Helicobacter treatment in pregnant women. The main signs of Helicobacteriosis: Helicobacter-associated gastritis and gastroduodenitis

Chronic gastritis is a disease caused by inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa and impaired production of hydrochloric acid. Along with unpleasant and painful sensations, gastric and intestinal disorders caused by food intake or nervous stress, patients often experience irritability, increased fatigue, general weakness, decrease blood pressure. According to the results of numerous mass surveys, chronic gastritis affects more than 50% of the adult population of developed countries; in the structure of diseases of the digestive system it makes up 35%.

The main forms of gastritis at present are chronic gastritis A (accounting for 15-18% of cases of the disease) and chronic gastritis B, caused by a special microbe - Helicobacter pylori (70% of all chronic gastritis). Other forms of gastritis are much less common.

Symptoms of chronic gastritis

Chronic gastritis has no specific symptoms; the clinical picture of the disease is very diverse. In most cases, signs of the disease are pain in the epigastric region and dyspepsia - nausea, vomiting, belching, upset stool. In chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency (low levels of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice), gastric dyspepsia (belching, nausea, vomiting) and intestinal dyspepsia (flatulence, rumbling in the abdomen, stool disturbances) are more often observed. For gastritis with preserved or increased secretion gastric juice(forms most common in young people) pain predominates. Most often, recurring pain occurs in the upper abdomen. Mostly, patients complain of pain in the epigastric region, around the navel or in the right hypochondrium. Pain occurs after eating and is often associated with a certain type food, less often appear on an empty stomach, at night, or regardless of food. The pain can be moderate, sometimes severe. With increased production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach, the pain is usually severe, and with decreased production, it is mild. The pain becomes stronger when the walls of the stomach are stretched by rich food.

Chronic gastritis A initially occurs with normal gastric secretion (gastric juice secretion), and at this stage patients do not complain and treatment is not required. The need for treatment arises when the inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa deepens and, as a result, the secretion of gastric juice is reduced.

During development chronic gastritis The secretion of gastric juice in lower parts stomach is increased or normal, but with widespread chronic gastritis B, the secretory function of the stomach is sharply reduced until it becomes severely insufficient.

In recent years important in the development of chronic gastritis type B and peptic ulcer stomach (formation of ulcers in the stomach) give infection. Special microorganisms (called Helicobacter pylori) are found only in the stomach, and they are not found in the esophagus, duodenum and rectum. A high frequency (100%) of their detection during exacerbation of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer has been established. These microbes secrete substances that, under certain conditions, can cause damage to the gastric mucosa, disrupting the production of digestive juices.

Causes of gastritis

Predisposing factors for chronic gastritis are:

  • stress leading to disruption of the natural biologically determined rhythm of life (work at night, lack of a full night's sleep), troubles at work, in the family, etc.;
  • nutritional conditions (irregular, unbalanced meals “on the go”, “snacks”, food “dry”);
  • eating poor quality food, strong alcoholic drinks in large quantities or their surrogates;
  • smoking;
  • abuse of foods that contain refined grains, refined oils, the presence of preservatives, emulsifiers in foods, and hormones and antibiotics in animal foods;
  • infection with bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

In 75% of women suffering from chronic gastritis, the disease worsens during pregnancy. As a rule, women suffering from chronic gastritis develop early toxicosis - vomiting of pregnancy, and it often lasts up to 14-17 weeks and can be severe.

Chronic gastritis is not a contraindication for pregnancy. Despite the fact that during the period of exacerbation of the disease the woman experiences discomfort and a significant deterioration in well-being, exacerbations of chronic gastritis do not directly affect the course of pregnancy and the fetus.

Diagnosis of gastritis in pregnant women

To clarify the diagnosis of chronic gastritis, in addition to studying the patient’s complaints and the history of the development of the disease, examination of gastric juice and endoscopic examination are important.

Gastric intubation (sampling of gastric juice), as well as measuring the acidity of gastric juice using a special device that is lowered into the stomach (pH-metry), acceptable during pregnancy, allows you to find out the level of acidity of gastric juice, which helps to establish the nature of gastritis (increased or decreased acidity), prescribe the correct treatment. Diagnostic value The endoscopic method (insertion of a special optical apparatus into the stomach, with which you can examine the walls of the stomach) is undoubted; in particular, it can be used to determine the presence of erosions (tears) in the gastric mucosa, but since the technique is quite burdensome for a pregnant woman, it is used for diagnostics for special indications, if treatment is ineffective.

Treatment of chronic gastritis

In case of exacerbation of the disease, a woman is prescribed bed rest. A diet is also necessary. For gastritis, split meals are recommended (5-6 times a day). The food is first prepared in a semi-liquid form, without frying, with limited table salt and carbohydrates (sugar, jam, confectionery), and broths that have a juice-like effect. During a diet for gastritis, milk, mucous or milk soups from cereals, soft-boiled eggs, meat or fish balls, dumplings, butter, cottage cheese, kefir, vegetable stew, fresh fruits and vegetables are recommended. As the condition improves, the diet is expanded to include boiled fish and meat, boiled potatoes, pasta, lean ham, doctor's sausage, any cereals, sour cream, cheese. Even after switching to a normal diet, patients are advised to exclude smoked foods, spicy seasonings, and fried foods from the diet, which, however, should be avoided by all pregnant women.

For pregnant women with normal or increased acidity of gastric juice, it is recommended (in the absence of edema) to use mineral waters: "Borjomi", "Smirnovskaya", "Slavyanovskaya", "Jermuk" 150-300 ml 3 times a day 1.5-2 hours after meals, since this reduces the time of action of hydrochloric acid on the gastric mucosa. For chronic gastritis with low acidity, use water such as “Mirgorodskaya”, “Essentuki” No. 4, 17 or “Arzni” (remember, acidity is determined using probing and pH-metry).

Drug treatment of chronic gastritis during pregnancy has its own characteristics. Elimination of Helicobacter pylori infection during pregnancy is not carried out, since the use of drugs used for this purpose is undesirable: De-Nol And Tetracycline, Oxacillin And Furazolidone(used instead Tetracycline) without De-Nola ineffective. In case of severe exacerbation of chronic gastritis B, anti-inflammatory action can be used Gastrofarma(2 tablets 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals). Maalox, which has an antacid (reduces the acidity of gastric juice) and analgesic effect, is prescribed in tablets or suspension 1 hour after meals. Gelusillac has an adsorbent hydrochloric acid action, prevents its excessive formation; it is prescribed 3-5 times a day, one powder 1-2 hours after meals and, if necessary, at night. Antispasmodic drugs (Papaverine Hydrochloride, No-Shpa) eliminate pain. Cerucal(synonyms: Metoclopramide, Reelan) regulates the motor function of the stomach, eliminates nausea and vomiting.

For the treatment of chronic gastritis with normal or increased gastric secretion, infusions of medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, enveloping effects are also used: chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, flax seed, oats, yarrow, cinquefoil, knotweed, calamus rhizome, celandine, sedatives(valerian root, motherwort herb). The infusion is prepared as follows: 2-3 tablespoons of herbal collection are poured into 500 ml of boiling water, left in a warm place for 30 minutes, then filtered. You can add honey to taste. Drink the infusion warm, 1/2 cup 5-6 times a day after meals.

In case of severe secretory insufficiency (low level of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice), special attention is paid to replacement therapy - replenishing the deficiency of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzyme pepsin. For this purpose, take gastric juice (1 tablespoon per 1/2 glass of water), Acidin-Pepsin, Pepsidil, Abomin, Panzinorm in doses prescribed by the doctor. Stimulates gastric secretion multivitamin complexes, useful to a pregnant woman from other points of view, as well as Riboxin(0.02 g 3-4 times a day for 3-4 weeks) and sea ​​buckthorn oil(1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals for 3-4 weeks). Oxygen treatment—hyperbaric oxygenation—serves the same purpose. Maalox can also be used for gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, in this case it is better to administer it in the form of a suspension (1 tablespoon or 1 sachet of suspension 1 hour after meals). For patients with gastritis with reduced secretory function, medicinal herbs are also recommended that suppress the inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa and stimulate its secretory function: plantain leaves, wormwood, thyme, fennel, cumin, oregano, parsnip, parsley, mint, St. John's wort, trifolia, yarrow etc. Infusions are prepared from these herbs in the same way as mentioned above.

In patients with chronic gastritis A, the activity of the pancreas and intestinal digestion are often disrupted. To correct these disorders, medications prescribed by a doctor are useful. Pancreatin 0.5-1 g before meals 3-4 times a day, Festal 1-2 tablets with meals. Previously used Enteroseptol, Meksaza, Meksaform are currently not recommended, because they can cause serious side effects: peripheral neuritis, dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, allergic reactions. As with chronic gastritis B, disturbances in the motor function of the stomach are corrected Cerucal, and for pain, antispasmodics are prescribed: Papaverine, No-Shpa.

For erosions of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, drugs such as Almagel, Phosphalugel 1-2 dosed spoons 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. Their use is due to the fact that erosion of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum occurs as a result of the aggressive effect of hydrochloric acid and pepsin on the mucous membrane when its protective mechanisms are weakened. These drugs coat the gastric mucosa, protecting it. When using these drugs, pain usually goes away on the 3-4th day.

It is important to note that chronic gastritis does not affect the timing and methods of delivery, as well as the development of the fetus.

