness of the sun, the aggressive speed of racing cars, the hard rocky surface of the mountains, the focused energy of a laser beam.

Practice of using Yin-Yang in the home

Since your home needs to have balanced Feng Shui energy to support your well-being, it is important to understand how to put Yin-Yang theory into practice.

Yin (passive energy)- this is the energy of relaxation in Feng Shui that you need in the bedroom or bathroom. Yin is the calm colors around you, soft music, the sound of water and works of art that soothe and calm.

Yang (active energy) characterized in Feng Shui by strong, vibrating sounds and colors, bright light, upward moving energy and so on. This kind of energy is needed in the office or study, in the kitchen, at a party among friends.

The energies of Yin and Yang cannot exist in isolation; they determine each other, since one is always a condition for the existence of the other. This is clearly reflected in the Yin Yang symbol, where one energy gives rise to another and this process is endless.

Harmony of energy

A house with good Feng Shui should have harmonious rhythm of both energies– passive and active, as in the Yin Yang symbol. In Western culture, we tend to experience an imbalance of Feng Shui energies. We live in a constant race, which strengthens Yang energy and significantly weakens (or completely suppresses Yin energy).

Therefore, it is so important to create a home that displays the balance of Yin and Yang energies, as in the Tai Chi symbol. It is clear that one energy will always predominate, determined by the place in the house, but, nevertheless, both elements must be represented.

As already stated, your bedroom should be dominated by relaxing Yin energy for your recovery, so you need to get rid of any dominant yang elements in the bedroom, such as the TV, exercise equipment or office supplies.

Yin energy should be predominant in the bedroom, but Yang power should also be present, for example through red candles, bright little things to balance deep colors. The same principle should be applied to the bathroom.

On the other hand, the living room, study, kitchen are those places that will only benefit from the presence of Yang energy. For these rooms, choose energetic colors, live music and various Feng Shui decor to create active quality energy (family photos, books, games, etc.). To balance, Yin energy can be represented in such places by several paintings, elements of deep colors, and comfortable soft chairs.

These are just examples, and you yourself must feel the quality of energy in your own home and monitor the balance of Yin and Yang in order to live a healthy, fulfilling life.

Each of us, regardless of gender, contains both energies, feminine (Yin) and masculine (Yang), but for harmony and a sense of personal integrity, it is important that women have more feminine energy, and men have more masculine energy.

Otherwise, various perversions and distortions begin to occur at the level of energy, health and psyche. What kind of distortions these can be and where they arise and come from, we will talk a little later, in the following articles, but for starters it is useful to generally understand what is the difference between feminine and masculine energies.

In astrology, feminine energy corresponds to a planet such as the Moon, while masculine energy corresponds to the Sun. Hence, the feminine principle is everything that is unmanifested, it is darkness, twilight, the abyss, hidden, mysterious, because the Moon and the feminine principle are everything deep and unconscious in us, everything that is hidden in the depths of our psyche, consciousness, Soul. Masculine, on the contrary, is everything obvious, manifested, it is the power of the mind, while feminine power is the power of intuition and emotions.

The feminine principle corresponds to the principle of fluidity, flexibility, hence such primordially feminine qualities and behavioral characteristics as softness, acceptance, tenderness, the ability to forgive and accept, corresponds to the principle of non-action, passive action, internal action. The masculine principle corresponds to the principle of activity, energetic action, strength of action, fighting spirit, ability to implement, courage, rationality, logic, reason and technical thinking. Its physical counterpart is in the left hemisphere of the brain. While the “female” hemisphere is the right one, responsible for emotions, feelings, creativity, the ability to work with symbols and hidden signs.

Hence such images that describe the essence, the essence of female energy, such as Shadow, Mirror. Just like a mirror, a woman has the ability to reflect and the shadow is also a reflection of us. And hidden in this is the meaning that when interacting with a man, a woman has the ability to feel him, know his fantasies and even understand his secret (suppressed) feelings. The more Yin energy a woman has, the more she is able to reflect, perceive, accept, because female energy is the consumption of energy, when energy is taken from the outside and consumed inside, and the masculine principle is when energy comes from an object, goes out, is given.

