Valerian extract how much to drink. Use of valerian

The valerian plant has been used since ancient times as a remedy. The grass is collected in the fall. At this time, it contains the maximum amount of beneficial substances with a sedative effect. It was previously used for stomach diseases, to prevent infections. Nowadays it is used as a mild sedative with a hypnotic effect. The drug is very popular, and therefore is available to many. The release form is different: drops, tablets, dried and crushed rhizomes.

The most popular and sought-after type of medicine is valerian tablets. The product has an antispasmodic and calming effect. In addition, it makes the process of falling asleep easier. The advance is slow but steady. Valerian in tablets helps to dilate coronary vessels, improves gastrointestinal secretion, and has a slight choleretic property. With long-term use, a hypotensive result is observed.

Nowadays, stressful conditions often arise that we cannot always overcome on our own. The consequences of nervous disorders are very dire. Therefore, valerian is necessary not only in the home medicine cabinet, but also in a lady’s handbag and a man’s purse. Moreover, you can’t immediately start stuffing yourself with “strong” drugs. Valerian is the right choice in difficult situations.

Each tablet contains a complex of biologically active substances: polysaccharides, essential oils, alkaloids, organic acids, resins, glycosides, valepotriates. Once in the body, these components affect the brain, after which the heartbeat becomes less frequent and the blood vessels dilate.

Modern manufacturers of the product have developed a new product - Valerian P tablets. Thanks to the latest cryoprocessing technologies, the drug can be placed under the tongue. The tablet dissolves, and its active substances penetrate the body faster. Thus, the therapeutic effect occurs earlier. Therapy is carried out in a course of two weeks.

Valerian tablets: dosage

The medicine "Valerian" is prescribed as a sedative for people suffering from insomnia and increased excitability of the nervous system. The drug can be used in combination with other medications for renal and hysterical and depressive conditions, gastrointestinal spasms, and migraines. Valerian tablets are used three times a day in the amount of one or two at a time.

Valerian. Contraindications to medication use

You should stop taking valerian or use the product with extreme caution for people whose activities involve driving, work that requires extreme attention, as well as a quick response to the situation.

with other drugs

Valerian in tablets enhances the effect of antispasmodics, hypnotics and sedatives.

Side effects

Possible side effects while taking valerian extract:

Allergic manifestations,

Depressed state


Decreased ability to perform complex work.

Constipation occurs with prolonged use.

This medicine is considered a harmless, weak drug, but do not be so mistaken. This drug should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor. The correct dosage and accurate adherence to the doctor’s instructions will give a good therapeutic result.

Valerian extract is one of the common sedatives. This medicine helps to quickly calm down during stress and anxiety. Valerian is most often used in tablets - a simple and affordable dosage form.

Valerian - medicinal properties

The drug is based on valerian rhizome extract. This plant contains a large number of biologically active substances. Essential oils, glycosides, resins and alkaloids, organic acids - this is an incomplete list of substances that are present in the plant. They directly determine the therapeutic properties of valerian:

  • valepotriates – have an antispasmodic effect;
  • essential oils – normalize heart rate, dilate coronary vessels;

The drug itself has a multifaceted effect on the body:

  • depresses the central nervous system;
  • reduces excitability;
  • facilitates the onset of sleep;
  • enhances the secretory activity of the stomach;
  • accelerates the excretion of bile.

Valerian tablets - benefits and harms

Valerian tablets are practically safe for the body. They contain exclusively natural ingredients. Due to this, allergic reactions due to their intake practically do not occur. However, side effects are possible if the dosage of the drug is exceeded. In this case, patients note:

  • drowsiness;
  • lethargy;
  • decreased performance;
  • muscle weakness.

The drug is prescribed with caution to older people: valerian can increase blood clotting, which increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks. In some patients who use the drug for a long time and systematically, digestive disorders in the form of constipation may occur.

Valerian tablets - instructions for use

Valerian tablets are used in most cases as a sedative and sedative. In some cases, it is used in combination with other medications: bromine preparations, heart medications. The tablets are taken before meals and washed down with plenty of water. Among the main indications for the use of valerian, the instructions indicate:

  • nervous excitability;
  • neurosis of the cardiovascular system;
  • gastrointestinal spasms;
  • asthma;
  • epilepsy;

How to take valerian tablets

When valerian is used, the dosage of the drug depends on the cause of the disorder. Each case is individual, so there are no specific dosages of the medicine.

