Quotes sayings about Russian rulers tsars and emperors. Quotes about rulers

* There are times when the methods of government are excellent, but the country is in turmoil; but from ancient times to the present day it has not been heard that unrest existed under a perfect ruler.

* Crazy is the one who, unable to control himself, wants to control others.

* During times of unrest and unrest, the worse a person is, the easier it is for him to gain the upper hand; Only honest and decent people are capable of ruling in peacetime.

* The rulers are like a nasty harlot who gets along with many men.

* For a tyrant and for a powerful city dominating other cities, everything that is profitable is reasonable.

* Achieving tyranny is unjust, giving it up is dangerous.

* For subordinates, both discord between superiors and their unanimity are equally harmful.

* Good advice, no matter who gives it, will be born from the wisdom of sovereigns, and not the wisdom of sovereigns will be born from good advice.

* If you act too cruelly, you will fail; if you act too softly, you yourself will find yourself in chains.

* If there is no law, then serve as an example to those under your rule - and you will leave an indelible memory of your rule.

* Whoever wants to rule calmly should guard himself not with spears, but with universal love.

* Just as there cannot be two suns in the sky, so a people cannot have two rulers.

* What is the easiest way for a ruler to achieve power, peace in the country and glory and avoid weakness, danger and shame? I answer: there is no easier way than choosing a worthy first minister.

* He who is too afraid of hatred does not know how to govern.

* Just as dividing a hand into fingers did not at all weaken it, but, on the contrary, made it more dexterous and more suitable for use, so a ruler who involves others in the concerns of state achieves greater success through joint efforts.

* Who will remain unharmed while serving kings and approaching them?

* Only the King who is the strongest.

* The best day after the death of a bad sovereign is the first day.

* The king’s power exceeds that of a man, and his hands are raking.

* Partnership between kings is unreliable.

* A person who is not acting as a father of a family can be neither a legislator nor a city manager.

* It is unacceptable, fleeing the arrogance of a tyrant, to fall under the dominion of the unbridled mob. After all, the tyrant at least knows what he is doing, but the people don’t even know.

* The courage of the warriors is based on the foresight of the leader.

* It is necessary that rulers do not despise the little ones who are under them: after all, the little ones are no longer small when they are useful to the great ones.

* I don’t want a leader who would bind or constrain me: a leader is a leader, but let my eyes, my opinion, and freedom remain with me; let me not be prevented from going where I want, nor leaving something unattended, nor trying to achieve the unattainable; let them be allowed to walk along the shortest and, if you have the patience, along the smoother road, and hurry and hesitate, and deviate from the path and return back.

* It is not by position that a person is ennobled and elevated, but by the person the position becomes noble and high.

* Indecisive rulers tend to choose non-intervention to avoid immediate danger, and this usually leads to their downfall.

* One day Confucius saw a woman crying and asked what her grief was. She told him that the tiger had torn apart all her relatives one by one.
- Why don’t you leave this area? - the sage was surprised.
- In other regions, princes oppress the people.
“You see,” Confucius then said to his students, “a cruel tyrant is more terrible for a person than a fierce beast.”

* What is left unattended is forgotten, while what has incurred the wrath of the ruler seems just.

* Tradition says: “The ruler can be compared to a boat, and the people to water: water can carry a boat, or it can capsize it.”

* Bad emperors like unlimited power, good ones like moderate freedom.

* Rulers always suspect and hate those who might succeed them.

* Rulers are mortal - the state is eternal.

* The relationship between the ruler and the people is as follows: the emperor is the horseman, officials and the law are the bridle and reins, the people are the horse. To control horses well, you need to bridle them correctly, hold the reins and the incentive evenly. It is necessary to balance the strength of the horses and observe the harmonious running of the latter. Under these conditions, the ruler does not have to make more than one sound, does not clap the reins at all and does not incite with incentives - the horses will run by themselves.

* Advice to a ruler: Don't do anything when you're angry, but act like you're annoyed when it suits you.

* In an effort to become a ruler, he behaved like a slave.

* Treat weaker states the way you would like stronger ones to treat you.

* You will have to rule over a people who are unable to endure either real slavery or real freedom.

* Warlike tyrant or emperor
Similar to a robber, like a dear brother,
After all, their character is essentially the same.
Only from a robber there is less evil -
After all, the bandit's gang is small.

