The effectiveness of Exoderil against nail fungus. Exoderil (cream, ointment, solution) - description, instructions for use and tactics for effective treatment of fungus of the nails, skin of the feet and other parts of the body, side effects, analogues, reviews of the drug, price in approx.

Exoderil, the reviews and price of which are described in the article, is one of the most effective drugs for fungal infections. - a common disease that affects not only the nail plates, but also the skin of the feet. You should not treat fungus as a cosmetic defect, because it is a serious pathology that can cause serious complications in the form of abscesses and cracks in the skin. What are the advantages of Exoderil, the price of which is quite high?

Description of the drug

Exoderil, the instructions for use of which are described below, is an antimycotic agent used externally. The drug contains naftifine, which is an antifungal agent that disrupts the formation of fungal cell membranes. Thanks to its action, Exoderil quickly and effectively copes with many types of fungi that cause skin diseases.

Exoderil is used to combat dermatophytes, yeasts, molds, etc. For some fungi, Exoderil does not act fungicidal, but fungistatically. This means that the drug is capable of both destroying infectious agents and suppressing their reproduction process, as a result of which they do not leave offspring.

It is important that the drug has not only antimycotic, but also antibacterial activity. Thanks to this, its use allows you to avoid infection of damaged skin. Finally, Exoderil effectively fights the inflammatory process, relieving the symptoms that bother the patient (burning and itching).

How much does Exoderil cost? The price of the drug, depending on the form of release and volume, ranges from 600 to 1000 rubles. The cheapest forms of release have a small volume, so before buying the product, you need to check with your doctor how long the course of treatment will last. Exoderil for nail fungus, the price of which may seem high, is considered one of the most effective remedies for the treatment of mycoses, so you should not try to save money, especially if the drug is recommended by a doctor. The price of Exoderil in a pharmacy depends on the place of purchase, so if you wish, you can always find the drug at a more affordable price.

Exoderil is an antifungal agent that effectively copes with various fungal diseases of the feet

Forms of release of the drug

Exoderil, like many of its analogues, is available in two forms: cream and solution. Both types of the drug are used externally only. Sometimes the solution is commonly called drops, which is not entirely correct from a pharmacological point of view: the product is not available in the form of drops. The cream can be called an ointment, although Exoderil is not produced in ointment form. When they say “Exoderil ointment”, as a rule, they mean Exoderil cream.

The active component of both the cream and the solution is naftifine, and its concentration in both cases is the same and amounts to 1%. Exoderil cream has prices from 500 to 1000 rubles, depending on the volume of the tube.

Exoderil solution is a colorless or yellowish liquid that smells like alcohol. The drug is produced in dark glass bottles equipped with a pipette cap for dosing the product. Exoderil drops, the price of which for a 10 ml bottle is about 600 rubles, are more effective in the following cases:

  • the fungus has affected the scalp;
  • As a result of infection, areas of hyperkeratosis appeared on the skin.

In other cases, it is more advisable to buy Exoderil in the form of an ointment at the pharmacy. The cream has a white color and a characteristic smell. You can purchase the cream in tubes with a volume of 15 or 30 ml.

Pay attention! It is not recommended to change the dosage form of the drug after treatment has begun. If a patient begins treatment with a solution and then switches to a cream, the effect of Exoderil, the instructions and price of which are described in the article, will be less pronounced.

The form can be replaced only if treatment with either a cream or a solution is impossible for some reason, for example, an allergic reaction to the excipients has occurred.


  • infections of the skin and skin folds caused by fungal infections;
  • fungal infection of the skin between the fingers and toes;
  • onychomycosis, that is, fungal infection of the nail plates on both the hands and feet;
  • candidiasis of the skin;
  • pityriasis;
  • fungal infection of the auricle and ear canal;
  • fungal infection of the scalp (especially in the case of associated infection and inflammation).

Pay attention! Only a doctor can prescribe the drug. There are strains of fungi against which Exoderil may not be effective enough. Medicines are prescribed only after the causative agent of mycosis can be identified.

How to use Exoderil?

Both the cream and the solution are used in approximately the same way. When treating a fungal infection of the scalp, the product is applied in a thin layer to all affected areas. In this case, it is important to additionally capture the skin one centimeter from the source of infection. Before you start applying the product, you need to carefully wipe the affected areas of the skin with a cotton swab dipped in a soap solution. The product can only be applied to dry skin, so before using Exoderil, you need to blot your skin with a disposable towel or, if you don’t have one, with soft toilet paper.

