Deep reasons and examples of weak character traits.

A strong character is not formed overnight; one is not born with it, although the inclinations may be there from birth. A person who has developed a strong character sets difficult goals for himself and achieves them, and all difficulties for a strong personality are only a way to deeply know oneself.

What does strong character mean?

Strength of character, how is it expressed, why can we say about one person that he has a strong character, but about another not? Everyone has a character in itself, but a strong character is a set of human qualities that allows him to have his own firm position in life, not to deviate from what he has planned, to be able to overcome difficult periods in life with self-confidence and not to give up.

Strong Character Traits

All the strong character qualities of a woman or man imply all those positive properties and traits that are inherent in a person as a whole. It cannot be said that certain qualities, and only these, form a strong character. Each person has his own set of life circumstances that make him strong. But in general, we can list the following qualities that contribute to the development of a strong-willed, strong character:

  • determination;
  • courage;
  • high motivation;
  • ambition;
  • the desire to become better and change the world.

A man has a strong character

A person's character strengths do not just appear out of nowhere. How a person builds his life path consciously or simply goes with the flow, the formation of his character depends on this. Men are characterized by purposefulness, straightforwardness and great activity; they are more prepared for the harsh trials of life than the fair half of humanity. Male strong character, how it is expressed:

  • follows its purpose;
  • achieves success in his chosen field;
  • respected in society;
  • with his determination and personal success he contributes to the development of society, being an example to follow;
  • has courage and an iron will;
  • compassionate towards the misfortunes of others;
  • is honest with himself and others;
  • true to his goal, ideal, family.

A woman with a strong character

Who is a woman or girl with a strong character - psychological portrait:

  • she is independent;
  • focused on cooperation with others, sees strength in this;
  • knows how to take care of his needs in a timely manner;
  • trusts his thoughts, feelings;
  • understands and accepts that others have the right to be themselves;
  • appreciates the help of others;
  • endures difficulties with dignity and supports others in difficult moments.

A child with a strong character

How to recognize a child with the makings of a strong character and will? Child's strong character - behavior:

  • Difficulties arise when you need to force a child to do something he doesn’t want until he decides to do it himself;
  • strives to make decisions himself;
  • and anger - as character traits;
  • If a child is busy with something and it doesn’t work out, he reacts very emotionally, but strives to figure it out and bring it to the end.

Strong character - examples

Strength of character and strong will allow people to perform heroic deeds, change society for the better and leave a memory of themselves for many centuries. In the history of mankind there are many examples of such people with strong character:

How to develop a strong character?

First, you need to set a goal to develop your strengths. You don’t need to start moving mountains right away, otherwise your motivation will quickly burn out. How to become stronger in character, recommendations from psychologists:

  • remember an important rule: “all responsibility for your life lies entirely with you”;
  • develop a positive outlook on surrounding events and phenomena;
  • believe in yourself in any situation and be above your fears;
  • understand that difficulties and obstacles are the next step towards development;
  • maintain your physical fitness: moderate physical activity and proper nutrition are an integral part of developing a strong character;
  • gradually, step by step, turn your weaknesses into strengths, ruthlessly saying goodbye to bad habits.

Quotes about strong character

Aphorisms and sayings of famous writers and philosophers become mottos in life for many people, helping to overcome difficult periods. Quotes about strong character:

  • A strong character must be combined with flexibility of mind (L. Vauvenargues);
  • Man himself is the final creator of his character (L. Lopatin);
  • A strong character, like a strong stream, encounters an obstacle, only becomes irritated and intensifies even more, but at the same time, having overturned the obstacle, it creates a deep channel for itself (K. Ushinsky);
  • Character consists of the ability to act according to principles (I. Kant);
  • Talents are formed in peace, characters are formed amid the storms of life (I. Goethe).

Films about strong character

All people have ups and downs, but the strong differ from the weak in that they consider obstacles and difficulties an integral part of their path, while weak people quickly give up at the first difficulties. Movies about strength, character, watching which will help you get out of the period of despair and start taking action. :

  1. "Cast Away". He, the main character, who lived an ordinary human life, had to face a different reality of existence, when every day is a struggle for survival. Thus, in a difficult trial, the hero’s strong character blossoms and courage and perseverance come to the surface.
  1. "Soul Surfer". An autobiographical film about the girl Bethany Hamilton, a surfer at the age of 13 who lost her arm in a shark attack while training. This ordeal did not dampen her desire to compete alongside able-bodied surfers.
  1. "Jobs: Empire of Temptation / Jobs". This name needs no introduction. The film is about the formation, ups and downs of life and the strong character of the Apple founder.
  1. "The Pursuit of Happiness". The biography of Chris Gernet, a millionaire and philanthropist who went from a homeless single father and aspiring sales representative to a successful broker.
  1. "Gone With the Wind". Strong in character and independent, Scarlett O'Hara accepts all trials as a challenge from fate, because she is the mistress of her life.

