Indoor games (in rainy weather). In rainy weather

Playing indoors in the rain

Find a couple
The driver calls the most dexterous guys, sits them in a circle and invites everyone to take off their shoes from their left feet. The shoes are folded in the center of the circle, and everyone playing is blindfolded. At the signal, they rush to the pile of shoes, trying to find theirs. The one who puts on his shoes first wins.
Build a deck
There are two or four participants in the game. The entire auditorium will help them. Players are given one card each - an ace of any suit. The remaining cards are dealt in the hall. The task of the “aces” is to collect all the cards of their suit from six to king as quickly as possible. Card holders - spectators - can run to the “ace” only after the previous card is already next to it.
Everyone sits in a circle, but not close to each other. One presenter is selected. Next, the players draw lots, organized by the leader. Based on the results, one commissioner (Cattani), several mafiosi (they are not much less than half of the players) and respectable citizens, of whom the majority, are determined. The results of the draw, i.e. who turned out to be who, must be kept secret. Then everyday life begins. First the day. Everyone sits with their eyes open, trying to guess which of them is the mafioso. If someone is recognized as such by a unanimous decision, then the “sentence” is immediately carried out - the person is eliminated from the game. If there is no consensus, then night simply falls. Everyone closes their eyes. Then the host announces the exit of the mafia. The surviving mafiosi open their eyes and with signs (not with their voices!) decide who they will “kill” today... They close their eyes. Next comes the exit of Commissioner Cattani.
He wonders who the mafia might be. If you guess right, then there is one less mafioso; if not, then it’s a misfire. Then the day begins again. The game is played until the complete victory of honest citizens or the mafia. Notes: Commissioner Cattani is a completely respectable citizen, that is, he can be executed by the general meeting or killed by the mafia. As the game progresses, the presenter comments on what is happening, maintaining the anonymity of the characters.
Everyone sits down at a long table. On one side of the table is the driver. Someone is given a coin or other small object. Holding their hands under the table, they quietly pass the coin to each other. Suddenly the driver shouts: “Bobchinsky, Dobchinsky hands on the table!” Everyone should immediately place their hands on the table, palms down. Including the one who has a coin in his hand at that moment. The driver tries to guess who has the coin (by sound, hand position, etc.). By his order, you must raise your hand. If the driver made a mistake, the game is repeated; if he guessed correctly, the one who has the coin becomes the driver, and the driver sits down with everyone at the table.
"I never…"
Everyone sits in a circle and puts their hands on their knees. The first player says something he has never done in his life. For example, he says: “I have never flown on an airplane.” If one of the players was flying, then he bends one finger on his hand. Then the next player speaks, and so on in a circle. The winner is the one who bends all his fingers the fastest.
Rescue from pirates
Everyone suddenly finds themselves in the hold of a pirate ship. All the prisoners are from different ships, but no one remembers who was from which; each one has a piece of a picture of his ship. The prisoners gather their ships. Thus, commands are obtained. Each team has its own ship, on the back of which there is a plan to escape from the pirates (the location of the stages and the route of their passage).
Open the door. Use a long stick with a nail on the end to get the desired key from several hanging keys.
Go through the dark corridor. Walk a certain path blindfolded, holding onto a rope.
Go through another dark corridor. Carry a burning candle from one place to another. The pirate wind is trying to blow it out.
Blindfolded, taste and recognize drinks in different glasses.
Escape from the ship. Tie a rope of a certain length from your clothes.
Use a fishing rod to catch a floating bottle.
Clear your way. Pour all the water out of the basin in small mugs.
Lower the boat evenly. A boat is a board to which one rope is tied on both sides. The boat is lowered simultaneously by different people from both sides using ropes. Something is placed on the board that should not fall when it is lowered.
Battle with a pirate. Arm wrestling with a pirate.
At each stage, upon successful completion, the team is given one letter. From the collected letters you need to create a word-key to the treasure.
The main task of the teams is to escape from the pirate ship (go through all stages). The treasure is a bonus and goes to the team that finds it first.
Children really like detective stories, and this game will be played in the style of the famous clues of Sherlock Holmes. The guys are divided into teams that write letters to each other with milk. The subsequent deciphering of the letter brings a lot of pleasure to the players.
It will be better if the letters are also encrypted.
The players stand in a circle, holding hands. The driver stands in the center. He must “intercept” the telegram, that is, see who is shaking hands. If he notices this, he stands in the general circle, and the one who gets caught becomes the driver. If the telegram reaches the recipient, he says: “Received,” and he himself sends the telegram to someone.
You cannot send a telegram to a nearby player. If the driver cannot intercept the message in any way, it is better to change it.
Tutti Frutti
Everyone sits in a circle on chairs and counts the first - third. The first numbers will be, for example, apples, the second – bananas, the third – oranges. In the center is the driver, who begins a story about himself, and as soon as he mentions one of the named fruits in his story, these players must quickly change places. If the driver says: “Tutti-frutti,” then all the players change places.
The guys sit on chairs so that a circle is formed. There must be a player behind each person sitting on a chair, and one chair must be free. The player behind him must discreetly wink at any of the players sitting in the circle. All seated participants must face the player with an empty chair. A sitting participant, seeing that he has been winked at, must quickly take an empty seat. The functions of the players standing behind those sitting are to prevent their players from going to empty seats. To do this, they only need to put their hand on the shoulder of the seated player. If the “guard” does not release the “fugitive”, they change places.