Doctors indicate the limits of permissible daily doses of valerian extract:

  • for nervous excitability – 20–100 mg per day (depending on the severity of the sedative effect);
  • for insomnia – 50 – 100 mg, depending on the severity of the disorder. The drug is taken 1 hour before bedtime or in the evening.

Valerian tablets during pregnancy

Due to its natural composition, the drug is prescribed during gestation. Valerian during pregnancy helps relieve expectant mothers from stress and frequent worries regarding the process of pregnancy and the health of the fetus. However, the drug can be used only occasionally, without resorting to systemic administration. Doctors recommend valerian as a remedy to help you relax and calm down.

They try not to prescribe the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy. When answering the question of which is better - valerian or motherwort during gestation, doctors often recommend the first remedy. If necessary, the minimum dosage of the medication is established. Tablets are more often used in later stages of gestation, when premature birth occurs due to excessive stress. It is necessary to take into account that the medicine can reduce uterine tone, which, if taken frequently, can lead to weak labor during delivery.

Valerian during breastfeeding

Young mothers often ask specialists whether they can take valerian while breastfeeding. Doctors say it is permissible to use the medicine in exceptional cases and in small dosages. Systematic use of the drug may affect the taste of breast milk. In addition, valerian also affects the functioning of the baby’s nervous system.

Considering these features, valerian tablets (instructions for use are given in the article) should be taken for a short time and under the supervision of a doctor. It is important to monitor the baby’s reaction to taking the medication. Decreased activity, increased sleep duration, and lethargy when breastfeeding indicate the need to discontinue the drug.

Special attention is paid to the development of an allergic reaction in the baby. It occurs rarely and manifests itself in the form of:

  • rashes on the body;
  • itching and redness in the anal area.

Valerian for children

Valerian tablets are prescribed to children in exceptional cases. According to the instructions for the drug, it is prohibited to use it to treat children under 12 years of age. However, doctors use valerian in some cases, prescribing minimal dosages. This medicine can adversely affect the functioning of the child’s nervous system, so it is often used once. Systematic use may cause:

  • depression of general well-being;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased motor activity.

In rare cases, valerian tablets (instructions for use are given below) may cause a reverse reaction. Excessive activity, restlessness, and insomnia are rare while taking this medication, but they cannot be completely excluded. Pediatricians take this aspect into account when it is necessary to use a sedative.

Valerian - contraindications

The drug is completely herbal and is well tolerated by patients. This fact, together with its affordable price, makes valerian extract a popular means of combating anxiety and stress. The medicine rarely causes side effects, so it is often used without fear. The benefits of valerian for the body are invaluable, however, there are cases when the drug is prohibited to use. These include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy (at the discretion of the doctor).

Valerian overdose

Cases of overdose of valerian have not been described in the literature, but this does not mean that taking valerian tablets is absolutely safe. Pronounced violations are possible when the established dosages are repeatedly exceeded by 20 times. This is rarely recorded. The most common combination is valerian and alcohol: after taking pills, people resort to alcohol to relieve stress. This is strictly forbidden. In cases of exaggerated dosage, specific symptoms appear that have a direct connection with the suppression of the central nervous system:

  • lethargy;
  • apathy;
  • lethargy;
  • slow reaction;
  • drowsiness;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • decreased heart rate (rare).

In such cases, the patient needs emergency medical care, which consists of:

  1. Lavage of the gastrointestinal tract using activated carbon.
  2. Taking magnesium sulfate to reduce absorption in the intestines and as a laxative.

Valerian - application

Valerian preparations have become widespread partly due to their multidirectional effects on the body. The nervous, cardiovascular, and digestive systems begin to work differently when these medications are systematically taken. It should be taken into account that valerian in tablets (instructions for use are included with the drug) is not a universal remedy, so it can be used on an ongoing basis only if prescribed by a doctor.

Valerian for blood pressure

Many have heard about the effect of the drug on blood pressure, but not every patient who has used it can answer how valerian works, whether it increases or decreases blood pressure. Studies conducted by specialists have shown that taking this drug reduces blood pressure levels. This is achieved by dilating blood vessels and calming the nervous system. At the same time, the decrease in indicators occurs insignificantly, so it is pointless to use it to quickly reduce pressure.