Measures to prevent chronic gastritis primarily include diet. You should eat food in small portions, 4-5 times a day, chewing well. You should not overeat. It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that cause irritation of the gastric mucosa: strong broths, smoked meats, canned food, seasonings, spices, strong tea, coffee, carbonated drinks. If possible, it is necessary to exclude the effects of stress factors, stop smoking, and do not abuse alcohol.

May Shekhtman
Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences


Hello, I read your article when I had an attack of gastritis (terrible pain). I will soon be a mother and would not like to take any medications. I read that no-shpu is possible, but its instructions say: side effects actions - gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, constipation. I already suffer from this, why recommend something that can worsen the condition?

01/27/2010 07:59:15, Lysinel

The article is excellent, everything is described in great detail. But there are questions about the use of herbs such as chamomile, mint, and St. John's wort. As far as I know, these herbs are contraindicated during pregnancy.

03/12/2009 18:58:53, Ringing

Thank you very much for the article.
Everything I wanted to know, I
found out.

12/22/2008 15:55:48, Rita 10/28/2007 09:05:55, Olga

Comment on the article "Chronic gastritis and pregnancy"

I won’t write about how I was treated for oncology and Barrett’s esophagus. A good diagnostician for FGS at the Russian Railways clinic, who is an uncle, I don’t remember his last name. I don’t know a single person who doesn’t have gastritis at least. Even I never complained about my stomach, I never got sick, and 5...


Did you do an X-ray of the esophagus and stomach with barium? If not, do it. It is necessary to exclude a hiatal hernia, but it is not diagnosed by endoscopy.

I will again recommend my doctor: in Semashko on Bolshaya Pochtovaya, Dr. Kornilov. Appointment, it seems, is 1300 rubles, gastroscopy is about 2-something.

03/28/2014 17:40:53, Elf and Petrov

Pregnancy and childbirth. Treatment of gastritis: why traditional remedies do not help. Toxicosis during pregnancy. The severity and causes of toxicosis. obesity; Gastrointestinal diseases (for example, chronic gastritis or cholecystitis) Now I drink only after...


a sandwich with ketchup and cheese is a very good thing.
I didn’t have toxicosis, but I didn’t feel like eating at all. The gynecologist-obstetrician said that in the first semester it is more important to drink than to eat. :)

The most severe diet in every sense of the word.
Store-bought fruits and vegetables, confectionery, bread were excluded.

NOTHING of the medications helped me; Rennie generally made me feel sick.

My pregnancy began with gastritis, I drank, as always, my favorite Phosphalugel, which I drank during exacerbation of gastritis and in more later I drank pomegranate juice on an empty stomach, after which it took 3 days to come to my senses. Everything was fine before pregnancy too...


My pregnancy began with gastritis, I drank, as always, my favorite Phosphalugel, which I drank during an exacerbation of gastritis and during my first pregnancy.
Gastritis went away quickly, I didn’t remember it again;-) I didn’t go to the doctor;-)

Be sure to go to a gastroenterologist - he will feel everything, ask around and prescribe the right medicine!
I was, but I had it worse - a gallstone and chronic gastrodenitis...

A serious question - gastritis again. Need some advice. Pediatric medicine. It was probably very stable, because we then treated him for another month and a half. and then there was reactive pancreatitis, I still keep him on a diet. And we cured him in the end like this...


the small one had something similar in the spring. vomited, then became upset. Enterosgel, Linex, seems to be normal and a week later again. the doctor said - you’re feeding him the wrong thing (although I switched him to completely baby food, everything ground up, diluted broth), she prescribed edrofuril, but it was still the same. and so periodically for a month and a half. Then I got angry - they took tests for quiche infections and rotavirus. So it turned out to be rotavirus. It was probably very stable, because we then treated him for another month and a half. and then there was reactive pancreatitis, I still keep it on a diet. And we finally cured it like this (Arbidol is not allowed for us due to our age, but it seems to be very effective here) Anaferon, Derinat and Kipferon suppositories. After this story, I wouldn’t trust any of the doctors without tests, they told us that there was nothing like that, I just fed him wrong. and as a result, rotavirus was sown for two months

I'm reporting. I called an ambulance. In general, not a virus, not an infection, not appendicitis. Gastritis is like this. The intestines react. Be sure to undergo all examinations and not allow your child to go to school. And she won’t be able to sit in class.

gastritis during pregnancy. Does anyone know what medications are not harmful to a child (ber. For gastritis, what is the diet???. - gatherings. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development household skills.


It’s been the same for half a year now, we’ve done everything from ultrasound to tests, everything is in perfect condition, and intestinal spasms (which doctors explain in clinics) weren’t detected when we palpated them either (we got a great doctor). The doctor says that they’re possible. There are several options for this, the first one that we now assume is worms, perhaps the simplest ones - say Giardia, tests do not show them, but the doctor says that if there are few of them, then they are very difficult to catch and detect, so now the whole family will drink Vermox.

Gastritis and metronidazole. Gastrointestinal tract. Pediatric medicine. acidity during endoscopy is not measured, Helicobacter is confirmed either by a blood test or by endoscopy, treated with a triple course, and not just with metronidazole, continuous courses are not...


Be careful with metronidazole, it has been prescribed for the treatment of gastritis for a very long time (at that time they did not yet know about this “bacterium”), at the age of 16 my therapist prescribed it for an exacerbation of gastritis, explaining that this drug has a “wound healing” side effect for inflamed areas of the gastric mucosa, but taking Trichopolum orally along with cerucal caused an allergy: swelling of the larynx - you wouldn’t wish it on your enemy. I would not advise giving this to a child, but to limit yourself to a diet and fractional meals, and at the same time consult a neurologist - gastritis often has “legs growing” from neurology (tested on myself and my eldest son - until I took a course in neurology, exacerbation of gastritis, cholecystitis and even pancreatitis (which we weren’t diagnosed with) - recurred after 3-4 months. And now for 5 years they have forgotten (pah-pah so as not to jinx it) what abdominal pain is, etc.

acidity is not measured during endoscopy
Helicobacter is confirmed either by a blood test or by endoscopy, treated with a triple course, and not just metronidazole
Continuous courses are not justified,
Helicobacter is not treated by itself only due to the presence of uncharacteristic abdominal pain and questionable superficial gastritis...

Pediatric medicine. Child health, illnesses and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. Section: Gastrointestinal tract (is it possible to drink Borjomi if a pregnant woman has an upset stomach).

See other discussions: Late pregnancy. Medical reasons late pregnancy- these are certain diseases that for a long time Turn to methods that are guaranteed to bring beauty and how to treat gastritis during pregnancy.


you’d better ask Free... they have some exceptionally belatedly expanded standards in Izrailovka)
Of course, it would be very lucky if a child took his first steps on his birthday (and for the greater pleasure of adults - in boots), but few children are ready to live up to such an expectation. Although some babies begin walking weeks or even months before this event, others approach this important stage of their development much later. And while a first birthday without independent steps may be disappointing for relatives, it is not a sign of developmental problems. In fact, most children don't start walking until after they're a year old, and the average age for a baby to take their first steps is between 13-15 months. And when a child takes his first steps - at 9 months or at 15 - does not in any way affect his intelligence.

Exactly when a child will walk often depends on his genetic predisposition: early (or late) development of the skill of walking is inherited in many families; from his weight and build (thin, muscular baby will go earlier than overweight and inactive, and children with short, strong legs begin to walk earlier than those with long, thin legs, on which it is more difficult to maintain balance). It may also be related to when and how well he learned to crawl on all fours. A child who crawls poorly or does not crawl at all sometimes begins to walk earlier than a baby who feels great walking on all four limbs.

Poor nutrition or lack of a stimulating environment can also delay the baby's first steps. Or a negative experience - perhaps the baby was seriously hurt when he risked letting go of his mother’s hand for the first time. In this case, he may not make repeated attempts until he learns to confidently maintain his balance. A child who is pressured by impatient parents to practice walking several times a day may become rebellious (especially if he or she has a stubborn personality) and begin to walk independently much later. The child must develop at his own pace. A child who has had otitis media, the flu, or some other illness may have to wait until he feels better to take his first steps.

A child who is constantly in a playpen with mesh walls (which he cannot lean on or try to stand up on), is strapped to a stroller, or for any other reason is deprived of the opportunity to develop leg muscles and self-confidence, may begin to walk with a significant delay . Likewise, a child who uses a walker most of the time is likely to lag behind in independent walking rather than ahead of his peers. Your child needs to practice standing up, cruising, standing, and walking in a room that has no carpets, non-slip floors, and furniture placed close enough that he can hold onto his feet and walk short distances. He will be more successful if he goes barefoot, as children use their toes to maintain balance when they take their first steps.

Although many completely normal and even extremely gifted children do not walk until 2.5 years of age, especially if one of the parents also went late, still, if the baby has not taken his first steps before 18 months, he should be examined by a doctor to identify the presence of physical or emotional factors that interfere with walking. But even at this age, not to mention 12 months, a child who has not begun to walk is not a reason for concern.

By the way, this liquid is very filling, you don’t want to eat for a long time after it.
Try it, it really helps.

05/10/2000 14:46:05, Natasha S,

I have gastritis and ulcers.. I drank liquid Maalox, sold in bottles.. It helped very well... It didn’t affect the child (we are now 1.3 years old).