You can also highlight the following features of feminine and masculine energy.

Yang, male energy corresponds to the following characteristics:

  • Action
  • Choice
  • Solution
  • Determination
  • Control
  • Planning
  • Composure
  • Give protection, a feeling of safety
  • Reliability
  • Matching the given word

Yin, feminine energy corresponds to:

  • Inaction
  • The ability to selflessly desire
  • Creation
  • Pacification
  • Focus on the process
  • Unconditionality
  • Trust
  • Kindness
  • Care

At the same time, in the modern world little is said about the characteristics and strength of female energy; this is not taught from childhood, but on the contrary, there is a bias towards nurturing masculine qualities in girls. However, it is important to remember that Nature, God, Higher Powers, and the System did not just create a division into female and male genders on our planet. In addition to the fact that each gender has its own functions, energy moves in us differently. The Vedas say that each person has 7 mental energy centers, chakras, and we are designed in such a way that in men and women the energy in these centers moves differently, which is why a man and a woman together complement each other.

Let's look at the energetic differences between the masculine and feminine principles in the chakras. The lowest, first chakra is Muladhara (the chakra is associated with vital energy, its quantity, the ability to live and survive), it is designed in such a way that for a man this chakra is (ideally) active, and for a woman it is passive. That is, a man gives energy, and a woman receives it. In society, this is manifested in the fact that the male function is to provide protection for the survival of women. The duty of a woman is to learn to accept this protection, to completely trust a man, and rely on him.

The second chakra - Svadhisthana (the chakra is responsible for the reproductive system, for pleasure and desires) works differently - for women it is active, and for men it is passive, the woman gives, and the man receives. Hence such ancient “professions” of women as hetaeras and concubines. Even the Vedas say that a man is the enjoyer, and a woman is the one through whom one enjoys. This suggests that the task of women is to create a comfortable and cozy world for men.

The third chakra - Manipura (connections, money, achievements), is active in men and, accordingly, passive in women, that is, a man gives to a woman, and a woman receives.

The next chakra is Anahata (responsible for love and feelings, intuition, extrasensory perception), this is a female chakra, which means women should give, and a man should accept, everything that relates to this chakra.

The fifth chakra is Vishuddha (communication, self-expression, working with information).
In life, it is very important for a man to express himself, to realize himself, and this chakra is active in men and passive in women.

The sixth chakra - Ajna, the third eye (clairvoyance), is active in women, here the woman gives - the man receives. In theory, every wife should be her husband's main assistant. And its main help is to provide him with information about the secret, about what is hidden from him, about what is not visible with ordinary vision and reason.

The seventh chakra - Sahasrara - works the same for everyone - this is our connection with God, with the Spirit, with the Supreme, there is no longer the concept of gender as such. At the level of this chakra, it no longer matters whether we are a man or a woman, but what is important is that, first of all, we are the Soul, and the Soul has no gender. Sexual differences are important here on Earth in order to fulfill the karmic tasks for which we incarnated in this body, and gender creates the conditions for us to fulfill these tasks, to realize our Destination.

If we consider the work of the chakras together, we distinguish two types of feminine energy. Sexual feminine energy is the feminine energy of the lower energy centers. Thanks to it, children are born, because it is this energy that ignites passion in a man, and it is this energy in a woman that makes men lose their heads and peace. If this energy predominates in a woman, then things like:

  • men around women only want sex,
  • the woman has few or no friends (no one wants to introduce her husband to such a friend - this is dangerous),
  • this energy does not allow a man to rest and relax next to such a woman,
  • there is no respect in family, relationships, but there is only sex, only passion.

Practices for developing this energy usually come down to intimate gymnastics, the science of flirting and seduction. Very often, this is exactly what girls do who do not yet have a partner - they think that they simply lack sexuality. And this usually leads to the fact that partners appear, but there is no husband.

