Hirudotherapy where to do it. Hirudotherapy clinics and medical centers (38)

Hirudotherapy is treatment with medicinal leeches. The therapeutic effect of the procedure is achieved through the bite of a leech and the injection of a secretion containing various bioactive substances.

The therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy is determined by the complex mechanism of action of a medicinal leech on the human body. The medical leech has the amazing ability to find bioactive points of the body and bite the skin exactly there. By stimulating bioactive points, a leech bite acts like acupuncture, causing a positive reflex response in various internal organs. In essence, hirudotherapy combines reflexology and pharmacopuncture.

Leech saliva contains useful active components:

  • Hirudin reduces viscosity and increases blood fluidity, preventing thrombus formation and improving blood circulation. Thanks to this, hirudotherapy significantly reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes, increasing the quality and safety of life.
  • Enzyme hyaluronidase promotes the resorption of connective tissue and has a pronounced positive effect in the treatment of scarring and adhesions.

The clinical effects of using medicinal leeches are quite diverse:

  • swelling decreases and disappears completely
  • blood supply and oxygen supply to organs and tissues improves
  • the tone of the vascular walls increases
  • drainage effect: cleansing of blood vessels and tissues
  • normalization of blood pressure
  • the functioning of the lymphatic system improves
  • fat deposits are reduced (“burned”)
  • inflammatory processes disappear
  • immunity increases
  • restorative effect
  • restoration of neuromuscular impulse transmission

Indications for hirudotherapy

In general terms, indications for the use of medicinal leeches can be reduced to the following conditions:

  • disturbances of venous and lymphatic outflow
  • inflammatory processes of various etiologies
  • increased blood pressure
  • venous thrombosis, hypercoagulation and increased blood viscosity
  • excessive formation of connective tissue (scars, adhesions)
  • violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes (wounds, ulcers)
  • deterioration of tissue trophism
  • insufficiency of immunological reactions at local and systemic levels

Course of treatment

The number of leeches, the area of ​​their application, the frequency of sessions, the frequency of courses - everything is determined individually for each patient by the attending physician. The course of treatment may consist of several sessions, or may include 10-15 procedures, which are usually carried out 1-2 times a week.

A repeat course can be carried out after 3-6 months. For one session, from 1-3 to 10 leeches are usually used, which is determined strictly by the hirudotherapist. The duration of the procedure can vary from 5-10 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the technique.

The procedure is absolutely painless. At the moment of biting the skin, a slight tingling sensation may occur, which disappears after a few seconds, as the leech itself injects painkillers into the wound.

After removing the leech, a sterile bandage is applied to the bite site. The next day, the bandage is changed, while monitoring the local reaction and the general condition of the patient.

We use only high-quality certified leeches grown in a special biofactory. Reuse of leeches is not permitted.

Patients note that after treatment, regardless of its goals, their overall well-being improves: sleep is restored, appetite is normalized, chronic pain is relieved, blood pressure is stabilized, performance and mood are improved.

Hirudotherapy is one of the most ancient therapeutic techniques. Mentions of it can be found in the treatises of Avicenna and Hippocrates. Today, the effectiveness of treatment with leeches (hirudotherapy) is officially recognized.

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“Yellow Emperor”


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Treatment with leeches in the clinic
“Yellow Emperor”

Indications for treatment with leeches

Leech treatment is used for a number of diseases. In Moscow, hirudotherapy at the Yellow Emperor clinic is carried out for the following indications:

  • osteochondrosis and arthritis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases (pancreatitis, gastritis, etc.);
  • obesity and diabetes;
  • bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system;
  • neuralgia, headaches, including migraines;
  • blood pressure disorders;
  • glaucoma and stye;
  • urological and gynecological diseases.

Patient reviews

Tatyana Ivanovna

To be honest, I was always somewhat skeptical about hirudotherapy, because I did not understand how leeches could affect my osteochondrosis. But I was constantly plagued by discomfort in my arms and back, I felt aching. I told my friends at work, a colleague advised me to contact the Yellow Emperor. I made an appointment, and already at the clinic they asked me in detail about all the concomitant diseases and conducted an examination. I was given much more attention than is the case in regular clinics, which is very important. The specialist prescribed hirudotherapy. I noticed the first results after about seven procedures, when the aches and discomfort disappeared. I'm very pleased with the effect.

Lidia Georgievna

I have been suffering from very severe headaches for a long time. A neighbor advised me to go to the Yellow Emperor clinic. It turned out to be close to the house, very convenient. The clinic prescribed me hirudotherapy. I knew about the procedure before, but I didn’t expect that leeches would be suitable in my case. The doctors at the clinic were pleasantly impressed: they were so attentive to my problem and carefully studied my medical history. My individual course consisted of 10 sessions. For 3 weeks now I have been waking up in the morning without pain and falling asleep with a “fresh” head. Thank you!