"Yes" and "no", don't say
The game involves 5–30 people. The presenter says: They sent you a hundred rubles. Buy what you want, don’t buy black and white, don’t say “yes” or “no”.
The host then begins a conversation with one of the participants, asking tricky questions, for example:
- Of course, you know what color the grass is? (According to the rules, you cannot answer “yes”, otherwise you will have to give the presenter a phantom - a scarf, badge, shoe, etc.)
“I know,” the resourceful player answers and is glad that he “didn’t get caught.”
But the presenter keeps asking new questions:
-What color is the sky? What color is the snow?
- Sky is blue. Snow is white. Oops, I was wrong. About the snow it should have been said: it’s the color of chalk.
Anyone who answers the question incorrectly has to give away a forfeit. The presenter talks with all the players, trying to “catch them.” If he managed to collect several forfeits, the participants in the game begin to play them. If the presenter has not received a single forfeit, then someone else becomes the presenter. You cannot give hints to the person answering. They often agree not to laugh during any questions or answers. The one who laughs gives away the forfeit.
Participants sit in a circle on chairs (there should be no extra chairs). The driver is in the center of the circle and names the items that the participants have, for example: who has light-colored shoes. Those participants who have light-colored shoes change places with each other.
The driver’s task is to take an empty seat. Which of the defectors did not manage to take a seat becomes the driver.
One - knee, two - knee
Everyone sits down on chairs again in a tight circle. Then everyone should place their hand on the right knee of the person on their left. Starting from the counselor, clockwise, a light hand clap should pass along all knees in turn. First – the counselor’s right hand, then – the left hand of his neighbor on the right, then – the right hand of the neighbor on the left, then – the counselor’s left hand, etc.
The first round is held so that the guys understand how to act. After this the game begins. The one who made a mistake during the game removes the hand that either delayed its clap or made it earlier. If a player removes both hands, he leaves the circle and the game continues. To complicate the task, the counselor gives the count faster and faster for which the clap should be made. The last three players standing win.
This is a mystery game. The counselor says that there are 4 positions: cross-parallel, parallel-cross, cross-cross, parallel-parallel. You need to tell your neighbor in turn one such statement, guessing their meaning. The presenter will say whether what was said was true or not. The game goes in circles. You can finish it, as soon as the circle is closed, you can play until the solution is solved.
Solution: the cross means crossing the legs of a sitting person or crossing legs, and the parallel means the legs standing next to each other. Accordingly, it is necessary to name the position that would indicate the legs of the speaker and the legs of the one to whom they speak. For example, my legs are crossed, and my neighbor’s are cross-legged, I tell him: cross-cross.
The guys stand in a circle, each of the players takes an animal and comes up with one gesture that would suit this animal, for example:
– bird – arms spread to the side;
– heron – one leg raised;
– cat – stroking itself on the cheek;
– gopher – arms pressed to the chest, with hands down, etc.
Then one player shows his gesture and the gesture of the other, the second must see this and show his gesture and the gesture of the other player, etc. The one who hesitated or thought about it leaves the game, the game continues.
Participants in the game are given a very large apple. Participants take turns biting off an apple and passing it to a neighbor. The one who eats the last one is a greedy person. If one apple is not enough for everyone, then you need to get a second one. Then you will have a lot of greedy people.
I won't go astray!
The leader, turning to the guys, asks: “Who can count to 30?” It turns out that's it. “Then let someone come to me,” he says. Anyone who wishes is offered the following task: count to 30, but instead of numbers that include the number 3 and which are divisible by 3, say “I won’t get lost.” The counting, therefore, is carried out like this: one, two, “I won’t get it wrong,” seven, eight, “I won’t get it wrong,” etc. It’s rare that someone manages to count to 30 in this way, without ever getting lost.
Role-playing game "City"
Instructions: you were sailing on a ship and your ship broke down. You have sailed to the nearest city, where you will walk in groups and look for parts to repair.
Progress of the game: a group, divided into 4 parts, lands on the shore and meets a beggar who asks for alms. As soon as the guys serve him, he leaves, and a man approaches the guys. He says that in the city it is forbidden to make friends and help, since “a person must be strong, but help weakens a person,” etc. This “beggar” is actually a spy! And now the guards are chasing them and the groups need to escape. One group ends up in a tavern, where a scene is played out in front of them in which the tavern owner humiliates a servant girl. They may or may not interfere (especially since the guards are looking for them). The second group goes to school, where they become familiar with the laws of the city, which prohibit helping. The third group ends up in prison, where they just sit. But they are guarded by only one guard. And they have a fairly real opportunity, teaming up with others, to escape. Then the groups change. All this time, guards are looming “on the horizon”, creating a more tense situation. When all the groups pass through all the points, one of them (or the one sitting in prison) is taken to the “city court”, where they are charged with “undermining the system” and violating the laws of the “happy city”. And a vote is held among the “residents”, among whom are the playing roles and the rest of the teams.
Various remarks are heard from the audience. And the groups again have a choice: to oppose or reconcile.
Then there is a discussion.

