Feng Shui bedroom to attract love. Feng Shui and recipes for happy relationships

Attracting love using Feng Shui

One of the most powerful and ancient human instincts is the instinct to procreate the human race, which finds expression in the psychological need to love and be loved. The loneliness of a man or woman is perceived as a failure in life, and many fairly successful people are ready to sacrifice almost everything they have to find and keep their love.

Love represents one of the true values ​​of the human race, shaping a person and his destiny, awakening all the best that is inherent in human nature. Love is the most altruistic state of the soul, an inexhaustible source of happiness.

In the teachings of Feng Shui, love is one of the main concepts. The teachings of Feng Shui claim that every person can attract love through their actions; all that is needed is faith in a favorable outcome and some of your efforts in this direction.

Feng Shui places great importance on creating romance and an atmosphere of love in your home.

Feng Shui ways to attract love

In order to attract the feeling of love and ensure that love accompanies you everywhere and always, Feng Shui uses various symbols, the energy of which attracts love into your life. directly harmonizes the relationship between a man and a woman, attracts special feelings into your life.

To do this, both symbols of love are used and certain actions are performed that enhance their effect.

Finding true love according to feng shui

Feng Shui tips for attracting a desirable friend, partner or spouse into your life:

    Painting "Moonwalk"

    Hang a picture of the moon and lunar path in your bedroom. It is believed that the energy of the Moon increases the chances of attracting a partner.

  • Hang photographs or paintings of someone of the opposite sex that you like in your home to attract a soul mate into your life.
  • On a full moon, it is recommended to light several candles floating in a vessel with water.
  • During a date or an important meeting, try to dress so that your clothes have red details. Red color .
  • Paired objects attract future life partners well. For example, a sculpture of two mandarin ducks, a pair of swans or doves .
  • Mirrors should not be installed in your bedroom, especially if they reflect your bed. They can take away good luck in partnership and love from your life.
  • It is recommended to place a sea shell in the southwestern part of the bedroom, which attracts a new partner into your life or strengthens relationships with an existing one.
  • In order to attract your loved one, try to organize your workplace in a room or office in the northwestern part of the room, and place red objects (a vase, a picture, a photograph) in its eastern part.
  • Hang pictures of phoenixes, peacocks or other birds in the living room of your apartment. They attract good luck in love and marriage and will help you find your loved one or partner.
  • Get rid of everything in your home that reminds you of your past hobbies and love relationships. There should be no place in your home for sentimental correspondence with ex-partners, romantic trinkets and gifts given by them. Remember that if you want to attract something new to yourself, you need to get rid of the old and make room.
  • Take a look at the walls and see if there are paintings or photographs of lonely people on them. Such images can attract the energy of loneliness into the home. It is also better to remove your portraits or paintings.
  • Buddha's Footprints

    See if your home looks like the home of a lone wolf: one chair, a single bed, a single bedside table, only your personal belongings everywhere. Such a dwelling does not “expect” new people to appear. It is necessary to place a double bed, accessible from both sides, and on the bed itself there must be one blanket and two pillows. Also, nothing should hang over the bed. It is not recommended to hang shelves or massive decorations here. The space under the bed should not be filled with anything. Energy must circulate freely. It is advisable to have fewer sharp corners in the bedroom interior. It is advisable that after waking up your gaze immediately falls on something pleasant and beautiful, evoking pleasant emotions that set you up for positivity. It could be a beautiful vase, figurine, painting. It is also not recommended to place the bed so that your head is directed towards the window and your feet towards the door. When you are in bed, you should be able to see the door. You cannot make a bedroom in a walk-through room.

  • Perhaps there is a lot of feminine energy in your home. Lace, jewelry, frills, vases, bottles and other feminine accessories can scare your partner away from your room, in which he will feel uncomfortable.
  • Your room should not be filled with various soft childhood toys and dolls, since the energy of a mature relationship is unlikely to appear in such a home.
  • If you want to attract a man and especially know his hobbies, add something to the interior of the room that he might like or be interested in.
  • In the Love zone, everything should contribute to feelings and there should only be that which is directly related to the love relationship. Light candles and add a light aroma of natural essential oils, which are aphrodisiacs that enhance sexual desire.
  • A computer, TV, work documents, unnecessary things (especially dirty ones) have no place here. Move them to another place if you want to spin in a whirlpool of love.
  • Make sure that the Love Zone, which is always located in the far right corner relative to the entrance, is clean and has sufficient lighting.
  • Finding the right man. You should always remember that you do not need any partner of the opposite sex, but the one you want to be your chosen one. Fate may offer you various options, but not all may suit you. In order to obtain a more specific scenario for the development of events, you need to do the following: make a list of the most important qualities that you would like to see in your chosen one. Moreover, the more diverse your list is, the bigger surprises you will be able to avoid. You should not write on this list something that you will never be able to come to terms with. Then copy the entire list onto pink or red paper (the color of love), roll it into a tube, be sure to tie it with a red ribbon and place it in the far right corner of the front door. This is the angle of marriage.

Talismans and symbols of love

Painting with peonies - a talisman of Love

In his practice he uses numerous symbols and talismans.

Painting with peonies. Peonies are considered one of the most effective and powerful love talismans. A painting with peonies for love according to Feng Shui, placed at the entrance to the bedroom, attracts life partners into the lives of single women. Married women can also use the miraculous effects of peonies to make their husbands more loving. But you should be aware of the possible side effect that can make husbands interested in other women, so in this case it is recommended to place them not in the bedroom, but in the living room.

A popular feng shui symbol of love are various paired characters. Only two creatures of different genders can serve as such a symbol: figurines or images of paired footprints of Buddha, fish, mandarin ducks, doves, swans, images of a girl and a boy.

