Human energy chakras. All about chakras - meaning, methods and techniques of cleansing

Chakras are invisible energy centers through which a person exchanges energy and information with the outside world. They accumulate the vital force necessary for the normal functioning of the body. each depends on the state of a person’s chakras, and their opening and cleansing play a big role in gaining health and spiritual harmony.

Human chakras: their importance and disclosure

The complex energy structure that is the human body can function normally only with a sufficient amount of vital energy or prana . Chakras provide energy exchange with the outside world, saturating the body with prana and releasing processed energy. Thanks to these centers, the body obtains 80% of the energy for its vital functions, the remaining 20% ​​comes from food.

Chakras can be active or closed (dormant). The first power centers easily saturate the body with energy, drawing it from infinite space, while closed chakras do not provide the necessary flow of prana, leading to diseases of the internal organs with which they are associated.

In order to become aware of your power centers, you need to know their location. In the human body is seven chakras. Each of them receives and distributes the flow of vital energy, and is also responsible for certain human abilities:

  • Muladhara – located between the genitals and the anus, its color is red. Responsible for human health, reproductive system and ability to survive.
  • Svadhisthana – located at the level of the tailbone, its color is orange. Responsible for sexuality and attractiveness, affects the ability to establish contacts with other people.
  • Manipura – located at the level of the navel, its color is yellow. Responsible for the manifestation of strong-willed qualities and individuality. Affects a person’s social status, career and financial situation.
  • Anahata – located at chest level, its color is green. Affects a person’s ability to love and compassion, to experience delight and joy.
  • Vishuddha – located at the base of the neck, its color is blue. Responsible for creativity and leadership qualities.
  • Ajna – is located in the middle of the forehead, its color is blue. Responsible for human intelligence, memory and intuition.
  • Sahasrara – located on the top of the head, its color is purple. Responsible for the discovery of superpowers, spiritual growth and connection with the cosmos.

In people who are spiritually developed, all chakras are open and glow with a bright light, generating vitality. Closed ones, on the contrary, flicker barely noticeably, blocking the flow of energy.

Currently, there are several spiritual schools and centers that study human chakras, their meaning and purification. The purpose of training in such schools is to open the chakras. This must be done consistently and carefully. The gradual opening of energy centers involves the creation of a flow of energy directed from bottom to top, since those located above receive energy from the lower chakras. Before you begin to open the power centers, you should prepare your body and mind, open your consciousness, and also learn to control the movement of energy in the body. After this, yoga and meditation techniques are used, as well as cleansing the energy centers.

How to cleanse chakras?

One of the most common causes of chakra pollution and blockage is. Deep meditation techniques are aimed at removing internal blocks and freeing the flow of energy. Each chakra is polluted by the following negative emotions:

  • muladhara– strong fear;
  • svadhisthana- anger;
  • manipura – dissatisfaction with life;
  • anahata– aggression, despondency, suffering;
  • Vishuddha– envy and guilt;
  • ajna– arrogance;
  • sahasrara- doubts about God.

In order to clear energy centers and remove blocks, you need to deeply analyze your fears and negative experiences and let them go. Meditation helps with this.

The technique of visualizing the flow of grace also helps to cleanse energy channels, which consists of the following:

  • You need to take a comfortable position, close your eyes and imagine the upper Sahasrara chakra in the form of a closed vessel.
  • Next, you should imagine how the vessel opens and all the impurities flow out of it.
  • The empty vessel closes and is filled with light and grace.

Thus, one needs to visualize each chakra, moving sequentially down to Muldhara.

When studying human chakras, their meaning and cleansing, you must definitely pay attention to such techniques as chanting mantras, color therapy, chakra breathing and yoga. Each of these methods gives excellent results, removes the negative effects of negative emotions and maintains the strength of all chakras.

Mantras – sacred texts, the regular repetition of which cleanses the chakras of impurities. Powerful cleansing mantras allow a person to get rid of negative emotions and bad habits, eradicate sins and mistakes committed in past lives. Correct chanting of ancient texts fills the body with pure energy and allows you to find harmony.

Color therapy – a method of cleansing and activating energy centers by visualizing the color corresponding to a specific chakra. You can master this technique yourself. It is important to fully concentrate on a specific chakra and imagine a bright flower of the corresponding color that opens its petals. At the same time, you can repeat positive attitudes aimed at finding love, harmony and happiness.

