Diet and nutrition for gout during an exacerbation. Diet for gout during an exacerbation Diet for gout during an exacerbation

Gout is the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints of the limbs. Most often, gout affects the feet of women and men after 40 years of age. The latter suffer from salt deposits 20 times more often than women. The disease cannot be completely cured. It is within the power of the doctor and the patient to alleviate the period of exacerbation and prolong the remission of gout thanks to diet.

Purines are beneficial microelements for the human body that are found in the daily diet. During metabolism they become uric acid. The compounds are involved in many physiological processes, metabolism, and even protect tissues from malignant tumors. After which they turn into salts and are excreted through urine. If metabolism is disrupted, salts accumulate and are deposited in the form of kidney stones and salt deposits in the joints. Crystals injure cartilage tissue when moving, causing the patient to experience excruciating pain.

When gout worsens, a special low-purine diet is prescribed. Daily purine for a healthy person is 650-1000 mg. The diet reduces its amount to 100-150 mg. Diet No. 6 reduces the consumption of animal purines, which contribute to increased salt formation and deposition. Plant purine is neutral in this regard.

During an exacerbation of gout, animal meat, poultry, fish and seafood are excluded from the menu. Milk is not so harmful and carries fewer risks, but doctors prohibit its abundance. The method of cooking matters. Research shows that food changes its properties and the amount of purine depending on temperature exposure. For example, boiling doubles the portion of purine in meat, fish and mushroom dishes. The broth is especially dangerous, as it literally becomes a poisonous concentrate. Plant products like green peas should not be eaten fresh and raw. In his case, treatment with boiling water reduces the already low purine content.

What to consider when choosing a diet?

Doctors insist on following some culinary recommendations for gout:

1. After cooking the meat, pour out the broth, do not boil it for more than 2 hours (you can eat meat rarely and in small portions during the period of remission).

2. Vegetable broth is also unsuitable for food in case of gout (vegetables, which occupy a leading place in the table of high purine content), it is better to completely abandon it during an exacerbation.

3. Avoid drinks that dehydrate the body: tea, coffee, alcohol. Lean on juices, fresh juices, water, jelly, decoctions of dried fruits and compotes.

4. Don't let the feeling of hunger torment you. Fasting provokes a sharp increase in uric acid in the blood. A similar contrast is fraught with an acute attack of gout. Eat in small portions 4-6 times a day. Overeating brings equal harm.

5. During the period of remission, the diet is more gentle. Occasionally allow a modest portion of the desired dish to be eaten. But avoid gastronomic freedom: an excess or jump in purine will definitely result in a severe attack of gout or an exacerbation.

6. Have on hand a table of purine content, as well as harmful and beneficial foods for gout. This is a good cheat sheet for creating a personal menu for the day.

Permitted and prohibited foods

As varied as that of a healthy person. You just need to remember which foods are healthy and heal the body, and which ones are best hidden on the far shelf of the refrigerator during a gout exacerbation.

1. Meat in any form and broths, animal by-products and fat, smoked and dried meat products (sausages, semi-finished products, canned food).

2. Fish in any form, caviar, seafood, canned food. Fried foods and fatty varieties are especially dangerous.

3. Mushrooms in any form, broth, sauces and seasonings with them.

4. High-fat dairy products, salty, spicy, fatty cheeses. Milk converts uric acid into salts, so patients with gout should not drink it during an exacerbation.

5. Salt and salty seasonings, dishes with a lot of salt, brines and sauces.

6. Alcoholic drinks with any percentage of alcohol (beer, wine).

7. Hot herbs and spices: horseradish, mustard, pepper, wasabi.

8. Tea and coffee, cocoa and chocolate, raspberries, grapes and figs.

9. Confectionery sweets like cakes and pastries.

10. Legumes of all types (beans, asparagus, lentils, soybeans, peas), soy products and supplements. And also greens rich in oxalic acid (rhubarb, sorrel, spinach).

The menu for exacerbation of gout should not contain products from the specified list. The diet is maintained throughout life, so minor weaknesses are resolved during long periods of remission.

It is important that the diet for gout during an exacerbation excludes any foods with preservatives. Chemical additives provoke an increase in uric acid. Try to buy homemade vegetables, fruits, meat and herbs at the market rather than in supermarkets.

The diet places great emphasis in nutrition on drinking: weakly brewed black and green tea with milk or lemon, fruit drinks, compotes, rosehip decoction, juices, fresh juices, alkaline mineral water, kvass, fresh cranberry and lingonberry drinks, wheat bran decoction.

What can you use?

1. A drink accompanies every meal or replaces it (afternoon snack, for example, in the form of fruit drink or fresh juice, jelly).

2. During remission, eat lean boiled or baked rabbit or turkey meat and lean boiled fish twice a week. Sometimes fresh shrimp or squid.

3. Skim milk, cottage cheese and sour cream or 1 chicken egg (not raw!) several times a week if the gout has been exacerbating for a long time.

4. The diet for gout allows porridge from any type of grain (with the exception of legumes) in water.

6. Cabbage, cucumbers and even juice, zucchini are eaten in increased quantities and every day. The high water content in vegetables has a beneficial effect on the removal of salts.

7. Diversify the table with pasta of any type and grind according to recipes without meat.

8. For dessert, preference is given to homemade dried fruits (except raisins), nuts and seeds, jam, marmalade, honey, jelly and marshmallows.

9. For fruits, stock up on green apples, watermelons, and citrus fruits.

10. Vegetable oil, olive and flaxseed are added to dishes; salads with dill are especially useful.

Sample menu for every day

This is a diet during an exacerbation period. Knowing the characteristics of a patient with gout, you can independently adjust the menu for the week and add recipes to taste.

  • tea with milk and honey;
  • vegetable soup;
  • cabbage rolls with rice and vegetables (preferably without minced meat!);
  • green tea with marshmallows.
  • Milk vermicelli.
  • Apple juice, peach.
  • Vegetable salad with olive oil.
  • Boiled potatoes with dill.
  • Rye bread.
  • Plum jelly.
  • Tea with lemon, crackers.
  • A handful of nuts.
  • Tomato cabbage soup.
  • Vegetable stew.
  • White bread.
  • Cherry compote.
  • Vinaigrette with linseed oil.
  • Cranberry juice.
  • Macaroni with lean cheese.
  • Salad of Chinese cabbage, cucumber and herbs with butter.
  • Fresh tomato.
  • oatmeal with a handful of dried fruits.
  • Potato cutlets and noodle soup.
  • Boiled beets.
  • Crackers.
  • Wheat bran decoction.
  • Semolina porridge with strawberry jam.
  • Pancakes with powdered sugar.
  • Rose hip decoction.
  • Rose hip decoction.
  • Apple casserole.
  • Vegetarian borscht.
  • Buckwheat porridge with rabbit.
  • Kvass.
  • Fruit salad.
  • Pilaf with vegetables.
  • Carrot cutlets.
  • Marmalade, tea with lemon.
  • Rice casserole with beets.
  • Orange juice.
  • Puree potato soup.
  • White bread toast.
  • Corn porridge with cheese sauce.
  • Pear compote.
  • Fruit soup.
  • Vermicelli with scrambled eggs.
  • Banana pudding.
  • Morse.
  • Green tea with honey.
  • Prunes.
  • Soup kharcho.
  • Zucchini pancakes.
  • Kefir or yogurt with homemade cookies.
  • Pumpkin porridge.
  • Stewed cauliflower.
  • Peppers stuffed with vegetables and rice.
  • Kvass.
  • Chicory coffee with gingerbread.
  • Mashed potatoes.
  • Fried eggplants.
  • Baked apples.
  • Creamy rice soup.
  • Sandwich with crab meat.
  • Apricot jelly.
  • Wheat porridge with vegetable salad.
  • Compote with marshmallows.
  • Seeds or nuts.

Today we offer an article on the topic: “Diet and nutrition for gout during an exacerbation.” We tried to describe everything clearly and in detail. If you have any questions, ask at the end of the article.

Gout is a rather complex disease that causes a person not only discomfort, but also severe pain. . With this disease, diet plays a key role and helps to avoid attacks of this unpleasant disease.. It is proper nutrition that makes it possible to normalize the metabolism of purines in the body, reduce the formation of uric acid, as well as the salts formed from it, and normalize the general condition of the patient.

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When forming a diet, it is necessary to include a sufficient amount of liquid in the diet.. Food should be taken four times a day, and the portions should not be too small and not too large. The patient should drink at least two liters per day, and during an exacerbation of the disease this norm increases to three liters of liquid. It is recommended to drink between meals. It is allowed to drink mineral water, various compotes, fruit drinks, as well as only weak tea.

Gout is considered one of the oldest diseases on earth. The first information about it was described in the fifth century BC.

What not to eat if you have gout

With this disease, restrictions are imposed on various meat products.. You should completely avoid eating meat, fish, and mushroom broths. In addition, the meat of young animals and all kinds of offal, such as liver, kidneys, and lungs, should be excluded from the diet. It is forbidden to eat various smoked meats and sauces, and you should avoid consuming animal fats.

Meat broths should be avoided during gout exacerbation.

When preparing meals for a patient with gout, salted and fried fish should be excluded from the menu.. Avoid eating canned fish and caviar. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to avoid fatty fish, in any form. Also, almost all types of legumes are prohibited, from lentils and peas to beans and salt. Pepper, horseradish and mustard should not be added to food.

It is highly undesirable to drink strong teas, as well as coffee and cocoa. Chocolate, cakes and, of course, cream cakes are completely excluded from the menu. The patient should give up grapes, raspberries and figs. You should forget about sharp and salty cheeses. The consumption of any type of alcoholic beverages, including beer, even in small quantities, is completely prohibited.

Those people who suffer from gout have a large amount of uric acid in their body and have problems removing it from the body.

Proper nutrition

The most optimal diet for this disease is a vegetarian diet.. It should be based on the consumption of sufficient quantities of all kinds of milk and vegetable soups. It is allowed to consume fermented milk products, as well as fruit infusions. As for meat, you can only eat dietary varieties, such as chicken, rabbit and turkey. The menu includes boiled fish, shrimp, squid, and chicken eggs.

Low-fat cottage cheese and dishes derived from it, as well as low-fat cheese, have a beneficial effect on the body in case of gout. You can eat porridge from a variety of cereals and pasta. It is best if the porridge is cooked with diluted milk. Whole milk should be consumed with caution. With this disease, the patient's salt intake should be limited.

For gout, you can eat almost all types of vegetables.. The most useful are white cabbage, carrots, zucchini, eggplant, as well as potatoes and cucumbers. You can eat, but with slight restrictions, asparagus, spinach, celery, radishes and cauliflower. You can include greens in your menu, but green onions and parsley should be consumed in small quantities.

Among the sweets you can include in your diet are non-chocolate candies, marmalade, marshmallows, as well as marshmallows and jam.. The patient should also eat enough apples, plums, apricots and all kinds of berries. All varieties of nuts and seeds are very useful. For gout, you should drink green teas, milk, chicory, as well as fruit juices, fruit drinks and compotes. White and black bread and vegetable oil are allowed.

In case of exacerbation of the disease, the consumption of fish and meat should be completely avoided.. In this case, they switch to a more strict diet, which should mainly consist of fruits and vegetables, as well as cottage cheese and milk. For this disease, the main diet is number six, which should be diluted with fasting days.

Features of diet No. 6

This type of diet involves excluding from the diet those foods that contain purines and oxalic acid. It is based on significant salt restriction and reducing the consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. With it, the patient must receive alkalizing foods and liquids in sufficient quantities. Products that are allowed for consumption are processed in the usual way, but poultry and fish are served only boiled.

Approximately the menu may look like this: for the first breakfast, the patient can eat a vegetable salad with a boiled egg, carrot pudding with apples and millet, and drink tea. For lunch, we can recommend noodle soup with milk, potato cutlets, and jelly. For dinner you can serve baked cheesecakes, cabbage rolls made from vegetables and rice, and tea. Before going to bed, the patient should eat wheat bran. In addition, throughout the day between meals you need to drink as much permitted fluid as possible.

Of course, the diet will not completely get rid of the disease, but it will help significantly relieve pain and normalize metabolism. It is an essential component of the entire complex of therapeutic measures. Proper nutrition and adherence to a daily routine will help improve the patient’s condition and increase periods of remission.

Video - diet for gout

Gouty arthritis is a pathology that affects the condition of the joints. As a result of failures, excess acid (uric acid) accumulates in the liver, which provokes the development of the disease. The disease develops gradually, with attacks occurring periodically. A diet for gout during an exacerbation will be the optimal solution for treatment.

The inflammatory process is a consequence of poor nutrition; accordingly, normalizing the diet will have an impact on its elimination. The determination of the dietary menu is not carried out by a nutritionist, but by a rheumatologist or therapist.

Give your feet a rest

Features of the disease

The disease is detected more often after the first attack. The disease is characterized by a series of remissions and exacerbations. During this period the person does not feel pain. They happen 2 times a year. If treatment does not occur, they are repeated more often. The peculiarity of the disease is the different manifestation of signs that determine the manifestation of aggravated symptoms.


People confuse the signs of a gout attack with the consequences of an injury. Lack of timely assistance will provoke an increase in symptoms. Dense neoplasms appear in the affected tissues. Signs and treatment are interconnected - the method of disposal depends on the stage of development of the disease.

Often attacks last more than a week. They can be eliminated by influencing the cause of their occurrence. Seeing a doctor is the best way; self-medication will worsen the situation. An experienced doctor can correctly identify the symptoms and treat them.

Manifestation of symptoms

Signs of gout appear suddenly. The symptoms manifest themselves as follows:

  • discomfort in the joints;
  • weakness;
  • chills;
  • poor sleep;
  • nervousness.

Leg joint pain

At the site of inflammation occurs:

  • pain;
  • redness;
  • edema;
  • local temperature increase.

The causes of exacerbation are related to what foods are consumed and in what quantities.

  1. Binge eating.
  2. Starvation.
  3. Alcohol intoxication.

Wearing uncomfortable shoes, colds, injuries, stress, and physical overload have an effect.

Signs such as these are common symptoms that may affect each person differently. Their manifestation signals an urgent visit to a medical facility.


Before fighting the disease, it is necessary to undergo a full diagnosed examination. The doctor will prescribe the procedures. The patient must be tested for acid (uric acid) levels. Treatment depends on its amount in the body.

To prevent complications, medications and a therapeutic diet are prescribed for exacerbations.


Getting rid of leg problems is not difficult if you follow your doctor’s recommendations correctly. Elimination of attacks occurs immediately.

Medical diagnosis

Complications often appear when a person is sleeping. The reason is a dense, fatty dinner, including meat dishes and a lot of alcoholic drinks. Severe painful sensations occur suddenly. The pain affects joints damaged by inflammation and radiates to neighboring tissues. If no therapeutic manipulation is involved, the condition will last several weeks. Joint pain will worsen.

Medication method

After the examination, you should undergo the prescribed tests. The doctor will prescribe therapeutic measures and the use of potent drugs. As a result, unpleasant sensations decrease in intensity. To be completely cured, it is worth completing the course completely. Otherwise, the likelihood of remission is high.

The right diet

A person suffering from gout will likely lose interest in food, as health problems provoke a stressful state and appetite worsens. Fasting makes the situation worse. A diet for gout on the legs does not imply a lack of nutrition. The goal is to exclude foods that increase the level of acid (uric acid) in the blood. It is possible to reduce the level of the indicator if the patient’s diet is changed.

A diet during an acute attack will improve the condition of the injured body and increase the effect of treatment procedures. The intensity of pain will decrease. Medicines help, but if the intake of harmful foods continues, treatment will give little results.

Mineral water and citrus juice

An attack can be reduced by drinking mineral water containing alkaline salts that dissolve the acid that caused the disease. Cleansing the body in this way provokes cleansing of the organs. If you drink citrus juices or mineral water, the discomfort will disappear.

New medical treatment methods are effective, but without eliminating the cause, they will not guarantee that the disease will disappear completely and that the person will not experience similar problems. A balanced diet will stop the suffering forever. But you cannot get rid of the problem only in this way. The process must be comprehensive.

Weekly menu

An effective diet for gout for a week contains flour, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. You cannot use seasonings or tomato sauces. Acetic and citric acid are acceptable. The addition of salts to food is limited.

It’s great if a patient who has been recommended to follow a special diet drinks rosehip decoction, tea with milk, or jelly. When the disease worsens, you should eat liquid food. A positive result during the diet for patients with gout will be given by fasting days, which must be done 1-2 times a week. This makes uric acid more soluble. Rapid recovery and general restoration depend on its absorption.

A good option for a diet menu would be an apple-rice diet. This diet is healthy and tasty. Includes rice porridge with apple, apple compote, baked fruit.

Food for gout during an exacerbation should be tasty and healthy. You can prepare delicious dishes from available products.

Efficient nutrition

Often, for diseases associated with joints, a therapeutic diet is prescribed that acts to restore metabolic processes in the body, which help stop the development of inflammation. It is possible to eliminate the main cause of the pathology if you use diet No. 6.

Gouty joint damage was more common in men; now women also suffer from the problem. The reason for the increasing incidence of the disease is the consumption of harmful elements. Nowadays more people drink a lot of alcoholic beverages. Elements considered contraindicated by the body are deposited in it, provoking the development of diseases.

Diet for diabetes mellitus and gout has a positive effect on the general well-being of the patient, much depends on the patient. If the patient follows the dietary recommendations, getting rid of the disease will be faster.

How to eat properly?

Following advice on consuming foods related to the sample menu during an exacerbation period affects the accumulation of deposits in the joints. In order to correctly follow all the recommendations, it is advisable to limit the intake of foods containing contraindicated elements - protein, a high presence of purine component, salt. Replace them with vegetables and fruits.

Such a diet includes elements that improve the absorption of substances into the blood. Preference should be given to liquid dishes. Soups are prepared in broths cooked with the addition of poultry meat.

Practical recommendations during the period of exacerbation will help to avoid the development of serious problems that arise in advanced cases. The disease can affect the deformation of the limbs and lead to their complete dysfunction. If you ignore the advice given by the doctor and in the article, the patient will have to undergo a complex operation.

What diet a patient needs during an exacerbation is determined in clinics and hospitals. It is not advisable to create a diet on your own; without diagnostics, a person will not identify the cause of the disease. Nutritional features depend on individual health status and uric acid levels.

  • Nutritional Features
  • Diet No. 6 for gout
  • Caloric content of the diet

Gout is caused by a disorder of protein metabolism, an increase in the concentration of uric acid in tissues and blood. A properly selected diet can significantly reduce the number of attacks and improve the patient’s condition. The gout diet is based on table No. 6, which limits foods high in purines.

Nutritional Features

High concentrations of free uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia) are compensated with medications and diet. The diet is prescribed depending on body weight and the severity of the disease. The principles of the diet for gout suggest:

  • limiting meat, fish, legumes and other sources of purines;
  • weight control;
  • consumption of increased fluid volume.

Reducing body weight is considered an important condition for the effectiveness of the diet. It is recommended to drink 2.5 liters of water per day. The ratio of plant and animal proteins is 1.5:1.

Diet No. 6 for gout

A patient with gout is prescribed diet No. 6. According to this diet, meat, fish, and poultry are boiled or steamed. To prepare dishes for gout, use boiled meat and fish 2-3 times a week. It is recommended to introduce a large amount of fiber into the diet daily; the diet for gout (food table) contains:

  • vegetables - cucumbers, carrots, celery, melon, tomatoes;
  • berries - all except raspberries, especially strawberries, wild strawberries, currants, lingonberries;
  • pasta;
  • egg – 1 per day;
  • greens – dill, parsley, garlic;
  • milk, cheese, fermented milk products;
  • vegetable fats, butter;
  • dairy, fruit, vegetable soups.

The diet should include raw, boiled vegetables. Seafood is allowed - squid, shrimp. All vegetables are useful for gout, with the exception of vegetables high in oxalic acid and legumes. Boiled meat is allowed 150 g 3 times a week, low-fat boiled fish - 170 g 3 times a week. You are allowed to eat 1 egg daily.

Baking with the addition of ground bran is allowed. Olive, flaxseed, and butter are allowed. For weight loss, a low-calorie diet for gout is recommended - sample menu:

  • breakfast - cottage cheese, tea with milk, butter, a slice of bread.
  • Second breakfast - egg, buckwheat porridge, juice.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup, pasta casserole, tea.
  • Afternoon snack - vegetable cutlet, boiled meat, jelly.
  • Dinner - kefir with a bun.

What drinks are allowed for gout?

It is recommended to drink cranberry, lingonberry fruit drinks, rosehip decoction, juices between meals, cucumber juice is especially useful. Alkaline mineral waters, weak tea. It is useful to drink a decoction of wheat bran, green tea, and chicory.

If gout is accompanied by heart disease or high blood pressure, the doctor recommends the amount of fluid you drink individually. To remove uric acid, it is recommended to drink “Essentuki No. 17”, “Naftusya”, “Narzan”, “Borjomi”.


The diet of a healthy person is varied, and a diet for gout should be just as complete - the weekly menu includes vegetable salads, soups, pasta casserole, vegetable soups, potato dishes, vinaigrette, squash, eggplant caviar, rice soup, porridge from any cereals, with the exception of legumes. By day the menu may look like this:


  • salad, egg, carrot pudding, tea.
  • juice, rose hip decoction, a piece of bread.
  • milk soup, cabbage cutlets, compote.
  • Apple.
  • cheesecakes, cabbage rolls with vegetables, tea.
  • kefir.
  • Vegetable salad, bread, egg, coffee.
  • Cottage cheese with raisins, apple, tea.
  • Milk soup, potato zrazy, jelly.
  • Juice, 2 slices of bread.
  • Baked pumpkin with honey, a glass of kefir.
  • Oatmeal with jam, tea.
  • Beetroot salad, oatmeal broth.
  • Vegetable soup, lean fish, mashed potatoes, compote.
  • Tea with marshmallows, omelette.
  • Kissel with cookies.
  • Cheesecakes, coffee.
  • Fruit jelly with cookies.
  • Stuffed cabbage rolls, stewed zucchini, compote.
  • Egg, cheese, tea with lemon.
  • Pumpkin porridge, milk.
  • Tomato salad, unsalted cheese, tea.
  • Fruit salad, rosehip infusion.
  • Buckwheat porridge, meat, salad, compote
  • Squash caviar with bread, jelly.
  • Omelet, bread, kefir.
  • Macaroni and cheese casserole, coffee.
  • Nuts, dried fruits, tea with lemon.
  • Stewed cabbage, boiled potatoes, vegetable salad, compote.
  • Fruit salad with yogurt.
  • Kissel with cookies.


  • Cottage cheese casserole, coffee.
  • Egg, compote, slice of bread.
  • Pearl barley soup with vegetables, steamed cutlet, salad, tea with lemon.
  • Baked apple with honey, jelly.
  • Milk, bread.

Food is taken 5 times a day; fasting is not recommended. If you are overweight, reduce weight gradually. Sudden weight loss is not recommended. It is useful to occasionally spend fasting days, eating 1.5 kg of apples, oranges, carrots, watermelon or low-fat cottage cheese all day. A fasting day can be spent on compote, jelly, or oat decoction.

Caloric content of the diet

Per day the body should receive:

  • carbohydrates – up to 450 g;
  • fat – up to 90 g;
  • proteins – up to 80 g;
  • table salt – up to 9 g.
  • drinks - 2.5 l.

In order not to overeat and not experience hunger, a patient with gout should consume 2500-2700 kcal per day. In patients suffering from high blood pressure, the calorie content of the diet can be reduced to 1900-2000 kcal/day. Approximate low-calorie diet for gout on the legs: menu includes 0.5 liters of milk, 120 g of meat, 30 g of unsalted cheese, 1 egg, no more than 6 slices of bread, vegetables, some potatoes, fruits, 4 teaspoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons of cream oils Weak tea and coffee are allowed.

Nutrition during a gout attack - diet No. 6 e

In case of exacerbation of gout, diet No. 6e is prescribed, consisting mainly of liquid food. The patient is allowed jelly, citrus juice, fruit and vegetable juices, lactic acid drinks, cereals, vegetable soups, compotes. The diet for gout during an exacerbation excludes meat, fish, and it is not recommended to consume seafood.

The diet is significantly reduced, but fasting is not allowed. Special fasting days are arranged every other day, alkalizing the body and reducing uric acid levels. On fasting days, the diet may include:

  • 1.5 kg of vegetables or fruits;
  • 0.4 kg of cottage cheese and 0.5 liters of kefir;
  • 1-2 liters of kefir.

With the help of a diet, you can stop the development of gout and reduce the number of attacks.

Gout is a disease known since ancient times. Often in the novels of Russian writers of the 19th century there is a description of some nobleman who suffers from gouty attacks. And this is no coincidence: gout is popularly referred to as the “disease of kings” and the root cause of its occurrence is the lordly lifestyle under the motto “Eat a lot, move little.” In turn, a competent diet for gout is the main way to control the disease, allowing you to minimize all its manifestations and complications.

Characteristics of gout during an exacerbation

Gout occurs as a result of a disruption in the absorption of purines and the removal of their breakdown product, uric acid, from the body. Excess uric acid in the form of salt is deposited in the joints and for the time being does not make itself felt. At a certain point, when the concentration of uric acid in the body becomes very high, and salt deposits in the joints interfere with their normal functioning, an acute gout attack occurs. Its main symptoms are:

  • Pain syndrome. Pain in the affected joint appears suddenly, most often at night. It intensifies over time and becomes unbearable at the height of the attack.
  • More often joints are affected hands and toes, less often - ankle and elbow joints. The recognized leader in the frequency of gout lesions is the big toe.
  • Sore joint swells quickly, the skin on it turns red, becomes hot to the touch and seems to be stretched.
  • Any movement of the affected limb cause unbearable pain.
  • Temperature rises.
  • In later stages of disease development in humans, formations may form in the joint area. gouty nodules– tophi – filled with uric acid salts. And during an acute attack, the tophi burst and their contents in the form of small salt-like crystals are visible to the naked eye.

An acute gout attack can last for several hours or days and then suddenly stop. When encountering it for the first time, a person may confuse its symptoms with similar symptoms in

or an abscess. Gout attacks are provoked by dietary errors, to which patients with gout should pay close attention.

Basic principles of diet for gout

A diet for gout is not a recommendation, but a way of life for the patient. In medicine, the dietary table recommended for patients with this disease is called “Treatment Table No. 6.” By carefully following the dietary principles described below, you can minimize the number of gout attacks and reduce their severity.

  • Reducing purine intake- the progenitors of harmful uric acid - can be achieved by excluding foods high in them from the diet.
  • It is forbidden neither starve nor overeat: You need to eat evenly throughout the day, preferably at the same time.
  • Excess weight is a risk factor for the development of gout. But it should be reduced gradually. The optimal diet would be Protasov, designed for 1.5 months and consisting of foods that are harmless to a gouty patient.
  • Drink plenty of fluids during the whole day.
  • Categorically salty, spicy, smoked foods are contraindicated, and canned food, alcohol and confectionery.
  • Food is desirable cook or steam, either grilled or simply boiled. It is better to exclude fried and baked foods.
  • The amount of meat and fish in the diet should be limit.
  • No limits You can eat dairy and fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits and berries (with rare exceptions).
  • It is useful to eat vegetable soups and broths without meat.
  • Vegetarianism is the best way to curb gout.
  • Limit amount of salt consumed.
  • Since the amount of protein in the diet should be limited, everything legumes are prohibited.

Authorized Products

Food category What can you eat if you have gout?
Cereals and grains Buckwheat, bran.
Dairy Low-fat milk and fermented milk products (yogurt, cottage cheese, cheeses).
Meat and poultry Lean meat and poultry (rabbit, lean veal, chicken and turkey breast) 150 g three times a week, chicken eggs no more than 1 per day.
Vegetables and greens Tomatoes, garlic, dill, cilantro, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, celery, broccoli, eggplant, potatoes, white cabbage, lettuce.
Nuts and dried fruits Hazelnuts, pine and walnuts, dried apricots, dates.
Olive, sunflower and flaxseed vegetable oils.
Fish and seafood Low-fat fish (cod, navaga, pollock, pollock, hake) 170 g three times a week, shellfish, shrimp.
Juices and drinks Natural freshly squeezed juices of non-acidic vegetables and fruits (pear, apricot, carrot, pumpkin), green tea, herbal teas and herbal teas, rosehip decoction, chicory drink, cucumber juice, mineral water (Narzan, Essentuki, Borjomi).
Fruits and berries Melon, watermelon, pear, bananas, apples, strawberries, strawberries, blueberries, blueberries.
Bread 1 and 2 grades, baked goods made from bran, pastry products no more than 200 g per week, diet bread, pasta, marshmallows.

Directly during a gout attack, it is recommended to drink as much as possible - at least 3 liters of fluid per day. In this case, it is preferable to use unsweetened compotes from permitted dried fruits, jelly and milk.

Prohibited Products

Food category What not to eat if you have gout
Mushrooms Cannot be used in any form.
Cereals and legumes Rice and oatmeal, beans, peas, lentils, beans.
Dairy Salty and sharp cheeses.
Meat and poultry Pork, lamb, beef, duck, goose, offal (liver, tongue), sausages and sausages.
Vegetables and greens Sorrel, spinach, cauliflower, green onions, parsley, asparagus.
Nuts and dried fruits Raisins, Brazil nuts.
Vegetable and animal oils Butter, animal fats (pork, lamb).
Fish and seafood Sardines, river fish, herring, all canned and marinated fish dishes, caviar.
Juices and drinks Black tea, coffee, cocoa.
Spices Salt – limit to a minimum; vinegar, pepper, bay leaf are contraindicated.
Alcohol Strictly contraindicated.
Fruits and berries Plum, raspberry.
Bakery products and sweets Baking and confectionery products, chocolate, honey.

Fasting days

Regularly holding so-called “fasting” days is a harsh prose in the life of a gout patient. After all, thanks to them, the body takes a break from digesting heavy and varied foods, and accumulated toxins and wastes, including excess uric acid, are eliminated faster. A fasting day is not a complete refusal of food and water for a day, as many people think. These are days during which food is as simple and light as possible, and drinking is plentiful and healthy. For example:

  • Vegetable fasting day: During the day, eat 1 kg of fresh or steamed vegetables.
  • Fruit fasting day: the daily menu consists of 1 kg of any fruit allowed for gout.
  • Curd fasting day: 500 g of low-fat cottage cheese per day, divided into 5-6 servings.

You can also arrange combined fasting days: curd-fruit, fruit-vegetable, curd-kefir, apple-rice, etc.

The main thing during unloading is to drink as much liquid as possible (green tea, fruit drinks, unsweetened compotes, rosehip decoction, herbal teas and decoctions) - about 2 liters per day, do not starve and completely eliminate prohibited foods.

To prevent painful attacks of the disease, it is recommended to carry out fasting days at least once a week, and in more severe stages of the disease - 2-3 times a week. It is important to alternate types of fasting days.


Following a diet for gout goes well with treatment with various herbal remedies. This is very useful, since most herbal teas are consumed in the form of tea or decoction, and drinking plenty of fluids for gout is encouraged.

Can be prepared and consumed throughout the day:

  • Ginger drink: drink brewed ginger root instead of tea.
  • Decoctions of chamomile, string, rosehip, blackcurrant leaves.
  • Rice water.
  • Infusion of young fir cones.

These and many other traditional medicine recipes, coupled with diet, will help you forget about painful gout attacks for a long time.

A pathology in which uric acid accumulates in the joints is called gout. It is impossible to completely cure the disease, but with the help of diet, people with this diagnosis can prolong the period of remission and reduce the intensity of exacerbations.

Nutrition for gout during an exacerbation

The purine diet for gout during an exacerbation implies strict adherence to the diet. The patient should eat at least four times a day (optimally at the same time interval). The diet for gouty arthritis does not allow starvation or overeating, as this can cause new attacks or greatly worsen the person’s condition. If the patient is obese, excess weight should be slowly lost by reducing the daily amount of calories.

A diet for gout and high uric acid also involves consuming a large amount of fluid. During the period of remission of the disease, you need to drink at least 2 liters, and during an exacerbation - at least 3 liters of fluid. In addition to still water, the consumption of any natural drinks (compote, fresh juice, jelly, fruit drink, tea) is allowed. Drinking is only allowed between meals. If you follow all the doctor’s instructions and stick to your diet, you can forget about the pathology for a long time.

What not to eat

The list of contraindicated foods is extensive and the main point in the treatment of gout is to avoid most animal fats. The doctor may prohibit not only smoked meat dishes such as sausages and offal, but also poultry or fish broths and sauces containing animal fats. The table below shows which foods you should not eat if you have gout:

What to exclude during an exacerbation

What to avoid during remission

Any fish

Fried, salted fish

Canned food (including homemade)

Meat of young animals

Fat meat

All legumes

Some legumes (lentils, peas, beans, soybeans)

Any seasonings, especially salt

Spices, herbs (pepper, horseradish, mustard)

Any cheese

Spicy or salty cheese

Cakes, pastries, chocolate

Sweets, baked goods with chocolate or rich cream

Raspberries, figs, grapes

Coffee, strong tea, cocoa

Any alcohol, soda

What can you eat

For the purpose of prevention and treatment of the disease, it is important to adhere to the list of permitted products. The diet for gout during an exacerbation is similar to a vegetarian diet - you are allowed to eat any vegetable soups, milk and fermented milk products, etc. Below is a table listing healthy foods for gout. The classic hypopurine diet during exacerbation of pathology involves the consumption of the following products:

During the period of exacerbation

In remission

Low-fat cottage cheese

Dietary meats

Any porridge with water or diluted milk 1:1

Squid, shrimp

Almost any boiled/baked vegetables, except spinach, radishes, asparagus, celery, cauliflower

Lean fish (boiled only)

Pastille, caramel, marshmallows, jam, marmalade

Whole milk (a little and with your doctor's permission)

Nuts, dried fruits, seeds

All vegetables, including asparagus, radishes, cauliflower, spinach, garlic, etc.

Any fruits/berries (you should eat lemon and lingonberries more often)

A little salt, other natural seasonings

Vegetable oil (linseed or olive)

Sunflower oil

Green tea, fruit or vegetable juices, jelly, kvass, herbal infusions, chicory

Rules for drawing up a treatment menu for gout

The therapeutic diet for gout during an exacerbation is aimed at getting rid of excess body weight. It is recommended to drink 2.5-3 liters of water during the day. The patient's diet must be balanced and contain a certain amount of proteins of plant and animal origin - 1.5:1. Other rules that the diet for gout on the legs suggests:

  • the menu needs to be diversified;
  • be sure to include dairy foods, vegetables and lean meat in the diet during gout treatment;
  • You should eat regularly and in accordance with the regime;
  • give preference to products with an alkalizing effect (such as milk, lemons, green vegetables, etc.);
  • reduce your consumption of flour dishes as much as possible;
  • the optimal daily menu for gout includes 90 g of fat, 450 g of carbohydrates and up to 80 g of protein;
  • the maximum permissible amount of salt entering the body per day is 9 g;
  • for obese people with gout, the daily amount of calories is up to 2000 kcal; for patients with normal weight, this figure can be increased to 2500 kcal.

Dietary table No. 6 for gout in the acute stage

A diet for gout during an exacerbation is followed for at least a week, however, as a rule, therapeutic nutrition is not limited to a seven-day period. During a relapse, the doctor prescribes the patient a sixth diet plan, which involves excluding meat and fish foods. In this case, the patient can only eat dairy and fermented milk products, berries/fruits, and many vegetables. It is worth doing fasting days periodically (recommended every 2-3 days) until the exacerbation of the pathology passes.

An approximate daily menu for people with gout looks like this:

  • half a liter of kefir 1%;
  • boiled vegetables, fresh fruits (1.5 kg);
  • 400 g cottage cheese;
  • milk diluted with water (1 l).

Gradually, as health improves, meat and steamed fish are added to the patient’s menu. When a gout patient is in remission, the daily menu looks something like this:

  • a glass of kefir, a portion of fruit salad;
  • milk or vegetable soup, potato zrazy, baked beets;
  • steamed pork cutlet, vegetable salad, kefir;
  • boiled egg with vegetables, compote;
  • cottage cheese with raisins, tea.

Certain diseases often require nutritional adjustments and maintaining the necessary metabolic balance with the help of a properly selected diet. Diet for gout and high uric acid is an important stage of complex treatment, without which it is impossible to achieve full recovery.

What is gout?

Gout is a chronic disease associated with a disorder of purine metabolism, which is accompanied by accelerated breakdown of proteins and leads to the kidneys losing their ability to remove uric acid from the body. As a result of a high concentration of this substance in the blood (hyperuricemia), crystals of urates (uric acid salts) are formed, which are deposited in the joints and cause their damage.

Gout is a disease that humanity has encountered since the dawn of civilization. The first mentions of this disease are found in written sources of Ancient Egypt. And the founder of modern medicine, the ancient Greek healer and scientist Hippocrates, was the first to note the relationship between gout and intemperance, excessive consumption of fatty foods, alcohol, and mentioned that men are more often susceptible to manifestations of the disease.

The history of the Middle Ages confirms this opinion; it was not without reason that gout was called the “disease of the aristocrats” and was associated with overeating and excess weight. In those days, only rich people and crowned heads could afford abundant consumption of meat food and wine.

The accumulation of uric acid compounds and their deposition in organs and tissues during gout leads to the development of arthritis, accompanied by inflammation and swelling of the joints, limitation of their mobility, pain, development of the inflammatory process, hyperemia and swelling of the skin.

Why do you need a diet for gout?

Proper nutrition for gout has the following goals:

  • preventing the deposition of salts (formed due to excess uric acid) in joints and periosteal tissue;
  • compensation for protein loss as much as possible;
  • reducing the likelihood of exacerbations and their prevention.

The disease is similar in its manifestations to acute forms of arthritis, and during the period of exacerbation, with the highest accumulation of uric acid breakdown products, it is accompanied by unbearable attacks of pain in the joints and kidneys. Thanks to drug therapy and a properly selected diet, taking into account all the recommendations of the attending physician, you can avoid the development of painful symptoms and prevent relapses of the disease.

Diet for gout - food table and menu

If you have gout, you should strictly follow the recommendations of a nutritionist on the correct preparation of the daily menu. At the same time, it will not hurt to have information about what the chemical composition of the diet and its calorie content should be. For example, the daily ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be as follows:

  • proteins – from 85 to 95 grams, the ratio of animal to plant proteins is 1:2;
  • fats – from 75 to 95 grams, the ratio of animal to vegetable fats is 1:1;
  • carbohydrates – from 260 to 350 grams;
  • the total energy value of the entire amount of food per day should not exceed 2000 - 2450 calories.
The basic principles of a diet for gout are as follows:

Salt should be eliminated completely or its consumption significantly limited. It is better to cook food without any salt at all and add some salt to ready-made dishes already on the table. Of course, pickles, marinades and most spices should be removed from the diet.

It is recommended to reduce the consumption of protein foods (especially red meat), since accelerated protein metabolism provokes an increase in urate concentrations. If you are overweight, you should also limit carbohydrate foods (especially baked goods and confectionery).

It is necessary to follow the recommended calorie intake. You should not go hungry, as following strict diets leads to increased breakdown of proteins and increases the level of uric acid in the blood. You can have a fasting day once a week - this will not cause a metabolic failure, but will improve the overall well-being of a gout patient. During the day, you can eat fresh fruits, light vegetable salads, or drink low-fat kefir all day.

The benefits of dieting for excess weight

If a patient with gout is obese, then following a diet with limited carbohydrates, high-calorie and fatty foods will help reduce weight and improve the condition. And following the recommended protein ratio and increasing the amount of unsaturated fatty acids in the diet will reduce the concentration of uric acid and relieve painful attacks of pain.

If you have gout, you will have to follow a diet for the rest of your life. Therefore, you need to know exactly which foods are allowed for consumption and what needs to be excluded from the diet.

To a person who is faced with any medical dietary restrictions for the first time, it seems that the ban applies to all familiar and inexpensive products. And what you can eat is either too expensive or tasteless. However, this is not at all true. An average menu for gout for a week can be inexpensive and quite tasty.

Menu for the week

Day of the week First breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday Steam omelette with herbs Diet cottage cheese with candied fruits Green salad with apples

Vegetable puree soup

Baked fish and potatoes

Bananas and low-fat kefir Steam cutlets made from mixed minced meat with green peas. buckwheat and leek
Tuesday Chicken balls with vegetables Yogurt and sandwich with processed cheese The vinaigrette

Pink salmon soup

Pasta with mushrooms and green peas

Berry jelly and croutons with raisins Steamed fish with rice and broccoli
Wednesday Vegetable “balls” in cheese, for example, carrots Poultry ham sandwiches with soy added Caesar salad with shrimp

Vegetable borscht or beetroot soup

Fish meatballs in mild vegetable sauce with rice

Tea with fruit to taste and palm oil ice cream Boiled turkey fillet with beets and mashed potatoes
Thursday Oatmeal with fruit Bananas or banana chips Egg salad without mayonnaise

Chicken noodle soup

Soy goulash with tomatoes and buckwheat

Compote of fruits and berries with cheesecakes Boiled lean (lean) pork or beef with white beans and dill
Friday Cottage cheese with berries or raisins Sandwiches with cod liver pate and other fish products Vitamin salad of fresh vegetables

Curly egg soup with cereals

Chicken or turkey fillet with broccoli and cauliflower

Boiled eggs and milk jelly Hedgehogs in milk-butter sauce or soy sauce with fresh vegetables
Saturday Vegetable salad with olives and goat cheese Sandwich with soy ham, vegetables, herbs Souffle of berries and fruits

Pea soup

Fried cheese with lingonberries

Potato balls with carrot-apricot sauce and green tea Pizza with vegetables, mushrooms and shrimp
Sunday Fish balls with vegetables Fruit salad with a predominance of apples and creamy dressing Chicken aspic with vegetables and herbs

Lenten cabbage soup

Baked Turkey Breast with Beans

Chicory and sandwiches with curd mass Warm salad with shrimp. Turkey meat, red bean cheese and pineapples

At night, you can drink a glass of kefir or limit yourself to mineral water, depending on your desires and preferences.

Good to know

Important! The diet during an exacerbation of gout becomes more strict! At this time, meat and fish dishes are completely excluded from the menu and the amount of liquid in the diet is increased. It is necessary to drink pure drinking or mineral water without gas, weak herbal and green teas, as well as herbal decoctions with a diuretic effect. This will help remove excess uric acid from the body and dissolve the resulting urates.

Proven Diets

Tested diets for various diseases include the so-called tables, approved back in the USSR by the Ministry of Health and mandatory as a guide for catering places that have the status of “dietary”. Also, these “tables” were used to determine diets in sanatoriums, dispensaries and rest homes.

Several treatment tables have been developed for patients with kidney diseases, but the most popular in practice was “Diet number 6 for gout and high uric acid.”

The general principles of the Sixth Table are:

  • Soups are prepared without using fatty meat, lard, or bone products for broths.
  • The diet must include lean meat and lean fish. Methods of heat treatment - boiling, stewing, steaming.
  • The consumption of cereals, pasta and bakery products is limited.
  • All fresh fruits and vegetables are allowed. The ban applies to marinades and pickles, with the exception of vegetables canned in their own juice.
  • Preferably vegetable oil, but a small amount of ghee or butter is acceptable, for example, when stewing foods (this is due to the difficulty in digesting protein from animal oils).
  • All fermented milk drinks, dairy products and dishes made from them are allowed without restrictions.
  • Restrictions do not apply to the consumption of juices, tea, fruit drinks, and compotes.
  • Honey, nuts and sweets are allowed in moderation. But the ban applies to chocolate and all foods and drinks that contain it.

In general, diet number six imposes restrictions only on the amount of salt (limiting it to 5 grams per day) and prohibits chocolate, due to the fact that cocoa beans burden the kidneys and practically prevent the body from absorbing protein.

Modern nutritionists love to rework and develop the “medicinal tables” of Soviet times, in particular table No. 6 for gout is actively supplemented and constantly refined in order to maximally adapt it to modern life realities.

There are new additions to the diet regarding what you can and cannot eat. The list of approved products is constantly increasing, mainly due to the greater variety of available products, compared to the 70s of the last century, when this “table” was approved for use.

Today the list of “prohibitions” looks like this:
  • carbonated drinks, with the exception of mineral water;
  • drinks of artificial origin that do not contain natural ingredients;
  • fatty meat, fish, offal, caviar, preserved and canned fish;
  • baked goods, confectionery products with cream;
  • chips, dried squid, ready-made croutons with salt and spices and other “beer” snacks;
  • smoked meats;
  • products containing carogen;
  • figs;
  • ready-made sauces;
  • spices, horseradish, mustard, hot peppers;
  • feta cheese and salted cheeses;
  • lamb or beef fat, lard;
  • chocolate, cocoa and coffee;
  • semi-finished products, canned foods and meat products - due to the content of spices and salt;
  • alcohol in any form.

In exceptional cases, it is allowed to drink up to 100 g of vodka, but other alcohol, especially sweet wines, liqueurs and beer are prohibited! Restrictions also apply to some types of greens and vegetables. For gout, eating sorrel, spinach, cauliflower, and green beans is prohibited.

Can I have mushrooms and legumes?

Today, nutritionists are actively arguing about the advisability of including mushrooms and legumes (peas, lentils, beans) in the diet of gout patients. Some experts claim that these products can provoke an exacerbation of the disease, others dispute this statement.

In the first version of the diet for gout patients, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health, mushrooms and legumes were present. If you wish, these diet options are not so difficult to find; you just need to turn to books on dietary nutrition, published no later than the 80s of the last century. Therefore, you can include controversial products in the menu in small quantities no more than 1-2 times a month.

In these same books you can find quite interesting ideas for preparing dishes that will significantly diversify your diet, for example, these could be:

  • zucchini or pumpkin pancakes with raisins or berries;
  • salads from fresh cucumbers or puree soup from fresh vegetables without heat treatment;
  • corn cakes or oatmeal meatballs in milk gravy;
  • currant jelly with sour cream;
  • milk mousses;
  • vegetable zrazy with meat filling.

In fact, the list of dishes is endless; it is limited only by the patient’s financial capabilities, the range of products on store shelves and, of course, the availability of free time and culinary talent. However, regardless of whether you have time to prepare food or not, you should not break your diet, much less eat in catering establishments that do not specialize in preparing dietary dishes.

The doctor's consultation

The painful symptoms that accompany an attack of gout on the legs are comparable in intensity to a fire inside the joints of the fingers. And this feeling haunts not only when walking or standing, but also in a state of complete rest.

To avoid painful symptoms, seek medical help at the first warning signs and strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor. Including those related to nutritional adjustments. An experienced nutritionist will help you create the right menu, who will tell you what you can eat with an increased concentration of uric acid, and which foods you should avoid forever.

Gout (gouty arthritis) is a disease resulting from metabolic disorders. Its main cause is the deposition of uric acid salts, or sodium urates, on the surface of the joints, formed during the breakdown of purines - protein compounds contained both in a person’s own tissues and in proteins entering the body with food. Therefore, a diet for gout during an exacerbation is an indispensable element of therapeutic measures; without it, it is impossible to achieve positive dynamics in the patient’s condition.

Basics of a diet for gout during an exacerbation

The daily intake of purines in a healthy person’s menu can range from 650 to 1000 mg. The diet for gout involves limiting the intake of these substances into the body. And during periods of exacerbation of gout, the diet should include them in minimal quantities. The highest amounts of purine compounds are found in the following types of foods (calculated in milligrams per 100 g):

  • Yeast – 750;
  • Meat of cattle, pigs and sheep/rams – 100;
  • Offal – liver, tongue, brains of these animals – 300;
  • Fatty fish (herring, salmon) – 128;
  • Plants of the legume family – 105.

The diet for exacerbation of gout on the legs completely excludes the listed products. Not only main courses made from them are prohibited, but also broths based on them. The ban applies to all types of smoked meats, pickles and preserves - both meat and fish, as well as fruits and vegetables. Food should not be salted enough. But you should not completely exclude salt from your diet: the daily salt intake is approximately 5 grams (less than a teaspoon).

The most useful menu components for gout during an exacerbation are vegetable - boiled or vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products. Their use not only reduces the level of uric acid in the blood, but also helps normalize weight.

When preparing salads, it is recommended to use vegetable oils - olive and flaxseed. They are the main sources of omega-3 fatty acids - the most important natural antioxidants that help normalize metabolic processes and accelerate the elimination of sodium urates from the body.

On a note!

Diet during an exacerbation of gout involves drinking plenty of fluids. Liquid is necessary for better dissolution of salts and stimulation of kidney function.

Recommended drinks include low-fat kefir, herbal teas, fruit and vegetable juices. In addition, you need to drink about one and a half liters of mineral water without alkaline gas per day - Essentuki (4 and 17), Narzan, Borjomi. Alcohol is contraindicated in a patient with gout, not only during an exacerbation, but also during remission.

Composition of the diet for exacerbation of gout

What food is acceptable and what is prohibited during an exacerbation of gout, a nutritionist or a doctor observing the patient will tell you. An approximate list of permitted and prohibited foods for exacerbation of gouty arthritis is as follows:

Authorized ProductsProhibited Products
Low-fat or low-fat cottage cheeseMeat - any kind.
Cereal porridges and soups (any), cooked in water or milk diluted with water in a ratio of 1/1.Any fish.
Boiled, stewed or baked vegetables, as well as fresh cucumbers.Whole milk and fatty dairy products - cottage cheese, sour cream, butter.
Nuts and dried fruits – prunes, dried apricotsCurd desserts and ice cream.
Fruits and berries - apples, pears, lemon, orange, lingonberries, strawberries.Bananas.
Flaxseed and olive oil.Sunflower oil.
Bread – bran and/or wholemealWhite bread and baked goods, confectionery products - cakes, gingerbreads, waffles.
Herbal teas, jelly, juices, low-fat kefir.Coffee, black tea.
Marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade.Chocolate.

A complete ban on meat and fish is imposed only during an acute period. Dill is a useful herb - it has a diuretic property and facilitates the elimination of sodium salts. But sorrel, spinach, radishes, and asparagus contain substances that retain uric acid in the body, so their use should be avoided. The same can be said about the legume family, which, in addition to the beans, peas, and beans themselves, also includes peanuts - you will have to give them up.

Watermelons must be included in the diet of gout patients. They cleanse the body and remove toxins.


Of great benefit is the introduction of fasting days into the diet during gout attacks - cucumber, watermelon, apple, kefir. At this time, the entire diet should consist of one type of vegetables or fruits, of which about one and a half kilograms should be eaten during the day in six meals, with a two-hour break from one meal to the next.

Daily and weekly menu for exacerbation of gout

A person’s diet during an exacerbation of gout does not necessarily have to consist of bland and tasteless foods. Almost any vegetable salad is completely accessible to him, which can be flavored with flaxseed or olive oil, adding a few drops of lemon juice. Also, during a diet for exacerbation of gouty arthritis, you can prepare vegetable soup for the patient according to the following recipe:

  • Vegetables – potatoes, carrots, onions – rinse, peel and chop;
  • Bring water to a boil, add vegetables and cook for 15 minutes;
  • Add salt, dill, parsley, basil;
  • Continue cooking for another 8 minutes;
  • Place the boiled vegetables in a blender and puree;
  • Add a little lemon juice and sugar.
  • Before serving, season with linseed or olive oil.

Here's how to prepare a dietary cottage cheese casserole:

  • Combine 1 chicken egg, 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 50 g of 10% sour cream into a homogeneous mass;
  • Add soda at the tip of a knife, quenching it with lemon juice;
  • Pour a handful of raisins into the curd mass and stir them evenly;
  • Pour the mixture into the mold;
  • Bake in the oven at 180 degrees until the casserole turns golden. Do not allow it to form a crispy crust.

An approximate diet menu for an exacerbation of gout for a week may have the following composition of products:

BreakfastLow-fat cottage cheese casserole, apples baked in the oven.
DinnerPuree vegetable soup, cranberry juice, dry crackers.
DinnerBuckwheat porridge with diluted milk, vegetable salad, tea
MorningSoft-boiled egg, fresh cucumber salad, cranberry juice.
DayRice soup with water, vegetable salad, dried fruit compote
EveningBarley porridge, green tea, bread with jam.
BreakfastApples baked in the oven, with curd filling, low-fat kefir, whole grain bread.
DinnerMashed potatoes put through a blender. vegetable salad, fresh apple juice.
DinnerRice-pumpkin porridge, skim milk.
MorningVegetable salad, soft-boiled egg, herbal infusion (mint, oregano, thyme).
DayPearl barley soup, dried fruit compote.
EveningCucumber salad, cranberry juice.
BreakfastMilk vermicelli, cranberry juice
DinnerBorscht with beets and fresh cabbage, apple juice.
DinnerSoft-boiled egg, herbal decoction.
MorningOmelet, fresh cucumber.
DayPumpkin puree soup, compote.
EveningLow-fat cottage cheese casserole, cranberry juice.
BreakfastLow-fat cottage cheese casserole, milk diluted with water.
DinnerRice-pumpkin porridge, zucchini caviar, fruit juice.
DinnerOven-baked pumpkin, cranberry juice.

A diet for gout is much cheaper than a gourmet meal, which leads to its exacerbation. The cost of a set of products that make up a weekly diet for gout does not exceed one to one and a half thousand rubles.



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