Find a couple

The driver calls the most dexterous guys, sits them in a circle and invites everyone to take off their shoes from their left feet. The shoes are folded in the center of the circle, and everyone playing is blindfolded. At the signal, they rush to the pile of shoes, trying to find theirs. The one who puts on his shoes first wins.

Build a deck

There are two or four participants in the game. The entire auditorium will help them. Players are given one card each - an ace of any suit. The remaining cards are dealt in the hall. The task of the “aces” is to collect all the cards of their suit from six to king as quickly as possible. Card holders - spectators - can run to the “ace” only after the previous card is already next to it.

Everyone sits in a circle, but not close to each other. One presenter is selected. Next, the players draw lots, organized by the leader. Based on the results, one commissioner (Cattani), several mafiosi (they are not much less than half of the players) and respectable citizens, of whom the majority, are determined. The results of the draw, i.e. who turned out to be who, must be kept secret. Then everyday life begins. First the day. Everyone sits with their eyes open, trying to guess which of them is the mafioso. If someone is recognized as such by a unanimous decision, then the “sentence” is immediately carried out - the person is eliminated from the game. If there is no consensus, then night simply falls. Everyone closes their eyes. Then the host announces the exit of the mafia. The surviving mafiosi open their eyes and with signs (not with their voices!) decide who they will “kill” today... They close their eyes. Next comes the exit of Commissioner Cattani.