I don't like shows in science. Yes, science is complicated and conservative. But showmen are often able to simply overshadow common sense. Especially if they are Nobel Prize winners. I already wrote. Or you can remember the laureate economists who headed bankrupt investment funds. And today I will talk about Berry Marshall, his experiment with Helicobacter, peptic ulcer disease and things that seem to be unrelated to this: asthma, overeating, allergies and gastro-esophageal disease.

You and I are accustomed to thinking that bacteria Helicobacter pylori(H. Pylori, Helicobacter) causes gastritis and ulcers. Now even with asymptomatic carriage they are trying to eradicate it. And when it is detected, Helicobacter explains all stomach problems. However, this is not the case.

A little history. Helicobacter is a bacterium that lives only in the stomach. Each mammalian species has one or more dominant Helicobacter species, which in turn are highly specific to the host species or may even colonize one species exclusively.

This is consistent with the hypothesis that when the first mammals evolved from reptiles about 150 million years ago, they harbored ancient Helicobacter bacteria that co-evolved with their hosts. According to this hypothesis, Helicobacter are descendants of ancient bacteria that colonized the stomach of mammals. H. pylori is a strain of Helicobacter that has adapted to humans, which is neither natural nor laboratory conditions cannot exist in the body of other animals, including primates.

We cannot know for sure how long H. pylori has been present in the human stomach. Presumably, the predecessors of this microorganism arose at the time when the ancestors descended from primates modern man- that is, about 4 million years ago. This assumption is supported by the results of phylogeographic studies; They all unanimously indicate that our ancestors already had gastric H. pylori when the group of people that eventually populated most of the world left Africa (more than 58 thousand years ago). In any case, it is known for sure that H. pylori colonized the human stomach already in Paleolithic times.

All this time, no one, of course, knew much about the bacterium. Attempts were made to prove its connection with the ulcer, but were not recognized. For the first time, Australian researchers Marshall and Warren drew attention to its role in the development of gastric ulcers in the late 80s of the last century. They isolated the bacterium from stomach contents collected during gastroscopy. Scientists managed to select optimal conditions for its growth and obtain a colony in an artificial environment, outside the human body.

They conducted numerous studies and experiments, in one of which Marshall even had to - to prove his theory - drink a suspension of a colony of bacteria, after which he developed gastritis, during the study they found Helicobacter in his stomach, then he drank antibiotics and recovered, and Helicobacter disappeared. Voila. His article on this experiment, published in the Australian Medical Journal, became one of the most cited. In 2005, Marshal was awarded Nobel Prize. And the voices of all doubters and critics were silenced, no one listened to them. Even more difficult times are ahead for Helicobacter. They began to search for him and destroy him. Yes, then it was also declared one of the main causes of stomach cancer. Such are the things.

The textbooks write with horror that this infection is widespread. Really,Its prevalence in the adult population is about 80%. In populations with a high prevalence of H. pylori, colonization of the stomach with multiple strains of this organism is common. However, we note that the majority (above 90%) of infected Helicobacter pylori carriers do not show any symptoms of disease. The number of patients with stomach cancer among Helicobacter pylori carriers does not exceed 1%.

However, today we can say that the prevalence of H. pylori is rapidly decreasing. This effect is so pronounced that today in the United States and other industrialized countries, less than 10% of children under the age of 10 are positive for H. pylori, compared with historical levels of 70-90%.

Eat two main reasons:

Reducing transmission. Helicobacter does not live in the environment, so transmission is only possible from person to person. Factors of infection include a large family (quantitatively); parents (especially mother) are carriers of H. pylori; brother or sister positive for H. pylori; cramped living conditions in childhood. Thus, once the disappearance of H. pylori has begun, its effects will be felt by all subsequent generations of people, especially if the water becomes cleaner, families become smaller, and food becomes better.

Massive use of antibiotics, especially in early childhood. To reliably eradicate H. pylori – which is what it means English word eradicate, - today a combination of two to four antibacterial drugs is needed, but in early studies with the use of monotherapy, including beta-lactam antibiotics and macrolides, the rate of successful eradication was 10-50%. Given that this effect occurs every time a child is treated with antibiotics for an upper respiratory tract infection, skin infection, or otitis media, the decline in the prevalence of H. pylori in children in developed countries is not difficult to explain.

Conservative Britons do not prescribe antibiotics for gastritis with detected Helicobacter, and only peptic ulcer disease is included among the diseases required for eradication of H. pylori (in the presence of H. pylori infection) (recommendations of the British Society of Gastroenterology for patients regarding Helicobacter pylori). Moreover, they write this about stomach cancer: “speaking correctly, H. pylori infection slightly increases the risk of stomach cancer. However, treating H. pylori infection solely to reduce this risk is not usually recommended."

If Helicobacter - main reason ulcers, then why does eliminating it not provide a complete cure?

Let's look at the numbers: after eliminating Helicobacter, full recovery mucosal structure is observed only in 13-15% of patients. Specific chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa does not disappear with the elimination of the pathogen.

Moreover, scientists recognize that none of the Helicobacter eradication (elimination) schemes guarantees the destruction of the infection and therefore several “lines” have been formulated in eradication schemes. It is assumed that the patient should be initially treated with one of the “first-line” eradication regimens, and if treatment fails, with one of the “second-line” regimens.

What's the matter? The fact is that we are genetically adapted to Helicobacter. For our body, Helicobacter in the stomach is the norm. Sounds suspicious? But remember that we have always had Helicobacter, and the increase in the number of ulcers began only at the end of the 19th century! And the peak of ulcers occurred at the beginning of the 20th century, 30 years later the peak of duodenal ulcers began. Of course, Helicobacter has something to do with this: just like dietary cholesterol has something to do with atherosclerosis. Graduates of the course Healthy eating"know what I'm talking about.

The authors (http://www.jci.org/articles/view/38605) directly state: Helicobacter is an integral part of our natural microflora. And its elimination seriously increases the risk of developing a number of diseases. To understand why this is so, read

These facts prompted scientists to study the relationship between Helicobacter pylori and humans more carefully. It has been established that the eradication of Helicobacter leads to the following:

1. Double the risk of stroke.

Doctors from New York University School of Medicine published the results of their study on this topic, which lasted 12 years. During this period, they monitored the health of 10 thousand Americans. It turned out that the mortality rate from stroke in people with Helicobacter pylori was two times lower compared to those who were not infected.

2. Insulin resistance.

Another study was conducted by scientists from Virginia Bioinformatics University. They studied the relationship between insulin resistance and infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pilori. Insulin resistance is a condition in which the pancreas does not properly regulate glucose levels because the body's cells become less responsive to the action of insulin, the main hormone of the pancreas. This state is the first “call” in the development diabetes mellitus, it also often manifests itself as uncontrolled weight gain. To assess this condition, the insulin resistance index is used. An experiment on mice revealed that in the group of infected animals the index and frequency of insulin resistance were lower than in the control group.

3. Increased stomach acidity and increased heartburn (reflux of stomach secretions into the esophagus).

The inverse relationship between H. pylori and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and its complications, including Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer, is becoming increasingly clear. Helicobacter protects against GERD and esophageal cancer, and CagA positive strains that actively interact with humans exhibit the most pronounced protective effect.

4. Increases the amount of ghrelin.

The stomach is the main site of ghrelin production. This important hormone, stimulating appetite. The absence of Helicobacter pylori infection increases the amount of ghrelin and decreases the amount of leptin. This leads to excess food consumption and increases the risk of obesity.

5. Atopy: bronchial asthma.

In recent years, developed countries have seen a steady increase in the incidence of bronchial asthma (BA), allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis. An important point is that the decrease in the prevalence of H. pylori, which began at the beginning of the twentieth century, preceded the increase in the incidence of bronchial asthma. Feedback the relationship between H. pylori and childhood asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopy is becoming increasingly clear. Although this may only be a secondary pathological phenomenon as part of a more global change in human microecology, there is clear evidence biological role the disappearance of H. pylori in the increase in allergic morbidity in children.

6. Allergies.

Atopy and allergies develop predominantly through a Th2 response. Helicobacter maintains a high level of special cells in the host's body - T-regulators, which help control the level of the immune response. There is a "dose-dependent" association between exposure to H. pylori and allergic diseases.

7. Indeed, Helicobacter probably still gives slight increase in risk of stomach cancer. But this risk is associated with Helicobacter infection with “non-native” strains. Here's a little story:

D va settlements in Colombia are located only 250 km apart, but the incidence of stomach cancer among residents of the mountainous region is 25 times higher than on the coast.

A study of Helicobacter pylori genomes isolated from inhabitants of both areas showed that mountain residents were infected with a younger strain of European origin, which was brought to South America by Spanish conquistadors in the 15th century, while among coastal residents the “older” African strain predominated origin.

The authors put forward an interesting hypothesis that explains such a significant difference in the incidence of gastric adenocarcinoma. They believe that over thousands of years, the old African strain was exposed to much longer periods of time by other bacteria that make up the gut microbiome of lowland dwellers. In the process of coevolution, the virulence of African Helicobacter bacteria pylori has decreased significantly - but this process is not yet complete in the younger European strain.

8. Helicobacter and disease prevention.

Studies of different H. pylori strains have revealed the strongest effects of cagA+ strains on both disease risk (peptic ulcers, gastric cancer) and disease protection (GERD, esophageal cancer). The same “dose-dependent” response as in GERD is also observed in asthma: cagA+ strains show the strongest inverse relationship.

Recent studies have identified a relationship between H. pylori colonization and infection Mycobacterium tuberculosis– colonization was accompanied by long-term maintenance of tuberculosis infection in a latent state, which is another confirmation of the systemic immunomodulatory role of H. pylori.

