Pulse currents in physiotherapy. Basic rules for performing physical procedures

Among all the ways to treat diseases conservative methods, physical therapy is especially effective. The procedure is in demand because it is painless, has virtually no contraindications and can be used even for children aged 5 years and older.

What effect does physiotherapy have?

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis is performed through various physical means. Thanks to physiotherapeutic treatment, the medicine reaches the site of inflammation (deep-lying tissues). For osteochondrosis cervical spine spinal column it is aimed at the shoulder and neck area, and in case of damage lumbar region- on the lower back and buttocks.

The main goals of such treatment include:

  • relieving the inflammatory process;
  • elimination of spasms, painful sensations;
  • stimulating the process of tissue regeneration;
  • increasing immunity;
  • eliminating pinched nerve endings.

Physical factors have positive impact on the human body as a whole. The main advantage of this type of physiotherapy is that it does not cause allergic reactions.

The recovery process is accelerated by a combination of physiotherapy and the use of medications.

Types of physiotherapy in the treatment of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is the most common pathology of the spinal column, which affects not only adults, but also children. Let's take a closer look at what physiotherapy procedures are used for osteochondrosis. The human body can be affected by various physical factors. These include the following types influences: ultraviolet rays, vibration, laser radiation and many others.

Effective action provides physiotherapy using massage for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. It is carried out chiropractor using manual manipulation and a vibration massager. After such therapy, patients experience significant improvement blood circulation and pain relief.

Detensor therapy

Detensor therapy is a physical treatment for osteochondrosis using a specific bed, which consists of inclined movable rollers instead of a regular mattress. With its help, the spinal column is stretched under its own weight, which leads to a decrease in pressure on intervertebral discs. Detensor therapy is used for osteochondrosis of both the cervical and lumbar spine. It relieves muscle tension, improves posture and reduces pain in the spinal column.

The procedure has minimum quantity contraindications, since it does not injure muscles and joints and does not have heavy load on blood vessels. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, it depends on the stage of the disease. In most cases, the result is noticeable after 5 procedures.

Laser therapy

One of the most effective physical procedures for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is laser therapy. Therapeutic effect based on the precise impact of special lasers through soft fabrics on the damaged area of ​​the spinal column. This manipulation promotes the activation of metabolic processes and effectively removes painful sensations. There is a significant improvement in the functioning of bioelectric impulses.

It's relative new way therapy, but it has already proven itself well in the treatment of tissue damage to the spinal column. One procedure lasts about 10-20 minutes and does not cause discomfort to the patient.


Physiotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis using the balneotherapy method is carried out using healthy water saturated with salt, healing mud and minerals. During the procedure, the patient lies in a special bath, which is equipped with a massage function, which has a positive effect on damaged areas, improves metabolic processes in tissues and absorption of minerals. Healing water has a beneficial effect on joints and the musculoskeletal system. Therapy can be used at any time, whether during an exacerbation of the disease or in remission. Saline solutions increase the load on the heart muscle and increase blood pressure, so people with hypertension such treatment is contraindicated.


The essence of magnetic therapy is the use of alternating and constant magnetic fields different frequencies. During the procedure, the patient lies on his stomach, and the doctor places inductors with magnetic field, which stimulates the process of tissue restoration and metabolic processes, saturates with oxygen damaged tissue. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes.

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine using acupuncture is carried out only during the period of remission of the disease. During an exacerbation of the disease with pronounced pain syndrome, from using this method worth abstaining. Acupuncture is additional way therapy, the use of which enhances the effect of medications.

Indications for physiotherapy

Before prescribing treatment, carry out comprehensive examination body and spinal column in order to determine the stage of the disease and prescribe the most appropriate physiotherapy program. It is indicated when radicular syndrome(compression of the spinal roots), intervertebral hernias, limited mobility of the spinal column.

In general, physiotherapy has a positive effect on the process of blood circulation and strengthening muscle tone. Physiotherapy is used for osteochondrosis of all parts (cervical, thoracic, lumbar). Procedures of this type speed up the healing process.

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis complements the main treatment and significantly alleviates the patient’s condition. By selectively acting on the painful area, physiotherapy has virtually no unwanted side effects.