He wonders who the mafia might be. If you guess right, then there is one less mafioso; if not, then it’s a misfire. Then the day begins again. The game is played until the complete victory of honest citizens or the mafia. Notes: Commissioner Cattani is a completely respectable citizen, that is, he can be executed by the general meeting or killed by the mafia. As the game progresses, the presenter comments on what is happening, maintaining the anonymity of the characters.


Everyone sits down at a long table. On one side of the table is the driver. Someone is given a coin or other small object. Holding their hands under the table, they quietly pass the coin to each other. Suddenly the driver shouts: “Bobchinsky, Dobchinsky hands on the table!” Everyone should immediately place their hands on the table, palms down. Including the one who has a coin in his hand at that moment. The driver tries to guess who has the coin (by sound, hand position, etc.). By his order, you must raise your hand. If the driver made a mistake, the game is repeated; if he guessed correctly, the one who has the coin becomes the driver, and the driver sits down with everyone at the table.

"I never…"

Everyone sits in a circle and puts their hands on their knees. The first player says something he has never done in his life. For example, he says: “I have never flown on an airplane.” If one of the players was flying, then he bends one finger on his hand. Then the next player speaks, and so on in a circle. The winner is the one who bends all his fingers the fastest.

Rescue from pirates

Everyone suddenly finds themselves in the hold of a pirate ship. All the prisoners are from different ships, but no one remembers who was from which; each one has a piece of a picture of his ship. The prisoners gather their ships. Thus, commands are obtained. Each team has its own ship, on the back of which there is a plan to escape from the pirates (the location of the stages and the route of their passage).

  • Open the door. Use a long stick with a nail on the end to get the desired key from several hanging keys.
  • Go through the dark corridor. Walk a certain path blindfolded, holding onto a rope.
  • Go through another dark corridor. Carry a burning candle from one place to another. The pirate wind is trying to blow it out.
  • Blindfolded, taste and recognize drinks in different glasses.
  • Escape from the ship. Tie a rope of a certain length from your clothes.
  • Use a fishing rod to catch a floating bottle.
  • Clear your way. Pour all the water out of the basin in small mugs.
  • Lower the boat evenly. A boat is a board to which one rope is tied on both sides. The boat is lowered simultaneously by different people from both sides using ropes. Something is placed on the board that should not fall when it is lowered.
  • Battle with a pirate. Arm wrestling with a pirate.
  • At each stage, upon successful completion, the team is given one letter. From the collected letters you need to create a word-key to the treasure.
  • The main task of the teams is to escape from the pirate ship (go through all stages). The treasure is a bonus and goes to the team that finds it first.

Children really like detective stories, and this game will be played in the style of the famous clues of Sherlock Holmes. The guys are divided into teams that write letters to each other with milk. The subsequent deciphering of the letter brings a lot of pleasure to the players.

It will be better if the letters are also encrypted.


The players stand in a circle, holding hands. The driver stands in the center. He must “intercept” the telegram, that is, see who is shaking hands. If he notices this, he stands in the general circle, and the one who gets caught becomes the driver. If the telegram reaches the recipient, he says: “Received,” and he himself sends the telegram to someone.

You cannot send a telegram to a nearby player. If the driver cannot intercept the message in any way, it is better to change it.

Tutti Frutti

Everyone sits in a circle on chairs and counts the first - third. The first numbers will be, for example, apples, the second – bananas, the third – oranges. In the center is the driver, who begins a story about himself, and as soon as he mentions one of the named fruits in his story, these players must quickly change places. If the driver says: “Tutti-frutti,” then all the players change places.


The guys sit on chairs so that a circle is formed. There must be a player behind each person sitting on a chair, and one chair must be free. The player behind him must discreetly wink at any of the players sitting in the circle. All seated participants must face the player with an empty chair. A sitting participant, seeing that he has been winked at, must quickly take an empty seat. The functions of the players standing behind those sitting are to prevent their players from going to empty seats. To do this, they only need to put their hand on the shoulder of the seated player. If the “guard” does not release the “fugitive”, they change places.