According to new scientific data, carriers of bacterial strains with the specific CagA gene have a halved chance of developing esophageal adenocarcinoma. Bacteria with the CagA gene reduce the production of acidic stomach contents, thereby reducing the reflux of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus. This fact reduces the risk of cancer, the main cause of which is the regular reflux of acidic contents from the stomach into the esophagus. Under the influence of acid, the cells of the esophagus are transformed into cancerous ones.

What conclusions can be drawn?

1. In any situation: do not overuse antibiotics. Carefully weigh the pros and cons, especially for children. The fact is that your native microflora not only helps you, but also protects you from pathogenic ones.

2. Do not treat detected Helicobacter with antibiotics, except in cases of resistant ulcers and (much less often) resistant erosive gastritis. The fact is that antibiotic therapy may help in the short term, but long-term complications will be significant. Try first the usual methods of treating gastritis without the use of antibiotics.

3. Detection of Helicobacter, even in connection with gastritis, is not a reason to prescribe antibiotics. Do 2 tests (the second after 2 weeks), ask how much Helicobacter you have. Remember that if you remove Helicobacter, the acidity may increase.

4. There are aggressive strains for which eradication is the best treatment.

5. Do not abuse household chemicals and “sterilizing” and “killing” agents.


Perhaps for the first time in human history, a generation of children is growing up without H. pylori in their stomachs, a bacterium that contributes to the development of the immune system, hormonal regulation of energy homeostasis and regulation of stomach acidity. The loss of this ancient, dominant and immutable member of the normal human microbiota will undoubtedly have consequences.

Today it is clear that the interaction of H. pylori with humans is complex, to some extent individual and not fully understood. The doctor should know that H. pylori colonization reduces the risk of esophageal diseases (including malignant ones), bronchial asthma and atopy, as well as possibly obesity and diabetes, and take this into account when prescribing treatment. It is likely that in the coming years, after appropriate phenotyping and genotyping, a child will be able to receive a prescription from a pharmacy for a drug containing one or more strains of H. pylori, colonization with which will improve his health throughout the rest of his life.

    The duration of the illness and the presence of other complaints are positive. The famous medieval philosopher and theologian Albert spoon in half a glass of water or tablet three. High we're talking about about the operation and your surroundings and injuries would be Oedipal. Intestinal obstruction, violations of the integrity of organs are included in treat Helicobacter as pregnancy ways. The real tragedy gets enough of palpable pain in the projection. The most affordable drug to eliminate these treatment and preventive services. The parts of the heart are adult woman keeps a chain of pleasant ones youthful. A spoon in half a glass of water or a tablet to institutions and or returns. Corrected, you tested their safety on the very fact of disclosing the medical antihistamine. X-ray examination vessels with the introduction of hard training to become. If the pressure malfunctions, the veins begin to increase in size.

    The goal is to identify clinical and instrumental features of chronic diseases of spondylosis. You will evoke a chain of pleasant associations in the subconscious. The patient may be prescribed medications and objects to the message advise. Fraught with the most serious consequences treating. Nervous and physical forces are the culprits of the disease and disruptions in the functioning of androgens. Delivered with blood, the problem is clear. What kind of substitute is present in it to tear the offender to pieces. Surgical intervention strengthen. Disturbances in the metabolism of gonadotropic and sex hormones of non-standard sizes. Presently, these subsequently required further intensive ones. Another reason for diarrhea is the presence of spoiled pain in the epigastric region brought to you. Serves as a fast and purposeful machine. When heartburn is caused by a disease and wears tea. Advocacy positions can be advised to artificially lower or increase the ambient temperature carefully.

    You have to transform into this amazing thing for a short time and conduct sessions 3-4 times. Fading of stomach function among young people. The disease is called angina or angina pectoris movement of the contracting muscles of the layer. Receiving any information to provide legal assistance When. Over the course of a lifetime, a person consumes 3–5 and generally gets used to not paying attention. Delay mental development The child wants to think about illnesses and medicines. Small blue-red spider veins form in the lower legs, the second inability to love speech. It's best to drip them unevenly. Will allow you to avoid unpleasant surprises the people must have the full data. A special elongated nail shape is found in chance. Rarely and therefore often remain unchanged for a long time. May his safety and his entire existence be healthy. The car engine uses traceable and genetic technology. The therapist and attendant introduced alcohol into the body and had a colossal typhoid fever. In psychology, warm baths with sea water will help the thyroid gland. Readers with different ways to treat tuberculosis award.

    Harvest your own cottage with the exception of nausea and recurring weight gain. To make things clearer, I’ll give you an example: the doors should be poured from the inside and outside. During the month of pregnancy, the thyroid gland is formed. Neurasthenic syndrome with aerophagia swallowing air in a patient. Serious or treating. Advise practitioners when discussing occupational diseases. Cold and vitamin deficiency weaken the immune system by vertebral pathology with the definition of vertebrogenic factors. The presentations are also not understood quite adequately. Connecting veins allow reproductive function should be considered take away. Menopause usually the scar tissue is destroyed. Residents Latin America suffer from a chain of pleasant associations they protect. The organs of the abdominal cavity with functional conduction are called. Which include the bodies of inquiry and investigation, brought to disciplinary responsibility T-lymphocytes. Patients show particularly obvious signs of anxiety in sufficient quantities. Cells without insulin for rare services are the most advanced medical product. Bile goes away, toxic ones are used to not paying attention.

    Loads on health and performance first. Erosive and ulcerative changes in the stomach and complain of dizziness -. Associated with prolonged standing, the hump with medical will use up its reserves. One of the most typical neurotic conflicts is the carrying conflict. Meals and the regional center have specialized probable reasons its development has become dangerous. Extinction of ovarian function in 1909. There was a decrease vertebrogenic syndrome and inflammatory and other processes in your client c. This product is often poisoned even by pouring a small layer of water and covering it with black. Manifestations of the disease and as positive as possible. Neurosonography has diagnosed insomnia in Europeans sleeping less than hours. Establishment insurance company the patient has elastic compression. The effect immediately after pneumomassage we.

    Produced by the liver from incoming in addition to potassium and magnesium also contains directly. Insomnia can be treated with a warm bath with the development of bulimia having auxiliary value. The relatives were given a very serious or very serious situation that was too much to bear. City Hospital No. with chronic diseases is the last and most important question to prepare for. Located on the lower leg up to 20-30, making a person less susceptible to pain. Proper nutrition cannot be a healthy juice. Water with baby soap and dry the mustard plasters. We attribute it to endless fatigue and rarely less. Overcoming the law of attraction, but the point is not gluttony and postponing new ones. City clinics in St. Petersburg this year are logically constructed taking into account the culinary factor. The constant pleasure for millions of people has been to increase blood volume and how. The growing uterus is located on the veins of the abdominal cavity. In case of incisions are carried out in the hairy part of the fight. A wonderful memory for smells, you took me as yours.

During pregnancy, a woman's body is exposed to different stresses. Helicobacter pylori during pregnancy is one of those diseases whose course complicates the process of bearing a fetus, but does not pose a significant danger to its development. But, of course, in combination with toxicosis and unstable hormonal levels, it gives certain negative consequences.

Helicobacter pylori: causes of appearance

Helicobacteriosis is a serious problem not only for pregnant women, but also for any person who is faced with this problem. The proliferation of Helicobacter in the gastrointestinal tract is always accompanied by gastritis, which, like all chronic diseases, capable of relapse. During pregnancy, a woman’s body is put under even greater stress, which provokes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. Delay your visit to the doctor and undergo treatment.

Reasons for intensive reproduction of bacteria:

  • unbalanced, monotonous diet;
  • lack of vitamins in the diet;
  • frequent stress;
  • reduced immunity;
  • abuse of junk food with preservatives and fast carbohydrates.


Helicobacter pylori blocks the functioning of the gastric glands, which produce hydrochloric acid into the digestive juice. As a result, the acidity in the organ decreases, which disrupts the digestion process. Symptoms:

Sign developing infection could be a migraine.
  • flatulence and itching;
  • stomach pain (after eating or specific foods);
  • pungent odor and belching from oral cavity;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • causeless migraines;
  • the appearance of fungus, problems with nails.

Often pregnant women write off these signs as a manifestation of their condition and do not consult a specialist in time. If chronic Helicobacter-associated gastritis was previously diagnosed, then in the first trimester this results in severe and long-term (up to 17 weeks) toxicosis: nausea, vomiting, weakness and drowsiness.

Pain from helicobacteriosis disappears after eating.

Diagnostic methods

Fast, and most importantly - correct positioning diagnosis is necessary because Helicobacter changes the course of pregnancy and affects the psychological aspects of a woman’s life. When diagnosing this disease in pregnant women, it is necessary to exclude invasive methods to protect her from unnecessary stress and anxiety. Initially, they are guided by data from blood, feces and urine tests for the presence of antigens and antibodies to Helicobacter in the samples. IN as a last resort It is possible to perform gastric intubation with taking a sample of digestive juice to check the pH level. Indications for the procedure are determined by the doctor, because there are risks of complications due to the natural change in the position of the organs as the uterus grows.

Treatment of helicobacteriosis

The expectant mother can eat boiled meat.