Doctors often prescribe valerian in tablets (instructions for use are in the box with the drug) as an additional remedy in the treatment of arterial hypertension. It is worth noting that the effect of taking it is observed only at the initial stage of the disease. To get lasting results, the drug is recommended to be used for a month and only after being prescribed by a specialist. The dosage is determined individually, usually 1-2 tablets per day.

Valerian for insomnia

For normal rest and rapid onset of sleep, the human body produces gamma-aminobutyric acid. Its deficiency provokes a disruption in the process of the body entering sleep. In such cases, doctors recommend using valerian for sleep. The substances contained in its composition stimulate the synthesis of GABA. At the same time, the medicine reduces anxiety and slows down the heart rate.

The hypnotic effect of valerian increases slowly. It gets worse as you take the medicine. Unlike synthetic and artificial drugs to improve sleep, valerian has a stable effect. Tests have shown that patients taking the medicine fall asleep faster in 90% of cases; in half of the patients, after a month of therapy, sleep was completely restored. Taking 1 tablet daily 1 hour before bedtime helps solve the problem of insomnia.

Valerian for menopause

Why they use the drug during menopause and how to take valerian tablets – women often do not know. During the decline of the reproductive system, the drug can be used due to its medicinal properties:

  • removes;
  • normalizes heart function;
  • reduces the excitability of the nervous system;
  • improves bile removal.

Against the background of unstable hormonal levels, women often suffer from insomnia and mood swings. To exclude them and alleviate the symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, high blood pressure, mood swings), doctors may recommend sedatives. Valerian tablets (instructions for use are indicated above) are used 2-3 pills per day.

Valerian for calm

As noted above, preparations with valerian have a pronounced sedative effect. Many people know this, but not many people know how to take valerian tablets for anxiety. It all depends on the severity of the disorder and general well-being. An adult is allowed to take up to 100 mg of valerian (5 tablets) per day.

Valerian is an old, proven, widely used medicine that has antispasmodic and sedative properties. Valerian is a classic drug that eliminates increased nervous excitability and helps get rid of insomnia.

In addition, valerian tablets are also prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as migraines. Valerian roots are one of the safest medicines, but if the drug is used incorrectly, even the most harmless medicine can harm your health.

Composition and mechanism of action of tablets

Each valerian tablet contains biologically active substances that act on the central nervous system. You can take the tablets either once or as a course, depending on your complaints and symptoms.

One valerian tablet contains 20 mg of powder obtained by grinding the root or thick extract of the valerian plant. Valerian reduces the heart rate and dilates blood vessels, which consequently leads to a decrease in the activity of the central nervous system and normalization of sleep.

Not everyone also knows that valerian affects the gastrointestinal tract and the functioning of its organs. In addition to the calming effect, it also has an antispasmodic effect, so it can also be taken for intestinal colic.

Efficiency of the drug

As they say in ancient manuscripts, valerian infusion was successfully used in Ancient Greece. Currently, this infusion is produced by a huge number of enterprises that manufacture medicines, which is why there are different forms of release. One of the most common forms is an alcohol tincture of valerian officinalis, but extract tablets, drops, mixtures, dried herbs for brewing and powder for making infusions are also equally popular.

Some are of the opinion that tincture is most effective, but doctors prove that tablets have no worse effect, it just takes a little longer to obtain a therapeutic effect. In addition, valerian in tablets is much more convenient than tincture, and can be used to treat pregnant women and children.

In any case, valerian is most effective when used systematically, but the duration of the course should not exceed more than a month and a half.

Indications for use

Before using any medicine, you need to make sure that you need to take it, so you should first consult your doctor. Never self-medicate, and before taking any medicine, carefully read the instructions or follow your doctor's instructions. All this must be done because if you do not follow the dosage or amount of use of the drug, then in some cases valerian can harm the body or be ineffective under certain conditions.

You should also remember that some drugs are not compatible with each other, so your doctor should know what else you are taking. However, Valerian is well compatible with other herbs such as chamomile, lemon balm, caraway, motherwort and St. John's wort.

So, valerian helps well with insomnia, neuroses, migraines, hypertension, vasospasm and gastrointestinal tract, as well as hepatic and renal colic.