But there is another feminine energy, the energy of the upper centers (upper chakras), this is the energy of purity, friendship, love and tenderness. This energy:

  • makes you want to take care of a woman and take responsibility for her,
  • allows you to deepen relationships,
  • pacifies men, and they can restore their strength next to such a woman.

But this does not mean that we do not need sexual energy, it is simply important for it to know the place and time. In addition, blocking sexual energy is fraught with female diseases and difficulties with childbearing. However, its abuse is no better, both for health and for the soul. Therefore, it is important for every woman to maintain a balance of these two energies within herself. And the beginning of this path is to honestly look at yourself and analyze whether you have more feminine or masculine energy, and what are the signs of a lack of feminine energy, read on our website in a separate article.

“Bobruisk Courier” returns to its “historical” column “Yin-Yang”, which is already more than 20 years old, and which in recent years has been undeservedly “forgotten” by us.

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"Yin-Yang" is with you again!

Peace, tranquility, prosperity to your home!


Yin and Yang – feminine and masculine principles. This concept came to us from China. Ancient Chinese sages interpreted Yin-Yang as a symbol of the unity of the whole, the opposite parts of which transform into each other, making up the strongest energy.

The original meaning of Yin and Yang is the shady and sunny side of the mountain. This meaning perfectly reflects the essence of these two principles. They are just different sides of the same mountain. Their differences are determined not by the internal nature of the slope itself, but by a third force (the sun), which alternately illuminates one side and then the other.

And now - in more detail about each of the components of the Yin-Yang symbol.


Feminine energy in astrology corresponds to the Moon. Therefore, the feminine principle is night, darkness, abyss, cold, passivity, introversion (emphasis on the internal). The principle of fluidity and flexibility finds its place here. As a result, women have a predominance of such qualities as softness, tenderness, the ability to forgive and accept. The power of the feminine is the power of intuition and emotion.

Yin energy can be compared to water: water has no form, it takes the form of the surrounding world, fills it with itself.

The earth is also endowed with Yin energy to a large extent: it obediently cultivates within itself all the seeds that fell into it from the outside. She waits inactively to be used. She accepts.

Yin energy is inert: it simply resides in space and waits for something to give it a vector of movement.


Masculine energy in astrology corresponds to the Sun. The masculine principle is day, fire, activity, determination, dynamics, categoricalness, leadership, extroversion (emphasis on the external). The power of masculinity is the power of the mind.

Yang energy gives motivation and desire to act. It has a vector and aspiration.

The masculine principle is the Idea, the Seed. He needs a land that will grow this Seed within itself. Yang energy gives.

But this does not mean that a woman is filled exclusively with Yin energy, and a man with Yang energy. In fact, both energies are present in each of us, regardless of gender. But for personal harmony, it is important that women have more feminine energy, and men have more masculine energy. Otherwise, there will be an imbalance of energies, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. Let's talk about them in more detail.

A woman has too much Yin energy

1. Loss of physical fitness. Excess weight appears or muscles become sluggish and weak.

2. Outbursts of uncontrollable emotions. Sadness, depression, hysteria, resentment, and apathy become a woman’s constant companion if she lacks Yang energy.

3. Laziness, unwillingness to do anything. Such women will always want to take a horizontal position: lie on the sofa and do nothing. After all, Yin is peace, earth.

4. Lack of goals in life. Since Yin energy has no vector, a woman who has too much of this energy will become inert and lacking initiative.

5. Dissatisfaction with everything and everyone. Yin has no purpose, therefore no result can be achieved. Such a woman will not know what she wants, and everything she has will not seem to her what she would like.

A woman has too much yang energy

1. Male physique. Large shoulders, narrow hips, dry muscles - this type of figure is often caused by an excess of Yang energy in a woman. And if such a woman begins to gain weight, then this happens, as a rule, according to the male type: her arms in the shoulder area become fuller and her stomach grows.

2. The habit of “building everyone up.” A woman with an excess of Yang energy loves to command and does not tolerate disagreement with her opinion.