Nikolai Petrovich

I am only 52 years old, but I have already faced the problem of glaucoma. I trust traditional methods, especially since I am already familiar with the “Yellow Emperor” clinic; my son went to it with a stye that was not going away. My son spoke very highly of the specialists, so I went to this clinic. I’ll say right away that they examined me thoroughly and eventually prescribed hirudotherapy. I knew in advance that glaucoma could not be completely cured, but after the sessions I began to see much better, and eye pressure no longer increased after completing the course of procedures. I advise everyone not to wait, but to go and solve the problem.


Frequently asked questions

1. What is the blood loss after one hirudotherapy session?

One leech can suck up to about 15 ml of blood at a time. After the procedure itself, another 10-40 ml may be released. A qualified doctor will not allow large blood loss and will always calculate the number of leeches. In general, after one session, as a rule, you can lose no more than 200-250 ml. After such blood loss, blood pressure and pulse should be normal, consciousness should be clear, and slight fatigue may be observed.

2. For patients of what age can the procedure be used?

Patients over 18 years of age can undergo the session. The procedure can be performed on children over 10 years of age only with the consent of their parents or legal representatives. Hirudotherapy is not performed on children of infants, preschool and primary school age.

3. Can I get infected from leeches?

Specially grown hirudes are used to carry out the procedure. They are used only once and are disposed of after a hirudotherapy session. Repeated use of leeches on the same patient or on any other patient is strictly prohibited. After the procedure, the bite site is treated with antiseptic agents and a sterile napkin or bandage is applied.

4. How can I feel when bitten and after?

The leech has a mouth with a sucker and teeth. When a specialist places the hiruda on a person’s skin, it penetrates 1-1.5 mm inside. Leech saliva contains enzymes that can have an analgesic effect. Therefore, during suction, you may feel slight pain or not feel anything at all. The sucking process itself may also be accompanied by minor discomfort. After the procedure, there may be bite wounds that may be swollen and itchy for several days.

5. Can I install a leech myself?

Self-installation and treatment with leeches can be harmful to human health. The procedure has a number of contraindications, so you should definitely consult a doctor before it. Only a qualified specialist knows how long the session should last, in what places the leech can be placed, how to remove it correctly, how to treat the bite site, etc. To carry out hirudotherapy, contact clinics that have special permits.

Hirudotherapy is an ancient practice that is based on the use of the properties of leeches to treat various diseases. In Russia, this method of treatment was officially recognized in the mid-nineties. It was then that the medicinal leech was added to the list of medicines.

To carry out the procedures, leeches that have passed control are used. Leeches inject active substances (the main one is hirudin, which thins the blood and prevents the occurrence of thrombosis), suctioning the blood.

Enzymes, when released into the blood, react with the environment and realize medicinal properties. After use, leeches are disposed of.

Where to get hirudotherapy in Moscow?

Today, many metropolitan clinics offer hirudotherapy. For this reason, many people wonder where to get hirudotherapy in Moscow to get a good result. Some studies have made it clear that you can seek help from the following clinics:

  • Institute of Hirudotherapy and Regenerative Medicine;
  • "Best Clinic";
  • "SM-Clinic";
  • Medical Center "Miracle Doctor";
  • ABC Medicine Clinic;
  • Trustmed Medical Center.

Clinic of Regenerative Medicine and Hirudotherapy

If you want to get rid of a variety of diseases, but still don’t know where to turn, you should visit the Institute of Hirudotherapy. Here, hirudotherapy methods for the treatment of various diseases have been studied and developed for ten years. Local doctors have accumulated a lot of experience helping to treat any disease in many branches of medicine.

  • Placing leeches in this center is not only a blood suction procedure. It guarantees high results from treatment.
  • This center is also known to many as an institute of restorative medicine and hirudotherapy. In addition to hirudotherapy, it offers courses in adult and children's massage, as well as cosmetology. Training takes place at a high level. Everyone here can listen to lectures given by candidates of science.
  • In addition, famous massage therapists practice here. The premises contain the latest equipment, couches and supplies. You can also do an internship in capital clinics and receive a specialist certificate.

This hirudotherapy center is licensed to conduct educational activities and has received various awards.

How much do the services cost?

It is important for clients to know the answer to the question of how much leech treatment costs. So, at the Institute of Hirudotherapy, an initial consultation with a doctor costs eight hundred rubles. Setting up three leeches will cost two thousand rubles.

Those who need to install five leeches will have to pay five hundred rubles more. Setting up seven leeches costs almost three thousand rubles.