This type of therapy does not cause exacerbation and allows you to reduce drug doses. Thanks to less medicines, the risk of allergies is reduced and side effects.

Physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • Normalize metabolism
  • Improves the condition of organs and tissues
  • Activate immunity
  • Activate neurohumoral functions
  • Relieves pain
  • Improve microcirculation in the affected area
  • Have anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects
  • Reduce movement disorders.

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis, depending on the patient’s condition, is used both in combination and independently. The healing effect on the human body is achieved using a modified form of electrical and mechanical energy and natural factors (light, climate, dirt, water).

Types of physiotherapy in the treatment of osteochondrosis

For osteochondrosis, the following types of physiotherapy are used:

  1. Laser therapy
  2. Detensor – therapy
  3. Magnetotherapy
  4. Balneotherapy
  5. Vibration effects (ultrasound therapy, zonal or acupressure vibration massage)
  6. Ultraviolet irradiation(Ural Federal District)

Ural Federal District

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D is formed in the skin, which helps to absorb calcium. The method is carried out using irradiators, which have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and some analgesic effects.

For cervical osteochondrosis, ultraviolet irradiation physiotherapy is used on the back of the neck and upper part of the shoulder blades, subclavian region, outer surface shoulder At thoracic osteochondrosis affect the midline of the spine in the sternum area. For lumbar - on the lumbosacral region, buttocks, back of the thigh and lower leg.

Before carrying out therapy, sensitivity to ultraviolet rays must be checked. During the first procedure, the smallest biodoses are prescribed and are gradually increased with each subsequent session. Usually 10-15 procedures are prescribed.


  • Oncological diseases
  • Taking medications whose effects are enhanced by exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  • Blood diseases.

Vibration effect

The method underlies many effective methods treatment. Due to its effect, the method relieves pain of various localizations.

With ultrasound therapy, the body is exposed to high-frequency sounds (from 20,000 Hz or more). This method is combined with medicines for better penetration into the affected tissues.


  • Oncological diseases
  • Vibration disease
  • Dermatitis or skin lesions in the affected area
  • Mental disorders.

Shock wave therapy is used for osteochondrosis

The method involves transmitting an acoustic wave to a painful area of ​​the body. This type:

  • Eliminates pain
  • Improves microcirculation
  • Improves metabolism.

Detensor therapy

The method involves stretching the spine using the patient's body weight.

Laser therapy

The method has a healing effect using helium-neon lasers.
Due to the activation of bioelectric processes in the tissues of the nervous system, laser therapy has the following properties:

  • Wound healing
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Painkillers

Laser radiation is carried out along the inflamed spinal roots. For osteochondrosis, treatment is applied to the paravertebral zones of the affected spine. The duration of exposure to each zone (spinal root) is no more than 2 minutes. Total time session does not exceed 14 minutes.

The method works using an electric field and current. Under the influence electric current heat is generated in the tissues, which enhances local circulation. Electrotherapy has the following effects on the body:

  • Eliminates pain and discomfort
  • Speeds up treatment.

Electrical treatment is contraindicated for patients who have metal parts and devices, or pacemakers, in their bodies.

Pulse currents

Pulsed currents have a very effective therapeutic effect. Their mechanism of action on the body is determined by their effect on nerve receptors. Low-frequency impulses help relieve pain.

Diadynamic therapy (DDT)

DDT is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis using double continuous or wave current. The current strength increases until it appears at the site of influence feeling light vibrations. Sessions are scheduled daily for up to 10 days. Already after the second procedure, acute pain becomes aching in nature and is relieved. muscle tension and symptoms of nerve root tension. Full course Treatment with DDT leads to normalization of muscle tone and increased mobility of the spine.

Interference therapy

The method is used for acute pain. The method involves rhythmically changing the frequencies of electric current. The current strength increases until vibration appears in the affected tissues. The procedure lasts up to 15 minutes.

Exposure to sinusoidal modulated currents (SMC)

The frequency of current and the depth of modulation with this method of physiotherapy are selected depending on the pain syndrome. With each subsequent procedure (as the pain decreases), the frequency of modulations is reduced and the depth is increased.