The cream is applied as follows: 0.5-1 centimeter of product is squeezed out of the tube, after which it is distributed in a circular motion over the affected area. As before using the solution, the skin must first be cleaned and dried.

If the fungus has infected the ear canal, Exoderil cream or solution should be applied to small cotton swabs (turundas). Turundas are inserted into the affected ear for 5-10 minutes.

Advice! It is not necessary to cut or shave your hair if the fungus has affected the scalp. This should be done only if it will be more convenient to apply the product in the absence of hair.

Treatment of nail plates

Exoderil for nails is used as follows:

  • The affected area is completely removed from the nail plate. To do this, you can use disinfected files and scissors;
  • the solution or cream is applied to the remaining area of ​​the nail plate. It is necessary to capture the nail bed and cuticle, as well as the skin at the base of the nail;
  • A tight bandage is applied to the nail.

Treatment of nails affected by a fungal infection is carried out twice a day. Before each treatment, the entire finger should be washed and gently dried with a soft towel or napkin.

Advice! To make it easier to remove affected areas from the nail, you must first soften it. For this it is recommended to use urea. A urea solution is applied to the nail plate, after which the nail is wrapped in cling film. A tight bandage is applied over the film. After three days, the nail will become soft and removing it will not take much time.

In order for the cream and solution to exert their full effect, you must follow the following rules:

  • At one time, do not take more of the drug than is required for application to an area of ​​skin not exceeding 10 by 10 centimeters. If you need to treat a large area, you need to take several portions of Exoderil and consistently apply it to the skin. This will ensure that you managed to apply the product to all affected areas;
  • Immediately after the product is applied to the skin, it is not recommended to cover it with clothing. This will allow the drug to be completely absorbed;
  • Before applying the drug, you need to wash your hands thoroughly under running water. This is especially true if the skin is covered with cracks and there is a risk of secondary bacterial infection.

How long does the course of treatment last?

Both the solution and the cream are applied to the skin once a day. It is recommended to do this at the same time (approximately 24 hours between applications).

The duration of the course depends on the severity of the disease, as well as on the type of fungus that caused it. For example, when treating dermatophytosis, the course is from 2 to 4 weeks, with - from 4 to 5 weeks.

A doctor should monitor the progress of treatment. He must monitor the rate of disappearance of the symptoms of the disease and either extend the course or shorten it.

To avoid relapse, Exoderil should be applied within two weeks after the symptoms of fungal infection disappear. Fungi can remain in the deep layers of the skin, and under favorable conditions they will begin to multiply again, causing the symptoms to return.

Depending on the type of disease, the medicine is applied 1-2 times a day, and the course lasts more than 3 months, so that a relapse does not happen by chance

Security measures

When working with Exoderil, the following measures must be observed:

  • After treating the affected areas, hands should be washed thoroughly;
  • the product should not come into contact with the mucous membrane or skin abrasions. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them with plenty of warm water;
  • Airtight bandages are not applied after application of the product.

Pregnant and lactating women are rarely prescribed Exoderil and only in case of severe fungal infection. This is due to the fact that no studies have been conducted to prove the safety of the drug on fetal development. Overdoses of the drug have not been recorded in the entire history of use.

Side effects

In both forms, Exoderil is usually well tolerated by patients and does not cause side effects. In some cases it is possible:

  • dryness and peeling of the treated skin;
  • redness;
  • slight burning sensation;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

Side effects do not require special treatment: they usually disappear after completing the course of therapy. It is necessary to stop application if an allergy develops.


If the patient has developed an allergic reaction, the doctor may recommend a drug other than Exoderil, which is better for treating the fungal infection. The Russian analogue, which contains naftifine, is Mikoderil. Usually the doctor chooses which remedy is best for the patient: Mikoderil or Exoderil. There are also inexpensive products based on other active ingredients, for example, Loceryl in the form of varnish, Batrafen, Fongial, etc.

You shouldn’t decide on your own which drug to buy based on reviews on the Internet for cheap analogues: only a doctor can choose an effective medicine. The choice depends not on the cost, but on the active components of the product. And if you need a remedy for fungus, the price of which is minimal, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

Exoderil is considered one of the most effective remedies for treating fungal infections. It is important to remember that before using the drug you need to visit a doctor: the choice of a remedy for the fungus depends on the species of the microorganism that caused the disease. Only a dermatologist can decide which is more effective, Mikoderil or Exoderil. You can learn more about Exoderil from this.