Strong character - books

Books about strength of character give readers an example and inspire them to achieve their goals. Books about a strong-willed character:

  1. "Guide to life. How to achieve your goals, learn to overcome obstacles and forge a strong character” B. Grylls. A famous traveler and conqueror of difficult mountain peaks shares his experience on how to become a strong and purposeful person.
  2. “Born with character” by E. Belonoshchenko. A book for parents on how to recognize in a child the will to overcome obstacles, his desire to know himself.
  3. "The Hunger Games" by S. Collins. A fictional trilogy about a strong girl, Katniss, who became this way thanks to harsh life circumstances.
  4. “An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth. What 4,000 hours in orbit taught me" K. Hadfield. A bestseller about perseverance, strength of spirit and character with humor and kindness of the author.
  5. "Frida Kahlo" by J. Herrera. This amazing woman, artist, little fragile, went through difficult trials of fate and became a strong, famous personality.

Weakness of character (Weakness of character) as a personality quality is the inability to refuse, pliability to the influence of others, the manifestation of thoughtless agreement with other people's opinions, lack of will, infirmity, weak-willedness and slobbering.

One guy came to Moscow to earn extra money, found a job and rented an apartment. After some time, his fellow countryman rang his doorbell and asked for shelter, that is, to allow him to rest for three days. The guy knew about the bad reputation of his uninvited guest, about his constant conflicts with law enforcement agencies, but out of weakness of character he gave in, justifying himself with the thought that he only needed to be patient for three days. The next day, coming home from work, he saw that his rented apartment had turned into a typical “raspberry” for thieves, drug addicts and prostitutes. This time he remained silent. And who to talk to if everyone is insane. The night passed with virtually no sleep. When he left half asleep for work, he left the riotous company asleep. A week passed and he still couldn't muster up the courage to take any decisive action. The thieves carried the stolen items into his apartment and hid them in hiding places. When the police identified them, the guy was tried along with everyone else and not just as an accomplice and accomplice, but as the organizer of a criminal group. The thieves set him up as the leader of the gang. The state lawyer (there was no money for an expensive lawyer), realizing that this was not the leader, but a walking misunderstanding, asked: “How did you get into this situation?” The guy sighed, spread his hands and answered: “I’m weak-willed. I can’t say: “No!”

A person in the context of the personality traits he exhibits is a complex system. When virtues predominate in a system, we say that this is a decent, virtuous person; if vices predominate, we pronounce a verdict - a vicious person. Human character as a system is a combination of interacting personality traits. A bizarre mixture of qualities creates a unique “cocktail” that has a first and last name.

If the elements of the human system of personality traits interact well and do not put a spoke in each other’s wheels, it means that the system is strong, that is, the person’s character is strong. If in a system of personality qualities there is war and strife between elements, if there is no talk of interaction between personality qualities, if the system itself is not stable, unstable and is an ear of clay with feet of clay, then we have weakness of character in its purest form. The overwhelming number of people have a system of personality traits of average strength.

A powerful system of personality traits or “strength” can represent both Good and Evil. For example, thieves in their region will never choose a wimpy, slobbery and weakling to play the role of an onlooker. According to their concepts, the beholder is a smoothly functioning system that functions with a well-functioning interaction of cunning, cruelty, observation, iron will, resourcefulness, in a word, all the character traits necessary to maintain discipline in the criminal world of the region and protect the common fund.

Weakness of character is a disappointing verdict on the entire system of manifested personality qualities. Weakness of character is “atherosclerosis” of the circulatory system of personality traits, where connections between elements are disturbed, where even manifested character traits become a pitiful imitation of their fellows. When we say: “a weak-willed person,” we mean a bitter-astringent cocktail of weakness, self-doubt, inconstancy, irresponsibility, cowardice, instability, suggestibility, monstrous inconsistency and lack of commitment.