On the path to spiritual growth, a person’s chakras are very important, and their opening and purification allows one to gain health and longevity, as well as discover superpowers. Activation of energy centers is a prerequisite for receiving and using vital energy.

Our life force is concentrated in the chakras. The chakras of men and women have different locations. To have strong and healthy energy, it is important to know how to develop and open your chakras.

Throughout the day we exchange information flows with the world. In addition to the well-known nervous system, which is responsible for physical processes, in the body of each of us there is an invisible subtle concept that controls our emotions, spiritual essence, and intellect. It consists of channels through which we receive energy flows, and of centers where the received energy is processed. These centers are called chakras.

Problems that cause disruption of a physical nature, mental exhaustion or emotional plane are nothing more than a consequence of an imbalance or blockage of one, and sometimes several chakras.

Chakras are aspects of our consciousness, similar to the biofield. There are an abundance of different chakras in our body, but there are only 8 main ones. They are directly related to the senses, as well as gemstones and karma.

Where are the chakras located in men and women?

It is known that men and women have different chakra energies; they complement each other. Energy flows in representatives of the stronger and weaker sex move differently. For men - to the left, and for women - to the right. Some chakras are most important for women, others for men.

The chakras of both sexes are located in almost the same places, but there are slight differences, usually by a few centimeters. Chakras function and nourish the energy of men and women differently.

How to open and clear your chakras yourself

Opening the chakras leads to a happy and fulfilling life, gaining inner harmony and strengthening the connection with the Higher Powers. You can open them yourself at home, and this does not require long meditative practice. You don’t need to spend several years training, just wear plain clothes that symbolize the color of the chakras. The following methods will help you open your chakras and set yourself on the path to spiritual enlightenment.

Meditation and positive thoughts are a great way to cleanse your chakras. Spend 10 to 12 minutes a day to fill your body with positive energy and relax your body from stagnant tension. Yoga classes are also great.

First chakra Muladhara

The chakra is located under the lower back, in the tailbone area. In men, the base of the spine. In women - near the ovaries. The chakra is responsible for maintaining life, physical health and personality development. Muladhara patronizes men. Disruption of the chakra leads to loss of strength, irritability, loss of meaning and failure. You can find out how to deal with negative energy effects by following the link.

Muladhara is the first chakra that is not difficult to open. It is enough to press on the point where it is located in the body. At the same time, you should let go of your thoughts and concentrate your attention on your breathing. Red clothing is suitable for this type of meditation: this color is responsible for the aura of the chakra. It is better to open this chakra second in a row.

Second chakra of Svadhisthana

Svadhisthana is located in the lower abdomen. In women it is located just below the navel, and in men it is at the level of the navel. This is predominantly a female chakra, which is characterized by tenderness. Responsible for sex life, feelings, pleasures, joys. Malfunction of the chakra is characterized by depression, jealousy of the opposite sex, discord in relationships, and lack of self-confidence. This chakra can be opened first.

The second chakra should be opened in a relaxed state, you don’t even have to get up from the couch. Breathe deeply and calmly through your nose. The color of the chakra is orange. Mentally concentrate on the location of the chakra. You can include a mantra that will help open the chakra more quickly. In addition, the chakra begins to act when you come into contact with beauty or engage in physical activity.

Third Chakra of Manipura

The chakra is located in the solar plexus. For representatives of the fair sex it is located above the navel, for representatives of the stronger sex - under the stomach. Manipura belongs to the male chakras. If this chakra is open, then it attracts success, willpower, and determination. When this chakra is polluted, a person experiences anger, greed, and is prone to betrayal and deception.

To open it, you need to stand in a comfortable position, place your hands on your chest, and press the chakra as you exhale. Manipura symbolizes the color yellow, so choose clothes of this color. You need to continue the ritual for five minutes, and then stand in silence for a while to consolidate the result of opening the chakra.

Fourth chakra Anahata

The chakra is located in the heart area. In men, it is located in the middle of the chest. For women, it is closer to the heart. Anahata is an important chakra for the fairer sex. It must be disclosed. Attracts love, mercy, creates both internal harmony and harmony in relationships. If you are haunted by non-reciprocal feelings, rapid fading of love for your partner, problems in relationships, this indicates that the chakra is clogged or closed.