Clinic address :

  • st. Zemlyanoy Val, 64 building 2,
  • Dmitrovka street B, building 32, Aleksandrovsky Sad metro station, Tverskoy district.

Reviews about the clinic:

Dmitry 25 years old.“I have been suffering from varicose veins for two years because I work in an office. Not long ago I learned about the Institute of Regenerative Medicine from the Internet. I underwent treatment here and my varicose veins disappeared. In addition, he took massage courses. I am also glad that the services cost inexpensive».

Olga is 35 years old. I have been suffering from varicose veins for five years. I tried everything, but nothing helped. She also treated varicose veins in hospitals. I did not get the expected result. A friend advised me to contact the Institute of Hirudotherapy. I followed her advice and was right. There are excellent specialists here who cured my varicose veins in two weeks.

Best Clinic

Another good option where to go to get leeches in Moscow is Best Clinic. There are good specialists here and reasonable prices for services such as tests, consultations with specialists such as a mammologist, endocrinologist and hirudotherapist.

In addition to hirudotherapy, the services of surgeons and dentists are also provided. Patients have their teeth removed, dentures fitted, and various surgeries performed. Finally, you can undergo a course of restorative therapy and get a therapeutic massage.

Cost of services

Prices for services at the clinic are as follows:

To consult a doctor, you need to pay seven hundred rubles. You can install three leeches for one and a half thousand rubles. The cost of ruling five leeches is two thousand rubles, seven leeches is two and a half thousand rubles.

Review of the clinic

  • Clinic address: Moscow, Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya, entrance to the arch, Central Administrative District.

How to get there?

Treatment of varicose veins with leeches (video)


An excellent option where you can undergo leech treatment in Moscow medical center "SM-Clinic". About nine hundred experienced doctors work here, more than one hundred and fifty of whom have a Ph.D. degree. There are also more than twenty doctors of science and eight professors working here.

This is a family clinic where medical care is provided not only to adults, but also to children. Here they diagnose and treat diseases in many branches of medicine. There is also modern equipment with which you can perform MRI diagnostics, endoscopy, take tests and quickly get results.


The prices for services here are as follows:

  • A consultation with a doctor costs seven hundred and fifty rubles.
  • Three leeches can be supplied for one thousand seven hundred rubles.
  • The cost of setting up five leeches is two thousand one hundred rubles, seven leeches is two thousand seven hundred rubles.

Review of the clinic

Ekaterina is 37 years old.“I was recently diagnosed with varicose veins. To cure him, I tried folk remedies and went to doctors. I live at the Fili station, so I decided to go to the clinic located nearby. They didn't help me there. I read in the newspaper about the SM-Clinic medical center. I went there and didn’t regret it - varicose veins were cured quickly, now I don’t even remember about it.”

Cost of treatment

The price for services is located on the official website of the clinic.

  • The clinics are located in different districts of the city (in the Northern Administrative District, North-East Administrative District, North-Western Administrative District of Moscow).
  • One of the clinics is located on Belorusskaya Street, Eastern Administrative District.
  • Another similar clinic is located at the Tekstilshchiki metro station.

Doctor Miracle Clinic

Leeches are also placed at the Miracle Doctor multidisciplinary medical center. Both children and adults are examined here. It is located near the Ploshchad Ilyich metro station. You must pre-register for an appointment. The service of performing abdominal ultrasound at home is also offered here.

In addition to hirudotherapy, this clinic specializes in obstetrics, andrology, gynecology, nutrition, endocrinology, infectious diseases and many other diseases.

Cost of treatment

The prices here are as follows:

  • So, a consultation with a hirudotherapist costs eight hundred rubles. You can install three leeches for one thousand eight hundred rubles.
  • Five and seven leeches - for one thousand four hundred and one thousand eight hundred rubles, respectively.

Review of the clinic

Sergey 40 years old.

As I got older, I developed varicose veins. I’m lucky that I have a friend who works at the Miracle Doctor center. It was he who recommended it to me. There are excellent specialists here, and the prices are reasonable, which is good news. At the same time, I consulted an endocrinologist.

The clinic is located at: Central Administrative District, st. Shkolnaya, metro station Shosse Entuziastov.

ABC Medicine Clinic

The ABC Medicine clinic is located in Khamovniki. It is a modern diagnostic center where adult patients are treated. Fifteen doctors of various specializations offer their services to them. Doctors have extensive experience and periodically improve their qualifications. In addition, doctors do science.

Here patients have the opportunity to undergo treatment and consult with a psychotherapist, hirudotherapist, endocrinologist, and gastroentorologist. To accurately make a diagnosis, doctors use modern medical equipment that meets the standards. The patient can undergo tomography and ultrasound here.