Some people, when they see an abyss, think of an abyss, while others imagine a bridge across it. The weak character is complex and not purposeful. She is able to show her best qualities only in protected conditions. She prefers inaction or the path of least resistance to activity and risk-taking. It is exploited as they wish by manipulators and scammers of all stripes. As they say, they “carry water” on it, sit on its neck and dangle its legs. Unable to say “No” to those around them, weak-willed people, as a rule, act on someone else’s instructions, contrary to their own interests. At the same time, behind an imaginary weakness of character there may be hidden simple laziness and a desire to arouse the sympathy and compassion of others. Here, the desire of compassionate people to help is used with all their might.

Weakness of character is a rusty anchor on the path to success. If, thanks to previously accumulated piety, a weak-willed person is lucky and achieves success, there will always be hunters to take advantage of the instability and weakness of his system of personality traits. The bosses will saddle him with responsibilities that are not inherent to him, plug “holes” in production, send him on long business trips and give him leave in December, in a word, they will squeeze out all the juice, while disrespecting and pushing him around. Business partners will seek additional advantages for themselves at the expense of a weak-willed colleague. It's a pleasure to sign contracts with him. If, by the will of fate, a weak-willed person finds himself in a commanding position, his subordinates will have a blast at his weaknesses.

F. La Rochefoucauld, whose opinion is worth listening to, believed that: “Weakness of character is the only flaw that cannot be corrected.” Weakness is, first of all, sharply low self-esteem, the inability to say “No” and a pronounced lack of self-confidence. Even betrayal may not be the result of a carefully thought-out plan, but a manifestation of simple weakness of character. Where there is weakness of character, there is no truthfulness and honesty, there kindness, loyalty and a sense of duty are at risk. Nicolas Chamfort pronounced a merciless verdict on weak character: “Whoever has a weak character is not a person, but a thing.”

However, some people with weak character are not upset and even try to joke:

Weak character is a harsh sentence.
Being soft-hearted in this day and age is no good.
I am still reproached for this to this day.
It's not too late to suggest change.

Calm and smiling in appearance.
The boss is tired of mocking and scolding.
Out of frustration he is in intensive care
because I failed to get angry.

My wife doesn't want to talk to me.
Like, I can’t stay, I can’t get drunk.
She doesn’t need me to be “positive” like that.
I would object, but I cannot disagree.

Character occupies a fundamental, significant and significant place in the personality structure. It is an individual feature and characteristic of each person. But the concepts of “character” and “personality” are often perceived as identical, although in modern psychology their content is separated. Therefore, it is very important to understand what character is and what place it occupies in a person’s personality. Let us consider the content of these issues in more detail in the article.

In modern psychological science, there are several definitions of what character is. The traditional concept includes the following. Character is a holistic psychological formation that contains a complex of sustainable and stable reflections of a given person’s attitude to events, people, the world around him, phenomena, and the activities of other people. It manifests itself in communication and objective activities with others, including what gives behavior a specific and characteristic shade.

It also includes a number of components:

  • manner of behavior;
  • ways of responding to the actions of other people;
  • manner of communication;
  • emotional restraint - incontinence;
  • presence of aggression in behavior.

If we talk about what character is, then we also need to dwell on the fact that it can be strong and weak. Let's consider this fact in more detail.

People with strong character, will prefer to engage in difficult and complex activities. They need to create, and then overcome, the obstacles and obstacles they have set themselves. Moreover, this process will give them pleasure and satisfaction.

We will try to describe a person with a strong character. He must be distinguished by purposefulness, perseverance, perseverance, desire and desire to achieve the assigned tasks. He will not stop halfway, moving firmly and confidently towards the intended results. Such a person, as a rule, understands perfectly what he wants from life and a specific situation. Usually his actions and actions are thought out, planned, and aimed at solving specific problems. When difficulties arise, he will not back down or give up.

A person of weak character will try to choose simple and easily accessible goals, trying not to create problems for himself. He will prefer to bypass rather than overcome the same difficulties that arise.

A weak-willed person is characterized by the following qualities: unpredictability of actions. He will not be able to defend his opinion, because he will not have enough strength and will to achieve his goals, for self-improvement and self-realization. A weak person is susceptible to the influence of others, he is easily suggestible because he cannot resist others, choosing the easier path.

Therefore, a manifestation of character will also be how purposeful and active a person is. For some, what is important and significant is what the result will be after completing this or that work. These are character strengths. For another category of citizens, achieving the goal is absolutely indifferent; they live on the basis of the principle “maybe it will work out.”

In general, it can be noted that a person with a clearly expressed strong character always stands out among the rest. But there are few such individuals. Most people have an average character, their own individual characteristics and distinctive features.