When opening the fourth chakra, you need to concentrate on loving a loved one, parent or pet. It is better to perform the ritual while sitting, without unnecessary movements and negative thoughts. Place your hand in the heart area and do not remove it for four minutes while you open the chakra. Clothes must be turquoise. Surrender to the feeling of love coming from your heart. It is best to meditate at night.

Fifth chakra Vishuddha

Vishuddha is located in the neck area. In women it is located near the throat, in men it is at the base of the throat. According to tradition, this is the male chakra, responsible for success, talent development, self-love, creativity and freedom. If Vishuddha is blocked, this leads to disastrous consequences associated with self-expression: indecision, complexes, and alienation appear.

Take a comfortable position while opening Vishuddha. You need to wear plain blue clothes. Be sure to include a mantra that helps open this chakra, and listen to the words, preferably pronouncing them. In addition, the chakra opens when you sing, read aloud, or play a musical instrument.

Sixth chakra Ajna

The sixth chakra is located in the head area. Ajna is energetically useful for women, otherwise it is called the “third eye”. In men it is at the level of the eyebrows. Responsible for intuition, reason, clairvoyance. When the chakra is blocked, migraines, stiffness, and clouded thoughts are formed.

It is better to activate the sixth chakra in nature, near bodies of water or under moonlight, in the lotus position. It is necessary to take several deep breaths and exhalations. The energetically strong color for the chakra is purple. This chakra needs to be opened for 25 minutes, staying in one position and monitoring your breathing.

Seventh chakra Sahasrara

Sahasrara is located near the crown. For women - just above the crown, for men - in the crown area. The chakra has more power for men, but women also need it. Responsible for saturation with spirituality, knowledge of the Universe. If the magic chakra is clogged, apathy occurs, excessive solitude leads to loneliness, and the desire for life disappears.

This chakra should be opened after you have already opened all the previous ones. Concentrate on breathing, raise your arms above your head, placing your palms together, while sitting in the lotus position. The color that symbolizes Sahasrara is dark purple, but all shades of purple are suitable when choosing clothes. In addition to meditation, the chakra opens if you philosophize, read a lot, know how to trust your intuition, and listen to wise people.

Eighth chakra Aura

The chakra is located around us: it is a clot of energy that some people are able to see. Responsible for mood, optimism,... If the aura is clogged, uncertainty, timidity, fear, anxiety, negative experiences, and energy depletion appear.

Useful tips

Each of us has heard something about chakras, since they are talked about quite a lot, including in practicesemotional healing and meditation. However, many of us do not fully understand what they really are and what place they have in our lives.

Let's figure it out. It turns out that anyone can work with their chakras on their own, without the help of specialists, and even a basic understanding of the chakra system will help you improve your life in the most incredible way.

So, no matter what you want to do: improve your well-being or heal a specific wound, knowledge about the chakras will help you with this. Below we will look at each of the 7 existing chakras and tell you how to balance them in the most effective way.


What is chakra?

Translated, the word “chakra” means “wheel”, while 7 chakras are different energy centers located along the entire body. They are responsible for the activity of all parts of the body and influence everything from disease resistance to emotional well-being.

There are 7 ways of meditation that are designed to open the chakras and balance them. If the chakras are blocked or do not work in sync, this will overwhelmingly have a negative impact on a person's psychological and physical health.

To better understand how chakras work, imagine any mechanism. If its connecting tubes are damaged, gears jam, or fuel leaks, then the entire system no longer works as it should. Moreover, such malfunctions only worsen the situation in the future. The chakra system generally works in a similar way.

Once you discover your chakras, you can unblock and open them. That is, you will be able to find and solve problems as they arise, and before they have time to lead to serious consequences.

Moreover, you will be able to heal old wounds that bother you. Overall, with proper knowledge of the chakras, you will be able to heal. Now let's look at what you need to know about them.

7 chakras

How to find each of the 7 chakras?

With very simple exercises you can find any chakra, unblock or reconfigure it.

Interestingly, each chakra has a direct connection with a specific element. 7 chakra-related elements can help you select special objects for meditation. Thanks to them, you will gain the basics of working with your chakras.