"Yes" and "no", don't say

The game involves 5–30 people. The presenter says: They sent you a hundred rubles. Buy what you want, don’t buy black and white, don’t say “yes” or “no”.

The host then begins a conversation with one of the participants, asking tricky questions, for example:

- Of course, you know what color the grass is? (According to the rules, you cannot answer “yes”, otherwise you will have to give the presenter a forfeit - a scarf, a badge, a shoe, etc.) “I know,” the resourceful player answers and is glad that he “didn’t get caught.”

But the presenter keeps asking new questions:

-What color is the sky? What color is the snow?

Anyone who answers the question incorrectly has to give away a forfeit. The presenter talks with all the players, trying to “catch them.” If he managed to collect several forfeits, the participants in the game begin to play them. If the presenter has not received a single forfeit, then someone else becomes the presenter. You cannot give hints to the person answering. They often agree not to laugh during any questions or answers. The one who laughs gives away the forfeit.


Participants sit in a circle on chairs (there should be no extra chairs). The driver is in the center of the circle and names the items that the participants have, for example: who has light-colored shoes. Those participants who have light-colored shoes change places with each other.

The driver’s task is to take an empty seat. Which of the defectors did not manage to take a seat becomes the driver.

One - knee, two - knee

Everyone sits down on chairs again in a tight circle. Then everyone should place their hand on the right knee of the person on their left. Starting from the counselor, clockwise, a light hand clap should pass along all knees in turn. First – the counselor’s right hand, then – the left hand of his neighbor on the right, then – the right hand of the neighbor on the left, then – the counselor’s left hand, etc.

The first round is held so that the guys understand how to act. After this the game begins. The one who made a mistake during the game removes the hand that either delayed its clap or made it earlier. If a player removes both hands, he leaves the circle and the game continues. To complicate the task, the counselor gives the count faster and faster for which the clap should be made. The last three players standing win.


This is a mystery game. The counselor says that there are 4 positions: cross-parallel, parallel-cross, cross-cross, parallel-parallel. You need to tell your neighbor in turn one such statement, guessing their meaning. The presenter will say whether what was said was true or not. The game goes in circles. You can finish it, as soon as the circle is closed, you can play until the solution is solved.

Solution: the cross means crossing the legs of a sitting person or crossing legs, and the parallel means the legs standing next to each other. Accordingly, it is necessary to name the position that would indicate the legs of the speaker and the legs of the one to whom they speak. For example, my legs are crossed, and my neighbor’s are cross-legged, I tell him: cross-cross.


The guys stand in a circle, each of the players takes an animal and comes up with one gesture that would suit this animal, for example:

– bird – arms spread to the side;

– heron – one leg raised;

– cat – stroking itself on the cheek;

– gopher – arms pressed to the chest, with hands down, etc.

Then one player shows his gesture and the gesture of the other, the second must see this and show his gesture and the gesture of the other player, etc. The one who hesitated or thought about it leaves the game, the game continues.


Participants in the game are given a very large apple. Participants take turns biting off an apple and passing it to a neighbor. The one who eats the last one is a greedy person. If one apple is not enough for everyone, then you need to get a second one. Then you will have a lot of greedy people.

I won't go astray!

Progress of the game: a group, divided into 4 parts, lands on the shore and meets a beggar who asks for alms. As soon as the guys serve him, he leaves, and a man approaches the guys. He says that in the city it is forbidden to make friends and help, since “a person must be strong, but help weakens a person,” etc. This “beggar” is actually a spy! And now the guards are chasing them and the groups need to escape. One group ends up in a tavern, where a scene is played out in front of them in which the tavern owner humiliates a servant girl. They may or may not interfere (especially since the guards are looking for them). The second group goes to school, where they become familiar with the laws of the city, which prohibit helping. The third group ends up in prison, where they just sit. But they are guarded by only one guard. And they have a fairly real opportunity, teaming up with others, to escape. Then the groups change. All this time, guards are looming “on the horizon”, creating a more tense situation. When all the groups pass through all the points, one of them (or the one sitting in prison) is taken to the “city court”, where they are charged with “undermining the system” and violating the laws of the “happy city”. And a vote is held among the “residents”, among whom are the playing roles and the rest of the teams.