Electrotherapy eliminates pain and speeds up treatment

Transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation (TENS)

TENS uses plate electrodes with hydrophilic pads. Stimulation is achieved by activating nerves without direct action on motor structures. Electrodes are applied to the entire area of ​​the paravertebral affected area, to the area of ​​projection of the spinal roots. The current strength increases until vibration appears in the affected area. The method is effective in the acute period.

Electric field UHF

Electrodes at UHF therapy are installed on the paravertebral zones along the roots. The duration of the procedure is up to 14 minutes, first daily, then every other day and combined with other physiotherapy procedures. A course of up to 15 procedures.


Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis includes the use of magnetic therapy. Inductors are placed on the affected spine and limb. Magnetic therapy uses a continuous mode with a magnetic field induction from 28 to 35 mT. The procedure lasts up to 20 minutes, the course is up to 20 procedures daily.


Balneotherapy for osteochondrosis involves the use of mud and mineral waters (local and general baths, pools, showers) for the purpose of treatment and rehabilitation. Minerals during the procedure they penetrate the skin and act on receptors and nerve centers.

When treating with mud (peloidothermia), the effect on the body occurs under the influence of temperature and chemical composition healing mud. Muds are used in the form of applications. Balneotherapy stimulates metabolism, improves blood circulation and relieves inflammation.

Combined methods of physiotherapy

Most often prescribed combined methods physiotherapy for osteochondrosis. For example, when severe pain use diadynamic therapy and electrophoresis (diadynamophoresis) with the use of novocaine.

For immediate impact on biological active points The method of acupuncture laser puncture is used. Its action is to activate points with acupuncture needles and laser radiation. Mud therapy is often used with electrotherapy (electrophoresis with mud solution, inductothermy with mud, galvanic mud therapy).

Physiotherapy is a set of procedures consisting of influencing diseased parts of the body with various physical factors and methods: electric current, light, ultrasound, radiation, as well as natural ones: sun, air, water and dirt.

Such procedures are usually prescribed by a physiotherapist and are carried out in courses several times a year. For arthritis and other joint conditions, physical therapy is used to relieve pain, maintain the functionality of the inflamed joint, and strengthen the muscles around it. Most often, procedures are prescribed in combination with anti-inflammatory and painkillers, however, in cases where the patient for some reason cannot take medications, physiotherapy is used as independent method treatment.

Types of physiotherapy

Physiotherapy procedures are divided into several types, in accordance with the methods of their implementation and certain methods of influencing the joints affected by the disease.


Electrophoresis - the administration of drugs is localized through the skin using a constant electric current. Electrophoresis is carried out using drugs that help quickly relieve pain and block inflammatory process(heparin, novocaine, salicylate). This is one of the few procedures that can be performed during the exacerbation of diseases. This method is also good for its cumulative effect - after a course of procedures under skin a certain amount of drugs that have a therapeutic effect accumulates.


Phototherapy is called the dosed effect on the body of infrared, visible and ultraviolet radiation. This includes chromotherapy and quantum therapy. Light treatment helps relieve swelling, improve blood circulation and lymph flow, and relieve pain in the inflamed joint.

Laser therapy

Laser therapytherapeutic effect is applied to the joints using low-frequency laser irradiation. Renders sedative effect, relieves pain, softens inflammation and relieves spasms, improves lymph circulation, eliminates blood circulation disorders, stimulates metabolic processes in cells and tissues. Laser therapy may be prescribed during an exacerbation.

Magnetic therapy

Magnetic therapy is the effect of a magnetic field on the affected joints. Relieves inflammation, improves lymph flow and blood flow, normalizes vascular tone, stimulates metabolic processes in the joints. For arthritis, local magnetic therapy is usually prescribed.


Ultraviolet - irradiation of diseased joints with medium-length ultraviolet waves. Helps reduce sensitivity nerve fibers, due to which it has a rapid pain-relieving effect. Accelerates the synthesis of vitamin D3, necessary for strengthening joints. UHF therapy is the effect of electronic waves of the decimeter range on the joint. Warms up muscles, relieves spasms, reduces pain. Suitable for the subacute phase of the disease.

UHF therapy

UHF therapy - treatment electromagnetic fields ultra high frequency. UHF therapy is also called “heat treatment” because In the process, the body tissues absorb the energy of magnetic fields and release heat. Effectively relaxes, relieves pain, relieves swelling and inflammation.


Ultrasound - exposure of affected areas to high-frequency sound, sometimes performed with hydrocortisone ointment. Ultrasonic exposure helps speed up the metabolic process in tissues, improves blood flow, and gives a massage effect. Thanks to this, swelling resolves and inflammation goes away.


Massage – relieves swelling, minimizes painful sensations, improves blood circulation, increases the mobility of affected joints, strengthens muscles. One of the few types of physiotherapy that can be performed at home by the patients themselves.


Cryotherapy - short-term exposure low temperatures to the sore spot. Stimulates blood flow, reduces swelling and pain, promotes partial tissue regeneration.


Acupuncture (acupuncture) is treatment with injections of special and acupuncture needles, which are inserted to a certain depth and left in the patient’s body for some time. Relieves pain, improves blood circulation.


Balneotherapy - water treatments (medicinal baths, shower) using different types mineral waters. In particular, for arthritis, hydrogen sulfide, radon or iodine-bromine baths are recommended. Helps strengthen blood vessels and accelerate blood flow.

Exercise therapy

Exercise therapy - physical therapy, a comprehensive set of exercises aimed at improving blood supply, strengthening muscles, at least partial restoration mobility of diseased joints. This type of physiotherapy is particularly beneficial in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in patients over 50 years of age, because it prevents the formation of ankylosis and adhesions in connective tissues.

Mud therapy

Mud therapy - applying therapeutic mud containing salts and acids to diseased areas natural origin. Improves blood circulation, accelerates drug delivery and nutrients to the joints.

The number of sessions of all types of procedures from the list above, as well as the duration of one session, is established by the physiotherapist. You should not self-medicate or prescribe physical procedures for yourself without first consulting a doctor. Also, you should not combine several types of procedures at once. short period time.

Important: the effect of the technique will increase significantly if the patient adheres to a special diet (reduces the consumption of prepared food), limits exercise and gives up bad habits.

Like any other medical procedure, physiotherapy for arthritis has certain indications and contraindications.


  • Severe discomfort in the joints.
  • Arthritic pain syndrome, which becomes stronger under load, weather changes, and at night.
  • Heaviness, stiffness in a joint, limb or whole body, limited movement.
  • Spasms, convulsions in the affected limb.
  • Swelling, swelling in the affected area.


  • High (from 38°) body temperature, fever.
  • General serious condition patient.
  • Cachexia.
  • The presence of neoplasms, both malignant and benign.
  • Recently (less than 3 months ago) transferred acute heart attack myocardium.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • Systemic blood diseases (including severe anemia), poor clotting blood, tendency to bleed.
  • Wounds, skin inflammations, purulent processes at the place where the physiotherapy is performed.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Mental illnesses and disorders mental activity(psychosis) in the acute stage.

Individual contraindications for certain types procedures:

  • Intolerance to the therapeutic factor.
  • Pregnancy, postpartum period, lactation.
  • Neoplastic processes on the skin.
  • Urolithiasis and/or cholelithiasis.

Physiotherapy, carried out under the supervision of a specialist, helps to achieve remission, usually after the first course, however, to maintain the effect, it is recommended to undergo courses of procedures 2-3 times a year, in accordance with the doctor’s prescription. Don't underestimate physical therapy, this part integrated approach to the treatment of arthritis is no less important than drug therapy. The procedures will help not only relieve symptoms, but also improve blood supply and metabolism (and therefore nutrition of the affected areas), strengthen the muscle corset, thereby reducing the load on the joints.

Physiotherapy (physiotherapeutic treatment, physiotherapy, physical or physical therapy, physiatry) is a specialized field clinical medicine, the purpose of which is to study and use natural and artificially obtained physical factors without destroying tissue. Natural (or natural) factors are water, air, sunlight and warmth. Artificial ones include ultrasound, laser, electric current, magnetic field, various kinds radiation (infrared, ultraviolet, etc.). Physiotherapy treatment is one of the oldest methods in medicine, large number Physiotherapeutic methods of influencing humans were known many centuries ago. The term “physiotherapy” itself comes from the Greek words “physis” (nature) and “therapeia” (treatment, therapy).