3. Tension. Yang is the energy of constant tension. It is very difficult for a woman who is dominated by this energy to relax and “turn off her brain.”

4. Inability to accept. Yang energy is a giving energy, not a receiving one. It is not surprising that a woman with an excess of this energy is ready to give away her “last shirt.”

5. Sexual deviations. The desire for rough sex with elements of violence is a way for women with energy imbalances to harmonize themselves.

A man has too much yang energy

1. Excessive passion for your body. The activity contained in Yang energy will definitely find a way out in sports. And if a man has increased this energy, then he will not leave the gym for days, bringing his body to the ideal.

2. Dominance. A man with an excess of Yang energy always wants to dominate everyone. Great difficulties will arise in relations with superiors, because for such a man to obey is sheer torture.

3. Aggression and rudeness. An excess of Yang energy transforms such good qualities as determination and confidence into obstinacy and self-confidence. Attempts to disagree with a man who has a high level of Yang energy are fraught with outbursts of aggression and rudeness on his part.

A man has too much Yin energy

1. Passivity. It is not surprising that a man with predominant Yin energy will be overweight and have little income. After all, the activity and determination inherent in Yang energy will be blocked by the passivity and inertia of Yin energy.

2. Softness. The principle of fluidity and flexibility inherent in Yin energy will lead to the fact that a man in whom this energy dominates will try to avoid sharp corners, not enter into conflicts, and make compromises.

3. Inability to give. Such a man does not feel like a breadwinner. He has absolutely no desire to give something, but he will not refuse to receive something without making any effort.

Balance is a very fragile thing. Achieving energy balance and finding harmony can be difficult. But not easy does not mean impossible. We will tell you about ways to harmonize personality in our next article in the “Yin-Yang” section.

There is probably not a single person who has not heard about the Chinese symbols Ying Yang: the feminine and masculine principles, the light and dark side of life. But the deep concept of Yin Yang has never been assigned to pairs of opposites; it is far beyond the simplified idea of ​​binomials of hot-cold, day-night. This is a whole philosophy.

But we are interested in the practical side of the concept. Why can't we be only good or only bad? How to reconcile opposites in yourself? How to find long-awaited harmony? In the magical space of yin yang, not a single phenomenon is permanent. Everything changes, flows, gives rise to new forms. This is the condition that you should learn to catch.

What are yin and yang

Yin Yang is the concept of two diametrically opposed and complementary principles, an ideal tool that generates everything in our world (phenomenon, matter, force). These principles or energies exist within each of us, in life, family, world, cosmos. Extreme states are states of limitation, a kind of “final stop”. True development occurs only through constant interaction opposing forces, their harmonious interaction.

The most figurative description of yin-yang energies is a comparison with alternating current. Yang energy is a positive charge. It is full of unbridled energy, which can lead to an explosion at any moment. Yin energy– a cold negative charge that can freeze everything around. As long as the force of the charges is the same, the system is governed by the spirit of balance. But achieved balance– is by no means a static quantity. Having reached a peak, one of the energies declines, the other increases. Like alternating current, the yin-yang movement does not occur simultaneously, but in waves. At some moments one of the forces exceeds the other, but in the end they are balanced again.

It is important for a person to learn to accept this in himself, not to fight internal energies, but to follow them. So, with the onset of broad daylight The ebullient Yang energy intensifies: digestion, brain and physical activity improves. When energy overflows, you can safely go into battle and solve problems. As night falls Yin energy of calm comes first. Body temperature drops slightly, digestion practically slows down, and the brain falls asleep from fatigue. There is no need to resist, it is better to calm down and give yourself a rest. But this applies to larks. Owls have energy peaks at other times. And here again the opposites appear.

The unproven history of the concept of ying and yang

Although researchers claim that the concept was borrowed from Buddhism, the description of the concept of yin and yang was one of the oldest cosmological symbols in Chinese culture. The concept was primarily described as periodic change of chaos and order. But the phenomenon cannot be considered exclusively Chinese. In the religions of many countries, at the stage of their inception, a dual system of struggle between good and evil was described. The familiar graphic image appeared much later.