* Having once learned that Plato spoke ill of him, Antisthenes said: “This is the lot of kings: to do good and hear bad.”

* A king who fills his treasury with the property of his subjects is like one who smears the roof of his house with clay taken from under its foundation.

* As a private man, he, Galba, seemed superior to the private and, by all accounts, could have ruled if he had not been a ruler.

* In order to preserve your kingdom in virtue, what you forbid others to do, never do it yourself: it is scary for subjects to learn about the atrocities of the authorities.

Rule the people with dignity and the people will be respectful. Treat people kindly and people will work hard. Exalt the virtuous and instruct the unlearned, and people will trust you.


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The best ruler is the one about whom the people only know that he exists.

Lao Tzu

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The secret of good government: let the ruler be the ruler, the subject be the subject, the father be the father, and the son be the son.


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If he himself is direct, then everything will be done without orders. And if they themselves are not straight, they will not obey, even if they are ordered.


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People, believing that the new ruler will be better, willingly rebel against the old one, but soon they are convinced by experience that they were deceived, for the new ruler always turns out to be worse than the old one.

Niccolo Machiavelli

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Doing good and hearing evil is the lot of kings.

Antisthenes of Athens

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Small errors seem large if they are found in the behavior of those entrusted with power.


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The sovereign does not need to possess all the virtues, but there is a direct need to appear to have them.

Niccolo Machiavelli

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A good ruler is rightly likened to a coachman.

Kozma Prutkov

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The most important thing for a ruler is, if not the law, then the art of governance.

Han Feizi

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Those who knew how to acquire reasonable people, having met with peoples capable of political life, knew how to maintain their empires in the greatest flowering for a very long time.

Jean Bodin

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Is it proper for a king, if he is struck on the cheek, to offer the other? How can the king rule the kingdom if he allows himself to be dishonored?

Ivan IV Vasilievich the Terrible

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The sovereign's words should not diverge from his deeds. If the sovereign says one thing and does another, then the people can also double-deal. In this case, friends will find themselves split and enemies united.

Ahmad Mah dum bin Nosir Donish

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The ruler can be compared to a boat, and the people to water: water can carry a boat, or it can capsize it.


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The intelligence of a ruler is first judged by the kind of people he brings closer to him.

Niccolo Machiavelli

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The whole science of government comes down to the ability to gild a pill.

Adolphe Thiers

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It is easier to hold the reins than to hold the reins.

Kozma Prutkov

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To comprehend the essence of the people, one must be a sovereign, and in order to comprehend the nature of sovereigns, one must belong to the people.

Niccolo Machiavelli

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Absolutism requires from the ruler, first of all, impartiality, honesty, fidelity to duty, efficiency and modesty.

Otto von Bismarck

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He who commands must sometimes obey, and he who obeys honorably deserves to command in the future.


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A ruler who is clear about his own hostile intentions cannot deceive everyone with his pretense.

Elias Canetti

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A king who fills his treasury with the property of his subjects is like one who smears the roof of his house with clay taken from under its foundation.


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To rule does not mean to rule, but to fulfill a duty.


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“Divide and conquer” is a wise rule, but “unite and direct” is even better.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

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A king may be a nobleman, but not a gentleman.

Edmund Burke

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There is no more cruel misfortune in human destiny than when the rulers of the earth are not the first among their subjects. And then everything becomes false, perverse, terrifying.

Friedrich Nietzsche

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To control people, you need a head: to play chess, kindness alone is not enough.

Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

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It is easier to conquer than to rule. With the help of the appropriate lever, you can shake the world with one finger, but to support it, you need the shoulders of Hercules.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

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A wise ruler is always patient, And he knows how to hold back the tide of anger.


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Be the first to carry out your orders.

Claudian Claudius

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Rule is correction. Who dares not correct himself when you correct yourself?


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Kings treat people like coins: they assign a value to them at will, and they have to be valued according to the exchange rate, and not at the actual price.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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When a good monarch sits on the throne, it is time to make laws against the lawlessness of power.

Joseph Addison

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Study people, try to use them without trusting them indiscriminately, look for true dignity, even if it is at the end of the world: for the most part it is modest and (hidden somewhere) in the distance. Valor does not stand out from the crowd, is not greedy, does not fuss, and allows one to forget about oneself.

Catherine II

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Every potentate (i.e., ruler) who has a single land army has one hand, and who has a fleet has both hands.

Peter I the Great

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Unfair power is short-lived.

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Government is a brutal business. Good character in such a matter is only a hindrance.

George Saville Halifax

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If you rule on the basis of virtue, settle according to ritual, the people will not only be ashamed, but will also express humility.


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The rulers believe that only they must survive.

Elias Canetti

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Those who have left the stage often become prompters.

Alexander Kumor

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Simple common sense guides better than false scientific constructs.

Henri Claude de Rouvroy Saint-Simon

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Much is not permissible for Caesar precisely because everything is permissible to him.

Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

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A leader without the masses is nothing, a fiction.

Hannah Arendt

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If there is no law, then serve as an example to those under your rule - and you will leave an indelible memory of your rule.

Basil I the Macedonian

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To hunt hares, you need a lot of dogs, to defeat your enemies - a lot of warriors; who, having intelligence, would execute his subjects without reason!

Ivan IV Vasilievich the Terrible

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Having been placed in power, do not use crafty people in your positions, for whatever they sin, they will blame you as a boss.


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There are no good lords.

Antonio Miro

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Trust only those who have the courage to cross you on occasion and who prefer your good name to your mercy.

Catherine II

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A monarch who is unwilling to overcome the difficulty of understanding is forced to overcome the danger of trust.

George Saville Halifax

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Be gentle, philanthropic, accessible, compassionate and generous; let your greatness not prevent you from kindly condescending to small people and putting yourself in their position, so that this kindness never diminishes either your power or their respect. Listen to everything that is at least somewhat worthy of attention, let everyone see that you think and feel the way you should think and feel. Act in such a way that good people will love you, evil people will fear you, and everyone will respect you.

Catherine II

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How can a tree bloom if its roots are dry? So it is here: until there is proper order in the kingdom, where will military courage come from? If the leader does not constantly strengthen the army, then he is more likely to be defeated than victorious. You, having despised all this, praise only courage, but what courage is based on is not important to you.

Ivan IV Vasilievich the Terrible

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The fate of a people is not stable when it depends on the will, or rather, on the disposition of one person.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

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No one can justly govern others if he is unable to put a check on his own passions, if he is unjust, cowardly and weak, if he is reluctant to give of his own to respectable but needy people.

Andrzej Modrzewski

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Only he is worthy of being a leader, to whom the warrior blindly entrusts both honor and life.

Jean Racine

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Who will remain unharmed while serving kings and approaching them? The rulers are like a nasty harlot who gets along with many men.

John of Damascus

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Only then take power into your hands when you learn to obey.


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If I were the king, I wouldn't trust the aces too much.

Tristan Bernard

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It is not so easy to push a ruler from first to second place as then from second to last.

Julius Caesar

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It is easier to change a king than a retinue.

Arkady Davidovich

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Peace, campaign, war and fortifications, Division of forces and friendship with the strong - These are the six methods of the policy of rulers.


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Spare the conquered, curb the rebellious.

Virgil Maro Publius

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If those in power do not protect the social institutions that enable the minority to effect peaceful change, then their rule is tyranny.

Karl Raymund Popper

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Not letting people grow old is the great art of management.

Napoleon I

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It is fitting for Caesar to die standing.


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Monarchs love to make friends with all kinds of rabble. It's in their blood.

Edmund Burke

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In order to preserve your kingdom in virtue, what you forbid others to do, never do it yourself: it is scary for subjects to learn about the atrocities of the authorities.

Basil I the Macedonian

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If you improve yourself, will it be difficult to govern the state? If you cannot improve yourself, then how can you improve other people?


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In order to govern a state that has a thousand war chariots, you need to be prudent, truthful, moderate in needs, love the people, know the time when you can involve the people in the performance of duties.

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If the whole country around you is in poverty, the wealth of the ruler given by Heaven also disappears.

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The sovereign is not free to choose his people, but he is free to choose the nobility, for his right is to punish and pardon, to bring closer and subject to disgrace.

Niccolo Machiavelli

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Petty rules and pathetic refinements should not have access to your heart.

Catherine II

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Karl Raymund Popper

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He who teaches that love, not reason, should rule, opens the way for those who are convinced that hatred should rule.

Karl Raymund Popper

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To control the seal you need a whip and spurs.

Napoleon I

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The whole art of management consists in the art of being honest.

Thomas Jefferson

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The king is created by his retinue or a neighboring state.

Antonio Miro

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It is not known that any kings ruled the kingdom safely continuously.


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No matter what the crazy kings do, the Achaeans suffer.


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The great art of subduing people lies in the ability to take them on the good side.

Honore Gabriel Richetti Mirabeau

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An outstanding statesman is a person who is able to realize the openness of the system, to understand the meaning of what can be called circumstances and favorable moments.

Paul Ricoeur

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A good shepherd takes wool from sheep, not skin.


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The best day after the death of a bad sovereign is the first day.


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I believe that it is much more beneficial for citizens when the whole state prospers than when individuals live in contentment while the whole is destroyed.


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The ruler never really forgives.

Elias Canetti

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The leader or leaders differ little from the crowd they control.

Emile Durkheim

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Reasonable people are often hated by powerful rulers.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

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I explain the institution of pages by the fact that the ruling princes willingly kept the sons of their vassals at their courts as hostages.

Arthur Schopenhauer

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Peter is not only the first Russian intellectual, but also the first Russian nihilist.

Dmitry Sergeevich Merezhkovsky

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Rulers have programs of action that cannot, however, be implemented without the support of the governed.

Raymond Claude Ferdinand Aron

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The immaturity of those who are ruled determines the overmaturity of society.

Theodor Adorno

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With a change of ruler, nothing changes for the poor except the name of the master.

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All monarchs are tyrants in politics, all subjects are rebels at heart.

Edmund Burke

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Never allow flatterers to besiege you: let us feel that you do not like either praise or baseness.

Catherine II

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Keep within yourself those great spiritual qualities that make up the distinctive identity of an honest man, a great man and a hero. Be afraid of any artificiality. Let not the infection of vulgarity darken your ancient taste for honor and valor.

Catherine II

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Napoleon, not without reason, hated ideologists, and dictators, obeying the general rule, hate philosophers.

Jacques Maritain

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It is necessary that the rulers do not despise the little ones who are under them: after all, the little ones are no longer small when they are useful to the great ones.

John of Damascus

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He who was a good squire will be able to be a good governor.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

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Mao Zedong can be called the last emperor.

Mircea Eliade

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Unhappy is the ruler who brings the flatterer closer.

Pierre de Ronsard

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Wise and capable people must be promoted to positions regardless of their position, lazy and incapable people must be immediately removed from office, the main villains must be executed without waiting for their re-education, ordinary, average people must be educated without waiting for punishment to be applied to them .


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When in power, leaders are concerned solely with making their predictions true.

Hannah Arendt

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There are two levers that can move people: fear and self-interest.

Napoleon I

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It has long been noted that people of mediocre intelligence and poor in spirit consider themselves worthy and called upon to rule the state first of all. With amazing energy and tenacity they rush forward, and the most diligent of them manage to achieve their goal.

Chabua Iraklievich Amirejibi

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Of those who are close to you, encourage not those who praise everything you have done, but those who severely scold you for your mistakes.

Basil I the Macedonian

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I am either a fox or a lion. The whole secret of management is knowing when to be this or that.

Napoleon I

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What a monument to human insignificance is the idea of ​​a philosopher-ruler! What a fall - from the Socratic world of irony, reason and honesty to the Platonic kingdom of leaders.

Karl Raymund Popper

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It’s bad if King Eagle is among the carrion, but if he Himself is carrion among the eagles, it’s a disaster!

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

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The ruler, on whose existence the existence of others depends, puts the greatest and most insurmountable distance between himself and others, and it is thanks to this, and not just his brilliance, that he is the Sun or, like the Chinese, even more distant, the Sky.

Elias Canetti

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The tendency towards absolutist rule is directly related to contempt for one's country.

Do you know who can cheer you up at a time when it seems like everything has gone to hell? Warlord. The best of them had enough speech apparatus not only to give orders, but also to say the right words. And not only in wartime.
We have collected the statements of the most famous commanders in world history, whose tongues were sharper than weapons.

Alexander Suvorov

The great Russian military leader was a real “father to the soldier” and a very wise man in everyday life. Therefore, Count Rymniksky was always treated with great attention and respect.

“The smaller the army, the more brave men there are.”

“A soldier must be healthy, brave, firm, decisive, and fair.”

“For a soldier - courage, for an officer - courage, for a general - courage.”

“With severity, mercy is needed, otherwise severity is tyranny.”

“One should not think that blind courage gives victory over the enemy, but the only thing mixed with it is the art of war.”

“Speed ​​and pressure are the soul of real war.”

“Although courage, vigor and courage are needed everywhere and on all occasions, they are only in vain if they do not flow from the soldier.”

Napoleon Bonaparte

Who is Napoleon? Cake? Pompous dwarf? Lover Hero? First of all, he is a wise ruler and a talented commander, and it doesn’t matter whether you consider him as such or not. As an emperor, he also had to “steer” the social life of the country, and therefore not all of his phrases relate to war. Some of them are very dubious, but should we argue with the dead?

“Religion is an important subject in girls' schools. She, no matter how you look at her, is the most reliable guarantee for mothers and husbands. School should teach a girl to believe, not think.”

“A man should sleep four hours, a woman six; Only children and stupid fools sleep more than six hours.”

“A man who allows himself to be pushed around by a woman is neither a man nor a woman, but simply nothing.”

“The people, like women, have only one right: to be governed.”

“Revolution is a conviction backed by bayonets.”

“Public opinion is a public whore.”

“The Russians turned out to be worthy of being invincible.”

“There are two levers for managing people: the first is personal gain, and the second is money.”

“A fool has a great advantage over an educated man: he is always pleased with himself.”

“A leader is like a merchant who has invested his money in a business and expects profit.”

“Coups are made with the belly.”

“What does a million human lives mean to a person like me?”

“What is history if not a lie that everyone agrees on?”

“Keep it short and unclear.”

“A coward runs from someone who is more evil than him; The weak are defeated by the strong: this is the origin of political law.”

“Of course, there was no gospel Christ. There was some Jewish fanatic who imagined himself to be the Messiah. Such people are finished off everywhere, at all times. I myself had the opportunity to shoot them.”

“Women should not be treated as equals, for they are only machines for producing offspring. The best woman is the one who has the most children.”

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great was so cool that he is revered by Muslims as a prophet. Mastery of a sword and innate toughness helped him not only cut down all sorts of knots and enemies, but also conquer an empire, the size of which was almost half of the world known to the Hellenes. Thanks to Oliver Stone's film, most people think of him as a big-browed sodomy, but in reality Alexander is incredibly cool.

“I see that there will be a great competition over my grave.”

“There are countless worlds in the universe, and I haven’t conquered one yet!”

“Wars depend on glory, and often a lie that is believed becomes the truth.”

"If I had not been Alexander, I would have become Diogenes."

“There cannot be two suns in the sky and two rulers on earth.”

“There is nothing more slavish than luxury and bliss, and nothing more royal than labor.”

“The more you have, the more greedily you strive for what you don’t have. Your war is born from victories.”

"I'm dying from too many doctors."

Gaius Julius Caesar

Gaius Julius Caesar became, probably, the main pop star of ancient Rome. We say: “Rome,” we mean Yulik, we say: “Caesar,” we mean Rome. For us there is only one Caesar, although there were countless Caesars. The great commander left behind not only the right to name salad, but also hundreds of catchphrases that have long come into use, and we don’t even know what it is. It is especially interesting to read his sayings about sudden death and betrayal, remembering the story of his death.

“The greatest enemy hides where you least look.”

“I would rather be first here (in a poor town) than second in Rome.”

"To gain fame."

“It is easier to find people who voluntarily go to their death than those who patiently endure pain.”

“I came, I saw, I conquered.”

“Making your own way by force.”

“People willingly believe what they want to believe.” (Libenter homines id, quod volunt, credunt)

"Divide and rule." (lat. Divide et impera)

“It is better to die immediately than to live waiting.”

“This is the vice inherent in our nature: things invisible, hidden and unknown, give rise to both great faith and the strongest fear in us.”

“I love betrayal, but I hate traitors.”

And finally, the most famous:

“I came, I saw, I conquered.” (Veni, vidi, vici);



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