Various remarks are heard from the audience. And the groups again have a choice: to oppose or reconcile.

Then there is a discussion.

A dark horse

Dark horse is a team game where children complete tasks, one (captain) runs to the base and brings tasks (of a different nature), they complete them together, he carries them or comes with people - completes the task, takes the next one, etc.

Hat is an intellectually creative game in which words, nouns, singular, are put into a hat, played in pairs, opposite each other, they pull out the words and must explain to their partner without using the same root words, without showing anything with their hands, the maximum number in 30 seconds. sl. round explain in one word, crocodile and drawing.

Summer camp is always a lot of new impressions, fresh air and cheerful company. If you are wondering how to entertain and keep your children occupied at camp, we can offer some recommendations.

Today there are many children's camps of different types - recreational, sports, educational. And each of them involves providing the child with all kinds of entertainment. Many camps have the opportunity to provide children with conditions for entertainment in water parks, karting clubs, bowling alleys, and karaoke.

Children enjoy horse riding, paintball, caving, diving, playing tennis and other sports games. Excursions, hikes, forest walks, fishing and many other entertaining activities are organized for them.

What to do with children in the rain at camp

When it rains outside, it is dirty and wet, you can organize games in the building. You can keep your children busy with the following creative activities:

  • preparation for the presentation - organize the joint development and implementation of any presentation;
  • read and discuss some literary work or article together;
  • you can start publishing a wall newspaper;
  • games with words - make up stories starting with one letter, compose quatrains, etc.;
  • passing psychological tests;
  • playing board games, checkers, chess, backgammon, etc.;
  • an impromptu talk show on some interesting topic;
  • singing karaoke;
  • quizzes and competitions.

Younger children will be interested in:

  • drawing;
  • applique;
  • making animal figures from plasticine, cones, acorns and matches;
  • applique;
  • modeling from plasticine or special clay;
  • folding puzzles;
  • playing with a ball, performing various tasks, etc.
When playing indoors, make sure that children do not injure themselves on furniture or fall down steps. Come up with games that don't require much activity.

What to do with children at camp: games, competitions and relay races

The best active entertainment for children and teenagers in the summer are games, competitions and relay races in the fresh air. When organizing games and competitions, remember that their main task is to instill a love of sports. So try to keep them fun, easy to do, and not take up too much time. Team sports games help strengthen friendships, teach people to strive for victory and lose with dignity.

Organize a competition between teams of different age groups. Let the guys come up with a team name and motto.

If you have competitions where winners are determined, create the right competitive atmosphere, reward the winners and encourage the losers.

Travel games, themed excursions, hikes and parades (carnival processions) organized by them are very popular among teenagers.

In rainy weather

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In rainy weather

Rainy weather not only makes you despondent, but also once again forces counselors to take a test of ingenuity, because it is not so easy to captivate children in cloudy, inhospitable weather.

Options for squad activities:
- Liar competition “How I was collected into the camp”;
- Competition for the fastest shoe lace-maker;
- Release of the newspaper application “This is us”;
- Competition for the best name and design of the chamber;
- “Mysterious evening”, or an evening of solving riddles;
- Production of the detachment’s journal “Day by Day”;
- Competition for the neatest bedside table and cabinet;
- Production of an advertising stand “Hey buddy, look at us”;
- “Gentleman Show” competition for the best compliment;
- Concert “KCHG” (Who cares);
- Competition for the best rain advertisement;
- Production of the newspaper “Wet Truth”;
- Game “Hide and Seek”, - everyone is looking for the object hidden by the counselor;
- Game “Football” with song questions and answers;
- Tongue twister competition;

Game in "Association"

The players are divided into two teams. A draw determines which team starts the game. The first team chooses a player from the opposing team and gives him a word, a proverb, the name of a movie or a song (the theme of the game is determined by the choice of the players), and the selected participant must pantomime show his team the task given to him so that his team can solve it. You are given 1–3 minutes to guess. The winner is the team that guesses more tasks or puts the enemy in a difficult situation more times when he cannot guess the task.