What yin yang is was first described in the traditional Chinese teachings of Taoism, which includes elements of religion and philosophy. As a religious and philosophical movement, Taoism arose somewhere in the 6th-5th centuries BC. The founder of the teaching is considered to be the philosopher Lao Tzu, who wrote the book “Tao Te Ching”. But nothing is known for certain about the life of this thinker. There is an opinion that the authorship of the book belongs not to one person, but to a whole group of philosophers.

In Taoist theory, yin and yang are described as follows:: the central place is occupied by Tao as the essence of being. The concept of Tao itself is considered as a dual and contradictory entity (solitary and all-encompassing, inactive and active). Tao is the spirit that generates the substance Qi. It is from Qi that two opposing energies are released: yin and yang. These two energies give rise to the five elements, from which everything that exists on Earth is born. Everything that exists goes through a circle of development and returns to the non-existence of Qi, and life is an endless cycle of elements and energies. Unlike other religious teachings, where the Higher powers are the forces of good fighting evil, Taoism calls for knowing both sides in order to find oneself. “A wise man is flexible,” say followers of Taoism.

Yin and Yang: the meaning is much deeper than it seems at first glance

Of the modern authors and researchers of the teachings of Tao, the most often cited is the orientalist, doctor of historical sciences A. A. Maslov. In his books, he talks about “YinYang” as a complex Chinese concept of perceiving the world outside and inside oneself. At the same time, the author believes that in most publications the concept is too simplistic.

For example, the description of energy is most often divided into:

The author calls this division nothing more than a myth, although a similar interpretation can be found even in popular Chinese literature. Deep understanding lies far beyond such a simplistic description. It is at the level of a philosophical worldview about spiritual-material, good-evil. The mystical ring in the image of Yin and Yang symbolizes constant generation of opposing forces, which cannot exist separately.

So the mention of yin and yang as feminine and masculine principles does not mean separately man and separately woman. Masculine and feminine are present within every person: in character, emotions, body, actions, personal relationships, career. These concepts are not mutually exclusive, but complementary. When we learn to recognize two yin-yang energies in ourselves at the same time, the meaning of this symbol becomes voluminous and holistic.

Today there are many trainings, books and materials exaggerating one of the sides. At women’s trainings, for example, they don’t tell you what yin yang means in full. Participants are taught to look for and develop the feminine in themselves, but are not told what to do with the masculine. Seminars teach positive thinking, but fail to teach the benefits of negative thoughts or emotions. But it is the golden mean that allows you to find the inner harmony that the tired inhabitants of the planet dream of.

How to find harmony with your own soul

It is believed that most illnesses will go away once mental balance is restored. This is true. But how to find peace of mind is a mystery. How many people, so many ways. If for an extrovert it is enough to “go out in public” and chat on the phone, then an introvert needs a good book with complete privacy. But you need to get to this point on your own. After all, harmony with the world begins with harmony in your own soul.

Find the real “I”

Since childhood, we have been building up layers of ideas about ourselves, so that at a conscious age we sincerely consider them ours. But do the qualities we call personal truly reflect our inner aspirations? Psychologists answer “no”. A person is the sum of the behavior patterns and character traits of the people who have surrounded him since childhood. You get used to them.

But their own “I” is so complex, multifaceted and multi-layered that adults prefer to hide it from themselves and from others. It works up to a certain point. But long-term ignoring of one’s spiritual impulses deprives one of sleep, health, and interest in life, happiness.

How do you understand that a meeting with yourself has taken place? When we act in accordance with inner impulses, the soul begins to ring and resonate. Psychologists call this a state of flow. In this state, a person constantly feels satisfied with his work, development, achievements, and results. He enjoys life, he is happy.

The external world is a reflection of the internal state

It turns out that we ourselves invite resentment into our lives. This happens unconsciously, but regularly. Psychologists compare a newborn baby to a perfect ball. Under the influence of different people, upbringing, failures, the ball begins to bend, receives strong dents from a lack of love or, conversely, growths from its excess.