Human chakras

1. Root chakra (Muladhara)

This chakra is the basis of all foundations. If it functions well, then the person feels safe, calm and connected to reality. A person has the courage to set new goals and solve problems, he is confident in himself. When a person tries to do something new or follow his main life goals, this chakra, being damaged, is restored.

When a person and the fulfillment of his basic needs are threatened, when he feels fear, then the work of the root chakra is undermined.

Where is it located on the body: in the coccyx area, lower part of the spine.

Her color: red.

Its element: Earth.

You feel anxiety, fear or panic, which easily penetrates almost every thought you have, you feel insecure, you cannot concentrate on work, you constantly worry about your well-being.

Sometimes problems with this chakra manifest themselves in the form of paranoia or hypochondria. As for physical problems, there are frequent pains in the lower back, as well as constantly freezing hands and feet.

Human energy

2. Sacral chakra (svadhisthana)

This chakra is a real source of creative energy. Moreover, by creativity we mean not only imagination and art, but also a person’s sexuality and his ability to change his life.

A person's sacral chakra is blocked when he is embarrassed about his sexuality, or if he is dissatisfied with his relationship. Also, if there are doubts about your creative abilities, then the chakra is also blocked.

Where is it located on the body: just below the navel, in the middle of the abdomen.

Her color: orange.

Its element: water.

How a blocked chakra manifests itself in a person: when there are problems with this chakra, a person feels lethargic, lack of inspiration and boredom. Such a person, among other things, develops a fear of changing something in his life.

As for physical symptoms, allergies, bladder discomfort, bad habits and addictions may appear. And it doesn’t have to be alcohol or drugs. Too much love for food, gambling or shopping can also negatively affect the functioning of the chakra.

Human chakras and their meaning

3. Solar plexus chakra (manipura)

This chakra is extremely important for a person's independence, good self-esteem and determination. It is often called the center of will and personal strength of a person.

When the chakra works well, a person is confident in himself, he clearly knows how to achieve success and what is needed for this. He feels independent and can achieve anything he wants.

However, the chakra can easily fail during a person’s unpleasant experiences, if he has low self-esteem, formed from childhood, if he is haunted by failures.

Where is it located on the body: in the solar plexus area.

Her color: yellow.

Its element: fire.

How a blocked chakra manifests itself in a person: the person becomes extremely insecure. If the chakra is not strongly blocked, then a person has a feeling of insecurity regarding some issue; if the chakra is completely blocked, a serious problem with general self-esteem appears.

A person begins to be haunted by thoughts that he is not good enough, he becomes unable to understand and accept important lessons from life's troubles. Among the physical difficulties, problems with digestion and memory appear.

Heart chakra

4. Heart chakra (anahata)

This chakra is inextricably linked to a person's ability to love and compassion in any form. This chakra is often called the connecting thread between the body, spirit and mind.

When the chakra works well, a person knows how to empathize with others, knows how to enjoy a deep sense of inner peace and knows how to be emotionally open.

A person feels his emotions completely with a well-balanced chakra. If you have negative feelings that are associated with love, then this leads to problems with the chakra: mental trauma, breakup, sadness.

Where is it located on the body: in the area of ​​the heart.

Her color: green.

Its element: air.

How a blocked chakra manifests itself in a person: when this chakra is not functioning, a person becomes impatient, has less compassion for others, does not trust others, and suffers from severe anxiety. A physically blocked chakra results in increased blood pressure and a weakened immune system.

Chakra location

5. Throat chakra (vishuddha)

This chakra is responsible for human self-expression in all areas of life. It affects how deeply you reveal your self to the world. This affects your emotional honesty, your integrity, and getting your needs met.

If the chakra works well, then the person knows how to express himself clearly, and those around him understand him perfectly. A person knows how to be open and frank.

In this article you will learn: the location of the chakras on the human body and what each of them is responsible for.

Chakra translated from Sanskrit means “circle” or “wheel”. These are energy channels that feed the human body with energy that comes from the Universe, living and inanimate objects and other people. The chakra receives high-frequency energy from the Cosmos and transforms it into low-frequency energy, which the human body can perceive. This energy, entering the chakras, is transmitted to the energy channel of the spine and is transformed in the human body into emotions and feelings. This energy is also called the energy of life, because it helps a person to develop both physically and spiritually.

