Chronic cystitis: an integrated approach to completely get rid of the disease. Chronic cystitis: treatment, symptoms, causes, folk remedies, diet

The diagnosis of chronic cystitis is made when symptoms of the disease in women last for more than two weeks, and relapses occur several times a year. Due to the anatomical features, cystitis occurs more often in females - because their short urethra makes it easier for bacterial infections.

Chronic cystitis can occur latently, with alternating exacerbations and remissions, or with constant symptoms. Diagnosis is carried out based on the results of urine tests, vaginal microflora in women, tests for STDs, ultrasound of the urinary organs, cystography, cystoscopy, endovesical biopsy.

In women with chronic cystitis, antibacterial treatment is carried out, correction of hormonal and immune status, microcirculation processes, local therapy and prevention of exacerbations, and, if indicated, surgical interventions.


What is it? Chronic cystitis occurs against the background of the patient having diseases of the genitourinary tract or other pathologies that lead to infection and inflammation of the bladder wall.

In this case, factors contributing to the development of the disease are:

  • deterioration of the protective properties of the epithelium of the bladder wall, provoked by the presence of foci of chronic infection in the patient’s body;
  • incomplete emptying of the bladder cavity during voiding;
  • the presence of tumors, stones, polypous growths and diverticula in the cystic cavity;
  • prolonged disruption of urine outflow;
  • violation of hygiene requirements.

The most common cause of chronic cystitis is the lack of timely and professional treatment of acute inflammation of the bladder wall.

Symptoms of chronic cystitis

When a woman suffers from chronic cystitis, she may experience only one of the symptoms, because the disease is in a latent state.

We list the main signs of chronic cystitis:

  • (dysuria), which may be accompanied by a burning sensation in the urethra;
  • frequent urination in small portions;
  • pain in the suprapubic region;
  • (usually in older people);
  • unpleasant smell of urine.

A woman needs to be attentive to the above symptoms. If she finds one or more of them, she needs to seek advice from a specialist. After all, diseases of the urinary system often provoke diseases of the reproductive system. And this is very undesirable for all women, especially nulliparous women.

Chronic cystitis and pregnancy

If the patient had chronic cystitis before pregnancy, then during pregnancy itself there is a high probability of exacerbation of this disease. This happens because during pregnancy the body's defenses decrease and pressure appears on the bladder from the fetus.

When treating this condition, it is necessary to select drugs for chronic cystitis that do not have a teratogenic effect.


To prevent chronic cystitis, it is first necessary to carefully treat the acute disease without interrupting the course of antibacterial agents. If there are concomitant diseases of both the pelvic organs and the body as a whole, they should be treated promptly and in full.

Be sure to dress according to the season, eat a balanced diet, lead a healthy lifestyle and not have the habit of holding back the urge to urinate when the urge arises.

Treatment of chronic cystitis

In each individual case of chronic cystitis, treatment in women should be selected taking into account the symptoms and clinical picture of the disease. The therapeutic process itself for this disease includes:

  1. Etiological (aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease);
  2. Pathogenetic (elimination of manifestations);
  3. Preventive treatment.

The first involves the use of medications in the treatment of chronic cystitis in women. The main role in this case is given to antibiotics, the selection of which is carried out on the basis of a bacteriological study with the identification of the pathogen.

Drugs from the fluoroquinolone group (Ciprofloxacin, Gatifloxacin) have the greatest sensitivity against urogenital infections. Nitrofurans (Furomag, Bactrim) are indispensable in the treatment of genitourinary infections.

Pathogenetic treatment is aimed at normalizing immune and hormonal disorders, improving blood supply to the bladder, correcting hygiene habits and sexual intercourse.

Proper drinking regimen is perhaps an equally important component, without which it is impossible to treat cystitis. A sick person should take in as much fluid as possible. You need to drink at least three to four liters of liquid per day.

To get rid of chronic cystitis during an exacerbation, in addition to all the listed measures, you need:

  • bed rest;
  • sufficient amount of fluid to drink;
  • salt-free diet;
  • ozone therapy;
  • acupuncture.

Chronic cystitis occurs against the background of reduced immunity, so a woman needs to strengthen it in every possible way.