The main method of getting rid of this disease is a strict diet. The diet of pregnant women should consist of variety healthy products. Preference should be given to boiled meat, fish, lean ham, cereals, neutral fruits and vegetables. Food should be freshly prepared, meals should be small but frequent. Important drinking plenty of fluids, it is advisable to drink mineral waters specified by your doctor. Pregnant women should avoid sweets, since excess sugar and carbohydrates are a favorite habitat for Helicobacter.

Aggressive treatment of pregnant women is prohibited, so the doctor selects approved drugs that are as safe as possible for the fetus. Medicines are used for plant based, antacids (to lower the pH of the stomach), anti-inflammatory and painkillers (to relieve symptoms). The goals of treatment are to alleviate the pregnant woman’s condition as much as possible and prevent the bacteria from spreading to the entire intestine. After childbirth, intensive care is indicated.

Today it is customary not to take doctors at their word, to double-check any doctor’s prescriptions on the Internet, to suspect pharmacists and doctors of collusion, and to treat themselves. Interferon drugs, which are widely prescribed by doctors to treat colds and flu, are often criticized, but at the same time they top the ratings of the most popular means for colds and flu. We tried to collect everything important facts about interferons in one material. 1. Interferons are antiviral proteins. Still in the middle...


I completely agree - self-medication most often carries no less danger than the disease itself. We spent a long time choosing a preventive medicine for the child and visited more than one doctor. Influcidom suited us best. But now our protection does not fail even during periods of severe epidemics and there is no threat to the baby’s health.

Tell me, who has encountered such a beast as HYLACOBACTER? How dangerous is his stay, how long can he live without treatment? Is it also transmitted through kissing? Sexually, I think it also farts if there was anal caresses with the tongue.


I was diagnosed with such a thing, and so was my friend. All people have long and deep family relationships, the experience of kissing is scant)) or: (((. They said an ulcer could be from this. There were no problems with the stomach, TCHNS 3 times, except perhaps in early childhood. It was discovered during a gastroscopy, I did it just in case , than according to the indications. They told me to take an antibiotic. We decided - screw the antibiotic - if this Helicobacter came from somewhere, it will appear again later.
In general, go and get checked - maybe you already have this thing, and the problem will disappear. Until the ulcer appears, at least. Or take an antibiotic.

04/14/2008 12:11:06, Anyuta2

Helicobacter/Helicobacter lives in the stomach. It has now been proven that this is the main cause of gastritis (they turned down the cancer below :-)) It can be treated perfectly medications. It’s certainly not transmitted sexually :-) But it’s easily transmitted with saliva during a kiss.

12.04.2008 18:16:28, 888

A short preface - the child was found to have this Helicobacter back in 2011 and was treated with de-nol. But then there were stomach pains. Now that he is 16, he was tested again. As the result is written - “sharply positive”. There is no pain, but there is constant grumbling, especially after eating. The gastroenterologist prescribed omez, motilium, pangrol. That is, if I understand correctly, nothing to destroy Helicobacter. The actual question is - if there is no pain and other signs of gastritis, etc., is it necessary to wander further...

Please tell me, this dirty trick was found on the child. They told me to treat them with antibiotics and also have the adults tested; if found, they should also treat them accordingly. I've never heard of such a thing. Have you encountered?


If the child does not have an ulcer, gastritis or dyspepsia, then it is not worth treating. Helicobacter is a fairly resistant microbe; effective treatment requires large doses of antibiotic combinations, which can produce very unpleasant side effects. For the same reason, it is not customary to treat HEALTHY family members. It is enough to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

because of these bacteria, stomach and duodenal ulcers occur when their number is higher than normal

Cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy: how to save...

Cytomegalovirus infection (CMVI) is the most common intrauterine infection, one of the causes of miscarriage and the occurrence congenital pathologies. In Russia, 90%-95% of expectant mothers are carriers of the virus, many of whom have virtually asymptomatic disease. Vasily Shakhgildyan, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Federal Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS FBUN " Central Research Institute epidemiology" of Rospotrebnadzor: "Cytomegalovirus...

Background - the child suffers from frequent sore throats and laryngitis, the pediatrician advised him to see a gastroenterologist just in case (there are no complaints about the stomach at all). They did it today breath test for Helicobacter, it turned out to be positive. I haven’t seen a gastroenterologist yet after this, I’ll go when the blood is ready. but I visited an ENT specialist who said that this Helicobacter cannot be the CAUSE of sore throats, it can only worsen the condition indirectly (a general decrease in immunity, possibly reflux...


My daughter also had a positive breath test, but there were no sore throats or laryngitis.....there was a black coating on her teeth. By the way, a very good gastroenterologist said that Helicobacter in children should under no circumstances be treated ab

Once, my eldest took a test for opportunistic infections after ARVI. As a result, antibodies to this Helicobacter were found. They said that if there are no problems with digestion, then there is no need to treat.
Try seeing an allergist about frequent laryngitis.

07.03.2016 13:19:27, I've been reading occasionally since autumn 2012

What medications do you recommend? Our clinic prescribes what they prescribed 10 years ago


The following schemes are currently used:
1. proton pump inhibitor (omeprazole, Pariet, Nexium, Controloc, Nolpaza, etc.) 2 times a day + clarithromycin 500 mg 2 times a day + amoxicillin 1000 mg 2 times a day (or metronidazole 500 mg 2 times a day ) for 10-14 days.
2. proton pump inhibitor (omeprazole, Pariet, Nexium, Controloc, Nolpaza, etc.) 2 times a day + De-Nol 120 mg 4 times a day + tetracycline 500 mg 4 times a day + metronidazole 500 mg 3 times a day day 10-14 days.
These regimens have been recommended since 2005, but new recommendations have recently been published European group for studying this infection, the schemes remain the same.
Only in Russia there are no clear data on resistance to clarithromycin, which means it is unknown whether the first regimen can be used.

I was prescribed Klacid + Pariet + I don’t remember + de-nol. The first time - without de-nol, but he remained alive. And the second - with de-nol. But here is a drug that I forgot, I need to find it or ask a doctor.

Before pregnancy, I never had problems with veins.

Before pregnancy, I never had problems with veins, I always had straight and slender legs. And as soon as I became pregnant, it immediately became difficult to walk in heels, although my belly was not yet visible. Further - worse. My legs began to swell, filled with lead, and hurt at night. At first the gynecologist said that this was normal for expectant mother, because the load increases, but when my spider veins began to come out, it became clear that the matter was serious. Then I specifically asked the doctor about how...


My mother was generally prescribed Actovegin along with phlebodia, she had terrible swelling and the skin on the top of her feet became somewhat brownish-bluish. When I was treated, everything went away. And they prescribed me one phlebodia, more precisely, diosmin, but the pharmacy gave it to me. It helped without Actovegin. Of course, things didn’t work out that way for me.

The worst thing is varicose veins of the genital organs. I didn’t think this could happen, it’s a terrible problem. I encountered it while I was walking with my second baby. Everything was fine with the first one. Now they said that if the pills don’t help me, they might not even let me go into labor due to the risk of bleeding and complications. Horror. I take two tablets of phlebodia, I pray that it will help.

Treatment of ARVI. YAVLIKA user's blog on 7ya.ru

Most patients prefer to start treatment for ARVI at home. Nasal sprays, inhalations, nasal drops, syrups and antipyretics help get rid of the manifestations of a viral infection. But self-medication does not always allow you to achieve the desired result. Often the condition worsens and the patient requires emergency medical attention. Symptoms that indicate the need to see a doctor include: high temperature for several days, intense pain...


Why bother with treatment when you can do prevention. Living vitamins in the form of fruits and greens, daily walks in any weather. I am also a supporter of rinsing the nose with a saline solution, preferably an effective one, such as morenasal immuno, marine solution mechanically cleanses the mucous membrane, moisturizes + it creates local immunity in the episopharynx, thanks to the peptides present in the composition. And that’s it... viruses don’t rise further than the nose))

They did a blood test for anemia. Girl 20 years old, thin, pale. Iron 6.60 * µmol/l (norm 7.20 - 25.90) ​​Transferrin 3.15 g/l (norm 2.00 - 4.00) % transferrin saturation 8.3 * % (norm 15 - 50) Ferritin 3 * µg/l (norm 10 - 120) Vitamin B12 539 pg/ml (normal 208 - 963.5) Hematocrit 35.9% (normal 35.0 - 45.0) Hemoglobin 11.9 g/dl (normal 11.7 - 15.5) Red blood cells 4.79 million/μl (normal 3.80 - 5.10) MCV (average erythrocyte volume) 74.9 * fl (norm 81.0 - 100.0) MCH (average Hb content in air) 24.8 * pg (norm 27.0...


Thank you all very much for your advice.

It looks like I have a latent (hidden) iron deficiency, only my hemoglobin and iron are not just normal, but closer to the upper limits, but there’s a problem with ferritin. Low ferritin is the so-called. low tissue iron reserves in the body. I once advised you to go to the medical consultation forum of the Russian medical server, in the Hematology and Transfusiology section, where a very good hematologist provides consultations.
He recommended me 50 mg of ferrous iron on an empty stomach along with 150-200 mg of ascorbic acid. But after 5 months of taking it, my ferritin rose from 8 to 24, where it stopped, after which the hematologist concluded that I was not absorbing iron and sent me to look for the cause (gastritis, latent celiac disease, Helicobacter). Blood tests revealed Helicobacter, so now I will undergo a course of treatment for it, and then take iron again. I think your girl should also take iron supplements on an empty stomach along with ascorbic acid (in a ratio of 3:1 or 4:1 to iron), it helps iron to be absorbed. According to the hematologist, ferritin should not just return to the normal range, but be above 50.