Directions for use and dosage

For some nervous disorders and stress, a one-time use of the drug may be sufficient, but with increased nervous excitability, often caused by certain difficulties or upcoming stress (for example, an exam), it is recommended to take a short course of treatment, two tablets three times a day before meals, since a single dose may not be enough. For children, the dose can be slightly reduced to 1 tablet.

A course of treatment with valerian is also prescribed for chronic insomnia, as well as neuroses. In this case, the daily dose will be 6 tablets every day for a month. This dose is recommended to be divided into three doses, and the duration of the course in some cases may be extended. For children, the dosage is half as much.

Valerian tablets are of plant origin. Produced from a perennial herbaceous plant

Instructions for use of Valerian in tablets include available information on the composition, recommended dosages, method of administration, pharmacological properties and storage conditions. Despite the fact that the drug is gentle and has a gentle effect on the body, you should carefully study the indications for use, contraindications and the list of side effects.

Composition and features of tablets

The medicine is of plant origin. Produced from a perennial herbaceous plant. The tablets have a gentle sedative effect on the body. Taking the drug allows you to relieve excitement from the nervous system, regulate the activity of the heart muscle, and also eliminate spasms of the gastric tract.

  • thick valerian extract;
  • essential oil;
  • sugar;
  • isovaleric acid. The medicine is available in the form of round tablets, colored yellow. The number of tablets in one ampoule may vary. Common forms of release are packs of 10 and 50 pieces. Valerian can be combined with most types of other medications. However, the tablets may enhance the effects of other drugs. Such as: sleeping pills, sedatives, antispasmodics. You should not use the medicine at your own discretion.

    Impact on the body

    The tablets have a slow but stable calming effect. Under the influence of valerian extract, inhibition processes occurring in the cerebral cortex are enhanced. The synthesis of GABA secretion is stimulated. The medicine promotes the onset of rapid and high-quality sleep. The components of the drug have a mild antispasmodic effect.

    The use of tablets allows you to slow down the heart rate, relax the muscle tissue of the organs and narrow the coronary vessels. The active substances of the drug provide a positive bile effect and stimulate the functioning of the intestinal mucosa.

    A similar healing effect will be achieved by taking the tablets regularly over a certain period of time. Also, the use of the drug allows you to fight high blood pressure.

    Indications and side effects

    Instructions for use of valerian tablets - when to take:

    1. nervous excitement - use medicine if you cannot get rid of anxiety with deep breaths, short sleep or meditation. You should not abuse pills at the slightest worry;
    2. insomnia – long-term sleep disturbances can signal chronic fatigue, which is a fairly serious type of disorder. Valerian calms the nervous system, relaxes muscles and helps you sleep;
    3. vegetative-vascular dystonia – relieves signs and symptoms of VSD when taken regularly;
    4. migraine – headaches often occur due to nervous tension, which pills can help relieve;
    5. functional disorders of the heart;
    6. severe stress.

    Taking the medication is not recommended for those patients who have high sensitivity to the components of the tablets, fructose intolerance, sugar deficiency, malabsorption, renal failure, and mental disorders.

    The instructions for valerian tablets warn that regular use of the drug leads to a decrease in reaction speed and inhibits concentration. Therefore, you should be careful when driving and at work that requires instant reaction when using tablets.

    Possible side effects that occur in case of overdose:

    • heartburn;
    • allergic manifestations in the form of itching and redness;
    • excessive sleepiness;
    • muscle weakness;
    • constipation;
    • sluggish mental activity.

    Valerian tablets - instructions for use

    The use of the medicine is very simple. You just need to follow these recommendations:

    • take the drug after meals;
    • drink the tablets whole, without chewing;
    • Do not swallow tablets dry, always use water;
    • the dosage is determined by age or doctor’s prescription. As a rule, adults need to take the medicine three times a day, 1-2 tablets. If necessary, the number of appointments can be increased, but only under the supervision of a doctor. The average course of therapy takes from 10 days to 4 weeks. A second course of treatment may be prescribed after a few weeks of break.

      Important questions

      The instructions for using valerian tablets provide special provisions for pregnant women. While pregnant, doctors often prescribe medicine to women to cope with their fears. However, taking the drug in the first trimester is not recommended. Valerian is safe from the 4th month of pregnancy.