Depending on the state of the chakra, the frequency of its vibration and the direction of rotation, a person’s physical and emotional health depends.

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There are seven energy channels on the human body, which are located along the spine.

  1. – the first root chakra, which is located in the perineum at the base of the tailbone;
  2. Svadhisthana– the second sacral chakra in the pubic area, two fingers below the navel;
  3. – the third chakra of the “solar plexus”, which is located just above the navel;
  4. – the fourth chakra, located in the heart area, in the middle of the chest;
  5. Vishuddha– the fifth chakra, located in the throat (thyroid gland);
  6. – the sixth chakra, which is located in the central part of the forehead. The so-called “third eye”;
  7. Sahasrara– the seventh crown chakra, which is located in the crown area.

The location of chakras on the human body is explained by the fact that these are places of nerve plexuses. That is, these are the most sensitive areas that can perceive energy. Let's look at where each of the chakras is located and their main purpose.

Sahasrara or crown chakra

Located in the crown area. This is the only chakra that has no blocks. It gives a person the opportunity to erase the boundaries between the outside world and the inner “I”, to feel the energy of the Universe.
Through the opening of this chakra, a person comes to true enlightenment. The soul becomes more important than everything else, awareness and unity with God occurs. Life becomes harmonious, calm and wise.
If the chakra is closed, then the person feels as if he lives on his own and does not feel connected to the world. This leads to the closure of the remaining chakras. A person does not understand his purpose, falling into depression.

Ajna or third eye

It controls vision, hearing and mental activity. It is also responsible for a person’s ego and intuition. The main qualities of this chakra are forgiveness, humanity, compassion and memory.
By focusing on this chakra, we can hear the beauty of silence and inner peace that emanates from the Universe.

The main quality of Ajna is forgiveness.

In modern society, living conditions contribute to the growth of ego and arrogance, the desire for power and material wealth. People often get stuck in the past (memories, emotions, grievances) or worry about the future. Being stuck in the past or worrying about the future drains all the energy from Ajna. Thus this channel is depleted.

Ego- the result of certain actions (punishment for an offense, satisfaction of desires). If we include forgiveness and humility in our lives, then the ego ceases to lead our lives.

This chakra controls vision, so we should look at the sky, grass, flames, and nature more often. It cleanses us.
If this chakra malfunctions, it leads to the following problems: self-pity, inability to forgive, living in the past or future, self-destruction, harming oneself and others, constant worry, aggression, selfishness.


This chakra controls the neck, arms, nose, face, tongue. Responsible for qualities such as diplomacy, collective consciousness, sociability, sense of humor, self-esteem, sweetness of speech, thoughts and behavior.
To survive, you need to learn not to focus on everyday problems and not become energetically attached to them. Vishudi gives us a state of detachment, as if we are at a distance from our problems and thoughts, observing from the outside and solving them. But at the same time, we don’t focus on them and don’t take them to heart.

Our diplomatic and communication qualities depend on the state of this center. Since this is our sense of respect for ourselves and other people.

On the physical level, this chakra controls the throat, hands, teeth, mouth, face. These organs need to be carefully looked after. Regarding speech, we should not make empty promises, lie, speak sarcastically or talk too much. When we use our voice for praise and polite words, our chakra becomes stronger.
If there are problems with this chakra, then this entails feelings of guilt, immoral behavior, foul language, arrogance, and smoking. There is also a lack of self-respect, lack of collectivity and a huge amount of attachments.

The weakness of this chakra can be easily determined by a sore throat, runny nose, or if a person is constantly cold. Complaints about the ears or teeth- a sign of problems with Vishudi. If you feel guilty, your shoulders and neck hurt.
This center also governs the relationship between a man and a woman. Any family problems indicate a failure of the Vishudi Center.

Its purpose is to unite the ego with the heart, learn to love yourself and the world around you.

The heart chakra is the abode of the true “I”, that is, the Spirit, which must be realized. This will make it possible not only to recognize the Divine principle in oneself, but also to get rid of identifying oneself with the body, mind or emotions.

Love is the main quality of the heart chakra. Pure love is not attached and does not bind, has no purpose or reasons, it comes from the heart. Love is the basis of life, it is God himself.