Indications for hirudotherapy, which are determined in the clinic:

Cost of services

A consultation with a hirudotherapist here costs eight hundred and twenty rubles. To install three leeches, you need to pay one thousand six hundred rubles. Five leeches can be supplied for two thousand one hundred rubles. Setting up seven leeches will cost two thousand six hundred rubles.

Review of the clinic

Elena is 25 years old.“Even though I’m young, I was still recently diagnosed with varicose veins. I went to a clinic near the Zelenograd metro station. Unfortunately, there was no help there. But when I went to the clinic in Khamovniki, I got an excellent result and cured varicose veins quickly. Thanks to the doctors who work here."

The question of where to place leeches is asked by beginning hirudotherapists. In this article I will try to explain the general principles of setting leeches. Below in the slider you will find 17 disease diagrams: suction points. There are many special techniques, placement of leeches with heparin, placement using acupuncture points and many others. But all these methods require separate study and are used by doctors.

This article is intended for those who are just getting acquainted with hirudotherapy.

The main thing I would like to convey to readers is:

  • hirudotherapy is not an exact science, but a centuries-old experience;
  • many rules of hirudotherapy do not fit into evidence-based medicine, but they work;
  • Hirudotherapy regimens are not strict rules, but approximate recommendations. Ultimately, each physician creates his own regimens;
  • hirudotherapy can be used for treatment, including aggressive treatment of serious diseases;
  • can also be used for general strengthening, healing, rejuvenating procedures

Is it possible to apply a leech at home?

Of course you can, but the question is, who will install the leech? A hirudotherapist or yourself? What's the difference?

The fact is that only a doctor can put a lot of leeches, combine them with various medications, put leeches in the mouth, nose, and vagina. At the same time, the doctor is aware of all possible risks and is ready to reflect them if any complications arise.

I recommend limiting hirudotherapy at home to general wellness sessions. Wellness, so to speak, is for those who already feel good, but want it to be even better.

  • If the patient is taking medications for any chronic diseases, then it is better to conduct treatment sessions in a clinic or at home in the presence of a doctor;
  • treatment with leeches is not combined with all medications and instead of a positive result, surprises may arise (see medications as);
  • During menstruation, it is better to refrain from applying leeches.

Where to place or points for hirudotherapy

First principle

Wherever you place a leech, it will still be useful (except for places where they should not be placed if you do not have the appropriate medical education). There is no need to place leeches on areas of large venous vessels, places with thin skin, the face, or in body cavities.

Principle two

There are special points and zones for influencing the entire body. General action points: coccyx, navel, perineum, liver, pancreas area, chakra points. If we want to achieve maximum success in treating a local process, we also work with points and areas of general action.

Principle three

In addition to general points, we can act directly on the diseased area locally. We place it where it hurts the most, or where there is the main problem for which hirudotherapy is performed

How to place leeches

Each hirudotherapist has his own technique for various diseases, but if you do not have sufficient experience working with leeches, use one, two or three leeches at a time, and you will never have problems. I recommend starting the first procedure with one leech on the liver.
You will become familiar with the reactions that occur during hirudotherapy, assess the volume of individual blood loss, assess the risk of allergies, and then you will plan the next sessions taking into account the results of the first introductory procedure.
In general, there is a rule: no matter how much weight a person has, the number of leeches he will need for a course of treatment. But from my experience I can say that a positive healing effect for any person is achieved even with a minimum number of leeches. It is quite enough to put 15 - 20 leeches in a course of 7-10 procedures, one session at intervals of a week, and the patient will fly on wings, so good will the state of health be for a variety of diseases.

Algorithm of actions for better leech suction

  • The patient's body should have a natural odor (it is advisable to wash the day before);
  • in winter, it is advisable to warm the suction points with a heating pad for five minutes before the procedure;
  • if the leech does not want to stick, I puncture the patient’s finger with a scarifier, transfer a drop of blood from the finger to the points where the leeches should stick;
  • You can massage and rub the areas a little;
  • Some hirudotherapists pre-place jars on attachment points for better suction

Charts and tables

Schemes for placing leeches for various diseases are presented. On the slides you will see 17 diagrams: where to put leeches for heart pain, allergies, bronchitis, heart failure, pneumonia, constipation, radiculitis, hemorrhoids, pancreatitis, hypertension, peptic ulcers, female diseases, urological diseases, mastitis, hypertension, varicose veins. Treatment of cerebrovascular accidents with leeches is described in the article about. See diagram for spina bifida in the cervical region.

The famous therapist, doctor of the imperial family, Professor Grigory Antonovich Zakharyin, left us his scheme.



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