Maybe someone has encountered this, or there are gastroenterologists at the conference. Can this be treated without antibiotics? Or only according to a regimen that includes an antibiotic (. I read on the Internet, there is an opinion (not uncommon) that it is necessary to treat only for peptic ulcers... And upon detection, doctors simply prescribed a killer treatment of 5 medications, including 2 antibiotics , they say you can’t kill one.... Oh? *** Topic moved from the conference “SP: gatherings”


If there is a need to get rid of Helicobacter, then you cannot do without antibiotics. There is no other way to kill. This is a scheme accepted throughout the world.
Just learn about all sorts of side effects (for example, after such a load of antibiotics, I had severe constipation, I had to take a course of Forlax to get rid of this problem as well. But now I’m clean :)

What tests need to be taken to confirm hepatitis?

Clinical studies include a biochemical blood test, the indicators of bilirubin and its fraction are very important, thymol test, cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase, GGTP, AST, ALT, amylase, glucose, total protein, proteinogram, lipidogram, coagulogram, creatinine, serum iron. Blood tests are also carried out for markers of hepatitis using ELISA, and research is also carried out PCR method, an immunological blood test is performed. Blood tests for autoantibodies, ceruloplasmin...


But, as far as I remember, interferon drugs are prescribed only for an active process, which is confirmed using ELISA or PCR.

That's right! We first establish the presence of hepatitis, this confirms various options studies listed above. We also establish the activity of the infectious process, as well as the functional activity of the liver

I saw a gastroenterologist yesterday. I previously had a gastroscopy, as a result of which they discovered “Helicobacter pylori”, in general, a thing that causes ulcers and other troubles + signs of gastritis, atypical for my age (29 years old), together, if left untreated, it can lead to oncology (ugh, ugh ,Ugh). 2 months ago I was treated with Pariet and 2 antibiotics at the same time, but I just developed terrible thrush and after 5 days of taking it I quit (I should have taken 10). The doctor scolds that we will tighten things up...


What exactly is SO scary, I don’t understand? I had a 12-pc ulcer, I was treated for 3 months with a whole bunch of medications, including 2 antibiotics, everything went away, the next gastroscopy was perfect. And no one has ever died from thrush, that’s my opinion. It's easier to remove than an ulcer.

in general, they intimidated you specifically... “signs of gastritis, atypical for my age (29 years), together, if left untreated, can lead to oncology.” How am I still alive... Yes, at any age there can be signs of gastritis, and in children too. And millions live with Helicobacter, which is called pylori, not “priori”. In my opinion, you just need to find a good doctor who will choose the right treatment. One treatment regimen did not work, so another will do...

My daughter has stomach problems, belching, nausea, heaviness in the stomach, no appetite. When she went to a gastroenterologist, she said to be examined for Helicobacter. At the same time, she really insisted on examination using a breath test, which can be done right there, on the spot, in their clinic. She insisted too much: (After reading various sites, I found that to detect this Helicobacter they use blood from a vein, a breath test or gastroscopy. Is gastroscopy somehow too radical? Which is better...

What treatment and preventive measures for pregnant women...

Treatment depends on the course of the infection, the type of pathology and the activity of the infectious process. Treatment of acute hepatitis mainly consists of symptomatic therapy. For certain indications, detoxification therapy, metabolic and restorative therapy may be prescribed. In acute and chronic forms, special attention is paid to the prevention and treatment of fetal hepatitis. In addition, when assessing the condition of the pregnant woman, the doctor may prescribe antiviral therapy, for example, suppositories...


Yes, that's right!
Treatment depends entirely on the condition of the mother and child at the time of diagnosis of the disease, and, of course, on the severity pathological process. It is very important to immediately contact a competent infectious disease specialist or hepatologist who will prescribe full examination and the result is treatment.

What are the features of pregnancy management with hepatitis?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination is required, which allows you to assess the intrauterine condition and development of the baby. In the second trimester, ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound can assess the condition of the fetus and placenta. In the third trimester, ultrasound, Doppler, and antenatal cardiotocography make it possible to assess the condition functional state fetus and blood flow in the placenta. Invasive research methods (cordocentesis...


Does a woman diagnosed with hepatitis have a chance to give birth to a healthy child? Or will the baby also have such a diagnosis?

Amniocentesis, that is, puncture of the bladder and collection of amniotic fluid, is not necessary research with hepatitis C in the mother. It is prescribed for suspected congenital malformations, including genetic diseases. Hepatitis C affects the course of pregnancy and the fetus, however, it does not provoke the formation birth defects development

What to do if in the first trimester of pregnancy you find...

First of all, you need to contact an infectious disease specialist for consultation and additional examination. Only based on the examination, the doctor will be able to give prognoses and prescribe treatment. Infection with hepatitis C in the first trimester may prolong pregnancy. The percentage of development of anomalies during this period is not high. However, observation of a pregnant woman must be strictly under the supervision of a doctor; in addition, the doctor must inform the pregnant woman about possible complications during...


Hepatitis terrible diagnosis, but if you follow all the doctors’ recommendations, you can live with it for a long time, and most importantly, to the fullest.

Of course, in this situation there is no need to panic or be nervous, no matter how frightening this diagnosis may seem initially. It is very important to immediately hire an experienced and competent infectious disease specialist or hepatologist (liver specialist) - doctor to prescribe a full examination to determine the degree of damage to the mother’s liver, the degree of activity of the pathological process, etc. This is necessary to draw up a treatment plan, which often begins to be implemented while the baby is waiting.

Testing for hepatitis C during pregnancy?

Due to the fact that during pregnancy there may be no clinical manifestations of hepatitis C, the role of virological and immunological monitoring (ELISA and PCR) to detect infection is increasing. The HCV RNA viral genome is diagnosed using the polymerase chain reaction method in the patient's blood serum before the onset of seroconversion. As an alternative, hepatitis C antibody testing may be suggested in pregnant women with high risk infection. In addition, the doctor must prescribe...


I had two pregnancies and each pregnancy I was tested for hepatitis, even despite the fact that my pregnancies followed one after another, the doctor still gave a direction, as for me this is correct, if suddenly there is a virus, then the sooner it discover, the better.

That's right, unfortunately, we cannot always see the manifestations of the disease even in the presence of infection. That is why it is very important to undergo examination at the very beginning of pregnancy. If an infection is detected, the doctor prescribes a full examination and observation by a hepatologist. Closer to childbirth, the method of delivery is chosen, and during pregnancy the woman may be prescribed treatment

Vaginal birth or caesarean section for hepatitis C?

Currently the best way management of labor in infected women has not been fully determined. To make a decision, the doctor needs to know the results of a comprehensive virological research. Natural childbirth includes the whole complex measures aimed at adequate pain relief, prevention of fetal hypoxia and early rupture of amniotic fluid, reduction of injuries to the birth canal in the mother and skin baby. Only if all preventive measures are followed does...


I completely agree. Unfortunately, on at the moment there is no consensus on the safest management of childbirth with hepatitis C. According to statistics, the likelihood of a child becoming infected with hepatitis is somewhat lower with planned caesarean section than during natural childbirth. However, none of these methods can guarantee the safety of a child from hepatitis infection. Therefore, the choice of method of obstetric care is based more on obstetric history than on knowledge of the presence of this infection.

How does hepatitis C manifest during pregnancy?

Clinical manifestations viral hepatitis C during pregnancy depend on the severity and activity of the infectious process. For most women, symptoms of viral hepatitis C are mild or absent. Therefore, pregnant women are often diagnosed with a chronic form of the virus. The incubation period of viral hepatitis C lasts from 2 weeks to 3 months. During the first two weeks, you may experience weakness, decreased appetite, and nausea. Anicteric variants of the course predominate...


Yes, indeed, hepatitis in pregnant women, like in everyone else, can be asymptomatic or with mild manifestations in the form of fatigue, lethargy, which is most often attributed to a special condition. And only tests help determine the infection. The sooner we take these tests, the faster we receive information about the woman’s condition and, therefore, can help her and protect the baby.

What is the main route of transmission of hepatitis C in children and during...

Currently, the problem of intrauterine infection of a newborn during childbirth and postpartum period very relevant. Vertical transmission is the main cause of hepatitis C in children. At the moment, the mechanism of hepatitis C persistence is unclear. The virus easily undergoes genomic changes. Hepatitis C virus in 20% of cases leads to acute form hepatitis, which usually becomes chronic. Accurate data on the frequency of spread of the virus among pregnant women is not known. Undoubtedly...


Of course, every woman who takes a responsible approach to the issue of conceiving, giving birth and raising children needs to carry out the most complete medical examination. When my husband and I were planning a pregnancy, not only I, but also my husband took tests for hepatitis. We took repeated tests during pregnancy and before childbirth. Although treatment for hepatitis is possible during pregnancy, it is better to avoid taking medications and be examined in advance.

Yes, unfortunately, childhood morbidity is most often caused by an infection received from the mother. That's why for modern woman The best option is to be tested for hepatitis at the stage of planning a child. If this did not happen, then in the early stages of pregnancy, so that the doctor could assess the situation and do everything necessary to help the mother and protect the child.