Game of "Find the Pair"

The driver calls the most dexterous guys, sits them in a circle and invites everyone to take off their shoes from their left feet. The shoes are folded in the center of the circle, and everyone playing is blindfolded. At the signal, they rush to the pile of shoes, trying to find theirs. The one who puts on his shoes first wins.

Competition for young actors

Tasks for the competition:
- Read any text with different expressions: with maximum volume; as if you were frozen; as if you have hot porridge in your mouth, etc.
- Without leaving the chair. sit as they sit: a bee on a flower; cashier at the workplace; punished Pinocchio, etc.;
- Depict how a baby walks; lion in a cage; ballet dancer; Indian chief, etc.;
- Smile as a polite Japanese smiles; cat in the sun; wolf to hare, etc.;
- Come up with and depict an advertisement for camp equipment;
- Pantomime - depict objects without words: punching bag, locator, encyclopedia, octopus, power plant, kangaroo, striking clock;
- Each participant reads by heart and simultaneously depicts the passage being read;
- Depict Russian folk proverbs: “Chickens are counted in the fall”, “Bread is the head of everything”, “What you sow is what you reap”, “There is no point in blaming the mirror if you have a crooked face”, “You can’t catch a fish from a pond without difficulty” ;

The competition can be held not only for single actors, but also for teams. Of course, the tasks for the team competition will be completely different:

The task is given to play out an old fairy tale in a new way, preserving the main storyline, the script is not written, all preparation is carried out in 15 minutes, after which the participants must present a “live impromptu”;
- after the first performance, teams develop a script on the proposed topic and present it in the form of a silent film;
- Competition for captains. The task is to depict a scene, for example: Forest. Silence. A light breeze passed through the treetops. It seemed that nothing else could break this silence. Suddenly the crunch of breaking branches was heard. Something huge flashed past the bushes. It was a moose. He walked out into the clearing, looked back, and apparently frightened of something, rushed back into the thicket. And again everything became calm. Suddenly there was a wild roar and the crunch of a breaking windbreak under someone's heavy steps. The roar did not stop for a minute, and soon a bear ran out into the clearing. This sound belonged to him. Waking up in the morning and leaving the den, he stepped on a hedgehog. The unpleasant sensation of something prickly did not allow the clubfoot to calm down, he walked around the clearing screaming wildly. Soon the pain subsided, and he headed back into the thicket, and his heavy steps could be heard in the clearing for a long time. Finally it became quiet.

Download material

See the downloadable file for the full text of the material.
The page contains only a fragment of the material.

In rainy weather, you can go out to camp and play games that will lift your spirits and energize you for the whole day.

Competition 1. Warm-up.

1. How much is 2+2x2? (6)
2. Name the pronouns that bother drivers on the road. (I-we)
3. Which pronouns are the purest? (you-we-you)
4. Name words that have one hundred identical letters. (sto-n, st-l, hundred-th, hundred-p)
5. It begins with a bird, ends with an animal, what is the name of the city? (Raven-hedgehog)
6. Which is easier: a pound of iron or a pound of hay? (they weigh the same)
7. What should you do when you see a green man? (cross the street)
8. These 3 TV stars are well known to each of us. The blonde's name is Stepan, the brown-haired guy's name is Philip. What's the bald guy's name? (Piggy)
9. Meows, not a cat (cat)
10. What doesn't fit in the biggest saucepan? (her cover)
11. What is the correct spelling: webbed drum or webbed drum? (eardrum)
12. Why do lions eat raw meat? (they don't know how to cook)

Competition 2. Poetry competition.