Earth symbols. Quite widely used in Feng Shui crystals, which are considered to be one of the most powerful talismans of “Mother Earth”. For them to have their magical effect, they need to be located in the southwest of the bedroom. The crystals must first be cleaned using a weak saline solution for this purpose, in which the crystal is placed for a week. If a woman wants a man not to hide his passionate feelings, it is necessary to illuminate the crystal.

If you do not have the opportunity to use a crystal, then to attract love you can use a fairly simple method.

Take a transparent round bowl or small vase made of crystal or glass. Fill it with water, and place a ring and pebbles at the bottom of the vase. The ring can be anything, silver or gold, but without any stones. The petals of some flower, preferably a peony or a rose, are placed on top of the water, and two floating candles are also lowered. The vase should be placed in the southwest of the bedroom. Every evening it is necessary to light candles regularly, and also do not forget to change the water and petals in the vase. Next to the vase you can put any paired symbol, which will definitely help you if you follow the teachings of Feng Shui.

Romance Flower Formula

Romance Flower Formula

This formula is contained in the famous “Four Pillars of Destiny” system. This system considers the entire life path of a person, fate and luck. The essence of the method is to select and activate your Patron of Romance. The patrons of romance in the Chinese horoscope are represented by four animals: the Rooster, Rabbit, Horse and Rat.

To find out who patronizes you, you need to determine which animal year you were born in, and then look at the table.

There are several options for using this formula. We will tell you about the simplest.

The simplest thing is to buy a figurine or talisman of your Patron and carry it with you constantly. You can buy a figurine, a coin, a keychain with the image of your animal, you can even just print the image on your computer or cut it out of any magazine and carry it in your pocket. Feng Shui practice shows that this method really works.

What else do you need to remember?

Feng Shui talismans, when used correctly, are capable of exerting their magical effects. They have a beneficial effect on the emotional and mental state of their owner and help solve current life problems.

In order for the talisman to act effectively and purposefully, you need to believe in its magical power, and when using it, put all the power of your desire into it.

Every home has zones of romance and love. However, the energies change every year, changing their location.
But how to catch these beneficial energies?

First of all, you must be confident in your own readiness for a serious relationship. If yes, then you need to take simple but important steps. You need to throw away old things that remind you of past affections (letters, photographs, souvenirs, jewelry).

Arrange your bedroom according to Feng Shui. Instead of a single bed, put a wide double bed. It should not stand against the wall, but with access to it from both sides. This will open additional pathways for Qi energy and fill you with beneficial power, which will make it much easier to attract love with the help of Feng Shui.

Then you should determine your Gua number and identify favorable directions. You need to sleep with the headboard in the direction of Yan-nian Love, and it is this that promotes happiness in your personal life. Next to the bed you can put something that your prospective partner would like - say, a couple of men's magazines. Hang some accessory from a man's wardrobe in a prominent place as a symbol.

Use paired expressive symbols of love according to Feng Shui - for example, mandarin ducks. Other paired items will also work - a tea set for two, vases, etc.

Your thoughts should be positive, and your actions should be as if real love has already appeared in your life. Give the world around you a signal that you are ready to let real feeling into your heart and life.

Using the Flower of Romance

The ancient knowledge system of astrology Bazi Four Pillars of Fate deals with the study of human destiny, his life path and luck. The essence of the method is searching and activating your Flower of Romance - it is also called Peach.

You don't have to look for the Flower of Romance. Your personal Peach Flower can be one of the four animals according to the Chinese zodiac - Rooster, Rabbit, Horse or Rat. You just need to know on the day of which animal you were born. If you don't know this, use an astrological calculator to calculate the pillars of destiny. This way you will determine the animal you need.

To attract love, there are several ways to use the Peach Blossom. There are both simple and complex. For example, buy a figurine of your animal and keep it with you at all times. This could be an ordinary keychain with the image of your patron.

Another way is to activate special romantic zones in the house. Each animal corresponds to one of the cardinal directions. Any Peach flower does not cover the entire 45 degree side of the world, but only its central segment of 15 degrees. The activated location will be located strictly in the center of the sector.

Having determined the required sector, place a vase with fresh flowers there. Change the water and flowers every two to three days - they should always be fresh. And remove the vase immediately after the Peach Blossom has successfully triggered.

Feng Shui Flying Star is also used to attract love. An even more effective method is Feng Shu of Flying Stars. He points out that in every house there are energies that annually fly from one part of it to another. They are called Flying Stars.

For romantic purposes, the most suitable star of romance is the Green Four and the star of joyful events, the Purple Nine. They need to be used correctly, and they will attract love into your life. To know where the Flying Stars are in the current year and month, use the Flying Stars map.

Feng Shui uses a large number of them in its practice.

Painting with peonies. These flowers are one of the strongest love talismans. A picture with them should be hung at the entrance to the bedroom. For unmarried girls, peonies attract their betrothed; for married ladies, they promise increased love from their spouses. However, there may be a side effect: husbands will be attracted to other women, so it is better to let the wife hang a picture in the living room.

Paired symbols. These should be two creatures of different sexes: images of paired footprints of Buddha, mandarin ducks, doves, swans, images of a guy and a girl.

Symbols of the earth. This refers to very powerful talismans - crystals. In order for them to be activated and work effectively, they must be placed in the southwestern part of the bedroom. They are first cleaned with a weak saline solution and placed there for a week. If a woman illuminates the crystal, her man will not hide his passion.

If it is not possible to use a crystal, use another method. Fill a round transparent bowl or crystal glass vase with water. At its bottom place pebbles and a ring made of any metal, but without stones. Place the petals of any flower, preferably a rose or peony, and two floating candles on top of the water. Place this bowl in the southwest part of the bedroom. Light candles every evening and regularly change the water and petals in the vase. Place a paired symbol next to it.

Most often, people turn to esoteric teachings for two purposes - to heal themselves or loved ones and to find their soulmate.

We will not touch on the first case, since this is a completely different topic, but we will consider the second in detail, Feng Shui will help us with this to attract love. How this ancient eastern teaching can help, and how effective this method is - we will talk about this in the article below.

To begin with, it should be noted that finding a partner and relationships within marriage are slightly different areas. Of course, in both cases we are talking about feelings such as love, passion, and so on, but these feelings in marriage and in romantic relationships are somewhat different.

Therefore, immediately determine for yourself what exactly you want - to find someone or add passion and warmth to your relationship with your spouse.

If you don’t do this and use the wrong method, then there is a high probability that instead of revitalizing your marriage, you will experience betrayal on someone’s part.

We will look at several basic methods, including a Feng Shui photo to attract the love of a specific person or a specific image. Each of them is quite effective and the choice of a specific method depends only on your personal desire.

Working with your home to attract love into your life: Feng Shui secrets

First of all, we need to remember what Feng Shui is, since it is failure to comply with its basics that quite often becomes the cause of problems in one or more areas of life.

Our world consists entirely of invisible flows of energy, some of them are favorable, while others are sharply negative. The first, therefore, brings harmony and grace into our lives, while the second deprives us of much and makes us suffer.

Expert opinion is that without quality work on your home, none of the methods described here or elsewhere will help. All the favorable energy that is called Qi, will simply leave your home, and in its place will come negativity and deprivation. That is why it is important to first put the interior of your home in order, and only then try to somehow influence various areas of your life.

The very first thing you need to do, and this applies not only to the case when you are looking for an answer to the question of how to attract love according to Feng Shui, is to arrange a complete and thorough cleaning of your home. Absolutely any object in our home has positive or negative energy. Surprisingly, even the walls are saturated with similar flows.

Imagine that energy channels are a river that carries a large amount of dissolved matter. Sooner or later it will begin to be deposited. In the case of a river, it is silt, but when we talk about Feng Shui, it is energy. It accumulates, gradually penetrating into every object in the house.

Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish between things that carry positive energy and those that have brightly negative energy. Most often these are old things and those items that are associated with some negative period in your life. They simply absorb all the vibrations that were there then and continue to exude them. This can be compared to radiation - a metal that has been irradiated becomes radioactive almost forever.

Throw away any such items mercilessly. In addition, clean up the house, remove all the dirt and clear away absolutely all the rubble, no matter how huge it may be. Pollution is an ideal environment for the accumulation of negativity; remember how you felt when you entered an apartment with people who were not very clean. This negativity that we feel when entering such a home is exuded precisely by pollution, because they are saturated with it.

The next step after general cleaning and getting rid of unnecessary things is decorating your home. At this stage, it is advisable to specifically listen to yourself and internally ask why you need Feng Shui to attract love and marriage. Do you really want a relationship or is this just temporary insanity?

The fact is that Eastern philosophy does not recognize love for one night or for another short period of time; if you find your person, then it should be forever, otherwise such recklessness will negatively affect your entire life.

Once you have decided on this, it is time to explain the basics of Feng Shui for attracting love and marriage without any additional measures. First of all, we need to rebuild our worldview. For example, you live alone and therefore you have one toothbrush, one cup, and so on.

That is, your whole life is arranged in such a way that there is simply no place for another person in it. This is especially true in cases when single people choose a single bed for themselves, and then suddenly wonder how to find love according to Feng Shui. Only a double bed and only sets of items for two.

As you know, in our world the Universe is always trying to fill a void that has formed somewhere.

By purchasing another cup, another brush, and so on, we are precisely creating a void that will very soon be filled, one way or another.

In addition, when talking about the bed, one should not forget the main mistake - placing one side of it against the wall. This is one of the biggest mistakes, since even a double variety in this case for Qi will look like a single place - the energy simply will not be able to bend around it qualitatively, therefore, a second place in such a sleeping place is unnecessary, its presence will not bear any fruit.

In some places you can find information that attracting a soul mate is facilitated by adding some attributes characteristic of his or her gender.

But in fact, this is not entirely true; without an owner, such objects with pronounced sexual coloring simply will not be useful. You will then have to explain to your new partner why there are all these masculine or feminine things in your house if you live alone.

What really works is bringing paired objects into the interior. These can be beautiful photos and paintings depicting two people in love or even animals. Also, Feng Shui for love and marriage greatly appreciates various paired figurines. This could be a nest in which two doves are sitting or any other type of similar souvenir. In any case, such an object must be placed in the corner, which is responsible for love in our home.

If you are at least a little familiar with this eastern teaching, then you know that it is based on the principle of dividing living space into zones that correspond to one or another side of the world.

According to Feng Shui, the love corner is located in the southwestern part of the home. It should contain gold, beige or pink items. Influencing this part of the house will not only help you find your soul mate, but is also used, as Feng Shui claims, to attract the love of your husband. This is where you need to focus your efforts if you feel that your feelings have cooled down somewhat.

It is quite possible that in this zone there is an accumulation of some kind of negativity, which negatively affects your family life. Place figurines of the guardians of the hearth here, and you will feel dramatic changes almost immediately.

In general, restoring warm relationships in an already established family is quite a difficult matter, but the reason is usually always hidden in the wrong flow of energy, which is exactly what Feng Shui says. It is quite difficult to return the love of a husband or wife and it requires a lot of effort.

First of all, you need to establish the reason why the harmony of flows in your home is disturbed, then eliminate it and be patient, since relationships are quite a complex area and it takes time for the right interior to work, which will be based on competent Feng Shui.

Love, family and relationships are all the result of long and painstaking work by both spouses, so make sure that your significant other craves it as much as you do, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

Determining your feng shui love sign

So, if you want to move on to more active actions, then this method, as well as the one described in the next part, can help you. The basis of the method that we will now consider is Feng Shui for love by date of birth.