But the Universe strives for harmony, therefore it sends people or events that help us pay attention to ourselves and again take on an ideal form. For example, a hyper-responsible person has to work with irresponsible people, an impatient person always gets stuck in traffic jams or queues, a touchy person is constantly offended.

And stress continues until a person realizes a simple but understandable principle: he himself is the cause of all life’s dissatisfactions. And the Universe in this way indicates that the harmony of life is disrupted. Therefore, it is useless to be offended by others. All troubles are the requests of a “deformed” soul.

The "other" is within us

Internal imbalance is not as harmless as it seems. It can be compared to having the headlights on in a parked car. It would seem like such a small thing, but after a while the driver gets into the car, but cannot start it. Because the small bulbs drained all the battery power.

Our unconscious is the “other” inside us, which we constantly repress and spend a lot of energy on. We hate cooking, but we are learning how to cook borscht. We dream of a trip to the mountains, but we go with friends to the sea. But our real “I” and those qualities that we recognize in ourselves are constantly in conflict. Such conflicts are destructive and extremely painful for the soul.

The “other” within us is our unconscious. It manifests itself in dreams, slips of the tongue, unplanned actions, and sometimes frightens or even infuriates. But this is not so scary, because we do not have to behave well all the time. Even negative things need to be experienced completely. and negative thoughts can be learned to work for good.

The Power of Negative Thinking

The propaganda of positive thinking continues to march victoriously around the world, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity. But those who truly strive to find inner balance are forced to learn to think negatively. Don’t whine or complain about unforeseen circumstances, but learn to see dangers in advance and meet them prepared.

For example, don't trust everyone, learn to see the dark sides relationships, other people and your own, anticipate possible mistakes or stop saving others without their desire. Yes, we learn when we are hurt. But negative thinking will allow us to painlessly accept our true self.

But don't confuse negative thinking with negative, repetitive thoughts. Negative thinking is, rather, common sense, the ability to critically assess the situation. But negative thoughts depress us. Several effective exercises for the soul will help you refocus your brain on finding harmony. It's worth trying several to find the one:

  • Practice meditation or relaxation: makes it possible to focus not on bad or good, but on useful thoughts.
  • Play your favorite sport: it helps to throw off accumulated negative energy and learn to listen to body language.
  • Find a hobby: it will allow you to make your dreams come true and focus on the process, not the result.
  • Getting a pet: caring for a friend will help stop the endless dialogues in your head.
  • Don’t forget to read: this is a great way to distract yourself, develop your imagination, and expand your vocabulary.


  • Yin Yang is not a popular theory about masculinity and femininity, but a whole worldview, a system of concepts about good and evil.
  • The ability to identify and prevent imbalances in any area of ​​life is the highest human skill.
  • Life has many layers, and layers are added early in life. The search for inner harmony will have to begin with an analysis of childhood.
  • By balancing ourselves, we add balance to the world around us.
  • The world is fair and harmonious. If it sends us stress, it means it helps us find inner balance.
  • Negative thinking is not as useless as it seems.

Philosophical concept

In the “Book of Changes” (“I Ching”) yang And yin served to express light and dark, hard and soft, masculine and feminine principles in nature. In the process of development of Chinese philosophy yang And yin increasingly symbolized the interaction of extreme opposites: light and darkness, day and night, sun and moon, sky and earth, heat and cold, positive and negative, even and odd, etc. Yin-yang received an exclusively abstract meaning in the speculative schemes of Neo-Confucianism , especially in the doctrine of “li” (Chinese 禮) - the absolute law. The concept of the interaction of polar forces yin-yang, which are considered as the main cosmic forces of movement, as the root causes of constant variability in nature, constitute the main content of most dialectical schemes of Chinese philosophers. The doctrine of dualism of forces yin-yang- an indispensable element of dialectical constructions in Chinese philosophy. In -III centuries. BC e. in ancient China there was a philosophical school of yin yang jia. Ideas about yin-yang They have also found various applications in the development of the theoretical foundations of Chinese medicine, chemistry, music, etc.