Folk remedies

There are several very effective traditional medicine recipes that are also very effective in combating chronic cystitis. However, remember that all these prescriptions can only serve as an addition to the main treatment prescribed by the doctor.

  1. Will help relieve pain cornflower flowers, licorice root and bearberry leaves in a ratio of 1:1:3. Grind all the ingredients and pour 0.2 liters of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour. After this, strain and drink a tablespoon 5 times a day before meals. You can make an infusion from the following herbs: chamomile, flax seeds, eucalyptus, yarrow, clover, lovage.
  2. Accept lingonberry leaf decoctions it is possible for six or more months, because there are no side effects. One tbsp. Brew a spoonful of leaves with boiling water (200 ml) and drink 0.5 tbsp after cooling. before meals 3-4 times a day.
  3. For cooking calendula infusion Place three tablespoons of the broth in a thermos and pour one glass of boiling water. Insist for 24 hours. Then strain the infusion using gauze. A sick person should drink this decoction every morning, on an empty stomach, half a glass. The duration of this course of treatment is 2 weeks. During treatment, you must stop drinking black tea, even in small quantities.
  4. Parsley roots and greens– 1 tsp. place finely chopped roots and stems in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours; take the decoction in small sips an hour before each meal;

Each prescription must be approached wisely, assessing its potential benefits and contraindications for a woman.

Inflammation of the bladder occurs due to an infection that has entered it. Often the causative agent is E. coli, as well as other bacteria and organisms that make up the flora of the intestines and vagina. Microorganisms enter the bladder by ascending from the anogenital area through the urethra. For them to cause infection, local immunity must be weakened, allowing the bacteria to actively increase, release toxins, destroy the bladder mucosa and lead to increased urination.

How to cure chronic cystitis? If an illness occurs, you should visit a urologist and gynecologist, who will tell you how to treat cystitis in women and for how long. If an infection is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment with antibiotics and other anti-inflammatory drugs. Fluoroquinolones are often recommended, but they have many contraindications, so self-medication is dangerous. For severe pain, Papaverine or No-Shpa may be prescribed. Herbal teas and drinks with soda are useful for cystitis. Herbal preparations in tablets reduce inflammation.


  • Monural is one of the most common antibiotics prescribed for the bacterial form of the disease. These drugs for the treatment of cystitis are sold in the form of granules, powder and suspension and are a strong uroantiseptic.
  • Nolicin is an antibiotic drug belonging to the fluoroquinolone group. The medicine is considered effective for cystitis, since few bacteria have developed resistance to it.
  • Nitroxoline is an antibiotic drug.
  • Palin is a uroantiseptic drug for combating microbes of the quinolone group.
  • Nevigramon is an antibacterial drug based on nalidixic acid.
  • Rulid is an antibiotic belonging to the macrolide family.
  • Furadonin is a proven means of combating bacterial urinary tract infections.

Treatment of cystitis at home

  • Cherry petioles. They make tea from them. It is necessary to pour three tbsp into the container. l. petioles, add boiled water, leave for 15 minutes. The traditional drink should be drunk on an empty stomach.
  • Horsetail grass. To make the infusion, prepare two tbsp. l. herbs. Pour 1 liter of warm water and boil for 10 minutes. Then wrap it in a towel and hold for 20 minutes, then strain. Drink half a glass a couple of times a day.
  • Parsley. To make this folk remedy you need only 100 g of fresh herbs. Pour 1 liter of boiled water and leave for a couple of hours. Drink half a glass a day for two weeks.
  • Rose hip. Prepare 4 tbsp. l. finely chopped rosehip roots. Pour in 1 liter of water and boil for about 20 minutes. After removing the broth from the heat, strain. Take half a glass 4 times a day.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

  • Short-pulse electroanalgesia, which affects the pelvic area under the symphysis pubis and is carried out by contact. During the procedure, which lasts about ten minutes, the patient must lie on his back, and the full course will range from five to fifteen sessions.
  • When conducting magnetic laser therapy, the patient should be on his back, his legs bent at the knees and spread apart. The procedure lasts five minutes, the course consists of ten sessions, which are best done in the morning.
  • Magnetic therapy is performed in the same position. The procedure is contact, takes twenty minutes, and there are up to ten repetitions in the course. The best time for the procedure is morning.