You need to find out what year you were born in, and then see which animal is a kind of symbol of a love relationship for you. The list of matches is as follows:

  • The rooster is a symbol of love for the monkey, rat and dragon;
  • The rat is a symbol of love for the pig, rabbit and goat;
  • The rabbit is a symbol of love for the tiger, horse and dog;
  • The horse is a symbol of love for the snake, rooster and bull.

Having found out which animal Feng Shui has prepared for you for love, you need to purchase some figurine or figurine of this particular animal.

Then you can carry it with you if this is not a problem for you, or you can place it in the southwest part of the house.

In addition, there is an option without purchasing any talisman. You should also find out which animal is considered a symbol of love for you; this is done according to the same scheme as described above. Then you need to activate exactly that part of your house that belongs to this type of beast.

There are four such segments in total, corresponding to the number of animals, and they are located as follows: in the north - a rat, in the east - a rabbit, in the south - a horse and in the west - a rooster. Each of these areas is quite small, so some precision must be maintained. And also abandon this idea if the segment is located in a place where there is a sewerage system.

The activation itself occurs through the placement of special items; they can be easily purchased in specialized stores, or you can do it yourself if you have the necessary skills.

How to attract love according to Feng Shui using photos

Recently, quite a large number of ways to attract the other half have appeared. Some of them are quite specific, so it is difficult to say how effective they are, but they are still worth mentioning.

According to Feng Shui, love can be attracted if you use a photograph, and also program your future partner with certain qualities. The very scheme of this action is as follows:

  • Find someone's photo who would be ideal for your appearance. It should be cropped in such a way that only this object is in the photograph;
  • On the back side it is necessary to write down the set of qualities that he should have, while direct denial should be avoided, because it may get lost. The more there are, the better;
  • This photo is then placed in the southwestern part of your home.

What’s interesting is that, according to Feng Shui, to attract love, it doesn’t matter at all whether this photo will be in an open place or hidden somewhere in the depths of a closet. Either way it will work.

You can check for yourself how effective this method is; if you believe the promises, then the result of this method will be a fairly quick attraction of a partner similar to the person in the photo, and his character will exactly correspond to the set that you described on the back side.

Feng Shui and love

Loving and being loved is one of the basic human needs. How often, having everything that, it would seem, should make us happy: money, power, recognition, we remain unhappy and lonely.

Nothing makes you happy if you are alone or your family is about to collapse. How to strengthen your marriage and improve your relationship with your husband? How to finally meet your soulmate? As always, Feng Shui has a lot of useful recommendations in this regard.

Try it - and may family happiness smile on you!

If you want to strengthen your marriage and make your relationship more sensual and vibrant, urgently start arranging the southwestern zone of your apartment. It is this sector that is responsible for strong family ties.

You should start by identifying it in the house using a compass. If you have several rooms, start arranging this area in the bedroom or in the room where you and your partner are most often. It is best, of course, if it is a bedroom.

The main colors for the southwestern bedroom are determined by the element of earth: these are all shades of yellow, brown, and beige. Combined with red and terracotta, especially in the very southwest corner, such a bedroom will always be full of love, understanding and good sex.

You can read more about the proper arrangement of a bedroom in our separate article.

Let us recall just some basic rules for the bedroom of prosperous spouses:

    Decorating a bedroom according to Feng Shui

    The bedroom should only be your place where you sleep and spend time with your spouse. Do not overload the bedroom with unnecessary furniture; if possible, do not turn it into a study or something else.

  1. The bed should be large, with one common mattress.
  2. Fewer mirrors, especially with the marital bed reflected in them: this will lead to cheating.
  3. There should not be many indoor flowers in the marital bedroom: they will “consume” energy from your couple. This is especially true for young plants in the active growth phase.
  4. Choose a favorable direction for the head of the marital bed. You can do this by determining the personal Gua number for yourself and your spouse. From it you will understand where it is better for both of you to sleep with your head in order to avoid disagreements.
  5. Hang your wedding or any general photo of you happy and in love in the southwest corner.
  6. Paired symbols are perfect for improving love and family relationships, which we will discuss below.

Pay special attention to how you clean your apartment, and especially your bedroom. Negative Sha energy stagnates in our corners. Remember how you usually sweep and mop the floor.

If you start from the corners and then “broom” throughout the room, then you spread all the energetic and mental “garbage” throughout the room! Particularly hasty housewives can still “carry” this garbage further around the apartment: along the corridor, through the kitchen - in general, to the treasured trash can. It’s not surprising if, after such cleaning, scandals break out out of the blue.

Let's retrain urgently! Proper cleaning means carefully sweeping away and throwing out garbage from each corner separately. Under no circumstances should you carry it around the entire apartment. Of course, at first such cleaning may seem tedious and time-consuming. But this is only what it seems at first glance. Dear women, try it - the result is worth it!

Talismans of love

Feng Shui has many effective symbols and talismans that will help existing families strengthen relationships, and single people - meet their soul mate.

How can the symbols of the great science of Feng Shui help not only attract love, but also preserve it for many years, enjoying happiness?

    Painting with peonies for lovers

    In Feng Shui, love is, first of all, mandarin ducks, the oldest Chinese symbol of love and fidelity. A pair of these bright orange ducks are faithful to each other all their lives. Place this couple in your home and expect quick changes in your personal life!

  1. Doves. Cooing doves are a symbol of tender love and constancy. It is not for nothing that the newlyweds launch the doves into the air after the painting.
  2. A pair of dolphins or cranes are symbols of harmony and fertility.
  3. Red and pink hearts are love itself in its purest form. It would be great if there was a heart-shaped frame with your family photo.
  4. The image of large beautiful peonies is perfect for single people. However, married couples should use them with caution. The fact is that peony is the strongest activator of sexual desire, and as a result, your husband may not get enough of you, and your husband may not be enough for you.
  5. Fire symbolism is a pair of red or pink candles. Any red or pink items will liven up the fire nicely.
  6. Activate the element of fire - hang a couple of beautiful sconces, light candles. This zone loves warmth and light, just like your relationships.
  7. “Scent” your senses - smell, like sound, creates a great movement of energy that is so necessary for every event. To maintain love, it is especially needed, so the subtle scent of aromatic candles or natural oils will have a beneficial effect. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  8. The music of bells is a strong activator of the Family and Relationships zone. Wind chimes with red hearts will perfectly “voice” your desire to love and be loved.
  9. Place a beautiful vase, crystal or ceramic, in the southwest. Since this is a sector of the Earth, any clay, ceramic or stone craft will be just right here.

What should not be placed in the Love sector:

  1. Old or broken things.
  2. Photos of former chosen ones.
  3. Symbols of water or its image (aquariums, fountains, waterfalls, etc.)
  4. Single photographs, portraits of you or any lonely person.
  5. Mirrors.
  6. Ugly, asymmetrical decorative elements or interior items.
  7. Use blue and green shades in the design.

The basic principle of love symbols and talismans is their pairing and organic nature. You don’t need to put all of the above - choose what most represents love and a happy family for you. This will be your best assistant and protector in matters of the heart.

In addition to the use of talismans and symbols, there are several special recommendations for those looking for love.

First and foremost, balance the two energies, Yin and Yang, in your home. Show your space that you are ready for love to come into your life.

Try to look at your apartment or room from a distance. Have you played too much into being an emancipated independent woman or a brutal unshaven macho? Is your apartment ready to let in a representative of the opposite sex, or is everything here just for your loved one? Are there too many pink curtains and cosmetics, beer mugs and ashtrays?

Remember: if you want to find your happiness as quickly as possible, your home must have both masculine and feminine details.

A pair of doves for lovers

A typical masculine interior is austere, “sharp” furniture, a minimum of decorative details, bright harsh light, and often just an elementary mess. There is no place for a woman in such an apartment, and therefore she will not be there.

Of course, Feng Shui advises men and women to use traditional symbols to attract love: paired mandarin ducks, doves, cranes, and so on. But if you, dear men, are more frightened by this prospect than being left alone, we offer a Feng Shui regime that is gentle on the male psyche.

For example, put a beautiful flower on the windowsill, stock up on a second pair of slippers, hang an “extra” towel in the bathroom.

Proper design of the southwestern sector, keeping it clean, a couple of lamps or sconces, a cozy blanket on your favorite sofa are acceptable compromises that will very soon make you a happy family man.

Further, under no circumstances hang up “trophy” photographs with examples of your former relationships - there will be no room for new ones. It is also not recommended to post your “lonely” photos, no matter how good you look in them.

And lastly (or maybe first?) Love yourself, take care of yourself and smile more often. The world of a beautiful smiling woman is so bright and expressive that men will never miss it. But the main thing is to love men, sincerely, truly, and then this feeling will definitely become mutual.

Source: http://1FenShui.ru/zhizn/lyubov-nechayanno-nagryanet.html

To find and attract love, Feng Shui is often used for help by single people who dream of finding their “soul mate.” Many of them are often looking for an answer to the question “How can feng shui attract love?”

According to Feng Shui, the house has its own special areas - zones of love and romance. But every year the energies change, change their location, as if they fly. So love, even in this regard, is a rather fickle thing!

So, how can you capture these beneficial energies and apply them? feng shui knowledge for love?

Before using Feng Shui for love, first be sure that you are ready for a serious relationship, want to start a family and settle down. In Feng Shui, there is no such thing as a one-night stand. Otherwise, instead of romantic feelings, you will get sexual problems!

So, if you are mentally ready to activate love, then first take a few simple but important actions. First of all, remove everything that will interfere with your romantic affair. Get rid of old things that you associate with old attachments.

Perhaps you keep letters from your former lovers, photographs together, some memorable souvenirs, jewelry.

Hide them deep, or even throw them away! Storing items that bear the imprint of an old relationship will, of course, not help in any way, but will only prevent new love from coming to you.

Good bedroom feng shui to attract love is also very important. If you sleep on a single bed, then by doing this you make it clear that you do not accept anyone into your personal life.

Change it and put in a wide double bed!

It is good if the bed is not placed against the wall, but so that access to it is possible from both sides. There will then be more ways for Qi energy to fill you with its beneficial power, which means using means Feng Shui attract Love it will be much easier.

Determine your Gua number and favorable directions. Sleep with the headboard in direction of Love Yan-nian. It helps create a happy personal life.

On the nightstand next to your bed, put something that might be interesting and would please your imaginary partner. If you are a woman, then let it be several “men's” magazines. To for feng shui attract love it has become even easier, take some attribute of men’s clothing and hang it in a prominent place as a symbol.

Use doubles expressive feng shui symbols for love, because this happy feeling belongs to two.

For example, buy mandarin ducks, which can be easily found in any esoteric oriental store as a means of attracting love.

These souvenirs are one of the most famous; they are very popular among feng shui connoisseurs. Ordinary paired items are also suitable - a set of dishes for two, a second toothbrush and stuff like that.

In a word, think positively and behave as if love has already come into your life and become a reality. You need to signal to the world around you that you are completely ready to let this bright feeling into your heart.

Using Feng Shui for love with the Flower of Romance

We move from simple ones to more powerful methods - we will use the knowledge of Bazi astrology The Four Pillars of Destiny. This ancient system studies the fate of a person, his life path and luck. The essence of the method we will use is to find and activate your Flower of Romance, or Peach, as it is also called.

How to find your Romance Flower to attract love using Feng Shui? Fortunately, you don’t have to look for it; it doesn’t grow in the field. Your personal Peach Blossom could be one of the four animals of the Chinese horoscope - Rooster, Horse, Rabbit or Rat.

You just need to know what animal you were born on. If you don’t know this, then use the astrological calculator on the website, calculate the pillars of fate and determine the animal of your birthday.

Using this table, now look for your Peach Flower!

It’s very simple, if you were born on the day of the Goat, then your Flower of Romance is the Rat. If you were born on the day of the Tiger, then the Rabbit is your romantic flower. As you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated here!

There are several ways to use the Peach Flower to attract love. Feng Shui has both simple and complex methods for this. You can buy an animal figurine and keep it with you all the time. Let it be an ordinary keychain or figurine, in a word, anything with the image of your “romantic patron”.

In another, more sophisticated way, you can activate special “romantic” areas in your home. The fact is that each of the animals corresponds to a certain direction of the cardinal points.

If you don’t know how to determine the cardinal directions in your apartment, then read how to use a compass in Feng Shui and take measurements with it.

Each Peach Flower does not capture the entire 45 degree side of the world, but only the very central part of 15 degrees. Therefore, the place where you need to activate will be located strictly in the central part of the sector.

Our Peach Blossom animals occupy the following areas:

  • Rat- center northern sectors S-2 – 352.6 – 7.5 degrees
  • Rabbit- center eastern sectors AT 282.6 – 97.5 degrees
  • Horse- center southern sectors Yu-2172.6 – 187.5 degrees
  • Rooster- center western sectors Z-2 – 252.6 – 277.5 degrees

You can read how to apply a similar 24 directions template to your house plan here.

After you determine the desired sector, place there a vase filled to the brim with water and beautiful fresh flowers, but not artificial ones! Be sure to change the water and flowers every few days to keep them alive and undying.

Unfortunately, if your romantic zone is in the bathroom, or in a place where unfavorable Flying Stars have arrived, you should not activate it.

But you have a backup option - use the Peach Flower according to your year of birth. Find it using the same formula, only take as a basis the animal of the year of birth rather than the day of birth.

As you can see, Feng Shui gives people more options to find love!

And as soon as you find love, consider that your Romance Flower has worked successfully and remove the vase immediately!

Important! This method should only be used to make new acquaintances. It should not be used if you already have a legal spouse and want to give a new impetus and improve your relationship. Otherwise, the Flower of Romance will misunderstand you and, instead of strengthening love, will bring infidelity and love scandals associated with it!

Let's use Flying Star feng shui to attract love

The next way to use Feng Shui for love is even more effective - to use the Flying Stars Feng Shui method. According to him, in every house there are special energies that fly from one part of the apartment to another every year. That’s why they are called “Flying Stars”.

The most suitable stars for romantic purposes are: Green Four– star of romance and Purple Nine- star of joyful events. They will help you attract love into your life if you use them correctly.

Flying Stars are constantly moving (that's why they are called “flying”). To know where they are in the current year and month, use the map of flying stars (the link to the map of flying stars is in the right column on the website in the “Useful for calculations” section).

Also subscribe to feng shui forecasts to constantly be aware of the movements of flying stars and know which sectors are the most favorable for a given month.

>> Receive feng shui forecasts

To help feng shui attract love, favorable energies need to be activated. The simplest and most effective way is to more often visit those rooms where the flying stars that interest us have “arrived”. Choose one of the stars - Four or Nine, and if possible, use the corresponding sector as a place to sleep.

Unlike the previous method with the Flower of Romance, the effect of the Flying Star extends completely to the entire room. It will be especially fortunate if these romantic zones coincide for you - then from Feng Shui you will immediately receive double energy for love - the energy of the Flower of Romance and the energy of the Flying Star!

If there are no negative objects in the corresponding sectors near your home, such as a garbage dump, an old dying tree or a power pole, then romantic energies will show their best properties.

Romantic Walks at the Miraculous Gate

Ancient art can also be used to find romance and attract love. Qi Men, which translates as Miraculous Gate.

The bottom line is that special energies are formed in space from time to time, under the influence of which a person becomes more attractive to the opposite sex.

These romantic energies are activated by movement. You can choose a favorable direction at a certain hour and go for a walk at that time.

By regularly taking romantic walks to the Miraculous Gate, you accumulate positive energy and thereby improve your luck in love.

You can subscribe to the free monthly feng shui forecast and receive information about romantic outings every month.

>> Receive feng shui forecasts and romantic walks

So, you have become acquainted with ways in which Feng Shui can attract love into your life. Use it all together. But keep in mind that if you do nothing to create a relationship, but simply lie in a certain place, place various figures, water containers and fountains, then even for the most powerful Feng Shui techniques, attracting love will become difficult.

True, one of your old forgotten acquaintances may call you or a handsome stranger may knock on your door. But if you have already decided to build your happiness, then help Feng Shui attract love on your own - be more active, get to know the opposite sex more boldly - and have a wonderful personal life!

May you be surrounded by great Feng Shui! Have a useful time on the website Art-fenshui.ru

Telegram channel Art-Fenshui. Every day something new! Subscribe!

Source: http://art-fenshui.ru/fen-shuj-v-praktike/9-kak-ispol

feng shui to attract love: how to attract love using feng shui 3 popular ways

Most often, people turn to esoteric teachings for two purposes - to heal themselves or loved ones and to find their soulmate.

We will not touch on the first case, since this is a completely different topic, but we will consider the second in detail, Feng Shui will help us with this to attract love. How this ancient eastern teaching can help, and how effective this method is - we will talk about this in the article below.

Feng Shui for love and marriage

To begin with, it should be noted that finding a partner and relationships within marriage are slightly different areas. Of course, in both cases we are talking about feelings such as love, passion, and so on, but these feelings in marriage and in romantic relationships are somewhat different.

Therefore, immediately determine for yourself what exactly you want - to find someone or add passion and warmth to your relationship with your spouse.

If you don’t do this and use the wrong method, then there is a high probability that instead of revitalizing your marriage, you will experience betrayal on someone’s part.

We will look at several basic methods, including a Feng Shui photo to attract the love of a specific person or a specific image. Each of them is quite effective and the choice of a specific method depends only on your personal desire.

Working with your home to attract love into your life: Feng Shui secrets

First of all, we need to remember what Feng Shui is, since it is failure to comply with its basics that quite often becomes the cause of problems in one or more areas of life.

Our world consists entirely of invisible flows of energy, some of them are favorable, while others are sharply negative. The first, therefore, brings harmony and grace into our lives, while the second deprives us of much and makes us suffer.

Expert opinion is that without quality work on your home, none of the methods described here or elsewhere will help.

All the favorable energy, which is called Qi, will simply leave your home, and negativity and deprivation will come in its place.

That is why it is important to first put the interior of your home in order, and only then try to somehow influence various areas of your life.

The very first thing you need to do, and this applies not only to the case when you are looking for an answer to the question of how to attract love according to Feng Shui, is to arrange a complete and thorough cleaning of your home. Absolutely any object in our home has positive or negative energy. Surprisingly, even the walls are saturated with similar flows.

Imagine that energy channels are a river that carries a large amount of dissolved matter. Sooner or later it will begin to be deposited. In the case of a river, it is silt, but when we talk about Feng Shui, it is energy. It accumulates, gradually penetrating into every object in the house.

Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish between things that carry positive energy and those that have brightly negative energy.

Most often these are old things and those items that are associated with some negative period in your life. They simply absorb all the vibrations that were there then and continue to exude them.

This can be compared to radiation - a metal that has been irradiated becomes radioactive almost forever.

Throw away any such items mercilessly. In addition, clean up the house, remove all the dirt and clear away absolutely all the rubble, no matter how huge it may be.

Pollution is an ideal environment for the accumulation of negativity; remember how you felt when you entered an apartment with people who were not very clean.

This negativity that we feel when entering such a home is exuded precisely by pollution, because they are saturated with it.

The next step after general cleaning and getting rid of unnecessary things is decorating your home. At this stage, it is advisable to specifically listen to yourself and internally ask why you need Feng Shui to attract love and marriage. Do you really want a relationship or is this just temporary insanity?

The fact is that Eastern philosophy does not recognize love for one night or for another short period of time; if you find your person, then it should be forever, otherwise such recklessness will negatively affect your entire life.

Once you have decided on this, it is time to explain the basics of Feng Shui for attracting love and marriage without any additional measures. First of all, we need to rebuild our worldview. For example, you live alone and therefore you have one toothbrush, one cup, and so on.

That is, your whole life is arranged in such a way that there is simply no place for another person in it. This is especially true in cases when single people choose a single bed for themselves, and then suddenly wonder how to find love according to Feng Shui. Only a double bed and only sets of items for two.

As you know, in our world the Universe is always trying to fill a void that has formed somewhere.

By purchasing another cup, another brush, and so on, we are precisely creating a void that will very soon be filled, one way or another.

In addition, when talking about the bed, one should not forget the main mistake - placing one side of it against the wall.

This is one of the biggest mistakes, since even a double-seater variety in this case will look like a single-seater for Qi - the energy simply will not be able to go around it qualitatively, therefore, the second place in such a sleeping place is unnecessary, its presence will not bear any fruit.

In some places you can find information that attracting a soul mate is facilitated by adding some attributes characteristic of his or her gender.

But in fact, this is not entirely true; without an owner, such objects with pronounced sexual coloring simply will not be useful. You will then have to explain to your new partner why there are all these masculine or feminine things in your house if you live alone.

What really works is bringing paired objects into the interior. These can be beautiful photos and paintings depicting two people in love or even animals.

Also, Feng Shui for love and marriage greatly appreciates various paired figurines. This could be a nest in which two doves are sitting or any other type of similar souvenir.

In any case, such an object must be placed in the corner, which is responsible for love in our home.

If you are at least a little familiar with this eastern teaching, then you know that it is based on the principle of dividing living space into zones that correspond to one or another side of the world.

According to Feng Shui, the love corner is located in the southwestern part of the home. It should contain gold, beige or pink items. Influencing this part of the house will not only help you find your soul mate, but is also used, as Feng Shui claims, to attract the love of your husband. This is where you need to focus your efforts if you feel that your feelings have cooled down somewhat.

It is quite possible that in this zone there is an accumulation of some kind of negativity, which negatively affects your family life. Place figurines of the guardians of the hearth here, and you will feel dramatic changes almost immediately.

In general, restoring warm relationships in an already established family is quite a difficult matter, but the reason is usually always hidden in the wrong flow of energy, which is exactly what Feng Shui says. It is quite difficult to return the love of a husband or wife and it requires a lot of effort.

First of all, you need to establish the reason why the harmony of flows in your home is disturbed, then eliminate it and be patient, since relationships are quite a complex area and it takes time for the right interior to work, which will be based on competent Feng Shui.

Love, family and relationships are all the result of long and painstaking work by both spouses, so make sure that your significant other craves it as much as you do, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

Determining your feng shui love sign

So, if you want to move on to more active actions, then this method, as well as the one described in the next part, can help you. The basis of the method that we will now consider is Feng Shui for love by date of birth.

You need to find out what year you were born in, and then see which animal is a kind of symbol of a love relationship for you. The list of matches is as follows:

  • The rooster is a symbol of love for the monkey, rat and dragon;
  • The rat is a symbol of love for the pig, rabbit and goat;
  • The rabbit is a symbol of love for the tiger, horse and dog;
  • The horse is a symbol of love for the snake, rooster and bull.

Having found out which animal Feng Shui has prepared for you for love, you need to purchase some figurine or figurine of this particular animal.

Then you can carry it with you if this is not a problem for you, or you can place it in the southwest part of the house.

In addition, there is an option without purchasing any talisman. You should also find out which animal is considered a symbol of love for you; this is done according to the same scheme as described above. Then you need to activate exactly that part of your house that belongs to this type of beast.

There are four such segments in total, corresponding to the number of animals, and they are located as follows: in the north - a rat, in the east - a rabbit, in the south - a horse and in the west - a rooster. Each of these areas is quite small, so some precision must be maintained. And also abandon this idea if the segment is located in a place where there is a sewerage system.

The activation itself occurs through the placement of special items; they can be easily purchased in specialized stores, or you can do it yourself if you have the necessary skills.

How to attract love according to Feng Shui using photos

Recently, quite a large number of ways to attract the other half have appeared. Some of them are quite specific, so it is difficult to say how effective they are, but they are still worth mentioning.

According to Feng Shui, love can be attracted if you use a photograph, and also program your future partner with certain qualities. The very scheme of this action is as follows:

  • Find someone's photo who would be ideal for your appearance. It should be cropped in such a way that only this object is in the photograph;
  • On the back side it is necessary to write down the set of qualities that he should have, while direct denial should be avoided, because it may get lost. The more there are, the better;
  • This photo is then placed in the southwestern part of your home.

What’s interesting is that, according to Feng Shui, to attract love, it doesn’t matter at all whether this photo will be in an open place or hidden somewhere in the depths of a closet. Either way it will work.

You can check for yourself how effective this method is; if you believe the promises, then the result of this method will be a fairly quick attraction of a partner similar to the person in the photo, and his character will exactly correspond to the set that you described on the back side.

Feng Shui elements help bring harmony to life. With their help you can attract good luck, happiness, love or money to your home. There are many feng shui ways to attract love. You just need to find the one that suits you best.

Basic Rules

The very first Feng Shui recommendation for attracting love is to throw out everything unnecessary from the room. This will help activate positive energy in your home. It is very important to clear the space to open access to flows of living energy. When cleaning your apartment, try to imagine that you are getting rid of not only trash, but also failure and loneliness.

Elemental meaning

There are five elements in Feng Shui:

  • Earth;
  • Metal;
  • Water;
  • Tree
  • Fire.

To attract harmony and happiness into your life, it is very important to maintain a balance between the elements of Feng Shui. Since Earth is a neutral element, it is used most often. Calm materials include Metal and Wood. But Fire and Water are very strong elements, so you need to use them in moderation.

The southwest side is responsible for feng shui love not only for the entire house, but also for each room separately. The main element that has a positive effect on this sector is the Earth. Fire complements and contributes to the revelation of all its qualities.

When arranging your bedroom, try to ensure that the colors of Earth and Fire predominate in the marriage area:

  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • beige;
  • red;
  • pink.

Conversely, Water elements can disrupt the harmony in relationships. And Metal and Wood drown out the elements of the Earth.

Zone activation

  1. To attract happiness and harmony into your life, you need to balance the energy of Yin and Yang. It is impossible for the interior of a lonely girl’s house to be filled with exclusively feminine elements. The appearance of a man in such a room is unlikely. For balance, add Yang energy. Remove unnecessary ruffles, floral patterns, and numerous figurines. A man, on the contrary, needs to add something feminine.
  2. Buy matching items, such as a couple of cups, animal figurines, and add a second pillow to the bed.
  3. Hang a picture of a couple in love. Single women can hang a picture with peonies; they attract romantic energy. But after a man appears, it must be removed, since excessive romance can harm the relationship.
  4. Add red color to the sector. Ideally, you can paint the wall altogether. If you don't like the red color, you can paint the inside of the items. Or put a red cloth under the mattress.
  5. The bed must be a double bed, with a full mattress.
  6. Make sure that the sleeping area is not reflected in mirror surfaces.
  7. Remove objects with the image of water from the bedroom. Because water cools the senses.
  8. Place red or orange candles in the corner of the marriage and light them regularly.

Symbols and talismans of love

In Feng Shui, to attract love, there are additional elements in the form of hieroglyphs, figurines, crystals or images. Each of them works differently.


Before using Feng Shui hieroglyphs, familiarize yourself with their meaning. Choose your hieroglyph carefully. It should symbolize what is truly missing. Otherwise, the balance of Yin and Yang will be disrupted. Hieroglyphs are considered a very powerful symbol. Therefore, use them with caution and for short periods of time.

Mandarin ducks

Mandarin duck figurines are popular due to their loyalty. When choosing, consider several rules:

  • choose birds based on the color of their feathers as close to natural as possible;
  • It is desirable that the figurines be made from a material corresponding to the elements of the Earth - stone, clay.

Dragon and Phoenix Bird

Images of the Dragon and Phoenix in a couple help to achieve happiness in marriage. Not only for married couples, but also for people actively searching. You can depict them on curtains, bedspreads or headboards. The main thing is that the Dragon is located to the left of the Phoenix.


Hang a picture of the Moon or a lunar path in your bedroom. Her energy has magical powers and attracts marriage success.


Place a crystal with many facets in the room so that light falls on it or hang it on a red thread. The main thing is that the length of the thread is a multiple of nine. Light passing through the crystal is scattered. These rays and reflections of the sun bring positive Qi energy. Try to hold the crystal in your hands from time to time. At least once a month the stone must be washed in salted water.

In the Feng Shui philosophy for love, there are many recommendations for attracting love and marriage, here are a few of them:

  • light floating candles during the full moon;
  • wear clothes with red elements on a date;
  • get rid of trinkets and gifts from your previous partner;
  • make an accurate description of the man you want to meet, roll it up and place it in the marriage sector located in the farthest corner to the right of the front door.

Choose the Feng Shui methods that you like. Try to clean the space in your room and apartment more often. Use your favorite scents to enhance your luck. Project positive thoughts, because they are material. And everything will definitely work out.



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