Description of the medicine

Component composition

Operating principle

Indications and contraindications

  • Detection of candidiasis.
  • Trichophytosis.
  • Skin mycoses.

Instructions for use

Treatment of nail fungus with Exoderil: cream, ointment, drops

Description of the medicine

It is also recommended to use Exoderil cream as a preventive measure, since it does not harm health and has no side effects. Particular attention should be paid to prevention if, in the course of the rhythm of life, a person often visits public institutions of this type, such as baths, swimming pools, saunas. The fact is that in these cases the likelihood of contracting fungal infections increases several times.

It should be noted that many patients, along with official medicine, decide to use folk remedies to treat fungus. When taking this drug, there is no need to do this, since, subject to the conditions of use, it will successfully cope with the disease. All you need to do is follow these simple steps:

  • apply the exact amount of the drug, following the dosages specified in the instructions;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • do not visit public places where there is a high risk of re-infection.

Often, for the treatment of nails with Exoderil, other forms of treatment are prescribed along with it. The need to take pills cannot be ruled out.

Fungal infections are an extremely common disease that can affect people of all ages. Complex therapy will help significantly speed up the healing process. It is not recommended to exceed the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

Component composition

This drug destroys pathogenic microflora in the shortest possible time, restoring health and the usual rhythm of life, as well as the beauty of the nail plate. Depending on the extent of the damage, the duration of treatment may vary. However, in any case, a favorable outcome of the disease is guaranteed.

Operating principle

Exoderil drops can not only eliminate the cause of the disease, but also remove the inflammatory process in the body, which leads to constant sensations of pain and discomfort. After its elimination, there is a noticeable improvement in the aesthetic appearance of the nail and the skin around it, overall well-being, as well as an acceleration of the healing process. Drops can also eliminate symptoms associated with infection: itching, redness of the skin, swelling.

The course of treatment is prescribed by the attending physician. If you do not go through it completely, there is a high risk of re-infection and the need for new treatment.

Indications and contraindications

The doctor may prescribe the drug in the following cases:

  • Detection of candidiasis.
  • Damage to the nail plate (one or more) by fungal microflora.
  • Trichophytosis.
  • Skin mycoses.

The drug has several contraindications that should be taken into account during treatment:

  • Bleeding abrasions, cuts, open wounds in the immediate vicinity of the affected area.
  • Intolerance to substances contained in the composition (identified on an individual basis).
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

In almost all cases, patients tolerate the effects of the drug well, which is proven by many positive reviews. Sometimes individual intolerance to certain components is noted - as a rule, such non-acceptance of certain substances by the body is accompanied by itching and redness of the skin.

Instructions for use

When applying drops or cream to the skin, you should strictly follow the instructions for use of the drug. The main points are as follows:

Fungal infections are the most persistent, so treatment can take quite a long time. As a rule, the optimal result is achieved after 6-10 months of continuous use of the drug. In addition to the main course of therapy, even after recovery, the drug must be applied to the same place for about another week to avoid re-development of the infection.

How to use Exoderil to treat nail fungus?


The drug is produced in two forms:

  • solution intended for external application;
  • cream.

Advice! Fungal infection is very insidious, so in no case should treatment be interrupted if the external manifestations of the disease have disappeared and the nail looks healthy. You need to continue the course for another 15 days to finally get rid of the infection.

Exoderil is prescribed for various fungal infections. The drug is advisable to use for the following diseases:

Advice! To achieve a better result, Exoderil for fungus is sometimes prescribed in two forms at once. The solution is used to treat the nails, and the cream is applied to the surrounding skin.

How to apply it correctly?

Let's figure out what the instructions for use say about using this or that form of the drug.

Using the cream is easy, you need to follow these steps:

Advice! Try to immediately squeeze into your palm the amount of cream that will be needed for the treatment. It is not recommended to constantly take the cream from the tube, as this will allow pathogenic microflora to penetrate the tube.

If Exoderil solution was prescribed for nail fungus, then it should be used as follows:


Regardless of which form of Exoderil for nail fungus was used, the sequence of action after application should be as follows:

Advice! It is advisable to apply the drug at approximately the same time, this will increase the effectiveness of treatment.

For severe lesions

  • lesions, the nail is lubricated with a softening solution;
  • the finger is wrapped in a piece of cling film and then secured with a bandage or plaster;
  • After a day, remove the bandage and remove the nail.

Advice! If you cannot remove the diseased nail yourself, you will need the help of a specialist to remove the plate surgically.

During the treatment period, the following rules should be observed:


There are a number of contraindications to the use of Exoderil. The product cannot be used:

  • with high sensitivity to the ingredients included in the drug;
  • during gestation and feeding the baby with breast milk;

  • in the presence of open wounds on the skin near the affected area;
  • For the treatment of children, the drug is used with caution.

Side effects from using the drug in the absence of allergic reactions are extremely rare. Sometimes noted:

  • slight redness of the skin;
  • the occurrence of a burning sensation;
  • increased dryness and flaking of the skin in areas where the product is applied.

So, for nail fungus, Exoderil is prescribed quite often. The drug is easy to use and quite effective. But you need to use it regularly as prescribed by your doctor. If you regularly skip treatments, you should not expect a good result. The drug cannot be used without a doctor's prescription, since some types of fungi that cause nail lesions may be insensitive to this drug.

Any health problem requires timely treatment, the same applies to toenail fungus. Today there are many different medications, but they differ in their composition, principle of action and side effects. Exoderil for nail fungus is prescribed quite often, so it’s worth understanding what its positive and negative qualities are.

Composition and release form

Exoderil is available in the form of a solution and. It is applied externally to the affected areas. In the solution version, bottles are 10 and 20 ml, made of dark glass, since the medicine loses its properties when exposed to light. But the composition itself is transparent and has the smell of ethanol.

The main active ingredient is Naftifine Hydrochloride. One milliliter of the medicine contains 10 mg. Additional substances that are also necessary for effective treatment of fungus: purified water, ethanol, propylene glycol.

One gram of ointment also contains 10 mg of the main active ingredient.

Operating principle

The drug is applied to the affected area, thus Naftifine penetrates into problem areas, where it stops the synthesis of atoms that make up the cell wall of the fungus, as a result, the harmful fungus stops multiplying and dies.

Exoderil has a fungicidal effect against dermatophytes and aspergillus, that is, it kills existing cells. As for yeast fungi, the product inhibits their reproduction and growth.

The composition also affects gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria that are present during skin diseases that can cause relapse of the disease. An additional property is the anti-inflammatory effect, due to which itching and burning cease to torment the patient.

Only 4% of the substance is absorbed by the skin, so Exoderil does not pose any danger to the body. The drug disintegrates almost completely, and only residual traces can be detected in plasma and urine. The half-life of metabolites for toenail and skin fungus is three days.

Indications for use

Exoderil is used against diseases caused by various types of fungi, so Naftifine is effective against:

  1. Nail fungus.
  2. Candidiasis of the skin.
  3. Fungus of the skin, skin folds and feet.
  4. Pityriasis versicolor.
  5. Dermatomycosis.
  6. Trichophytosis.
  7. Microsporia of the scalp.

The drug also fights mycosis, in which the stratum corneum of the skin is exfoliated excessively or, conversely, insufficiently.

The product is used against fungal diseases of various origins, but not against all. Therefore, before you start using the medicine, you need to consult a doctor who will conduct diagnostics and laboratory analysis to determine its exact type.

In addition, the solution fights complications that can cause secondary infection after mycosis or lichen. It is also used for instillation in the ears for fungal infections of the external auditory canal.


Typically, Exoderil is easily tolerated by patients, but its use should be discontinued if there is intolerance to individual components of the composition. The solution is not applied to open wounds and burns and is used only externally; if it gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, immediately rinse with running water.

Drops for toenail fungus are not prohibited from being used with other topical medications, but you need to be careful, since there is not enough research on the interaction of substances.

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of Exoderil is not prohibited, since no negative effects on the fetus or the female body, as well as on reproductive function, have been identified. However, it is worth consulting a doctor, who must weigh the benefits for the woman and the risks for the child, and then allow or prohibit the use of the medicine.

The drug does not affect the patient’s mental functions, therefore it is safe while driving a car and other mechanisms. Exoderil for fungus is also used for children, but with caution, since clinical research in this area is not yet sufficient.

Side effects

The product is well tolerated if you use Exoderil according to the instructions. But in some cases it may occur:

  • burning sensation;
  • redness of the skin around the nail.

You should not stop treatment immediately, since these phenomena are often short-term and do not pose any danger. But if they recur, it is better to replace the composition with analogues.

Directions for use and doses

In case of a fungal infection of the toenail plate, the affected area is filed or trimmed so that Exoderil can better penetrate the inner layers. You need to apply the substance to the nail 2 times a day, but do not apply the medicine under a bandage. Treatment can last up to six months, but we repeat that before using the remedy, it is better to consult a doctor, he will accurately indicate the course of therapy and dose, after diagnosing the severity of the lesion.

Having eliminated all symptoms, use of the solution should continue for another two weeks to avoid relapses.

Price and analogues

The average price for Exoderil in pharmacies is about 500 rubles. The main Russian-made analogue is Mikoderil, which is also created on the basis of Naftifin.

There are analogues of Exoderil for nails with a different composition, but this does not mean that they are not effective:

  • Fungoterbin;
  • Terbizil;
  • Fongial;
  • Demicten;
  • Batrafen;
  • It is especially important to highlight the varnish, it is very popular.

Of course, treatment often takes a heavy toll on the family budget, so it’s worth paying attention to cheaper analogues: Amoderm, Amorolac, Mikolak, Exifin.

Mycosis is a problem that is not discussed publicly. Fungus in the concept of many is a disease that affects people who do not wash and do not take care of themselves. And the appearance of a nail plate affected by pathogenic microorganisms does not look attractive at all. A kind of taboo, in addition to nail fungus, includes mycotic skin lesions such as lichen, seborrhea, and candidiasis.

It is easy to catch fungus when visiting public places such as showers, swimming pools or baths. But the recovery process after onychomycosis is long and not always successful. This is facilitated by late visits to the doctor, attempts to get rid of nail fungus on your own, and neglect of prevention and personal hygiene.

The statistics on infection with fungal pathogens are disappointing. Today, about a quarter of the world's population are carriers of various types of mycoses. Therefore, the risk of re-infection with the fungus remains high.

Anyone can become infected with onychomycosis, regardless of gender, age or social status. Often the patient is ashamed of the manifestations of the fungus, and instead of turning to a professional, he begins to mask the disease. Gloves, socks, closed shoes - all this only aggravates the course of the disease.

The concept of onychomycosis was given to us by the ancient Greeks. It consists of three Greek words: onychos - nail, mukes - mushroom and the suffix oz - denoting a chronic process. Anyone who is sick knows how easy it is to “acquire” a fungus, and how difficult it is to get rid of it. This feature is due to the structure and vital activity of micromycetes (fungal microorganisms).

Every tenth patient of a dermatologist is a patient with onychomycosis. The wide distribution of mycotic lesions of nails is due to the persistence of the pathogen - pathogenic micromycetes.

Fungal pathogens can remain active and viable for a long time, especially in a humid and warm environment. That is why visitors to swimming pools, gyms or saunas, as well as workers in greenhouses and hotbeds are at risk.

The spread of a fungal infection can be caused by:

  • injury, rubbing of the feet;
  • Long-term use of antibacterial or steroid drugs;
  • Chemotherapy;
  • HIV infection;
  • Endocrine diseases;
  • Chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Weakened immunity due to acute inflammatory processes.

Not only humans, but also pets can be carriers of the disease. Microsporia disease is diagnosed in dogs, cats and other pets.

Symptoms and types of mycosis

The manifestations of fungal infection depend on the strain of the pathogen and the stage of the disease. Symptoms of various forms of mycotic infection:

  • Normotraphic onychomycosis. Only the color of the plate changes. Its shape and thickness corresponds to a healthy nail. First, stripes or spots of a whitish or yellowish tint appear on the outer part of the plate. Over time, the entire surface of the nail becomes yellow. In addition, the plate begins to move away from the nail bed, which leads to unintentional tearing of the nail;
  • Hypertrophic onychomycosis. In addition to the unhealthy color, the plate thickens and scales appear on the surface of the nail. Severe deformation and fragility are the main symptoms of hypertrophic onychomycosis. May be accompanied by pain due to lateral injuries;
  • Atrophic onychomycosis. First, the plate is painted brown. Then the nail becomes thinner, until it is completely destroyed. Necrosis of the cuticle and nail bed tissue begins;
  • Lateral (distal) onychomycosis. The plate becomes dull, and transverse dimples of a grayish-yellow color appear on its surface. The surface of the nail is covered with scales and painted. The last stage of fungal infection is characterized by exposure of the nail bed due to complete destruction of the plate. Accompanied by severe pain. May be accompanied by purulent discharge;
  • Total onychomycosis. Occurs against the background of progression of the lateral, distal or atrophic form of the disease. The nail is gradually destroyed. Opening the nail bed;
  • Superficial white onychomycosis. Whitish spots form near the cuticle, which gradually spread to the entire plate. As the disease progresses, the nail becomes covered with a “powder” of white powder.

Therapy of mycoses

Antimycotic drugs are not cheap. And when a patient purchases such a medicine, he wants to be sure of its effectiveness. Exoderil is a potent antimycotic agent. But in addition to the correct choice of remedy, it is important to adhere to the treatment regimen and the patient’s responsible attitude towards his own health to achieve a positive result.

Benefits of exoderil

The main problem of antimycotic therapy is the lack of penetrating ability of antimycotics. The more active components included in the drug remain on the surface of the nail, and the pathogenic microflora continues to develop under the plate.

Therefore, the best form of release of antimycotics is a solution. The Austrian company Sandoz GmbH offers Exoderil in the form of a 1% alcohol solution or cream.

Characteristics of naftifine hydrochloride

The action of Exoderil is due to the presence of its main component - naphthine hydrochloride. This substance of the allylamine group prevents the formation of elements of the cell wall of micramycetes. For effective therapy, the strain of the fungal pathogen must be diagnosed, and the drug must be used exactly according to the instructions.

Naftifine hydrochloride is effective against:

  • Ermatophytes;
  • Yeast pathogens of the genus Candida;
  • Mold microflora;
  • Spore micromycetes;
  • Depriving pityriasis;
  • Bacterial microorganisms (gram-positive and gram-negative types).

The main component of Exoderil combines three main functions:

  1. Fungicidal – destroys mycosis at the cellular level;
  2. Fungistatic – prevents the division and reproduction of pathogenic microflora;
  3. Anti-inflammatory – cures the inflammatory process caused by a fungal infection;
  4. Disinfecting – relieves redness, burning;
  5. Restorative – promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Naftifine is widely used in the treatment of mycotic lesions of the skin and nails.

To notice the first improvements, you only need to apply a couple of drops of the product. The result appears instantly. The nail plate stops breaking and peeling, spots disappear and the healthy color of the nail is gradually restored. Signs of inflammation disappear on the skin of the legs and arms: redness, swelling, peeling.

If you have not noticed any improvement within a month of using Exoderil, you should contact your doctor and reconsider your treatment regimen.

Considering the high cost of the drug, it is better to clarify the diagnosis before starting therapy. This will help to accurately determine the type of fungal pathogen and clarify it. Is the drug effective against it?

If the diagnosis is made when mycosis on the fingers and nails begins to develop, therapy with Exoderil allows you to quickly achieve a positive result.

Exoderil release form

The local antimycotic Exoderil can be purchased in the form of a cream or solution. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of damaged areas with onychomycosis and dermatomycosis of the foot.

Exoderil cream is a homogeneous white emulsion with a mild odor, containing 1% naftifine hydrochloride, water, sodium hydroxide. Available in tubes of 15 or 30 grams.

Exoderil solution is a colorless and odorless liquid (smells like alcohol), sometimes with a yellowish tint. One milliliter of solution contains ten milligrams of naftifine hydrochloride, propylene glycol, ethanol, and prepared water.

Directions for use

The effectiveness of therapy directly depends on whether it is carried out correctly. The instructions provide detailed step-by-step recommendations for the use of Exoderil for various types of mycoses.

To begin with, the affected area should be steamed in a bath with added laundry soap. After which the skin is thoroughly dried and dead particles are cut off.

The Exoderil solution should be dripped not only onto the area affected by the fungus, but also onto the adjacent skin.

For skin fungal diseases, a single use of the drug is sufficient. When treating onychomycosis, you need to treat the nail twice a day.

When treating mycosis of the auditory canal, a cotton swab moistened with Exoderil solution is inserted into the ear.

The opened package of the drug should be stored at temperatures up to 30 degrees. Avoid contact with mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth.

The average duration of therapy ranges from three months to six months. The regimen and duration of treatment in each specific case is prescribed by a qualified specialist, taking into account the advanced stage of the disease, the strain of micromycetes, the state of the immune system, and the presence of chronic diseases.

If there is no progress within a month, there is no point in continuing to treat mycosis with Exoderil. The diagnosis should be clarified or the drug replaced.

After recovery, treatment of the damaged area continues for another ten to fourteen days. Such prevention will help to avoid repeated manifestations of mycosis.

Complex treatment of mycotic lesions of the skin or nails includes local treatment and administration of agents for systemic treatment of the fungus.

The cost of the original drug "Exoderil" ranges from 450 - 600 rubles per 10 milliliters of solution, and 350-400 rubles per 15 grams of cream.

Contraindications and side effects

All contraindications to local therapy with Exoderil are conditional or temporary. These include:

  • The presence of bleeding lesions of the skin;
  • Individual intolerance to individual components;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding;
  • Childhood.

Adverse reactions due to overdose or interaction with other antimycotics have not been recorded.

Adverse reactions, if the instructions and recommendations of the doctor are followed, are extremely rare. In rare cases it happens:

  • Itching or burning;
  • Hives;
  • Swelling;
  • Peeling of the skin.

Typically, such reactions are caused by exceeding the dosage. When the treatment regimen is adjusted, such symptoms usually go away on their own without the need for additional treatment.

Analogs and generics

The pharmacy chain offers a wide selection of local and systemic antimycotics. You can choose an affordable drug whose active ingredient will be similar to the original drug. What should you give preference to: an expensive brand or a cheap analogue? So many people, so many opinions. Some people think that it can’t be cheap and good, others don’t see the need to overpay. What does the price actually consist of?

The cost of the original patented drug includes the manufacturer's costs for development, testing, patent, and advertising. Usually we are talking about colossal costs. As soon as the patent expires (on average fifteen to twenty years), the active substance is launched into production by other manufacturers. Naturally, their costs for producing a generic cannot be compared with the costs of producing the original, which is why the products are also cheap.

The most famous analogue of Exoderil is the Russian Mikoderil. Its main component is also naftifine hydrochloride. "Mikoderil" is produced in the form of a cream, gel or solution. The description of the drug in the instructions for use is identical to Exoderil. But Exoderil costs much more.

Good reviews from patients and doctors about another analogue - Exostat Vertex. It is produced in the form of cream or drops. Spray "Exo-derm" helps get rid of fungal infections of the fingers, feet or skin of the body. The composition of these drugs is completely equivalent to the components of the original Exoderil.

Antimycotic drugs are produced under the following trade names:

  • Clotrimazole: “Candide” (solution), “Clotrimazole” (cream);
  • Ciclopirox: Exilor (pencil);
  • Terbinafine: Lamisil (spray);
  • Amorolfine: "Loceril" (varnish);
  • Ketoconazole: Nizoral (cream).

How effective a generic or substitute will be depends on the integrity of the pharmaceutical company - the manufacturer. What equipment does she use, what quality components does she purchase, does she purify the drug from foreign impurities.

If the manufacturing company has a good reputation in the pharmaceutical market, then the quality of its products will be appropriate.

Fungal infection or mycosis is a common problem. Fungi often affect the nail plate, which is manifested by a change in its color and structure. If left untreated, nails begin to deteriorate, which causes considerable discomfort. Let's figure out how to properly use Exoderil for nail fungus: the instructions for this drug claim that it is one of the most effective remedies.

To treat fungal infections of the nails and skin, doctors often prescribe the drug Exoderil. This product is for external use and has proven its effectiveness over several years of use. Let's figure out how to use this proven tool. Instructions for use will help us with this, as well as recommendations given by experts.


The drug is produced in two forms:

  • solution intended for external application;
  • cream.

The active ingredient is naphthine hydrochloride, its concentration is 1%. This substance blocks the proliferation of fungi and destroys pathogenic cells. In addition, the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, quickly relieves discomfort caused by mycosis (itching, burning), and stimulates regeneration processes, promoting faster tissue restoration.

Advice! Fungal infection is very insidious, so in no case should treatment be interrupted if the external manifestations of the disease have disappeared and the nail looks healthy. You need to continue the course for another 15 days to finally get rid of the infection.


Exoderil is prescribed for various fungal infections. The drug is advisable to use for the following diseases:

  • Microsporia. This type of fungal infection most often affects the skin.
  • Athlete's foot. The fungal infection primarily affects the skin on the soles, as well as in the interdigital area.
  • Rubromycosis. The disease is caused by a fungus from the neighborhood of trichophytons. Affects the nail plates. Patients' nails first change color and then begin to peel off from the nail bed.
  • Candidiasis. Fungi from the genus Candida can affect mucous membranes, skin and nails. With this disease, a strong inflammatory process in the nail ridges is often observed.
  • Yeast. This fungal infection often occurs in the presence of inflammatory processes and affects the nails and skin.
  • Trichophytosis. This ringworm pathogen can also affect the nail plates. The nail becomes lumpy, the plate becomes cloudy and acquires a dirty gray color.

Advice! To achieve a better result, Exoderil for fungus is sometimes prescribed in two forms at once. The solution is used to treat the nails, and the cream is applied to the surrounding skin.

How to apply it correctly?

Let's figure out what the instructions for use say about using this or that form of the drug.


Using the cream is easy, you need to follow these steps:

  • Wash the area of ​​the body affected by a fungal infection with soap and wipe with a swab soaked in an antiseptic solution. You can use chlorhexidine or rubbing alcohol;
  • Dry the skin thoroughly with a paper towel;
  • squeeze a column of cream about 1 cm long onto your palm;
  • apply the cream to the affected area, performing circular, rubbing movements;
  • you need to rub the cream not only into the lesion, you need to cover at least 1 cm of healthy skin along the borders of the area of ​​inflammation;
  • It is important to rub the cream in with gentle movements to avoid damaging the skin.

Advice! Try to immediately squeeze into your palm the amount of cream that will be needed for the treatment. It is not recommended to constantly take the cream from the tube, as this will allow pathogenic microflora to penetrate the tube.


Exoderil solution was prescribed, then it should be used as follows:

  • before using the product, you need to thoroughly clean your nails by washing the limb with soap and removing droplets of moisture with a paper towel;
  • Place a drop of the solution on the sore nail (the bottle is equipped with a dropper) and rub in gently;
  • Not only sick nails, but also healthy nails must be treated to prevent the spread of infection.


Regardless of which form of Exoderil for nail fungus was used, the sequence of action after application should be as follows:

  • the surface on which the medicine is applied should be left in the open air for 10 minutes;
  • after completing the ten-minute exposure, you can put on socks or other clothes;
  • the product must not be washed off for at least 12 hours;
  • The medicine is applied once a day.

Advice! It is advisable to apply the drug at approximately the same time, this will increase the effectiveness of treatment.

The duration of the course depends on the nature of the pathogen and the neglect of the process. As a rule, it is necessary to use the drug for several months until a healthy nail grows. But even after replacing the nail plate, you need to use the product for another two weeks to prevent relapse.

For severe lesions

If treatment is started at an advanced stage of the disease, when the nail plate has almost completely peeled off or collapsed, then a different treatment tactic is chosen. At the first stage it is carried out. To carry out this operation, special preparations or urea solution are used. Procedure:

  • lesions, the nail is lubricated with a softening solution;
  • the finger is wrapped in a piece of cling film and then secured with a bandage or plaster;
  • After a day, remove the bandage and remove the nail.

Advice! If you cannot remove the diseased nail yourself, you will need the help of a specialist to remove the plate surgically.

After the plate is removed, therapy is carried out with the selected form of the drug. The product is applied in a thin layer to the locations of the nail and the ridges on the sides and base. In this case, treatment must be carried out twice a day. After completing the treatment, you should wait 10 minutes and then apply a bandage to your finger.

In advanced stages of the disease, it is not possible to use only external treatment. In such cases, the doctor prescribes (tablets) to destroy the infection from the inside. You cannot prescribe them yourself, as they have many contraindications and often give negative side effects.

During the treatment period, the following rules should be observed:

  • Before using the drug, wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • after completing the treatment, hands should be washed again and treated with an antiseptic solution;
  • It is important to avoid getting the drug on mucous membranes, as well as open wounds on the skin. If the drug gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, rinse immediately with water. If redness or swelling is noted after such treatment, medical attention is necessary.


There are a number of contraindications to the use of Exoderil. The product cannot be used:

  • with high sensitivity to the ingredients included in the drug;
  • during gestation and feeding the baby with breast milk;

  • in the presence of open wounds on the skin near the affected area;
  • For the treatment of children, the drug is used with caution.

Side effects from using the drug in the absence of allergic reactions are extremely rare. Sometimes noted:

  • slight redness of the skin;
  • the occurrence of a burning sensation;
  • increased dryness and flaking of the skin in areas where the product is applied.

If these symptoms appear, there is no need to interrupt the course of treatment; the negative phenomena disappear over time without additional treatment. But if, when using the product, manifestations of allergies are observed (rash, blistering rashes, itching), then it is necessary to discontinue the drug and consult a dermatologist to prescribe a safe analogue.

So, for nail fungus, Exoderil is prescribed quite often. The drug is easy to use and quite effective. But you need to use it regularly as prescribed by your doctor. If you regularly skip treatments, you should not expect a good result. The drug cannot be used without a doctor's prescription, since some types of fungi that cause nail lesions may be insensitive to this drug.



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