What to do for cystitis in men

Cystitis in the stronger sex is much less common than in women. Only 0.5% of men over the age of forty are patients of urologists with this diagnosis. This is due to physiology. The urethra in men is longer and narrower, so it can trap infection and prevent it from entering the bladder. In this case, cystitis in them can manifest itself as a result of bladder outlet obstruction, in which the urinary tract is compressed near the urethra or bladder neck.

In case of acute cystitis, men are recommended bed rest, diet and increased fluid intake. It’s better to forget about intimacy and alcohol for a while. If the pain does not go away or urinary retention occurs, you will have to go to the hospital. Antibiotics are used to treat male cystitis. Medicines are often supplemented with uroseptics of plant origin.

How to treat chronic cystitis in the acute stage

How to cure chronic cystitis in the acute stage? Antibiotics, especially if there is pus in the urine. To eliminate the symptoms, you will need to take nitrofuran medications for two weeks with constant urine testing. Herbal uroantiseptics will also be useful. To relieve pain and sting, antispasmodics are used. In case of frequent exacerbations, the doctor may recommend introducing antibiotics into the lumen of the bladder.

The prolonged course of the inflammatory process in the bladder, which leads to structural and functional changes in the organ of the urinary system, is nothing more than chronic cystitis. Women are more susceptible to the occurrence of pathology due to the structural features of the urinary tract. Treatment of chronic cystitis in women is carried out after receiving test results and conducting a full diagnosis.

Chronic cystitis in women, the causes of which may be associated with several provoking factors, occurs due to:

  • improper treatment;
  • the presence of other genitourinary diseases;
  • hormonal changes;
  • frequent hypothermia;
  • lack of personal hygiene.

An incorrectly designed treatment regimen leads to the fact that the inflammatory process does not subside completely, which results in relapses of the disease.

Infectious diseases such as urethritis, pyelonephritis and STDs contribute to the development of chronic inflammation. Provoking factors can also be stones, polyps and diverticula formed in the bladder.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause often lead to chronicity of the disease. The cause of relapses may also be the presence of endocrine pathologies, including diabetes mellitus.

Frequent hypothermia and lack of personal hygiene lead to a weakening of the local immune status and the development of a chronic form.

Do you often run to the toilet?

Every woman sooner or later experiences cystitis. Pain when urinating, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, frequent visits to the toilet... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand. Attention! The main mistake of those who become ill is the uncontrolled use of antibiotics, which kill all microorganisms, including those that are necessary for normal life. 88% of antibiotics bring only a temporary effect and seriously disrupt the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. Perhaps it would be more correct to eliminate the cause rather than the effect? The only one natural preparation which really cures cystitis - Ceston. This product is not sold in pharmacies. According to the promotion, Ceston costs only 147 rubles. If interested, read all the information about the medicine yourself. Here is the link to the official website.

Signs of chronic cystitis in women

In every third of ten patients it becomes chronic. The inflammatory process in the latter case lasts more than 8 weeks, during which not only the mucous membrane of the genitourinary organ is damaged, but also its walls. This in turn may result from the development of bladder deformation. The pathology in its advanced form is difficult to treat conservatively.

Chronic cystitis in women, the symptoms of which can also have a latent form, most often manifests itself with exacerbations of 1 or more times a year. The main signs of exacerbation of pathology are:

  • increased urge to micturate;
  • sharp and nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

Pain relief occurs after urination is completed. In some cases, small blood clots may be observed in the urine.

When the disease is latent, there are no complaints, and pathology is revealed only in the case of endoscopic examination in the pelvic area.


Most often, Solcoseryl 200 tablets are prescribed as an antihypoxic agent. The drug is taken 1 tablet twice a day. The duration of treatment with the drug is 2 weeks. The drug of this group helps improve oxygen circulation in the pelvic organs.

Antiplatelet agents

In women, the antiplatelet agents improve local blood circulation, increase oxygen supply to tissues and restore bladder muscle tone. The most popular antiplatelet agent is Pentoxifylline-Acree 100. The treatment regimen and dosage are determined individually.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve pain. On average, medications in this category are taken for 1.5-3 weeks. In small doses, the use of NPP is permissible for up to 2 months under the supervision of the attending physician.


Antihistamines for chronic cystitis in women are mandatory. The dosage and duration of treatment with antihistamines is determined individually. On average, the course of therapy is 3-4 weeks.