Discovered in China several thousand years ago, this principle was originally based on physical thinking. However, as it developed, it became a more metaphysical concept. In Japanese philosophy, the physical approach has been preserved, so the division of objects according to yin and yang properties is different between the Chinese and the Japanese. In the new Japanese religion Oomoto-kyo, these are the concepts of divine Izu (fire, e) and Mizu (water, in).

The single primordial matter of Taiji gives rise to two opposing substances - yang And yin which are one and indivisible. Initially, “yin” meant “northern, shadowy”, and “yang” meant “southern, sunny slope of the mountain.” Later yin perceived as negative, cold, dark and feminine, and yang- as a positive, bright, warm and masculine principle.

The Nei Ching treatise says on this matter:

Pure yang substance is transformed into the sky; the muddy substance of yin is transformed into the earth... The sky is the substance of yang, and the earth is the substance of yin. The sun is the substance of yang, and the moon is the substance of yin... The substance of yin is peace, and the substance of yang is mobility. The yang substance gives birth, and the yin substance nurtures. The yang substance transforms the breath-qi, and the yin substance forms the bodily form.

Five elements as a product of Yin and Yang

The interaction and struggle of these principles give rise to five elements (primary elements) - wu-sin: water, fire, wood, metal and earth, from which all the diversity of the material world arises - “ten thousand things” - wan wu, including humans. The five elements are in constant motion and harmony, mutual generation (water gives birth to wood, wood - fire, fire - earth, earth - metal, and metal - water) and mutual overcoming (water extinguishes fire, fire melts metal, metal destroys wood, wood - the earth, and the earth covers the water).

Similar concepts in other teachings

  • Purusha and Prakriti are fundamental concepts of Hinduism. Masculine and feminine principles.
  • Anima and animus are terms introduced into psychology by Jung. Masculine and feminine principles.
  • Or and Kli (light and vessel) in Kabbalah are two sides of one action, the root of which is the interaction of the Creator and creation.

See also



  • Martynenko N.P. Prerequisites for the emergence of the concept of “yin-yang” in Chinese culture // Arbor mundi. World tree. International journal on the theory and history of world culture. M., 2006. Issue. 12. P.46-69.
  • Markov L. The system of dual opposites Yin - Yang in comparative light. // East. M., 2003. No. 5. P. 17-31.
  • Demin R.N. School of yin yang // Cultures in dialogue. Vol. 1. - Ekaterinburg, 1992. P. 209-221. ISBN 5-7525-0162-8
  • Zinin S.A. Five elements and the concept of yin yang // Quantitative methods in the study of the history of Eastern countries. M., 1986. P.12-17.


  • Chinese philosophy
  • Symbols
  • I Ching
  • Concepts of Taoism
  • Analytical psychology
  • Chinese mythology
  • Philosophy of Taoism
  • Dualism

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    YIN YANG, the basic concepts of ancient Chinese natural philosophy, universal cosmic polar forces that constantly transform into each other (feminine-masculine, passive active, cold-hot, etc.). The teaching about the forces of yin yang is systematized in... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    YAN are the basic concepts of ancient Chinese natural philosophy, universal cosmic polar forces that constantly transform into each other (female-masculine, passive active, cold-hot, etc.). The teaching about the forces of yin yang is systematized in the appendix... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Yin is depicted as a broken line and represents the feminine principle. Yang is depicted as a continuous line and symbolizes the masculine principle. Together they symbolize all the complementary opposites of the dualistic universe in the forces and... ... Dictionary of symbols

    The fundamental pair category is whale. philosophy expressing the idea of ​​the duality of the world. Etymologically goes back to the ideograms denoting the shadow (yin) and solar (yang) slopes of the hill. Denotes a universal series of opposite sides of the world of things: ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Some of the main whale concepts philosophy. Initial meaning: cloudy and sunny weather or shady and sunny sides (eg mountains, gorges). Dr. whale. thinkers used the binary nature of this opposition for philosophy. plural expressions... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia



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