Surgery of male genital organs. Photo of plastic surgery of the intimate area

What is intimate plastic surgery in women, for what indications are surgeries performed? Types of genital plastic surgery, contraindications for correction of gynecological organs. How does the rehabilitation period proceed?

What is intimate plastic surgery for women?

Intimate plastic surgery can be performed either at the request of the woman or for medical reasons. Surgical interventions can be classified:
  • As a correction of appearance - labiaplasty, changing the shape of the clitoris, removing fat in the pubic area, hymenoplasty;
  • How to restore lost functions - after operations or injuries, difficult childbirth, elimination of ruptures and stretch marks of the perineum; surgical defloration.
Plastic surgery of intimate places is also a method of prevention to eliminate relapses of bacterial vaginitis and vaginosis: the vulvar ring is significantly reduced in diameter, and accordingly the possibility of ascending infection is reduced.

Plastic surgery of intimate places: pros and cons

Gynecologists are still arguing whether intimate plastic surgery is needed to eliminate complexes or whether this type of medical intervention should be used only for health problems. Many believe that turning to medicine in such delicate matters to improve appearance is inappropriate and even dangerous: an operation is always an operation, and its consequences cannot be predicted.

Pros of intimate plastic surgery:

  1. If a woman is embarrassed by the shape or size of the labia or clitoris, the color of the mucous membrane of the vulva, or the outline of the pubis, then this can be corrected during the correction of intimate places. Of course, only the woman herself can assess the consequences of the operation, but since this will help her become more confident and relaxed, intimate plastic surgery is simply a salvation for her.
  2. Only surgical intervention can eliminate vaginal prolapse, uterine prolapse, and prevent the development of inflammatory processes when the hymen is too dense, due to which menstrual flow is not rejected in time.
  3. Plastic surgery of intimate parts is the only way to cope with congenital anomalies of gynecological organs. With its help, you can get rid of too large folds on the clitoris, which do not allow you to experience orgasm during coitus, shorten the labia majora, which are constantly rubbed by clothes, etc.
In most cases, surgical interventions are performed to eliminate defects that arise after childbirth.

Disadvantages of intimate surgery:

  • With plastic correction using the surgical method, the development of adverse consequences and complications, such as postoperative bleeding, prolonged swelling, decreased sensitivity at suture sites, the appearance of adhesions and keloids, allergies to anesthesia or other drugs during the rehabilitation period, cannot be ruled out.
  • Treatment price. The procedure is available only to a limited number of people, so it is not cheap.
  • Women are beginning to improve the aesthetics of their gynecological organs at the expense of their own health.
Consultations with a gynecologist, urologist, psychologist and some other specialists if the patient has an unfavorable medical history help clarify the need for surgery. Regardless of whether the woman herself decided to correct herself or she received a referral from a practitioner, before treatment it is necessary to undergo an examination, as in preparation for any operation.

Contraindications for intimate organ correction

To exclude the presence of contraindications, a standard examination is performed. Before surgery of any type, it is necessary to undergo blood tests - general and specific, biochemistry and coagulation tests, urine tests, fluorography, gynecological smears, and ECG. Permission for surgery is given only after assessing the state of health.

Absolute contraindications to plastic surgery of intimate places are the same conditions and diseases as for other types of operations:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases of moderate and severe severity;
  2. Deep vein thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  3. Varicose veins in the acute stage;
  4. Oncological diseases;
  5. Age up to 18 years;
  6. Autoimmune diseases;
  7. High likelihood of developing keloids.
Relative contraindications to intimate correction, after elimination of which intimate plastic surgery can be performed:
  • Venereal infections;
  • Acute inflammatory processes of gynecological organs - adnexitis, endometriosis, endometritis and the like;
  • Menses;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes.

Types of intimate correction

The types of intimate plastic surgery depend on the type of pathology, identified problems, age and health status of the patient.

Intimate contouring

Currently, this branch of aesthetic medicine is the most in demand, as it allows you to eliminate cosmetic and physiological defects without surgical intervention.

Using the procedure you can:

  1. Change the size of the labia and clitoris;
  2. Correct the volume of the vagina;
  3. Make the G-spot more sensitive;
  4. Increase the possibility of vaginal orgasm;
  5. Eliminate external age-related changes in the intimate area;
  6. Increase the moisture of the genital mucosa during coitus.
During the procedure, medical agents, often hyaluronic acid, are injected into the urogenital area, after which the tone of the problem area is increased or its size is adjusted. The medicinal substance fills the intracellular space without changing tactile sensations or causing deformation.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and there is no bleeding. To eliminate the risk of developing allergic reactions, an allergy test is carried out in advance.

Intimate plastic surgery of this type does not require hospitalization.

The disadvantage of contour plastic surgery is the need for repeated correction. If the initial atrophy is significant, then re-correction will have to be repeated annually.

Before correction of the vagina, the condition of the pelvic ligaments and pelvic floor muscles, the condition of the pelvic organs, and the presence or absence of pain are assessed.

Indications for surgery are:

  • Descent or stretching of the vaginal walls (an operation called colporrhaphy);
  • Cutting or tearing of the vaginal walls during childbirth;
  • Elimination of rough scars after mechanical damage;
  • Complex surgical intervention for cystocele - prolapse of the bladder;
  • With constant discomfort in the vagina or pain in the lower abdomen of unknown etiology.
Currently, if a woman is no longer planning childbearing, the reinforcement method is most often used: synthetic materials are sewn into the vaginal walls to prevent prolapse or prolapse of internal organs.

Women of childbearing age are offered vaginoplasty: during the operation, “excess” soft tissue is excised and the muscles at the anus are tightened. The amount of excised biomaterial can only be determined during surgery.

Intimate plastic surgery of the labia minora

Correction of the labia minora is a type of labiaplasty surgery. The labia minora significantly affect the quality of a woman’s intimate life and health. Their deformation makes active movements difficult, causes pain during sexual relations, and does not allow nakedness on the beach.

During the operation, deformed tissues are excised and the vulva is given an anatomically correct shape. The duration and complexity of the operation depend on the clinical picture.

Stages of pathology:

  • 1- labia minora protrude beyond the labia majora by 1 cm;
  • 2 - “extra” length from 1 to 3 cm;
  • 3- from 3 to 5 cm;
  • 4- over 5 cm.
Labiaplasty may be recommended after difficult childbirth, with congenital asymmetry, and with age-related changes.

The operation is performed in a hospital setting, and the patient is discharged within 24 hours. If the operation went without complications, 5-7 days are enough for rehabilitation.

Intimate plastic surgery of the labia majora

Operations to correct the labia majora are also classified as labiaplasty operations. Since the labia majora are not an erogenous zone and their size does not affect the quality of sexual life, surgical intervention is often performed due to aesthetic imperfection.

The labia majora may be underdeveloped, too long, asymmetrical, pigmentation may be too intense or, conversely, insufficient. All these imperfections are indications for labiaplasty.

In case of congenital underdevelopment, girls in adolescence may be referred for surgery, since the purpose of the labia majora is to maintain a constant temperature of the genital organs and protect against infections. If they do not interlock, these functions are not supported.

Many women cannot decide on clitoral plastic surgery even after direct indications; they are afraid of pain during the rehabilitation period, since it contains many nerve endings. The number of complications after this operation is no greater than with other surgical interventions, and healing is even faster - the blood supply to the clitoris is increased, which speeds up the rehabilitation process.

Indications for clitoroplasty:

  1. The size of the organ is too small - in this case, the clitoral tissue is excised, exposed, and freed from adhesions;
  2. Reduction - excision of the clitoris itself for cosmetic purposes;
  3. Changing the position of the clitoris relative to the labia and vagina - to improve the quality of sexual life and eliminate cosmetic defects.
The operation to correct the clitoris is not complicated, but very responsible. Even with minimal damage to the nervous tissue, its functions are disrupted, and the woman stops receiving pleasure during sex.

Intimate plastic defloration

Defloration refers to intimate plastic surgery to restore the function of gynecological organs. If a woman cannot deflorate naturally due to the structural features of the hymen, then atresia is performed. It involves removing or puncturing the hymen using a surgical technique.

An indication for this surgical intervention is also a hymen fusion, in which menstrual flow accumulates in the vestibule of the vagina, which can provoke an acute inflammatory process.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis.

Removal of fat in the pubic area

Liposuction of fat deposits in the pubic area also refers to intimate correction. In most cases, women turn to a surgeon for an aesthetic purpose - to increase self-esteem. Fat in the pubic area is deposited to maintain a constant temperature of the internal gynecological organs. Since modern girls have the opportunity to dress according to the weather, they do not need excess clothing.

Operations are carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • In preparation for surgery, anesthesia is administered for the first day of the postoperative period.
  • Then a solution is injected into the pubic area to dissolve the fat layer.
  • Excess fat is removed through small punctures by inserting cannulas into them.
No puncture scars are visible. If the skin sag, it can be removed during a subsequent operation - in this case, self-absorbable suture material is usually used.

How plastic surgery of the intimate area is performed in women

An increasing number of women prefer laser correction methods to traditional surgery. Using a directed laser beam, you can perform vaginal rejuvenation, plastic surgery of the vagina, labia and clitoris, and eliminate vaginal atrophy and urinary incontinence due to stress factors. After the operation, muscle tone quickly increases and the muscles of the perineum are strengthened.

Advantages of laser surgery:

  1. No bleeding - the laser beam increases blood coagulation;
  2. Healing occurs much faster;
  3. The operations are performed on an outpatient basis.
Labiaplasty operations are performed according to the following algorithm:
  1. Anesthesia is injected into the surgical site. The effect of the anesthetic is designed to last a day to relieve pain not only during surgery, but also on the first day after it.
  2. After anesthesia, a special solution is administered to stop possible bleeding.
  3. A special cooling agent is applied to the surrounding tissue to protect it from damage.
  4. Excess tissue is excised using a targeted laser beam. V-shaped excision is used only when reducing the size; when changing the shape, linear excision is used, in which the natural folds on the labia cannot be preserved.
  5. The shape of the labia is formed using special clamps. At this stage, it is possible to reduce or increase the volume of the labia majora and minora using liposuction or lipofilling.
  6. After surgery, the implantation area is treated with anesthetics and a bandage is applied.
Surgeries to eliminate hyperpigmentation of the labia are also performed under local anesthesia. After anesthesia, the patient should lie down for about 40 minutes so that the anesthesia is absorbed into the papillary dermis. Then the surface layer of the skin is burned with a laser beam. The patient is conscious.

The technology for laser treatment of the intimate area is similar to the procedure for deep facial peeling. After surgery using a laser, there are practically no stitches left.

Rehabilitation after intimate plastic surgery

Typically, the operation is performed a week before the onset of the next menstruation or 5-6 days after it, unless the doctor decides otherwise.

Complications rarely develop, the rehabilitation period is much shorter, since in the area of ​​gynecological organs metabolic processes are accelerated and blood supply is increased.

The first days after surgery, bed rest is recommended; sexual rest must be maintained for 3-4 weeks; during this time, you cannot lead an active life, exercise, take a bath, or go to the sauna. After urination and defecation, it is imperative to wash yourself: for the first 3 days, wash problem areas with chlorhexidine, furacillin solution or miramistin, then you can switch to a solution of potassium permanganate or recutane.

In the first days after surgery, voluntary urination may occur on the clitoris. Don't worry: it will go away on its own in 2-3 weeks and no treatment will be needed.

When surgically removing the hymen, it is enough to observe sexual rest for a week.

After laser surgery, the rehabilitation period is relatively short - up to 2 weeks, but you can return to sexual life no earlier than after a month.

Features of postoperative care:

  • After vaginal plastic surgery, you should avoid heavy foods, which can cause increased gas formation and constipation. If intra-abdominal pressure increases, complications may develop.
  • Sitting on a horizontal surface is allowed only 7 days after surgery, squatting - after 15 days. It will be possible to return to a normal lifestyle no earlier than after 2 months.
  • After labiaplasty and surgery on the clitoris, you cannot wear tight underwear for 2 months, and after liposuction of the pubis, on the contrary, correction with tightening is necessary for 1.5 weeks.
All prescriptions regarding the need to use anesthetics, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics must be made by the attending physician.

Intimate plastic surgery for women: before and after

Plastic surgery of intimate places is still developing, it is not included in the list of insurance medical services, and there are not enough doctors with the necessary qualifications. Meanwhile, the choice of a specialist is very important - with this type of surgical intervention, a woman must have complete confidence in the attending physician.

Cosmetic imperfections do not have any effect on women's health - the exception is when operations are performed for medical reasons. You can visually evaluate the result after labiaplasty, intimate clitoral plastic surgery, or pubic liposuction. Changes after surgery during vaginal correction can be felt, but cannot be seen.

How intimate plastic surgery is performed on women - watch the video:

After intimate plastic surgery, a woman not only becomes confident in her attractiveness and increases her self-esteem, her sensuality increases, and the opportunity for a full sexual life is restored.

Intimate plastic surgery is an exaggerated name for one of the types of operations in plastic surgery - labiaplasty.

Performed in the labia and vagina area, it is becoming increasingly popular. Pathologies in the development of this part of the genitals can significantly reduce the quality of sexual life and the level of female self-esteem.


The reason for prescribing labiaplasty can be a number of factors:

  • A feeling of discomfort that occurs during sexual intercourse;
  • Unpleasant sensations when the genitals come into contact with underwear;
  • Discomfort that manifests itself during exercise;
  • The labia do not look aesthetically pleasing and require correction.

The operation itself is very simple and during the procedure absolutely all of the indicated deficiencies are corrected. This gives a woman the opportunity to feel more desirable and confident. She is no longer ashamed of her body, which means the quality of sexual relationships noticeably improves.

There are also medical indications for surgery in the labia area:

  • With enlarged labia minora, when they protrude significantly beyond the labia majora;
  • The labia minora are asymmetrical, which can be either a consequence of childbirth or a congenital anomaly;
  • Lips are wrinkled, flabby, overstretched or depigmented;
  • Changes in vaginal elasticity as a result of childbirth;
  • Decreased libido and sexual pleasure;
  • Age-related deformation and loss of tissue elasticity;
  • For the prevention and prevention of STDs;
  • Looseness and lethargy of the fabric due to natural causes;
  • Chronic urinary incontinence;
  • Lack of orgasms.

Before the operation, the woman will definitely undergo several consultations with the surgeon, who should educate her about all the nuances of the upcoming procedure. In addition, a number of preliminary examinations will be prescribed. Any type of surgical intervention has its own risks, but with intimate plastic surgery they are reduced to almost zero.

Genital labiaplasty is intended to correct the size and volume of the labia; the surgeon relieves the woman of unaesthetic asymmetry. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis and local anesthesia is used.

The duration of the procedure is up to an hour, it all depends on which technique was chosen and the volume of surgical intervention. There is nothing complicated about intimate plastic surgery and it can be classified as minimally invasive.

Recovery does not take much time, and the rehabilitation process proceeds without complications.


  1. Pregnancy;
  2. Lactation;
  3. Less than three months have passed since the last birth;
  4. All types of diabetes;
  5. Varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  6. Oncological tumors;
  7. Chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

Types of intimate plastic surgery

  • Thread lifting. The meaning of the procedure is to tighten the vagina using two equally directed threads, which, when narrowing, help to instantly tighten the tissue mechanically. After this, a secondary fibrous reaction develops, which is consolidated after the threads dissolve, which ensures a long-term effect. It is performed under local anesthesia, but upon request, women can also use general anesthesia. All manipulations last 60 minutes and are absolutely non-invasive. As a result, the vagina tightens, which affects the quality of sexual contacts. The possibility of prolapse in the genital area is reduced and the risk of bacterial infection is minimized;
  • Hymenoplasty. This operation should be understood as restoration of the hymen. The first time such a procedure was successfully carried out in Italy. And since then it has been one of the most sought-after operations in this area. Technologically, the manipulations are simple, but the woman herself experiences some discomfort for a long time after the operation. Indications can be the client’s desire itself, as well as her religious or aesthetic beliefs. There are only two types of such operations. In the first case, the remaining edges of the hymen are simply sewn together. Secondly, when the newly acquired virginity is planned to be preserved for a long time, they resort to the method of triple hymenoplasty. During this process, a new hymen is formed from tissue placed in the vestibule of the vagina. For this, only mucous epithelium can be used, so the patient must be absolutely healthy. In just a few hours she can leave the clinic. The stitches are not removed, they dissolve on their own. This method is considered the most reliable, but during sexual intercourse the bleeding will be very heavy. The operation can be repeated many times, but sooner or later the excess mucous tissue will simply dry out;
  • Rejuvenation of vaginal tissues. In plastic surgery, there are two types of genital rejuvenation. In the first case, the vaginal walls are acted upon using a laser beam. In this way, all roughness on the mucous epithelium is removed, the wall is thickened, the muscles are naturally tightened, and the area of ​​the G-spot increases. The connective tissue between the vagina and anus is smoothed. When using a laser, you can anatomically correct certain parts of the genital organs. In the second case, they resort directly to surgery, then the problems of frigidity and chronic urinary incontinence are solved. Each operation will require at least two hours. As a result, vaginoplasty will solve both sensual and aesthetic issues. The recovery period after laser exposure takes only one day, but sexual relations should be canceled for exactly a month. Some clinics invite women to choose the future shape of their genitals themselves, providing them with specialized catalogs;
  • Changing the area of ​​the G point. This area represents the peak of sexual pleasure for many women. Increased sensuality and intensity of orgasm cannot be realized without expanding the area occupied by the G-spot. The procedure can be called innovative, it is not invasive and does not take much time from the patient. This type of plastic surgery is suitable for women who are constantly sexually active, but at the same time want to make their intimate life even brighter. In 80% of patients, after this manipulation, orgasms became more frequent, and the sensations themselves became much better. It is also recommended for those who do not experience pleasure from sexual intercourse at all. An injection of own fat taken from the woman’s body is injected into the G-spot area. Or, for these purposes, drugs based on hyaluronic acid are used. The session lasts 30 minutes, and the injection is given under local anesthesia. There is no recovery period; sexual activity can be continued within a few hours after the injection. Often this procedure is combined with an operation to tighten the vaginal walls. The postoperative effect lasts up to eight months, after which the manipulation must be repeated;
  • Vaginoplasty surgery. This correction method is primarily intended for those whose genitals have undergone significant changes during childbirth. But women try not to talk about such problems, and besides, they are embarrassed to see a doctor. But taking an objective look at the problem, one thing can be said: the child’s head is at least 10 cm, so the intimate muscles are stretched to the limit of their capabilities. Therefore, soft tissue tears occur, which are not always successfully removed by maternity hospital gynecologists. The doctor’s task is to prevent possible complications and bleeding, while the aesthetic aspect remains beyond his attention. And after a woman returns to an active sexual life, it turns out that sexual intercourse has ceased to bring pleasure, and sometimes even causes pain. The tissues in the places of postpartum sutures become coarser, and a dysfunctional disorder is formed. A woman becomes withdrawn because she develops complexes. Surgical intervention is necessary to strengthen the muscle frame, tighten the vaginal walls, clean out rough and insensitive tissue, and narrow the passage. The genitals are given a pre-natal appearance. Such disorders as chronic urinary incontinence and flatulence are eliminated.
  • Vaginoplasty during menopause. In this case, surgery is needed to correct age-related changes in the tissues of the genital organs and in order to rejuvenate them. During menopause, patients often suffer from prolapse of the walls of the vagina and uterus, as well as from internal inflammatory processes. Often all these problems are complicated by changes that have not been corrected after childbirth, which provokes pain and discomfort. A woman is constantly under stress and loses interest in sex life. Plastic surgery is designed to eliminate atrophy and pain in the genital area. Both anterior and posterior colpography are performed to help give the vagina more elasticity and restore its natural shape. After the operation, the sensory functions of the organ are restored completely.

Rehabilitation period

Within a few hours after the end of the procedure, the patient can leave the clinic on her own. In the genital area, only sutures with self-absorbable thread are used. There is increased blood flow in this area, so wounds heal quite quickly.

But there are also special warnings that should be taken by women who have undergone intimate plastic surgery as a guide to action. In the first days after the operation, you cannot sit; it is strictly forbidden to cross your legs.

It is not recommended to wear synthetic underwear or tight pants. It is necessary to maintain personal hygiene and limit sexual contact for at least three weeks. The final result obtained after the operation can only be seen after two months, when the swelling and redness have completely subsided.


After intimate plastic surgery, certain complications may arise, but full compliance with the recommendations regarding the recovery period will help prevent them:

  • Infection. In some cases, an existing thrush worsens or a secondary infection occurs. To prevent such consequences, women are prescribed drugs with antibacterial and antifungal effects;
  • Hematomas and bleeding. As a preventative measure, surgery is recommended to be performed at the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  • Loss of sensation in the labia area. This complication resolves itself within a few days;
  • Swelling and cyanosis. These are complications of a temporary nature and after a week and a half there will be no trace left of them;
  • Postoperative pain. The syndrome is easily relieved by prescribing painkillers.


Compared to other types of plastic surgery, intimate plastic surgery can be called a relatively young area. However, it has long been practiced in European clinics. Recently, this type of operation has been offered by medical institutions in our country.

Labiaplasty can help any woman who wants to be confident in the sexual attractiveness of her body. In some situations, correcting the shape of the labia not only corrects aesthetic characteristics, but also sensual capabilities.

Since the constant feeling of discomfort caused by asymmetry significantly affects intimate relationships.

Despite its popularity, intimate plastic surgery cannot be performed in every plastic surgery center. To carry out such manipulations, a specialist must not only have high qualifications, but also extensive experience.

This operation is of a delicate nature, so the patient, first of all, must completely trust her doctor.

Intimate plastic surgery is a branch of aesthetic medicine that includes manipulation of the genitals. The main ones are: labiaplasty (labia minora or majora), labiaplasty- surgical restoration of the external genitalia after injury or deformation (flabbiness, excess size, the appearance of a large number of skin folds, their wrinkles, dark color), restoration of virginity (hymenoplasty), surgical (artificial) defloration, correction of the clitoris and vagina.

Cosmetic corrective surgical interventions on the genitals have been carried out for a relatively long time. These include surgical manipulations that correct certain defects in the most delicate sphere of men and women. Intimate plastic surgery has always existed - at all times people wanted to make themselves more beautiful, to bring their body to perfection. Only in recent decades has the attitude towards these operations changed for the better and they are no longer perceived simply as a human whim.

The achievements of modern intimate surgery allow girls and women to create miracles with their bodies: regain lost virginity or part with it, reduce the labia, narrow the vagina and even correct the clitoris.







Virginity restoration Surgical defloration Vaginal plastic surgery Plastic

If you are interested in intimate surgery in Moscow, we suggest you make an appointment with a specialist at our clinic. During your consultation, discuss the problem with your doctor, find out the best way to solve it, and clarify all the details.

Operations are usually performed under modern local anesthesia, absolutely painless. Upon completion, you receive all the necessary recommendations for further behavior and a schedule of subsequent follow-up visits to the doctor (if necessary). Our center uses the method of radio wave tissue surgery, which allows all manipulations to be performed almost bloodlessly, accurately and with minimal trauma, which ensures rapid healing and the highest possible expected result!

Abdominal puncture through the posterior vaginal fornix. Indications: the need to determine the nature of the contents of the rectouterine cavity. Evacuation of exudate, pus, injection of liquid or gas into the abdominal cavity. Patient position: on the back. The limbs are fixed in a “gynecological” position. Anesthesia: local anesthesia, anesthesia.

Fornix puncture for cervical fixation . Speculums are inserted into the vagina. The posterior lip of the cervix is ​​fixed with bullet forceps and pulled towards the pubic symphysis. The posterior fornix is ​​exposed. A long needle on a dry syringe is used to puncture the posterior fornix at the cervix (Fig. 34). The needle is advanced 10–20 mm parallel to the pelvic axis. Use the plunger of the syringe to suck out the contents. The needle is moved depending on the presence and volume of contents in the pelvic cavity.

Opening of an abscess of the rectal-uterine space. Localized abscesses may result from peritonitis or pelvic surgery. Opening an abscess is often a continuation of puncture of the posterior vaginal vault (see above). After obtaining pus, an incision is made along the puncture needle.

A drainage is inserted into the cavity of the abscess, which is sutured and fixed to the edge of the wound. A tampon is loosely inserted into the vagina, the forceps are removed from the cervix, and the speculum is removed.

If an abscess has formed after a previous operation near the vaginal stump, then it is drained by removing the sutures and spreading the edges of the wound.

Rice. 34. Puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix.

Operations for ovarian apoplexy. Indications: bleeding from a ruptured follicle in a cystic or scarred ovary. Bleeding is sometimes significant.

Patient position: on the back; Sometimes the Trendelenburg position is used.

Access. Lower median or transverse laparotomy. The abdominal cavity is opened layer by layer. Expand the wound using a retractor and mirrors. If the intestines interfere, the patient is placed in the Trendelenburg position. A large wet napkin is inserted into the laparotomy wound, and with its help the intestinal loops are pushed upward with an abdominal speculum. An assistant holds the mirror.

The surgeon covers the bleeding ovary with his left hand, placing it between the II and III fingers, and carefully pulls it into the wound. The ovary can be brought closer to the wound with a gauze loop made from a long napkin; In this case, a gauze napkin is used to wrap the pedicle of the ovary and pull it into the wound. The gauze loop simultaneously compresses the vessels and helps reduce bleeding. “Grabbing” instruments should not be applied to the ovary. Depending on the size of the rupture and the nature of the changes in the ovary, an 8-shaped compression suture is used to stitch the rupture site with a round needle. In some cases, a wedge-shaped excision of the damaged area is performed with suturing with absorbable threads (interrupted or 8-shaped sutures). The incision is made longitudinally or transversely to the length of the ovary. Ovariectomy is practically not performed. When resection of an ovary, especially a cystic ovary, at least some tissue should be left. The sutures are tied suspended so that they do not cut through the ovarian tissue. The threads are cut carefully without pulling them. Careful desquamation of the cyst or puncture with a needle without cutting healthy tissue is allowed.

Completing the operation. Before completing the operation, the appendages of the opposite side and other pelvic organs are examined. The abdominal cavity, especially the pelvis, is thoroughly drained, and the abdominal wall wound is sutured in layers.

Removal of a pedunculated ovarian tumor. Indications. In the practice of emergency surgery, a twisted ovarian cyst (tumor) is encountered.

Operational reception. The tumor must be delimited from the abdominal organs and removed into the wound. Clamps are applied to the stalk of the tumor, consisting of its own and suspensory ligaments, the mesentery of the ovary. The leg is not untwisted because of the danger of its rupture.

For a tumor with a large cavity, it is punctured and the contents are removed; this procedure can make it easier to remove the tumor into the wound. It is not recommended to puncture a tumor that has signs of malignancy. Next, the stalk of the tumor is cut off between the clamps and removed. The structural formations of the remaining part of the stalk are sequentially ligated with absorbable sutures. Some of the threads are not cut, but tied together to cover the stump of the leg. Peritonization is performed using nearby areas of the peritoneum and round ligament.

Completing the operation. Toilet the abdominal cavity. The abdominal wall wound is sutured in layers.

Errors and dangers:

1) destruction of the ovary when it is captured by instruments;

2) cutting seams (stitches should be applied with a round needle and the threads should be tied very carefully, hanging).

Operations for disrupted ectopic pregnancy. Indications: bleeding into the abdominal cavity.

Pain relief: anesthesia.

Accesses: lower median laparotomy; Pfannenstiel transverse section.

Removal of the fallopian tube. The operation is performed during tubal pregnancy or inflammatory changes.

Operational reception. After expanding the wound of the abdominal wall, the surgeon inserts his hand into the small pelvis and finds the changed tube, brings it into the wound and examines it (Fig. 35, a). If a decision is made to remove the tube, then clamps are applied to its mesentery parallel to the course of the tube (Fig. 35, b). The pipe is cut off. The mesentery is sutured under a clamp and tied with absorbable threads starting from the funnel of the tube; the isthmus of the tube is clamped and tied at the edge of the uterine horn. Carefully! It is necessary to preserve the ovarian artery. Excision of the intramural part of the tube is not currently performed. The tube is removed, the stump is lubricated with an alcohol solution of iodine. Additional hemostasis is performed. Peritonization of the remnants of the mesentery by surrounding tissues is carried out. The tube stump is peritonized by suturing the round ligament of the uterus (Fig. 35, c, d).

If the patient insists on preserving the tube for a future pregnancy, then conservation operations are performed. The fertilized egg is removed through the incision in the tube and the wound is sutured. If the wall of the pipe is destroyed and it is technically impossible to suture the wound, then the pipe is resected. To restore the tube, it is more advisable to use microsurgical equipment (magnifying lenses, atraumatic suture material, micro-instruments). It is better to stitch the walls of the crossed pipe using a polymer protector tube inserted into the lumen of the pipe and removed upon completion of suturing.

Completing the operation. Hemostasis is performed, the contents are removed from the pelvic cavity and abdomen, including the fertilized egg. The abdominal wall wound is sutured in layers.

Errors and dangers:

1) leaving the fertilized egg in the abdominal cavity, which threatens its subsequent implantation and the development of ectopic pregnancy;

2) when treating the mesentery of the tube, there is a danger of ligation of the artery supplying the ovary.

Removal of the fallopian tube and ovary. Indications: purulent inflammation of the appendages with the formation of a tubo-ovarian inflammatory “tumor” (with limited purulent inflammation, only the affected organ is removed).

Patient position: on the back.

Pain relief: anesthesia.

Access: lower median or transverse laparotomy.

Operational reception. Clamps are applied to the base of the pipe. The assistant lifts the tube on the clamp and stretches the pelvic ligament. When delimiting an inflammatory tumor with clamps, you must be careful not to catch the ureter. The inflammatory tumor is cut off. The tissues under the clamps are stitched and tied with absorbable threads. The tube is tied up and cut off at the base. The proper ovarian ligament is clamped, crossed and ligated separately. Peritonization of the uterine adnexal bed is performed.

Rice. 35. Surgery for tubal pregnancy.

a – application of two clamps to the uterine end of the tube and its mesentery; b – gradual capture of the entire mesentery of the tube with clamps; c – applying a clamp to the middle part of the mesentery, resection of the fallopian tube; d – a loop of the round ligament is sutured to the angle of the uterus and covers the stump of the resected tube; e – using a continuous catgut suture, the round ligament of the uterus is sutured to the remaining part of the mesentery of the tube and the suture ends with a half-purse; e – the round ligament, if there is insufficient part of the mesentery, is sutured to the ovary, ending the suture with a half-purse.

Modern medicine can do a lot, even improve a man’s intimate life. If it does not develop due to congenital defects of the penis, injuries, erectile dysfunction caused by vascular disorders, penile plastic surgery is performed. With the help of surgery, you can increase its size and restore functionality.

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Options for penile plastic surgery depending on the problem

There are several types of penis plastic surgery:

  • Circumcision of the foreskin. It is required not only for religious reasons, but also for short frenulum, which interferes with the exposure of the head of the penis in an erect and even calm state. Circumcision is performed, which can be performed in different ways. The choice depends on the characteristics of the problem. The foreskin is removed partially or completely.

Circumcision of the foreskin of the penis
  • Increase in size. Necessary for abnormally small organs that cause impotence. But it can also be carried out at the request of the patient. They increase the length and thickness of the penis using dissection, their own tissue or biocompatible materials.
  • Correction of curvature. A Nesbit operation is performed, in which, under local anesthesia, a flap is cut out on the membrane of the corpus cavernosum of the penis in the deformation zone. Then the tissues are sutured in layers, as a result the organ is straightened. With this deficiency, corporoplasty can also be performed, which is indicated for severe curvature of the penis.

The operation is performed using grafts taken from the patient himself, a donor, or artificial materials. Corporoplasty allows you to maintain the size of the organ.

Operation Nesbit
  • Prosthetics. It is performed for curvature of the penis, congenital defects, defects resulting from injuries, illnesses, and operations. The method is used if other treatment options do not give effect.
  • Reconstruction. This type of surgery is performed during gender reassignment. The penis is recreated from the patient's own tissue. Several techniques have been developed for this.

Size increase: methods, results

You can make your penis bigger in the following ways:

  • Ligamentomy. The operation is performed under general anesthesia through an incision in the scrotum. The surgeon gains access to the ligament located in the pubic area and cuts its fibers. The hidden part of the organ is pulled out, fixed in a new position, and sutures are applied.

During the rehabilitation period after ligamentomy, it is necessary to wear an extender, that is, a device that stretches the tissue. With the help of such an intervention, it is possible to lengthen the penis by 6 - 8 cm. Today this is the best option for augmentation phalloplasty.

  • Transplantation of own tissues. The method is used when it is necessary to thicken the organ. Part of the rectus abdominis muscle is used, fixing the tissue on the penis in the form of a cuff. In this way, it is possible to increase its diameter by 1 - 3 cm.
  • Head enlargement. An absorbable matrix is ​​installed between it and the corpus cavernosum through incisions. It stretches the head, enlarging the organ itself in calm and excited states.

For information about surgical penis enlargement, watch this video:

Prosthetics and its features

It is possible to enlarge the penis in the absence of other options with the help of implants. There are 3 types of them:

  • Hard. Currently, they are practically not used, as they are inconvenient. A rigid prosthesis puts the organ under constant tension.
  • Plastic. They have a metal base inside, which makes it possible to bring the organ into a state of erection when needed. The rest of the time the penis is at rest, having the appearance corresponding to its position.
  • Inflatable. This is the best type of prosthesis. They help to imitate the natural appearance of the penis both at rest and in a state of arousal. The inflatable implant is controlled by a pump implanted into the organ to which it is connected.

Inflatable prosthesis

Penile prosthetic surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The incision can be made at the base of the organ in the scrotum area, under the pubis or on the foreskin. This depends on the type of prosthesis and the individual characteristics of the patient. An implant is inserted through the incisions, fixed to living tissue, and the wound is sutured.

Sometimes the best option is a two-stage intervention. First, vascular prostheses are attached to the corpora cavernosa of the penis and wrapped in muscle tissue taken from the abdomen. Then they are allowed to take root for 2 - 3 months. After they expire, another operation is performed. An incision is made at the base of the penis, and parts of the penile implant are placed inside the vascular prostheses.

For information on penile prosthetics, watch this video:

Intimate plastic surgery using injections

There are simpler ways to improve the appearance and size of the male genital organ. These are injections during which the following can be used:

  • The patient's own adipose tissue. Using the liposuction method, it is taken from the areas of the abdomen, buttocks, and cleaned in a medical centrifuge. Next, microinjections are made along the entire length of the organ in accordance with the markings. To do this, use a syringe and thin cannulas.

The method allows you to make the genital organ thicker by 0.5 - 1.5 cm and lengthen it slightly. But adipose tissue tends to dissolve, so when using the method, a lifetime guarantee of results is not given. It lasts for about a year, after which the procedure has to be repeated.

Increasing the size of the penis by lipofilling: 1) 1, 3 - autologous fat; 2) a special cannula and syringe; 4) penis.
  • Fillers based on hyaluronic acid. Injections are done under local anesthesia for 30 - 40 minutes, on an outpatient basis. The drug is injected under the skin, as a result of which the genital organ increases in diameter by several centimeters and lengthens by 2 - 3 cm. The effect is visible immediately and will last 6 - 9 months. Hyaluronic acid breaks down in tissues and is excreted naturally without causing harm. After this, you can perform a new procedure.

Plastic surgery of the genital organ for the purpose of enlargement is a traumatic intervention associated with certain risks. Therefore, it is worth performing it if there really is evidence for it. Indeed, in most cases, dissatisfaction with the size of an organ has no real basis, and sexual dysfunction is caused by psychological reasons.

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