Herbal diuretics

In complex therapy, along with antibiotics and other concomitant drugs, herbal diuretics are prescribed. They are used for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to prevent relapses.

Lingonberry leaves are an effective remedy for chronic cystitis in women. The drug of plant origin has a diuretic, antimicrobial, bactericidal and mild anti-inflammatory effect. A decoction of the leaves is taken 3-4 times a day for 3 weeks. After a 2-week break, the course of treatment is repeated.

Herbal infusions from lovage, bearberry, dill and corn silk also have good effectiveness.


Whether it is possible to cure chronic cystitis in women largely depends on the correctly identified etiology of the disease, as well as the prescribed medications. Immunomodulators help increase the chances of getting rid of pathology forever. Uro-Vaxom capsules have shown the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of recurrent bladder infections.

For therapeutic purposes, the drug is taken once a day for 1.5-12 weeks. For preventive purposes, the medication is taken in the same dosage for 3 months.

Chronic cystitis occurs more often in women than in men due to some peculiarity of their anatomical structure (short urethra). Men are much less likely to suffer from this disease and in them it is usually combined with other inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Chronic inflammation of the bladder walls is one of the most common pathologies among inflammatory urological diseases.

Causes of chronic cystitis

In addition, there are factors that predispose to the development of this pathology:

  • hypothermia of the body;
  • bladder stones;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (prostatitis, pyelonephritis);
  • foci of chronic infection of the body (caries, chronic abscesses, etc.);
  • long sedentary work;
  • spicy, salty, smoked and fried foods;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • excessive sexual activity;
  • prolonged constipation;
  • medical manipulations on the pelvic organs (for example, cystoscopy, bladder catheterization and others);
  • incorrect treatment of acute cystitis;
  • a decrease in the immunological strength of the body due to various reasons.

Classification of chronic cystitis

Chronic cystitis is a collective concept of many similar pathological conditions associated with inflammatory pathology of the bladder. In order to make it easier to differentiate them from each other and prescribe the appropriate treatment regimen for chronic cystitis, various classifications have been invented.

As you can see, there are many reasons leading to cystitis. That is why it is such a common disease.

Cystitis is divided along the course into:

  1. spicy;
  2. chronic.

Acute cystitis occurs no more than once a year and is characterized by an acute attack of pain in the lower abdomen with dysuric symptoms and urinary syndrome. If this attack is repeated 2 or more times a year, then they already speak of an exacerbation of chronic cystitis. In fact, this means that the wall of the bladder has already been so altered, and the bacteria have clung to it so firmly, that to completely cure this disease will require a lot of time and effort, both on the part of the medical staff and on the part of the patient himself. . Therefore, it is so important to correctly treat acute cystitis so that it does not become chronic.

In relation to other diseases of the urinary system, cystitis can be:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

Primary cystitis occurs as an independent disease, while secondary cystitis is a consequence of another disease.

According to the localization of inflammation in the bladder itself, cystitis can be:

  • cervical;
  • diffuse;
  • trigonitis (inflammation is localized at the junction of the urethra and the bladder).

According to the clinical picture, chronic cystitis is divided into:

  • chronic latent cystitis:
                            • stable latent flow;
                            • with rare exacerbations;
                            • with frequent exacerbations;
  • persistent chronic cystitis;
  • interstitial chronic cystitis.

For chronic latent cystitis depending on its form, clinical symptoms may be completely absent or manifest themselves in the form of exacerbations with varying frequency.

For persistent chronic cystitis distinct phases of exacerbations and remissions appear, as well as corresponding laboratory and endoscopic signs.

For interstitial chronic cystitis persistent pain and other severe symptoms occur. This is the most severe form of chronic cystitis.

Based on morphological changes in the wall of the bladder, the following types of cystitis are distinguished:

  • catarrhal;
  • hemorrhagic;
  • ulcerative (necrotic);
  • follicular;
  • fibrous;
  • bullous;
  • polyposis;
  • cystic;
  • encrusting.

At catarrhal In chronic cystitis, inflammation appears in the form of hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane.

At hemorrhagic In chronic cystitis, areas of damage to the mucous membrane with their bleeding are detected. With this cystitis, a large number of red blood cells will be found in the urine, and the urine may become dark or red in color (gross hematuria).

At ulcerative (necrotic) In chronic cystitis, deep mucosal defects are found on the mucous membrane of the bladder down to the muscular layer.

At follicular In chronic cystitis, tubercles (follicles) appear in the submucosal layer, which lift the mucous itself, making it tuberous. Moreover, the mucous membrane itself is not changed.

At fibrous In chronic cystitis, white or dark purple films (fibrin and pus) can be found on the mucous membrane. The mucous membrane itself becomes folded and compacted.

At bullous In chronic cystitis, pronounced congestive hyperemia and severe swelling of the mucous membrane of the bladder are macroscopically observed.

At polyposis In chronic cystitis, prolonged inflammation leads to the appearance of polypous growths of the mucous membrane. Most often, polyps are found in the bladder neck area.

Cystic chronic cystitis is characterized by the presence of cysts under the mucosa. These cysts can be single or located in groups. These cysts are filled with lymphoid tissue and surrounded by modified epithelium.

Encrusting (alkaline) chronic cystitis differs from the others in that the bacteria that are in the bladder have the ability to metabolize urea and form alkali. The latter, in turn, leads to the formation of calcium phosphate salts, which are deposited in the wall of the bladder. This cystitis is characterized by a long course and treatment requires, in addition to antibacterial treatment, measures aimed at acidifying the urine.

Chronic cystitis and pregnancy

If the patient had chronic cystitis before pregnancy, then during pregnancy itself there is a high probability of exacerbation of this disease. This happens because during pregnancy the body's defenses decrease and pressure appears on the bladder from the fetus. When treating this condition, it is necessary to select drugs for chronic cystitis that do not have a teratogenic effect.

Symptoms of chronic cystitis

The symptoms of chronic cystitis in women and men are not fundamentally different. This pathology is characterized by the fact that in its clinic there are periods of exacerbations and remissions. These periods can alternate with different frequencies. Moreover, during periods of remission there are no clinical signs of chronic cystitis, and during exacerbations the following symptoms are possible:

  • dysuric phenomena (painful and frequent urination);
  • pain in the lower abdomen, lower back;
  • change in the color of urine (blood or pus may be detected in the urine);
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • Over time, depression and anxiety may develop.

Over time, the symptoms of chronic cystitis may worsen, especially if proper attention is not given to its treatment.

What to do with chronic cystitis?

Actions for chronic cystitis depend on its stage. During periods of remission, it is necessary to engage in prevention of this disease to avoid exacerbation. If this exacerbation occurs, it must be treated immediately and correctly.

How to treat chronic cystitis?

Treatment of chronic cystitis is a complex task and requires a lot of work from both doctors and the patient. One should include an appropriate regimen, diet, etiotropic, pathogenetic, symptomatic and restorative therapy. Only the attending physician (urologist or gynecologist) who is competent in this matter knows how to cure chronic cystitis according to all the rules and laws in a specific clinical situation. All other doctors can be consultants and “advisers” in this matter.

Treatment of chronic cystitis in women and men is not fundamentally different. The only difference is that women have more predisposing factors to the development of cystitis, so its treatment requires a little more attention.

Regimen for chronic cystitis. During an exacerbation, bed rest must be observed. This will reduce the unnecessary impact of various factors (mechanical, thermal and others) on the bladder.

Diet for chronic cystitis. This issue needs to be given special attention. First of all, you need to maintain optimal water load, that is, drink 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day. A large volume of urine will mechanically flush out bacteria and products of inflammatory reactions from the bladder, thereby preventing congestion in it.

In order to reduce the harmful effects of various substances that irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder, excess salt, spicy, smoked and fried foods should be excluded from the diet. It is strictly not recommended to take alcoholic beverages both during an exacerbation of chronic cystitis and during remission.

In addition, the features of the diet will depend on the type of chronic cystitis and the presence of concomitant pathology. So, with alkaline cystitis, it is advisable to consume more foods that acidify urine (foods rich in vitamin C). In other cases, it is recommended to adhere to a dairy-vegetable diet, which alkalizes the urine.

If you have diabetes, you need to monitor the level of carbohydrates in your diet and blood sugar levels. In this case, high blood sugar will negatively affect the treatment of cystitis itself.

For other metabolic diseases, it is necessary to follow the appropriate diets.

Etiotropic treatment of chronic cystitis

For effective treatment of chronic cystitis, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that adversely affects the bladder mucosa. In most cases, the cause is infectious agents (bacteria). In this case, etiotropic treatment will be the use of appropriate antibacterial drugs.

For chronic cystitis, fluoroquinolone antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, norfloxacin) and 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins are used.

But before using a specific drug, it is necessary to conduct a bacteriological analysis of urine to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. This analysis will show which antibiotic is best suited in a given clinical situation. But, unfortunately, bacteriological examination lasts a whole week, and treatment must be prescribed as early as possible. Therefore, before the results of the bacteriological examination arrive, doctors use antibiotics, relying on their own experience in this matter.

Treatment with antibiotics is carried out for a course of one to two weeks so that all pathogens are killed. Otherwise, the bacteria may have time to “get used” to this antibiotic and not respond to it next time.

But the cause of chronic cystitis can be not only bacteria.. If the cause is viruses or fungi, the treatment will be different. In case of radiation cystitis, it is necessary to exclude the effect of radiation on the patient’s body, in case of toxic cystitis, it is necessary to exclude the effect of the toxin, and so on.

Pathogenetic treatment

Surgical treatment can be classified as pathogenetic. It is appropriate when cystitis is caused by certain anatomical features of the urinary system, in which stagnation of urine occurs in the urinary tract. Surgical correction can correct these defects and normalize urodynamics.

Symptomatic treatment

The need for this type of therapy arises when there is severe pain and high body temperature. For the symptomatic treatment of chronic cystitis, drugs such as antispasmodics (papaverine, drotaverine), NSAIDs (ibuprofen, ketoprofen, etc.), paracetamol and others are used.

As a local treatment, instillation (washing) of the bladder with antiseptic solutions is used.

How to get rid of chronic cystitis?

Is there a cure for chronic cystitis? How to treat! However, you need to understand that a chronic disease implies such changes in the affected organ that their reverse development is almost impossible. During prolonged inflammatory processes in the tissues of a particular organ, functional tissue is replaced by coarse connective tissue. Figuratively speaking, a scar (scar) forms on the mucous membrane of the bladder. And scars at this stage of medical development can be cured with stem cells or with the help of healthy organ transplantation.

Therefore, to the question - “Is it possible to cure chronic cystitis?” , - you can answer positively. However, not every patient is able to provide such treatment.

When talking about the treatment of chronic cystitis, we do not mean a complete cure as such and complete rejuvenation of bladder cells, but the achievement of a phase of stable and long-term remission. This remission can last the patient’s entire life, provided that he follows therapeutic and preventive recommendations.

Treatment of chronic cystitis with traditional methods

Traditional medicines for chronic cystitis can help both in the treatment and prevention of this disease. However, it should be remembered that self-medication is fraught with certain consequences. Therefore, it is better to coordinate this treatment with your doctor.

Any herbal decoctions and other drinks that have a diuretic m, will have a therapeutic effect on the urinary system during its chronic inflammation. You can also use sweet tea with milk as a diuretic.

Lingonberry juice, berries and decoction of lingonberry leaves are a natural uroseptic, that is, it is able to kill bacteria in the urinary tract. Therefore, whenever possible, it should be included in your diet.

Cranberries also interfere with the ability of bacteria to invade the bladder mucosa.

In pharmacies there are so-called kidney fees, which need to be brewed and taken half a glass twice a day (morning and night).

To preserve and improve the body’s immunological strength, it is recommended to consume echinacea decoction (brew 3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). This decoction is taken 100 ml three times a day for 1 month. After a break of 2 weeks, treatment can be repeated.

When taking a bath, you can add various antiseptics to it, such as chamomile decoction, baking soda and potassium permanganate.

Consequences of chronic cystitis

  • An infection from the bladder may rise higher (pyelonephritis) or lower (urethritis).
  • Long-term painful and dysuric phenomena with cystitis can lead to depressive and neurotic conditions.
  • Urinary incontinence may develop.
  • Chronic cystitis can be the basis for the development of tumor processes of the bladder (cancer).

Video: Cystitis in women. Prevention and treatment of cystitis.



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