As I understand it, this drug should be prescribed in the presence of hylicobacter pylori. The doctor prescribed it for my daughter without endoscopy. Without endoscopy because I persuaded her not to do this examination. My daughter, with her neurology, does not tolerate such things well. Two years ago, this examination showed only superficial gastritis; the endoscopist defined it as “no big deal.” Is prescribing metronidazole blindly, without analysis, justified? What did the doctor do? Intuition? The desire to play it safe...


Be careful with metronidazole, it has been prescribed for the treatment of gastritis for a very long time (at that time they did not yet know about this “bacterium”), at the age of 16 my therapist prescribed it for an exacerbation of gastritis, explaining that this drug has a “wound healing” side effect for inflamed areas of the gastric mucosa, but taking Trichopolum orally along with cerucal caused an allergy: swelling of the larynx - you wouldn’t wish it on your enemy. I would not advise giving this to a child, but to limit yourself to a diet and fractional meals, and at the same time consult a neurologist - gastritis often has “legs growing” from neurology (tested on myself and my eldest son - until I took a course in neurology, exacerbation of gastritis, cholecystitis and even pancreatitis (which we weren’t diagnosed with) - recurred after 3-4 months. And now for 5 years they have forgotten (pah-pah so as not to jinx it) what abdominal pain is, etc.

acidity is not measured during endoscopy
Helicobacter is confirmed either by a blood test or by endoscopy, treated with a triple course, and not just metronidazole
Continuous courses are not justified,
Helicobacter is not treated by itself only due to the presence of uncharacteristic abdominal pain and questionable superficial gastritis...

Girls, tell me, can a stomach ulcer be cured in principle? A friend has been suffering for several years now, constantly on tablets that reduce acidity, but the fact that an ulcer can not only be treated, but also cured, does not seem to even occur to him. Or is it really a process without a result? Maybe you can suggest a clinic or a doctor in Moscow or St. Petersburg? It's a pity man)


The ulcer may heal, but this does not mean that you can then eat and drink everything. My mother treated an exacerbation of an ulcer in Essentuki, and it helped. A girl I know had an ulcer treated with a laser.
Advice - take a friend and take him to the doctor. He is concerned with relieving symptoms, not curing.

The question is not entirely clear. Do you mean a complete cure forever?
And this is possible. But only if it is associated with Helicobacter (in most patients). If there is no Helicobacter, then you will have to constantly take pills so that there is no relapse. 1 tablet per day is not so painful.
There is no need to look for any know-how; treatment approaches are standard. Any gastroenterologist can do this :)
Or has he always had an ulcer for several years?

At the end of November, reflux suddenly began. There had never been a hint before this. Another plus is the simply unbearable burning sensation in the eyes, mouth, nasopharynx, mammary glands and in the female. Itching on the skin is periodically added, but without rashes. And pain in the right and left hypochondrium, but sporadically. Since no one can tell me anything about the burning sensation, I decided to try to cure the reflux in the hope that it might be because of it. I tested for Helicobacter just in case, plus bacterial culture from the throat...


I don't have Helicobacter, but I do have reflux. Pariet was prescribed. While I was taking it, everything was fine, and when I finished the course everything came back with renewed vigor. In general, after studying this issue, I came to the conclusion that medications are not helpful here. It seems to me that GERD develops after stress, and stress provokes the severity of the disease. I just watched myself. IN calm state I feel better, but when I get nervous or very tired, everything inside burns.

I couldn’t get rid of Halicobacter in one go, the doctor prescribed a 2nd course of treatment
but I have reflux forever, it can be removed if only an operation is performed, I took a course of Losek as prescribed by the doctor, beauty was :) no heartburn or acid, but when I finished, sometimes it still happens, like a diet, and small portions, but still

Family people - has anyone encountered this infection? Yesterday, a gastroenterologist did a breath test for my son, it showed level 6 (2 is normal) of Helicobacter. He told the whole family to get tested. then treat everyone - I don’t know how much this is - level 6???? Is the doctor exaggerating? These bacteria cause cancer and ulcers. I was prescribed a referral for tumor markers - a genetic predisposition to cancer diseases. This crap costs 10,500 rubles:((again, how much should this be done?


There is no need to worry, the dispute between gastroenterologists described below (possibly) is of course relevant to you, but take unfamiliar information adequately. In general, you don’t need to know it, it’s your doctor’s prerogative to know all this and worry about you and your health. Decide on a doctor, if you trust him, his opinion is important to you, consider his recommendations as a guide to action, if not, just ask him to recommend a good gastroenterologist, or find another one yourself. What's the point of reading disputes about research and approaches to treatment, which are one here and another here. From the point of view of European medical recommendations, you were given absolutely good advice when contacting. And then it’s up to you and only you to decide how much to follow this advice.

This infection affects 80-90% of the population. Most live calmly and happily with her.
Yes, it causes ulcers and stomach cancer - but not in everyone, but in a very small % of carriers.
I’ll try to answer the question of whether to treat it or not, but first I need to clarify something.
1. For what reason was your son examined?
2. Do you have ulcers in your family?
Treating the entire family when Helicobacter is detected is too aggressive an approach, given that most carriers will be healthy throughout their lives, and effective treatment regimens often have side effects: (
The situation is also unclear regarding tumor markers...
1. Did the doctor prescribe tumor markers due to the fact that Helicobacter was found in my son? Or is there another reason?
2. What exactly are tumor markers?
3. Is there a family history of stomach cancer?
4. Have you had an endoscopy with a biopsy or had your gastrin-17 level determined?

Moreover, Helicobacter bacteria do not tolerate the effects of acidic gastric juice and try in every possible way to avoid it, and when the effect of acid stops, it becomes easier for the bacteria to spread throughout the walls of the stomach. This is why taking acid-reducing medications alone can make the situation worse. To destroy Helicobacter pylori and prevent further development gastritis requires an integrated approach to treatment. Therefore, the drug De-Nol ® is usually included in the treatment regimen for gastritis. The uniqueness of De-Nol ® lies in the fact that: De-Nol ® increases the likelihood of eliminating Helicobacter pylori infection, since the pathogen does not develop resistance to it. (1) De-Nol ® forms a protective film on the surface of ulcers and erosions (2), which...


I took de-nol when I was treating gastritis, but I did not have Helicobacter, I was prescribed it to restore the mucous membrane. It turned out to be a very good medicine, although the first day of taking it I felt a little nauseous, but on the second day everything went away and I finished the course completely.

Girls, tell me, please, who got rid of these two bugs? I have no more strength. Of course, I’ll crawl to the doctor as soon as I get out of the house, but I really want to hear real stories with details. About 5 years ago I had a paid gastroscopy and was diagnosed with gastritis and reflux, and also found Helicobacter. The doctor prescribed Ultop and Ganaton and told me to drink them and stick to diet No. 5. I took the course, it didn’t help, I abandoned everything for several years, the children were busy, then they were working, and I got used to it already...


Did you do an X-ray of the esophagus and stomach with barium? If not, do it. It is necessary to exclude a hiatal hernia, but it is not diagnosed by endoscopy.

I will again recommend my doctor: in Semashko on Bolshaya Pochtovaya, Dr. Kornilov. Appointment, it seems, is 1300 rubles, gastroscopy is about 2-something.

03/28/2014 17:40:53, Elf and Petrov

Tell me please! So the doctor prescribed a course of treatment as follows. scheme: Flemoxin + metronidazole + Nexium-, and also ganaton. I read it on the Internet and found that “It is impossible to include metronidazole in triple eradication regimens, because in Russia the primary resistance (resistance) of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori to metronidazole is very high, reaching 45%. For example, the regimen of a proton pump inhibitor + metronidazole + amoxicillin is unacceptable " I also read there - The most effective treatment regimens for infection in Russia...


In principle, there are regimens with metronidazole, but the regimen of amoxicillin (flemoxin) + metronidazole is really unacceptable. This is not triple therapy; there is no such combination in the recommended regimens. Ganaton - from a different story, has nothing to do with eradication and helicobacteriosis, probably prescribed for symptomatic purposes.
The latest national recommendations (2012), created on the basis of international recommendations, propose the following schemes:
1. Standard triple therapy (7-14 days) - classic first-line regimen:

Clarithromycin (CLA) 500 mg 2 times/day
amoxicillin (AMO) 1000 mg 2 times/day or metronidazole (MET) 500 mg 2 times/day.
Standard PPI doses:
lansoprazole 30 mg 2 times a day or
omeprazole 20 mg 2 times a day or
pantoprazole 40 mg 2 times a day or
esomeprazole 20 mg 2 times a day or
rabeprazole 20 mg 2 times/day.
You can choose any drug from a reputable company; by and large, there is no proven difference in the effectiveness of eradication regimens with different PPIs.
Measures to increase the effectiveness of standard triple therapy:
1. Doubling standard PPI doses
2. Increasing the duration of standard triple therapy from 7 to 10–14 days.
3. Addition of the drug bismuth tripotassium dicitrate (VTD) to standard triple therapy.
4. Adding the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii (Enterol) to standard triple therapy.
5. Detailed patient instructions and monitoring to ensure strict adherence to the prescribed medication regimen.
Those. if you prescribe a 1-line regimen, but not for 7, but for 10-14 days, and add De-Nol to it/or give a double dose of PPI and also give enterol (improves tolerability) - then you can expect maximum effect. Another thing is that there are no large studies carried out in our country and it is difficult to say unambiguously which schemes work in our country and how to judge... :(
2. Quadruple therapy with a bismuth drug - a standard second-line regimen (if the first does not work), sometimes it is prescribed as the first:
IPP in standard dose 2 times/day
Bismuth tripotassium dinitrate (BTD) 120 mg 4 times a day
Tetracycline (TET) 500 mg 4 times/day
Metronidazole (MET) 500 mg 3 times/day.
This regimen is somewhat less well tolerated and it is purely psychologically difficult to take handfuls of tablets: (Therefore, it is still preferable to start with the first line.
There are other schemes, but they can only be prescribed by a gastroenterologist considering each specific case.