Anahata is responsible for a person’s sense of security. Many problems arise from fear of something. If we are afraid of something, the immune system weakens, allergies and diseases appear.

Strong Heart Center- the basis of a healthy personality. After all, when we receive love, we radiate happiness and goodness. It is love that becomes kindness, compassion and the desire to help a loved one. This is an important center that determines relationships between people.

Disturbances in the functioning of the heart chakra are manifested in poor relationships with parents and children, attention to material things, lack of faith in God and spiritual search.

Violations also manifest themselves in strong aggression, arrogance and dominance.

Feelings of fear and insecurity lead to heart and breathing problems, neuroses and allergies. Breast cancer occurs due to suppression or mistreatment of women.

Location of chakras on the human body: manipura

This is the chakra located in the solar plexus area. It controls the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main quality of Manipura is satisfaction. If a malfunction occurs, a person becomes irritable, gets angry at every occasion, and constantly worries about something. Also, it is a center of physical and material well-being. By demonstrating his creativity, a person uses natural resources for his own benefit, thereby improving his well-being. When we don't have enough money to meet our basic needs, it consumes all our attention. There is an obsession with material things, which leads to greed and hoarding.

Spiritual growth depends on our contentment, on generosity and openness of heart. The more we give, the more benefits are returned to us and the better Manipura functions.

Since this center controls the gastrointestinal tract and liver, it is very important to treat food correctly. Don't overeat, eat healthy foods. If we get angry or irritable while eating, the food is not digested.

This chakra gets worse if we have problems at home or worry too much about money and food. This manifests itself in gluttony, excess weight, anger, despondency, eternal vanity, and pickiness. This often leads to alcoholism and drug addiction, disorder in the house, asceticism, conflict and helplessness.


This chakra is the sacral (sexual) energy center of a person, which is responsible for sexuality, pleasure in life, creativity and reproductive functions.

This chakra regulates relationships with loved ones, the desire to help and care. If the chakra malfunctions, then he ceases to care about the feelings of other people. He becomes selfish and shameless.
All sexual pleasures and the opportunity to receive true pleasure are concentrated here.

Also in this chakra lies a person’s ability to create, create something new and express his individuality. Responsible for activating internal forces to bring even the most fantastic ideas to life. She is responsible for changes in life through curiosity and adventurism.

And of course, Svadhisthana has reproductive functions and helps to give birth to a new life.

If a malfunction occurs in the chakra, a person becomes dependent on the opinions of others and is weak in spirit. He cannot defend his point of view and realize himself.

This chakra is responsible for honesty. But if a person has many fears, he begins to lie.

Problems in this chakra are manifested by excessive servility, planning and intense mental activity, depletion of creative resources. This leads to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, alcohol and drug addiction.

If the chakra is closed, the person is in a state of anger and dissatisfaction, which provoke pathologies in the reproductive system.

This is the root chakra associated with the energy of the Earth. Through it, the connection of all living things with the earth is carried out, it feeds with energy all other higher-lying chakras.

If the chakra is healthy, then a person is confident in his abilities, tomorrow and stability. This chakra is responsible for the instinct of survival and self-preservation. This is the need to work, develop, provide for yourself and your family, and take care of health and safety. She is also responsible for sexual instincts and the desire to procreate.

A failure in this chakra leads to cowardice or, conversely, to unjustified risk. Fear blocks energy, which leads to pain in the lower back and kidneys. A blocked chakra provokes a state of panic, stress, uncertainty and a sense of danger.

The location of the chakras on the human body along the spine is explained by the fact that they are all interconnected and energy smoothly flows from one to another. There is such a concept as “kundalini” - this is the energy that, when awakened, unites the chakras with Divine love. She cleanses the chakras and takes care of them. This energy is located in the triangular bone at the base of the spine (sacrum or sacrum) in a coiled state. If this energy is awakened, it will rise along the central energy channel and you will feel it like a light breeze above your head.

Today we know that a person is a rather complex energy system. It contains such constituent elements as chakras. But not everyone understands how they work and why they are needed. Let's take a closer look at what chakras are and what function they perform in the body. The question is not entirely theoretical. The practical application of knowledge about the structure of the human energy system can improve the quality of life. Interesting?

What are chakras?

