Nutritionist Natalie Makienko on how to achieve beautiful and healthy skin. Diet after childbirth from singer Natalie Natalie, tell us what a healthy lifestyle is for you and how you came to make a business out of it

My friends,

In this article, I would like to present to your attention advice not just from an expert in the field of healthy eating, but also from a person who has experienced the importance of a healthy lifestyle through his personal example. I must say that in many ways my views with Natalie Makienko, a nutritionist and founder of the Natural Diet project, coincide. The obligatory presence of water with lemon and the obligatory absence of dairy products in the diet are some of these common pastulates. Natalie will talk about how else you can improve your health, and therefore make your life better, in an interview with me.

Natalie, tell us about what prompted you to become involved in healthy eating?

Natalie:“Like many, I paid attention to nutrition when my body began to give signals that not everything was okay.

The problem for most people is that we begin to pay attention to our daily routine and nutrition when problems with weight, health and well-being have already appeared. Unfortunately, due to the modern rhythm of life, we often put ourselves and our health last on the list of daily to-dos.

Now I understand that this cannot be done. But at the age of 18–20, I had little interest in nutrition. I have always been slim and have never had problems with weight. In general, I have always led a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to my parents. My dad is a master of sports in hockey. I myself am a candidate master of sports in badminton; I did rhythmic gymnastics for several years, then dance. My problem was not so much poor-quality nutrition or fast food, but a complete lack of sleep and nutrition.

I could not eat all day and wake up at night from hunger. Because of work, I had to get up at 5 am... At that time I was still studying and working in my first specialty - as an assistant lawyer. As a result, my health became unbearable, and I turned to doctors and a nutritionist. For six months I had a protein diet, compiled by a nutritionist, with a large amount of fermented milk products and courses of various enzymes, tablets and dietary supplements prescribed by doctors. After that, I literally felt sick from eating... And fate brought me together with complementary medicine specialists. Within 3 months, the gastrointestinal tract completely returned to normal. I began to study this area, read literature, and attend seminars. As a result, I became acquainted with naturopathy. Apparently, 9 years of working as a lawyer have taken their toll - I cannot approach the issue superficially. And I began to study. I studied for myself - it was interesting to me. For a long time I didn’t even tell anyone, since I myself treated it as a hobby. But when the practice began, friends and relatives of those for whom I prepared the diet began to contact me and I fully experienced the work of word of mouth. The amount of work became such that I simply could not combine such a “hobby” with legal activity, and I made the final choice for further development in favor of naturopathy.”

Where did you study? Are you planning further training?

Natalie:“At first I studied individually with a complementary medicine specialist. Then at the Israel College of Naturopathy.

Unfortunately, at the time of choosing an educational institution, Russian medicine greatly disappointed me. In my opinion, in this area we are far from European standards, and even more so from Israeli ones.

Nowadays, more and more people are choosing complementary medicine. This is in no way a denial of the classic! Everything works together. If in Israel they try to prescribe antibiotics and hormones only in extreme cases, then our doctors (not all, of course), on the contrary, immediately prescribe such serious drugs.

But now I am studying in Moscow, at RUDN University, in the direction of oriental medicine.

I plan to continue my studies, but, of course, in stages. I would really like to study macrobiotics in America (in Israel this direction was in the form of a short course). However, at the moment, family is still a priority, and I am not ready to leave for a long time for the sake of studying. But I won’t stop anyway. I believe that constant development is necessary.”

I completely agree with you that there are no general nutritional rules for everyone, since each body is individual. And yet, name a few general rules in nutrition that everyone must adhere to?

Natalie:“Yes, everything is individual, especially in choosing products and creating a daily routine. But, of course, there are main points. I think it’s not worth talking about a glass of water in the morning and food at night. I will highlight a few lesser-known rules:

  • avoid combining different types of protein foods in one meal;
  • choose seasonal vegetables and fruits that are familiar to the country where we are located;
  • it is important to listen to your body and eat not by the hour, not “for company” and not because it is necessary, but only when there is a feeling of hunger;
  • Breakfast, contrary to popular stereotypes, should be kept light. Many people find it acceptable (sometimes even recommended) not to eat in the morning. It is recommended to make lunch the most satisfying meal;
  • You need to gradually change your habits and lifestyle. The key word is gradually! In no case do I exclude familiar foods during the first month of the program. Nutrition should not cause psychological discomfort;
  • food should be tasty and of high quality. Only tasty and fresh food gives us both satiety and health;
  • the diet should be varied. When food is balanced, tasty and varied, there will be no need for diets or fasting days and there will be no breakdowns. In this case, a habitual diet will be formed that you can stick to throughout your life.

Name the most common mistakes that your clients encountered before getting acquainted with your technique.

Natalie:“The most common reasons for feeling unwell are approximately the same for everyone:

  • incorrect combination of products;
  • disruption of the body's biorhythms;
  • lack of information. For example, it often happens that a person knows that it is better not to combine 2 types of protein, but at the same time eats turkey with lentils, because he thinks that these are cereals and not legumes;
  • lack of vegetables and greens in the diet with a large amount of animal protein in food. The most common diet now is protein. Unfortunately, many girls of all ages seek help after it.




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