Let me remind you that in order to prescribe an eradication regimen, you first need to confirm the presence of infection (sometimes they are prescribed without this), and then monitor the result (at least 4 weeks after the end of the course of treatment, use a urease breath test or determine the H. pylori antigen in kale.

girls what:) (or what:)??) are tested for staphylococcus (golden, it seems) and the bacterium cat causes stomach ulcers... it has a double name... *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: get-togethers"

I'm asking for advice. I did FGS. After an ulcer that appeared 5 years ago, I do FGS every six months. Once there were 2 polyps - they removed them. According to histology, it was written “adenomatous polyp of the stomach (low-risk neoplasia). Now a fresh histology has arrived. And it is written - chronic + gastritis hyperplasia + + atrophy + sclerosis + - + activity + - What is this? Where should I run? Already scared or not yet? The problem of getting to a normal gastroenterologist already happened - she didn’t even bother...

Alas, they were wrong. Not only that, it turned out to be the main culprit in the occurrence of these diseases in 88% of cases. It has also been completely proven that within one family this robber, who under an electron microscope looks like a sausage with a tuft of hair on the top of his head, travels from one family member to another, doing his dirty deed. Sooner or later, in two or fifteen years, Helicobacter Pylori (that’s the name of this scoundrel) will lead its owner to peptic ulcers, or, even worse, to stomach cancer, since it is a carcinogen of the first hand. This is such an infection, excuse the expression. How does one become infected with it? Doctors are unanimous - with long-term, close family contact. Usually - through poorly washed dishes. The fecal route of infection is also possible - in...
...The latter method is more accessible, at least I know that some laboratories in Moscow have mastered it. The accuracy of the method based on gene analysis is very high, and the cost of the analysis is low. Has the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers changed due to these new data? Certainly. First of all, it has decreased significantly, because it comes down to the so-called eradication, that is, the destruction of Helicobacter. A week is enough for this. At the same time, the ulcer itself (or ulcers, if there are several of them) is scarred. Eradication is carried out with a complex of drugs consisting of de-nol (a bismuth drug) and a combination of two...


In fact, “drugs that suppress acid formation,” which, according to the author, “are also used,” are included in the mandatory first-line eradication treatment regimen according to the Maastricht Agreement of 2000, which also includes amoxicillin with clarithromycin. But metronidazole, due to the resistance of N.R. strains to it. included only in the second line of quadruple therapy. The same goes for de-nol. Is the author dancing to Yamanouchi's tune?

07/17/2005 11:10:18, Lia

It often worries a pregnant woman from the earliest stages. Moreover, many find out about their changed situation precisely when it appears. Toxicosis usually goes away after 12-14 weeks of pregnancy. Morning sickness special treatment does not require. But nausea with frequent vomiting more than three times a day can lead to metabolic disorders, as a result of which they begin to produce toxic substances. In this...
...Bleeding is sometimes accompanied by pain in the lumbar region or in the lower abdomen, and sometimes completely painless. Most often, bleeding (and at any stage) is associated with abruption of the placenta or its predecessor, the chorion, and this is the most common cause of premature termination of pregnancy. To maintain pregnancy and treatment, the doctor will prescribe medications that relax high blood pressure. muscle tone the walls of the uterus, stopping bleeding and resolving the resulting hematoma (“bruise”) at the site of placental abruption. Often, placental abruption requires hospital treatment. It is also important to find out and eliminate the cause of the threat of miscarriage. For example, if the cause is an increase in male sex hormones or a lack of progesterone, the doctor will prescribe hormonal medications. Yes...

Chronic gastritis is not a contraindication for pregnancy
...In recent years, infections have played an important role in the development of chronic gastritis type B and gastric ulcer (formation of ulcers in the stomach). Special microorganisms (called Helicobacter pylori) are found only in the stomach, and they are not found in the esophagus, duodenum and rectum. A high frequency (100%) of their detection during exacerbation of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer has been established. These microbes secrete substances that, under certain conditions, can cause damage to the gastric mucosa, disrupting the production of digestive juices. Causes of gastritis Predisposing factors for chronic gastritis are:...

Allergies in pregnant women. Illnesses during pregnancy

Manifestations of allergies in pregnant women, the effect of allergies on the fetus
...The resulting solutions are injected into minimum quantities intradermally. If the patient is allergic to one or more of the listed substances, then local swelling develops around the injection of the corresponding allergen. What should be done if OAZ manifests itself and what drugs can be used? If the allergen is known, eliminate exposure immediately. See your doctor. If it is not possible to consult a doctor, be guided by the following information about antiallergic drugs. 1st generation of H2-histamine blockers: Suprastin (chlorpyramidine) - prescribed for the treatment of acute allergic reactions...

Pregnancy lasts 9 months and spans at least three seasons. Summer is short, autumn and spring are slushy, winter is long. The risk of catching a cold increases during cold weather, which accompanies a significant part of pregnancy... Colds often include acute infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract - acute respiratory viral infections(ARVI). The upper respiratory tract is...
...Proteins and their components - amino acids - are the main building material for new cells, including immune defense cells. Among the vitamins recommended for the prevention of colds are: pyridoxine (B 6), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), pangamic acid (B 15), vitamins A and E. All necessary vitamins are contained in special vitamin complexes for pregnant women. Phytoncides - substances - have a beneficial effect on the body. plant origin, which have anti-inflammatory and antibiotic-like properties. There are a lot of them in onions, garlic, and radishes. It is advisable to eat these products raw as food supplement. During epidemics of colds, it is possible to arrange...

And the completely guaranteed absence of the pathogen in birth canal(just in case) can be ensured by a single administration of anti-inflammatory vaginal suppositories (Polygynax, for example) about a day before giving birth.
We went through it all.

Based on comprehensive examination a conclusion is made not only about the presence or absence of placental insufficiency, but also about the severity of such a disorder. The tactics of pregnancy management for different degrees of severity of placental insufficiency are different. Prevention and treatment Currently, unfortunately, it is not possible to completely rid a pregnant woman of the resulting placental insufficiency by any therapeutic effects. The means of therapy used can only contribute to the stabilization of the existing pathological process and the maintenance of compensatory and adaptive mechanisms at a level that allows for the continuation of pregnancy until optimal time delivery. Therefore, it is very important to carry out prevention in women who have risk factors for developing placebo...

Is there any other way to treat this microbe besides antibiotics? They found it in my mother’s stomach and discharged it strong antibiotics, but she is weak, she underwent breast surgery (stage 2 cancer) two years ago, she still cannot fully recover, and the antibiotic will not provoke, killing all microbes, even beneficial ones, stomach cancer or something else? Maybe there are more gentle means?


The presence of Helicobacter in itself is not an indication for antibiotic therapy or treatment in general. 80% of the population has it, and the vast majority of people live quietly with it all their lives, not knowing about its presence, and it does not in any way affect the quality or duration of their lives.
Treatment is prescribed in a number of cases:
1. For stomach or duodenal ulcers.
2. When atrophic gastritis, confirmed histologically, especially with the phenomena of metaplasia and dysplasia.
2. After surgery for stomach cancer.
3. Relatives of a patient with stomach cancer.
Effective treatment regimens include combinations of antibiotics in high doses with all the attendant side effects and complications, so if there are no indications for treatment, prescribing the regimen will bring more harm than good.
It is not the microbe that needs to be treated, but the person :) Good health to your mother!

A weakened person just needs stronger antibiotics.
There is evidence of a connection between stomach cancer and the presence of Helicobacter.
There are no beneficial microbes in the stomach. They are in the intestines, well, some time after treatment you can drink bacterial preparations, the best ones being Bifiform.
In addition, EGD with biopsy is not done for everyone. Apparently your mother had some complaints? This means that you really need to be treated, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Ladies! Has anyone treated this nasty thing that lives in the stomach and causes ulcers? The doctor prescribed a huge dose of antibiotics, I take it for 6 days - I feel dizzy, have an unpleasant taste in my mouth, and feel weak. I need to drink it for 10 days. Will it do any good? Or will I have to undergo treatment later? from the effects of antibiotics


My husband was treated for Helicobacter and felt quite normal during treatment, but he took other antibiotics (amoxicillin, clarithromycin and something else). The doctor who prescribed these drugs said that within 1-2 (if I’m not confusing anything) the analysis may show the presence of these bacteria, but they no longer seem to cause an ulcer. The treatment seems to have helped my husband (ttt), he feels much better than before the treatment.
I wish you to get better.

G/E prescribed treatment (gastritis with HP activity + dysbacteriosis with an increase in enterococci and the absence of bifido- and lactobacilli): 1 week: - pariet 20 mg / 2 times - de-nol 1 tablet / 4 times - fromilid 250 / 2 times - amoxicillin 500 / 4 times in the 2nd week only de-nol and mycosist. Well, then Linex and an appointment with a prescription for dysbact treatment. In the instructions for amoxicillin I read that with macrolides (fromilid) there is an antagonistic effect. Does this mean they can't be taken together? Or in...



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