It is necessary to remember that a person, in addition to the physical, has several more subtle (energy) bodies. Each has its own function. For example, the mental accumulates thoughts and is responsible for logic, and the astral is for feelings and emotions. People communicate with each other through energy. And there is interaction through the chakras. These are peculiar energy centers in the human etheric body. It does not coincide with the physical one, it has a slightly larger size. On its surface there are seven pairs of “funnels”, from which rays emanate and enter, organized in the process of contacts with other people. To understand what chakras are, you need to look at the world through the eyes of a clairvoyant. That is, to perceive not only the physical body, but also the subtle ones, in particular the etheric. It is not uniform. Energy constantly flows across its surface, accumulating in certain places. They are chakras. They are also called lotuses. The formations really resemble a beautiful flower, capable of opening its petals towards the light or slamming shut under negative influences. Translated, chakra means a rotating wheel with spokes. And indeed it is. In the etheric field, this subtle energy organ rotates at crazy speed, accumulating and emitting currents.

Why are chakras needed?

Before we move on to describing these structures, we need to understand what function they perform in the body. When people interact with each other or with nature, they receive (give) portions of energy. It seems to us that we perceive the environment through All subtle fields take part in this process. They process the “impressions” they receive, assimilate and transmit them outward. All this happens through the chakras. They are the first to receive a signal from the interlocutor, for example. Moreover, subtle bodies feel not only what a person wants to say or demonstrate, but also its radiation, formed by true feelings, thoughts, and intentions. Remember, have you ever encountered a situation where the interlocutor seems to be saying the right things, but you feel it is false? These chakras warn the subconscious, and through intuition it tries to warn the brain. There is nothing secret in the energy space. We receive complete information about everything that is happening. But it mostly does not reach consciousness. However, thin fields react sensitively to it. Chakras close from negative blows. Over time, the personality suffers from this, and the organs of the physical body become ill.

How are the chakras connected to the body?

There is quite a lot of information that subtle energy formations are responsible for the functioning of the physical body. This is not entirely true. When understanding what chakras are, you need to look at their structure. These are not flat formations. They really resemble a lotus flower, the stem of which is attached to the spine area. As we know, this is where the main people go. According to one, the force flows from the universe to the center of the earth, according to the other - in the opposite direction. The chakras are connected to them. Rotating, they transmit into space part of the energy received by a person, already processed by subtle fields. That is, streams from the Universe and the earth will be filled and transformed by the personality, and then radiated into space. In addition, the charm fills certain organs with vitality. But this is not their main function. More importantly, they process the resulting energy, organizing human interaction with the surrounding space. But, if it is negative and malfunctions, then the organ associated with a specific center becomes ill. For example, if the 4th chakra closes, the cardiovascular system suffers. This center is responsible for the feeling of love. Remember the expression about a broken heart? It is connected with the work of the chakra. If a person suffers from an unrequited feeling, he feels it with his heart on a physical level, even to the point of developing an illness.

What chakras are there?

There are seven main centers in the etheric body. They are arranged in pairs. If you imagine them in the form of funnels, then one will appear in front of the person, the second - on the opposite side. They have the following names:

  1. Muladhara - kundalini chakra. Located in the coccyx area. She is responsible for the connection between man and the earth.
  2. Swadisthana - located at the base of the spine. They call her sexy. This center is responsible for immunity.
  3. Manipura. You should look for it in the navel area. It is responsible for digestion and perception of the physical world.
  4. Anahata is located in the region of the heart. This center is responsible for human feelings. It fills the cardiovascular system with energy.
  5. Vishuddha is located at the base of the neck. It's so throaty. It is responsible for the respiratory system and is associated with the thyroid gland.
  6. Ajna is located in the forehead area. This is the third eye. The center is associated with the functioning of the nervous system and brain. It is responsible for transmitting information over long distances.
  7. Sahasrara is the chakra located above the head. It receives and distributes energy across subtle fields. Associated with the lymphatic and skeletal systems.

Why know all this?