      Its use helps regulate heart rhythm, eliminate symptoms of insomnia and relax the tone of the uterus. The medicine effectively fights the symptoms of toxicosis and prevents the appearance of cramps in the stomach. As a rule, a specialist prescribes taking one tablet three times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed two weeks.

      It is not uncommon for a woman’s experiences to intensify with the birth of a baby, while the child is breastfed. In this case, taking valerian also has its place, but requires medical supervision of the child’s condition.

      Children can also take the tablets. However, children can be given medicine starting from the age of 3. In this case, the intake is limited to taking 1 tablet three times. Children over 9 years old are prescribed an adult dosage. Giving children the drug for no apparent reason is prohibited.

      Other nuances:

      • the drug is available without a prescription;
      • The tablets must be stored in a dry place;
      • The shelf life of the product is 5 years;
      • when taking valerian and alcohol together, a potentiated effect is observed;
      • The cost of packaging starts from 80 rubles.


      Pharmacies offer a large number of valerian-based medicines. They have the same properties and effects on the body. The most popular include Valerian P, Bulgarian valerian, Himalayan valerian. There are other groups of medicinal substances of natural origin with similar properties. For example, motherwort.

      The medicine also calms the nervous system and eliminates spasms. However, when taking it, a decrease in blood pressure is observed, which should be taken into account when taking it. The cost of analogues is slightly higher than regular valerian, which is due to the import factor.

      The calming effect of valerian is known to everyone. Currently, the pharmaceutical market offers a selection of all kinds of drugs with similar effects, and prices are often several times higher than for domestic drugs. People prefer imported sedatives, believing that higher price means higher quality, and loud inscriptions on packages “100% natural origin” or “Based on only herbal ingredients” mislead people and make them forget about the good old valerian, which is too early to write off from accounts.

      But any drug is of little use if you don’t know how to use it correctly. Therefore, first, decide on the form of release of the drug - in solution or tablets. In the first case, the undeniable advantage is that the active substance is absorbed almost immediately and you will feel the effect of the drug faster. You can take up to 30 drops at a time, dissolved in water. You will feel the effect in about 15 minutes. But what to do when stress can take you by surprise outside the home? Don’t carry a bottle of valerian tincture with you... This is where pills come to the rescue.

      Valerian tablets are small and pale yellow in color. They cost very little (pennies when compared with foreign analogues) and, if used correctly, can solve many problems. Valerian is a drug with a sedative effect, that is, the substances it contains have a calming effect, so it should be taken if there is increased nervous excitability, insomnia, or anxiety. In addition, valerian has an analgesic effect during painful spasms in the gastrointestinal tract. This drug is also used for angina pectoris and even for vomiting.

      If you suddenly feel unwell, take 2 valerian tablets with water. It should take effect within the next 30 minutes. If after this time it has not helped you, then you should consult a doctor and under no circumstances take more tablets, as the effect may be the opposite of what was expected. If a person has a prolonged neurosis or is inclined to worry a lot, and in a few weeks, for example, a session will begin, then you should take preventive measures in advance.

      Valerian has the ability to accumulate in the body, which means that its effect can last much longer, and you can prepare in advance for those situations when you might be nervous. Two weeks before the planned event, start taking valerian in a course - 1 tablet three times a day after meals. Over the course of 14 days, the active substance will accumulate in your body and after you stop taking the tablets, it will continue to act for some time, usually up to 7-10 days.

      Do not under any circumstances exceed the doses indicated in the instructions. All sedatives of herbal origin have one side effect - if the dose is exceeded, you may experience nervous overexcitability, which means that you will begin to react to everything even more sharply and will definitely begin to suffer from insomnia. So if you do not notice the effect of taking valerian, it is better to consult a doctor who will select another drug that is right for you.

      To summarize, it can be noted that valerian is an excellent and inexpensive analogue of sedatives produced abroad. The tablet form is more convenient than the tincture, since the packaging with tablets is easier to carry and it is more difficult to make a mistake in the dosage. If you are nervous, it is enough to take 2 tablets and wait until the drug takes effect. For valerian to help, for example, a person with a constant feeling of anxiety, it should be taken in a course of two weeks to a month. And, most importantly, never take more tablets than you should, and if in any doubt, consult your doctor. I wish you good health and complete peace of mind in any life situations!



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