Each team receives a note with the first line of the poem and composes funny poems. “Once in the evening near the Christmas tree...” “The frost was crackling outside the window...”

Competition 3. Theater.

Interested competitors are given cards with a task that they complete without preparation. You need to go like this:
- a woman with heavy bags;
- gorilla in a cage;
- sparrow on the roof;
- a baby who has just learned to walk.

Competition 4. Take the prize.

A bag with a prize is placed on the chair. Around the chair are the competition participants. The presenter reads the poem “One, two, three!” Those who tried to grab the prize at the wrong time are eliminated from the game.

I'll tell you a story
Fifteen times.
I'll just say the word "three" -
Take the prize immediately!

One day we caught a pike
Gutted, and inside
We counted small fish -
And not just one, but TWO.

A seasoned boy dreams
Become an Olympic champion
Look, don’t be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.

When you want to memorize poems,
They are not crammed until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
Once or twice, or better yet FIVE!

Recently a train at the station
I had to wait THREE hours.
But why didn’t you take the prize, friends?
When was the opportunity to take it?

Competition 5. Make up a word.

There are "strange" words written on the cards. The letters in them must be rearranged so that the word ceases to be strange.


Competition 6. One letter.

The presenter calls the letter. Teams must take turns listing items in this room that begin with this letter. For example, someone suggested the letter "C". Everyone starts saying: “chair, table,” etc. The one who says the last word wins.

Competition 7. Choir.

Each team selects a driver. The driver leaves the room. The rest remember one or two lines of a famous poem and distribute it among the players: each player has a word. The driver enters. He must listen carefully to the players, who will simultaneously pronounce their own word from the hidden line of the poem. If the driver does not guess correctly, you can ask the players to repeat the words from the line together. If the driver guesses right, he names the line and poem.

Competition 8. Balloons.

A ball is placed on the edge of the table. The driver is blindfolded and placed with his back to the table. On command, he must take five steps forward, turn three times in place, return to the table and blow the ball onto the floor. Most often, the correct direction is lost, and amid general laughter, the driver tries to blow the ball away from where there is no trace of it.

Competition 9. Balloons in an armful.

The balls are laid out on the floor. Children take turns trying to grab and hold as many of these balls with both hands.

Competition 10. Skittles.

You need 8-10 pins and a small ball. They can be replaced with plastic bottles. The pins are placed on the floor and everyone takes turns rolling a small ball, trying to drop as many pins as possible. For the next participant, before he starts rolling the ball, all the pins are placed in their original positions. The distance from the player to the standing pins should not be very large, then there will be more fallen pins than standing ones.

Competition 11. Fishing.

1 person from the team is selected. You will need a rope 30-40 cm long, a bottle, a small weight that fits freely into the neck of this bottle, and a simple clothespin. A clothespin is attached to the rope at one end, and a weight at the other. With a clothespin, this entire structure is attached to the back of the child’s clothing and it turns out to be something like a tail.
Task: lower the weight into the bottle by bending in all directions and squatting. Hand assistance is not permitted.

Competition 12.

Turn out the sleeves of two jackets and hang them on the backs of chairs. Place the chairs at a distance of one meter with their backs facing each other. Place a two-meter long rope under the chairs. Both participants stand at their chairs. At the signal, they must take their jackets, turn out the sleeves, put them on, and fasten them. Then run around your opponent’s chair, sit on your chair and pull the string.

Competition 13.

In the allotted time, make a chain using paper clips. Whose chain is longer wins the competition.

Competition 14.

The teams are given the names of the paintings in the envelopes, which they need to enliven with a silent pantomime so that the audience recognizes them.
- "Barge Haulers on the Volga"
- "Hunters at rest"
- "A deuce again"
- "Three heroes"

Competition 15. Musical chair.

There are one fewer chairs than there are participants in the game. to the music, everyone runs around the chairs standing in a circle. When the music stops, children should take the empty seats. Anyone who does not have enough space is eliminated from the game. The one who remains last wins.



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