Let's digress a little. A person who first learned that the main chakras exist probably thinks: why all this complexity? What to apply the acquired knowledge to? In fact, you feel the work of the centers all the time, but you don’t connect it with energy in any way. For example, it is responsible for communication with the earth and creates a feeling of security. If it works normally, the person, as they say, has solid support. He feels confident, acts assertively, and achieves great results. If this chakra is closed, then fears dominate the personality. She experiences constant, sometimes unreasonable anxiety and uncertainty. If the problem is not solved, the kidneys will suffer and pain will appear in the lower back. Often, malfunctions in the functioning of this chakra give rise to a feeling of loneliness. A person suffers from the fact that no one in the world needs him. This leads to a malfunction of the center. Which in turn leads to increased anxiety. This is roughly how all chakras work. But each has its own function. Let's look at them.

Svadhisthana and its functions

This is the pleasure center. It is associated with sexuality, joy, happiness. The energy of this chakra pushes the individual to search for constant entertainment and new sensations. If the center works normally, then the person enjoys the process of life. Everything she does gives rise to inner peace and a sense of satisfaction. The result turns out to be not that important. After all, we come into the world for experience. If this chakra closes, the person becomes under the influence of negative emotions. He cannot achieve satisfaction, including sexual satisfaction. That is why he feels angry, irritated, and sad. He rushes to search for new experiences, which, in turn, leave him disappointed. In case of serious disorders, the reproductive system suffers.

Manipura. What is he responsible for? What is he doing?

1 chakra connects the two previous ones, which are considered instinctive, and the higher ones, which will be discussed further. It is responsible for confidence, life position, right choices, values ​​and beliefs. If it functions normally, it is easy for a person to determine what exactly he wants. Without a shadow of a doubt, he directs actions towards realizing his dreams. A closed chakra pushes a person towards conflicts. He either wants to take away values ​​from others, or he experiences Or maybe both. The lack of energy in this chakra gives rise to despots and victims. The first seek to enslave other people and force them to fulfill their whims. The latter do not have the strength to resist. They cannot stand up for themselves and accept the role of victim. affects the functioning of the heart and shortens the period of earthly existence.


This center connects a person with the outside world. She is responsible for love: for herself and others. During normal work, a person is harmonious, his soul and ego act in unison. Everything around is pleasing. The individual calmly accepts himself, those around him, and the events that occur. If the chakra is closed, then manifestations of imbalance are observed. For example, tearfulness, sentimentality, dependence on the opinions of colleagues or acquaintances. This is not a normal condition. Individuals with dysfunction of this chakra are easy to manipulate. They fall under the influence of any type of propaganda, giving their vital forces to solve the problems of other people. You need to love yourself in order to feel like a full-fledged person and to realize your own goals. And to do this, you should analyze your emotions and control your reactions.


This is the center of creativity for every individual. It encourages a feeling of freedom and self-realization. If the chakra functions normally, the person feels like a creator. She is unique and inimitable, honest with herself and others. If the center is closed for some reason, a person loses the ability to realize himself. He is unsure, does not understand what he should strive for, what he should do. Often these are liars trying to pass off a wish as reality. Due to the inability to achieve internal harmony, the respiratory system suffers and asthma develops.


This is the so-called third eye. It makes it possible to look into the unknown and receive information directly from the Universe. The chakra is responsible for the development and work of intuition, awareness of oneself as an element of a large energy world. If it is closed, the person suffers from inflated self-esteem or, conversely, denies the existence of anything other than what can be touched. Disturbance in the functioning of this center leads to alcoholism and drug addiction.

Sahasrara - chakra of insight

This center, as already noted, receives energy from the universe. The chakra works with everything else. She is responsible for insights, spirituality, and personal enlightenment. Its normal operation leads to the appearance of a halo, as in icons. But only people with psychic abilities see this.

Normalization of work of centers

It should be noted that the energy of the chakras is not constant. It depends on the accumulated experience, thoughts, feelings, attitude towards the world. To launch the chakras and normalize their work, many techniques are used. For example:

  • Bija mantras. These are special sounds that must be pronounced smoothly, like singing. Each center has its own sound. If you chant the word “OM”, then Sahasrara is harmonized.
  • Another technique for opening this chakra - a thousand petals - was invented by yogis. The word “Ogum” must be sung to melodious music. It is believed that the vibration of the sounds of the Sanskrit alphabet affects the functioning of the subtle bodies of a person. Yogis use this. Try it too to activate all your chakras and experience complete bliss in life.


2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs