Oregano: beneficial properties, use in medicine and nutrition. Pharmaceutical preparations with oregano

Oregano is an excellent honey plant, an effective medicine, and a very aromatic seasoning for dishes. Another, no less well-known name for it is oregano. In Italy, not a single housewife can do without it. This herb is an integral part of all kinds of spices and dishes. In ancient times, the leaves of the plant were used instead of tobacco, and the inflorescences were used in the manufacture of dyes. Traditional healers used it to cure many ailments.

Oregano, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are discussed in this article, is no less popular in the modern world. It is still used as a seasoning for dishes and a healing agent.

Description of the plant. Preparation of medicinal raw materials.

Oregano is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family, reaching a height of seventy centimeters or more. The plant is endowed with an erect, tetrahedral stem, petiolate, opposite oblong-ovate and dark green leaves with translucent glands.

The flowers of this herbaceous plant are small, fragrant, reddish or mauve in color, collected at the tips of the stems in corymbose-paniculate inflorescences. Oregano fruits are bare nuts, brownish or brown in color. The plant blooms in the summer, more precisely in July-August, and the fruit ripens in August-September.

Sparse mixed and coniferous forests, edges, clearings, dry meadows, rocky slopes are the places where this miraculous aromatic plant grows. People call oregano: spirit flower, bee-lover, motherwort, forest mint, boron bone-breaking grass, incense grass.

It is recommended to harvest oregano during the period of intense flowering, in June-August. The grass contains essential oils, and if harvesting is even a little late, the concentration of oils will decrease somewhat, which will affect the quality. Never uproot the grass.

It is advisable to dry the plant outside, but not under the scorching sun, but in the shade, or in a well-ventilated room. To speed up the process of preparing raw materials, you can use special dryers. Drying is considered complete if the stems break at the moment of bending without applying additional effort. Properly prepared raw materials have an aromatic odor and a bitter, spicy, slightly astringent and tart taste.

It is advisable to store oregano separately from other medicinal herbs. The shelf life of whole dried plants is one year, and crushed and packaged raw materials are three years.

Oregano - medicinal properties and contraindications

This relatively small plant contains far from a small amount of useful substances:

  • essential oils;
  • thymol;
  • carvacrol;
  • bitricyclic sesquiterpenes;
  • free alcohols;
  • geranyl acetate;
  • tannins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • bitter substances;
  • flavonoids;
  • phytoncides;
  • tart oil.

Medicines based on oregano have:

  • calming;
  • painkillers;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • sweatshop;
  • choleretic;
  • wound healing;
  • antiseptic;
  • lactogonic;
  • general strengthening;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

The use of oregano in alternative medicine

This herb is an integral component of carminative, diaphoretic and chest preparations, dietary supplements. Medicines based on it are recommended to be taken to cure the following diseases:

  • hepatic and renal colic;
  • depression;
  • skin ailments;
  • stomach cramps;
  • gastritis;
  • constipation;
  • colitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • tonsillitis
  • sinusitis;
  • insomnia;
  • laryngitis;
  • hysteria;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Oregano preparations help to enhance the secretion of sweat and digestive glands, improve and normalize intestinal motility, bile secretion, and regulate the menstrual cycle.

Flocks and infusions from this miraculous plant are used for external use for treatment furunculosis, eliminating rashes and swelling. Wounds are washed with infusions, and hair is washed for problems such as baldness. In order to cure eczema and diathesis, it is recommended to take healing baths.

Folk recipes with oregano

Preparation of a healing infusion. Brew ten grams of crushed raw materials in 200 milliliters of boiled water, close the container tightly and leave the product for an hour. Filter and consume 100 ml of medicine twice a day.

Preparation of the decoction. Take the grass, chop it finely and pour twenty grams of the raw material with water. Simmer the product in a water bath for half an hour. Cool, strain and take half a glass of broth twice a day.

Epilepsy: treatment with infusion. Brew a spoonful of the crushed plant with two glasses of boiled water, then leave to brew for two hours. Filter and take one hundred milliliters three times a day. The duration of the treatment course is three years.

Making healing tea. Combine oregano with marshmallow and coltsfoot, chop and mix thoroughly. Take ten grams of plant material and brew in a glass of boiling water, leave for twenty minutes. Filter and drink warm, 100 ml every five hours.

Making diaphoretic tea. To prepare this medicine you will need the following plants: coltsfoot, oregano, dried raspberries. Grind and mix all ingredients thoroughly. Brew twenty grams of the plant mixture in half a liter of boiled water, set aside for half an hour. Filter and take 50 milliliters of the product three times a day.

Collection to eliminate inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Take oak bark, oregano and marshmallow, finely chop all the ingredients and pour twenty grams of the plant mixture with 500 ml of boiled water. Leave the product for twenty minutes, filter. Use this infusion to rinse your mouth.

Carminative collection. Combine chamomile with oregano, chop and brew ten grams of the raw material in a glass of boiling water, boil in a water bath for ten minutes, filter. Drink 200 ml of medicine twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

Application of plant juice. Extract the juice of the herb using a juicer and use a spoonful of the medicine several times a day to treat: paralysis, cramps, rheumatism, atony, flatulence, constipation, colds. Helps improve digestion and normalize the menstrual cycle. It is recommended to be used externally to heal abscesses, eliminate skin rashes, and headaches.

Making anti-cold tea. Brew the dried and crushed plant in a liter of boiling water, place on the stove and simmer for about five minutes. Remove the tea from the stove, cover with a towel and steep for ten minutes. You can add chopped onions, milk or cream to this product.

Collection for the treatment of gynecological ailments. This remedy helps eliminate bleeding and leucorrhoea, normalize menstruation, and treat endometritis. Take chamomile, mistletoe, acacia, oregano, leaves blackberries, oak bark, nettle, yarrow, raspberry leaves, finely chop all the ingredients and brew fifteen grams of the plant mixture in a liter of boiling water, set aside for half an hour. Drink 100 ml of the product no more than three times a day.

The herbal collection will help in the treatment of hypertension. Combine dried and crushed oregano with finely chopped: adonis, astragalus, sweet clover, mistletoe, hawthorn, clover, mint, hops, dried herbs and horsetail. Mix the raw materials thoroughly and pour twenty grams of boiled water, then leave to brew for two hours. Use half a glass of the product twice a day.

The herbal collection will improve sleep and normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. Take crushed plants: oregano, mint, motherwort, lemon balm, initial cap and valerian, mix and pour boiled water over twenty grams of raw materials. Leave for twenty minutes, strain and take 50 milliliters of infusion four times a day.

Oregano flowers will relieve toothache. Pick the flowers of the plant, wash it, apply it to a sore tooth, chew it, or simply hold it in your mouth. After literally ten minutes, the painful sensations will subside.

Treatment of runny nose and migraines. For these purposes, it is recommended to use powder of dried leaves and flower baskets. Grind the ingredients to a powdery consistency and snort for rhinitis or headaches.

Oregano oil will help treat stomach ulcers. Pour twenty grams of finely chopped oregano herb with olive or sunflower oil and place in a cool, dark place for a week. After the time has passed, strain the product and consume three drops before meals.


Despite the versatility of the medicinal properties of oregano, products based on it should absolutely not be used by pregnant women, since the substances contained in the plant help stimulate contraction of the tone of the uterus, which can provoke a miscarriage.

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Small pink-lilac flowers that grow freely in our forests are not only a natural decoration, but also a real cure for numerous diseases. It is interesting to note that it is actively used not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. Pavda, for example, in Europe it is more often used as a spice and is called “oregano”. So Italians cannot imagine their favorite pizza dish without this aromatic spicy spice. In our country, in most cases it is called “oregano” and is used for medicinal purposes.

Traditional healers note that the plant under discussion is “female” or “maternal” because it helps a lot with a variety of female problems. But for representatives of the stronger sex, such weed can also bring some benefits.


To begin with, it is worth noting that the herb under discussion is a honey plant, therefore it is used in cooking in two forms - as honey and as a seasoning for a wide variety of dishes.

But the main area of ​​its application is, of course, traditional medicine. The “female” herb can prevent the development of various inflammations, stop bleeding, and has expectorant and analgesic properties. It is also used in the treatment of bronchitis and colds, in particular as a diaphoretic drug.

Even official medicine has recognized oregano, as a result of which this herb can be found in some healing natural preparations prescribed for bronchial asthma, various gynecological problems, as a sedative, as well as for getting rid of excess weight and cleansing the body as a whole.

After all, this plant, widespread in our country, can calm the central nervous system and help fight insomnia and nervous disorders. Even with headaches and bad mood, you can easily and quickly help yourself with oregano.

The list of beneficial properties of weed is simply huge. It is used in the form of decoctions, tinctures, oils and even in its pure form. For example, for hypertension, doctors prescribe the use of herbal infusions with oregano. The same medicine helps with problems with the stomach and intestines.

Alcohol tinctures of oregano help a person fight even such a terrible disease as tuberculosis, and also promotes the rapid and painless healing of wounds.

By the way, it is used not only internally, but also externally. For example, a special compress from the plant in question or washing the skin with its decoction will help get rid of a skin rash. Newborns with some health problems (for example, rickets or scrofula) are even completely bathed in such decoctions. These procedures are also indicated for adults. If a rash appears on the skin, then a bath with oregano decoction will be the first remedy to solve this problem. Wounds are also washed with a similar product, and compresses are also made for boils and eczema.

And many representatives of the fair sex wash their hair with such a decoction so that their hair grows faster, is smooth, manageable and silky.

As for the oil of the herb under discussion, it is actively used to treat the body during paralysis. In this case, the patient is completely rubbed with this oil, and also bathed in a decoction of oregano.

But fresh grass is chewed, for example, in order to strengthen teeth and get rid of caries and tartar.

What are the benefits of oregano tea for medicinal purposes?

Anyone who cares about their health should get into the habit of pampering themselves with oregano tea from time to time. This drink is very beneficial for the human body. For example, it can replace a variety of harmful and dangerous sleeping pills and help quickly get rid of painful insomnia. To do this, just drink a cup of aromatic tea before bed.

In addition, this herb is a champion in containing vitamin C, which is important for every patient, so you can drink it simply as a means to strengthen the immune system, as well as to prevent colds and various infections. This is especially true in the cold season.

This tea will also be useful for high blood pressure, and, in addition, for pain in the stomach and intestines.

Benefits for women in gynecology

Since ancient times, folk healers knew that oregano was able to relieve the fair sex from numerous gynecological diseases. For example, such a herb can relieve a woman of severe pain during menstruation, as well as restore the lost cycle of menstrual bleeding.

In addition, it increases milk production during lactation, and also after the birth of a baby helps a woman return to normal life as quickly as possible, including helping to restore the uterus and normalize the menstrual cycle.

It is believed that oregano can help teenage girls whose genitals and breasts are underdeveloped. In general, many women are confident that it is possible to enlarge their bust with the help of the discussed herb. But during pregnancy it is strictly prohibited to use it.

During menopause, oregano will help relieve unpleasant painful hot flashes, get rid of migraines and calm the nervous system.

Healing properties for men

Traditional healers note that oregano is useful only for those members of the stronger sex who have problems with alcohol. If you drink tea with this herb regularly, a person’s craving for drinking alcoholic beverages will decrease. But it should also be said about the other side of the coin. Along with the craving for alcohol, sexual desire also disappears in men. Due to excessive consumption of this herb, impotence may even develop.

Contraindications and harm

Before you start fighting any health problems in this way, you should carefully study what contraindications oregano has.

First of all, the herb in question is strictly prohibited for expectant mothers. After all, it has a stimulating effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage. In addition, the list of contraindications includes age under 16 years.

Oregano should not be used as a medicine in the following cases:

  1. For various diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  2. For stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  3. With increased gastric secretion.
  4. If a person has a hypersensitivity to this drug or is allergic to grass.

You should also be very careful when using this product while breastfeeding. This is not prohibited, and for some mothers it is even useful. But you should still consult with a specialist first.

Video: All about oregano

From June to September, the mauve flowers of Oregano vulgare delight fans of field and forest bouquets. Golden time for herbalists and connoisseurs of good, aromatic tea. Oregano has long been used for brewing, which acquires many beneficial properties.

About the benefits of oregano

This plant is recognized as medicinal. In our country it grows everywhere with the exception of the Far North. Loves to “settle” in sunny forest clearings, on hills and open dry meadows.

Currently, the number of this type of oregano has decreased significantly, and in many regions of Russia the procurement of the plant is limited. During flowering, the grass and flowers are most rich in vitamin C, tannins and essential oils. The aroma of the plant is extraordinary!

Medicinal properties of oregano

Oregano is included in pharmaceutical preparations and exhibits its medicinal properties for many diseases, both in combination therapy and independently.

Oregano is a powerful natural sedative. Teas and decoctions made from it easily cope with anxiety, nervousness, bad mood, and insomnia. An infusion of oregano herb in combination with St. John's wort or meadowsweet helps with exacerbation of anacid gastritis, digestive disorders, and weak intestinal tone. It is very useful for people with congestion in the gallbladder to drink tea with oregano, because... This plant facilitates bile excretion.

Infused oregano, taken shortly before meals, increases appetite, helps in the absorption of food, regulates stomach acidity (especially indicated for those with low acidity).

In folk medicine, oregano is a remedy for high blood pressure, since the herb has a diuretic effect. Gargling with an infusion of oregano relieves sore throat and reduces the inflammatory process in the tonsils during sore throat. The healing plant is used in the home treatment of bronchitis, cough, asthma - oregano has an expectorant effect. Used to treat menstrual disorders.

The diaphoretic effect of oregano is excellent during fever, helping to reduce the temperature from critical levels to optimal ones.

The herb is applied externally to wounds and cuts - the mild hemostatic effect is wonderfully combined in oregano with an antiseptic effect.

An infusion or essential oil is added to relaxing aromatic baths. By the way, the skin after such procedures glows with beauty and youth, because oregano promotes the renewal of dermal cells.

Oregano extract is included in the time-tested drug Urolesan, which exhibits healing properties for kidney stones, urinary tract stones, and problems with the biliary tract.

You can’t use oregano or even add it to tea. during pregnancy, because it has an abortifacient effect.

Application in nutrition

Oregano is a popular spice synonymous with Oregano, which is part of many spice mixtures for cooking meat, chicken, fish and other dishes.

In addition to tea, oregano is added when preparing homemade kvass (for flavoring) and when pickling cucumbers (they turn out especially crispy and smell delicious).

To drink tea with health benefits, it is recommended to brew oregano together with other plants: strawberries, blackberries, mint, chokeberry. The aromatic leaves are often added to homemade alcoholic drinks.

Healthy recipes

Oregano leaf tea with blackberries

After picking, young leaves of oregano and blackberries (can be replaced with raspberries and currants) are dried on newspaper - in the sun and in the air. Then they are dried at a temperature of 40 degrees in the oven. Whole or crushed, pour into paper bags and store in a dry place. To brew in a ceramic teapot, take a spoonful of the mixture per 3-4 cups of boiling water. Drink with honey or sugar.

Making kvass with oregano

Kombucha can be infused not with tea, but with oregano infusion. At the same time, the infusion retains all the beneficial properties, harmoniously combining with the benefits of kombucha. The combination of oregano and kombucha is especially interesting and useful for kidney diseases.

In the case of classic kvass, take 10-15 g of finely chopped raw oregano per 1 liter of bread kvass. Oregano is wrapped in a two-layer gauze bag (sterile) and lowered into a container with the drink at the peak of its fermentation. Then it is removed from the finished kvass. The drink amazes with its wonderful aroma, pleasant and refreshing taste!

Hello, my dear friends - lovers of traditional medicine! Today the subject of our conversation will be oregano - the medicinal properties and contraindications of which we will learn from this article.

The Latin name of the plant sounds like Origanum, but in Russia this herb with small pink flowers is affectionately called oregano for its pleasant, fragrant aroma. But in dried form, we know it precisely as oregano - an excellent seasoning for many meat dishes.

Oregano grows practically throughout the entire territory of our country, although North Africa and Asia are considered the birthplace of the herb. This is a perennial plant with a straight stem, which has a tetrahedral branched shape in the upper part and blooms in inflorescences of small pink and lilac flowers. Flowering time is July and August, until the first ten days of September. It is then that the grass accumulates the maximum amount of beneficial essential oils, which means it is recommended to collect medicinal raw materials during this period.

Oregano grows in large quantities in meadows, forest edges and mountain slopes. Garden oregano looks great when planted in garden beds - its cheerful, colorful flowers will perfectly decorate any yard or greenhouse. And the presence of a persistent odor allows the plant to be used for preparing various incense, for example, for making church incense. In ancient times, the smell of oregano was believed to ward off evil spirits, so it was often used in various rituals against witchcraft and the evil eye.

You can see what this fragrant herb looks like in the photo.

Oregano herb medicinal properties and contraindications

The herb oregano has not only unsurpassed medicinal properties, but also some contraindications.

The main feature of the plant is its high content of essential oil - up to 1.5%.

Oregano oil is a very valuable product, which includes:

  • Phenols – up to 40%;
  • Organic compounds sesquiterpenoids - up to 12%;
  • Free alcohols - up to 15%.

If these chemical terms don't mean anything to you, just believe me - oregano essential oil is very useful. It is successfully used in the treatment of all kinds of skin diseases, it soothes inflamed joints and muscles, helps with toothaches, relieves spasms and has a strong antihistamine property.

In addition to these substances, the leaves of the plant contain ascorbic acid, flavonoids, tannins, and fiber.

All these beneficial properties of oregano are used with great efficiency for the prevention and treatment of various painful conditions.

Medicines based on it help a person quickly cope with the following health problems:

  1. Infectious diseases - the plant works as a natural antibiotic and speeds up the healing process.
  2. Inflammation of the oral area (gingivitis, stomatitis) - in this case, a positive effect is provided by the action of tannins and antibacterial substances contained in the leaves.
  3. Infusions and teas with oregano have a calming effect on the nervous system, relieve tension and stress.
  4. The antihistamine characteristics of the herb allow it to be used without fear by people prone to allergic reactions.
  5. Oregano has strong antimicrobial properties, thanks to which you can quickly cure eczema and other skin ailments.
  6. For diseases of the bronchi, decoctions of oregano are prescribed as an excellent expectorant that removes mucus.
  7. The plant has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, stops painful spasms and improves appetite.
  8. In some cases, oregano is used as a prophylactic to reduce the risk of developing cancer.
  9. Essential oil is indispensable when performing therapeutic massage. It quickly penetrates the skin, relaxes muscles and relieves cramps.

Fresh and dry oregano is brewed as tea or more concentrated infusions and decoctions are made. Alcohol tinctures are made from the flowers and leaves of the plant. Externally, the herb is used in the form of lotions, ointments and soothing baths.

Contraindications to the use of oregano are:
  • Individual intolerance to components;
  • Severe form of hypertension;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Childhood.

Oregano-based medications should also be used with caution by people with diseased blood vessels, as well as patients who suffer from kidney or stomach colic.

Before engaging in herbal treatment, it is necessary to carefully study the herb oregano - medicinal properties and contraindications, so that unexpected side effects do not exceed the benefits expected from the procedure.

Oregano has been considered a “female” herb since ancient times; it is not for nothing that one of its popular names sounds like “motherland”. Most recipes with oregano are used to treat gynecological ailments in women.

Let's take a closer look at what role oregano plays in gynecology and obstetrics, what its medicinal properties and contraindications for women are.

Infusions and teas from motherwort are successfully used in the treatment of the following female diseases:

  • Cervical erosion;
  • Painful menstruation;
  • Failure of the hormonal cycle;
  • Unpleasant conditions during menopause - oregano reduces the duration and effect of the so-called “hot flashes”;
  • Postpartum uterine bleeding.

The main contraindication for the use of oregano is pregnancy at any stage. It is very important - even a single dose of a decoction or tincture from this plant can cause strong contractions of the uterus and provoke a miscarriage!

There is also a belief that applying weed to the chest helps a woman become the owner of beautiful and curvy figures.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of oregano for men are based on its ability to calm the nervous system, relieve pain and help with muscle strain. This property of the plant is especially valuable for people involved in sports, as it helps bring the body back to normal after hard training.

It is believed that regularly adding oregano to food reduces cravings for alcohol.

However, there are also serious contraindications that can become an obstacle for men to drink teas and decoctions of oregano:

  • Long-term and systematic use of mother's milk leads to a decrease in sexual desire and can lead a man to complete impotence;
  • There is no need to drink infusions with oregano for ulcer sufferers and patients who have been diagnosed with high stomach acidity.

If a man has such problems, it is better to limit himself to the external use of lotions and compresses with oregano, abandoning other dosage forms.

Oregano medicinal properties and contraindications for children

Oregano has fairly limited medicinal properties and contraindications for children. The use of phyto-recipes in the treatment of children should be very dosed, as it can cause not only a positive effect, but also unforeseen negative consequences.

In relation to oregano, this criterion should be even more strict, since the plant is capable of influencing sexual development, slowing it down in boys, and on the contrary, artificially stimulating it in girls. This property of the herb makes it impossible to use it for children. There is no need to give your child tea or oregano infusion, so as not to harm the fragile body.

Oregano – application:

Now let's find out what the effect of oregano-based drugs is with specific examples. I will tell you several recipes where the use of oregano has shown quite effective results in various areas of our lives.

  • in gynecology

For women who suffer from an unstable menstrual cycle, we can recommend the following recipe: brew 1 tablespoon of dry oregano leaves with half a liter of boiling water and let it brew in a ceramic bowl under a lid for about one hour. It’s even better to prepare the drink in a thermos - at a constant high temperature, the beneficial properties of the plant will be revealed to the fullest. To normalize hormonal levels, it is enough to drink half a glass of infusion three times a day before meals.

  • during pregnancy

The use of oregano during pregnancy is contraindicated. The plant increases the tone of smooth muscles, which can lead to dangerous consequences. To avoid the risk of fetal loss, it is allowed to use the plant only in the lowest concentrations as part of general health herbal preparations.

  • for colds and coughs

Warm decoction has proven itself to be excellent in the treatment of colds. It is especially effective to brew St. John's wort and oregano. Both of these medicinal plants have a powerful diaphoretic effect, which normalizes fever, and the large amount of vitamin C contained in their leaves helps the body quickly cope with the disease.

Take oregano and St. John's wort in equal parts of 100 grams, add one liter of hot water and boil in a water bath under the lid for about 10 minutes. Let it brew for several hours. Strain and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day.

To make sputum easier to separate, take a herbal mixture consisting of oregano, mint, sage, pine buds and elecampane root. Brew with boiling water and take orally several times a day until the condition eases.

It is very useful to inhale with oregano and eucalyptus oil - the antimicrobial effect of the plants suppresses the inflammatory process, and the essential properties “soften” breathing.

  • for the nervous system

To calm frayed nerves, stabilize night sleep and relieve depression, evening tea with oregano and valerian, sweetened with a spoon of honey, is the best choice. You can simply add these herbs to the tea leaves (it is better to use green tea), or you can make an independent drink. Pour half a glass of dry leaves and rhizomes of valerian into a liter of boiling water and leave covered for 24 hours. Strain and take before bed. If the taste is too rich, dilute the broth a little with boiled water.

  • for dermatitis

For those who suffer from atopic dermatitis, taking a bath with oregano can be a good way to relieve skin inflammation. This is quite simple to do - put 100 grams of dry herb in a gauze bag and add it to a hot bath. This way the plant will give off its beneficial properties, but will not get on your skin. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to drink infusions with oregano for at least 7 – 10 days.

  • for the digestive system

For bloating, inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, try to alleviate the condition with the following folk method: add 2 full tablespoons of dry herb to 200 ml of warm boiled water, leave in a water bath for 15 minutes, let brew under the lid for 45 minutes, strain and drink two on an empty stomach. half a glass once a day. Treatment is carried out for one week.

  • in cosmetology

The cosmetic properties of oregano allow any woman to improve her complexion, make her skin more elastic, and her hair soft, without resorting to expensive procedures and store-bought drugs. The mother perfectly cleanses pores and accelerates cell regeneration, thereby literally restoring youth to our skin.

Decoctions and oil of the plant are used in the fight against such unpleasant phenomena as seborrhea and dandruff, and a mask with oregano has a positive effect on hair growth and improves its appearance. Do you want your skin to become firm and clear? Use this folk recipe: pour 5 tablespoons of the herb into one liter of boiling water, simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes, let it brew in a sealed container, filter, pour into ice trays and place in the freezer.

If in the morning, instead of traditional washing, you get into the habit of wiping your face with cold herbal cubes, the result will not be long in coming. The skin will acquire an even pink tint, small wrinkles will disappear, and the face will simply “shine” with health and beauty.

To improve the condition of your hair, you can recommend rinsing with a decoction of the plant - this will strengthen the hair follicles and give your hair fullness and volume.

Oregano (oregano, mother) is a wonderful aromatic herb, which has taken its rightful place both as an excellent seasoning for various dishes, and as a remedy for many ailments, and as a cosmetic product. Reviews from numerous fans of herbal medicine confirm that oregano, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which I disclosed in my story, will come to your aid in a variety of situations.

Watch your health, friends! Treat folk recipes with respect, study the beneficial properties of plants, share useful information on social networks, and I will reveal to you the secrets of more than one amazing herb growing right under our feet. See you again!

Oregano (lat. Origanum vulgáre) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Labiatae family, up to 90 cm in height.

The stem is erect, branched in the upper part, tetrahedral, softly pubescent, from 30 cm to 90 cm high. The leaves are oblong-ovate, pointed at the apex, petiolate, opposite, dark green with translucent glands, 1 - 4 cm long.

The flowers are small, fragrant, reddish-lilac or mauve, collected at the ends of the branches in a corymbose-paniculate inflorescence. The fruit consists of four bare, brown or brown nuts sitting in a calyx. It blooms in July - August, the fruits ripen in August - September.

Oregano has a pleasant odor, reminiscent of the famous plant thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.).

It grows in sparse coniferous and mixed forests, on forest edges, clearings and clearings, on dry meadows, and rocky slopes. It often grows in groups of several plants. Oregano is widespread throughout Europe, Western and Central Siberia, and Central Asia.

Other names: oregano, dushmyanka, oregano, spirit flower, bee-lover, motherwort, forest mint, fleabane, boron bone-breaking grass, bug grass, incense grass.

Collection and preparation of oregano herb

Oregano is collected during the period of mass flowering and full opening of flower buds (June–August). At later dates of collection, the content of essential oil, and therefore the quality of the raw material, decreases.

When harvesting, cut off the tops of oregano at a height of 20–30 cm from the ground. Despite the fact that oregano is often found in our forests, when collecting it should not be uprooted - this undermines the raw material base.

Dry the grass outdoors in the shade or in well-ventilated areas. Raw materials dry much faster in special dryers with forced ventilation with air heated to 35–40°C. At drying temperatures above 40°C, essential oils may evaporate.

Drying is considered complete if the stems break when bent. The smell of the raw materials is aromatic, the taste is bitter-spicy, slightly astringent, tart. Store oregano separately from other medicinal plants.

When storing dried plants as a whole, their shelf life is one year, and if the dried herb is ground and placed in a hermetically sealed container, the shelf life increases to three years. Oregano can be harvested in the same places no earlier than after 2 years.

Biochemical composition of the plant

Oregano contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body - flowers, leaves and stems contain:

  • tannins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • bitterness;
  • flavonoids and phytoncides.

This plant has a very strong pleasant smell due to the high content of essential oil.

Oregano is one of the champions in vitamin C content - 565 mg% in leaves, about 170 mg% in flowers and about 60 mg% in stems. The seeds contain up to 28 mg% fatty oil.

Oregano is included in dietary supplements, chest, carminative and diaphoretic preparations; on its basis, combined medications are prepared, which are used to treat the liver and gallbladder, for renal and hepatic colic, added to cough syrups, drops and tablets for improvement. sleep and treatment of depression, nervous disorders.

Also in pharmacies there is essential oil of oregano, which is used to treat skin problems, for aromatherapy and herbal medicine.

Oregano has antispasmodic and analgesic effects and is used for stomach cramps, gastritis, intestinal pain, duodenal ulcers and gallbladder diseases, for the treatment of colitis and enterocolitis, helps with constipation and relieves flatulence.

Infusions of oregano have an analgesic, wound-healing and antiseptic effect and are used for rinsing the mouth for toothache, stomatitis and gingivitis, and the throat for sore throat. Inhalations are made from the infusion and decoction for sinusitis, tonsillitis, and laryngitis.

Use of oregano in medicine

Dry herb is used for insomnia - fill a canvas bag and place it next to the pillow, oregano calms the nervous system, helps you fall asleep quickly and improves sleep.

Oregano is used to treat female diseases - it regulates periods when they are delayed, increases menstrual bleeding and stabilizes the menstrual cycle.

Used for delayed puberty in girls. Douche with the infusion for inflammatory processes.

In obstetric and gynecological practice, oregano infusion is used for amenorrhea as a lactogonic agent.

General and local baths with infusion have an antiseptic, wound-healing and general strengthening effect; they are used for pustular skin diseases, diathesis, neurodermatitis, eczema, vitiligo and gynecological diseases.

In homeopathy, the essence is used for hysteria, erotomania, nymphomania, vegetative-vascular dystonia and menopause.

Oregano is used in official medicine. Oregano extract is part of the drug Urolesanum, used in urological practice for renal and hepatic colic.

Flowers, leaves, stems of oregano are used as a spice for pickling mushrooms, cucumbers, pickling cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, as an aromatic seasoning for soups and main courses, as well as for flavoring wines, drinks, liqueurs, beer, bread kvass.

It is widely used in home baking: in buns, flatbreads, and gingerbread with oregano is an incomparable dish.

Treatment with oregano herb - traditional medicine recipes

The most common medicinal preparations from oregano are decoctions, teas and infusions of its herbs.

Oregano infusion Prepare this way: 2 teaspoons of chopped herbs are poured with a glass of boiling water, closed, left for 15-20 minutes, filtered, drunk warm 15-20 minutes before meals, 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

Oregano decoction. Take 2 teaspoons of herbs, pour 1 glass of hot water, cover the container with a lid and place in a water bath. Heat for 15-20 minutes, cool, filter and use as an infusion.

Breast tea. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of a mixture of 2 parts marshmallow root, 2 parts coltsfoot leaves and 1 part oregano, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, filter and drink warm, 1/2 cup every 3 hours after meals.

Sweatshop tea. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of 2 parts dried raspberries, 2 parts coltsfoot leaves, 1 part oregano herb, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, filter and drink hot 3 times a day, 1/2 cup.

Carminative collection. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of a mixture of 1 part chamomile flowers and 1 part oregano herb, pour 1 glass of boiling water, place in a water bath and boil for 5-7 minutes, cool, filter and take 1 glass in the morning and evening.

Anti-inflammatory collection for external use (for rinsing the mouth and throat). Take 2 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of 6 parts of common oak bark, 4 parts of oregano herb, 1 part of marshmallow root, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, filter, cool and, when warm, use to rinse the mouth and throat several times a day after meals.

Oregano herb juice taken for rheumatism, paralysis, convulsions, epilepsy, pain in the intestines, decreased secretion of gastric juice, atony and bloating, constipation, to stimulate appetite, improve digestion, for colds, menstrual disorders and other gynecological diseases.

The juice of the plant has an analgesic, tranquilizing, hemostatic and deodorizing effect. Externally used for skin rashes, furunculosis, ulcers, headaches. Included in balms and ointments - for neuralgia, rheumatism, paralysis, cuts, toothache and ear pain.

Oregano juice is squeezed from flowering grass. Take 1 tablespoon with honey (1:3) 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Oregano tea. Oregano, dried or just collected, cut into small stalks and put in a kettle, pour boiling water over it and put on fire for 1-2 minutes. Then, in order for the tea to brew better, remove it from the heat, cover with a towel and hold for several minutes. If desired, during boiling you can add a few pieces of finely chopped onion to the kettle.

This tea is drunk with milk and cream. It is very good for colds.

Oregano contraindications

Despite the wide range of beneficial properties, oregano is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy, as it stimulates contraction (increases tone) of the uterine muscles, which can lead to abortion.

Also, since ancient times, this herb was considered to have exclusively feminine properties. Men, on the contrary, were not recommended to indulge in teas and infusions from this plant, citing its ability to reduce libido.

People suffering from severe heart disease should also use it with caution. In this case, prior consultation with a specialist is recommended before use.



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