But if we talk about what character is in its everyday understanding, then we usually put into this term a meaning that is associated with behaving independently, regardless of existing circumstances, purposefully and persistently.


Admit to yourself that some qualities are preventing you from achieving your goals. This is a very important step, because if you know what you need to fight against, it will be much easier to change. Make a list of your weaknesses and strengths. You need to develop strong, positive qualities even more, and develop those that you lack.

Start working on adjusting your character. For example, if you consider yourself to be too soft, work on your self-esteem and self-love. If you think you're lazy, you might be lacking motivation. You can fight the inability to defend your point of view by developing oratory. If you easily follow the lead of other people to your own detriment, set priorities in life.

Think about why you need a strong character. Surely, there is an area in life that is most important to you right now. Set yourself a small goal to improve your situation. For example, if you want to advance in your job, make it your goal to get leadership on a small project.

Work hard to achieve your goal. Once you have it all figured out, map out your next step. Don't stop and don't spray. When you have a clear goal and a clear understanding of what needs to be corrected in yourself to achieve it, success will not be long in coming. Take the initiative into your own hands, because you are protecting your interests.

Get rid of bad habits. This is the best thing you can do for yourself. In the process of fighting them, your will will become stronger. In addition, knowing that you have overcome your weaknesses will give you self-confidence and enthusiasm for new achievements. A good exercise in self-discipline can be regular visits to the fitness club.

Many people have long given up on their lives with its despair and hopelessness. For some, the reason is numerous disappointments, for others it is constant pain. And the result is the same - an unwillingness to see your life from the other side. You want fate to change on its own, without making any effort on your part, but you don’t want to change yourself. But, first of all, you yourself need to change and change internally, change the course of your thoughts. And then change will come.


First, realize what is in you and why you need it. Choose what you most want to change. Start with one habit or character trait. After all, changing completely is an impossible task. Having learned to gradually change your consciousness, it will be much easier to change other qualities. You must decide what you want to become.

Analyze your actions that you perform under the influence of an undesirable trait. What emotions do you experience at the same time, what thoughts arise under the influence of these emotions. Find the reason, the root of this behavior. Sometimes, to get rid of it, you just need to see where the problems came from.

Strong character can influence people and environment even more than the highest gifts and abilities.

To be a leader in life, you must not command, but create. You must set an example for others. And the first and main decision for you will be to become a person with a strong character.

Whether you like it or not, people will judge you by your character. Character reveals who we really are. Character is your values, your thoughts, your words and your actions.

Strong character develops over time. Many people mistakenly think that “most” of character is formed at an early age, and then little can be done or changed. But we don't know exactly how much or how early character develops. And it is safe to say that character does not change quickly.

An indicator of a person's character is his behavior. This behavior can be strong or weak, good or bad. We recognize a person's strong character when we see drive, energy, determination, self-discipline, willpower and strong nerves. A strong character knows what he wants and goes for it. Strong character attracts followers.

On the other hand, a person with a weak character does not show any of these traits. He doesn't know what he wants. A person with a weak character is contradictory, disorganized, and constantly wavers. Such a person does not attract, but, on the contrary, repels followers.

A strong person can be good or bad. For example, a gang leader is an example of a strong person with a bad character. An outstanding leader has both strong and good characteristics. The world is sorely lacking people and leaders who have strong character, who will guide us into the future and show that they can be trusted.

Qualities of a Strong Character

A strong character is the sum of all the positive qualities that make you a strong person, such as:

hard work
self confidence
and reliability.
Benefits of a Strong Character

If you have a strong character, it means that you are aware of yourself and the people around you. You are not selfish and are completely selfless. Having a strong character means that you can control your thoughts as well as your actions. A person of character always strives to do the right thing. In addition, it is difficult to offend such a person. Strong character, like Teflon (a substance that is not destroyed by acids and alkalis).

4 Ways to Develop a Strong Character

Here are some ways to develop strong character and strengthen your inner “constitution”:

1) Keep your word. Be a man of your word. If you broke a promise, don't hide it. Apologize immediately and compensate for all damages.

2) Say no. On the contrary, do not make empty promises. In other words, don't bite off more than you can chew. Learn to say no on time. Tell the other person that you are not interested or cannot do it.

3) Stop complaining. Just solve problems.

4) Be resilient. Don't let one bad day affect another. Leave yesterday behind.

Are you a person with a strong character? Or is a strong character still a dream for you?



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