Physiotherapy has long been used to treat wide range various diseases, because provides good healing effect, minimal burden on the patient’s body and the absence of unexpected negative side effects that may result from taking medications. In this case, physiotherapy treatment can be used both independently and as one of the components complex therapy. The effectiveness of physiotherapy as part of complex therapy is especially high, since in combination with drug treatment And surgical intervention it significantly makes it possible to speed up the processes of treatment and recovery in cases where the patient is simultaneously diagnosed with several infectious diseases that occur with complications and are not always amenable to the influence of traditional medicine.

Physiotherapy treatment involves the use of truly huge amount various methods: therapeutic, rehabilitation, as well as preventive. Among them:

  • Cryotherapy;
  • Balneotherapy;
  • Laser magnetic therapy;
  • Light chromotherapy;
  • Transcranial electrical stimulation;
  • Electrosleep;
  • Infrared sauna;
  • Electrophoresis of therapeutic mud;
  • Heat and mud therapy;
  • Cryotherapy;
  • Ozone therapy;
  • Various types of massage: acupressure, classic, etc.;
  • Vibration therapy;
  • Water treatments: Charcot shower, underwater massage shower, etc.;
  • Climatotherapy;
  • Foot baths;
  • Dry carbon dioxide baths;
  • Hardware methods of figure correction;
  • Therapeutic gymnastics;
  • Treatment with mineral waters, etc.

Physiotherapy treatment is prescribed to the patient individually based on the characteristics of the disease, its stage and severity, medical history, lifestyle, general condition health (both physical and mental), geography of residence. As an independent method, it is suitable only for treating a number of individual diseases. In other cases, physiotherapy is used for initial stages development of the disease or as an adjuvant.

Physiotherapy treatment: the effects of procedures on the body

Physiotherapeutic procedures are able to target directly the systems and organs that require treatment. In this case:

  • blood circulation improves (both central, peripheral and regional);
  • cellular nutrition processes are activated, thereby ensuring normal functioning tissues and organs;
  • pain syndrome is relieved;
  • Neurohumolar regulation is normalized, and if it is disrupted, the function of the immune system is restored.

However, physiotherapy treatment also has a number of contraindications. This method is not used in cases where

  • the patient's condition is accompanied by fever, his body is exhausted;
  • an acute form of an infectious disease has been diagnosed;
  • the patient was found malignant tumor(or there is a suspicion of cancer).

Physiotherapy treatment is also contraindicated in conditions such as:

  • Active course of the tuberculosis process;
  • Systemic diseases of the circulatory system;
  • Cardiovascular diseases (in which the stage of circulatory failure is higher than 2nd);
  • Aneurysm of large vessels;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system, characterized by increased excitability of the patient.

Physiotherapy treatment is advisable for children even in cases where they have irreversible damage. And the sooner it is appointed, the more good results can be achieved upon completion. This is due to the fact that children's body has very large compensatory capabilities. Here, however, one should remember such features of the anatomy and physiology of young children as increased susceptibility of the nervous system, high resorptive abilities of the skin, great content water in the tissues and, as a consequence, a higher rate of accessibility of deeply located internal organs exposure to electric current. It is these features that determine the need to prescribe a reduced dose of physiotherapeutic factors to children, as well as a shorter course of physiotherapy treatment (the more early age in a child, the shorter the course and the lower the dosage).

Most often, physical therapy treatment is indicated for children in the following cases:

  • Subject to availability skin diseases and navel diseases in newborns (short-term air baths and irradiation with a Minin lamp);
  • At purulent omphalitis(a combination of ultra-high frequency therapy, ultraviolet irradiation and antibiotics);
  • For phlegmon in newborns (UHF, irradiation ultraviolet rays, laser exposure);
  • At acute form hematogenous osteomyelitis(UHF, ultraviolet irradiation, laser exposure);
  • At hemolytic disease(phototherapy);
  • For atopic and infectious-allergic forms of respiratory allergies (inhalation, ultrasound, exposure to alternating magnetic fields, massage, physical therapy, baths, swimming, etc.);
  • At bronchopulmonary diseases(UHF and microwave therapy, ozokerite applications, electrophoresis, massage, physical therapy);
  • For diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including congenital ones (diadynamic therapy, ultrasound, electrophoresis, physical therapy, sanatorium-resort treatment);
  • For diseases affecting nervous system(amplipulse therapy, electrical stimulation, mineral baths, inductothermy, electrosleep, therapeutic baths, etc.);
  • For ENT diseases (irradiation with a Minin lamp, UHF, inhalation, ozokerite applications, etc.);
  • For diseases digestive system(amplipulse therapy, electrophoresis, massage, mineral water treatment, spa treatment).

Physiotherapy treatment is also effective preventative measure, which can significantly reduce the risk of developing certain diseases, slows their progression and reduces the likelihood of relapses.

Physiotherapy is one of the most effective, safe and available ways treatment of plantar fasciitis. Orthopedic doctors in mandatory Physiotherapy is prescribed if the patient has no contraindications.

If you are diagnosed with a heel spur, physical therapy helps to get rid of pain, reduce inflammation, and restore motor functions feet

Some procedures can completely eliminate the heel spike, replacing the painful one.

Heel spur: physiotherapeutic treatment

To carry out physiotherapy, special devices installed in physiotherapy rooms are used. Treatment of heel spurs with physical therapy can be carried out on an outpatient basis, when the patient visits a clinic, or as an inpatient.

Physiotherapeutic devices emit various types energy: quantum, ultrasonic, magnetic, electrical, which has a positive effect on inflamed fascia and a bone spike. The goal of physical therapy is to improve the patient’s quality of life.

The attending physician may prescribe:

  • ultra-high frequency exposure (UHF);
  • electrophoresis;
  • ultraphonophoresis (phonophoresis);
  • quantum therapy (laser treatment);
  • shock wave impact;
  • X-ray therapy, etc.

Attention! Physiotherapy cannot eliminate the cause of plantar fasciitis! Therefore, during and after passing treatment course To avoid relapse, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that provoke the appearance of spurs.

During and after treatment, it is imperative to use or orthopedic insoles, unloading the foot at peak points of load impact.

Laser therapy (quantum therapy) is of two types:

  1. low-frequency laser exposure aimed at reducing pain, swelling and improving tissue regeneration;
  2. high-frequency quantum radiation, with the help of which the spur is crushed.
High frequency laser therapy can replace surgery and completely remove the bone-salt thorn. Well quantum therapy includes 2-3 stages of 10 sessions. Between stages there is a break of 2 weeks.

Shockwave therapy removes spurs by breaking them up with sonic shock waves. In the process, the growth gradually loosens and resolves.

Additional physiotherapy for heel spurs

When prescribing treatment for heel spurs, physiotherapy should solve specific problems; doctors often recommend additional methods physical influences.

These methods are not generally accepted, but their effectiveness in combination with traditional procedures is beyond doubt.

Such additional physical procedures include:

  • Magnetic therapy for heel spur. Exposure to magnetic fields stimulates blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, and eliminates swelling.
  • Ultraviolet irradiation. Promotes tissue renewal, has a beneficial effect on nerve endings.
  • Mud therapy. Mud wrap helps remove sharp pain, reduce inflammation, has a warming effect
  • Paraffin treatment. “Paraffin boots” have a resolving effect and relieve pain symptoms.
  • Hydrotherapy: baths, mineral waters, circulation showers. Improve metabolic processes and have a strengthening effect.
  • . Helps to relax and release fascia clamped by a spur, improves lymph and blood flow in the extremities.
After carrying out relaxing procedures, it is advisable to perform a procedure to fix the heel fascia in a stretched position, which contributes to their recovery.

Contraindications to physical therapy

Despite high efficiency Each physiotherapy procedure has its own list of contraindications. When prescribing a treatment course, the doctor will necessarily take into account the characteristics of the patient’s body and health status.

Absolute contraindications for most physiotherapeutic procedures are:

In these cases, physical therapy will have to be postponed until the condition normalizes.



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